SportSoft Track & Field League



This program is designed to speed the production of results for Track & Field leagues.

It can handle almost any league event with up to 8 clubs and 4 strings per event, with any desired mix of age groups and events.  Multiple header matches are handled by opening two or more copies of the program as required


Initial Setup

On opening the package, you can open one of the supplied template files, (currently available for Young Athlete’s League, boys, girls or mixed, and 4 to 8 club matches, and Senior Men’s league).

If you open the appropriate template, you are prompted to enter the Match details before continuing.

If a suitable template is not available, select ‘New’, and work through the set-up to completely define your match – it takes longer to describe than to do it!

In the main window you should select the number of clubs in this match, and the number of strings per event (usually 2), and the timing method.

If electric timing is selected, then times must be entered in hundredths of seconds, if Manual timing is selected, then times must be entered in tenths.


Edit Age Groups

This window allows you to select the Age Groups in your match.

Select by double-clicking on an age group to move it to the Selected window.

You can deselect by double-clicking an age group in the selected window to move it back.

When you are finished click on OK


Edit Events

For each age group in your match, select the age group in the left hand box in the main window, then go to Edit|Events. This will open a selection window (as in Age Groups) which allows you to select the Events in your match for the currently selected Age Group.

Select by double-clicking on an event to move it to the Selected window.

You can deselect by double-clicking an event in the selected window to move it back.

When you are finished click on OK


Edit Clubs

This is where you set up the Clubs in your match.

Initially the clubs will be Club1, Club 2 etc, the number depending on the number selected in the main window.

Select a club in the top window of this page, and type in it’s Full Club Name in the appropriate box.

Also enter an abbreviation in the Club Abbreviation box – this will be used in the Results summary, where there is insufficient room for the full name.

It is not necessary to enter Club Colours – they are not yet used in this package.

Enter the Club’s identifier as required – this is the identifier worn by the athlete in competition.

It is usual for the second string to wear the same letter or number, but duplicated, i.e. “C” for string 1 and “CC” for string 2.

Also on this page enter points gained (or lost) for Officials, and any “Extra” points can be added or subtracted here.

After entering a club’s details you MUST click “Save” before moving on to the next club or exiting this page.

If you do not click “Save” for each club the data will be lost, and it will be impossible to enter results for unsaved clubs.


Edit Athletes

This page is where athlete’s names are entered and allocated to events.

Select the Club, Age Group and Event in the drop-down boxes, then click in the Athlete box, to display a list of athletes already entered for this club and age group. Select the one required.

If the required athlete is not listed, select “New athlete” and enter the athlete’s name.

You can also select “none” if required to remove an athlete from an event.

Repeat for each string (or relay leg).

Click on “Next event”, “Next Age Group” or “Next Club” as required to quickly cycle through the declarations

If you have miss-spelt an athlete’s name, select the name and click the “spelling” button to edit it.

Click “OK” to exit this window.


This is the most time-consuming part of the event. It is possible to produce results without completing this section, and come back to it later if necessary. Any results produced which reference undeclared athletes will have “undeclared” inserted instead of an athlete’s name. The scoring will be correct.


Edit Scoring

This is where the scoring is set up – enter the points gained for each position and each string in your match. These points will be allocated to the clubs according to position in the events.


Settings - Permitted events

The Permitted Events selection should not normally be needed except in the event of rule changes.

It is where permitted events for the various age groups are set up.


Settings - Grades

This is where Record and Grade data is entered. Athletes gaining the appropriate levels of acheivment are highlighted in the results print-outs. It is also possible to print Grade Certificates (using standard certificate blanks) after the event.



This page is where results are entered.

Select the Age Group, Event and string, then enter the Club Identifiers and performances from the results slips. NOTE for performances you do not need to enter the decimal point – it will be automatically entered.

As you complete this window, the lower window will be completed with Club, Athlete’s name etc..

For events where both strings compete together, select “Single event”. This will enable you to enter the A and B strings together. If a B runner outperforms the A runner you will be offered the opportunity to Swap Athletes. Use of this facility is dependant upon the league rules.


Once results have been entered as a Single Event, they will be split into the appropriate strings for scoring and printing purposes.


The “Print” button will allow instant printing of the current event.


Use the “Save” button occasionally to guard against data loss.



You can print results at any time from the File|Print menu.

You will be presented with a sub-menu allowing you to print various sub-sets of results, as well as the overall match result.

You are also given the opportunity to print Standards Certificates if required from this menu.

Later versions of this package will be provided with the facility to produce web-ready results.


Saving Data

Save your data by File|Save and select “data” – this will save all data for this match.

You can save your set-up (no club or athlete data) by File|Save as and selecting “template”.

You can then open this template for a similar match in the future – Age groups, events and scoring are saved.

You can also save club and athlete data by File|Save and selecting “template with clubs and athletes”

This is useful where the same clubs will compete in the next round of the league.

Club and athlete names are saved – you just have to re-declare at the next meeting.


Most of the information in this note can be accessed by clicking on “Help”