SEAA Masters Cross Country Championships 2016
at Horspath Oxford on Saturday 8th December 2018
Masters Women - Women -- PROVISIONAL RESULTS
Pos Num Name Cat/Pos Club Time
1 226 Kath Bailey L50 1 Winchester & District AC 24:14
2 1 Julie Briggs L45 1 Arena 80 AC 24:16
3 13 Sally Judd L40 1 Herts Phoenix AC 24:35
4 54 Sophie Biggs L45 2 The Stragglers RC 24:40
5 63 Tamsin Simmonds L40 2 Winchester & District AC 25:01
6 220 Maria Heslop L50 2 Tonbridge AC 25:14
7 3 Dani Tarleton L45 3 Arena 80 AC 25:17
8 2 Tara Shanahan L45 4 Arena 80 AC 25:23
9 12 Nikki Sturzaker L45 5 Herne Hill Harriers 25:28
10 7 Emmajane Montiel L40 3 City Of Portsmouth AC 25:30
11 27 Sarah Urwin-Mann L45 6 Reading AC 25:56
12 14 Sarah Bailey L45 7 Highgate Harriers 26:27
13 62 Charlotte Hoskins L40 4 Winchester & District AC 26:28
14 9 Diana Norman L40 5 Epsom & Ewell Harriers 26:30
15 222 Tina Oldershaw L50 3 Tonbridge AC 26:36
16 6 Wendy King L45 8 Chelmsford AC 26:41
17 168 Caroline Wood L55 1 Arena 80 AC 26:44
18 216 Liz Killip L55 2 The Stragglers RC 26:51
19 228 Karen Hazlitt L50 4 Winchester & District AC 27:20
20 24 Susan Francis L45 9 Reading AC 27:31
21 178 Jane Clarke L55 3 City Of Norwich AC 27:36
22 40 Wendy Walsh L45 10 St Albans Striders 27:37
23 66 Claire Pusey L45 11 Burnham Joggers 27:37
24 183 Susanna Harrison L55 4 Guildford & Godalming AC 27:41
25 227 Jane Gandee L50 5 Winchester & District AC 27:46
26 193 Anne Stewart-Power L55 5 Newbury AC 27:53
27 251 Jane Davies L60 1 Reading Road Runners 27:56
28 218 Dee Smale L55 6 The Stragglers RC 27:57
29 186 Deborah Rushman L50 6 Herts Phoenix AC 28:06
30 176 Susan Dixon L50 7 Cambridge Harriers 28:12
31 223 L Pitcairn-Knowles L50 8 Tonbridge AC 28:18
32 30 Helen Pool L40 6 Reading Road Runners 28:26
33 194 Michelle Ford L50 9 Queens Park Harriers 28:32
34 215 Phyllis Flynn L55 7 The Stragglers RC 28:33
35 34 Jo Burkett L40 7 Serpentine RC 28:35
36 22 Ana Ramos-Villaverde L45 12 Radley AC 28:42
37 190 Jackie Wastell L55 8 London Heathside AC 28:44
38 172 Sarah Boxer L55 9 Barnet & District AC 28:49
39 258 Anna Garnier L60 2 Thames Hare & Hounds 28:51
40 55 Helen Davies L45 13 The Stragglers RC 28:58
41 41 Lara Evans L40 8 Stubbington Green Runners 29:00
42 56 Clare Graham L45 14 The Stragglers RC 29:02
43 256 Pam Iannella L60 3 South London Harriers 29:10
44 64 Johanna Jefferies L45 15 Winchester & District AC 29:14
45 26 Belinda Tull L45 16 Reading AC 29:17
46 214 Brigid Hibberd L50 10 The Stragglers RC 29:18
47 15 Natasha Cendrowicz L45 17 Highgate Harriers 29:22
48 39 Nicky Laitner L45 18 St Albans Striders 29:25
49 25 Lynne Nike L45 19 Reading AC 29:27
50 267 Lynne Whitaker L60 4 Winchester & District AC 29:31
51 182 Caroline Curtis L50 11 Folkestone AC 29:36
52 192 Jenny Eaton L55 10 Newbury AC 29:47
53 177 Catherine Henery L55 11 City Of Norwich AC 29:54
54 250 Gwyneth Hueter L60 5 Oxford City AC 29:58
55 198 Debbie Taylor L50 12 Reading AC 30:01
56 217 Patricia Ronksley L55 12 The Stragglers RC 30:10
57 170 Helen Hoyle L50 13 Barnet & District AC 30:12
58 180 Patricia Thomas L50 14 Ealing Southall & Middx AC 30:14
59 167 Jackie Rymell L55 13 Arena 80 AC 30:16
60 205 Christine Pout L55 14 St Albans Striders 30:20
61 210 Sally McGrath L50 15 Stubbington Green Runners 30:22
62 225 Ros Burgess L50 16 White Horse Harriers AC 30:24
63 229 Alison Fenwick L55 15 Winchester & District AC 30:30
64 188 Karen O'Rourke L50 17 Hillingdon AC 30:35
65 179 Sue Park L55 16 Ealing Eagles 30:46
66 11 Patrizia Gnoato L45 20 Herne Hill Harriers 30:47
67 5 Sally Carr L45 21 Cambridge Harriers 30:47
68 166 Jenny Hughes L55 17 Arena 80 AC 30:51
69 248 Caroline White L60 6 London Heathside AC 30:59
70 191 Sue Venhuyssteen L50 18 Newbury AC 31:06
71 211 Penny Forse L55 18 Stubbington Green Runners 31:13
72 199 Linda Church L55 19 Reading AC 31:37
73 173 Kirsty Johnstone L55 20 Barnet & District AC 31:39
74 244 Helen Turley L60 7 Headington Road Runners 31:46
75 189 Boo Smith L55 21 Hillingdon AC 31:46
76 32 Angela Burley L45 22 Reading Road Runners 31:49
77 212 Frances Lord L55 22 Stubbington Green Runners 32:01
78 16 Melanie Spencer L40 9 Hillingdon AC 32:13
79 181 Jacqueline Pinnock L55 23 Eynsham Roadrunners 32:15
80 4 Silvana Alves L45 23 Barnet & District AC 32:19
81 268 Joy Radford L65 1 Winchester & District AC 32:22
82 201 Susan Knight L55 24 Reading Road Runners 32:43
83 58 Emma Pilbeam L40 10 Totton RC 32:48
84 36 Joanna Conn L45 24 Serpentine RC 33:06
85 246 Pauling Fischer L60 8 Hillingdon AC 33:11
86 33 Samantha Whalley L45 25 Reading Road Runners 33:19
87 57 Grazia Manzotti L45 26 Tonbridge AC 33:23
88 219 Ramona Thevenet L55 25 The Stragglers RC 33:23
89 29 Nicola Gillard L40 11 Reading Road Runners 33:38
90 8 Lisa Watson L45 27 Ealing Eagles 33:41
91 243 Jackie Duvall L60 9 Headington Road Runners 33:46
92 38 Katie Bunting L40 12 St Albans Striders 34:05
93 263 Sue James L65 2 Tonbridge AC 34:07
94 50 Diane Kennedy L40 13 Thames Valley Harriers 34:13
95 49 Marie McDonald L45 28 Stubbington Green Runners 34:14
96 31 Claire Seymour L40 14 Reading Road Runners 34:16
97 240 Linda Dworowski L60 10 Barnet & District AC 34:45
98 17 Samantha Chapman L45 29 London Heathside AC 35:04
99 200 Helen Saunders L55 26 Reading AC 35:26
100 196 Ann Gordon L50 19 Reading AC 35:28
101 187 Vicky Brownlee L50 20 Hillingdon AC 35:37
102 203 Carole Jack L50 21 St Albans Striders 35:40
103 208 Julie Ashman L50 22 Stubbington Green Runners 35:45
104 231 Madeline Vosser L55 27 Winchester & District AC 35:48
105 48 Dawn Haynes-Sewell L45 30 Stubbington Green Runners 36:04
106 52 Charlotte Lerougetel L45 31 Thames Valley Harriers 36:07
107 241 Erica Ikibiroglu L60 11 Barnet & District AC 36:21
108 47 Wendy Hawxwell L45 32 Stubbington Green Runners 36:22
109 249 Liz Harkness L65 3 Newbury AC 38:46
110 259 Lynda Chase L60 12 The Stragglers RC 38:56
111 42 Katherine Holmes L40 15 Stubbington Green Runners 39:05
112 245 Sarah Grylls L65 4 Headington Road Runners 39:28
113 242 R Delabertauche L65 5 Barnet & District AC 39:37
114 46 L Drysdale-Pratt L45 33 Stubbington Green Runners 39:51
115 51 Marion Brydson L45 34 Thames Valley Harriers 39:57
116 260 Sally Boulton L65 6 The Stragglers RC 40:20
117 264 Rene Pilbeam L65 7 Totton RC 40:47
118 261 Janice Franks L65 8 The Stragglers RC 41:03
119 253 Liz Atkinson L65 9 Reading Road Runners 42:32
120 254 Cecelia Csemiczky L65 10 Reading Road Runners 42:40
121 213 Sue Robinson L55 28 Stubbington Green Runners 42:52
122 252 Kathy Tytler L60 13 Reading Road Runners 43:19
123 185 Sarah Ledingham L55 29 Headington Road Runners 44:48
124 262 Helene Hill L65 11 The Stragglers RC 45:02
125 207 Debbie Adams L50 23 Stubbington Green Runners 48:04
Masters Women - Women -- TEAM RESULTS
1 Arena 80 AC 17
2 Julie Briggs
7 Dani Tarleton
8 Tara Shanahan
2 Winchester & District AC 19
1 Kath Bailey
5 Tamsin Simmonds
13 Charlotte Hoskins
3 The Stragglers RC 50
4 Sophie Biggs
18 Liz Killip
28 Dee Smale
4 Tonbridge AC 52
6 Maria Heslop
15 Tina Oldershaw
31 L Pitcairn-Knowles
5 Reading AC 76
11 Sarah Urwin-Mann
20 Susan Francis
45 Belinda Tull
6 St Albans Striders 130
22 Wendy Walsh
48 Nicky Laitner
60 Christine Pout
7 Reading Road Runners 135
27 Jane Davies
32 Helen Pool
76 Angela Burley
8 Newbury AC 148
26 Anne Stewart-Power
52 Jenny Eaton
70 Sue Venhuyssteen
9 Barnet & District AC 168
38 Sarah Boxer
57 Helen Hoyle
73 Kirsty Johnstone
10 Stubbington Green Runners 173
41 Lara Evans
61 Sally McGrath
71 Penny Forse
11 London Heathside AC 204
37 Jackie Wastell
69 Caroline White
98 Samantha Chapman
12 Hillingdon AC 217
64 Karen O'Rourke
75 Boo Smith
78 Melanie Spencer
13 Headington Road Runners 277
74 Helen Turley
91 Jackie Duvall
112 Sarah Grylls
14 Thames Valley Harriers 315
94 Diane Kennedy
106 Charlotte Lerougetel
115 Marion Brydson
Masters Women - Women aged 40 to 44
Pos Num Name Cat/Pos Club Time
1 13 Sally Judd L40 1 Herts Phoenix AC 24:35
2 63 Tamsin Simmonds L40 2 Winchester & District AC 25:01
3 7 Emmajane Montiel L40 3 City Of Portsmouth AC 25:30
4 62 Charlotte Hoskins L40 4 Winchester & District AC 26:28
5 9 Diana Norman L40 5 Epsom & Ewell Harriers 26:30
6 30 Helen Pool L40 6 Reading Road Runners 28:26
7 34 Jo Burkett L40 7 Serpentine RC 28:35
8 41 Lara Evans L40 8 Stubbington Green Runners 29:00
9 16 Melanie Spencer L40 9 Hillingdon AC 32:13
10 58 Emma Pilbeam L40 10 Totton RC 32:48
11 29 Nicola Gillard L40 11 Reading Road Runners 33:38
12 38 Katie Bunting L40 12 St Albans Striders 34:05
13 50 Diane Kennedy L40 13 Thames Valley Harriers 34:13
14 31 Claire Seymour L40 14 Reading Road Runners 34:16
15 42 Katherine Holmes L40 15 Stubbington Green Runners 39:05
Masters Women - Women aged 45 to 49
Pos Num Name Cat/Pos Club Time
1 1 Julie Briggs L45 1 Arena 80 AC 24:16
2 54 Sophie Biggs L45 2 The Stragglers RC 24:40
3 3 Dani Tarleton L45 3 Arena 80 AC 25:17
4 2 Tara Shanahan L45 4 Arena 80 AC 25:23
5 12 Nikki Sturzaker L45 5 Herne Hill Harriers 25:28
6 27 Sarah Urwin-Mann L45 6 Reading AC 25:56
7 14 Sarah Bailey L45 7 Highgate Harriers 26:27
8 6 Wendy King L45 8 Chelmsford AC 26:41
9 24 Susan Francis L45 9 Reading AC 27:31
10 40 Wendy Walsh L45 10 St Albans Striders 27:37
11 66 Claire Pusey L45 11 Burnham Joggers 27:37
12 22 Ana Ramos-Villaverde L45 12 Radley AC 28:42
13 55 Helen Davies L45 13 The Stragglers RC 28:58
14 56 Clare Graham L45 14 The Stragglers RC 29:02
15 64 Johanna Jefferies L45 15 Winchester & District AC 29:14
16 26 Belinda Tull L45 16 Reading AC 29:17
17 15 Natasha Cendrowicz L45 17 Highgate Harriers 29:22
18 39 Nicky Laitner L45 18 St Albans Striders 29:25
19 25 Lynne Nike L45 19 Reading AC 29:27
20 11 Patrizia Gnoato L45 20 Herne Hill Harriers 30:47
21 5 Sally Carr L45 21 Cambridge Harriers 30:47
22 32 Angela Burley L45 22 Reading Road Runners 31:49
23 4 Silvana Alves L45 23 Barnet & District AC 32:19
24 36 Joanna Conn L45 24 Serpentine RC 33:06
25 33 Samantha Whalley L45 25 Reading Road Runners 33:19
26 57 Grazia Manzotti L45 26 Tonbridge AC 33:23
27 8 Lisa Watson L45 27 Ealing Eagles 33:41
28 49 Marie McDonald L45 28 Stubbington Green Runners 34:14
29 17 Samantha Chapman L45 29 London Heathside AC 35:04
30 48 Dawn Haynes-Sewell L45 30 Stubbington Green Runners 36:04
31 52 Charlotte Lerougetel L45 31 Thames Valley Harriers 36:07
32 47 Wendy Hawxwell L45 32 Stubbington Green Runners 36:22
33 46 L Drysdale-Pratt L45 33 Stubbington Green Runners 39:51
34 51 Marion Brydson L45 34 Thames Valley Harriers 39:57
Masters Women - Women aged 50 to 54
Pos Num Name Cat/Pos Club Time
1 226 Kath Bailey L50 1 Winchester & District AC 24:14
2 220 Maria Heslop L50 2 Tonbridge AC 25:14
3 222 Tina Oldershaw L50 3 Tonbridge AC 26:36
4 228 Karen Hazlitt L50 4 Winchester & District AC 27:20
5 227 Jane Gandee L50 5 Winchester & District AC 27:46
6 186 Deborah Rushman L50 6 Herts Phoenix AC 28:06
7 176 Susan Dixon L50 7 Cambridge Harriers 28:12
8 223 L Pitcairn-Knowles L50 8 Tonbridge AC 28:18
9 194 Michelle Ford L50 9 Queens Park Harriers 28:32
10 214 Brigid Hibberd L50 10 The Stragglers RC 29:18
11 182 Caroline Curtis L50 11 Folkestone AC 29:36
12 198 Debbie Taylor L50 12 Reading AC 30:01
13 170 Helen Hoyle L50 13 Barnet & District AC 30:12
14 180 Patricia Thomas L50 14 Ealing Southall & Middx AC 30:14
15 210 Sally McGrath L50 15 Stubbington Green Runners 30:22
16 225 Ros Burgess L50 16 White Horse Harriers AC 30:24
17 188 Karen O'Rourke L50 17 Hillingdon AC 30:35
18 191 Sue Venhuyssteen L50 18 Newbury AC 31:06
19 196 Ann Gordon L50 19 Reading AC 35:28
20 187 Vicky Brownlee L50 20 Hillingdon AC 35:37
21 203 Carole Jack L50 21 St Albans Striders 35:40
22 208 Julie Ashman L50 22 Stubbington Green Runners 35:45
23 207 Debbie Adams L50 23 Stubbington Green Runners 48:04
Masters Women - Women aged 55 to 59
Pos Num Name Cat/Pos Club Time
1 168 Caroline Wood L55 1 Arena 80 AC 26:44
2 216 Liz Killip L55 2 The Stragglers RC 26:51
3 178 Jane Clarke L55 3 City Of Norwich AC 27:36
4 183 Susanna Harrison L55 4 Guildford & Godalming AC 27:41
5 193 Anne Stewart-Power L55 5 Newbury AC 27:53
6 218 Dee Smale L55 6 The Stragglers RC 27:57
7 215 Phyllis Flynn L55 7 The Stragglers RC 28:33
8 190 Jackie Wastell L55 8 London Heathside AC 28:44
9 172 Sarah Boxer L55 9 Barnet & District AC 28:49
10 192 Jenny Eaton L55 10 Newbury AC 29:47
11 177 Catherine Henery L55 11 City Of Norwich AC 29:54
12 217 Patricia Ronksley L55 12 The Stragglers RC 30:10
13 167 Jackie Rymell L55 13 Arena 80 AC 30:16
14 205 Christine Pout L55 14 St Albans Striders 30:20
15 229 Alison Fenwick L55 15 Winchester & District AC 30:30
16 179 Sue Park L55 16 Ealing Eagles 30:46
17 166 Jenny Hughes L55 17 Arena 80 AC 30:51
18 211 Penny Forse L55 18 Stubbington Green Runners 31:13
19 199 Linda Church L55 19 Reading AC 31:37
20 173 Kirsty Johnstone L55 20 Barnet & District AC 31:39
21 189 Boo Smith L55 21 Hillingdon AC 31:46
22 212 Frances Lord L55 22 Stubbington Green Runners 32:01
23 181 Jacqueline Pinnock L55 23 Eynsham Roadrunners 32:15
24 201 Susan Knight L55 24 Reading Road Runners 32:43
25 219 Ramona Thevenet L55 25 The Stragglers RC 33:23
26 200 Helen Saunders L55 26 Reading AC 35:26
27 231 Madeline Vosser L55 27 Winchester & District AC 35:48
28 213 Sue Robinson L55 28 Stubbington Green Runners 42:52
29 185 Sarah Ledingham L55 29 Headington Road Runners 44:48
Masters Women - Women aged 60 to 64
Pos Num Name Cat/Pos Club Time
1 251 Jane Davies L60 1 Reading Road Runners 27:56
2 258 Anna Garnier L60 2 Thames Hare & Hounds 28:51
3 256 Pam Iannella L60 3 South London Harriers 29:10
4 267 Lynne Whitaker L60 4 Winchester & District AC 29:31
5 250 Gwyneth Hueter L60 5 Oxford City AC 29:58
6 248 Caroline White L60 6 London Heathside AC 30:59
7 244 Helen Turley L60 7 Headington Road Runners 31:46
8 246 Pauling Fischer L60 8 Hillingdon AC 33:11
9 243 Jackie Duvall L60 9 Headington Road Runners 33:46
10 240 Linda Dworowski L60 10 Barnet & District AC 34:45
11 241 Erica Ikibiroglu L60 11 Barnet & District AC 36:21
12 259 Lynda Chase L60 12 The Stragglers RC 38:56
13 252 Kathy Tytler L60 13 Reading Road Runners 43:19
Masters Women - Women aged 65 to 69
Pos Num Name Cat/Pos Club Time
1 268 Joy Radford L65 1 Winchester & District AC 32:22
2 263 Sue James L65 2 Tonbridge AC 34:07
3 249 Liz Harkness L65 3 Newbury AC 38:46
4 245 Sarah Grylls L65 4 Headington Road Runners 39:28
5 242 R Delabertauche L65 5 Barnet & District AC 39:37
6 260 Sally Boulton L65 6 The Stragglers RC 40:20
7 264 Rene Pilbeam L65 7 Totton RC 40:47
8 261 Janice Franks L65 8 The Stragglers RC 41:03
9 253 Liz Atkinson L65 9 Reading Road Runners 42:32
10 254 Cecelia Csemiczky L65 10 Reading Road Runners 42:40
11 262 Helene Hill L65 11 The Stragglers RC 45:02
Masters Women - Women aged 40 to 49
Pos Num Name Cat/Pos Club Time
1 1 Julie Briggs L45 1 Arena 80 AC 24:16
2 13 Sally Judd L40 1 Herts Phoenix AC 24:35
3 54 Sophie Biggs L45 2 The Stragglers RC 24:40
4 63 Tamsin Simmonds L40 2 Winchester & District AC 25:01
5 3 Dani Tarleton L45 3 Arena 80 AC 25:17
6 2 Tara Shanahan L45 4 Arena 80 AC 25:23
7 12 Nikki Sturzaker L45 5 Herne Hill Harriers 25:28
8 7 Emmajane Montiel L40 3 City Of Portsmouth AC 25:30
9 27 Sarah Urwin-Mann L45 6 Reading AC 25:56
10 14 Sarah Bailey L45 7 Highgate Harriers 26:27
11 62 Charlotte Hoskins L40 4 Winchester & District AC 26:28
12 9 Diana Norman L40 5 Epsom & Ewell Harriers 26:30
13 6 Wendy King L45 8 Chelmsford AC 26:41
14 24 Susan Francis L45 9 Reading AC 27:31
15 40 Wendy Walsh L45 10 St Albans Striders 27:37
16 66 Claire Pusey L45 11 Burnham Joggers 27:37
17 30 Helen Pool L40 6 Reading Road Runners 28:26
18 34 Jo Burkett L40 7 Serpentine RC 28:35
19 22 Ana Ramos-Villaverde L45 12 Radley AC 28:42
20 55 Helen Davies L45 13 The Stragglers RC 28:58
21 41 Lara Evans L40 8 Stubbington Green Runners 29:00
22 56 Clare Graham L45 14 The Stragglers RC 29:02
23 64 Johanna Jefferies L45 15 Winchester & District AC 29:14
24 26 Belinda Tull L45 16 Reading AC 29:17
25 15 Natasha Cendrowicz L45 17 Highgate Harriers 29:22
26 39 Nicky Laitner L45 18 St Albans Striders 29:25
27 25 Lynne Nike L45 19 Reading AC 29:27
28 11 Patrizia Gnoato L45 20 Herne Hill Harriers 30:47
29 5 Sally Carr L45 21 Cambridge Harriers 30:47
30 32 Angela Burley L45 22 Reading Road Runners 31:49
31 16 Melanie Spencer L40 9 Hillingdon AC 32:13
32 4 Silvana Alves L45 23 Barnet & District AC 32:19
33 58 Emma Pilbeam L40 10 Totton RC 32:48
34 36 Joanna Conn L45 24 Serpentine RC 33:06
35 33 Samantha Whalley L45 25 Reading Road Runners 33:19
36 57 Grazia Manzotti L45 26 Tonbridge AC 33:23
37 29 Nicola Gillard L40 11 Reading Road Runners 33:38
38 8 Lisa Watson L45 27 Ealing Eagles 33:41
39 38 Katie Bunting L40 12 St Albans Striders 34:05
40 50 Diane Kennedy L40 13 Thames Valley Harriers 34:13
41 49 Marie McDonald L45 28 Stubbington Green Runners 34:14
42 31 Claire Seymour L40 14 Reading Road Runners 34:16
43 17 Samantha Chapman L45 29 London Heathside AC 35:04
44 48 Dawn Haynes-Sewell L45 30 Stubbington Green Runners 36:04
45 52 Charlotte Lerougetel L45 31 Thames Valley Harriers 36:07
46 47 Wendy Hawxwell L45 32 Stubbington Green Runners 36:22
47 42 Katherine Holmes L40 15 Stubbington Green Runners 39:05
48 46 L Drysdale-Pratt L45 33 Stubbington Green Runners 39:51
49 51 Marion Brydson L45 34 Thames Valley Harriers 39:57
Masters Women - Women aged 40 to 49 -- TEAM RESULTS
1 Arena 80 AC 12
1 Julie Briggs
5 Dani Tarleton
6 Tara Shanahan
2 Winchester & District AC 38
4 Tamsin Simmonds
11 Charlotte Hoskins
23 Johanna Jefferies
3 The Stragglers RC 45
3 Sophie Biggs
20 Helen Davies
22 Clare Graham
4 Reading AC 47
9 Sarah Urwin-Mann
14 Susan Francis
24 Belinda Tull
5 St Albans Striders 80
15 Wendy Walsh
26 Nicky Laitner
39 Katie Bunting
6 Reading Road Runners 82
17 Helen Pool
30 Angela Burley
35 Samantha Whalley
7 Stubbington Green Runners 106
21 Lara Evans
41 Marie McDonald
44 Dawn Haynes-Sewell
8 Thames Valley Harriers 134
40 Diane Kennedy
45 Charlotte Lerougetel
49 Marion Brydson
Masters Women - Women (Vets) aged 50 to 59
Pos Num Name Cat/Pos Club Time
1 226 Kath Bailey L50 1 Winchester & District AC 24:14
2 220 Maria Heslop L50 2 Tonbridge AC 25:14
3 222 Tina Oldershaw L50 3 Tonbridge AC 26:36
4 168 Caroline Wood L55 1 Arena 80 AC 26:44
5 216 Liz Killip L55 2 The Stragglers RC 26:51
6 228 Karen Hazlitt L50 4 Winchester & District AC 27:20
7 178 Jane Clarke L55 3 City Of Norwich AC 27:36
8 183 Susanna Harrison L55 4 Guildford & Godalming AC 27:41
9 227 Jane Gandee L50 5 Winchester & District AC 27:46
10 193 Anne Stewart-Power L55 5 Newbury AC 27:53
11 218 Dee Smale L55 6 The Stragglers RC 27:57
12 186 Deborah Rushman L50 6 Herts Phoenix AC 28:06
13 176 Susan Dixon L50 7 Cambridge Harriers 28:12
14 223 L Pitcairn-Knowles L50 8 Tonbridge AC 28:18
15 194 Michelle Ford L50 9 Queens Park Harriers 28:32
16 215 Phyllis Flynn L55 7 The Stragglers RC 28:33
17 190 Jackie Wastell L55 8 London Heathside AC 28:44
18 172 Sarah Boxer L55 9 Barnet & District AC 28:49
19 214 Brigid Hibberd L50 10 The Stragglers RC 29:18
20 182 Caroline Curtis L50 11 Folkestone AC 29:36
21 192 Jenny Eaton L55 10 Newbury AC 29:47
22 177 Catherine Henery L55 11 City Of Norwich AC 29:54
23 198 Debbie Taylor L50 12 Reading AC 30:01
24 217 Patricia Ronksley L55 12 The Stragglers RC 30:10
25 170 Helen Hoyle L50 13 Barnet & District AC 30:12
26 180 Patricia Thomas L50 14 Ealing Southall & Middx AC 30:14
27 167 Jackie Rymell L55 13 Arena 80 AC 30:16
28 205 Christine Pout L55 14 St Albans Striders 30:20
29 210 Sally McGrath L50 15 Stubbington Green Runners 30:22
30 225 Ros Burgess L50 16 White Horse Harriers AC 30:24
31 229 Alison Fenwick L55 15 Winchester & District AC 30:30
32 188 Karen O'Rourke L50 17 Hillingdon AC 30:35
33 179 Sue Park L55 16 Ealing Eagles 30:46
34 166 Jenny Hughes L55 17 Arena 80 AC 30:51
35 191 Sue Venhuyssteen L50 18 Newbury AC 31:06
36 211 Penny Forse L55 18 Stubbington Green Runners 31:13
37 199 Linda Church L55 19 Reading AC 31:37
38 173 Kirsty Johnstone L55 20 Barnet & District AC 31:39
39 189 Boo Smith L55 21 Hillingdon AC 31:46
40 212 Frances Lord L55 22 Stubbington Green Runners 32:01
41 181 Jacqueline Pinnock L55 23 Eynsham Roadrunners 32:15
42 201 Susan Knight L55 24 Reading Road Runners 32:43
43 219 Ramona Thevenet L55 25 The Stragglers RC 33:23
44 200 Helen Saunders L55 26 Reading AC 35:26
45 196 Ann Gordon L50 19 Reading AC 35:28
46 187 Vicky Brownlee L50 20 Hillingdon AC 35:37
47 203 Carole Jack L50 21 St Albans Striders 35:40
48 208 Julie Ashman L50 22 Stubbington Green Runners 35:45
49 231 Madeline Vosser L55 27 Winchester & District AC 35:48
50 213 Sue Robinson L55 28 Stubbington Green Runners 42:52
51 185 Sarah Ledingham L55 29 Headington Road Runners 44:48
52 207 Debbie Adams L50 23 Stubbington Green Runners 48:04
Masters Women - Women (Vets) aged 50 to 59 -- TEAM RESULTS
1 Winchester & District AC 16
1 Kath Bailey
6 Karen Hazlitt
9 Jane Gandee
2 Tonbridge AC 19
2 Maria Heslop
3 Tina Oldershaw
14 L Pitcairn-Knowles
3 The Stragglers RC 32
5 Liz Killip
11 Dee Smale
16 Phyllis Flynn
4 Arena 80 AC 65
4 Caroline Wood
27 Jackie Rymell
34 Jenny Hughes
5 Newbury AC 66
10 Anne Stewart-Power
21 Jenny Eaton
35 Sue Venhuyssteen
6 Barnet & District AC 81
18 Sarah Boxer
25 Helen Hoyle
38 Kirsty Johnstone
7 Reading AC 104
23 Debbie Taylor
37 Linda Church
44 Helen Saunders
8 Stubbington Green Runners 105
29 Sally McGrath
36 Penny Forse
40 Frances Lord
9 Hillingdon AC 117
32 Karen O'Rourke
39 Boo Smith
46 Vicky Brownlee
Masters Women - Women (Vets) over 60
Pos Num Name Cat/Pos Club Time
1 251 Jane Davies L60 1 Reading Road Runners 27:56
2 258 Anna Garnier L60 2 Thames Hare & Hounds 28:51
3 256 Pam Iannella L60 3 South London Harriers 29:10
4 267 Lynne Whitaker L60 4 Winchester & District AC 29:31
5 250 Gwyneth Hueter L60 5 Oxford City AC 29:58
6 248 Caroline White L60 6 London Heathside AC 30:59
7 244 Helen Turley L60 7 Headington Road Runners 31:46
8 268 Joy Radford L65 1 Winchester & District AC 32:22
9 246 Pauling Fischer L60 8 Hillingdon AC 33:11
10 243 Jackie Duvall L60 9 Headington Road Runners 33:46
11 263 Sue James L65 2 Tonbridge AC 34:07
12 240 Linda Dworowski L60 10 Barnet & District AC 34:45
13 241 Erica Ikibiroglu L60 11 Barnet & District AC 36:21
14 249 Liz Harkness L65 3 Newbury AC 38:46
15 259 Lynda Chase L60 12 The Stragglers RC 38:56
16 245 Sarah Grylls L65 4 Headington Road Runners 39:28
17 242 R Delabertauche L65 5 Barnet & District AC 39:37
18 260 Sally Boulton L65 6 The Stragglers RC 40:20
19 264 Rene Pilbeam L65 7 Totton RC 40:47
20 261 Janice Franks L65 8 The Stragglers RC 41:03
21 253 Liz Atkinson L65 9 Reading Road Runners 42:32
22 254 Cecelia Csemiczky L65 10 Reading Road Runners 42:40
23 252 Kathy Tytler L60 13 Reading Road Runners 43:19
24 262 Helene Hill L65 11 The Stragglers RC 45:02
Masters Women - Women (Vets) over 60 -- TEAM RESULTS
1 Headington Road Runners 33
7 Helen Turley
10 Jackie Duvall
16 Sarah Grylls
2 Barnet & District AC 42
12 Linda Dworowski
13 Erica Ikibiroglu
17 R Delabertauche
3 Reading Road Runners 44
1 Jane Davies
21 Liz Atkinson
22 Cecelia Csemiczky
4 The Stragglers RC 53
15 Lynda Chase
18 Sally Boulton
20 Janice Franks
Masters - Men -- FINAL RESULTS
Pos Num Name Cat/Pos Club Time
1 62 Simon Baines V45 1 Thames Hare & Hounds 31:54
2 28 Simon Coombes V45 2 Herne Hill Harriers 31:59
3 61 Martin Shore V40 1 Thames Hare & Hounds 32:03
4 87 Tegid Jones V40 2 Witney Rrc 32:20
5 76 Julian Rendall V40 3 Tonbridge AC 32:26
6 29 Ben Paviour V45 3 Herne Hill Harriers 32:29
7 2 Alex Hamilton V40 4 Basingstoke & Mid Hants AC 32:39
8 22 John Kettle V40 5 Herne Hill Harriers 33:18
9 378 Julian Richardson V50 1 Oxford City AC 33:30
10 88 Matthew Jones V40 6 Thames Hare & Hounds 33:41
11 412 Andrew Weir V50 2 Thames Hare & Hounds 33:48
12 9 Craig Sharp V40 7 Central Park Athletics 33:50
13 432 Matthew Adcock V50 3 Watford Harriers 33:53
14 14 Neil Henderson V40 8 Epsom & Ewell Harriers 33:54
15 7 Andrew Parmenter V40 9 Cambridge & Colerdige AC 33:59
16 297 Steven Herring V50 4 Bedford & County AC 34:04
17 411 Ben Reynolds V50 5 Thames Hare & Hounds 34:14
18 429 Andrew Howey V55 1 Tunbridge Wells Harriers 34:26
19 337 Fergus Campbell V50 6 Headington Road Runners 34:27
20 25 Raj Paranandi V40 10 Herne Hill Harriers 35:02
21 83 Nick Anderson V45 4 Winchester & District AC 35:06
22 319 Allex Smalls V50 7 Colchester Harriers 35:07
23 335 Paul Cousins V55 2 Haywards Heath Harriers 35:08
24 294 Richard McCormick V55 3 Barnet & District AC 35:10
25 354 Alex Davidson V55 4 Highgate Harriers 35:12
26 82 Pete Sansome V40 11 Winchester & District AC 35:16
27 393 Robin Bentley V50 8 Southampton AC 35:20
28 79 Paul Jegou V40 12 White Horse Harriers AC 35:28
29 431 Martyn Summerfield V50 9 Vale Of Aylesbury AC 35:34
30 42 Sean Holmes V45 5 Overton Harriers 35:36
31 366 Martin Potter V50 10 London Heathside AC 35:52
32 6 Alex Bonzi V40 13 Brighton Phoenix Ax 35:59
33 332 Mark Tennyson V55 5 Guildford & Godalming AC 36:00
34 30 Martin Bateman V40 14 Hillingdon AC 36:01
35 59 Andy Simpson V45 6 Stubbington Green Runners 36:02
36 345 Jonathon Ratcliffe V50 11 Herne Hill Harriers 36:03
37 54 Russell Coleman V40 15 Stubbington Green Runners 36:06
38 69 Richard Carter V40 16 The Stragglers RC 36:12
39 338 Kenny Lowies V50 12 Headington Road Runners 36:14
40 86 Simon Stevens V45 7 Winchester & District AC 36:18
41 367 Abrha Asmelash V55 6 London Heathside AC 36:21
42 292 Costa Michael V50 13 Barnet & District AC 36:22
43 350 Keith Newton V55 7 Herne Hill Harriers 36:27
44 323 Paul Spowage V55 8 Colchester Harriers 36:29
45 310 Daniel Aguilar-Agon V55 9 Cambridge & Coleridge AC 36:31
46 394 David Blackman V50 14 Southampton AC 36:44
47 344 Derek Lee V50 15 Herne Hill Harriers 36:50
48 360 John Flahive V50 16 London Heathside AC 36:51
49 48 Greg Warder V40 17 Southampton AC 37:01
50 314 Paul Dobson V50 17 Colchester Harriers 37:03
51 311 Christian Poulton V50 18 Cambridge Harriers 37:06
52 396 Jon Grainger V50 19 Southampton AC 37:11
53 506 Michael Bridgeland V60 1 Chelmsford AC 37:15
54 13 Stuart Flack V40 18 Epsom & Ewell Harriers 37:18
55 298 Jonathan Matthews V50 20 Bournemouth AC 37:20
56 331 Terry Booth V50 21 Guildford & Godalming AC 37:22
57 43 Michael Dmitrzak V40 19 Queens Park Harriers 37:23
58 15 Russell Casey V40 20 Garden City Runners 37:26
59 78 Stuart Ingham V45 8 Watford Harriers 37:30
60 420 Roy Reeder V50 22 The Stragglers RC 37:31
61 26 Robert Peacock V40 21 Herne Hill Harriers 37:32
62 329 Justin Hill V50 23 Garden City Runners 37:33
63 434 Marius Kwint V50 24 Winchester & District AC 37:34
64 422 Phillip Coleman V50 25 Tonbridge AC 37:35
65 417 Malcolm Davies V50 26 The Stragglers RC 37:39
66 33 Gavin Whitlock V45 9 Invicta East Kent AC 37:42
67 68 Stephen Norris V45 10 Thames Valley Harriers 37:44
68 27 James Ward V40 22 Herne Hill Harriers 37:48
69 52 Mike Jubb V45 11 St Albans Striders 37:52
70 55 Jon Warner V40 23 Stubbington Green Runners 37:57
71 20 Richard Skilbeck V45 12 Headington Road Runners 38:00
72 85 Andy Parkinson V45 13 Winchester & District AC 38:03
73 295 Andrew Blair V50 27 Bedford & County AC 38:04
74 362 Mark Jefford V50 28 London Heathside AC 38:05
75 50 Michael Tanner V45 14 Southampton AC 38:07
76 343 Trevor Chilton V50 29 Herne Hill Harriers 38:09
77 39 Jeff Bird V40 24 Newbury AC 38:10
78 41 Martin Walker V40 25 Newbury AC 38:11
79 541 Mike White V60 2 Stubbington Green Runners 38:12
80 1 Michael Walker V40 26 Barnet & District AC 38:13
81 304 Nigel Herron V50 30 Brighton Phoenix AC 38:14
82 558 Dave Cox V65 1 Woodford Green W Essex L 38:16
83 399 Nigel Aston V50 31 St Albans Striders 38:18
84 291 Andrew Noble V50 32 Ashford & District Rrc 38:21
85 322 Colin Ridley V55 10 Colchester Harriers 38:24
86 531 Stephen Rolfe V60 3 Norfolk Gazelles 38:26
87 419 Dean Morley V50 33 The Stragglers RC 38:27
88 327 Stephen Howard V55 11 Ely Runners 38:29
89 498 Paul Whelpton V65 2 Brighton Phoenix AC 38:32
90 407 Ray Gunner V55 12 Stubbington Green Runners 38:37
91 424 M Pitcairn-Knowles V50 34 Tonbridge AC 38:44
92 35 Warren Rose V45 15 Leighton Buzzard AC 38:48
93 408 Ian Harkness V50 35 Thames Hare & Hounds 38:49
94 368 Gavin Evans V55 13 London Heathside AC 38:51
95 334 Barry Tullett V50 36 Haywards Heath Harriers 38:53
96 513 Steve Smythe V60 4 Dulwich Runners AC 38:54
97 341 Andy Phelps V55 14 Headington Road Runners 38:55
98 437 Franklyn Young V55 15 Winchester & District AC 38:56
99 66 Greg Bennett V45 16 Thames Valley Harriers 38:58
100 290 Chris Bedford V50 37 Abingdon AC 38:58
101 293 Andrew Kelleher V55 16 Barnet & District AC 39:00
102 398 Paul Johnson V55 17 Southampton AC 39:01
103 380 Andrew Jackson V55 18 Queens Park Harriers 39:05
104 308 Nigel Sullivan V50 38 Burnham Joggers 39:10
105 405 Chris Hall V50 39 Stubbington Green Runners 39:19
106 439 Rob Webster V50 40 Woodstock Harriers AC 39:20
107 38 Duane Tomaselli V40 27 Nene Valley Harriers 39:21
108 313 Mark Solway V50 41 City Of Norwich AC 39:21
109 56 Simon Bacon V45 17 Stubbington Green Runners 39:25
110 330 Malcolm Down V55 19 Garden City Runners 39:26
111 328 Sean Bowen V50 42 Garden City Runners 39:27
112 325 Mark Parry V55 20 Crawley AC 39:28
113 49 Nick Willson V40 28 Southampton AC 39:29
114 406 Stewart Pepper V55 21 Stubbington Green Runners 39:30
115 386 Peter Aked V50 43 Reading Road Runners 39:33
116 371 Wayne Lillis V50 44 Newbury AC 39:35
117 403 Mark Eaton V50 45 Stubbington Green Runners 39:38
118 533 Stewart Thorp V65 3 Oxford City AC 39:42
119 527 Irwin Fairclough V60 5 Newbury AC 39:53
120 307 Sean Rooney V50 46 Burnham Joggers 39:56
121 363 Tony Killilea V50 47 London Heathside AC 39:57
122 74 Gareth Pritchard V45 18 The Stragglers RC 39:58
123 505 David Kitcher V60 6 Cambridge Harriers 39:59
124 5 Steve Hough V45 19 Blackheath & Bromley H 40:01
125 65 James Malcolm V40 29 Thames Valley Harriers 40:03
126 70 Lewis Taylor V40 30 The Stragglers RC 40:06
127 340 Mark Jones V55 22 Headington Road Runners 40:08
128 75 Martin Vivian V45 20 The Stragglers RC 40:09
129 436 Steve Oliver V55 23 Winchester & District AC 40:16
130 400 Colin Braybrook V55 24 St Albans Striders 40:20
131 372 Nigel Popplewell V50 48 Newbury AC 40:30
132 18 Rupert Cousens V40 31 Headington Road Runners 40:32
133 72 Andrew Hoseason V45 21 The Stragglers RC 40:38
134 370 Paul Parkin V50 49 Nene Valley Harriers 40:44
135 40 Andrew Russell V40 32 Newbury AC 40:46
136 433 Peat Allan V50 50 Winchester & District AC 40:50
137 357 Paul Hull V50 51 Hillingdon AC 40:59
138 309 Derek Humphrey V55 25 Burnham Joggers 41:03
139 374 Andrew Tuttle V55 26 Newbury AC 41:03
140 490 Des Michael V65 4 Barnet & District AC 41:06
141 306 Phil Grabsky V55 27 Brighton Phoenix AC 41:11
142 359 Simon Neville V55 28 Keswick AC 41:18
143 382 Maurice Quirke V55 29 Queens Park Harriers 41:21
144 364 Andrew Owen V50 52 London Heathside AC 41:25
145 421 Mark Pattinson V55 30 The Stragglers RC 41:28
146 525 Andrew Catton V65 5 Ilford Acc 41:29
147 346 Andrew Simms V50 53 Herne Hill Harriers 41:32
148 312 Clem Dixon V55 31 Cambridge Harriers 41:35
149 492 David Wilcock V65 6 Barnet & District AC 41:37
150 387 Mark Andrew V50 54 Reading Road Runners 41:39
151 501 Charlie Ritchie V60 7 Cambridge & Coleridge AC 41:47
152 77 John Renton V40 33 Watford Harriers 41:55
153 488 Peter Ellis V60 8 Barnet & District AC 42:01
154 336 Tim Hicks V55 32 Haywards Heath Harriers 42:02
155 549 Richard Pitt V60 9 Thames Hare & Hounds 42:05
156 389 Tim Grant V50 55 Reading Road Runners 42:09
157 333 Patrick Butler V55 33 Hardley Runners 42:13
158 390 Colin Cottell V55 34 Reading Road Runners 42:14
159 392 Ian Johnson V50 56 Serpentine RC 42:14
160 383 Marcus Atkins V55 35 Ranelagh Harriers 42:30
161 427 Andrew Gates V55 36 Totton RC 42:33
162 415 Richard Hooley V55 37 Thames Valley Harriers 42:39
163 326 Dave Tibbals V55 38 Crawley AC 42:42
164 546 Ian Richardson V65 7 Southampton AC 42:48
165 548 Andrew Lenon V60 10 Thames Hare & Hounds 42:50
166 545 Noel O'Dowd V60 11 Southampton AC 42:51
167 508 David Cook V60 12 Crawley AC 42:57
168 537 Alan Freer V60 13 Reading Road Runners 43:00
169 67 Simon Nixon V45 22 Thames Valley Harriers 43:01
170 318 Simon Morgan V50 57 Colchester Harriers 43:04
171 529 Mike Sheridan V65 8 Newbury AC 43:06
172 413 Richard Bell V50 58 Thames Valley Harriers 43:08
173 373 Dwayne Stewart-Power V55 39 Newbury AC 43:10
174 547 Steve Connolly V65 9 Swindon Harriers 43:12
175 44 Darren Stevens V40 34 Reading AC 43:13
176 425 Mark Schofield V50 59 Tonbridge AC 43:17
177 526 Carl Heap V65 10 London Heathside AC 43:22
178 528 Geoff Anderson V65 11 Newbury AC 43:38
179 514 Stephen Plestead V65 12 Ealing 43:42
180 550 Mike Farmery V65 13 Thames Hare & Hounds 43:50
181 73 Richard Patient V45 23 The Stragglers RC 43:51
182 379 Peter Reupke V50 60 Queens Park Harriers 43:56
183 554 Alan Newman V65 14 Tonbridge AC 44:00
184 542 Mike Bell V65 15 Stubbington Green Runners 44:04
185 511 Walter Hill V65 16 Crawley AC 44:13
186 551 David Brewin V60 14 The Stragglers 44:17
187 388 David Fiddes V50 61 Reading Road Runners 44:18
188 524 John Bignell V65 17 Hillingon AC 44:26
189 497 Malcolm Kemp V65 18 Brighton Phoenix AC 44:29
190 534 Roy Treadwell V65 19 Oxford City AC 44:33
191 404 Richard Edmonds V50 62 Stubbington Green Runners 44:52
192 552 Phil Davies V60 15 The Stragglers 44:54
193 496 Andrew Haig V65 20 Brighton Phoenix AC 45:04
194 523 Martin Searle V60 16 Hillingon AC 45:07
195 430 Alan Roberts V50 63 Vale Of Aylesbury AC 45:22
196 540 Nick Crane V60 17 Stubbington Green Runners 45:33
197 385 Gerard O'Driscoll V55 40 Reading AC 45:34
198 509 David Beattie V65 21 Crawley AC 45:39
199 4 Steve Cooper V45 24 Blackheath & Bromley H 45:43
200 522 Richard Bloom V65 22 Herts Phoenix AC 46:05
201 499 Gordon Aspin V60 18 Cambridge & Coleridge AC 46:56
202 489 Julian Stgeorge V60 19 Barnet & District AC 47:01
203 500 Gerald Meah V60 20 Cambridge & Coleridge AC 47:12
204 555 David Pilbeam V65 23 Totton RC 47:21
205 510 Jeremy Carmichael V65 24 Crawley AC 47:39
206 535 Robert Wood V65 25 Oxford City AC 47:43
207 440 Jonathan Golub V50 64 Ealing Eagles 48:28
208 553 Dave Griffiths V65 26 The Stragglers 48:37
209 401 Michael Jack V55 41 St Albans Striders 48:45
210 504 Glynn Smith V65 27 Cambridge & Coleridge AC 49:11
211 397 Howard Long V50 65 Southampton AC 49:41
212 516 Kevin Byrne V65 28 Headington Road Runners 49:53
213 544 Sidney Delara V60 21 Southampton AC 50:02
214 538 Andrew Atkinson V65 29 Reading Road Runners 50:39
215 521 Richard Foskett V60 22 Herts Phoenix AC 50:54
216 384 Stephen Church V50 66 Reading AC 51:10
217 53 Andrew Maher V45 25 St Albans Striders 51:56
218 428 Chris Nicholls V50 67 Tring RC 52:23
219 32 John Luscombe V45 26 Hillingdon AC 52:41
220 491 John Owen V65 30 Barnet & District AC 55:25
221 351 Ian Strong V55 42 Herne Hill Harriers 57:18
222 517 Graham Norris V65 31 Headington Road Runners 57:44
223 520 John Garber V65 32 Herne Hill Harriers 1:00:07
224 536 William O'Connor V65 33 Queens Park Harriers 1:03:04
225 507 Martyn Cartwright V65 34 Chiltern Harriers AC 1:12:22
Masters - Men -- TEAM RESULTS
1 Thames Hare & Hounds 14
1 Simon Baines
3 Martin Shore
10 Matthew Jones
2 Herne Hill Harriers 16
2 Simon Coombes
6 Ben Paviour
8 John Kettle
3 Winchester & District AC 87
21 Nick Anderson
26 Pete Sansome
40 Simon Stevens
4 Colchester Harriers 116
22 Allex Smalls
44 Paul Spowage
50 Paul Dobson
5 London Heathside AC 120
31 Martin Potter
41 Abrha Asmelash
48 John Flahive
6 Southampton AC 122
27 Robin Bentley
46 David Blackman
49 Greg Warder
7 Headington Road Runners 129
19 Fergus Campbell
39 Kenny Lowies
71 Richard Skilbeck
8 Stubbington Green Runners 142
35 Andy Simpson
37 Russell Coleman
70 Jon Warner
9 Barnet & District AC 146
24 Richard McCormick
42 Costa Michael
80 Michael Walker
10 Tonbridge AC 160
5 Julian Rendall
64 Phillip Coleman
91 M Pitcairn-Knowles
11 The Stragglers RC 163
38 Richard Carter
60 Roy Reeder
65 Malcolm Davies
12 Watford Harriers 224
13 Matthew Adcock
59 Stuart Ingham
152 John Renton
13 Garden City Runners 230
58 Russell Casey
62 Justin Hill
110 Malcolm Down
14 Newbury AC 271
77 Jeff Bird
78 Martin Walker
116 Wayne Lillis
15 Haywards Heath Harriers 272
23 Paul Cousins
95 Barry Tullett
154 Tim Hicks
16 St Albans Striders 282
69 Mike Jubb
83 Nigel Aston
130 Colin Braybrook
17 Thames Valley Harriers 291
67 Stephen Norris
99 Greg Bennett
125 James Malcolm
18 Queens Park Harriers 303
57 Michael Dmitrzak
103 Andrew Jackson
143 Maurice Quirke
19 Brighton Phoenix AC 311
81 Nigel Herron
89 Paul Whelpton
141 Phil Grabsky
20 Oxford City AC 317
9 Julian Richardson
118 Stewart Thorp
190 Roy Treadwell
21 Cambridge Harriers 322
51 Christian Poulton
123 David Kitcher
148 Clem Dixon
22 Burnham Joggers 362
104 Nigel Sullivan
120 Sean Rooney
138 Derek Humphrey
23 Hillingdon AC 390
34 Martin Bateman
137 Paul Hull
219 John Luscombe
24 Cambridge & Coleridge AC 397
45 Daniel Aguilar-Agon
151 Charlie Ritchie
201 Gordon Aspin
25 Reading Road Runners 421
115 Peter Aked
150 Mark Andrew
156 Tim Grant
26 Crawley AC 442
112 Mark Parry
163 Dave Tibbals
167 David Cook
27 The Stragglers 586
186 David Brewin
192 Phil Davies
208 Dave Griffiths
28 Reading AC 588
175 Darren Stevens
197 Gerard O'Driscoll
216 Stephen Church
Masters - Men aged 40 to 44
Pos Num Name Cat/Pos Club Time
1 61 Martin Shore V40 1 Thames Hare & Hounds 32:03
2 87 Tegid Jones V40 2 Witney Rrc 32:20
3 76 Julian Rendall V40 3 Tonbridge AC 32:26
4 2 Alex Hamilton V40 4 Basingstoke & Mid Hants AC 32:39
5 22 John Kettle V40 5 Herne Hill Harriers 33:18
6 88 Matthew Jones V40 6 Thames Hare & Hounds 33:41
7 9 Craig Sharp V40 7 Central Park Athletics 33:50
8 14 Neil Henderson V40 8 Epsom & Ewell Harriers 33:54
9 7 Andrew Parmenter V40 9 Cambridge & Colerdige AC 33:59
10 25 Raj Paranandi V40 10 Herne Hill Harriers 35:02
11 82 Pete Sansome V40 11 Winchester & District AC 35:16
12 79 Paul Jegou V40 12 White Horse Harriers AC 35:28
13 6 Alex Bonzi V40 13 Brighton Phoenix Ax 35:59
14 30 Martin Bateman V40 14 Hillingdon AC 36:01
15 54 Russell Coleman V40 15 Stubbington Green Runners 36:06
16 69 Richard Carter V40 16 The Stragglers RC 36:12
17 48 Greg Warder V40 17 Southampton AC 37:01
18 13 Stuart Flack V40 18 Epsom & Ewell Harriers 37:18
19 43 Michael Dmitrzak V40 19 Queens Park Harriers 37:23
20 15 Russell Casey V40 20 Garden City Runners 37:26
21 26 Robert Peacock V40 21 Herne Hill Harriers 37:32
22 27 James Ward V40 22 Herne Hill Harriers 37:48
23 55 Jon Warner V40 23 Stubbington Green Runners 37:57
24 39 Jeff Bird V40 24 Newbury AC 38:10
25 41 Martin Walker V40 25 Newbury AC 38:11
26 1 Michael Walker V40 26 Barnet & District AC 38:13
27 38 Duane Tomaselli V40 27 Nene Valley Harriers 39:21
28 49 Nick Willson V40 28 Southampton AC 39:29
29 65 James Malcolm V40 29 Thames Valley Harriers 40:03
30 70 Lewis Taylor V40 30 The Stragglers RC 40:06
31 18 Rupert Cousens V40 31 Headington Road Runners 40:32
32 40 Andrew Russell V40 32 Newbury AC 40:46
33 77 John Renton V40 33 Watford Harriers 41:55
34 44 Darren Stevens V40 34 Reading AC 43:13
Masters - Men aged 45 to 49
Pos Num Name Cat/Pos Club Time
1 62 Simon Baines V45 1 Thames Hare & Hounds 31:54
2 28 Simon Coombes V45 2 Herne Hill Harriers 31:59
3 29 Ben Paviour V45 3 Herne Hill Harriers 32:29
4 83 Nick Anderson V45 4 Winchester & District AC 35:06
5 42 Sean Holmes V45 5 Overton Harriers 35:36
6 59 Andy Simpson V45 6 Stubbington Green Runners 36:02
7 86 Simon Stevens V45 7 Winchester & District AC 36:18
8 78 Stuart Ingham V45 8 Watford Harriers 37:30
9 33 Gavin Whitlock V45 9 Invicta East Kent AC 37:42
10 68 Stephen Norris V45 10 Thames Valley Harriers 37:44
11 52 Mike Jubb V45 11 St Albans Striders 37:52
12 20 Richard Skilbeck V45 12 Headington Road Runners 38:00
13 85 Andy Parkinson V45 13 Winchester & District AC 38:03
14 50 Michael Tanner V45 14 Southampton AC 38:07
15 35 Warren Rose V45 15 Leighton Buzzard AC 38:48
16 66 Greg Bennett V45 16 Thames Valley Harriers 38:58
17 56 Simon Bacon V45 17 Stubbington Green Runners 39:25
18 74 Gareth Pritchard V45 18 The Stragglers RC 39:58
19 5 Steve Hough V45 19 Blackheath & Bromley H 40:01
20 75 Martin Vivian V45 20 The Stragglers RC 40:09
21 72 Andrew Hoseason V45 21 The Stragglers RC 40:38
22 67 Simon Nixon V45 22 Thames Valley Harriers 43:01
23 73 Richard Patient V45 23 The Stragglers RC 43:51
24 4 Steve Cooper V45 24 Blackheath & Bromley H 45:43
25 53 Andrew Maher V45 25 St Albans Striders 51:56
26 32 John Luscombe V45 26 Hillingdon AC 52:41
Masters - Men aged 50 to 54
Pos Num Name Cat/Pos Club Time
1 378 Julian Richardson V50 1 Oxford City AC 33:30
2 412 Andrew Weir V50 2 Thames Hare & Hounds 33:48
3 432 Matthew Adcock V50 3 Watford Harriers 33:53
4 297 Steven Herring V50 4 Bedford & County AC 34:04
5 411 Ben Reynolds V50 5 Thames Hare & Hounds 34:14
6 337 Fergus Campbell V50 6 Headington Road Runners 34:27
7 319 Allex Smalls V50 7 Colchester Harriers 35:07
8 393 Robin Bentley V50 8 Southampton AC 35:20
9 431 Martyn Summerfield V50 9 Vale Of Aylesbury AC 35:34
10 366 Martin Potter V50 10 London Heathside AC 35:52
11 345 Jonathon Ratcliffe V50 11 Herne Hill Harriers 36:03
12 338 Kenny Lowies V50 12 Headington Road Runners 36:14
13 292 Costa Michael V50 13 Barnet & District AC 36:22
14 394 David Blackman V50 14 Southampton AC 36:44
15 344 Derek Lee V50 15 Herne Hill Harriers 36:50
16 360 John Flahive V50 16 London Heathside AC 36:51
17 314 Paul Dobson V50 17 Colchester Harriers 37:03
18 311 Christian Poulton V50 18 Cambridge Harriers 37:06
19 396 Jon Grainger V50 19 Southampton AC 37:11
20 298 Jonathan Matthews V50 20 Bournemouth AC 37:20
21 331 Terry Booth V50 21 Guildford & Godalming AC 37:22
22 420 Roy Reeder V50 22 The Stragglers RC 37:31
23 329 Justin Hill V50 23 Garden City Runners 37:33
24 434 Marius Kwint V50 24 Winchester & District AC 37:34
25 422 Phillip Coleman V50 25 Tonbridge AC 37:35
26 417 Malcolm Davies V50 26 The Stragglers RC 37:39
27 295 Andrew Blair V50 27 Bedford & County AC 38:04
28 362 Mark Jefford V50 28 London Heathside AC 38:05
29 343 Trevor Chilton V50 29 Herne Hill Harriers 38:09
30 304 Nigel Herron V50 30 Brighton Phoenix AC 38:14
31 399 Nigel Aston V50 31 St Albans Striders 38:18
32 291 Andrew Noble V50 32 Ashford & District Rrc 38:21
33 419 Dean Morley V50 33 The Stragglers RC 38:27
34 424 M Pitcairn-Knowles V50 34 Tonbridge AC 38:44
35 408 Ian Harkness V50 35 Thames Hare & Hounds 38:49
36 334 Barry Tullett V50 36 Haywards Heath Harriers 38:53
37 290 Chris Bedford V50 37 Abingdon AC 38:58
38 308 Nigel Sullivan V50 38 Burnham Joggers 39:10
39 405 Chris Hall V50 39 Stubbington Green Runners 39:19
40 439 Rob Webster V50 40 Woodstock Harriers AC 39:20
41 313 Mark Solway V50 41 City Of Norwich AC 39:21
42 328 Sean Bowen V50 42 Garden City Runners 39:27
43 386 Peter Aked V50 43 Reading Road Runners 39:33
44 371 Wayne Lillis V50 44 Newbury AC 39:35
45 403 Mark Eaton V50 45 Stubbington Green Runners 39:38
46 307 Sean Rooney V50 46 Burnham Joggers 39:56
47 363 Tony Killilea V50 47 London Heathside AC 39:57
48 372 Nigel Popplewell V50 48 Newbury AC 40:30
49 370 Paul Parkin V50 49 Nene Valley Harriers 40:44
50 433 Peat Allan V50 50 Winchester & District AC 40:50
51 357 Paul Hull V50 51 Hillingdon AC 40:59
52 364 Andrew Owen V50 52 London Heathside AC 41:25
53 346 Andrew Simms V50 53 Herne Hill Harriers 41:32
54 387 Mark Andrew V50 54 Reading Road Runners 41:39
55 389 Tim Grant V50 55 Reading Road Runners 42:09
56 392 Ian Johnson V50 56 Serpentine RC 42:14
57 318 Simon Morgan V50 57 Colchester Harriers 43:04
58 413 Richard Bell V50 58 Thames Valley Harriers 43:08
59 425 Mark Schofield V50 59 Tonbridge AC 43:17
60 379 Peter Reupke V50 60 Queens Park Harriers 43:56
61 388 David Fiddes V50 61 Reading Road Runners 44:18
62 404 Richard Edmonds V50 62 Stubbington Green Runners 44:52
63 430 Alan Roberts V50 63 Vale Of Aylesbury AC 45:22
64 440 Jonathan Golub V50 64 Ealing Eagles 48:28
65 397 Howard Long V50 65 Southampton AC 49:41
66 384 Stephen Church V50 66 Reading AC 51:10
67 428 Chris Nicholls V50 67 Tring RC 52:23
Masters - Men aged 55 to 59
Pos Num Name Cat/Pos Club Time
1 429 Andrew Howey V55 1 Tunbridge Wells Harriers 34:26
2 335 Paul Cousins V55 2 Haywards Heath Harriers 35:08
3 294 Richard McCormick V55 3 Barnet & District AC 35:10
4 354 Alex Davidson V55 4 Highgate Harriers 35:12
5 332 Mark Tennyson V55 5 Guildford & Godalming AC 36:00
6 367 Abrha Asmelash V55 6 London Heathside AC 36:21
7 350 Keith Newton V55 7 Herne Hill Harriers 36:27
8 323 Paul Spowage V55 8 Colchester Harriers 36:29
9 310 Daniel Aguilar-Agon V55 9 Cambridge & Coleridge AC 36:31
10 322 Colin Ridley V55 10 Colchester Harriers 38:24
11 327 Stephen Howard V55 11 Ely Runners 38:29
12 407 Ray Gunner V55 12 Stubbington Green Runners 38:37
13 368 Gavin Evans V55 13 London Heathside AC 38:51
14 341 Andy Phelps V55 14 Headington Road Runners 38:55
15 437 Franklyn Young V55 15 Winchester & District AC 38:56
16 293 Andrew Kelleher V55 16 Barnet & District AC 39:00
17 398 Paul Johnson V55 17 Southampton AC 39:01
18 380 Andrew Jackson V55 18 Queens Park Harriers 39:05
19 330 Malcolm Down V55 19 Garden City Runners 39:26
20 325 Mark Parry V55 20 Crawley AC 39:28
21 406 Stewart Pepper V55 21 Stubbington Green Runners 39:30
22 340 Mark Jones V55 22 Headington Road Runners 40:08
23 436 Steve Oliver V55 23 Winchester & District AC 40:16
24 400 Colin Braybrook V55 24 St Albans Striders 40:20
25 309 Derek Humphrey V55 25 Burnham Joggers 41:03
26 374 Andrew Tuttle V55 26 Newbury AC 41:03
27 306 Phil Grabsky V55 27 Brighton Phoenix AC 41:11
28 359 Simon Neville V55 28 Keswick AC 41:18
29 382 Maurice Quirke V55 29 Queens Park Harriers 41:21
30 421 Mark Pattinson V55 30 The Stragglers RC 41:28
31 312 Clem Dixon V55 31 Cambridge Harriers 41:35
32 336 Tim Hicks V55 32 Haywards Heath Harriers 42:02
33 333 Patrick Butler V55 33 Hardley Runners 42:13
34 390 Colin Cottell V55 34 Reading Road Runners 42:14
35 383 Marcus Atkins V55 35 Ranelagh Harriers 42:30
36 427 Andrew Gates V55 36 Totton RC 42:33
37 415 Richard Hooley V55 37 Thames Valley Harriers 42:39
38 326 Dave Tibbals V55 38 Crawley AC 42:42
39 373 Dwayne Stewart-Power V55 39 Newbury AC 43:10
40 385 Gerard O'Driscoll V55 40 Reading AC 45:34
41 401 Michael Jack V55 41 St Albans Striders 48:45
42 351 Ian Strong V55 42 Herne Hill Harriers 57:18
Masters - Men aged 60 to 64
Pos Num Name Cat/Pos Club Time
1 506 Michael Bridgeland V60 1 Chelmsford AC 37:15
2 541 Mike White V60 2 Stubbington Green Runners 38:12
3 531 Stephen Rolfe V60 3 Norfolk Gazelles 38:26
4 513 Steve Smythe V60 4 Dulwich Runners AC 38:54
5 527 Irwin Fairclough V60 5 Newbury AC 39:53
6 505 David Kitcher V60 6 Cambridge Harriers 39:59
7 501 Charlie Ritchie V60 7 Cambridge & Coleridge AC 41:47
8 488 Peter Ellis V60 8 Barnet & District AC 42:01
9 549 Richard Pitt V60 9 Thames Hare & Hounds 42:05
10 548 Andrew Lenon V60 10 Thames Hare & Hounds 42:50
11 545 Noel O'Dowd V60 11 Southampton AC 42:51
12 508 David Cook V60 12 Crawley AC 42:57
13 537 Alan Freer V60 13 Reading Road Runners 43:00
14 551 David Brewin V60 14 The Stragglers 44:17
15 552 Phil Davies V60 15 The Stragglers 44:54
16 523 Martin Searle V60 16 Hillingon AC 45:07
17 540 Nick Crane V60 17 Stubbington Green Runners 45:33
18 499 Gordon Aspin V60 18 Cambridge & Coleridge AC 46:56
19 489 Julian Stgeorge V60 19 Barnet & District AC 47:01
20 500 Gerald Meah V60 20 Cambridge & Coleridge AC 47:12
21 544 Sidney Delara V60 21 Southampton AC 50:02
22 521 Richard Foskett V60 22 Herts Phoenix AC 50:54
Masters - Men aged 65 to 69
Pos Num Name Cat/Pos Club Time
1 558 Dave Cox V65 1 Woodford Green W Essex L 38:16
2 498 Paul Whelpton V65 2 Brighton Phoenix AC 38:32
3 533 Stewart Thorp V65 3 Oxford City AC 39:42
4 490 Des Michael V65 4 Barnet & District AC 41:06
5 525 Andrew Catton V65 5 Ilford Acc 41:29
6 492 David Wilcock V65 6 Barnet & District AC 41:37
7 546 Ian Richardson V65 7 Southampton AC 42:48
8 529 Mike Sheridan V65 8 Newbury AC 43:06
9 547 Steve Connolly V65 9 Swindon Harriers 43:12
10 526 Carl Heap V65 10 London Heathside AC 43:22
11 528 Geoff Anderson V65 11 Newbury AC 43:38
12 514 Stephen Plestead V65 12 Ealing 43:42
13 550 Mike Farmery V65 13 Thames Hare & Hounds 43:50
14 554 Alan Newman V65 14 Tonbridge AC 44:00
15 542 Mike Bell V65 15 Stubbington Green Runners 44:04
16 511 Walter Hill V65 16 Crawley AC 44:13
17 524 John Bignell V65 17 Hillingon AC 44:26
18 497 Malcolm Kemp V65 18 Brighton Phoenix AC 44:29
19 534 Roy Treadwell V65 19 Oxford City AC 44:33
20 496 Andrew Haig V65 20 Brighton Phoenix AC 45:04
21 509 David Beattie V65 21 Crawley AC 45:39
22 522 Richard Bloom V65 22 Herts Phoenix AC 46:05
23 555 David Pilbeam V65 23 Totton RC 47:21
24 510 Jeremy Carmichael V65 24 Crawley AC 47:39
25 535 Robert Wood V65 25 Oxford City AC 47:43
26 553 Dave Griffiths V65 26 The Stragglers 48:37
27 504 Glynn Smith V65 27 Cambridge & Coleridge AC 49:11
28 516 Kevin Byrne V65 28 Headington Road Runners 49:53
29 538 Andrew Atkinson V65 29 Reading Road Runners 50:39
30 491 John Owen V65 30 Barnet & District AC 55:25
31 517 Graham Norris V65 31 Headington Road Runners 57:44
32 520 John Garber V65 32 Herne Hill Harriers 1:00:07
33 536 William O'Connor V65 33 Queens Park Harriers 1:03:04
34 507 Martyn Cartwright V65 34 Chiltern Harriers AC 1:12:22
Masters - Men aged 40 to 49
Pos Num Name Cat/Pos Club Time
1 62 Simon Baines V45 1 Thames Hare & Hounds 31:54
2 28 Simon Coombes V45 2 Herne Hill Harriers 31:59
3 61 Martin Shore V40 1 Thames Hare & Hounds 32:03
4 87 Tegid Jones V40 2 Witney Rrc 32:20
5 76 Julian Rendall V40 3 Tonbridge AC 32:26
6 29 Ben Paviour V45 3 Herne Hill Harriers 32:29
7 2 Alex Hamilton V40 4 Basingstoke & Mid Hants AC 32:39
8 22 John Kettle V40 5 Herne Hill Harriers 33:18
9 88 Matthew Jones V40 6 Thames Hare & Hounds 33:41
10 9 Craig Sharp V40 7 Central Park Athletics 33:50
11 14 Neil Henderson V40 8 Epsom & Ewell Harriers 33:54
12 7 Andrew Parmenter V40 9 Cambridge & Colerdige AC 33:59
13 25 Raj Paranandi V40 10 Herne Hill Harriers 35:02
14 83 Nick Anderson V45 4 Winchester & District AC 35:06
15 82 Pete Sansome V40 11 Winchester & District AC 35:16
16 79 Paul Jegou V40 12 White Horse Harriers AC 35:28
17 42 Sean Holmes V45 5 Overton Harriers 35:36
18 6 Alex Bonzi V40 13 Brighton Phoenix Ax 35:59
19 30 Martin Bateman V40 14 Hillingdon AC 36:01
20 59 Andy Simpson V45 6 Stubbington Green Runners 36:02
21 54 Russell Coleman V40 15 Stubbington Green Runners 36:06
22 69 Richard Carter V40 16 The Stragglers RC 36:12
23 86 Simon Stevens V45 7 Winchester & District AC 36:18
24 48 Greg Warder V40 17 Southampton AC 37:01
25 13 Stuart Flack V40 18 Epsom & Ewell Harriers 37:18
26 43 Michael Dmitrzak V40 19 Queens Park Harriers 37:23
27 15 Russell Casey V40 20 Garden City Runners 37:26
28 78 Stuart Ingham V45 8 Watford Harriers 37:30
29 26 Robert Peacock V40 21 Herne Hill Harriers 37:32
30 33 Gavin Whitlock V45 9 Invicta East Kent AC 37:42
31 68 Stephen Norris V45 10 Thames Valley Harriers 37:44
32 27 James Ward V40 22 Herne Hill Harriers 37:48
33 52 Mike Jubb V45 11 St Albans Striders 37:52
34 55 Jon Warner V40 23 Stubbington Green Runners 37:57
35 20 Richard Skilbeck V45 12 Headington Road Runners 38:00
36 85 Andy Parkinson V45 13 Winchester & District AC 38:03
37 50 Michael Tanner V45 14 Southampton AC 38:07
38 39 Jeff Bird V40 24 Newbury AC 38:10
39 41 Martin Walker V40 25 Newbury AC 38:11
40 1 Michael Walker V40 26 Barnet & District AC 38:13
41 35 Warren Rose V45 15 Leighton Buzzard AC 38:48
42 66 Greg Bennett V45 16 Thames Valley Harriers 38:58
43 38 Duane Tomaselli V40 27 Nene Valley Harriers 39:21
44 56 Simon Bacon V45 17 Stubbington Green Runners 39:25
45 49 Nick Willson V40 28 Southampton AC 39:29
46 74 Gareth Pritchard V45 18 The Stragglers RC 39:58
47 5 Steve Hough V45 19 Blackheath & Bromley H 40:01
48 65 James Malcolm V40 29 Thames Valley Harriers 40:03
49 70 Lewis Taylor V40 30 The Stragglers RC 40:06
50 75 Martin Vivian V45 20 The Stragglers RC 40:09
51 18 Rupert Cousens V40 31 Headington Road Runners 40:32
52 72 Andrew Hoseason V45 21 The Stragglers RC 40:38
53 40 Andrew Russell V40 32 Newbury AC 40:46
54 77 John Renton V40 33 Watford Harriers 41:55
55 67 Simon Nixon V45 22 Thames Valley Harriers 43:01
56 44 Darren Stevens V40 34 Reading AC 43:13
57 73 Richard Patient V45 23 The Stragglers RC 43:51
58 4 Steve Cooper V45 24 Blackheath & Bromley H 45:43
59 53 Andrew Maher V45 25 St Albans Striders 51:56
60 32 John Luscombe V45 26 Hillingdon AC 52:41
Masters - Men aged 40 to 49 -- TEAM RESULTS
1 Thames Hare & Hounds 13
1 Simon Baines
3 Martin Shore
9 Matthew Jones
2 Herne Hill Harriers 16
2 Simon Coombes
6 Ben Paviour
8 John Kettle
3 Winchester & District AC 52
14 Nick Anderson
15 Pete Sansome
23 Simon Stevens
4 Stubbington Green Runners 75
20 Andy Simpson
21 Russell Coleman
34 Jon Warner
5 Southampton AC 106
24 Greg Warder
37 Michael Tanner
45 Nick Willson
6 The Stragglers RC 117
22 Richard Carter
46 Gareth Pritchard
49 Lewis Taylor
7 Thames Valley Harriers 121
31 Stephen Norris
42 Greg Bennett
48 James Malcolm
8 Newbury AC 130
38 Jeff Bird
39 Martin Walker
53 Andrew Russell
Masters - Men (Vets) aged 50 to 59
Pos Num Name Cat/Pos Club Time
1 378 Julian Richardson V50 1 Oxford City AC 33:30
2 412 Andrew Weir V50 2 Thames Hare & Hounds 33:48
3 432 Matthew Adcock V50 3 Watford Harriers 33:53
4 297 Steven Herring V50 4 Bedford & County AC 34:04
5 411 Ben Reynolds V50 5 Thames Hare & Hounds 34:14
6 429 Andrew Howey V55 1 Tunbridge Wells Harriers 34:26
7 337 Fergus Campbell V50 6 Headington Road Runners 34:27
8 319 Allex Smalls V50 7 Colchester Harriers 35:07
9 335 Paul Cousins V55 2 Haywards Heath Harriers 35:08
10 294 Richard McCormick V55 3 Barnet & District AC 35:10
11 354 Alex Davidson V55 4 Highgate Harriers 35:12
12 393 Robin Bentley V50 8 Southampton AC 35:20
13 431 Martyn Summerfield V50 9 Vale Of Aylesbury AC 35:34
14 366 Martin Potter V50 10 London Heathside AC 35:52
15 332 Mark Tennyson V55 5 Guildford & Godalming AC 36:00
16 345 Jonathon Ratcliffe V50 11 Herne Hill Harriers 36:03
17 338 Kenny Lowies V50 12 Headington Road Runners 36:14
18 367 Abrha Asmelash V55 6 London Heathside AC 36:21
19 292 Costa Michael V50 13 Barnet & District AC 36:22
20 350 Keith Newton V55 7 Herne Hill Harriers 36:27
21 323 Paul Spowage V55 8 Colchester Harriers 36:29
22 310 Daniel Aguilar-Agon V55 9 Cambridge & Coleridge AC 36:31
23 394 David Blackman V50 14 Southampton AC 36:44
24 344 Derek Lee V50 15 Herne Hill Harriers 36:50
25 360 John Flahive V50 16 London Heathside AC 36:51
26 314 Paul Dobson V50 17 Colchester Harriers 37:03
27 311 Christian Poulton V50 18 Cambridge Harriers 37:06
28 396 Jon Grainger V50 19 Southampton AC 37:11
29 298 Jonathan Matthews V50 20 Bournemouth AC 37:20
30 331 Terry Booth V50 21 Guildford & Godalming AC 37:22
31 420 Roy Reeder V50 22 The Stragglers RC 37:31
32 329 Justin Hill V50 23 Garden City Runners 37:33
33 434 Marius Kwint V50 24 Winchester & District AC 37:34
34 422 Phillip Coleman V50 25 Tonbridge AC 37:35
35 417 Malcolm Davies V50 26 The Stragglers RC 37:39
36 295 Andrew Blair V50 27 Bedford & County AC 38:04
37 362 Mark Jefford V50 28 London Heathside AC 38:05
38 343 Trevor Chilton V50 29 Herne Hill Harriers 38:09
39 304 Nigel Herron V50 30 Brighton Phoenix AC 38:14
40 399 Nigel Aston V50 31 St Albans Striders 38:18
41 291 Andrew Noble V50 32 Ashford & District Rrc 38:21
42 322 Colin Ridley V55 10 Colchester Harriers 38:24
43 419 Dean Morley V50 33 The Stragglers RC 38:27
44 327 Stephen Howard V55 11 Ely Runners 38:29
45 407 Ray Gunner V55 12 Stubbington Green Runners 38:37
46 424 M Pitcairn-Knowles V50 34 Tonbridge AC 38:44
47 408 Ian Harkness V50 35 Thames Hare & Hounds 38:49
48 368 Gavin Evans V55 13 London Heathside AC 38:51
49 334 Barry Tullett V50 36 Haywards Heath Harriers 38:53
50 341 Andy Phelps V55 14 Headington Road Runners 38:55
51 437 Franklyn Young V55 15 Winchester & District AC 38:56
52 290 Chris Bedford V50 37 Abingdon AC 38:58
53 293 Andrew Kelleher V55 16 Barnet & District AC 39:00
54 398 Paul Johnson V55 17 Southampton AC 39:01
55 380 Andrew Jackson V55 18 Queens Park Harriers 39:05
56 308 Nigel Sullivan V50 38 Burnham Joggers 39:10
57 405 Chris Hall V50 39 Stubbington Green Runners 39:19
58 439 Rob Webster V50 40 Woodstock Harriers AC 39:20
59 313 Mark Solway V50 41 City Of Norwich AC 39:21
60 330 Malcolm Down V55 19 Garden City Runners 39:26
61 328 Sean Bowen V50 42 Garden City Runners 39:27
62 325 Mark Parry V55 20 Crawley AC 39:28
63 406 Stewart Pepper V55 21 Stubbington Green Runners 39:30
64 386 Peter Aked V50 43 Reading Road Runners 39:33
65 371 Wayne Lillis V50 44 Newbury AC 39:35
66 403 Mark Eaton V50 45 Stubbington Green Runners 39:38
67 307 Sean Rooney V50 46 Burnham Joggers 39:56
68 363 Tony Killilea V50 47 London Heathside AC 39:57
69 340 Mark Jones V55 22 Headington Road Runners 40:08
70 436 Steve Oliver V55 23 Winchester & District AC 40:16
71 400 Colin Braybrook V55 24 St Albans Striders 40:20
72 372 Nigel Popplewell V50 48 Newbury AC 40:30
73 370 Paul Parkin V50 49 Nene Valley Harriers 40:44
74 433 Peat Allan V50 50 Winchester & District AC 40:50
75 357 Paul Hull V50 51 Hillingdon AC 40:59
76 309 Derek Humphrey V55 25 Burnham Joggers 41:03
77 374 Andrew Tuttle V55 26 Newbury AC 41:03
78 306 Phil Grabsky V55 27 Brighton Phoenix AC 41:11
79 359 Simon Neville V55 28 Keswick AC 41:18
80 382 Maurice Quirke V55 29 Queens Park Harriers 41:21
81 364 Andrew Owen V50 52 London Heathside AC 41:25
82 421 Mark Pattinson V55 30 The Stragglers RC 41:28
83 346 Andrew Simms V50 53 Herne Hill Harriers 41:32
84 312 Clem Dixon V55 31 Cambridge Harriers 41:35
85 387 Mark Andrew V50 54 Reading Road Runners 41:39
86 336 Tim Hicks V55 32 Haywards Heath Harriers 42:02
87 389 Tim Grant V50 55 Reading Road Runners 42:09
88 333 Patrick Butler V55 33 Hardley Runners 42:13
89 390 Colin Cottell V55 34 Reading Road Runners 42:14
90 392 Ian Johnson V50 56 Serpentine RC 42:14
91 383 Marcus Atkins V55 35 Ranelagh Harriers 42:30
92 427 Andrew Gates V55 36 Totton RC 42:33
93 415 Richard Hooley V55 37 Thames Valley Harriers 42:39
94 326 Dave Tibbals V55 38 Crawley AC 42:42
95 318 Simon Morgan V50 57 Colchester Harriers 43:04
96 413 Richard Bell V50 58 Thames Valley Harriers 43:08
97 373 Dwayne Stewart-Power V55 39 Newbury AC 43:10
98 425 Mark Schofield V50 59 Tonbridge AC 43:17
99 379 Peter Reupke V50 60 Queens Park Harriers 43:56
100 388 David Fiddes V50 61 Reading Road Runners 44:18
101 404 Richard Edmonds V50 62 Stubbington Green Runners 44:52
102 430 Alan Roberts V50 63 Vale Of Aylesbury AC 45:22
103 385 Gerard O'Driscoll V55 40 Reading AC 45:34
104 440 Jonathan Golub V50 64 Ealing Eagles 48:28
105 401 Michael Jack V55 41 St Albans Striders 48:45
106 397 Howard Long V50 65 Southampton AC 49:41
107 384 Stephen Church V50 66 Reading AC 51:10
108 428 Chris Nicholls V50 67 Tring RC 52:23
109 351 Ian Strong V55 42 Herne Hill Harriers 57:18
Masters - Men (Vets) aged 50 to 59 -- TEAM RESULTS
1 Thames Hare & Hounds 54
2 Andrew Weir
5 Ben Reynolds
47 Ian Harkness
2 Colchester Harriers 55
8 Allex Smalls
21 Paul Spowage
26 Paul Dobson
3 London Heathside AC 57
14 Martin Potter
18 Abrha Asmelash
25 John Flahive
4 Herne Hill Harriers 60
16 Jonathon Ratcliffe
20 Keith Newton
24 Derek Lee
5 Southampton AC 63
12 Robin Bentley
23 David Blackman
28 Jon Grainger
6 Headington Road Runners 74
7 Fergus Campbell
17 Kenny Lowies
50 Andy Phelps
7 Barnet & District AC 82
10 Richard McCormick
19 Costa Michael
53 Andrew Kelleher
8 The Stragglers RC 109
31 Roy Reeder
35 Malcolm Davies
43 Dean Morley
9 Haywards Heath Harriers 144
9 Paul Cousins
49 Barry Tullett
86 Tim Hicks
10 Garden City Runners 153
32 Justin Hill
60 Malcolm Down
61 Sean Bowen
11 Winchester & District AC 154
33 Marius Kwint
51 Franklyn Young
70 Steve Oliver
12 Stubbington Green Runners 165
45 Ray Gunner
57 Chris Hall
63 Stewart Pepper
13 Tonbridge AC 178
34 Phillip Coleman
46 M Pitcairn-Knowles
98 Mark Schofield
14 Burnham Joggers 199
56 Nigel Sullivan
67 Sean Rooney
76 Derek Humphrey
15 Newbury AC 214
65 Wayne Lillis
72 Nigel Popplewell
77 Andrew Tuttle
16 St Albans Striders 216
40 Nigel Aston
71 Colin Braybrook
105 Michael Jack
17 Queens Park Harriers 234
55 Andrew Jackson
80 Maurice Quirke
99 Peter Reupke
18 Reading Road Runners 236
64 Peter Aked
85 Mark Andrew
87 Tim Grant
Masters - Men (Vets) over 60
Pos Num Name Cat/Pos Club Time
1 506 Michael Bridgeland V60 1 Chelmsford AC 37:15
2 541 Mike White V60 2 Stubbington Green Runners 38:12
3 558 Dave Cox V65 1 Woodford Green W Essex L 38:16
4 531 Stephen Rolfe V60 3 Norfolk Gazelles 38:26
5 498 Paul Whelpton V65 2 Brighton Phoenix AC 38:32
6 513 Steve Smythe V60 4 Dulwich Runners AC 38:54
7 533 Stewart Thorp V65 3 Oxford City AC 39:42
8 527 Irwin Fairclough V60 5 Newbury AC 39:53
9 505 David Kitcher V60 6 Cambridge Harriers 39:59
10 490 Des Michael V65 4 Barnet & District AC 41:06
11 525 Andrew Catton V65 5 Ilford Acc 41:29
12 492 David Wilcock V65 6 Barnet & District AC 41:37
13 501 Charlie Ritchie V60 7 Cambridge & Coleridge AC 41:47
14 488 Peter Ellis V60 8 Barnet & District AC 42:01
15 549 Richard Pitt V60 9 Thames Hare & Hounds 42:05
16 546 Ian Richardson V65 7 Southampton AC 42:48
17 548 Andrew Lenon V60 10 Thames Hare & Hounds 42:50
18 545 Noel O'Dowd V60 11 Southampton AC 42:51
19 508 David Cook V60 12 Crawley AC 42:57
20 537 Alan Freer V60 13 Reading Road Runners 43:00
21 529 Mike Sheridan V65 8 Newbury AC 43:06
22 547 Steve Connolly V65 9 Swindon Harriers 43:12
23 526 Carl Heap V65 10 London Heathside AC 43:22
24 528 Geoff Anderson V65 11 Newbury AC 43:38
25 514 Stephen Plestead V65 12 Ealing 43:42
26 550 Mike Farmery V65 13 Thames Hare & Hounds 43:50
27 554 Alan Newman V65 14 Tonbridge AC 44:00
28 542 Mike Bell V65 15 Stubbington Green Runners 44:04
29 511 Walter Hill V65 16 Crawley AC 44:13
30 551 David Brewin V60 14 The Stragglers 44:17
31 524 John Bignell V65 17 Hillingon AC 44:26
32 497 Malcolm Kemp V65 18 Brighton Phoenix AC 44:29
33 534 Roy Treadwell V65 19 Oxford City AC 44:33
34 552 Phil Davies V60 15 The Stragglers 44:54
35 496 Andrew Haig V65 20 Brighton Phoenix AC 45:04
36 523 Martin Searle V60 16 Hillingon AC 45:07
37 540 Nick Crane V60 17 Stubbington Green Runners 45:33
38 509 David Beattie V65 21 Crawley AC 45:39
39 522 Richard Bloom V65 22 Herts Phoenix AC 46:05
40 499 Gordon Aspin V60 18 Cambridge & Coleridge AC 46:56
41 489 Julian Stgeorge V60 19 Barnet & District AC 47:01
42 500 Gerald Meah V60 20 Cambridge & Coleridge AC 47:12
43 555 David Pilbeam V65 23 Totton RC 47:21
44 510 Jeremy Carmichael V65 24 Crawley AC 47:39
45 535 Robert Wood V65 25 Oxford City AC 47:43
46 553 Dave Griffiths V65 26 The Stragglers 48:37
47 504 Glynn Smith V65 27 Cambridge & Coleridge AC 49:11
48 516 Kevin Byrne V65 28 Headington Road Runners 49:53
49 544 Sidney Delara V60 21 Southampton AC 50:02
50 538 Andrew Atkinson V65 29 Reading Road Runners 50:39
51 521 Richard Foskett V60 22 Herts Phoenix AC 50:54
52 491 John Owen V65 30 Barnet & District AC 55:25
53 517 Graham Norris V65 31 Headington Road Runners 57:44
54 520 John Garber V65 32 Herne Hill Harriers 1:00:07
55 536 William O'Connor V65 33 Queens Park Harriers 1:03:04
56 507 Martyn Cartwright V65 34 Chiltern Harriers AC 1:12:22
Masters - Men (Vets) over 60 -- TEAM RESULTS
1 Barnet & District AC 36
10 Des Michael
12 David Wilcock
14 Peter Ellis
2 Newbury AC 53
8 Irwin Fairclough
21 Mike Sheridan
24 Geoff Anderson
3 Thames Hare & Hounds 58
15 Richard Pitt
17 Andrew Lenon
26 Mike Farmery
4 Stubbington Green Runners 67
2 Mike White
28 Mike Bell
37 Nick Crane
5 Brighton Phoenix AC 72
5 Paul Whelpton
32 Malcolm Kemp
35 Andrew Haig
6 Southampton AC 83
16 Ian Richardson
18 Noel O'Dowd
49 Sidney Delara
7 Oxford City AC 85
7 Stewart Thorp
33 Roy Treadwell
45 Robert Wood
8 Crawley AC 86
19 David Cook
29 Walter Hill
38 David Beattie
9 Cambridge & Coleridge AC 95
13 Charlie Ritchie
40 Gordon Aspin
42 Gerald Meah
10 The Stragglers 110
30 David Brewin
34 Phil Davies
46 Dave Griffiths
Results copyright (c) G.J. Fecitt (SportSoft) 2018