The Uttoxeter Half Marathon

at Uttoxeter on Sunday 4th May 2014

Uttoxeter -- FINAL RESULTS

     Pos  Name                 Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  Ben Gamble                   Tipton Harriers                 1:11:09
       2  Carl Moulton                 Boalloy Running Club            1:16:09
       3  Cory Parker                  Burton AC                       1:16:16
       4  David Betteley       V40   1 South Cheshire Harriers         1:17:40
       5  Gareth Briggs        V40   2 Smac                            1:18:09
       6  Matthew Woodman              Stafford Harriers               1:18:16
       7  Matthew Smith        V40   3 South Cheshire Harriers         1:18:32
       8  Thomas Orton                 Tamworth AC                     1:18:37
       9  Ian Salt                     Uttoxeter Road Runners          1:18:58
      10  Nicholas Hackett             South Cheshire Harriers         1:20:41
      11  Andrew Mayers        V45   1 South Cheshire Harriers         1:21:28
      12  Jamie Fletcher               Hatton Darts                    1:21:37
      13  Paul Swan            V50   1 Trentham RC                     1:21:49
      14  Leon Bailey                  Newcastle Staffs AC             1:21:51
      15  Steve Vaughan                Stafford Harriers               1:21:54
      16  Ramzi Sidani                 Ivanhoe Runners                 1:22:53
      17  Matt Andrews                 Peel Road Runners               1:23:00
      18  Andy Thornton        V40   4 Hatton Darts                    1:23:02
      19  Gareth Dodd                  Whitchurch Whippets             1:23:12
      20  Howard Bush          V40   5 Tamworth AC                     1:23:20
      21  Craig Taylor                 Trentham RC                     1:23:23
      22  James Walker                 Shelton Striders                1:24:02
      23  Phillip Hilsdon              Stafford Harriers               1:24:06
      24  Kenny House                  Boalloy Running Club            1:24:16
      25  James Simpson        V40   6 South Cheshire Harriers         1:25:23
      26  Paul Burslem         V45   2 Trentham RC                     1:25:55
      27  Mark Bridgwood               Stafford Harriers               1:26:17
      28  Richard Allen                Chesapeake Road Runners         1:26:35
      29  Scott Zikmanis               Trentham RC                     1:26:46
      30  Scott Minshull               Trentham RC                     1:26:46
      31  Mick Haire           V50   2 Boalloy Running Club            1:26:52
      32  Andy Hawtin                  South Derbyshire RR             1:26:56
      33  Gareth Morgan                Uttoxeter Road Runners          1:26:59
      34  Stanislaw Knopik     V50   3 Hatton Darts                    1:27:04
      35  Stephen Coleman      V50   4 Astley & Tyldesley RR           1:27:24
      36  Dan Cawley                   Trentham RC                     1:27:27
      37  Rob Valentine        V45   3 South Cheshire Harriers         1:27:31
      38  Matthew Basnett              Mow Cop Runners                 1:27:41
      39  Kevin Burke          V55   1 Stourbridge RC                  1:27:45
      40  Stuart Day           V40   7 Nsrra                           1:27:57
      41  Dave Isaac                   Wrekin Road Runners             1:28:02
      42  Ryan Nokes                   Stafford Harriers               1:28:13
      43  Naomi Warr           L35   1 Hatton Darts                    1:28:17
      44  Paul Hancock         V40   8 South Cheshire Harriers         1:28:24
      45  Matthew Glover               Unattached                      1:28:33
      46  Andy Parkin          V40   9 Ripley Running Club             1:28:44
      47  Terry Barker         V45   4 South Cheshire Harriers         1:28:48
      48  Ian Wood             V50   5 Oak Park RC                     1:28:52
      49  James Cassidy                South Derbyshire RR             1:29:01
      50  Duncan Cowie         V50   6 Sinfin Running Club             1:29:14
      51  Matt Rhodes                  Unattached                      1:29:17
      52  Dave Thorley         V40  10 Cheadle RC                      1:29:22
      53  Paul Clinton         V45   5 Trentham RC                     1:29:36
      54  Alistair Chambers    V50   7 Ivanhoe Runners                 1:29:48
      55  Michael Downes       V40  11 Stone Master Marathoners        1:29:52
      56  Melvyn Askey         V55   2 Newcastle Staffs AC             1:29:54
      57  Paul Downing                 Unattached                      1:29:58
      58  Mark Slade                   Hatton Darts                    1:30:23
      59  Michelle Buckle      L35   2 Newcastle Staffs AC             1:30:36
      60  Nigel Baskerville    V45   6 South Cheshire Harriers         1:30:45
      61  Frank Caci                   Michelin AC                     1:30:59
      62  Jamie Waring                 Unattached                      1:31:08
      63  Alan Brookes         V55   3 South Cheshire Harriers         1:31:19
      64  Nigel Elson          V40  12 Hatton Darts                    1:31:32
      65  Mark Cooper          V50   8 Canterbury Harriers             1:31:54
      66  Ben Bewley                   Newcastle Staffs AC             1:31:57
      67  Duncan Sadler        V40  13 Road Runners Club               1:32:10
      68  Hayden Jones                 Boalloy Running Club            1:32:29
      69  Stuart Halsey        V50   9 South Derbyshire RR             1:32:30
      70  David Kumar                  Stafford Harriers               1:32:46
      71  John Corbett         V65   1 Trentham RC                     1:32:57
      72  Kev Wright           V45   7 Ivanhoe Runners                 1:33:03
      73  Gareth Smith         V45   8 Unattached                      1:33:14
      74  Steve Copnall                Unattached                      1:33:16
      75  Steven Naylor                Michelin AC                     1:33:19
      76  Peter Lloyd          V40  14 South Cheshire Harriers         1:33:21
      77  Lee Oakley                   Unattached                      1:33:26
      78  Dave Jones                   Nsrra                           1:33:45
      79  Colin Mee            V55   4 South Derbyshire RR             1:34:22
      80  Christopher Green    V55   5 Smac                            1:34:32
      81  Sam Jilbert                  Unattached                      1:34:39
      82  Nick Dunning         V45   9 South Cheshire Harriers         1:34:54
      83  Andrew Jeyes         V65   2 Ivanhoe Runners                 1:35:03
      84  Terry Wall           V45  10 Trentham RC                     1:35:05
      85  Gavin Brookes        V40  15 South Cheshire Harriers         1:35:22
      86  Kevin Prive          V50  10 Mow Cop Runners                 1:35:27
      87  Steven Locker        V55   6 Trentham RC                     1:35:29
      88  David Kingston       V40  16 Telford Harriers                1:35:54
      89  David Nimmo                  South Cheshire Harriers         1:36:28
      90  Neil Myatt                   Unattached                      1:36:30
      91  Sarah Wilson         L35   3 South Cheshire Harriers         1:36:33
      92  Neil Stretton        V55   7 Oak Park RC                     1:36:34
      93  Fay Slater           L35   4 Unattached                      1:36:36
      94  Tim Melville                 Uttoxeter Road Runners          1:36:41
      95  Jenny Day            L35   5 South Cheshire Harriers         1:36:59
      96  Michelle Rushton-Fox L35   6 Stafford Harriers               1:37:00
      97  Martin Yeomans       V45  11 Ivanhoe Runners                 1:37:03
      98  Christopher Bascombe         Smac                            1:37:25
      99  Chris Fletcher       V55   8 Hatton Darts                    1:37:25
     100  Thomas Davenport             Burton AC                       1:37:25
     101  Christina Cooper     L     7 South Derbyshire RR             1:37:36
     102  Stan Winterton       V65   3 Trentham RC                     1:37:46
     103  Matthew Plant                Trentham RC                     1:37:55
     104  Charles Rowlands     V40  17 South Cheshire Harriers         1:38:11
     105  Craig Morris         V40  18 Unattached                      1:38:17
     106  Harry Arthur                 Unattached                      1:38:24
     107  Ian Parker           V50  11 Burton AC                       1:39:00
     108  Ben Brooks                   Unattached                      1:39:09
     109  Barry Smith          V45  12 Trentham RC                     1:39:19
     110  Anife Turchin        L     8 South Cheshire Harriers         1:39:28
     111  David Weldon         V40  19 Nsrra                           1:40:07
     112  Michael Howard       V45  13 Newcastle (staffs) Tri Club     1:40:42
     113  Nick Jones                   Chorlton Runners                1:41:12
     114  Mark White           V40  20 Stafford Harriers               1:41:14
     115  Richard Abbotts      V45  14 Unattached                      1:41:24
     116  Dean Higginbottom            Unattached                      1:41:31
     117  Colin Rathbone       V70     Vale Royal AC                   1:41:32
     118  Darrel Mosley        V65   5 Cheadle RC                      1:41:46
     119  Alex Brown           V40  21 Garstang                        1:41:54
     120  Anthony Hayhoe       V50  12 Unattached                      1:41:58
     121  Michael Parr         V55   9 Newcastle Staffs AC             1:42:04
     122  Grahame Cope         V40  22 Uttoxeter Road Runners          1:42:15
     123  Matt Sandoz                  Newcastle Staffs AC             1:42:20
     124  Andy Lindley         V45  15 Ivanhoe Runners                 1:42:24
     125  Dave Payling         V45  16 Stafford Harriers               1:42:32
     126  Richard Millward     V55  10 Unattached                      1:42:41
     127  Gary Jones           V45  17 Michelin AC                     1:42:43
     128  Claire Calladine     L35   7 Hatton Darts                    1:42:53
     129  Jon Woods                    Unattached                      1:42:59
     130  Tracey Glover        L40   1 South Derbyshire RR             1:43:00
     131  Chris Skellern       L50   1 Stafford Harriers               1:43:04
     132  Sarah Taylor         L45   1 Unattached                      1:43:15
     133  Sandra Griffiths     L    13 Michelin AC                     1:43:18
     134  Harry Porter         V40  23 Boalloy Running Club            1:43:26
     135  Jason Blount                 Newcastle Staffs AC             1:43:45
     136  Lee Jones            V40  24 Trentham RC                     1:43:45
     137  Steve Alder                  Nsrra                           1:43:55
     138  Angus Falconer               Unattached                      1:44:02
     139  Jonathan Gregson             Hatton Darts                    1:44:07
     140  Derek Bolton         V50  13 Tamworth AC                     1:44:11
     141  Jim Smith            V45  18 Stafford Harriers               1:44:16
     142  Mark Bentley         V40  25 Stafford Harriers               1:44:18
     143  Tim Chatfield                Unattached                      1:44:34
     144  Robert Brown         V45  19 South Cheshire Harriers         1:44:51
     145  Mick McCarron        V45  20 Unattached                      1:44:52
     146  Matt Shenton                 Michelin AC                     1:44:59
     147  Ady Wayne Woodhall           Uttoxeter Road Runners          1:45:09
     148  Julian Lobley        V40  26 Unattached                      1:45:16
     149  Mark Cooper                  Newcastle Staffs AC             1:45:18
     150  Rachel Tweedie       L40   2 Newcastle Staffs AC             1:45:23
     151  Jonathan Stanfield           Nsrra                           1:45:38
     152  Andy Fairbrother             Formula One Circuit Crew        1:45:40
     153  Christine Walker     L35   8 Unattached                      1:45:59
     154  David Piper                  Trentham RC                     1:46:02
     155  Simon Poole                  Uttoxeter Road Runners          1:46:05
     156   Carl Martin         V50  14 Newcastle Staffs AC             1:46:16
     157  Mark Egerton                 Unattached                      1:46:21
     158  Greg Julian          V50  15 Trentham RC                     1:46:41
     159  Tracey Cox           L35   9 Peel Road Runners               1:46:42
     160  Mark Quinn                   Unattached                      1:46:45
     161  Kerry Widdowson      L40   3 Trentham RC                     1:46:50
     162  Matthew Robinson             Unattached                      1:46:56
     163  Robert Sharratt      V55  11 Burton AC                       1:46:58
     164  Jodie Rock           L    18 Trentham RC                     1:47:28
     165  Matthew Burley               Trentham RC                     1:47:32
     166  Owen Cooper          V65   6 Wolverhampton & Bilston         1:47:44
     167  Michael Perry        V50  16 Unattached                      1:47:46
     168  Glynn Probert                Trentham RC                     1:47:55
     169  Neil Ritchie                 Unattached                      1:48:01
     170  Steve Atherton       V45  21 South Cheshire Harriers         1:48:04
     171  Adam Finney                  Unattached                      1:48:06
     172  Richard Hewitt       V40  27 Unattached                      1:48:09
     173  Paul Orry                    Trentham RC                     1:48:21
     174  John Green           V45  22 Smac                            1:48:34
     175  Eddie Smith          V60   1 Stafford Harriers               1:49:02
     176  Lynn Ward            L45   2 Unattached                      1:49:07
     177  Tim Gully                    Belper Harriers                 1:49:12
     178  Mark Oliver          V45  23 Stafford Harriers               1:49:32
     179  Mags Smith           L45   3 Peel Road Runners               1:49:34
     180  Terry Parton         V70     Trentham RC                     1:49:51
     181  Gavin Chadwick               Rolls Royce Harriers            1:49:54
     182  Clare Bovill         L45   4 Sparkhill Harriers              1:49:59
     183  Andrew Orme          V45  24 South Derbyshire RR             1:50:11
     184  Karra Herrero        V40  28 Kenilworth Runners              1:50:13
     185  Jon Fuller           V55  12 Unattached                      1:50:34
     186  Anthony Pinson               Telford Harriers                1:50:40
     187  Mark Harriot         V45  25 Peel Road Runners               1:50:40
     188  Nikki Reeves         L40   4 South Derbyshire RR             1:50:41
     189  Malcolm Davenport    V55  13 Burton AC                       1:50:47
     190  Caroline Waterhouse  L40   5 Beeston AC                      1:50:53
     191  Stephen Kenworthy    V55  14 Buxton & District AC            1:50:56
     192  Stefanie Mayer       L35  10 Unattached                      1:51:05
     193  Alan Weir            V45  26 Unattached                      1:51:05
     194  Gary Price           V50  17 South Derbyshire RR             1:51:09
     195  Laura Graves         L50   2 Ivanhoe Runners                 1:51:18
     196  Henry Maxwell        V55  15 Unattached                      1:51:22
     197  Richard Spencer      V45  27 Unattached                      1:51:26
     198  Philip Kelly                 Unattached                      1:51:27
     199  Sam Skidmore         L40   6 South Derbyshire RR             1:51:28
     200  Ed Stubbs                    Unattached                      1:51:29
     201  Richard Fain                 Stone Master Marathoners        1:51:34
     202  Andrew Constable     V50  18 Unattached                      1:51:56
     203  Kirsty Dumelow       L    27 Washlands Women                 1:51:57
     204  Paul Turner          V50  19 Unattached                      1:52:10
     205  Adam Briggs                  Unattached                      1:52:12
     206  Wayne Stephens       V45  28 Unattached                      1:52:13
     207  Clare Shubotham      L    28 Michelin AC                     1:52:17
     208  Clive Wain           V40  29 Unattached                      1:52:23
     209  Amanda Gilbert       L35  11 Cheadle RC                      1:52:27
     210  Andrew Deaville              South Cheshire Harriers         1:53:03
     211  Bill McAuliffe       V50  20 Cheadle RC                      1:53:07
     212  John Alcock                  Newcastle Staffs AC             1:53:20
     213  Anthony Ballance     V45  29 Unattached                      1:53:27
     214  Mark Harrison        V40  30 Cheadle RC                      1:53:30
     215  Angela Brookes       L35  12 Stafford Harriers               1:53:48
     216  Andrew Greaves               Peel Road Runners               1:53:59
     217  Anthony Fowell       V40  31 Unattached                      1:54:06
     218  Amanda Bradbury      L40   7 Ivanhoe Runners                 1:54:08
     219  Andrew Doyle                 Unattached                      1:54:15
     220  Charli Weller        L45   5 Newcastle Staffs AC             1:54:19
     221  Eamon O'Hanlon       V45  30 Burton AC                       1:54:23
     222  Graham Williams      V65   8 Stafford Harriers               1:54:24
     223  Adrian Good          V50  21 Unattached                      1:54:37
     224  Rachel Davis         L45   6 Stafford Harriers               1:54:44
     225  Colin Bourne         V40  32 Michelin AC                     1:54:48
     226  Ruth Green           L40   8 Ivanhoe Runners                 1:54:54
     227  Katherine Bradley    L40   9 Tamworth AC                     1:54:57
     228  Emma Dyson           L35  13 Hatton Darts                    1:55:14
     229  Victoria Smith       L40  10 Ivanhoe Runners                 1:55:36
     230  Barbara Delaney      L35  14 Washlands Women                 1:55:53
     231  Lucinda Stone        L35  15 Smac                            1:56:06
     232  Anne-Marie Mountford L40  11 Stone Master Marathoners        1:56:46
     233  Joshua Morris        JM    1 Unattached                      1:56:52
     234  Kerryanne Clancy     L35  16 Newcastle Staffs AC             1:56:53
     235  Alan Lewis           V70     Trentham RC                     1:57:06
     236  Laura Hibberd        L    42 Unattached                      1:57:09
     237  Russell Reid         V55  16 Uttoxeter Road Runners          1:57:19
     238  Andy Earp            V50  22               1:57:27
     239  Amaris Nerys         L35  17 Unattached                      1:57:29
     240  Carolyn Osborne      L45   7 Ivanhoe Runners                 1:57:38
     241  Stuart Hunter        V50  23 Shopshed                        1:57:44
     242  Brian Powell         V60   2 Nsrra                           1:57:46
     243  Tracy Ridings        L40  12 Stafford Harriers               1:58:03
     244  Helen Hastilow       L    46 Uttoxeter Road Runners          1:58:08
     245  Sandra Smith         L45   8 Stafford Harriers               1:58:22
     246  Chris Moore          V50  24 Unattached                      1:58:32
     247  Mark Francis         V45  31 Newcastle Staffs AC             1:58:36
     248  Lesley Cole          L55   1 South Cheshire Harriers         1:58:46
     249  Fiona McKean         L45   9 Ivanhoe Runners                 1:59:23
     250  Simon Rowley         V40  33 Unattached                      1:59:36
     251  Nick Smith           V45  32 Unattached                      1:59:50
     252  Rachael Wood         L    50 Michelin AC                     1:59:51
     253  Sian Hamilton        L40  13 Washlands Women                 2:00:01
     254  Thomas Davies                Unattached                      2:00:11
     255  Karl Savill          V40  34 Ivanhoe Runners                 2:00:28
     256  Honor Cann           L45  10 Uttoxeter Road Runners          2:00:41
     257  Mark Ridout                  Unattached                      2:00:42
     258  Paul Woolridge       V50  25 Unattached                      2:00:51
     259  Aedrian Bekker       V40  35 Unattached                      2:01:02
     260  Dean Munro                   Unattached                      2:01:13
     261  Steve Quinn                  Unattached                      2:01:36
     262  Hope Brough          LJ    1 Unattached                      2:01:53
     263  Liz Turner           L40  14 Unattached                      2:01:58
     264  Nigel Symms          V45  33 Newcastle Staffs AC             2:02:10
     265  Bobbie Hickman       L45  11 Potters Trotters                2:02:27
     266  Helen Morris         L35  18 Stafford Harriers               2:02:29
     267  Nick Boulton         V45  34 Stone Master Marathoners        2:02:52
     268  Colin Pheasant       V55  17 Chase Harriers                  2:03:12
     269  Carol Ann Sharratt   L55   2 Hatton Darts                    2:03:37
     270  Paul Langson         V45  35 Newcastle Staffs AC             2:03:46
     271  Andy Miszkiel        V40  36 Nsrra                           2:03:54
     272  Geoffrey Vincent     V55  18 Unattached                      2:03:57
     273  Val Lawson           L50   3 Peel Road Runners               2:03:57
     274  Tony Goodman         V50  26 Unattached                      2:04:21
     275  David Baker          V55  19 Smac                            2:04:23
     276  Richard Barrington   V60   3 City Of Stoke                   2:04:24
     277  Teresa Talbott       L40  15 Ivanhoe Runners                 2:04:33
     278  Neil Stewart         V40  37 Unattached                      2:04:37
     279  Shelley Burns        L    60 Stafford Harriers               2:04:53
     280  Sue Davies           L50   4 South Cheshire Harriers         2:05:06
     281  Sylvia Franklin      L50   5 Washlands Women                 2:05:13
     282  Andrew Slater                Unattached                      2:05:24
     283  Charlie Leese                Unattached                      2:05:38
     284  Heather Swan         L45  12 Ivanhoe Runners                 2:05:52
     285  Julie Boulton        L45  13 Stone Master Marathoners        2:05:59
     286  Kelly Shenton        L35  19 Unattached                      2:06:06
     287  Robert Stevens       V50  27 Unattached                      2:06:16
     288  Liz Fox              L40  16 Cheadle RC                      2:06:57
     289  Trevor Goodwin       V75     Nsrra                           2:07:05
     290  Alison Larwood       L40  17 Hatton Darts                    2:07:14
     291  Jon Wheale           V40  38 Unattached                      2:07:30
     292  Victor Banda         V50  28 Unattached                      2:08:06
     293  Keely Gilhooly       L35  20 Unattached                      2:08:19
     294  Lisa Lancaster       L40  18 Uttoxeter Road Runners          2:08:42
     295  Scott Palmer         V45  36 Unattached                      2:08:59
     296  Valerie Stuart       L65   1 Stafford Harriers               2:09:18
     297  Tom Shaw             V40  39 Michelin AC                     2:09:24
     298  Paul Day             V55  20 Michelin AC                     2:10:04
     299  Simon Wright         V45  37 Unattached                      2:10:04
     300  Marie- D'arcy-Barron L35  21 Stafford Harriers               2:10:09
     301  Paul Hayman          V45  38 Uttoxeter Road Runners          2:10:34
     302  Graham Charlesworth          Unattached                      2:10:46
     303  Ross Haywood                 Unattached                      2:10:50
     304  Catherine Lantsbery  L40  19 Trentham RC                     2:11:14
     305  Carole Williams      L60   1 Vale Royal AC                   2:11:33
     306  Dave Reid            V50  29 City Of Chester Tri Club        2:11:45
     307  Derek Okseniuk       V60   4 Blythe Bridge RC                2:11:51
     308  John Brown           V60   5 Cheadle RC                      2:11:53
     309  Jennifer Goodwin     L    74 Uttoxeter Road Runners          2:12:19
     310  Joanne Oliver        L40  20 Stafford Harriers               2:12:21
     311  Sarah Bowden         L    76 Unattached                      2:12:23
     312  Sharon Minshall      L50   6 Washlands Women                 2:13:18
     313  Cathy Holroyd        L45  14 Saints & Sinners Fun Runners    2:13:29
     314  Chris Pool           V70   1 Unattached                      2:13:45
     315  Emily Smith          L    79 Trentham RC                     2:13:56
     316  Charles Rodgers      V60   6 Unattached                      2:14:16
     317  Nick Dixon           V40  40 Unattached                      2:14:21
     318  Karina Kostrova      L    80 Unattached                      2:14:21
     319  Victoria Precott     L    81 Unattached                      2:14:33
     320  Charlotte Ward       L35  22 Stafford Harriers               2:14:33
     321  Tina Darby           L40  21 Stafford Harriers               2:14:37
     322  Lee Lymer            L50   7 Trentham RC                     2:15:45
     323  Kathleen Mellor      L55   3 Potters Trotters                2:15:45
     324  Jane Wade            L45  15 Hatton Darts                    2:16:00
     325  Marcia Cameron       L45  16 Unattached                      2:16:02
     326  Graham Sellman       V50  30 Unattached                      2:16:43
     327  Sarah Hughes         L35  23 Unattached                      2:16:43
     328  Christine Norris     L65   2 Peel Road Runners               2:17:27
     329  Lauren Barker        L    90 South Cheshire Harriers         2:19:43
     330  Martin Stirna        V60   7 South Cheshire Harriers         2:19:47
     331  Alison Lumbard       L35  24 Unattached                      2:20:01
     332  Z ClementsonTaylor   L    92 Unattached                      2:20:03
     333  Katie George         L    93 Unattached                      2:22:04
     334  Malcolm Rushton      V60   8 Trentham RC                     2:22:38
     335  Keith Bowden         V50  31 Unattached                      2:25:01
     336  Mark Skidmore        V45  39 South Derbyshire RR             2:25:01
     337  Robert Findler       V50  32 Newcastle Staffs AC             2:27:44
     338  Julie Nokes          L50   8 Stafford Harriers               2:28:44
     339  Stuart Fowlie        V50  33 Stafford Harriers               2:30:46
     340  Anne Davies          L60   2 Potters Trotters                2:31:29
     341  Hollie Jones         L    96 Unattached                      2:33:06
     342  John Rowlands        V65  11 Whitchurch Whippets             2:35:38
     343  Hazel Barlow         L50   9 Vale Royal AC                   2:42:37
     344  Andrew Butterworth           Unattached                      2:47:38

Uttoxeter - Men -- FINAL RESULTS

     Pos  Name                 Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  Ben Gamble                   Tipton Harriers                 1:11:09
       2  Carl Moulton                 Boalloy Running Club            1:16:09
       3  Cory Parker                  Burton AC                       1:16:16
       4  David Betteley       V40   1 South Cheshire Harriers         1:17:40
       5  Gareth Briggs        V40   2 Smac                            1:18:09
       6  Matthew Woodman              Stafford Harriers               1:18:16
       7  Matthew Smith        V40   3 South Cheshire Harriers         1:18:32
       8  Thomas Orton                 Tamworth AC                     1:18:37
       9  Ian Salt                     Uttoxeter Road Runners          1:18:58
      10  Nicholas Hackett             South Cheshire Harriers         1:20:41
      11  Andrew Mayers        V45   1 South Cheshire Harriers         1:21:28
      12  Jamie Fletcher               Hatton Darts                    1:21:37
      13  Paul Swan            V50   1 Trentham RC                     1:21:49
      14  Leon Bailey                  Newcastle Staffs AC             1:21:51
      15  Steve Vaughan                Stafford Harriers               1:21:54
      16  Ramzi Sidani                 Ivanhoe Runners                 1:22:53
      17  Matt Andrews                 Peel Road Runners               1:23:00
      18  Andy Thornton        V40   4 Hatton Darts                    1:23:02
      19  Gareth Dodd                  Whitchurch Whippets             1:23:12
      20  Howard Bush          V40   5 Tamworth AC                     1:23:20
      21  Craig Taylor                 Trentham RC                     1:23:23
      22  James Walker                 Shelton Striders                1:24:02
      23  Phillip Hilsdon              Stafford Harriers               1:24:06
      24  Kenny House                  Boalloy Running Club            1:24:16
      25  James Simpson        V40   6 South Cheshire Harriers         1:25:23
      26  Paul Burslem         V45   2 Trentham RC                     1:25:55
      27  Mark Bridgwood               Stafford Harriers               1:26:17
      28  Richard Allen                Chesapeake Road Runners         1:26:35
      29  Scott Zikmanis               Trentham RC                     1:26:46
      30  Scott Minshull               Trentham RC                     1:26:46
      31  Mick Haire           V50   2 Boalloy Running Club            1:26:52
      32  Andy Hawtin                  South Derbyshire RR             1:26:56
      33  Gareth Morgan                Uttoxeter Road Runners          1:26:59
      34  Stanislaw Knopik     V50   3 Hatton Darts                    1:27:04
      35  Stephen Coleman      V50   4 Astley & Tyldesley RR           1:27:24
      36  Dan Cawley                   Trentham RC                     1:27:27
      37  Rob Valentine        V45   3 South Cheshire Harriers         1:27:31
      38  Matthew Basnett              Mow Cop Runners                 1:27:41
      39  Kevin Burke          V55   1 Stourbridge RC                  1:27:45
      40  Stuart Day           V40   7 Nsrra                           1:27:57
      41  Dave Isaac                   Wrekin Road Runners             1:28:02
      42  Ryan Nokes                   Stafford Harriers               1:28:13
      43  Paul Hancock         V40   8 South Cheshire Harriers         1:28:24
      44  Matthew Glover               Unattached                      1:28:33
      45  Andy Parkin          V40   9 Ripley Running Club             1:28:44
      46  Terry Barker         V45   4 South Cheshire Harriers         1:28:48
      47  Ian Wood             V50   5 Oak Park RC                     1:28:52
      48  James Cassidy                South Derbyshire RR             1:29:01
      49  Duncan Cowie         V50   6 Sinfin Running Club             1:29:14
      50  Matt Rhodes                  Unattached                      1:29:17
      51  Dave Thorley         V40  10 Cheadle RC                      1:29:22
      52  Paul Clinton         V45   5 Trentham RC                     1:29:36
      53  Alistair Chambers    V50   7 Ivanhoe Runners                 1:29:48
      54  Michael Downes       V40  11 Stone Master Marathoners        1:29:52
      55  Melvyn Askey         V55   2 Newcastle Staffs AC             1:29:54
      56  Paul Downing                 Unattached                      1:29:58
      57  Mark Slade                   Hatton Darts                    1:30:23
      58  Nigel Baskerville    V45   6 South Cheshire Harriers         1:30:45
      59  Frank Caci                   Michelin AC                     1:30:59
      60  Jamie Waring                 Unattached                      1:31:08
      61  Alan Brookes         V55   3 South Cheshire Harriers         1:31:19
      62  Nigel Elson          V40  12 Hatton Darts                    1:31:32
      63  Mark Cooper          V50   8 Canterbury Harriers             1:31:54
      64  Ben Bewley                   Newcastle Staffs AC             1:31:57
      65  Duncan Sadler        V40  13 Road Runners Club               1:32:10
      66  Hayden Jones                 Boalloy Running Club            1:32:29
      67  Stuart Halsey        V50   9 South Derbyshire RR             1:32:30
      68  David Kumar                  Stafford Harriers               1:32:46
      69  John Corbett         V65   1 Trentham RC                     1:32:57
      70  Kev Wright           V45   7 Ivanhoe Runners                 1:33:03
      71  Gareth Smith         V45   8 Unattached                      1:33:14
      72  Steve Copnall                Unattached                      1:33:16
      73  Steven Naylor                Michelin AC                     1:33:19
      74  Peter Lloyd          V40  14 South Cheshire Harriers         1:33:21
      75  Lee Oakley                   Unattached                      1:33:26
      76  Dave Jones                   Nsrra                           1:33:45
      77  Colin Mee            V55   4 South Derbyshire RR             1:34:22
      78  Christopher Green    V55   5 Smac                            1:34:32
      79  Sam Jilbert                  Unattached                      1:34:39
      80  Nick Dunning         V45   9 South Cheshire Harriers         1:34:54
      81  Andrew Jeyes         V65   2 Ivanhoe Runners                 1:35:03
      82  Terry Wall           V45  10 Trentham RC                     1:35:05
      83  Gavin Brookes        V40  15 South Cheshire Harriers         1:35:22
      84  Kevin Prive          V50  10 Mow Cop Runners                 1:35:27
      85  Steven Locker        V55   6 Trentham RC                     1:35:29
      86  David Kingston       V40  16 Telford Harriers                1:35:54
      87  David Nimmo                  South Cheshire Harriers         1:36:28
      88  Neil Myatt                   Unattached                      1:36:30
      89  Neil Stretton        V55   7 Oak Park RC                     1:36:34
      90  Tim Melville                 Uttoxeter Road Runners          1:36:41
      91  Martin Yeomans       V45  11 Ivanhoe Runners                 1:37:03
      92  Christopher Bascombe         Smac                            1:37:25
      93  Chris Fletcher       V55   8 Hatton Darts                    1:37:25
      94  Thomas Davenport             Burton AC                       1:37:25
      95  Stan Winterton       V65   3 Trentham RC                     1:37:46
      96  Matthew Plant                Trentham RC                     1:37:55
      97  Charles Rowlands     V40  17 South Cheshire Harriers         1:38:11
      98  Craig Morris         V40  18 Unattached                      1:38:17
      99  Harry Arthur                 Unattached                      1:38:24
     100  Ian Parker           V50  11 Burton AC                       1:39:00
     101  Ben Brooks                   Unattached                      1:39:09
     102  Barry Smith          V45  12 Trentham RC                     1:39:19
     103  David Weldon         V40  19 Nsrra                           1:40:07
     104  Michael Howard       V45  13 Newcastle (staffs) Tri Club     1:40:42
     105  Nick Jones                   Chorlton Runners                1:41:12
     106  Mark White           V40  20 Stafford Harriers               1:41:14
     107  Richard Abbotts      V45  14 Unattached                      1:41:24
     108  Dean Higginbottom            Unattached                      1:41:31
     109  Colin Rathbone       V70     Vale Royal AC                   1:41:32
     110  Darrel Mosley        V65   5 Cheadle RC                      1:41:46
     111  Alex Brown           V40  21 Garstang                        1:41:54
     112  Anthony Hayhoe       V50  12 Unattached                      1:41:58
     113  Michael Parr         V55   9 Newcastle Staffs AC             1:42:04
     114  Grahame Cope         V40  22 Uttoxeter Road Runners          1:42:15
     115  Matt Sandoz                  Newcastle Staffs AC             1:42:20
     116  Andy Lindley         V45  15 Ivanhoe Runners                 1:42:24
     117  Dave Payling         V45  16 Stafford Harriers               1:42:32
     118  Richard Millward     V55  10 Unattached                      1:42:41
     119  Gary Jones           V45  17 Michelin AC                     1:42:43
     120  Jon Woods                    Unattached                      1:42:59
     121  Harry Porter         V40  23 Boalloy Running Club            1:43:26
     122  Jason Blount                 Newcastle Staffs AC             1:43:45
     123  Lee Jones            V40  24 Trentham RC                     1:43:45
     124  Steve Alder                  Nsrra                           1:43:55
     125  Angus Falconer               Unattached                      1:44:02
     126  Jonathan Gregson             Hatton Darts                    1:44:07
     127  Derek Bolton         V50  13 Tamworth AC                     1:44:11
     128  Jim Smith            V45  18 Stafford Harriers               1:44:16
     129  Mark Bentley         V40  25 Stafford Harriers               1:44:18
     130  Tim Chatfield                Unattached                      1:44:34
     131  Robert Brown         V45  19 South Cheshire Harriers         1:44:51
     132  Mick McCarron        V45  20 Unattached                      1:44:52
     133  Matt Shenton                 Michelin AC                     1:44:59
     134  Ady Wayne Woodhall           Uttoxeter Road Runners          1:45:09
     135  Julian Lobley        V40  26 Unattached                      1:45:16
     136  Mark Cooper                  Newcastle Staffs AC             1:45:18
     137  Jonathan Stanfield           Nsrra                           1:45:38
     138  Andy Fairbrother             Formula One Circuit Crew        1:45:40
     139  David Piper                  Trentham RC                     1:46:02
     140  Simon Poole                  Uttoxeter Road Runners          1:46:05
     141   Carl Martin         V50  14 Newcastle Staffs AC             1:46:16
     142  Mark Egerton                 Unattached                      1:46:21
     143  Greg Julian          V50  15 Trentham RC                     1:46:41
     144  Mark Quinn                   Unattached                      1:46:45
     145  Matthew Robinson             Unattached                      1:46:56
     146  Robert Sharratt      V55  11 Burton AC                       1:46:58
     147  Matthew Burley               Trentham RC                     1:47:32
     148  Owen Cooper          V65   6 Wolverhampton & Bilston         1:47:44
     149  Michael Perry        V50  16 Unattached                      1:47:46
     150  Glynn Probert                Trentham RC                     1:47:55
     151  Neil Ritchie                 Unattached                      1:48:01
     152  Steve Atherton       V45  21 South Cheshire Harriers         1:48:04
     153  Adam Finney                  Unattached                      1:48:06
     154  Richard Hewitt       V40  27 Unattached                      1:48:09
     155  Paul Orry                    Trentham RC                     1:48:21
     156  John Green           V45  22 Smac                            1:48:34
     157  Eddie Smith          V60   1 Stafford Harriers               1:49:02
     158  Tim Gully                    Belper Harriers                 1:49:12
     159  Mark Oliver          V45  23 Stafford Harriers               1:49:32
     160  Terry Parton         V70     Trentham RC                     1:49:51
     161  Gavin Chadwick               Rolls Royce Harriers            1:49:54
     162  Andrew Orme          V45  24 South Derbyshire RR             1:50:11
     163  Karra Herrero        V40  28 Kenilworth Runners              1:50:13
     164  Jon Fuller           V55  12 Unattached                      1:50:34
     165  Anthony Pinson               Telford Harriers                1:50:40
     166  Mark Harriot         V45  25 Peel Road Runners               1:50:40
     167  Malcolm Davenport    V55  13 Burton AC                       1:50:47
     168  Stephen Kenworthy    V55  14 Buxton & District AC            1:50:56
     169  Alan Weir            V45  26 Unattached                      1:51:05
     170  Gary Price           V50  17 South Derbyshire RR             1:51:09
     171  Henry Maxwell        V55  15 Unattached                      1:51:22
     172  Richard Spencer      V45  27 Unattached                      1:51:26
     173  Philip Kelly                 Unattached                      1:51:27
     174  Ed Stubbs                    Unattached                      1:51:29
     175  Richard Fain                 Stone Master Marathoners        1:51:34
     176  Andrew Constable     V50  18 Unattached                      1:51:56
     177  Paul Turner          V50  19 Unattached                      1:52:10
     178  Adam Briggs                  Unattached                      1:52:12
     179  Wayne Stephens       V45  28 Unattached                      1:52:13
     180  Clive Wain           V40  29 Unattached                      1:52:23
     181  Andrew Deaville              South Cheshire Harriers         1:53:03
     182  Bill McAuliffe       V50  20 Cheadle RC                      1:53:07
     183  John Alcock                  Newcastle Staffs AC             1:53:20
     184  Anthony Ballance     V45  29 Unattached                      1:53:27
     185  Mark Harrison        V40  30 Cheadle RC                      1:53:30
     186  Andrew Greaves               Peel Road Runners               1:53:59
     187  Anthony Fowell       V40  31 Unattached                      1:54:06
     188  Andrew Doyle                 Unattached                      1:54:15
     189  Eamon O'Hanlon       V45  30 Burton AC                       1:54:23
     190  Graham Williams      V65   8 Stafford Harriers               1:54:24
     191  Adrian Good          V50  21 Unattached                      1:54:37
     192  Colin Bourne         V40  32 Michelin AC                     1:54:48
     193  Joshua Morris        JM    1 Unattached                      1:56:52
     194  Alan Lewis           V70     Trentham RC                     1:57:06
     195  Russell Reid         V55  16 Uttoxeter Road Runners          1:57:19
     196  Andy Earp            V50  22               1:57:27
     197  Stuart Hunter        V50  23 Shopshed                        1:57:44
     198  Brian Powell         V60   2 Nsrra                           1:57:46
     199  Chris Moore          V50  24 Unattached                      1:58:32
     200  Mark Francis         V45  31 Newcastle Staffs AC             1:58:36
     201  Simon Rowley         V40  33 Unattached                      1:59:36
     202  Nick Smith           V45  32 Unattached                      1:59:50
     203  Thomas Davies                Unattached                      2:00:11
     204  Karl Savill          V40  34 Ivanhoe Runners                 2:00:28
     205  Mark Ridout                  Unattached                      2:00:42
     206  Paul Woolridge       V50  25 Unattached                      2:00:51
     207  Aedrian Bekker       V40  35 Unattached                      2:01:02
     208  Dean Munro                   Unattached                      2:01:13
     209  Steve Quinn                  Unattached                      2:01:36
     210  Nigel Symms          V45  33 Newcastle Staffs AC             2:02:10
     211  Nick Boulton         V45  34 Stone Master Marathoners        2:02:52
     212  Colin Pheasant       V55  17 Chase Harriers                  2:03:12
     213  Paul Langson         V45  35 Newcastle Staffs AC             2:03:46
     214  Andy Miszkiel        V40  36 Nsrra                           2:03:54
     215  Geoffrey Vincent     V55  18 Unattached                      2:03:57
     216  Tony Goodman         V50  26 Unattached                      2:04:21
     217  David Baker          V55  19 Smac                            2:04:23
     218  Richard Barrington   V60   3 City Of Stoke                   2:04:24
     219  Neil Stewart         V40  37 Unattached                      2:04:37
     220  Andrew Slater                Unattached                      2:05:24
     221  Charlie Leese                Unattached                      2:05:38
     222  Robert Stevens       V50  27 Unattached                      2:06:16
     223  Trevor Goodwin       V75     Nsrra                           2:07:05
     224  Jon Wheale           V40  38 Unattached                      2:07:30
     225  Victor Banda         V50  28 Unattached                      2:08:06
     226  Scott Palmer         V45  36 Unattached                      2:08:59
     227  Tom Shaw             V40  39 Michelin AC                     2:09:24
     228  Paul Day             V55  20 Michelin AC                     2:10:04
     229  Simon Wright         V45  37 Unattached                      2:10:04
     230  Paul Hayman          V45  38 Uttoxeter Road Runners          2:10:34
     231  Graham Charlesworth          Unattached                      2:10:46
     232  Ross Haywood                 Unattached                      2:10:50
     233  Dave Reid            V50  29 City Of Chester Tri Club        2:11:45
     234  Derek Okseniuk       V60   4 Blythe Bridge RC                2:11:51
     235  John Brown           V60   5 Cheadle RC                      2:11:53
     236  Chris Pool           V70   1 Unattached                      2:13:45
     237  Charles Rodgers      V60   6 Unattached                      2:14:16
     238  Nick Dixon           V40  40 Unattached                      2:14:21
     239  Graham Sellman       V50  30 Unattached                      2:16:43
     240  Martin Stirna        V60   7 South Cheshire Harriers         2:19:47
     241  Malcolm Rushton      V60   8 Trentham RC                     2:22:38
     242  Keith Bowden         V50  31 Unattached                      2:25:01
     243  Mark Skidmore        V45  39 South Derbyshire RR             2:25:01
     244  Robert Findler       V50  32 Newcastle Staffs AC             2:27:44
     245  Stuart Fowlie        V50  33 Stafford Harriers               2:30:46
     246  John Rowlands        V65  11 Whitchurch Whippets             2:35:38
     247  Andrew Butterworth           Unattached                      2:47:38

Uttoxeter - Men -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  South Cheshire Harriers            32
                                 4  David Betteley      
                                 7  Matthew Smith       
                                10  Nicholas Hackett    
                                11  Andrew Mayers       
  2  Stafford Harriers                  71
                                 6  Matthew Woodman     
                                15  Steve Vaughan       
                                23  Phillip Hilsdon     
                                27  Mark Bridgwood      
  3  Trentham RC                        89
                                13  Paul Swan           
                                21  Craig Taylor        
                                26  Paul Burslem        
                                29  Scott Zikmanis      
  4  Hatton Darts                      118
                                12  Jamie Fletcher      
                                18  Andy Thornton       
                                34  Stanislaw Knopik    
                                54  Mark Slade          
  5  Boalloy Running Club              119
                                 2  Carl Moulton        
                                24  Kenny House         
                                31  Mick Haire          
                                62  Hayden Jones        
  6  Ivanhoe Runners                   206
                                16  Ramzi Sidani        
                                51  Alistair Chambers   
                                66  Kev Wright          
                                73  Andrew Jeyes        
  7  South Derbyshire RR               212
                                32  Andy Hawtin         
                                47  James Cassidy       
                                63  Stuart Halsey       
                                70  Colin Mee           
  8  Uttoxeter Road Runners            222
                                 9  Ian Salt            
                                33  Gareth Morgan       
                                81  Tim Melville        
                                99  Grahame Cope        
  9  Newcastle Staffs AC               225
                                14  Leon Bailey         
                                53  Melvyn Askey        
                                60  Ben Bewley          
                                98  Michael Parr        
 10  Smac                              287
                                 5  Gareth Briggs       
                                71  Christopher Green   
                                83  Christopher Bascombe
                               128  John Green          
 11  Burton AC                         299
                                 3  Cory Parker         
                                85  Thomas Davenport    
                                89  Ian Parker          
                               122  Robert Sharratt     
 12  Nsrra                             307
                                40  Stuart Day          
                                69  Dave Jones          
                                91  David Weldon        
                               107  Steve Alder         
 13  Michelin AC                       339
                                56  Frank Caci          
                                67  Steven Naylor       
                               103  Gary Jones          
                               113  Matt Shenton        
 14  Cheadle RC                        433
                                49  Dave Thorley        
                                96  Darrel Mosley       
                               143  Bill McAuliffe      
                               145  Mark Harrison       

Uttoxeter - Ladies -- FINAL RESULTS

     Pos  Name                 Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  Naomi Warr           L35   1 Hatton Darts                    1:28:17
       2  Michelle Buckle      L35   2 Newcastle Staffs AC             1:30:36
       3  Sarah Wilson         L35   3 South Cheshire Harriers         1:36:33
       4  Fay Slater           L35   4 Unattached                      1:36:36
       5  Jenny Day            L35   5 South Cheshire Harriers         1:36:59
       6  Michelle Rushton-Fox L35   6 Stafford Harriers               1:37:00
       7  Christina Cooper     L     7 South Derbyshire RR             1:37:36
       8  Anife Turchin        L     8 South Cheshire Harriers         1:39:28
       9  Claire Calladine     L35   7 Hatton Darts                    1:42:53
      10  Tracey Glover        L40   1 South Derbyshire RR             1:43:00
      11  Chris Skellern       L50   1 Stafford Harriers               1:43:04
      12  Sarah Taylor         L45   1 Unattached                      1:43:15
      13  Sandra Griffiths     L    13 Michelin AC                     1:43:18
      14  Rachel Tweedie       L40   2 Newcastle Staffs AC             1:45:23
      15  Christine Walker     L35   8 Unattached                      1:45:59
      16  Tracey Cox           L35   9 Peel Road Runners               1:46:42
      17  Kerry Widdowson      L40   3 Trentham RC                     1:46:50
      18  Jodie Rock           L    18 Trentham RC                     1:47:28
      19  Lynn Ward            L45   2 Unattached                      1:49:07
      20  Mags Smith           L45   3 Peel Road Runners               1:49:34
      21  Clare Bovill         L45   4 Sparkhill Harriers              1:49:59
      22  Nikki Reeves         L40   4 South Derbyshire RR             1:50:41
      23  Caroline Waterhouse  L40   5 Beeston AC                      1:50:53
      24  Stefanie Mayer       L35  10 Unattached                      1:51:05
      25  Laura Graves         L50   2 Ivanhoe Runners                 1:51:18
      26  Sam Skidmore         L40   6 South Derbyshire RR             1:51:28
      27  Kirsty Dumelow       L    27 Washlands Women                 1:51:57
      28  Clare Shubotham      L    28 Michelin AC                     1:52:17
      29  Amanda Gilbert       L35  11 Cheadle RC                      1:52:27
      30  Angela Brookes       L35  12 Stafford Harriers               1:53:48
      31  Amanda Bradbury      L40   7 Ivanhoe Runners                 1:54:08
      32  Charli Weller        L45   5 Newcastle Staffs AC             1:54:19
      33  Rachel Davis         L45   6 Stafford Harriers               1:54:44
      34  Ruth Green           L40   8 Ivanhoe Runners                 1:54:54
      35  Katherine Bradley    L40   9 Tamworth AC                     1:54:57
      36  Emma Dyson           L35  13 Hatton Darts                    1:55:14
      37  Victoria Smith       L40  10 Ivanhoe Runners                 1:55:36
      38  Barbara Delaney      L35  14 Washlands Women                 1:55:53
      39  Lucinda Stone        L35  15 Smac                            1:56:06
      40  Anne-Marie Mountford L40  11 Stone Master Marathoners        1:56:46
      41  Kerryanne Clancy     L35  16 Newcastle Staffs AC             1:56:53
      42  Laura Hibberd        L    42 Unattached                      1:57:09
      43  Amaris Nerys         L35  17 Unattached                      1:57:29
      44  Carolyn Osborne      L45   7 Ivanhoe Runners                 1:57:38
      45  Tracy Ridings        L40  12 Stafford Harriers               1:58:03
      46  Helen Hastilow       L    46 Uttoxeter Road Runners          1:58:08
      47  Sandra Smith         L45   8 Stafford Harriers               1:58:22
      48  Lesley Cole          L55   1 South Cheshire Harriers         1:58:46
      49  Fiona McKean         L45   9 Ivanhoe Runners                 1:59:23
      50  Rachael Wood         L    50 Michelin AC                     1:59:51
      51  Sian Hamilton        L40  13 Washlands Women                 2:00:01
      52  Honor Cann           L45  10 Uttoxeter Road Runners          2:00:41
      53  Hope Brough          LJ    1 Unattached                      2:01:53
      54  Liz Turner           L40  14 Unattached                      2:01:58
      55  Bobbie Hickman       L45  11 Potters Trotters                2:02:27
      56  Helen Morris         L35  18 Stafford Harriers               2:02:29
      57  Carol Ann Sharratt   L55   2 Hatton Darts                    2:03:37
      58  Val Lawson           L50   3 Peel Road Runners               2:03:57
      59  Teresa Talbott       L40  15 Ivanhoe Runners                 2:04:33
      60  Shelley Burns        L    60 Stafford Harriers               2:04:53
      61  Sue Davies           L50   4 South Cheshire Harriers         2:05:06
      62  Sylvia Franklin      L50   5 Washlands Women                 2:05:13
      63  Heather Swan         L45  12 Ivanhoe Runners                 2:05:52
      64  Julie Boulton        L45  13 Stone Master Marathoners        2:05:59
      65  Kelly Shenton        L35  19 Unattached                      2:06:06
      66  Liz Fox              L40  16 Cheadle RC                      2:06:57
      67  Alison Larwood       L40  17 Hatton Darts                    2:07:14
      68  Keely Gilhooly       L35  20 Unattached                      2:08:19
      69  Lisa Lancaster       L40  18 Uttoxeter Road Runners          2:08:42
      70  Valerie Stuart       L65   1 Stafford Harriers               2:09:18
      71  Marie- D'arcy-Barron L35  21 Stafford Harriers               2:10:09
      72  Catherine Lantsbery  L40  19 Trentham RC                     2:11:14
      73  Carole Williams      L60   1 Vale Royal AC                   2:11:33
      74  Jennifer Goodwin     L    74 Uttoxeter Road Runners          2:12:19
      75  Joanne Oliver        L40  20 Stafford Harriers               2:12:21
      76  Sarah Bowden         L    76 Unattached                      2:12:23
      77  Sharon Minshall      L50   6 Washlands Women                 2:13:18
      78  Cathy Holroyd        L45  14 Saints & Sinners Fun Runners    2:13:29
      79  Emily Smith          L    79 Trentham RC                     2:13:56
      80  Karina Kostrova      L    80 Unattached                      2:14:21
      81  Victoria Precott     L    81 Unattached                      2:14:33
      82  Charlotte Ward       L35  22 Stafford Harriers               2:14:33
      83  Tina Darby           L40  21 Stafford Harriers               2:14:37
      84  Lee Lymer            L50   7 Trentham RC                     2:15:45
      85  Kathleen Mellor      L55   3 Potters Trotters                2:15:45
      86  Jane Wade            L45  15 Hatton Darts                    2:16:00
      87  Marcia Cameron       L45  16 Unattached                      2:16:02
      88  Sarah Hughes         L35  23 Unattached                      2:16:43
      89  Christine Norris     L65   2 Peel Road Runners               2:17:27
      90  Lauren Barker        L    90 South Cheshire Harriers         2:19:43
      91  Alison Lumbard       L35  24 Unattached                      2:20:01
      92  Z ClementsonTaylor   L    92 Unattached                      2:20:03
      93  Katie George         L    93 Unattached                      2:22:04
      94  Julie Nokes          L50   8 Stafford Harriers               2:28:44
      95  Anne Davies          L60   2 Potters Trotters                2:31:29
      96  Hollie Jones         L    96 Unattached                      2:33:06
      97  Hazel Barlow         L50   9 Vale Royal AC                   2:42:37

Uttoxeter - Ladies -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  South Derbyshire RR                54
                                 6  Christina Cooper    
                                 9  Tracey Glover       
                                18  Nikki Reeves        
                                21  Sam Skidmore        
  2  South Cheshire Harriers            55
                                 3  Sarah Wilson        
                                 4  Jenny Day           
                                 7  Anife Turchin       
                                41  Lesley Cole         
  3  Stafford Harriers                  68
                                 5  Michelle Rushton-Fox
                                10  Chris Skellern      
                                25  Angela Brookes      
                                28  Rachel Davis        
  4  Newcastle Staffs AC                77
                                 2  Michelle Buckle     
                                12  Rachel Tweedie      
                                27  Charli Weller       
                                36  Kerryanne Clancy    
  5  Hatton Darts                       88
                                 1  Naomi Warr          
                                 8  Claire Calladine    
                                31  Emma Dyson          
                                48  Carol Ann Sharratt  
  6  Ivanhoe Runners                   107
                                20  Laura Graves        
                                26  Amanda Bradbury     
                                29  Ruth Green          
                                32  Victoria Smith      
  7  Peel Road Runners                 151
                                13  Tracey Cox          
                                16  Mags Smith          
                                49  Val Lawson          
                                73  Christine Norris    
  8  Washlands Women                   152
                                22  Kirsty Dumelow      
                                33  Barbara Delaney     
                                44  Sian Hamilton       
                                53  Sylvia Franklin     
  9  Trentham RC                       157
                                14  Kerry Widdowson     
                                15  Jodie Rock          
                                61  Catherine Lantsbery 
                                67  Emily Smith         
 10  Uttoxeter Road Runners            205
                                39  Helen Hastilow      
                                45  Honor Cann          
                                58  Lisa Lancaster      
                                63  Jennifer Goodwin    

Results copyright © G.J. Fecitt (SportSoft) 2014