Mid Lancs Cross Country League

at Towneley Park, Burnley on Saturday 11th January 2020

NOTE: The individual results include only runners who have run at least 2 races

Under 11 Girls -- Points after 4 races

          1 	Anna Nicholson      	    	Lancaster&	   2	(  0,  1,  2,  1) 
          2 	Isabelle Perry      	    	Trawden AC	   7	(  1,  0,  0,  6) 
          = 	Hannah Davies       	    	Blackburn 	   7	(  3,  0,  4,  4) 
          = 	Isabel Goodman      	    	Chorley At	   7	(  5,  0,  0,  2) 
          5 	Polly Kershaw       	    	BlackpoolW	   8	(  9,  3,  5,  7) 
          = 	Gabi Taylor         	    	Leigh Harr	   8	(  0,  0,  3,  5) 
          = 	Sophia Burton       	    	HyndburnA 	   8	(  0,  2,  6,  8) 
          8 	Anna Cobley         	    	Kendal-Hel	  11	(  4,  9,  7,  0) 
          9 	Eliena Lusty        	    	Clayton Le	  14	(  2,  0, 20, 12) 
         10 	Mahya Mohan         	    	Barrow & F	  17	(  6, 11, 14, 18) 
          = 	Aimee Harling       	    	BlackpoolW	  17	( 12,  8, 12,  9) 
         12 	Lucy Bell           	    	Leven Vall	  18	( 11,  7,  0,  0) 
         13 	Jessica Hodgkinson  	    	Leigh Harr	  19	(  0,  0,  8, 11) 
          = 	Amber Danter        	    	HyndburnA 	  19	(  0,  4,  0, 15) 
         15 	Tamzin Osborne      	    	Trawden AC	  20	(  7,  0,  0, 13) 
         16 	Bella McCredie      	    	Barlick Fr	  21	(  8,  0, 13, 26) 
         17 	Ava Grimshaw        	    	HyndburnA 	  24	(  0,  5,  0, 19) 
          = 	Kristie Leitch      	    	BlackpoolW	  24	( 10, 14, 18, 23) 
         19 	Agatha Taylor       	    	Trawden AC	  25	( 15,  0, 23, 10) 
         20 	Leah Harvey         	    	Trawden AC	  29	( 18,  0, 11, 21) 
         21 	Lottie Smith        	    	Clayton Le	  30	( 14,  0,  0, 16) 
         22 	Marnie Nelson       	    	Pendle AC 	  38	(  0, 10,  0, 28) 
         23 	Ella Brayshaw       	    	Lancaster&	  39	( 16, 23,  0, 27) 
          = 	Georgia Tregay      	    	Burnley Ac	  39	( 17,  0, 22, 45) 
         25 	Millie Baptista     	    	Central La	  40	( 25, 15, 30,  0) 
         26 	Emily Smith         	    	Blackburn 	  41	(  0, 20, 21,  0) 
         27 	Scarlett Jarvis     	    	Leigh Harr	  43	(  0,  0, 10, 33) 
         28 	Holly Nicholls      	    	Wigan Harr	  45	( 26, 19, 32, 39) 
         29 	Paige Kelly         	    	Chorley At	  47	(  0, 18,  0, 29) 
          = 	Lottie Hesketh      	    	Trawden AC	  47	( 19,  0, 28, 30) 
         31 	Alice Carr          	    	Burnley Ac	  52	( 21,  0, 31, 34) 
         32 	Isabelle Teal       	    	Barlick Fr	  58	( 29,  0, 29, 42) 
          = 	Jemima Bradburn     	    	BlackpoolW	  58	( 24,  0, 34, 48) 
          = 	Gabriella Dale      	    	Pendle AC 	  58	(  0, 17,  0, 41) 
         35 	Millie Reid         	    	Chorley At	  59	( 22,  0,  0, 37) 
          = 	Isobelle Reid       	    	Chorley At	  59	( 23,  0,  0, 36) 
          = 	Ruby Cleaver        	    	Burnley Ac	  59	(  0,  0, 27, 32) 
         38 	Lulu Sharp          	    	Blackburn 	  65	(  0, 22, 43,  0) 
         39 	Jessica Gizon       	    	Burnley Ac	  67	( 32,  0,  0, 35) 
         40 	Keira Rickerby      	    	Chorley At	  71	( 35,  0, 36,  0) 
          = 	Harley Gregory      	    	HyndburnA 	  71	(  0, 25,  0, 46) 
          = 	Olivia XWood        	    	PrestonH  	  71	( 39, 32,  0, 53) 
         43 	Rosa Gill           	    	Lytham St 	  74	( 41, 33,  0,  0) 
         44 	Summer Fitzpatrick  	    	Barlick Fr	  77	( 30,  0,  0, 47) 
          = 	Phoebe Jackson      	    	Clayton Le	  77	( 28,  0,  0, 49) 
         46 	Lucy Pepper         	    	HyndburnA 	  80	(  0, 26,  0, 54) 
          = 	Poppy Wynne         	    	Trawden AC	  80	( 33,  0, 47, 57) 
         48 	Ava Wright          	    	Trawden AC	  88	( 40,  0, 48, 58) 
         49 	Olivia Copper       	    	Leigh Harr	  93	(  0,  0, 33, 60) 
         50 	Kristel Lusty       	    	Clayton Le	  97	(  0,  0, 45, 52) 
          = 	Lola Sims           	    	Trawden AC	  97	( 45,  0, 52,  0) 
         52 	Louise Lusty        	    	Clayton Le	  99	(  0,  0, 44, 55) 
         53 	Maisie Edwards      	    	Chorley At	 105	( 43,  0,  0, 62) 

Blackpool Wyre & Fylde AC     	   9 (   2,   2,   2,   3)

Under 11 Boys -- Points after 4 races

          1 	Samuel Aspey        	    	Blackburn 	   2	(  1,  1,  1,  0) 
          2 	William McCash      	    	Trawden AC	   4	(  2,  0,  2, 11) 
          3 	Ben Brassington     	    	Lancaster&	   5	(  3,  2,  4,  3) 
          4 	Eddie Chandler      	    	PrestonH  	   6	(  7,  0,  5,  1) 
          5 	George Camara       	    	Trawden AC	   7	(  0,  0,  3,  4) 
          6 	Theo Robinson       	    	Blackburn 	   8	(  4,  4, 10,  6) 
          7 	Henry Ward          	    	Chorley At	  12	(  5,  0,  0,  7) 
          8 	Max Winstanley      	    	Chorley At	  13	(  8,  0,  0,  5) 
          9 	Tom Henderson       	    	Liverpool 	  16	( 13,  3,  0, 20) 
          = 	Toby Acland         	    	Kendal-Hel	  16	(  9,  0,  7, 15) 
         11 	Liam Bennison       	    	Blackburn 	  19	( 12,  7, 16, 17) 
          = 	Otis Leah           	    	BlackpoolW	  19	( 14,  5,  0, 14) 
         13 	 Will Pease         	    	Barlick Fr	  20	( 11,  0, 12,  9) 
         14 	George Fitzpatrick  	    	Barlick Fr	  23	( 15,  0,  0,  8) 
          = 	Alfie Tipping       	    	Kendal-Hel	  23	( 10,  0, 13,  0) 
         16 	Harvey Thompson     	    	SouthportW	  26	(  0,  6, 20, 21) 
          = 	Reuben Elsy         	    	Leven Vall	  26	( 21, 10, 26, 16) 
          = 	Archie Belfield     	    	Lytham St 	  26	( 18,  8,  0, 26) 
         19 	Harry Jordan        	    	Trawden AC	  28	(  0,  0, 18, 10) 
         20 	Ewan Black          	    	Kendal-Hel	  30	( 16,  0, 14,  0) 
          = 	Charlie Haworth     	    	Blackburn 	  30	( 23,  9, 21, 23) 
         22 	Jake Smith          	    	Kendal-Hel	  32	( 20, 12, 23, 27) 
         23 	Callum Singleton    	    	Trawden AC	  33	( 19,  0, 15, 18) 
         24 	Ivan Winder         	    	Leven Vall	  35	( 24, 11,  0, 47) 
         25 	Evan Muvaney        	    	Kendal-Hel	  36	( 22, 14,  0,  0) 
         26 	Harry Smith         	    	Blackburn 	  41	(  0, 16, 25, 31) 
          = 	Michael Rigg-Moya   	    	Barlick Fr	  41	(  0, 13,  0, 28) 
         28 	Oliver Brown        	    	Trawden AC	  43	( 41,  0,  0,  2) 
         29 	Archie Finch        	    	RedRRR    	  46	(  0, 21,  0, 25) 
         30 	Jack Carrington     	    	Blackburn 	  47	( 29, 18,  0, 51) 
          = 	Alexander Brien     	    	Blackburn 	  47	( 31, 17, 30, 42) 
         32 	Sam Oldham          	    	Leven Vall	  49	(  0, 15, 34, 48) 
         33 	Freddie Markham     	    	Lytham St 	  52	( 34, 20, 32, 58) 
         34 	Jack Middleton      	    	Leven Vall	  55	( 28,  0, 27, 32) 
         35 	Kieran Bannister    	    	Leven Vall	  58	(  0, 23, 35,  0) 
         36 	Seth Fenton-Clough  	    	Trawden AC	  60	( 32,  0, 28, 36) 
         37 	Billy Kershaw       	    	BlackpoolW	  64	( 50, 31, 33, 34) 
          = 	Macoley Butterfield 	    	Chorley At	  64	( 39, 25,  0, 60) 
         39 	Harry Driver        	    	Barlick Fr	  65	( 36,  0, 39, 29) 
         40 	Alex Dugdale        	    	Pendle AC 	  69	(  0, 19,  0, 50) 
         41 	Francis Woodruff    	    	Clayton Le	  72	(  0,  0, 31, 41) 
         42 	Garth Duffy         	    	Barlick Fr	  74	( 30,  0, 44,  0) 
         43 	Oscar Clayton       	    	Barlick Fr	  75	(  0, 27, 48,  0) 
          = 	Robert HindleWalker 	    	BlackpoolW	  75	(  0, 28, 47, 59) 
          = 	George Holman       	    	Blackburn 	  75	( 46, 30, 45, 46) 
         46 	Charlie Kelly       	    	HyndburnA 	  82	(  0, 33,  0, 49) 
         47 	Owen Edwards        	    	Clayton Le	  84	( 44,  0,  0, 40) 
         48 	Riley Scott         	    	Leven Vall	  86	( 43,  0, 43,  0) 
         49 	Zac Beresford       	    	Barlick Fr	  87	( 52, 35,  0, 73) 
         50 	Ewan Leitch         	    	BlackpoolW	  89	( 42, 47,  0, 53) 
         51 	Demitri Kyriacou    	    	Leven Vall	  91	( 40,  0, 51, 68) 
          = 	Rhys Rawcliffe      	    	HyndburnA 	  91	(  0, 34,  0, 57) 
         53 	Lucas Tuck          	    	Lytham St 	  92	( 53, 39,  0,  0) 
         54 	Harry Roberts       	    	Pendle AC 	  93	(  0, 29,  0, 64) 
          = 	Lucas Cooke         	    	PrestonH  	  93	( 47,  0, 46, 55) 
          = 	Thomas Edwards      	    	HyndburnA 	  93	(  0, 26,  0, 67) 
         57 	Oliver Scott        	    	Leven Vall	  97	( 48,  0, 49,  0) 
         58 	Ellis Durkin        	    	Leven Vall	  98	( 54, 45, 53,  0) 
         59 	William Perry       	    	HyndburnA 	 100	(  0, 37,  0, 63) 
         60 	Benjamin Mayhew     	    	Burnley Ac	 101	( 51,  0, 50, 76) 
          = 	Ryan Jones          	    	Kirkby Mil	 101	(  0, 46, 55,  0) 
         62 	Henry Maud          	    	Pendle AC 	 107	(  0, 32,  0, 75) 
         63 	Nicholas Houlton    	    	Lytham St 	 108	(  0, 48, 60,  0) 
         64 	Junior Gregory      	    	HyndburnA 	 114	(  0, 40,  0, 74) 
         65 	Freddie Kelly       	    	HyndburnA 	 115	(  0, 43,  0, 72) 
         66 	William HindleWalker	    	BlackpoolW	 125	(  0,  0, 56, 69) 
         67 	Toby Steel          	    	Burnley Ac	 132	(  0,  0, 54, 78) 
          = 	Elliot XShackleton  	    	Barlick Fr	 132	( 55,  0,  0, 77) 
         69 	Joshua Blackledge   	    	Trawden AC	 142	( 58,  0,  0, 84) 
         70 	Oliver Bruce        	    	RedRRR    	 144	(  0,  0, 59, 85) 

Under 13 Girls -- Points after 4 races

          1 	Georgia Bell        	    	Leven Vall	   2	(  1,  1,  1,  0) 
          2 	Amelie Smethurst    	    	Chorley At	   4	(  0,  0,  3,  1) 
          = 	Sophie Cowin        	    	Kendal-Hel	   4	(  2,  2,  0,  3) 
          4 	Libby Rickerby      	    	Chorley At	   5	(  3,  0,  2,  0) 
          5 	Gracie Scott        	    	BlackpoolW	   7	(  6,  5, 11,  2) 
          = 	Kate Collin         	    	Kendal-Hel	   7	(  5,  3,  4,  0) 
          7 	 Lucille Pickles    	    	Barlick Fr	   8	(  4,  0,  7,  4) 
          8 	Esther Ward         	    	Lancaster&	  12	(  0,  6,  6,  0) 
          9 	Emily Dean          	    	SouthportW	  14	( 15,  7, 17,  7) 
          = 	Sarah Yates         	    	Liverpool 	  14	(  9,  0, 12,  5) 
         11 	Ella Martindale     	    	Kendal-Hel	  15	(  7,  0,  0,  8) 
         12 	Lara Smith          	    	Kendal-Hel	  16	( 10,  0,  0,  6) 
         13 	Poppi Watson        	    	PrestonH  	  17	(  0,  4, 13,  0) 
          = 	Grace Wells         	    	Sedbergh S	  17	( 25,  8,  0,  9) 
         15 	Iris Davidson       	    	Liverpool 	  21	(  0,  0, 10, 11) 
         16 	Louisa Bradburn     	    	BlackpoolW	  22	( 18, 12, 25, 10) 
         17 	Amelia Burton       	    	Blackburn 	  26	( 22, 11, 40, 15) 
         18 	Lola Robertson      	    	Chorley At	  29	( 11,  0, 18,  0) 
          = 	Erin Frost          	    	Liverpool 	  29	( 17,  0, 24, 12) 
         20 	Megan XLloyd        	    	Liverpool 	  30	(  0, 13,  0, 17) 
         21 	Eleanor XEdwards    	    	Clayton Le	  32	( 12,  0,  0, 20) 
         22 	Isobel Beechey      	    	Trawden AC	  33	( 19,  0, 35, 14) 
         23 	Madeleine Martindale	    	Kendal-Hel	  35	( 14,  0, 21,  0) 
         24 	Sophie Leadbetter   	    	Leven Vall	  36	( 24, 14, 33, 22) 
         25 	Hannah Culshaw      	    	Wigan Harr	  37	(  8,  0, 29,  0) 
         26 	Megan Tipler        	    	BlackpoolW	  38	( 54, 22, 39, 16) 
          = 	Imogen Robinson     	    	Blackburn 	  38	( 33, 20,  0, 18) 
         28 	Leila Smithurst     	    	Trawden AC	  39	( 20,  0, 20, 19) 
         29 	Ruby Fort           	    	Trawden AC	  41	( 13,  0, 51, 28) 
         30 	Gemma Kenniford     	    	Trawden AC	  42	( 21,  0, 22, 21) 
         31 	Jasmine Barlow      	    	Leigh Harr	  43	(  0,  0, 19, 24) 
          = 	Jasmine Madden      	    	Kirkby Mil	  43	(  0, 16, 27,  0) 
         33 	Jody Whitfield      	    	Barlick Fr	  44	( 29, 15, 69,  0) 
         34 	Eve Coulson         	    	Blackburn 	  46	( 27, 19, 49, 44) 
         35 	Iona Smith          	    	Glaxo Hoad	  50	( 26, 24, 31, 31) 
         36 	Annie Dickinson     	    	Lancaster&	  53	( 39, 23, 48, 30) 
         37 	Erin Gillan         	    	Lancaster&	  54	( 37, 17, 38,  0) 
         38 	Evie Robinson       	    	Lancaster&	  56	(  0,  9, 47,  0) 
         39 	Ella Leonard        	    	BlackpoolW	  57	( 34, 28,  0, 29) 
          = 	Jess Ramsden        	    	BlackpoolW	  57	( 43, 21, 54, 36) 
         41 	Maddison Parrington 	    	Lancaster&	  58	(  0, 25, 71, 33) 
         42 	Isabela Thompson    	    	Blackburn 	  62	(  0, 27,  0, 35) 
         43 	Erika Corns         	    	Burnley Ac	  63	( 40,  0, 56, 23) 
         44 	Ava Jomes           	    	PrestonH  	  66	( 36,  0, 30,  0) 
         45 	Eve Maund           	    	Liverpool 	  67	( 41, 26, 59,  0) 
         46 	Tiana Chambers      	    	SouthportW	  70	(  0,  0, 45, 25) 
         47 	Abbey Johnston      	    	Lancaster&	  73	(  0, 34,  0, 39) 
         48 	Brooke Durkin       	    	Leven Vall	  75	( 46, 29, 67,  0) 
         49 	Milly Dickenson     	    	Walney Win	  76	( 47, 36,  0, 40) 
         50 	Eve Hannaway        	    	Liverpool 	  78	( 23,  0, 55,  0) 
          = 	Amy English         	    	Liverpool 	  78	(  0, 35,  0, 43) 
          = 	Grace Whittaker     	    	Trawden AC	  78	( 44,  0, 57, 34) 
         53 	Hollie Mayhew       	    	Burnley Ac	  82	( 45,  0, 70, 37) 
         54 	Amelia Southam      	    	Burnley Ac	  84	( 38,  0, 75, 46) 
         55 	Lucy Murgatroyd     	    	Trawden AC	  85	(  0,  0, 53, 32) 
         56 	Erin Singleton      	    	Walney Win	  86	( 53, 38,  0, 48) 
         57 	Alice Lamb          	    	Chorley At	  87	( 35,  0, 52,  0) 
          = 	Natasha Cooke       	    	PrestonH  	  87	( 55, 40,  0, 47) 
         59 	Anna Yates          	    	Liverpool 	  88	( 42,  0, 46,  0) 
          = 	Zoe Green           	    	Burnley Ac	  88	( 28,  0, 60,  0) 
         61 	Leoma Gill          	    	Lytham St 	  91	( 52, 39,  0,  0) 
         62 	Hannah Williamson   	    	Liverpool 	  93	( 32,  0, 61,  0) 
         63 	Isla Ford           	    	Kendal-Hel	  95	( 31,  0, 64,  0) 
         64 	Olwyn Benson        	    	Liverpool 	  99	(  0,  0, 58, 41) 
         65 	Joni Higgins        	    	Clayton Le	 105	( 56,  0,  0, 49) 
         66 	Isabelle Hartley    	    	Blackburn 	 118	( 50,  0, 68,  0) 
         67 	Lottie Hughes       	    	SouthportW	 121	( 49,  0, 72,  0) 

Race 4 - Under 13 Boys -- Points after 4 races

          1 	Monty Barr          	    	SouthportW	   2	(  1,  1,  0,  2) 
          2 	Will McNally        	    	Leven Vall	   4	(  3, 10,  0,  1) 
          3 	Stanley Stephenson  	    	Trawden AC	   5	(  2,  0,  0,  3) 
          4 	Ben Stratton        	    	Trawden AC	   8	(  7,  0,  3,  5) 
          = 	James Brassington   	    	Lancaster&	   8	(  5,  3,  5,  6) 
          6 	Jack Lamb           	    	Chorley At	  11	(  4,  0,  7,  0) 
          7 	Louis Bigland       	    	Kendal-Hel	  12	(  0,  0,  8,  4) 
          8 	Harry Smith         	    	Trawden AC	  14	(  6,  0,  9,  8) 
          9 	Gordon Ballantyne   	    	BlackpoolW	  15	(  9,  6,  0,  0) 
         10 	Matthew Fleming     	    	Trawden AC	  18	(  8,  0,  0, 10) 
          = 	Jonathan Brindle    	    	Blackburn 	  18	( 15,  4, 24, 14) 
         12 	Daniel Smith        	    	Blackburn 	  20	( 14, 11, 11,  9) 
         13 	Noah Wadsworth      	    	Kendal-Hel	  21	( 10,  0,  0, 11) 
          = 	Ethan Davies        	    	Leigh Harr	  21	(  0,  0, 14,  7) 
         15 	Oliver Gill         	    	Blackburn 	  24	( 22,  9,  0, 15) 
         16 	Luke Ward           	    	SouthportW	  25	( 16, 13, 29, 12) 
         17 	Oliver Willoughby   	    	Kendal-Hel	  29	(  0,  0, 16, 13) 
         18 	Samuel Barlow       	    	Leigh Harr	  30	( 11,  0, 28, 19) 
         19 	Isaac Dickinson     	    	Liverpool 	  32	(  0, 14, 18,  0) 
         20 	Josh Todd           	    	Kendal-Hel	  33	( 17,  0, 26, 16) 
         21 	Hayden Ridgley      	    	PrestonH  	  35	(  0, 18, 38, 17) 
          = 	Logan McCredie      	    	Barlick Fr	  35	( 13,  0, 22, 33) 
         23 	Callum Osborne      	    	Trawden AC	  36	( 18,  0, 20, 18) 
         24 	Oliver Oldham       	    	Leven Vall	  38	(  0, 15, 40, 23) 
         25 	Alfie Hall          	    	BlackpoolW	  39	( 31, 19, 70, 20) 
          = 	Sam Smalley         	    	PrestonH  	  39	(  0,  2, 37,  0) 
         27 	Max Hazlehurst      	    	Glaxo Hoad	  43	( 21, 22,  0, 34) 
          = 	Matthew Smith       	    	Blackburn 	  43	( 27, 16,  0,  0) 
         29 	Micah Walmersley    	    	Lancaster&	  45	( 24, 21,  0,  0) 
         30 	Ben Holden          	    	Chorley At	  46	( 20,  0,  0, 26) 
         31 	Jack Winstanley     	    	PrestonH  	  47	(  0, 12, 35,  0) 
         32 	Oliver Thomson      	    	Lytham St 	  50	( 26, 24, 51, 30) 
         33 	Reuben Donnelly     	    	SouthportW	  51	(  0,  0, 30, 21) 
         34 	Alfie Addison       	    	Kendal-Hel	  53	( 19,  0, 34,  0) 
          = 	Charlie Barnes      	    	Clayton Le	  53	(  0,  0, 31, 22) 
         36 	William Moorhouse   	    	PrestonH  	  55	(  0,  7, 48,  0) 
          = 	Edward Singleton    	    	Walney Win	  55	( 28, 27, 71, 50) 
         38 	Adam Link           	    	PrestonH  	  57	( 34, 23,  0, 40) 
         39 	Stephen Morgan      	    	SouthportW	  60	( 32,  0,  0, 28) 
         40 	Riley Holt          	    	Rossendale	  66	(  0,  0, 42, 24) 
         41 	Leo Ranner          	    	Kendal-Hel	  67	( 30,  0,  0, 37) 
         42 	Sammy Pickerill     	    	SouthportW	  68	( 23,  0, 45,  0) 
         43 	Finlay Hughes       	    	Lytham St 	  69	( 39, 30, 65,  0) 
         44 	Matthew Link        	    	PrestonH  	  70	( 44, 29,  0, 41) 
          = 	Robert Kellett      	    	Chorley At	  70	( 35,  0,  0, 35) 
         46 	Caleb Tregay        	    	Burnley Ac	  71	( 25,  0,  0, 46) 
          = 	Toby Farrer         	    	Liverpool 	  71	( 33,  0, 50, 38) 
         48 	Matthew Carroll     	    	Liverpool 	  77	( 50, 32, 61, 45) 
         49 	Xander Heaton       	    	Kirkby Mil	  79	( 45, 34, 57, 51) 
         50 	Louie Woodruff      	    	Clayton Le	  81	(  0,  0, 49, 32) 
          = 	Alfi Todd           	    	Kendal-Hel	  81	( 37,  0,  0, 44) 
         52 	Ethan Tinsley       	    	Liverpool 	  84	(  0,  0, 55, 29) 
         53 	Guy Whalley         	    	Clayton Le	  88	( 36,  0, 63, 52) 
          = 	John Williamson     	    	Leven Vall	  88	( 49, 39,  0,  0) 
         55 	Isaac Smith         	    	Blackburn 	  92	( 52, 40, 78, 65) 
         56 	Reuben Goulding     	    	Chorley At	  95	( 46,  0,  0, 49) 
         57 	Kieran Magee        	    	Clayton Le	  97	( 43,  0, 68, 54) 
         58 	Joshua Collie       	    	PrestonH  	 100	(  0, 37,  0, 63) 
         59 	Freddie Edwards     	    	Chorley At	 101	( 40,  0,  0, 61) 
         60 	Eric Wrigley        	    	Lytham St 	 108	( 51,  0, 77, 57) 
          = 	Euan Fenton-Clough  	    	Trawden AC	 108	( 48,  0, 67, 60) 
         62 	Charlie Reeder      	    	Trawden AC	 115	(  0,  0, 60, 55) 
         63 	Daniel Jones        	    	SouthportW	 131	(  0,  0, 72, 59) 
         64 	Ben Tyrer           	    	PrestonH  	 132	(  0,  0, 74, 58) 

Race 4 - Under 15 Girls -- Points after 4 races

          1 	Jessica Bailey      	    	Leven Vall	   2	(  1,  1,  2,  0) 
          2 	Olesia Winder       	    	Leven Vall	   3	(  2,  2,  4,  1) 
          3 	Helana White        	    	Clayton Le	   7	(  3,  0,  0,  4) 
          = 	Abigail Stratton    	    	Trawden AC	   7	(  5,  0, 11,  2) 
          5 	Joss Waiting        	    	Trawden AC	   9	(  4,  0,  6,  5) 
          6 	Isabel Holt         	    	Trawden AC	  10	(  7,  0,  9,  3) 
          7 	Sophie Bohannon     	    	Lytham St 	  12	(  6,  0, 15,  6) 
          = 	Maddison Betmead    	    	BlackpoolW	  12	(  9,  3, 19,  0) 
          9 	Kate Sutcliffe      	    	Liverpool 	  15	(  0,  7,  0,  8) 
         10 	Keira Haxton        	    	Blackburn 	  18	( 12,  6, 27, 12) 
         11 	Leah Hoole          	    	Blackburn 	  22	( 26,  5,  0, 17) 
          = 	Kirsty Maher        	    	Lancaster&	  22	( 10, 12, 28,  0) 
         13 	Emily Knell         	    	PrestonH  	  23	( 15,  8, 30,  0) 
          = 	Mia Brayshaw        	    	Lancaster&	  23	( 27, 13,  0, 10) 
         15 	Ella Dorrington-Levy	    	Clayton Le	  25	(  0,  0, 18,  7) 
         16 	Eve Hartley         	    	Trawden AC	  26	( 13,  0,  0, 13) 
         17 	Kate Cookson        	    	Blackburn 	  29	(  0,  0, 20,  9) 
          = 	Sarah Smith         	    	Kendal-Hel	  29	(  8,  0, 21,  0) 
         19 	Eva Knowles         	    	Blackburn 	  30	( 23, 14,  0, 16) 
          = 	Niamh Barnsley-Ryan 	    	Lancaster&	  30	(  0, 19, 31, 11) 
          = 	Melissa McIntosh    	    	Border Har	  30	(  0,  4, 26,  0) 
         22 	Sianna Smith        	    	Clayton Le	  32	( 11,  0,  0, 21) 
         23 	Millie Walton       	    	HyndburnA 	  33	(  0,  9,  0, 24) 
         24 	Grace Rayner        	    	PrestonH  	  34	(  0, 10, 24,  0) 
          = 	Olivia Sellars      	    	BlackpoolW	  34	( 16, 18, 34, 20) 
         26 	Molly Nicholls      	    	Blackburn 	  35	(  0, 17, 37, 18) 
         27 	Alicia Woods        	    	Liverpool 	  36	( 21, 15,  0, 28) 
          = 	Hannah Watson       	    	Chorley At	  36	( 14,  0, 22,  0) 
         29 	Emma Perry          	    	Trawden AC	  40	( 17,  0,  0, 23) 
         30 	Kiera Booth         	    	Blackburn 	  41	( 19, 22, 32,  0) 
         31 	Betty Kershaw       	    	BlackpoolW	  42	( 20,  0,  0, 22) 
         32 	Lily Edwards        	    	Leigh Harr	  43	(  0,  0, 29, 14) 
         33 	Anna Thompson       	    	PrestonH  	  46	(  0, 11, 35,  0) 
         34 	Imogen Ferguson     	    	Clayton Le	  47	( 22,  0, 46, 25) 
         35 	Brogan Murphy       	    	Lytham St 	  50	( 25, 25,  0, 26) 
         36 	Lara Ingram-Weston  	    	Chorley At	  53	(  0, 20, 33,  0) 
         37 	Jessica Lane        	    	PrestonH  	  54	(  0, 16, 38,  0) 
         38 	Evie Houlihan       	    	Lytham St 	  57	( 33, 24, 48, 34) 
         39 	Ellie Singleton     	    	Trawden AC	  59	( 30,  0, 51, 29) 
          = 	Caroline Woodworth  	    	Blackburn 	  59	( 18,  0, 41,  0) 
          = 	Alice Fleming       	    	Trawden AC	  59	( 24,  0,  0, 35) 
         42 	Freyah Nelson       	    	Leven Vall	  60	( 34, 28, 49, 32) 
         43 	Paige Singleton     	    	Trawden AC	  61	( 31,  0, 47, 30) 
          = 	Chloe Bousfield     	    	Liverpool 	  61	( 28,  0, 45, 33) 
         45 	Ciara Duffy         	    	Barlick Fr	  63	( 32,  0, 40, 31) 
          = 	Martha Rayner       	    	PrestonH  	  63	(  0, 21, 42,  0) 
         47 	Naomi Wrigley       	    	BlackpoolW	  68	( 37, 31,  0, 38) 
         48 	Hannah Eccles       	    	Clayton Le	  72	( 36,  0,  0, 36) 
          = 	Katie Mackinlay     	    	Sedbergh S	  72	(  0, 32,  0, 40) 
         50 	Katelyn Swift       	    	Liverpool 	  73	(  0, 34, 58, 39) 
         51 	Emily Williamson    	    	Liverpool 	  79	(  0, 27, 52,  0) 
         52 	Bella Durkin        	    	Blackburn 	  85	(  0, 29, 56,  0) 

Race 5 - Under 15 Boys -- Points after 4 races

          1 	Luke Rawcliffe      	    	BlackpoolW	   2	(  1,  1,  2,  0) 
          2 	James Bowen         	    	Kendal-Hel	   3	(  2,  0,  5,  1) 
          3 	Henry Hunter        	    	Kendal-Hel	   8	(  5,  3,  0,  0) 
          4 	Ben Winnermore      	    	BlackpoolW	   9	(  0,  5,  0,  4) 
          5 	Michael Henderson   	    	Liverpool 	  10	(  0,  0,  8,  2) 
          6 	David Holman        	    	Blackburn 	  11	(  7,  4, 22,  0) 
          7 	Rafael Eaton        	    	BlackpoolW	  14	(  6, 11,  0,  8) 
          8 	Gideon Lucas        	    	Liverpool 	  15	( 10,  0, 13,  5) 
          = 	William Walker      	    	Trawden AC	  15	(  8,  0, 11,  7) 
         10 	Louie Clark         	    	PrestonH  	  18	(  0, 15, 18,  3) 
         11 	Harry Bowen         	    	Kendal-Hel	  20	(  0,  0, 14,  6) 
         12 	Edward Sargent      	    	Leven Vall	  21	( 12,  9, 29,  0) 
         13 	Jack Collett        	    	Lancaster&	  23	( 16,  7, 41,  0) 
         14 	Hayden Mercer       	    	Blackburn 	  25	(  0, 10, 40, 15) 
         15 	Sebastian Burton    	    	Blackburn 	  26	( 18,  8, 47, 19) 
         16 	Jack Paget-Fowler   	    	Blackburn 	  27	( 17,  0, 34, 10) 
         17 	Billy Reid          	    	PrestonH  	  28	(  0, 12, 16,  0) 
         18 	D KnowlesSlack      	    	Kendal-Hel	  29	( 13, 16,  0,  0) 
         19 	Justin Corbishley   	    	Glaxo Hoad	  33	(  9,  0, 24,  0) 
         20 	Stanley Benson      	    	Liverpool 	  34	(  0,  0, 21, 13) 
          = 	W Martos-Harvey     	    	Sedbergh S	  34	(  0, 25,  0,  9) 
         22 	Fabian Schiller     	    	Lancaster&	  36	( 28, 13, 23,  0) 
         23 	Jake O'Toole        	    	Blackburn 	  39	( 19, 20, 42,  0) 
         24 	Finley Corkill      	    	Leven Vall	  40	( 26, 24, 53, 16) 
          = 	Robbie Smedley      	    	Clayton Le	  40	( 14,  0, 26,  0) 
         26 	Samuel Gunning      	    	Sedbergh S	  41	(  0, 18,  0, 23) 
         27 	James Read          	    	Liverpool 	  42	(  0, 21,  0, 21) 
         28 	Derri Henderson     	    	Kirkby Mil	  43	( 21, 22, 45, 25) 
         29 	James Twigg         	    	Lancaster&	  45	( 22, 23, 49,  0) 
         30 	Ben Dilworth        	    	PrestonH  	  47	(  0, 14, 33,  0) 
          = 	Codie Dewhurst      	    	Blackburn 	  47	( 20, 27, 58, 28) 
         32 	Matthias Kosch      	    	Sedbergh S	  49	(  0, 29,  0, 20) 
          = 	Nicholas Usher      	    	Liverpool 	  49	(  0, 17, 32,  0) 
         34 	Conrad Lucas        	    	Liverpool 	  51	( 29,  0, 51, 22) 
          = 	Tom Murphy          	    	Chorley At	  51	( 15,  0, 36,  0) 
         36 	James Andrews       	    	Lytham St 	  53	( 24, 38, 59, 29) 
         37 	Oliver Bird         	    	Sedbergh S	  54	(  0, 28,  0, 26) 
         38 	William Woodruff    	    	Clayton Le	  55	(  0,  0, 37, 18) 
         39 	Vladimir Wiggins    	    	PrestonH  	  58	( 23, 35, 48,  0) 
          = 	Umair Rafiq         	    	Blackburn 	  58	(  0, 34, 50, 24) 
         41 	Morgan Pritchard    	    	Lytham St 	  63	( 31,  0,  0, 32) 
         42 	Nathan Green        	    	Burnley Ac	  68	( 32,  0, 63, 36) 
          = 	Lewis Warner-Jones  	    	Chorley At	  68	( 34,  0, 62, 34) 
         44 	Nathan Ritchie      	    	Leven Vall	  72	( 33, 39,  0,  0) 
         45 	George Denye        	    	PrestonH  	  74	(  0, 31, 43,  0) 
         46 	Oliver Farrer       	    	Liverpool 	  75	(  0, 40, 61, 35) 
          = 	William Nicholls    	    	Clayton Le	  75	(  0,  0, 64, 11) 
         48 	Saul Sharp          	    	Blackburn 	  82	(  0, 30, 52,  0) 
         49 	Daniel Dewhurst     	    	Liverpool 	  87	(  0, 33, 54,  0) 
         50 	Fred Calvert        	    	Lancaster&	  88	(  0, 32, 56,  0) 
         51 	Thomas Brooks       	    	Blackburn 	  91	(  0, 36, 55,  0) 
         52 	Danny Woodcock      	    	Blackburn 	  97	(  0, 37, 60,  0) 
         53 	Joe Sims            	    	Trawden AC	 102	( 35,  0, 67,  0) 
         54 	Daniel Rathbone     	    	Liverpool 	 109	(  0, 43, 66,  0) 

Race 5 - Under 17 Women -- Points after 4 races

          1 	Pheobe Hayashi      	    	Lancaster&	   2	(  1,  0,  0,  1) 
          2 	Olivia Logan        	    	SouthportW	   4	(  0,  1,  3,  0) 
          = 	Lilian Lewis        	    	Kendal-Hel	   4	(  3,  2,  4,  2) 
          4 	Amy-Nicola Davies   	    	Blackburn 	   7	(  5,  4,  0,  3) 
          = 	Georgia Heath       	    	Kendal-Hel	   7	(  0,  3,  8,  4) 
          6 	Eleesha Charnley    	    	Blackburn 	   8	(  2,  6, 17,  7) 
          7 	Maddy Markham       	    	Lytham St 	   9	(  4,  8, 16,  5) 
          8 	Bethany Reid        	    	Chorley At	  12	(  6,  0,  0,  6) 
          9 	Natasha Cookson     	    	Sedbergh S	  18	(  0,  9,  0,  9) 
         10 	Phoebe Lucas        	    	Liverpool 	  19	(  9, 11, 24, 10) 
         11 	Lottie Beardwood    	    	Kendal-Hel	  20	(  0,  0, 12,  8) 
         12 	Freya Walsh         	    	SouthportW	  24	( 10, 14, 26,  0) 
         13 	Rebecca Ramsden     	    	Blackburn 	  27	(  0, 15,  0, 12) 
          = 	Molly Barrett       	    	Sedbergh S	  27	(  0, 13,  0, 14) 
         15 	Emily Reid          	    	Chorley At	  30	( 11,  0,  0, 19) 
         16 	Tanith Ellis        	    	Clayton Le	  32	( 12,  0, 28, 20) 
          = 	Ella Hardman        	    	Blackburn 	  32	(  0, 16,  0, 16) 
         18 	Macy Waiting        	    	Trawden AC	  33	(  8,  0, 25,  0) 
         19 	Bethany Swift       	    	Liverpool 	  39	(  0, 18, 29, 21) 
         20 	Bethany Wheatcroft  	    	Clayton Le	  40	(  0,  0, 27, 13) 

Race 6 - Under 17 Men -- Points after 4 races

          1 	Matthew Ramsden     	    	Blackburn 	   3	(  0,  1,  2,  2) 
          2 	Rhys Ashton         	    	Lancaster&	   6	(  0,  2,  4,  0) 
          = 	Sam Hodkinson       	    	Blackburn 	   6	(  3,  5,  6,  3) 
          4 	Jack Hughes         	    	Chorley At	   8	(  1,  0,  7,  0) 
          = 	Jack Villiers       	    	Clayton Le	   8	(  4,  0, 12,  4) 
          = 	Sam McSherry        	    	Leven Vall	   8	(  2,  0, 19,  6) 
          7 	Lukas Eichmeyer     	    	Lancaster&	  11	(  0,  4, 20,  7) 
          8 	L MessengerJones    	    	Barrow & F	  13	(  6,  7, 18,  0) 
          = 	Joe Hopley          	    	Rossendale	  13	(  0,  0,  8,  5) 
         10 	Jamie Teare         	    	Blackburn 	  14	(  0,  6, 16,  8) 
         11 	Oliver Sutcliffe    	    	Liverpool 	  16	(  0,  3, 13,  0) 
         12 	Oliver Beaumont     	    	Lancaster&	  19	(  7, 12,  0, 13) 
          = 	Peter Stevens       	    	Clayton Le	  19	(  8,  0,  0, 11) 
         14 	Michael Stevens     	    	Clayton Le	  21	( 11,  0, 29, 10) 
         15 	Nathan Ormandy      	    	Barrow & F	  23	( 12, 11, 23,  0) 
          = 	Max Swarbrick       	    	BlackpoolW	  23	( 10, 13,  0,  0) 
         17 	Charlie Taylor      	    	Rossendale	  26	( 14,  0, 36, 12) 
         18 	Noah Harling        	    	Sedbergh S	  29	(  0, 14,  0, 15) 
         19 	Mark Roberts        	    	Liverpool 	  31	(  0,  9, 22,  0) 
         20 	Jakob Nelson        	    	Leven Vall	  33	( 13, 20, 41,  0) 
          = 	Alex Blessington    	    	Lancaster&	  33	( 15, 18,  0,  0) 
          = 	Jake Dickinson      	    	Liverpool 	  33	(  0,  8, 25,  0) 
         23 	Joshua Mathias-Davey	    	BlackpoolW	  35	( 17, 26,  0, 18) 
          = 	Jackson McKay       	    	Clayton Le	  35	(  0,  0, 26,  9) 
         25 	Harry Wilkin        	    	Blackburn 	  40	(  0, 21, 44, 19) 
         26 	Paul Lemarchand     	    	Sedbergh S	  43	(  0, 23,  0, 20) 
          = 	Theo Edmondson      	    	Clayton Le	  43	( 22,  0, 45, 21) 
         28 	Harry Potts         	    	Chorley At	  44	( 19, 25,  0,  0) 
         29 	Ben Gregson         	    	Lytham St 	  47	( 20, 27,  0,  0) 
          = 	Se Loughlin         	    	Liverpool 	  47	(  0, 15, 32,  0) 
         31 	Ethan Barbarewicz   	    	Blackburn 	  50	(  0, 16, 34,  0) 
         32 	Jared Nicholls      	    	Liverpool 	  52	(  0,  0, 38, 14) 
         33 	Michael Kain        	    	Liverpool 	  59	(  0, 17, 42,  0) 
         34 	Adhamh Holton       	    	Lytham St 	  75	(  0, 29, 46,  0) 

Race 6 - Ladies under 20 -- Points after 4 races

          1 	Finty Royle         	U20 	Chorley At	   2	(  1,  0,  0,  1) 
          2 	Rosie Woodhams      	U20 	Kendal AAC	   3	(  2,  1,  0,  2) 
          3 	Kim Baptista        	U20 	Central La	   4	(  4,  0,  1,  3) 
          4 	Bethan Dowsett      	U20 	Lancaster 	   7	(  0,  2,  0,  5) 
          5 	Victoria Hopwood    	U20 	Lancaster 	   8	(  0,  0,  2,  6) 
          6 	Jenny Cooper        	U20 	Lancaster 	  10	(  5,  5,  0, 11) 
          = 	Jessica Dean        	U20 	SouthportW	  10	(  0,  0,  3,  7) 
          8 	Anna Standring      	U20 	Lancaster 	  11	(  0,  7,  4,  9) 
          9 	Alice Hollings      	U20 	Sedbergh S	  12	(  0,  4,  0,  8) 
         10 	Imogen Wilson       	U20 	Lancaster 	  13	(  0,  8,  5,  0) 
         11 	Rhona Fraser        	U20 	Lancaster 	  15	(  0,  9,  6,  0) 
         12 	Georgina Letts      	U20 	Lancaster 	  22	(  0, 10,  0, 12) 

Race 6 - Ladies over 18 -- Points after 4 races

          1 	Emily Japp          	    	BlackpoolW	   2	(  1,  0,  3,  1) 
          2 	Rosie Johnson       	    	Liverpool 	   5	(  0,  1,  4,  0) 
          = 	Finty Royle         	U20 	Chorley At	   5	(  3,  0,  0,  2) 
          4 	Clare McKeown       	L45 	Border Har	   8	(  5,  3,  0,  0) 
          5 	Rosie Woodhams      	U20 	Kendal AAC	   9	(  6,  6,  0,  3) 
          6 	Joanne Nelson       	L45 	Blackburn 	  10	(  2,  0,  0,  8) 
          = 	Mary Hodgson        	    	Lancaster&	  10	(  8,  4,  0,  6) 
          = 	Annabel Ralph       	    	Blackburn 	  10	(  4,  9,  6,  0) 
          9 	 Anna Philps        	    	Lancaster 	  17	( 10, 15,  0,  7) 
          = 	Danielle Brearton   	L35 	Wigan Harr	  17	(  0,  7, 10,  0) 
         11 	Joanna Goorney      	L45 	Lytham St 	  19	(  0,  8, 11, 12) 
          = 	Antonia Fan         	    	Barrow & F	  19	(  0,  5,  0, 14) 
         13 	Ellie Mather        	    	Sedbergh S	  20	( 11, 10,  0, 10) 
          = 	Kim Baptista        	U20 	Central La	  20	( 18,  0, 16,  4) 
         15 	Bethan Dowsett      	U20 	Lancaster 	  22	(  0, 11,  0, 11) 
         16 	Katey Foster        	L35 	PrestonH  	  26	(  0, 13, 13, 28) 
         17 	Sally Ford          	L35 	Kendal AAC	  27	( 12,  0, 15,  0) 
         18 	Catherine Carrdus   	L45 	Lytham St 	  30	(  0, 14, 19, 16) 
         19 	Hailey Fletcher     	    	Sedbergh S	  31	(  0, 16,  0, 15) 
         20 	Sarah Gerrish       	    	HelmHR    	  34	( 14,  0,  0, 20) 
          = 	Samantha Edwards    	    	RedRRR    	  34	( 17, 21,  0, 17) 
         22 	Lauren Gora         	L35 	Lancaster&	  35	(  9,  0,  0, 26) 
         23 	Martine Lucas       	L35 	Liverpool 	  37	(  0, 19, 18, 23) 
          = 	Heather Eccles      	L35 	Kendal AAC	  37	( 15, 29, 22, 31) 
          = 	Melanie Koth        	L45 	Lytham St 	  37	(  0, 18, 23, 19) 
         26 	Sophie Pilkington   	    	RedRRR    	  39	(  0, 17,  0, 22) 
         27 	Amy Singleton       	L35 	Walney Win	  41	( 21, 20, 26, 39) 
          = 	Rebecca Rimmington  	L35 	Clayton Le	  41	(  0,  0, 17, 24) 
         29 	Marie Jarvis        	    	Wigan Harr	  42	(  0, 32, 21, 21) 
         30 	Barbara Holmes      	L55 	Lytham St 	  44	( 20, 24, 30, 38) 
         31 	Lucy Varney         	L45 	Kendal AAC	  49	( 24, 25, 29,  0) 
         32 	Sarah Longshaw      	    	Rossendale	  50	(  0,  0, 20, 30) 
         33 	Victoria Hopwood    	U20 	Lancaster 	  56	(  0,  0, 31, 25) 
          = 	Nicola Simpson      	L35 	SouthportW	  56	( 29, 27, 40,  0) 
         35 	Elizabeth McNally   	L45 	Leven Vall	  58	( 30, 28, 35, 43) 
          = 	Bev Wright          	L55 	BlackpoolW	  58	( 16, 42, 47,  0) 
         37 	Laura Livesey       	    	Chorley At	  59	( 23, 36,  0, 51) 
          = 	Elsie Roberts       	L35 	Glaxo Hoad	  59	( 32,  0, 27, 49) 
         39 	Rachel Yates        	L35 	Liverpool 	  60	(  0,  0, 28, 32) 
          = 	Lauren Booth        	    	Glaxo Hoad	  60	( 36, 40, 24,  0) 
         41 	Louise Goddard      	L45 	Lancaster&	  62	(  0, 26,  0, 36) 
         42 	Mary O'Gorman       	    	Lancaster 	  66	(  0, 33, 33, 69) 
          = 	Jayne Perry         	L35 	Garstang R	  66	(  0, 55, 32, 34) 
         44 	Joanne Perry        	L35 	Trawden AC	  68	( 31,  0,  0, 37) 
          = 	Kristina Jackson    	L35 	Leven Vall	  68	(  0, 23, 45,  0) 
         46 	Lindsay Davies      	L45 	Blackburn 	  69	( 33,  0, 36, 48) 
         47 	Helen Lawrenson     	L45 	Wesham Rr 	  70	(  0, 59, 37, 33) 
         48 	Sarah Treble        	    	Kirkby Mil	  71	(  0, 30,  0, 41) 
          = 	Lucy Brown          	    	Barlick Fr	  71	( 37, 34,  0,  0) 
         50 	Michelle Abbott     	L35 	Clayton Le	  72	( 25, 47, 48, 47) 
         51 	Amie McAvoy         	    	Garstang R	  78	(  0, 37, 41,  0) 
         52 	Sarah Bouffler      	L35 	Barrow & F	  80	( 34,  0, 46,  0) 
         53 	Alice Hollings      	U20 	Sedbergh S	  81	(  0, 31,  0, 50) 
         54 	Jessica Dean        	U20 	SouthportW	  82	(  0,  0, 42, 40) 
          = 	Rachel Holt         	    	Burnley Ac	  82	( 38,  0, 44, 73) 
          = 	Kelly-Anne Towns    	L35 	Wigan Harr	  82	( 41, 41, 56,  0) 
         57 	Heather Travis      	L45 	Glaxo Hoad	  85	( 35, 50,  0,  0) 
          = 	Emma Essex-Crosby   	L35 	PrestonH  	  85	( 39, 49,  0, 46) 
         59 	Laura Conn          	    	PrestonH  	  90	(  0, 39, 51, 54) 
         60 	Jill Seddon         	L35 	Barrow & F	  94	( 51, 43,  0, 52) 
         61 	Jacqui Jones        	L55 	Wigan Harr	  95	( 42, 56, 53,  0) 
         62 	Kerry Travers       	L45 	Barrow & F	  97	( 57, 54, 43, 70) 
         63 	Zoe Travers         	    	Barrow & F	 100	( 58, 45, 55,  0) 
          = 	Laura Murphy        	L35 	Chorley At	 100	( 45,  0,  0, 55) 
         65 	Gillian Pryor       	L45 	Thornton-C	 107	( 47, 60, 60, 61) 
          = 	Liz White           	L35 	Glaxo Hoad	 107	( 63, 65,  0, 44) 
         67 	Kirsty Giller       	    	Kirkby Mil	 109	(  0, 53,  0, 56) 
          = 	Hayley Whitehead    	    	Barlick Fr	 109	( 52, 57,  0,  0) 
         69 	Michelle Spencer    	L35 	SouthportW	 112	( 61, 51,  0, 64) 
         70 	Imogen Fawcett      	    	Lancaster 	 114	( 64,  0, 50,  0) 
          = 	K MaggioPoyntz      	L45 	Walney Win	 114	( 56, 61, 86, 58) 
         72 	Sandra Garnett      	L35 	Walney Win	 116	( 53,  0, 63,  0) 
         73 	Sally Brassington   	L35 	Lancaster&	 118	( 59, 70, 64, 59) 
         74 	Katie Sanderson     	L35 	Leigh Harr	 122	(  0,  0, 59, 63) 
         75 	Anneke Crosby       	L45 	RedRRR    	 123	( 66,  0,111, 57) 
         76 	Amy Law             	    	Garstang R	 124	( 54,  0, 70,  0) 
          = 	Anna Standring      	U20 	Lancaster 	 124	(  0, 62, 62, 80) 
         78 	Emma Pease          	L45 	Barlick Fr	 125	( 50,  0, 75, 79) 
          = 	Kerri Wadsworth     	L35 	HelmHR    	 125	( 60,  0,  0, 65) 
         80 	Rachel Hodgkinson   	L45 	Leigh Harr	 129	(  0,  0, 61, 68) 
         81 	Deborah Earnshaw    	    	Pendle AC 	 131	(  0, 71,  0, 60) 
         82 	Karen Dunford       	L45 	BlackpoolW	 132	( 65, 67, 77,  0) 
         83 	Janice Callister    	L45 	Walney Win	 134	( 68, 69, 67, 67) 
          = 	Janette Rayton      	L35 	RedRRR    	 134	(  0, 72, 76, 62) 
         85 	Alison Cooke        	L55 	Glaxo Hoad	 136	( 70, 75, 66, 72) 
         86 	Hazel Clark         	L35 	Kendal AAC	 138	( 62, 76, 80, 92) 
          = 	Liberty Bryan       	    	PrestonH  	 138	(  0, 64, 90, 74) 
         88 	Jayne Salloum       	L45 	Wigan Harr	 139	(  0,  0, 73, 66) 
         89 	Claire Dagg         	L35 	Clayton Le	 140	( 72, 68,  0,  0) 
         90 	Claire Markham      	L45 	Lytham St 	 142	( 82, 74, 68, 75) 
         91 	Jenny Cooper        	U20 	Lancaster 	 143	( 99, 48,  0, 95) 
         92 	Laura Purdy         	L35 	Liverpool 	 144	(  0, 66, 78,  0) 
          = 	Carolyn Kevan       	L55 	Kendal AAC	 144	( 91, 73, 71, 77) 
         94 	Helen XKelsall      	L35 	Kirkby Mil	 148	( 77,  0,  0, 71) 
          = 	Kay Twist           	L45 	Wesham Rr 	 148	(  0, 97, 72, 76) 
          = 	Imogen Wilson       	U20 	Lancaster 	 148	(  0, 63, 85,  0) 
         97 	Marine Aublette     	    	Lancaster 	 150	( 76, 80, 74,  0) 
         98 	Louise Hill         	L35 	Astley & T	 157	( 44,  0,113,128) 
         99 	Heather Driver      	L35 	Barlick Fr	 158	( 75,  0, 83,  0) 
        100 	Robyn Anderson      	L45 	PrestonH  	 159	( 80, 83, 79,  0) 
        101 	Laura Lawler        	L45 	BlackpoolW	 161	( 92,  0, 69,  0) 
        102 	Dianne Priestley    	L65 	Kendal AAC	 162	( 83, 79, 97,107) 
        103 	Hannah Scholes      	    	Leven Vall	 163	(102, 82, 81, 90) 
        104 	Basia Pawelczak     	    	BlackpoolW	 165	( 69,  0, 96,  0) 
        105 	Michelle Teare      	L45 	Blackburn 	 166	(  0, 77, 89, 99) 
        106 	Irene Roche         	L55 	Clayton Le	 170	(  0, 85,  0, 85) 
          = 	Julie Hall          	L35 	BlackpoolW	 170	(139,100, 88, 82) 
        108 	Yvonne Morrell      	L45 	Barrow & F	 172	( 86, 86, 92,102) 
        109 	Lisa Heyes          	L45 	Wigan Harr	 175	( 87,  0, 99, 88) 
          = 	Heather Banner      	L45 	Liverpool 	 175	(  0,  0, 94, 81) 
        111 	Stevie Barron       	L55 	Glaxo Hoad	 177	( 88, 89,  0,  0) 
          = 	Anne Mayers-Smith   	L35 	Wesham Rr 	 177	(100,  0, 93, 84) 
        113 	Kath Hoyer          	L55 	Wesham Rr 	 178	(  0,  0, 84, 94) 
        114 	Anya Townsend       	    	Chorley At	 180	(  0,  0, 87, 93) 
        115 	Victoria Holgate    	L45 	Lancaster&	 185	( 97, 88,102,100) 
          = 	Julia Rushton       	L55 	Clayton Le	 185	( 84,  0,  0,101) 
        117 	Joanne Barnard      	L45 	Walney Win	 186	( 90, 96,  0,  0) 
          = 	Jenny McAndrew      	L35 	Trawden AC	 186	( 89,  0,110, 97) 
        119 	Joanne Cleaver      	L35 	Burnley Ac	 187	(  0,  0, 91, 96) 
        120 	Helen Dawson-Smith  	L45 	Blackburn 	 193	(101, 92,  0,  0) 
        121 	Carole James        	L55 	SouthportW	 194	(  0, 91,103,  0) 
        122 	Paula Plowman       	L55 	RedRRR    	 196	(  0, 84,112,  0) 
        123 	Fran Connolly       	L35 	BlackpoolW	 199	(130,112,127, 87) 
        124 	Dawn Terry          	L55 	Clayton Le	 202	(  0, 98,104,105) 
        125 	Helen Barker        	L35 	Kendal AAC	 203	(  0,  0,105, 98) 
        126 	Julia Rolfe         	L55 	Lytham St 	 206	(  0, 99,107,110) 
        127 	Rachel Gilmore      	L45 	Clayton Le	 208	(  0, 90,122,118) 
          = 	Rhona Fraser        	U20 	Lancaster 	 208	(  0,102,106,  0) 
        129 	Lucy Scott          	    	Clayton Le	 209	(105,104,125,131) 
        130 	Sally Barton        	L55 	Glaxo Hoad	 211	(  0, 95,116,120) 
          = 	Susan Booth         	L55 	Kendal AAC	 211	(104,107,  0,  0) 
        132 	Paula Bowen         	L45 	Kendal AAC	 213	( 94,  0,  0,119) 
        133 	Elena Macdonald     	L45 	PrestonH  	 216	(  0, 93,124,123) 
        134 	Helen Lodge         	L45 	SouthportW	 217	(  0,109,108,  0) 
        135 	Louisa Denye        	L35 	Wesham Rr 	 220	(112,108,115,  0) 
        136 	Paula Walsh         	L35 	Trawden AC	 221	(  0,  0,117,104) 
        137 	Sophie Uttley       	    	Thornton-C	 222	(121,  0,101,  0) 
        138 	Catherine Grisdale  	L55 	Barrow & F	 224	(114,110,  0,122) 
        139 	Sonja Farish        	L45 	Barrow & F	 228	(110,118,130,  0) 
        140 	Donna Airey         	L35 	Clayton Le	 229	(  0,103,126,130) 
        141 	Bhavna Mistry       	L45 	Kirkby Mil	 230	(  0,  0,118,112) 
        142 	Vicki Sherrington   	L45 	PrestonH  	 235	(  0,101,  0,134) 
          = 	Miriam Eaton        	L55 	Kirkby Mil	 235	(  0,  0,119,116) 
        144 	Jane Hylands        	L45 	Clayton Le	 236	(113,123,141,135) 
          = 	Olga Wiggins        	L35 	PrestonH  	 236	(125,111,135,  0) 
        146 	Maureen Danson      	L45 	Wesham Rr 	 242	(126,116,  0,132) 
          = 	Alison Parkinson    	L45 	RedRRR    	 242	(  0,115,  0,127) 
        148 	Miriam Maher        	L45 	Lancaster&	 244	(124,120,140,  0) 
        149 	Nichola Hartley     	L45 	Blackburn 	 245	(109,  0,137,136) 
          = 	Jennie Hodgson      	L55 	Lancaster&	 245	(131,114,  0,  0) 
        151 	Margaret Worbey     	L35 	RedRRR    	 246	(118,  0,128,139) 
        152 	Pauline Foster      	L55 	Wigan Harr	 247	(  0,105,142,  0) 
        153 	Julia Patefield     	L45 	Garstang R	 248	(123,125,  0,  0) 
        154 	Louise Gill         	    	Leven Vall	 249	(122,127,150,137) 
        155 	Alex Earley         	    	Walney Win	 252	(  0,119,  0,133) 
          = 	Georgina Letts      	U20 	Lancaster 	 252	(  0,131,  0,121) 
        157 	Catherine Tregay    	    	Burnley Ac	 255	(119,  0,136,  0) 
          = 	Sarah Helliwell     	L35 	Clayton Le	 255	(  0,117,  0,138) 
        159 	Debbie Porter       	L45 	RedRRR    	 264	(  0,122,  0,142) 
        160 	Lisa Mayhew         	L35 	Burnley Ac	 266	(117,  0,149,  0) 
        161 	Joanne Salter       	    	RedRRR    	 267	(  0,124,143,  0) 
        162 	Kirstie Higgins     	L35 	Clayton Le	 268	(127,  0,  0,141) 
        163 	Clare Belfield      	L35 	Wesham Rr 	 276	(146,130,161,149) 
          = 	Mary Hewitt         	L55 	Garstang R	 276	(137,139,157,  0) 
        165 	Rachel Lawton       	L45 	Wigan Harr	 277	(129,  0,148,  0) 
        166 	Sally Deacon        	L45 	Wesham Rr 	 280	(144,136,166,152) 
        167 	Helen Beech         	L35 	Trawden AC	 283	(128,  0,  0,155) 
          = 	Colette O'Halleron  	L45 	Kirkby Mil	 283	(132,  0,151,  0) 
          = 	Lucy Neighbour      	L35 	Wesham Rr 	 283	(136,  0,147,  0) 
        170 	Lisa Lambert        	L35 	BlackpoolW	 286	(145,141,159,146) 
        171 	Jenny Burtonwood    	L45 	BlackpoolW	 287	(  0,140,158,147) 
        172 	Michelle Fairclough 	L35 	Astley & T	 288	(  0,  0,132,156) 
        173 	Cheryl Rickwood     	L35 	BlackpoolW	 289	(  0,  0,160,129) 
        174 	Julie Tyrer         	L35 	PrestonH  	 293	(  0,  0,153,140) 
        175 	Tanya Barlow        	L45 	Wesham Rr 	 294	(149,145,167,175) 
        176 	Sue Wickham         	L55 	PrestonH  	 295	(142,158,162,153) 
        177 	Sarah Steel         	L35 	Burnley Ac	 297	(  0,  0,154,143) 
        178 	Helen Eaton         	L45 	Kirkby Mil	 299	(143,  0,156,177) 
        179 	Penny Moreton       	L55 	Glaxo Hoad	 304	(158,146,175,167) 
        180 	Alison Mercer       	L55 	RedRRR    	 307	(  0,150,  0,157) 
        181 	Molly Handford      	    	Burnley Ac	 309	(141,  0,168,  0) 
        182 	Karen Clarkin       	L45 	Clayton Le	 310	(  0,144,  0,166) 
        183 	Kirsten Burnett     	L45 	Lytham St 	 315	(150,  0,  0,165) 
        184 	Julie Rooney        	L45 	Wesham Rr 	 317	(160,157,  0,  0) 
        185 	Karen Clark         	L55 	RedRRR    	 319	(  0,147,172,172) 
          = 	Paula Heaton        	L35 	Kirkby Mil	 319	(166,153,181,179) 
          = 	Gillian Oliver      	L45 	Lytham St 	 319	(  0,149,  0,170) 
        188 	Sarah Southam       	    	Burnley Ac	 320	(151,  0,169,  0) 
        189 	Susan Allen         	L55 	Clayton Le	 322	(171,151,  0,185) 
          = 	Sophie Carr         	    	Clayton Le	 322	(  0,  0,164,158) 
        191 	Stephanie Roberts   	L35 	Glaxo Hoad	 328	(157,  0,178,171) 
        192 	Catherine Maclachlan	L45 	Lytham St 	 331	(169,162,  0,  0) 
        193 	Julie Brear         	L35 	Trawden AC	 332	(  0,  0,173,159) 
        194 	 Sally Cape         	L45 	RedRRR    	 333	(159,  0,  0,174) 
        195 	Patricia Henry      	L55 	HyndburnA 	 337	(174,163,  0,186) 
        196 	Ann Carberry        	L45 	Kirkby Mil	 343	(167,  0,  0,176) 
        197 	Christine Leathley  	L65 	Clayton Le	 353	(173,  0,185,180) 

Race 6 - Ladies (Vets) over 35 -- Points after 4 races

          1 	Joanne Nelson       	L45 	Blackburn 	   3	(  1,  0,  0,  2) 
          2 	Clare McKeown       	L45 	Border Har	   4	(  2,  2,  0,  0) 
          3 	Danielle Brearton   	L35 	Wigan Harr	   5	(  0,  3,  2,  0) 
          4 	Joanna Goorney      	L45 	Lytham St 	   6	(  0,  4,  3,  3) 
          5 	Katey Foster        	L35 	PrestonH  	  10	(  0,  5,  5, 10) 
          = 	Catherine Carrdus   	L45 	Lytham St 	  10	(  0,  6, 10,  4) 
          7 	Lauren Gora         	L35 	Lancaster&	  11	(  3,  0,  0,  8) 
          = 	Sally Ford          	L35 	Kendal AAC	  11	(  4,  0,  7,  0) 
          9 	Melanie Koth        	L45 	Lytham St 	  12	(  0,  7, 12,  5) 
         10 	Martine Lucas       	L35 	Liverpool 	  14	(  0,  8,  9,  6) 
         11 	Rebecca Rimmington  	L35 	Clayton Le	  15	(  0,  0,  8,  7) 
         12 	Heather Eccles      	L35 	Kendal AAC	  16	(  5, 17, 11, 12) 
         13 	Amy Singleton       	L35 	Walney Win	  18	(  9,  9, 13, 19) 
         14 	Barbara Holmes      	L55 	Lytham St 	  20	(  8, 12, 17, 18) 
         15 	Lucy Varney         	L45 	Kendal AAC	  23	( 10, 13, 16,  0) 
         16 	Bev Wright          	L55 	BlackpoolW	  26	(  6, 20, 27,  0) 
         17 	Rachel Yates        	L35 	Liverpool 	  28	(  0,  0, 15, 13) 
         18 	Louise Goddard      	L45 	Lancaster&	  30	(  0, 14,  0, 16) 
          = 	Nicola Simpson      	L35 	SouthportW	  30	( 15, 15, 23,  0) 
         20 	Elsie Roberts       	L35 	Glaxo Hoad	  32	( 18,  0, 14, 27) 
          = 	Elizabeth McNally   	L45 	Leven Vall	  32	( 16, 16, 19, 21) 
         22 	Jayne Perry         	L35 	Garstang R	  33	(  0, 27, 18, 15) 
          = 	Michelle Abbott     	L35 	Clayton Le	  33	( 11, 22, 28, 25) 
         24 	Joanne Perry        	L35 	Trawden AC	  34	( 17,  0,  0, 17) 
         25 	Helen Lawrenson     	L45 	Wesham Rr 	  35	(  0, 30, 21, 14) 
         26 	Kristina Jackson    	L35 	Leven Vall	  36	(  0, 11, 25,  0) 
         27 	Lindsay Davies      	L45 	Blackburn 	  39	( 19,  0, 20, 26) 
         28 	Kelly-Anne Towns    	L35 	Wigan Harr	  43	( 24, 19, 30,  0) 
         29 	Heather Travis      	L45 	Glaxo Hoad	  45	( 21, 24,  0,  0) 
          = 	Emma Essex-Crosby   	L35 	PrestonH  	  45	( 22, 23,  0, 24) 
         31 	Sarah Bouffler      	L35 	Barrow & F	  46	( 20,  0, 26,  0) 
         32 	Jill Seddon         	L35 	Barrow & F	  49	( 33, 21,  0, 28) 
         33 	Kerry Travers       	L45 	Barrow & F	  50	( 37, 26, 24, 42) 
         34 	Jacqui Jones        	L55 	Wigan Harr	  53	( 25, 28, 29,  0) 
         35 	Liz White           	L35 	Glaxo Hoad	  55	( 42, 33,  0, 22) 
         36 	Laura Murphy        	L35 	Chorley At	  57	( 27,  0,  0, 30) 
         37 	Gillian Pryor       	L45 	Thornton-C	  60	( 29, 31, 33, 34) 
         38 	Michelle Spencer    	L35 	SouthportW	  62	( 40, 25,  0, 37) 
         39 	K MaggioPoyntz      	L45 	Walney Win	  64	( 36, 32, 54, 32) 
         40 	Katie Sanderson     	L35 	Leigh Harr	  68	(  0,  0, 32, 36) 
         41 	Sandra Garnett      	L35 	Walney Win	  69	( 34,  0, 35,  0) 
          = 	Sally Brassington   	L35 	Lancaster&	  69	( 38, 38, 36, 33) 
         43 	Janette Rayton      	L35 	RedRRR    	  74	(  0, 39, 46, 35) 
         44 	Anneke Crosby       	L45 	RedRRR    	  75	( 44,  0, 72, 31) 
          = 	Rachel Hodgkinson   	L45 	Leigh Harr	  75	(  0,  0, 34, 41) 
         46 	Janice Callister    	L45 	Walney Win	  76	( 46, 37, 39, 40) 
         47 	Kerri Wadsworth     	L35 	HelmHR    	  77	( 39,  0,  0, 38) 
          = 	Emma Pease          	L45 	Barlick Fr	  77	( 32,  0, 45, 49) 
         49 	Karen Dunford       	L45 	BlackpoolW	  78	( 43, 35, 47,  0) 
         50 	Alison Cooke        	L55 	Glaxo Hoad	  80	( 47, 42, 38, 44) 
         51 	Claire Markham      	L45 	Lytham St 	  81	( 57, 41, 40, 45) 
         52 	Carolyn Kevan       	L55 	Kendal AAC	  82	( 66, 40, 42, 47) 
          = 	Laura Purdy         	L35 	Liverpool 	  82	(  0, 34, 48,  0) 
         54 	Jayne Salloum       	L45 	Wigan Harr	  83	(  0,  0, 44, 39) 
         55 	Hazel Clark         	L35 	Kendal AAC	  84	( 41, 43, 50, 58) 
          = 	Claire Dagg         	L35 	Clayton Le	  84	( 48, 36,  0,  0) 
         57 	Kay Twist           	L45 	Wesham Rr 	  89	(  0, 61, 43, 46) 
         58 	Helen XKelsall      	L35 	Kirkby Mil	  95	( 52,  0,  0, 43) 
         59 	Robyn Anderson      	L45 	PrestonH  	  96	( 55, 47, 49,  0) 
         60 	Louise Hill         	L35 	Astley & T	 100	( 26,  0, 74, 90) 
          = 	Michelle Teare      	L45 	Blackburn 	 100	(  0, 44, 56, 63) 
         62 	Irene Roche         	L55 	Clayton Le	 102	(  0, 49,  0, 53) 
         63 	Heather Driver      	L35 	Barlick Fr	 103	( 51,  0, 52,  0) 
          = 	Dianne Priestley    	L65 	Kendal AAC	 103	( 58, 45, 62, 71) 
         65 	Julie Hall          	L35 	BlackpoolW	 106	(107, 64, 55, 51) 
         66 	Yvonne Morrell      	L45 	Barrow & F	 108	( 61, 50, 58, 66) 
          = 	Laura Lawler        	L45 	BlackpoolW	 108	( 67,  0, 41,  0) 
         68 	Heather Banner      	L45 	Liverpool 	 110	(  0,  0, 60, 50) 
         69 	Anne Mayers-Smith   	L35 	Wesham Rr 	 111	( 74,  0, 59, 52) 
         70 	Kath Hoyer          	L55 	Wesham Rr 	 112	(  0,  0, 53, 59) 
         71 	Victoria Holgate    	L45 	Lancaster&	 116	( 72, 52, 65, 64) 
          = 	Stevie Barron       	L55 	Glaxo Hoad	 116	( 63, 53,  0,  0) 
         73 	Joanne Cleaver      	L35 	Burnley Ac	 117	(  0,  0, 57, 60) 
          = 	Lisa Heyes          	L45 	Wigan Harr	 117	( 62,  0, 64, 55) 
         75 	Paula Plowman       	L55 	RedRRR    	 121	(  0, 48, 73,  0) 
          = 	Carole James        	L55 	SouthportW	 121	(  0, 55, 66,  0) 
         77 	Julia Rushton       	L55 	Clayton Le	 124	( 59,  0,  0, 65) 
         78 	Joanne Barnard      	L45 	Walney Win	 125	( 65, 60,  0,  0) 
          = 	Jenny McAndrew      	L35 	Trawden AC	 125	( 64,  0, 71, 61) 
         80 	Fran Connolly       	L35 	BlackpoolW	 128	( 99, 74, 87, 54) 
         81 	Dawn Terry          	L55 	Clayton Le	 129	(  0, 62, 67, 69) 
         82 	Helen Barker        	L35 	Kendal AAC	 130	(  0,  0, 68, 62) 
         83 	Helen Dawson-Smith  	L45 	Blackburn 	 131	( 75, 56,  0,  0) 
         84 	Julia Rolfe         	L55 	Lytham St 	 132	(  0, 63, 69, 73) 
         85 	Rachel Gilmore      	L45 	Clayton Le	 135	(  0, 54, 83, 81) 
         86 	Sally Barton        	L55 	Glaxo Hoad	 136	(  0, 59, 77, 83) 
         87 	Helen Lodge         	L45 	SouthportW	 141	(  0, 71, 70,  0) 
         88 	Elena Macdonald     	L45 	PrestonH  	 142	(  0, 57, 85, 85) 
         89 	Paula Walsh         	L35 	Trawden AC	 146	(  0,  0, 78, 68) 
          = 	Susan Booth         	L55 	Kendal AAC	 146	( 77, 69,  0,  0) 
          = 	Louisa Denye        	L35 	Wesham Rr 	 146	( 84, 70, 76,  0) 
         92 	Paula Bowen         	L45 	Kendal AAC	 151	( 69,  0,  0, 82) 
         93 	Donna Airey         	L35 	Clayton Le	 152	(  0, 66, 86, 92) 
         94 	Bhavna Mistry       	L45 	Kirkby Mil	 154	(  0,  0, 79, 75) 
         95 	Catherine Grisdale  	L55 	Barrow & F	 156	( 86, 72,  0, 84) 
         96 	Miriam Eaton        	L55 	Kirkby Mil	 159	(  0,  0, 80, 79) 
          = 	Vicki Sherrington   	L45 	PrestonH  	 159	(  0, 65,  0, 94) 
         98 	Sonja Farish        	L45 	Barrow & F	 162	( 82, 80, 90,  0) 
         99 	Alison Parkinson    	L45 	RedRRR    	 166	(  0, 77,  0, 89) 
        100 	Olga Wiggins        	L35 	PrestonH  	 167	( 94, 73, 94,  0) 
          = 	Pauline Foster      	L55 	Wigan Harr	 167	(  0, 67,100,  0) 
        102 	Jane Hylands        	L45 	Clayton Le	 169	( 85, 84, 99, 95) 
        103 	Maureen Danson      	L45 	Wesham Rr 	 171	( 95, 78,  0, 93) 
        104 	Miriam Maher        	L45 	Lancaster&	 174	( 93, 81, 98,  0) 
        105 	Nichola Hartley     	L45 	Blackburn 	 176	( 81,  0, 95, 96) 
          = 	Jennie Hodgson      	L55 	Lancaster&	 176	(100, 76,  0,  0) 
          = 	Sarah Helliwell     	L35 	Clayton Le	 176	(  0, 79,  0, 97) 
        108 	Julia Patefield     	L45 	Garstang R	 177	( 92, 85,  0,  0) 
        109 	Margaret Worbey     	L35 	RedRRR    	 178	( 90,  0, 88, 98) 
        110 	Debbie Porter       	L45 	RedRRR    	 184	(  0, 83,  0,101) 
        111 	Lisa Mayhew         	L35 	Burnley Ac	 195	( 89,  0,106,  0) 
        112 	Kirstie Higgins     	L35 	Clayton Le	 196	( 96,  0,  0,100) 
        113 	Clare Belfield      	L35 	Wesham Rr 	 197	(112, 89,116,108) 
        114 	Mary Hewitt         	L55 	Garstang R	 200	(106, 94,112,  0) 
        115 	Lisa Lambert        	L35 	BlackpoolW	 201	(111, 96,114,105) 
          = 	Jenny Burtonwood    	L45 	BlackpoolW	 201	(  0, 95,113,106) 
          = 	Sally Deacon        	L45 	Wesham Rr 	 201	(110, 91,120,111) 
        118 	Rachel Lawton       	L45 	Wigan Harr	 203	( 98,  0,105,  0) 
        119 	Michelle Fairclough 	L35 	Astley & T	 206	(  0,  0, 91,115) 
          = 	Cheryl Rickwood     	L35 	BlackpoolW	 206	(  0,  0,115, 91) 
        121 	Julie Tyrer         	L35 	PrestonH  	 207	(  0,  0,108, 99) 
        122 	Colette O'Halleron  	L45 	Kirkby Mil	 208	(101,  0,107,  0) 
        123 	Lucy Neighbour      	L35 	Wesham Rr 	 209	(105,  0,104,  0) 
        124 	Helen Beech         	L35 	Trawden AC	 211	( 97,  0,  0,114) 
          = 	Sarah Steel         	L35 	Burnley Ac	 211	(  0,  0,109,102) 
        126 	Tanya Barlow        	L45 	Wesham Rr 	 215	(115,100,121,132) 
        127 	Sue Wickham         	L55 	PrestonH  	 220	(108,112,117,112) 
          = 	Helen Eaton         	L45 	Kirkby Mil	 220	(109,  0,111,134) 
        129 	Alison Mercer       	L55 	RedRRR    	 221	(  0,105,  0,116) 
        130 	Penny Moreton       	L55 	Glaxo Hoad	 223	(122,101,124,125) 
          = 	Karen Clarkin       	L45 	Clayton Le	 223	(  0, 99,  0,124) 
        132 	Karen Clark         	L55 	RedRRR    	 224	(  0,102,122,130) 
        133 	Gillian Oliver      	L45 	Lytham St 	 232	(  0,104,  0,128) 
        134 	Julie Rooney        	L45 	Wesham Rr 	 235	(124,111,  0,  0) 
        135 	Paula Heaton        	L35 	Kirkby Mil	 236	(130,107,129,136) 
        136 	Kirsten Burnett     	L45 	Lytham St 	 239	(116,  0,  0,123) 
        137 	Julie Brear         	L35 	Trawden AC	 240	(  0,  0,123,117) 
        138 	Susan Allen         	L55 	Clayton Le	 241	(135,106,  0,142) 
        139 	Stephanie Roberts   	L35 	Glaxo Hoad	 248	(121,  0,127,129) 
          = 	Catherine Maclachlan	L45 	Lytham St 	 248	(133,115,  0,  0) 
        141 	 Sally Cape         	L45 	RedRRR    	 254	(123,  0,  0,131) 
          = 	Patricia Henry      	L55 	HyndburnA 	 254	(138,116,  0,143) 
        143 	Ann Carberry        	L45 	Kirkby Mil	 264	(131,  0,  0,133) 
        144 	Christine Leathley  	L65 	Clayton Le	 269	(137,  0,132,137) 

Race 6 - Ladies (Vets) over 45 -- Points after 4 races

          1 	Joanne Nelson       	L45 	Blackburn 	   2	(  1,  0,  0,  1) 
          2 	Clare McKeown       	L45 	Border Har	   3	(  2,  1,  0,  0) 
          = 	Joanna Goorney      	L45 	Lytham St 	   3	(  0,  2,  1,  2) 
          4 	Catherine Carrdus   	L45 	Lytham St 	   5	(  0,  3,  2,  3) 
          5 	Melanie Koth        	L45 	Lytham St 	   7	(  0,  4,  3,  4) 
          6 	Lucy Varney         	L45 	Kendal AAC	   9	(  5,  7,  4,  0) 
          = 	Barbara Holmes      	L55 	Lytham St 	   9	(  4,  6,  5,  7) 
          8 	Bev Wright          	L55 	BlackpoolW	  13	(  3, 11, 10,  0) 
          = 	Helen Lawrenson     	L45 	Wesham Rr 	  13	(  0, 15,  8,  5) 
         10 	Elizabeth McNally   	L45 	Leven Vall	  14	(  9,  9,  6,  8) 
          = 	Louise Goddard      	L45 	Lancaster&	  14	(  0,  8,  0,  6) 
         12 	Lindsay Davies      	L45 	Blackburn 	  16	( 10,  0,  7,  9) 
         13 	Kerry Travers       	L45 	Barrow & F	  22	( 18, 13,  9, 16) 
         14 	Heather Travis      	L45 	Glaxo Hoad	  23	( 11, 12,  0,  0) 
         15 	Jacqui Jones        	L55 	Wigan Harr	  24	( 13, 14, 11,  0) 
         16 	Gillian Pryor       	L45 	Thornton-C	  25	( 14, 16, 13, 12) 
         17 	K MaggioPoyntz      	L45 	Walney Win	  28	( 17, 17, 26, 11) 
         18 	Rachel Hodgkinson   	L45 	Leigh Harr	  29	(  0,  0, 14, 15) 
         19 	Janice Callister    	L45 	Walney Win	  30	( 22, 19, 16, 14) 
          = 	Anneke Crosby       	L45 	RedRRR    	  30	( 20,  0, 39, 10) 
         21 	Alison Cooke        	L55 	Glaxo Hoad	  32	( 23, 22, 15, 17) 
         22 	Jayne Salloum       	L45 	Wigan Harr	  34	(  0,  0, 21, 13) 
         23 	Claire Markham      	L45 	Lytham St 	  35	( 27, 21, 17, 18) 
         24 	Emma Pease          	L45 	Barlick Fr	  36	( 15,  0, 22, 21) 
         25 	Karen Dunford       	L45 	BlackpoolW	  37	( 19, 18, 23,  0) 
         26 	Carolyn Kevan       	L55 	Kendal AAC	  39	( 35, 20, 19, 20) 
          = 	Kay Twist           	L45 	Wesham Rr 	  39	(  0, 38, 20, 19) 
         28 	Robyn Anderson      	L45 	PrestonH  	  49	( 25, 25, 24,  0) 
         29 	Michelle Teare      	L45 	Blackburn 	  50	(  0, 23, 27, 28) 
          = 	Irene Roche         	L55 	Clayton Le	  50	(  0, 27,  0, 23) 
         31 	Heather Banner      	L45 	Liverpool 	  51	(  0,  0, 29, 22) 
         32 	Dianne Priestley    	L65 	Kendal AAC	  52	( 28, 24, 31, 34) 
          = 	Kath Hoyer          	L55 	Wesham Rr 	  52	(  0,  0, 25, 27) 
         34 	Laura Lawler        	L45 	BlackpoolW	  54	( 36,  0, 18,  0) 
         35 	Lisa Heyes          	L45 	Wigan Harr	  56	( 32,  0, 33, 24) 
          = 	Yvonne Morrell      	L45 	Barrow & F	  56	( 31, 28, 28, 31) 
         37 	Victoria Holgate    	L45 	Lancaster&	  58	( 40, 29, 34, 29) 
         38 	Julia Rushton       	L55 	Clayton Le	  59	( 29,  0,  0, 30) 
         39 	Stevie Barron       	L55 	Glaxo Hoad	  63	( 33, 30,  0,  0) 
         40 	Paula Plowman       	L55 	RedRRR    	  66	(  0, 26, 40,  0) 
         41 	Carole James        	L55 	SouthportW	  67	(  0, 32, 35,  0) 
         42 	Dawn Terry          	L55 	Clayton Le	  68	(  0, 39, 36, 32) 
         43 	Joanne Barnard      	L45 	Walney Win	  71	( 34, 37,  0,  0) 
          = 	Rachel Gilmore      	L45 	Clayton Le	  71	(  0, 31, 47, 40) 
         45 	Julia Rolfe         	L55 	Lytham St 	  72	(  0, 40, 37, 35) 
         46 	Helen Dawson-Smith  	L45 	Blackburn 	  75	( 42, 33,  0,  0) 
         47 	Sally Barton        	L55 	Glaxo Hoad	  78	(  0, 36, 42, 42) 
          = 	Elena Macdonald     	L45 	PrestonH  	  78	(  0, 34, 49, 44) 
         49 	Paula Bowen         	L45 	Kendal AAC	  79	( 38,  0,  0, 41) 
         50 	Bhavna Mistry       	L45 	Kirkby Mil	  80	(  0,  0, 43, 37) 
         51 	Helen Lodge         	L45 	SouthportW	  82	(  0, 44, 38,  0) 
         52 	Miriam Eaton        	L55 	Kirkby Mil	  83	(  0,  0, 44, 39) 
         53 	Susan Booth         	L55 	Kendal AAC	  87	( 44, 43,  0,  0) 
         54 	Catherine Grisdale  	L55 	Barrow & F	  88	( 49, 45,  0, 43) 
         55 	Vicki Sherrington   	L45 	PrestonH  	  89	(  0, 41,  0, 48) 
         56 	Alison Parkinson    	L45 	RedRRR    	  93	(  0, 47,  0, 46) 
         57 	Maureen Danson      	L45 	Wesham Rr 	  95	( 53, 48,  0, 47) 
         58 	Sonja Farish        	L45 	Barrow & F	  96	( 47, 49, 51,  0) 
          = 	Nichola Hartley     	L45 	Blackburn 	  96	( 46,  0, 53, 50) 
         60 	Jane Hylands        	L45 	Clayton Le	  97	( 48, 53, 56, 49) 
         61 	Pauline Foster      	L55 	Wigan Harr	  99	(  0, 42, 57,  0) 
         62 	Jennie Hodgson      	L55 	Lancaster&	 101	( 55, 46,  0,  0) 
         63 	Miriam Maher        	L45 	Lancaster&	 102	( 52, 50, 55,  0) 
         64 	Debbie Porter       	L45 	RedRRR    	 103	(  0, 52,  0, 51) 
         65 	Julia Patefield     	L45 	Garstang R	 105	( 51, 54,  0,  0) 
         66 	Sally Deacon        	L45 	Wesham Rr 	 113	( 62, 57, 68, 56) 
         67 	Rachel Lawton       	L45 	Wigan Harr	 114	( 54,  0, 60,  0) 
          = 	Jenny Burtonwood    	L45 	BlackpoolW	 114	(  0, 61, 64, 53) 
         69 	Sue Wickham         	L55 	PrestonH  	 117	( 60, 74, 65, 57) 
          = 	Colette O'Halleron  	L45 	Kirkby Mil	 117	( 56,  0, 61,  0) 
         71 	Mary Hewitt         	L55 	Garstang R	 119	( 59, 60, 63,  0) 
         72 	Helen Eaton         	L45 	Kirkby Mil	 123	( 61,  0, 62, 73) 
         73 	Alison Mercer       	L55 	RedRRR    	 128	(  0, 70,  0, 58) 
          = 	Kirsten Burnett     	L45 	Lytham St 	 128	( 65,  0,  0, 63) 
          = 	Karen Clarkin       	L45 	Clayton Le	 128	(  0, 64,  0, 64) 
         76 	Tanya Barlow        	L45 	Wesham Rr 	 129	( 64, 65, 69, 71) 
         77 	Penny Moreton       	L55 	Glaxo Hoad	 131	( 67, 66, 71, 65) 
         78 	Karen Clark         	L55 	RedRRR    	 136	(  0, 67, 70, 69) 
         79 	Gillian Oliver      	L45 	Lytham St 	 137	(  0, 69,  0, 68) 
         80 	 Sally Cape         	L45 	RedRRR    	 138	( 68,  0,  0, 70) 
         81 	Julie Rooney        	L45 	Wesham Rr 	 142	( 69, 73,  0,  0) 
         82 	Ann Carberry        	L45 	Kirkby Mil	 146	( 74,  0,  0, 72) 
         83 	Susan Allen         	L55 	Clayton Le	 148	( 77, 71,  0, 79) 
         84 	Catherine Maclachlan	L45 	Lytham St 	 150	( 75, 75,  0,  0) 
         85 	Christine Leathley  	L65 	Clayton Le	 151	( 79,  0, 76, 75) 
         86 	Patricia Henry      	L55 	HyndburnA 	 156	( 80, 76,  0, 80) 

Race 6 - Ladies (Vets) over 55 -- Points after 4 races

          1 	Barbara Holmes      	L55 	Lytham St 	   2	(  2,  1,  1,  1) 
          2 	Bev Wright          	L55 	BlackpoolW	   3	(  1,  3,  2,  0) 
          3 	Alison Cooke        	L55 	Glaxo Hoad	   6	(  4,  6,  5,  2) 
          = 	Jacqui Jones        	L55 	Wigan Harr	   6	(  3,  4,  3,  0) 
          5 	Carolyn Kevan       	L55 	Kendal AAC	   8	(  9,  5,  6,  3) 
          6 	Kath Hoyer          	L55 	Wesham Rr 	  12	(  0,  0,  7,  5) 
          7 	Dianne Priestley    	L65 	Kendal AAC	  13	(  6,  7,  8,  8) 
          = 	Irene Roche         	L55 	Clayton Le	  13	(  0,  9,  0,  4) 
          = 	Julia Rushton       	L55 	Clayton Le	  13	(  7,  0,  0,  6) 
         10 	Dawn Terry          	L55 	Clayton Le	  17	(  0, 13, 10,  7) 
         11 	Stevie Barron       	L55 	Glaxo Hoad	  18	(  8, 10,  0,  0) 
         12 	Paula Plowman       	L55 	RedRRR    	  20	(  0,  8, 12,  0) 
          = 	Julia Rolfe         	L55 	Lytham St 	  20	(  0, 14, 11,  9) 
          = 	Carole James        	L55 	SouthportW	  20	(  0, 11,  9,  0) 
         15 	Sally Barton        	L55 	Glaxo Hoad	  25	(  0, 12, 14, 13) 
         16 	Catherine Grisdale  	L55 	Barrow & F	  26	( 12, 17,  0, 14) 
         17 	Susan Booth         	L55 	Kendal AAC	  27	( 11, 16,  0,  0) 
          = 	Miriam Eaton        	L55 	Kirkby Mil	  27	(  0,  0, 15, 12) 
         19 	Jennie Hodgson      	L55 	Lancaster&	  32	( 14, 18,  0,  0) 
         20 	Pauline Foster      	L55 	Wigan Harr	  33	(  0, 15, 18,  0) 
         21 	Sue Wickham         	L55 	PrestonH  	  34	( 18, 27, 22, 16) 
         22 	Mary Hewitt         	L55 	Garstang R	  38	( 17, 21, 21,  0) 
         23 	Penny Moreton       	L55 	Glaxo Hoad	  39	( 20, 23, 25, 19) 
         24 	Alison Mercer       	L55 	RedRRR    	  42	(  0, 25,  0, 17) 
         25 	Karen Clark         	L55 	RedRRR    	  45	(  0, 24, 24, 21) 
         26 	Christine Leathley  	L65 	Clayton Le	  48	( 25,  0, 29, 23) 
         27 	Susan Allen         	L55 	Clayton Le	  50	( 24, 26,  0, 26) 
         28 	Patricia Henry      	L55 	HyndburnA 	  53	( 26, 28,  0, 27) 

Race 6 - Ladies (Vets) over 65 -- Points after 4 races

          1 	Dianne Priestley    	L65 	Kendal AAC	   2	(  1,  1,  1,  1) 
          2 	Christine Leathley  	L65 	Clayton Le	   5	(  3,  0,  2,  3) 

Race 6 - Vet 70 Men -- Points after 4 races

          1 	Alan Appleby        	    	PrestonH  	   2	(  0,  1,  1,  1) 
          2 	Dave Howie          	    	Walney Win	   3	(  1,  2,  2,  0) 
          3 	Richard Lawson      	    	Clayton Le	   6	(  3,  0,  7,  3) 
          4 	Peter Ion           	    	Kendal AAC	   7	(  4,  3,  4,  4) 
          = 	Peter Bartlett      	    	Wesham Rr 	   7	(  7,  4,  3,  7) 
          6 	Dave Young          	    	Wesham Rr 	  10	(  0,  5,  5,  6) 
          7 	Robert Massey       	    	BlackpoolW	  11	(  5,  6,  0,  0) 
          = 	Peter Mitchell      	    	Kendal AAC	  11	(  6,  7,  6,  5) 

Senior Men under 20 -- Points after 4 races

          1 	Jacob Cann          	U20 	Lancaster 	   2	(  0,  1,  1,  1) 
          2 	Alex Mason          	U20 	Barlick Fr	   5	(  1,  0,  4,  0) 
          = 	James Corbishley    	U20 	Glaxo Hoad	   5	(  2,  4,  3,  0) 
          4 	Andy Thomas         	U20 	Lancaster 	   6	(  0,  0,  2,  4) 
          = 	Matthew Briggs      	U20 	Lancaster 	   6	(  0,  3,  0,  3) 
          6 	Richard Joisce      	U20 	Lancaster 	   9	(  3,  8,  6, 11) 
          7 	Tom Colhoun         	U20 	Sedbergh S	  10	(  0,  5,  0,  5) 
          8 	Benjamin Kirkman    	U20 	Rossendale	  12	(  0,  0,  5,  7) 
          9 	Percy Johnstone     	U20 	Sedbergh S	  14	(  0,  6,  0,  8) 
         10 	Tavis Young         	U20 	Lancaster 	  20	(  0, 13,  7, 15) 
         11 	Lawrence Paish      	U20 	Lancaster 	  22	(  0, 14,  8,  0) 
         12 	Hector Wilson       	U20 	Sedbergh S	  23	(  0, 10,  0, 13) 
         13 	Shiv Rajkumar       	U20 	Lancaster 	  24	(  0, 15,  9,  0) 
         14 	Will Singer         	U20 	Sedbergh S	  26	(  0, 12,  0, 14) 

Senior Men over 20 -- Points after 4 races

          1 	Daniel Bebbington   	    	PrestonH  	   4	(  0,  1,  3,  0) 
          = 	Matthew Elkington   	    	Glaxo Hoad	   4	(  3,  2,  0,  2) 
          3 	Alasdair Russell    	    	Kendal AAC	   9	(  0,  5,  0,  4) 
          4 	Ross Campbell       	    	Barrow & F	  10	(  0,  4,  6,  0) 
          5 	Karl Billington     	    	Blackburn 	  11	(  5,  0,  7,  6) 
          6 	Jack Wright         	    	Glaxo Hoad	  12	(  6,  6,  0,  0) 
          7 	Mike Toft           	    	Lytham St 	  15	(  7,  0, 27,  8) 
          = 	Christopher Davies  	V40 	Blackburn 	  15	(  8,  0, 13,  7) 
          9 	Ben Sache           	    	Lancaster&	  16	(  9,  7,  0,  0) 
         10 	Jed Bartlett        	    	Barrow & F	  18	(  4,  0, 14,  0) 
         11 	Beau Smith          	    	Lancaster&	  23	(  0,  3, 20,  0) 
         12 	Lee Parrington      	    	Lancaster&	  26	( 11, 15, 22, 18) 
          = 	Simon Collins       	    	PrestonH  	  26	(  0, 12,  0, 14) 
         14 	Paul Peters         	    	Lancaster 	  27	(  0, 23, 17, 10) 
         15 	Andrew Dorrian      	    	Glaxo Hoad	  28	( 16, 13, 28, 15) 
         16 	Tom Marchant        	    	Blackburn 	  30	( 19,  0,  0, 11) 
         17 	Steve Swarbrick     	V40 	Wesham Rr 	  32	( 18, 14,  0, 19) 
         18 	Nick Treitl         	    	Barlick Fr	  33	(  0,  8, 25,  0) 
         19 	Mark Magee          	    	Clayton Le	  38	( 21, 25, 34, 17) 
         20 	Thomas Blaney       	    	Blackburn 	  39	( 13,  0, 26,  0) 
         21 	Michael Gregory     	V40 	Leven Vall	  41	( 22, 19, 39, 28) 
          = 	Phil Mather         	    	Sedbergh S	  41	( 25, 18,  0, 23) 
          = 	David Taylor        	    	Wesham Rr 	  41	( 20, 21, 40, 26) 
         24 	Mark Chippendale    	V50 	Blackburn 	  42	( 34, 20, 38, 22) 
         25 	David Hamilton      	V50 	SouthportW	  44	( 14,  0, 30,  0) 
         26 	Matthew Wall        	    	Leven Vall	  47	(  0, 27,  0, 20) 
         27 	Ryan Bradshaw       	    	Clayton Le	  49	( 24,  0, 43, 25) 
         28 	Mark Holgate        	V40 	Lancaster&	  53	( 51, 32, 41, 21) 
         29 	Eddie Fletcher      	    	Sedbergh S	  56	(  0, 26,  0, 30) 
         30 	Tom Nicholson       	    	Border Har	  58	(  0, 24,  0, 34) 
         31 	Jonathan Kearsley   	    	Wigan Harr	  60	( 32, 28,  0, 36) 
          = 	Martin Greenwood    	    	Trawden AC	  60	( 26, 34,  0,  0) 
         33 	Richard Wells       	V40 	Sedbergh S	  61	( 30, 33,  0, 31) 
         34 	Daniel Fleming      	    	Clayton Le	  62	( 27,  0, 78, 35) 
         35 	David McNally       	V40 	Leven Vall	  64	( 41, 35, 45, 29) 
         36 	Chris Corless       	V40 	Lancaster&	  65	( 35, 30, 52, 49) 
         37 	James Mulvany       	V40 	Wesham Rr 	  69	( 33, 36,  0,  0) 
         38 	Richard Wilson      	V40 	Kendal AAC	  72	( 28,  0, 66, 44) 
         39 	Carl Hanaghan       	    	Kendal AAC	  77	( 39, 55, 51, 38) 
         40 	James Dunderdale    	    	Clayton Le	  79	( 49, 52, 46, 33) 
         41 	James Edwards       	V40 	Lancaster&	  80	( 42, 38, 54, 43) 
         42 	Josh Murphy         	    	Leven Vall	  82	( 38, 44, 71, 63) 
          = 	William Sisson      	    	Kendal AAC	  82	( 46, 41,  0, 41) 
          = 	Carl Helliwell      	V40 	Clayton Le	  82	(  0, 42,  0, 40) 
         45 	Callum Barltrop     	    	Lancaster 	  83	(  0, 29, 62, 54) 
         46 	Andrew Harling      	    	Wesham Rr 	  86	( 36,  0, 96, 50) 
         47 	Matt Wilson         	V40 	Kendal AAC	  87	( 29,  0,  0, 58) 
          = 	Joe Greenwood       	    	Lytham St 	  87	(  0,  0, 63, 24) 
         49 	John Heyes          	V50 	Wigan Harr	  89	( 44,  0, 48, 45) 
         50 	Thomas Crabtree     	    	Wesham Rr 	  92	(  0, 50,  0, 42) 
         51 	Gethin Butler       	V50 	PrestonH  	  95	(  0, 43,  0, 52) 
         52 	Simon Denye         	V40 	Wesham Rr 	  96	( 40, 56, 80,  0) 
         53 	Andy Whaley         	V40 	PrestonH  	  98	(  0, 61,  0, 37) 
          = 	Andrew Draper       	    	Lytham St 	  98	( 53, 47, 56, 51) 
         55 	Simon Smith         	    	Clayton Le	 100	( 54,  0,  0, 46) 
         56 	Christopher Hastwell	    	Wesham Rr 	 108	( 55, 53,  0, 59) 
         57 	Jonathan Tuck       	V40 	Lytham St 	 109	( 52, 62, 72, 57) 
         58 	Shane Cody          	V40 	Lancaster&	 111	( 45, 67, 67, 66) 
         59 	Mark Belfield       	    	Wesham Rr 	 113	( 59, 54, 95,  0) 
          = 	Rob McGrath         	V50 	SouthportW	 113	(  0,  0, 60, 53) 
         61 	John Hannah         	    	Lancaster&	 114	(  0, 59,  0, 55) 
          = 	Daniel Hughes       	    	RedRRR    	 114	(  0,  0, 58, 56) 
         63 	Gareth Simpson      	    	SouthportW	 115	( 66, 49, 77,  0) 
          = 	James Ellis         	    	Kirkby Mil	 115	( 57, 58,  0, 68) 
         65 	Mark Holton         	V40 	Wesham Rr 	 118	(  0, 57, 61,  0) 
         66 	James Dalgleish     	V40 	Lancaster&	 124	(  0, 63, 69, 61) 
         67 	Dan Grundy          	V40 	Trawden AC	 128	(  0, 66, 91, 62) 
         68 	John Wright         	V50 	BlackpoolW	 131	( 61,  0,  0, 70) 
         69 	Gary Wilton         	V40 	Kirkby Mil	 132	(  0, 73, 59, 80) 
          = 	Ben Whitehead       	    	Barlick Fr	 132	( 84, 48,  0,  0) 
         71 	Stephen Woodruffe   	V50 	RedRRR    	 133	( 69, 64,110,  0) 
          = 	Peter Roome         	V50 	SouthportW	 133	(  0, 51, 82,  0) 
          = 	Lee Barlow          	V40 	Wesham Rr 	 133	( 64, 86,130, 69) 
          = 	Mariusz Kovacs      	    	PrestonH  	 133	(  0,109, 86, 47) 
         75 	Michael Williams    	    	Burnley Ac	 134	( 43,  0,108, 91) 
         76 	Tim Campbell        	V40 	Astley & T	 135	(  0,  0, 68, 67) 
         77 	Neil Tate           	V40 	Lytham St 	 136	( 60, 83,125, 76) 
          = 	Mike Harris         	V40 	Wigan Harr	 136	( 58, 78,103,120) 
          = 	Lee Moore           	    	Kirkby Mil	 136	(  0,  0, 76, 60) 
         80 	Stephen Nicholls    	    	Wigan Harr	 138	( 73, 65, 94,  0) 
          = 	Luke Turner         	    	Glaxo Hoad	 138	( 56, 82,194, 98) 
         82 	Chris Funnell       	V50 	Clayton Le	 139	( 68, 71, 98, 89) 
         83 	Dominic Garrett     	    	Lytham St 	 140	( 63, 77,104,  0) 
          = 	Christopher Hubbold 	    	Barrow & F	 140	(  0, 69,  0, 71) 
         85 	John Sprackland     	V50 	SouthportW	 141	(  0, 60, 99, 81) 
         86 	Simon Reason        	    	BlackpoolW	 145	( 48,  0,  0, 97) 
          = 	Steve Abbott        	V40 	Wesham Rr 	 145	(  0,  0, 97, 48) 
         88 	Danny Bouffler      	    	Leven Vall	 146	( 70, 76,112,  0) 
         89 	D SeddonRoberts     	    	Sedbergh S	 155	( 76, 79,  0, 84) 
         90 	Nathan Harris       	    	Leven Vall	 156	( 79,  0,155, 77) 
         91 	Michael O'Donnell   	V50 	Chorley At	 157	(  0, 70, 87,  0) 
         92 	Paul Needham        	V50 	Trawden AC	 159	(  0, 72,  0, 87) 
         93 	Thomas Howarth      	    	Lytham St 	 160	(  0,117, 88, 72) 
          = 	Will Metcalf        	    	PrestonH  	 160	( 67,  0,  0, 93) 
         95 	Joe Todd            	V40 	Kendal AAC	 163	( 77,  0,102, 86) 
         96 	James Bailey        	V40 	Leven Vall	 164	(118, 46,141,  0) 
          = 	Stuart Fairclough   	V40 	Wigan Harr	 164	(  0, 94, 70,  0) 
         98 	John Bell           	    	Leven Vall	 171	( 81, 90,121,  0) 
         99 	Mark Morgan-Hillam  	V40 	Wigan Harr	 173	(  0, 84, 89,  0) 
          = 	Ryan Everett        	    	Leven Vall	 173	(  0,100,113, 73) 
          = 	Paul Veevers        	V40 	Lytham St 	 173	(  0, 89, 84,  0) 
        102 	Alex Tate           	    	Lytham St 	 176	( 65,111,  0,  0) 
        103 	Christopher Durkin  	V40 	Leven Vall	 179	( 71,108,114,  0) 
          = 	John Rainford       	V50 	PrestonH  	 179	( 87, 92,157,130) 
        105 	Hamish Child        	    	Lancaster 	 180	(  0, 99, 81,110) 
        106 	Dean Wilson         	V40 	Kirkby Mil	 189	( 91, 98,  0,  0) 
          = 	Richard Jones       	V40 	Garstang R	 189	(  0,110,117, 79) 
        108 	Vincent XJeuk       	    	Glaxo Hoad	 192	( 83,  0,109,  0) 
        109 	Sean Dixon          	V50 	Glaxo Hoad	 193	( 82,  0,164,111) 
        110 	Andrew McGlone      	    	Kirkby Mil	 194	( 75,  0,119,  0) 
        111 	Matthew Green       	    	Lancaster 	 197	( 78,119,161,140) 
          = 	Justin Edwards      	V40 	Clayton Le	 197	( 94,  0,148,103) 
        113 	Gary Dover          	V50 	Glaxo Hoad	 198	(  0, 97,106,101) 
        114 	Andrew Jackson      	V40 	Glaxo Hoad	 199	( 96,103,  0,  0) 
        115 	Kevin Fenton-Clough 	V40 	Trawden AC	 200	( 74,  0,129,126) 
        116 	Ian Sadler          	V50 	Walney Win	 203	(  0, 85,118,  0) 
        117 	Jason Pier          	V40 	Clayton Le	 204	(112,105,122, 99) 
        118 	John Brassington    	V40 	Lancaster&	 207	( 98,114,123,109) 
        119 	Gary Fisher         	    	Kirkby Mil	 208	(  0, 88,120,162) 
          = 	Simon Gora          	    	Garstang R	 208	(101,  0,  0,107) 
          = 	Mark Collins        	V40 	Astley & T	 208	(  0,  0,126, 82) 
          = 	Christopher Wales   	V40 	PrestonH  	 208	(  0,116,  0, 92) 
          = 	Simon Shaw          	V50 	RedRRR    	 208	( 85,124,190,123) 
        124 	Barry Wheeler       	    	RedRRR    	 209	(114, 95,153,122) 
          = 	Kevin Hull          	V50 	Border Har	 209	(  0,  0,101,108) 
        126 	Paul Weall          	V40 	WiganP    	 210	(  0,  0,115, 95) 
          = 	Andrew Clokey       	    	Lancaster&	 210	(104,106,150,168) 
        128 	Jeffrey Chadwick    	V50 	Glaxo Hoad	 212	( 90,122,  0,  0) 
        129 	Ross Hamilton       	    	Trawden AC	 218	( 97,121,  0,  0) 
        130 	Neil McDonald       	V50 	PrestonH  	 219	(113,  0,170,106) 
          = 	Stuart Towns        	V40 	Wigan Harr	 219	(107,  0,  0,112) 
          = 	Mark Simmonds       	V50 	Glaxo Hoad	 219	(  0,102,137,117) 
        133 	Matthew Duckworth   	    	Clayton Le	 220	(  0,  0,132, 88) 
        134 	Frank Nightingale   	V50 	RedRRR    	 221	(  0, 87,134,  0) 
        135 	Ray Jones           	V50 	Barrow & F	 224	(117,107,146,119) 
        136 	David Parker        	V50 	Leven Vall	 229	(105,  0,  0,124) 
        137 	Jason Parkinson     	V50 	Wesham Rr 	 231	( 93,138,  0,  0) 
          = 	Chris Simpson       	V40 	Wigan Harr	 231	(  0, 93,138,  0) 
          = 	Kevin Hesketh       	V60 	PrestonH  	 231	( 92,145,  0,139) 
        140 	Lewis Watts         	    	Glaxo Hoad	 233	(  0,131,131,102) 
        141 	John Griffiths      	V50 	PrestonH  	 234	(116,118,160,  0) 
        142 	Gaz Wilson          	V50 	PrestonH  	 238	(  0,123,  0,115) 
        143 	Michael Hall        	V50 	RedRRR    	 240	(  0,127,  0,113) 
          = 	Simon Calvert       	V40 	Lancaster&	 240	(  0,112,128,  0) 
        145 	Richard Talbot      	V50 	SouthportW	 243	(100,  0,147,143) 
        146 	William Johnstone   	V50 	PrestonH  	 245	( 88,  0,187,157) 
        147 	Kevin Harrison      	V40 	Kirkby Mil	 249	(  0,  0,135,114) 
        148 	Martyn Smyth        	V40 	SouthportW	 253	(  0,135,  0,118) 
          = 	Ross McKelvie       	    	Lytham St 	 253	(  0,  0,168, 85) 
          = 	Mark Richards       	V50 	Walney Win	 253	(  0,142,111,  0) 
        151 	Nick Hume           	V60 	BlackpoolW	 254	(128,126,  0,138) 
        152 	David Harker        	V40 	Walney Win	 255	(110,  0,145,  0) 
          = 	Ben Francis         	    	Lancaster 	 255	(  0,  0,181, 74) 
        154 	Richard Gorst       	V50 	Sedbergh S	 256	(125,  0,  0,131) 
          = 	Mark Warner         	    	BlackpoolW	 256	(108,148,  0,  0) 
        156 	Sean Fitzpatrick    	    	Trawden AC	 261	(136,  0,  0,125) 
        157 	David Kyriacou      	    	Leven Vall	 266	(  0,133,149,133) 
        158 	Matthew Little      	V40 	Trawden AC	 271	(  0,137,179,134) 
        159 	Andrew Fairbairn    	V40 	Thornton-C	 272	(  0,130,142,  0) 
        160 	Ben Gill            	    	Leven Vall	 274	(120,154,204,161) 
        161 	Paul Dixon          	V40 	Thornton-C	 275	(  0,147,  0,128) 
        162 	Neil Whalley        	V40 	Clayton Le	 276	(126,  0,169,150) 
        163 	Aidan Read          	V40 	Liverpool 	 279	(  0,143,  0,136) 
          = 	Rob Johnson         	V60 	SouthportW	 279	(133,  0,167,146) 
        165 	Adrian Blackledge   	V40 	Trawden AC	 282	(131,  0,151,154) 
        166 	Stephen Hartley     	V40 	Trawden AC	 284	(122,162,  0,  0) 
          = 	Gary Corcoran       	V40 	RedRRR    	 284	(121,  0,163,  0) 
        168 	Scott Priestley     	    	Astley & T	 285	(  0,  0,158,127) 
          = 	Neil Adshead        	V50 	SouthportW	 285	(  0,129,156,  0) 
        170 	Alan Wilson         	V50 	Glaxo Hoad	 286	(149,  0,  0,137) 
        171 	Steve Hallas        	V40 	PrestonH  	 288	(134,  0,154,  0) 
          = 	Damian Jones        	V50 	Glaxo Hoad	 288	(144,144,  0,173) 
          = 	Phil Quibell        	V60 	Wesham Rr 	 288	(135,  0,165,153) 
        174 	Mark Renshall       	V40 	Wesham Rr 	 290	(138,152,188,  0) 
          = 	Graham Dacre        	V50 	Barrow & F	 290	(154,136,215,  0) 
        176 	David Wilkinson     	V60 	Kendal AAC	 296	(143,153,  0,  0) 
        177 	Stuart Cann         	V50 	RedRRR    	 299	(119,  0,180,  0) 
        178 	Gary Pendlebury     	V60 	Wesham Rr 	 300	(145,167,193,155) 
          = 	Philip Butler       	V50 	RedRRR    	 300	(140,160,209,169) 
        180 	Steven Batty        	V50 	Walney Win	 303	(155,159,205,148) 
        181 	Alex Cran           	V40 	Clayton Le	 307	(129,  0,178,  0) 
        182 	Adam Fitzsimmons    	    	Kirkby Mil	 310	(124,  0,186,  0) 
        183 	Gareth Davies       	    	Walney Win	 313	(148,165,184,184) 
          = 	Daniel Paton        	V40 	Central La	 313	(  0,197,116,  0) 
        185 	Graham Townshend    	V50 	Astley & T	 314	(  0,  0,172,142) 
        186 	Boswellmartin       	V40 	Thornton-C	 315	(152,176,  0,163) 
          = 	Philip Iddon        	V40 	Chorley At	 315	(137,  0,  0,178) 
        188 	David Howard        	V60 	Trawden AC	 317	(142,  0,234,175) 
        189 	Roger Taylor        	V50 	PrestonH  	 320	(151,169,  0,  0) 
        190 	Steve Myerscough    	V40 	Wesham Rr 	 321	(  0,163,174,158) 
        191 	Chris Punton        	    	Walney Win	 322	(167,155,  0,  0) 
        192 	Andrew Fleck        	V50 	Sedbergh S	 323	(  0,179,  0,144) 
        193 	Keith Swift         	V40 	SouthportW	 324	(  0,125,199,  0) 
          = 	John Dickinson      	V50 	Liverpool 	 324	(  0,149,175,  0) 
        195 	Matthew Whalley     	    	Kirkby Mil	 325	(  0,173,  0,152) 
        196 	Dominic Clayton     	V40 	Clayton Le	 326	(  0,150,176,  0) 
        197 	Mark Saunders       	    	Glaxo Hoad	 329	(194,  0,  0,135) 
          = 	John Collier        	V60 	Wesham Rr 	 329	(159,170,219,179) 
        199 	Stephen Leadbetter  	    	Leven Vall	 330	(153,177,214,182) 
        200 	Nick Morton         	    	Kirkby Mil	 331	(141,  0,  0,190) 
        201 	William Moss        	    	Lancaster 	 332	(  0,161,191,171) 
        202 	Mick Hughes         	V40 	Trawden AC	 333	(139,  0,  0,194) 
        203 	Nigel Shepherd      	V60 	Wesham Rr 	 334	(  0,168,  0,166) 
        204 	Richard Briscoe     	V40 	Clayton Le	 337	(  0,141,  0,196) 
        205 	Andrew Tranter      	V50 	PrestonH  	 338	(156,182,  0,185) 
        206 	Steven Moon         	V40 	RedRRR    	 339	(147,  0,257,192) 
        207 	Paul Quinn          	V50 	Walney Win	 341	(163,178,208,  0) 
        208 	Andrew Boulger      	V40 	Kirkby Mil	 342	(  0,  0,177,165) 
        209 	Graham Pinder       	V60 	Glaxo Hoad	 346	(165,  0,  0,181) 
        210 	Chris Bowker        	    	Lytham St 	 349	(174,175,197,  0) 
        211 	Glenn Boulter       	    	Glaxo Hoad	 350	(176,190,  0,174) 
        212 	Peter Bradburn      	V40 	BlackpoolW	 351	(162,189,  0,  0) 
        213 	Craig Eccles        	V40 	Clayton Le	 357	(157,  0,  0,200) 
        214 	Andy Quinn          	V40 	Clayton Le	 358	(  0,188,218,170) 
        215 	Philip Horrocks     	V50 	Walney Win	 360	(166,194,235,210) 
        216 	Paul Eaton          	V40 	BlackpoolW	 368	(188,218,  0,180) 
        217 	Martin Terry        	V50 	Clayton Le	 369	(  0,146,223,  0) 
        218 	Gary Firth          	V40 	Astley & T	 373	(184,  0,227,189) 
        219 	Hamish Nye          	    	Lancaster 	 375	(  0,184,225,191) 
          = 	Martin Brady        	V50 	Clayton Le	 375	(177,199,240,198) 
        221 	Craig Nicholls      	V40 	Clayton Le	 379	(  0,166,213,  0) 
        222 	Adrian Pilkington   	V40 	Chorley At	 380	(179,  0,  0,201) 
        223 	Roger Harrison      	    	RedRRR    	 382	(175,207,232,  0) 
        224 	Paul Hill           	V50 	SouthportW	 387	(  0,181,206,  0) 
        225 	Paul Corkill        	V40 	Leven Vall	 388	(181,  0,  0,207) 
          = 	Simon Worbey        	V40 	RedRRR    	 388	(171,217,245,223) 
        227 	Andrew Hemsley      	V50 	Walney Win	 389	(183,206,254,217) 
        228 	Fred Lynch          	V60 	RedRRR    	 390	(189,201,246,  0) 
          = 	Glen Travers        	V50 	Barrow & F	 390	(173,  0,217,  0) 
        230 	Graham Hobson       	V60 	Garstang R	 393	(193,200,  0,215) 
        231 	Paul Botham         	V40 	Thornton-C	 395	(187,  0,243,208) 
        232 	Philip Low          	V50 	Walney Win	 398	(  0,205,238,193) 
          = 	Chris Wylie         	    	BlackpoolW	 398	(  0,198,200,  0) 
        234 	Christopher Anderson	V40 	Walney Win	 400	(  0,172,228,  0) 
        235 	Philip Dean         	V60 	RedRRR    	 403	(199,210,259,204) 
        236 	Tony Foster         	V50 	Wigan Harr	 405	(  0,191,  0,214) 
        237 	Jeremy Bradshaw     	V40 	Clayton Le	 406	(170,  0,236,  0) 
        238 	Michael Brown       	V60 	PrestonH  	 407	(196,211,263,211) 
          = 	Alastair Macdonald  	    	Glaxo Hoad	 407	(  0,183,224,  0) 
        240 	Lee Lawrenson       	    	RedRRR    	 409	(  0,  0,212,197) 
        241 	James Cooke         	V60 	Glaxo Hoad	 414	(  0,202,271,212) 
        242 	John Wiseman        	V50 	RedRRR    	 415	(192,223,286,227) 
        243 	James Danson        	V50 	Wesham Rr 	 416	(203,213,285,  0) 
        244 	John Carruthers     	V50 	RedRRR    	 417	(  0,215,  0,202) 
        245 	Dave Stewart        	V50 	RedRRR    	 422	(195,227,260,  0) 
        246 	Gary Sanderson      	V40 	Leigh Harr	 425	(  0,  0,230,195) 
          = 	Ben Donoghue        	V40 	RedRRR    	 425	(  0,203,222,  0) 
        248 	Chris Alexander     	    	Kirkby Mil	 426	(  0,221,270,205) 
        249 	Paul Moss           	V60 	Garstang R	 431	(205,226,294,  0) 
          = 	Jordan Hanley       	    	Burnley Ac	 431	(211,  0,282,220) 
        251 	Adrian Newnham      	V60 	Glaxo Hoad	 432	(208,224,296,239) 
        252 	Patrick Thomas      	V70 	Glaxo Hoad	 438	(  0,  0,251,187) 
        253 	Graham Liu          	V50 	SouthportW	 440	(  0,  0,252,188) 
        254 	Colin Campbell      	V50 	Barrow & F	 445	(204,241,295,  0) 
        255 	Danny Teare         	V45 	Blackburn 	 446	(  0,196,250,  0) 
          = 	John McDonald       	V50 	Trawden AC	 446	(  0,220,  0,226) 
        257 	Mike Casey          	V50 	Wigan Harr	 448	(  0,  0,242,206) 
          = 	Ben Wrigley         	    	Wesham Rr 	 448	(207,  0,297,241) 
        259 	Bill Sharp          	V60 	Glaxo Hoad	 449	(213,236,  0,  0) 
        260 	Allan Hartley       	V40 	Blackburn 	 451	(217,  0,290,234) 
        261 	Tony Duffy          	V40 	Barlick Fr	 452	(190,  0,262,  0) 
          = 	Craig Goldsworthy   	V40 	RedRRR    	 452	(  0,219,233,  0) 
        263 	Duncan Beattie      	V50 	Thornton-C	 454	(  0,233,269,221) 
        264 	Peter Thomson       	V60 	Lytham St 	 455	(215,240,301,240) 
        265 	Rob Mather          	V40 	RedRRR    	 456	(  0,225,273,231) 
        266 	David Greenwood     	V50 	Trawden AC	 457	(214,243,  0,  0) 
        267 	Allan Boult         	V60 	Trawden AC	 459	(  0,193,266,  0) 
        268 	John Carman         	V60 	Trawden AC	 461	(216,  0,  0,245) 
        269 	Carl McMahon        	V40 	SouthportW	 462	(  0,158,304,  0) 
          = 	Dean Crossman       	    	Walney Win	 462	(182,  0,280,  0) 
          = 	Michael McIntyre    	    	Kirkby Mil	 462	(  0,  0,249,213) 
        272 	Clive James         	V50 	SouthportW	 464	(  0,208,256,  0) 
        273 	Lee Coupland        	V40 	SouthportW	 468	(222,246,  0,  0) 
          = 	Michael Brennand    	V50 	Central La	 468	(  0,232,  0,236) 
        275 	Phil Lakeland       	V60 	PrestonH  	 469	(220,249,305,  0) 
        276 	Ian Pike            	V50 	SouthportW	 470	(223,247,  0,247) 
          = 	James Hughes        	V40 	RedRRR    	 470	(  0,238,  0,232) 
        278 	Greg Oulton         	V50 	Lytham St 	 471	(221,250,  0,  0) 
        279 	Karl Fursey         	V40 	Glaxo Hoad	 472	(224,251,306,248) 
        280 	Stuart Nicol        	V40 	RedRRR    	 476	(  0,212,264,  0) 
          = 	Lee Ford            	V40 	Trawden AC	 476	(  0,239,  0,237) 
        282 	Philip Simpson      	V40 	Trawden AC	 479	(227,  0,  0,252) 
          = 	John Hyde           	V60 	RedRRR    	 479	(  0,204,275,  0) 
        284 	Roger Wild          	V40 	Astley & T	 483	(  0,  0,261,222) 
          = 	Richard Field       	V40 	RedRRR    	 483	(  0,245,  0,238) 
        286 	Jeff Darbyshire     	V50 	Wigan Harr	 485	(  0,242,  0,243) 
        287 	Tony Clowes         	V40 	Thornton-C	 489	(  0,222,267,  0) 
        288 	Michael McLoughlin  	V60 	PrestonH  	 490	(  0,209,281,  0) 
        289 	James Fazackerley   	    	Walney Win	 494	(201,  0,293,  0) 
        290 	David Shaw          	V60 	Walney Win	 497	(206,  0,291,  0) 
          = 	Daniel Higgins      	    	PrestonH  	 497	(  0,229,268,  0) 
        292 	David Barrow        	V60 	Kirkby Mil	 501	(209,  0,292,  0) 
          = 	Mark Lord           	V40 	Trawden AC	 501	(  0,252,  0,249) 
        294 	Dave Archer         	V40 	Trawden AC	 503	(  0,253,  0,250) 
        295 	Simon Barton        	V60 	Glaxo Hoad	 504	(  0,  0,276,228) 
        296 	Neil Silcock        	V50 	SouthportW	 510	(  0,231,279,  0) 
        297 	Mark Gillan         	    	SouthportW	 516	(  0,244,272,  0) 
          = 	Anthony Pritchard   	V60 	Garstang R	 516	(  0,228,288,  0) 
        299 	Peter Browning      	V60 	Clayton Le	 518	(  0,234,284,  0) 

Senior Men (Vets) over 40 -- Points after 4 races

          1 	Christopher Davies  	V40 	Blackburn 	   2	(  1,  0,  3,  1) 
          2 	Steve Swarbrick     	V40 	Wesham Rr 	   4	(  6,  1,  0,  3) 
          3 	Mark Chippendale    	V50 	Blackburn 	   8	( 13,  3,  6,  5) 
          = 	Michael Gregory     	V40 	Leven Vall	   8	(  7,  2,  7,  6) 
          5 	David Hamilton      	V50 	SouthportW	   9	(  4,  0,  5,  0) 
          6 	Mark Holgate        	V40 	Lancaster&	  10	( 21,  6,  8,  4) 
          7 	David McNally       	V40 	Leven Vall	  15	( 16,  8,  9,  7) 
          = 	Richard Wells       	V40 	Sedbergh S	  15	( 10,  7,  0,  8) 
          = 	Chris Corless       	V40 	Lancaster&	  15	( 14,  4, 11, 16) 
         10 	James Mulvany       	V40 	Wesham Rr 	  21	( 12,  9,  0,  0) 
          = 	Richard Wilson      	V40 	Kendal AAC	  21	(  8,  0, 18, 13) 
         12 	Carl Helliwell      	V40 	Clayton Le	  22	(  0, 11,  0, 11) 
          = 	James Edwards       	V40 	Lancaster&	  22	( 17, 10, 13, 12) 
         14 	John Heyes          	V50 	Wigan Harr	  24	( 18,  0, 10, 14) 
         15 	Andy Whaley         	V40 	PrestonH  	  27	(  0, 18,  0,  9) 
         16 	Gethin Butler       	V50 	PrestonH  	  29	(  0, 12,  0, 17) 
          = 	Matt Wilson         	V40 	Kendal AAC	  29	(  9,  0,  0, 20) 
         18 	Simon Denye         	V40 	Wesham Rr 	  30	( 15, 15, 25,  0) 
         19 	Mark Holton         	V40 	Wesham Rr 	  33	(  0, 16, 17,  0) 
         20 	Rob McGrath         	V50 	SouthportW	  34	(  0,  0, 16, 18) 
         21 	Shane Cody          	V40 	Lancaster&	  38	( 19, 23, 19, 23) 
          = 	Jonathan Tuck       	V40 	Lytham St 	  38	( 22, 19, 23, 19) 
         23 	Peter Roome         	V50 	SouthportW	  40	(  0, 14, 26,  0) 
         24 	James Dalgleish     	V40 	Lancaster&	  41	(  0, 20, 21, 21) 
         25 	Gary Wilton         	V40 	Kirkby Mil	  42	(  0, 27, 15, 29) 
         26 	Dan Grundy          	V40 	Trawden AC	  44	(  0, 22, 32, 22) 
          = 	Tim Campbell        	V40 	Astley & T	  44	(  0,  0, 20, 24) 
         28 	John Sprackland     	V50 	SouthportW	  47	(  0, 17, 35, 30) 
         29 	Steve Abbott        	V40 	Wesham Rr 	  48	(  0,  0, 33, 15) 
         30 	Stephen Woodruffe   	V50 	RedRRR    	  50	( 29, 21, 41,  0) 
         31 	John Wright         	V50 	BlackpoolW	  51	( 25,  0,  0, 26) 
          = 	Neil Tate           	V40 	Lytham St 	  51	( 24, 31, 50, 27) 
         33 	Lee Barlow          	V40 	Wesham Rr 	  52	( 27, 34, 55, 25) 
          = 	Mike Harris         	V40 	Wigan Harr	  52	( 23, 29, 38, 54) 
         35 	Chris Funnell       	V50 	Clayton Le	  53	( 28, 25, 34, 35) 
         36 	Michael O'Donnell   	V50 	Chorley At	  54	(  0, 24, 30,  0) 
         37 	Paul Needham        	V50 	Trawden AC	  60	(  0, 26,  0, 34) 
         38 	Stuart Fairclough   	V40 	Wigan Harr	  62	(  0, 40, 22,  0) 
         39 	Mark Morgan-Hillam  	V40 	Wigan Harr	  63	(  0, 32, 31,  0) 
         40 	Paul Veevers        	V40 	Lytham St 	  64	(  0, 36, 28,  0) 
         41 	Joe Todd            	V40 	Kendal AAC	  65	( 32,  0, 37, 33) 
         42 	James Bailey        	V40 	Leven Vall	  70	( 57, 13, 61,  0) 
         43 	Christopher Durkin  	V40 	Leven Vall	  73	( 30, 49, 43,  0) 
         44 	John Rainford       	V50 	PrestonH  	  74	( 36, 38, 72, 61) 
          = 	Richard Jones       	V40 	Garstang R	  74	(  0, 50, 46, 28) 
         46 	Kevin Hull          	V50 	Border Har	  80	(  0,  0, 36, 44) 
          = 	Sean Dixon          	V50 	Glaxo Hoad	  80	( 34,  0, 76, 46) 
          = 	Gary Dover          	V50 	Glaxo Hoad	  80	(  0, 41, 40, 40) 
          = 	Ian Sadler          	V50 	Walney Win	  80	(  0, 33, 47,  0) 
         50 	Dean Wilson         	V40 	Kirkby Mil	  81	( 39, 42,  0,  0) 
         51 	Paul Weall          	V40 	WiganP    	  82	(  0,  0, 44, 38) 
          = 	Mark Collins        	V40 	Astley & T	  82	(  0,  0, 51, 31) 
         53 	Justin Edwards      	V40 	Clayton Le	  83	( 42,  0, 68, 41) 
         54 	Kevin Fenton-Clough 	V40 	Trawden AC	  85	( 31,  0, 54, 58) 
         55 	Jason Pier          	V40 	Clayton Le	  86	( 52, 47, 48, 39) 
         56 	Andrew Jackson      	V40 	Glaxo Hoad	  88	( 43, 45,  0,  0) 
         57 	John Brassington    	V40 	Lancaster&	  89	( 44, 53, 49, 45) 
         58 	Christopher Wales   	V40 	PrestonH  	  91	(  0, 55,  0, 36) 
          = 	Frank Nightingale   	V50 	RedRRR    	  91	(  0, 35, 56,  0) 
          = 	Simon Shaw          	V50 	RedRRR    	  91	( 35, 59, 96, 56) 
         61 	Mark Simmonds       	V50 	Glaxo Hoad	  95	(  0, 44, 59, 51) 
          = 	Jeffrey Chadwick    	V50 	Glaxo Hoad	  95	( 38, 57,  0,  0) 
         63 	Neil McDonald       	V50 	PrestonH  	  96	( 53,  0, 81, 43) 
          = 	Stuart Towns        	V40 	Wigan Harr	  96	( 49,  0,  0, 47) 
         65 	Chris Simpson       	V40 	Wigan Harr	  99	(  0, 39, 60,  0) 
         66 	Ray Jones           	V50 	Barrow & F	 101	( 56, 48, 66, 53) 
         67 	Simon Calvert       	V40 	Lancaster&	 104	(  0, 51, 53,  0) 
         68 	David Parker        	V50 	Leven Vall	 105	( 48,  0,  0, 57) 
         69 	Kevin Harrison      	V40 	Kirkby Mil	 106	(  0,  0, 57, 49) 
         70 	Gaz Wilson          	V50 	PrestonH  	 108	(  0, 58,  0, 50) 
          = 	Kevin Hesketh       	V60 	PrestonH  	 108	( 40, 75,  0, 68) 
         72 	Michael Hall        	V50 	RedRRR    	 110	(  0, 62,  0, 48) 
          = 	Jason Parkinson     	V50 	Wesham Rr 	 110	( 41, 69,  0,  0) 
         74 	John Griffiths      	V50 	PrestonH  	 111	( 55, 56, 74,  0) 
         75 	Richard Talbot      	V50 	SouthportW	 113	( 46,  0, 67, 71) 
         76 	Mark Richards       	V50 	Walney Win	 114	(  0, 72, 42,  0) 
         77 	David Harker        	V40 	Walney Win	 115	( 50,  0, 65,  0) 
         78 	Martyn Smyth        	V40 	SouthportW	 118	(  0, 66,  0, 52) 
         79 	William Johnstone   	V50 	PrestonH  	 119	( 37,  0, 94, 82) 
         80 	Richard Gorst       	V50 	Sedbergh S	 123	( 61,  0,  0, 62) 
         81 	Nick Hume           	V60 	BlackpoolW	 125	( 64, 61,  0, 67) 
         82 	Andrew Fairbairn    	V40 	Thornton-C	 126	(  0, 64, 62,  0) 
         83 	Matthew Little      	V40 	Trawden AC	 132	(  0, 68, 90, 64) 
         84 	Gary Corcoran       	V40 	RedRRR    	 134	( 59,  0, 75,  0) 
          = 	Neil Adshead        	V50 	SouthportW	 134	(  0, 63, 71,  0) 
         86 	Adrian Blackledge   	V40 	Trawden AC	 136	( 67,  0, 69, 79) 
          = 	Paul Dixon          	V40 	Thornton-C	 136	(  0, 77,  0, 59) 
         88 	Aidan Read          	V40 	Liverpool 	 138	(  0, 73,  0, 65) 
         89 	Steve Hallas        	V40 	PrestonH  	 139	( 69,  0, 70,  0) 
          = 	Neil Whalley        	V40 	Clayton Le	 139	( 62,  0, 80, 77) 
         91 	Rob Johnson         	V60 	SouthportW	 142	( 68,  0, 79, 74) 
         92 	Stephen Hartley     	V40 	Trawden AC	 147	( 60, 87,  0,  0) 
          = 	Alan Wilson         	V50 	Glaxo Hoad	 147	( 81,  0,  0, 66) 
          = 	Phil Quibell        	V60 	Wesham Rr 	 147	( 70,  0, 77, 78) 
         95 	Stuart Cann         	V50 	RedRRR    	 149	( 58,  0, 91,  0) 
         96 	Damian Jones        	V50 	Glaxo Hoad	 151	( 77, 74,  0, 93) 
         97 	Graham Dacre        	V50 	Barrow & F	 152	( 85, 67,112,  0) 
         98 	Graham Townshend    	V50 	Astley & T	 153	(  0,  0, 83, 70) 
          = 	Mark Renshall       	V40 	Wesham Rr 	 153	( 72, 81, 95,  0) 
        100 	Alex Cran           	V40 	Clayton Le	 154	( 65,  0, 89,  0) 
        101 	Daniel Paton        	V40 	Central La	 157	(  0,112, 45,  0) 
        102 	David Wilkinson     	V60 	Kendal AAC	 158	( 76, 82,  0,  0) 
          = 	Gary Pendlebury     	V60 	Wesham Rr 	 158	( 78, 91, 98, 80) 
        104 	Philip Butler       	V50 	RedRRR    	 160	( 74, 86,109, 90) 
        105 	Steven Batty        	V50 	Walney Win	 161	( 86, 85,106, 76) 
        106 	Keith Swift         	V40 	SouthportW	 162	(  0, 60,102,  0) 
        107 	John Dickinson      	V50 	Liverpool 	 164	(  0, 78, 86,  0) 
        108 	Dominic Clayton     	V40 	Clayton Le	 166	(  0, 79, 87,  0) 
        109 	Philip Iddon        	V40 	Chorley At	 167	( 71,  0,  0, 96) 
        110 	Steve Myerscough    	V40 	Wesham Rr 	 168	(  0, 88, 85, 83) 
        111 	David Howard        	V60 	Trawden AC	 169	( 75,  0,127, 94) 
        112 	Boswellmartin       	V40 	Thornton-C	 170	( 84, 97,  0, 86) 
        113 	Andrew Fleck        	V50 	Sedbergh S	 171	(  0, 99,  0, 72) 
        114 	Andrew Boulger      	V40 	Kirkby Mil	 176	(  0,  0, 88, 88) 
          = 	Roger Taylor        	V50 	PrestonH  	 176	( 83, 93,  0,  0) 
        116 	Mick Hughes         	V40 	Trawden AC	 180	( 73,  0,  0,107) 
          = 	Richard Briscoe     	V40 	Clayton Le	 180	(  0, 71,  0,109) 
        118 	Nigel Shepherd      	V60 	Wesham Rr 	 181	(  0, 92,  0, 89) 
        119 	John Collier        	V60 	Wesham Rr 	 184	( 90, 94,116, 97) 
        120 	Steven Moon         	V40 	RedRRR    	 185	( 80,  0,147,105) 
        121 	Andrew Tranter      	V50 	PrestonH  	 187	( 87,101,  0,100) 
        122 	Paul Quinn          	V50 	Walney Win	 192	( 94, 98,108,  0) 
        123 	Graham Pinder       	V60 	Glaxo Hoad	 194	( 95,  0,  0, 99) 
        124 	Martin Terry        	V50 	Clayton Le	 195	(  0, 76,119,  0) 
        125 	Andy Quinn          	V40 	Clayton Le	 196	(  0,105,115, 91) 
        126 	Peter Bradburn      	V40 	BlackpoolW	 199	( 93,106,  0,  0) 
        127 	Craig Eccles        	V40 	Clayton Le	 200	( 88,  0,  0,112) 
        128 	Craig Nicholls      	V40 	Clayton Le	 201	(  0, 90,111,  0) 
        129 	Philip Horrocks     	V50 	Walney Win	 205	( 96,109,128,120) 
        130 	Paul Hill           	V50 	SouthportW	 207	(  0,100,107,  0) 
        131 	Paul Eaton          	V40 	BlackpoolW	 211	(113,130,  0, 98) 
        132 	Gary Firth          	V40 	Astley & T	 213	(109,  0,121,104) 
          = 	Martin Brady        	V50 	Clayton Le	 213	(103,113,131,110) 
        134 	Glen Travers        	V50 	Barrow & F	 216	(102,  0,114,  0) 
        135 	Adrian Pilkington   	V40 	Chorley At	 218	(105,  0,  0,113) 
          = 	Christopher Anderson	V40 	Walney Win	 218	(  0, 96,122,  0) 
        137 	Paul Corkill        	V40 	Leven Vall	 225	(107,  0,  0,118) 
          = 	Philip Low          	V50 	Walney Win	 225	(  0,119,130,106) 
        139 	Andrew Hemsley      	V50 	Walney Win	 228	(108,120,144,126) 
          = 	Jeremy Bradshaw     	V40 	Clayton Le	 228	( 99,  0,129,  0) 
        141 	Simon Worbey        	V40 	RedRRR    	 229	(100,129,136,130) 
          = 	Fred Lynch          	V60 	RedRRR    	 229	(114,115,137,  0) 
        143 	Tony Foster         	V50 	Wigan Harr	 230	(  0,107,  0,123) 
        144 	Paul Botham         	V40 	Thornton-C	 231	(112,  0,134,119) 
        145 	Graham Hobson       	V60 	Garstang R	 232	(118,114,  0,124) 
          = 	Gary Sanderson      	V40 	Leigh Harr	 232	(  0,  0,124,108) 
        147 	Ben Donoghue        	V40 	RedRRR    	 235	(  0,117,118,  0) 
        148 	Philip Dean         	V60 	RedRRR    	 237	(121,123,149,116) 
        149 	James Cooke         	V60 	Glaxo Hoad	 238	(  0,116,159,122) 
        150 	Michael Brown       	V60 	PrestonH  	 241	(120,124,153,121) 
        151 	John Carruthers     	V50 	RedRRR    	 242	(  0,128,  0,114) 
        152 	Patrick Thomas      	V70 	Glaxo Hoad	 243	(  0,  0,141,102) 
        153 	Graham Liu          	V50 	SouthportW	 245	(  0,  0,142,103) 
        154 	James Danson        	V50 	Wesham Rr 	 250	(124,126,168,  0) 
          = 	Mike Casey          	V50 	Wigan Harr	 250	(  0,  0,133,117) 
        156 	Danny Teare         	V45 	Blackburn 	 251	(  0,111,140,  0) 
          = 	John Wiseman        	V50 	RedRRR    	 251	(117,134,169,134) 
        158 	Dave Stewart        	V50 	RedRRR    	 257	(119,138,150,  0) 
          = 	Craig Goldsworthy   	V40 	RedRRR    	 257	(  0,131,126,  0) 
        160 	Paul Moss           	V60 	Garstang R	 263	(126,137,176,  0) 
          = 	Adrian Newnham      	V60 	Glaxo Hoad	 263	(128,135,178,146) 
        162 	Allan Boult         	V60 	Trawden AC	 264	(  0,108,156,  0) 
        163 	John McDonald       	V50 	Trawden AC	 265	(  0,132,  0,133) 
        164 	Clive James         	V50 	SouthportW	 267	(  0,121,146,  0) 
          = 	Tony Duffy          	V40 	Barlick Fr	 267	(115,  0,152,  0) 
        166 	Carl McMahon        	V40 	SouthportW	 269	(  0, 84,185,  0) 
        167 	Duncan Beattie      	V50 	Thornton-C	 271	(  0,143,158,128) 
        168 	Rob Mather          	V40 	RedRRR    	 274	(  0,136,160,138) 
        169 	Allan Hartley       	V40 	Blackburn 	 276	(135,  0,173,141) 
          = 	Colin Campbell      	V50 	Barrow & F	 276	(125,151,177,  0) 
        171 	Bill Sharp          	V60 	Glaxo Hoad	 277	(131,146,  0,  0) 
        172 	Stuart Nicol        	V40 	RedRRR    	 279	(  0,125,154,  0) 
          = 	John Hyde           	V60 	RedRRR    	 279	(  0,118,161,  0) 
        174 	Peter Thomson       	V60 	Lytham St 	 280	(133,150,182,147) 
          = 	Roger Wild          	V40 	Astley & T	 280	(  0,  0,151,129) 
        176 	Michael Brennand    	V50 	Central La	 285	(  0,142,  0,143) 
          = 	John Carman         	V60 	Trawden AC	 285	(134,  0,  0,151) 
          = 	David Greenwood     	V50 	Trawden AC	 285	(132,153,  0,  0) 
        179 	James Hughes        	V40 	RedRRR    	 287	(  0,148,  0,139) 
        180 	Michael McLoughlin  	V60 	PrestonH  	 288	(  0,122,166,  0) 
        181 	Tony Clowes         	V40 	Thornton-C	 290	(  0,133,157,  0) 
        182 	Lee Ford            	V40 	Trawden AC	 293	(  0,149,  0,144) 
        183 	Ian Pike            	V50 	SouthportW	 294	(141,156,  0,153) 
        184 	Lee Coupland        	V40 	SouthportW	 295	(140,155,  0,  0) 
        185 	Karl Fursey         	V40 	Glaxo Hoad	 296	(142,160,187,154) 
          = 	Phil Lakeland       	V60 	PrestonH  	 296	(138,158,186,  0) 
        187 	Simon Barton        	V60 	Glaxo Hoad	 297	(  0,  0,162,135) 
        188 	Greg Oulton         	V50 	Lytham St 	 298	(139,159,  0,  0) 
        189 	Richard Field       	V40 	RedRRR    	 299	(  0,154,  0,145) 
        190 	Jeff Darbyshire     	V50 	Wigan Harr	 301	(  0,152,  0,149) 
          = 	David Shaw          	V60 	Walney Win	 301	(127,  0,174,  0) 
        192 	Philip Simpson      	V40 	Trawden AC	 303	(145,  0,  0,158) 
        193 	David Barrow        	V60 	Kirkby Mil	 304	(129,  0,175,  0) 
        194 	Neil Silcock        	V50 	SouthportW	 306	(  0,141,165,  0) 
        195 	Anthony Pritchard   	V60 	Garstang R	 310	(  0,139,171,  0) 
        196 	Peter Browning      	V60 	Clayton Le	 311	(  0,144,167,  0) 
        197 	Mark Lord           	V40 	Trawden AC	 316	(  0,161,  0,155) 
        198 	Dave Archer         	V40 	Trawden AC	 318	(  0,162,  0,156) 

Senior Men (Vets) over 50 -- Points after 4 races

          1 	Mark Chippendale    	V50 	Blackburn 	   2	(  3,  1,  2,  1) 
          2 	David Hamilton      	V50 	SouthportW	   3	(  2,  0,  1,  0) 
          3 	John Heyes          	V50 	Wigan Harr	   5	(  4,  0,  3,  2) 
          = 	Gethin Butler       	V50 	PrestonH  	   5	(  0,  2,  0,  3) 
          5 	Rob McGrath         	V50 	SouthportW	   8	(  0,  0,  4,  4) 
          = 	Peter Roome         	V50 	SouthportW	   8	(  0,  3,  5,  0) 
          7 	John Wright         	V50 	BlackpoolW	  10	(  5,  0,  0,  5) 
          = 	John Sprackland     	V50 	SouthportW	  10	(  0,  4,  9,  6) 
          9 	Stephen Woodruffe   	V50 	RedRRR    	  12	(  7,  5, 13,  0) 
         10 	Chris Funnell       	V50 	Clayton Le	  13	(  6,  7,  8,  9) 
          = 	Michael O'Donnell   	V50 	Chorley At	  13	(  0,  6,  7,  0) 
         12 	Paul Needham        	V50 	Trawden AC	  16	(  0,  8,  0,  8) 
         13 	Sean Dixon          	V50 	Glaxo Hoad	  21	(  8,  0, 26, 13) 
         14 	Kevin Hull          	V50 	Border Har	  22	(  0,  0, 10, 12) 
          = 	Gary Dover          	V50 	Glaxo Hoad	  22	(  0, 14, 12, 10) 
         16 	John Rainford       	V50 	PrestonH  	  23	( 10, 13, 23, 22) 
         17 	Ian Sadler          	V50 	Walney Win	  25	(  0, 10, 15,  0) 
         18 	Frank Nightingale   	V50 	RedRRR    	  27	(  0, 11, 16,  0) 
         19 	Simon Shaw          	V50 	RedRRR    	  28	(  9, 23, 36, 19) 
         20 	Neil McDonald       	V50 	PrestonH  	  31	( 20,  0, 29, 11) 
         21 	Mark Simmonds       	V50 	Glaxo Hoad	  32	(  0, 16, 18, 16) 
         22 	Jeffrey Chadwick    	V50 	Glaxo Hoad	  33	( 12, 21,  0,  0) 
         23 	Ray Jones           	V50 	Barrow & F	  34	( 23, 17, 20, 17) 
         24 	Gaz Wilson          	V50 	PrestonH  	  37	(  0, 22,  0, 15) 
          = 	Richard Talbot      	V50 	SouthportW	  37	( 16,  0, 21, 28) 
         26 	David Parker        	V50 	Leven Vall	  38	( 18,  0,  0, 20) 
         27 	Michael Hall        	V50 	RedRRR    	  39	(  0, 25,  0, 14) 
          = 	Kevin Hesketh       	V60 	PrestonH  	  39	( 13, 33,  0, 26) 
         29 	John Griffiths      	V50 	PrestonH  	  42	( 22, 20, 25,  0) 
         30 	Jason Parkinson     	V50 	Wesham Rr 	  43	( 14, 29,  0,  0) 
         31 	Mark Richards       	V50 	Walney Win	  45	(  0, 31, 14,  0) 
         32 	William Johnstone   	V50 	PrestonH  	  46	( 11,  0, 35, 36) 
         33 	Neil Adshead        	V50 	SouthportW	  48	(  0, 26, 22,  0) 
          = 	Richard Gorst       	V50 	Sedbergh S	  48	( 25,  0,  0, 23) 
         35 	Nick Hume           	V60 	BlackpoolW	  49	( 27, 24,  0, 25) 
         36 	Rob Johnson         	V60 	SouthportW	  56	( 28,  0, 28, 31) 
          = 	Phil Quibell        	V60 	Wesham Rr 	  56	( 29,  0, 27, 33) 
         38 	Stuart Cann         	V50 	RedRRR    	  57	( 24,  0, 33,  0) 
         39 	Graham Townshend    	V50 	Astley & T	  58	(  0,  0, 31, 27) 
         40 	Alan Wilson         	V50 	Glaxo Hoad	  59	( 35,  0,  0, 24) 
         41 	Damian Jones        	V50 	Glaxo Hoad	  65	( 33, 32,  0, 41) 
         42 	Graham Dacre        	V50 	Barrow & F	  66	( 38, 28, 44,  0) 
         43 	John Dickinson      	V50 	Liverpool 	  67	(  0, 35, 32,  0) 
         44 	Gary Pendlebury     	V60 	Wesham Rr 	  68	( 34, 40, 37, 34) 
         45 	David Wilkinson     	V60 	Kendal AAC	  69	( 32, 37,  0,  0) 
          = 	Philip Butler       	V50 	RedRRR    	  69	( 30, 39, 43, 40) 
         47 	Steven Batty        	V50 	Walney Win	  70	( 39, 38, 40, 32) 
         48 	David Howard        	V60 	Trawden AC	  73	( 31,  0, 52, 42) 
         49 	Andrew Fleck        	V50 	Sedbergh S	  74	(  0, 45,  0, 29) 
         50 	Roger Taylor        	V50 	PrestonH  	  79	( 37, 42,  0,  0) 
         51 	Nigel Shepherd      	V60 	Wesham Rr 	  80	(  0, 41,  0, 39) 
         52 	Martin Terry        	V50 	Clayton Le	  82	(  0, 34, 48,  0) 
         53 	Andrew Tranter      	V50 	PrestonH  	  85	( 40, 47,  0, 45) 
          = 	John Collier        	V60 	Wesham Rr 	  85	( 42, 43, 46, 43) 
          = 	Paul Quinn          	V50 	Walney Win	  85	( 43, 44, 42,  0) 
         56 	Paul Hill           	V50 	SouthportW	  87	(  0, 46, 41,  0) 
         57 	Graham Pinder       	V60 	Glaxo Hoad	  88	( 44,  0,  0, 44) 
         58 	Glen Travers        	V50 	Barrow & F	  94	( 49,  0, 45,  0) 
         59 	Philip Horrocks     	V50 	Walney Win	  96	( 45, 51, 53, 55) 
         60 	Martin Brady        	V50 	Clayton Le	 100	( 50, 52, 55, 50) 
         61 	Philip Low          	V50 	Walney Win	 103	(  0, 57, 54, 49) 
         62 	Tony Foster         	V50 	Wigan Harr	 107	(  0, 49,  0, 58) 
         63 	Patrick Thomas      	V70 	Glaxo Hoad	 109	(  0,  0, 62, 47) 
         64 	Fred Lynch          	V60 	RedRRR    	 110	( 56, 54, 59,  0) 
         65 	Andrew Hemsley      	V50 	Walney Win	 111	( 53, 58, 64, 61) 
          = 	Graham Hobson       	V60 	Garstang R	 111	( 58, 53,  0, 59) 
          = 	Mike Casey          	V50 	Wigan Harr	 111	(  0,  0, 57, 54) 
          = 	Graham Liu          	V50 	SouthportW	 111	(  0,  0, 63, 48) 
         69 	James Cooke         	V60 	Glaxo Hoad	 112	(  0, 55, 73, 57) 
         70 	Philip Dean         	V60 	RedRRR    	 114	( 61, 61, 67, 53) 
         71 	John Carruthers     	V50 	RedRRR    	 116	(  0, 65,  0, 51) 
          = 	Michael Brown       	V60 	PrestonH  	 116	( 60, 62, 69, 56) 
         73 	Allan Boult         	V60 	Trawden AC	 121	(  0, 50, 71,  0) 
         74 	John Wiseman        	V50 	RedRRR    	 123	( 57, 67, 82, 66) 
         75 	Clive James         	V50 	SouthportW	 124	(  0, 59, 65,  0) 
         76 	James Danson        	V50 	Wesham Rr 	 127	( 64, 63, 81,  0) 
          = 	Dave Stewart        	V50 	RedRRR    	 127	( 59, 70, 68,  0) 
         78 	John Hyde           	V60 	RedRRR    	 130	(  0, 56, 74,  0) 
         79 	John McDonald       	V50 	Trawden AC	 131	(  0, 66,  0, 65) 
         80 	Paul Moss           	V60 	Garstang R	 135	( 66, 69, 87,  0) 
          = 	Duncan Beattie      	V50 	Thornton-C	 135	(  0, 75, 72, 63) 
         82 	Adrian Newnham      	V60 	Glaxo Hoad	 136	( 68, 68, 89, 71) 
         83 	Michael McLoughlin  	V60 	PrestonH  	 139	(  0, 60, 79,  0) 
         84 	Simon Barton        	V60 	Glaxo Hoad	 142	(  0,  0, 75, 67) 
         85 	Peter Thomson       	V60 	Lytham St 	 144	( 72, 79, 92, 72) 
          = 	Michael Brennand    	V50 	Central La	 144	(  0, 74,  0, 70) 
         87 	Colin Campbell      	V50 	Barrow & F	 145	( 65, 80, 88,  0) 
         88 	Bill Sharp          	V60 	Glaxo Hoad	 147	( 70, 77,  0,  0) 
         89 	John Carman         	V60 	Trawden AC	 149	( 73,  0,  0, 76) 
         90 	Neil Silcock        	V50 	SouthportW	 151	(  0, 73, 78,  0) 
         91 	David Shaw          	V60 	Walney Win	 152	( 67,  0, 85,  0) 
         92 	David Greenwood     	V50 	Trawden AC	 153	( 71, 82,  0,  0) 
         93 	Anthony Pritchard   	V60 	Garstang R	 154	(  0, 71, 83,  0) 
         94 	Jeff Darbyshire     	V50 	Wigan Harr	 155	(  0, 81,  0, 74) 
          = 	David Barrow        	V60 	Kirkby Mil	 155	( 69,  0, 86,  0) 
         96 	Peter Browning      	V60 	Clayton Le	 156	(  0, 76, 80,  0) 
          = 	Ian Pike            	V50 	SouthportW	 156	( 78, 83,  0, 78) 
         98 	Phil Lakeland       	V60 	PrestonH  	 161	( 76, 85, 94,  0) 
         99 	Greg Oulton         	V50 	Lytham St 	 163	( 77, 86,  0,  0) 

Senior Men (Vets) over 60 -- Points after 4 races

          1 	Nick Hume           	V60 	BlackpoolW	   2	(  3,  1,  0,  1) 
          2 	Kevin Hesketh       	V60 	PrestonH  	   4	(  2,  2,  0,  2) 
          3 	Rob Johnson         	V60 	SouthportW	   6	(  4,  0,  3,  3) 
          = 	Phil Quibell        	V60 	Wesham Rr 	   6	(  5,  0,  2,  4) 
          5 	Gary Pendlebury     	V60 	Wesham Rr 	   8	(  8,  4,  4,  5) 
          6 	David Wilkinson     	V60 	Kendal AAC	  10	(  7,  3,  0,  0) 
          7 	John Collier        	V60 	Wesham Rr 	  11	(  9,  6,  5,  8) 
          = 	Nigel Shepherd      	V60 	Wesham Rr 	  11	(  0,  5,  0,  6) 
          9 	David Howard        	V60 	Trawden AC	  12	(  6,  0,  6,  7) 
         10 	Fred Lynch          	V60 	RedRRR    	  16	( 11,  9,  7,  0) 
         11 	Patrick Thomas      	V70 	Glaxo Hoad	  19	(  0,  0,  9, 10) 
          = 	Graham Pinder       	V60 	Glaxo Hoad	  19	( 10,  0,  0,  9) 
         13 	Allan Boult         	V60 	Trawden AC	  20	(  0,  7, 13,  0) 
          = 	Graham Hobson       	V60 	Garstang R	  20	( 12,  8,  0, 15) 
         15 	Philip Dean         	V60 	RedRRR    	  22	( 14, 13, 10, 12) 
         16 	James Cooke         	V60 	Glaxo Hoad	  24	(  0, 10, 14, 14) 
          = 	Michael Brown       	V60 	PrestonH  	  24	( 13, 14, 11, 13) 
         18 	John Hyde           	V60 	RedRRR    	  26	(  0, 11, 15,  0) 
         19 	Michael McLoughlin  	V60 	PrestonH  	  30	(  0, 12, 18,  0) 
         20 	Paul Moss           	V60 	Garstang R	  32	( 16, 16, 23,  0) 
         21 	Simon Barton        	V60 	Glaxo Hoad	  33	(  0,  0, 16, 17) 
          = 	Adrian Newnham      	V60 	Glaxo Hoad	  33	( 18, 15, 24, 18) 
         23 	Anthony Pritchard   	V60 	Garstang R	  37	(  0, 17, 20,  0) 
          = 	Peter Browning      	V60 	Clayton Le	  37	(  0, 18, 19,  0) 
         25 	David Shaw          	V60 	Walney Win	  38	( 17,  0, 21,  0) 
         26 	Bill Sharp          	V60 	Glaxo Hoad	  39	( 20, 19,  0,  0) 
          = 	Peter Thomson       	V60 	Lytham St 	  39	( 21, 20, 26, 19) 
         28 	David Barrow        	V60 	Kirkby Mil	  41	( 19,  0, 22,  0) 
         29 	John Carman         	V60 	Trawden AC	  42	( 22,  0,  0, 20) 
         30 	Phil Lakeland       	V60 	PrestonH  	  47	( 25, 22, 28,  0) 

Senior Men (Vets) over 70 -- Points after 4 races

          1 	Patrick Thomas      	V70 	Glaxo Hoad	   2	(  0,  0,  1,  1)