at Rivington on Wednesday 20th August 2014
NOTE: The individual results include only runners who have run all races to date.
Jubilee - Men -- Points after 4 races
1 Neil Pendlebury LeighH&A 9 ( 2, 4, 1, 2)
2 Tom Smith Lostock Ac 71 ( 17, 24, 12, 18)
3 Mark Griffiths Manchester 82 ( 21, 38, 8, 15)
4 Sean McMyler V50 HorwichRMI 92 ( 23, 33, 9, 27)
5 Allan Hartley V40 BlackburnH 123 ( 24, 50, 14, 35)
6 Kevin Edwards V45 Wigan&DH&A 159 ( 34, 71, 23, 31)
7 Gareth Taylor DarwenDR 243 ( 56, 98, 35, 54)
8 Dominic Gavin Lostock Ac 256 ( 55, 93, 40, 68)
9 Graham Tracey V40 Veg C&AC 281 ( 60,123, 39, 59)
10 Andrew Nightingale V40 WiganP 296 ( 62,111, 50, 73)
11 Dave Wall V45 WiganP 357 ( 66,180, 51, 60)
12 Neil Hunter V50 Unattached 368 ( 84,140, 58, 86)
13 Paul O'Brien Lostock Ac 370 ( 79,141, 62, 88)
14 David Wagstaff V40 Unattached 371 ( 81,142, 54, 94)
15 Stephen Symons V45 Manchester 375 ( 77,146, 69, 83)
16 John Pickup V50 SwintonRC 398 ( 80,161, 68, 89)
17 Ted Orrell V75 ClaytonLMH 426 ( 87,167, 72,100)
18 Chris Nightingale V45 WiganP 433 ( 85,176, 71,101)
19 Robert Cooley V45 Unattached 457 ( 93,183, 77,104)
20 David Williamson V45 SwintonRC 458 ( 94,187, 78, 99)
21 Wayne Holden Unattached 480 ( 98,193, 80,109)
Horwich R M I Harriers 8 ( 1, 1, 1, 5)
Blackburn Harriers & Ac 19 ( 6, 8, 4, 1)
Wigan Phoenix 20 ( 3, 6, 3, 8)
Swinton Running Club 32 ( 7, 9, 7, 9)
Lostock Ac 36 ( 8, 12, 6, 10)
Jubilee - Men (Vets) -- Points after 4 races
1 Sean McMyler V50 HorwichRMI 39 ( 10, 15, 4, 10)
2 Allan Hartley V40 BlackburnH 58 ( 11, 26, 7, 14)
3 Kevin Edwards V45 Wigan&DH&A 87 ( 20, 41, 15, 11)
4 Graham Tracey V40 Veg C&AC 161 ( 34, 68, 28, 31)
5 Andrew Nightingale V40 WiganP 171 ( 35, 61, 35, 40)
6 Dave Wall V45 WiganP 218 ( 39,111, 36, 32)
7 Neil Hunter V50 Unattached 226 ( 51, 82, 42, 51)
8 Stephen Symons V45 Manchester 228 ( 46, 87, 47, 48)
9 David Wagstaff V40 Unattached 229 ( 49, 83, 39, 58)
10 John Pickup V50 SwintonRC 244 ( 48, 97, 46, 53)
11 Ted Orrell V75 ClaytonLMH 268 ( 53,103, 49, 63)
12 Chris Nightingale V45 WiganP 272 ( 52,108, 48, 64)
13 Robert Cooley V45 Unattached 294 ( 59,114, 54, 67)
14 David Williamson V45 SwintonRC 295 ( 60,118, 55, 62)
Jubilee - Ladies -- Points after 4 races
1 Maria Lowe HorwichRMI 9 ( 1, 3, 1, 4)
2 Debbie Kirkman L45 Unattached 23 ( 4, 8, 3, 8)
3 Gina Senior L40 WiganP 39 ( 8, 14, 6, 11)
4 Anne Ferguson L55 BurndenRR 54 ( 15, 16, 8, 15)
5 Katy Thompson L40 BurndenRR 66 ( 16, 20, 10, 20)
6 Helen Ryan SwintonRC 102 ( 25, 46, 12, 19)
= Susan Booth L50 BurndenRR 102 ( 23, 42, 14, 23)
8 Sharen Roberts L40 SwintonRC 131 ( 28, 54, 21, 28)
9 Mandy Beard L45 SwintonRC 156 ( 33, 69, 23, 31)
10 Kierenne Baldwin L35 Unattached 174 ( 38, 77, 24, 35)
Burnden Road Runners 9 ( 4, 1, 1, 3)
Swinton Running Club 19 ( 5, 6, 2, 6)
Jubilee - Ladies (Vets) -- Points after 4 races
1 Debbie Kirkman L45 Unattached 14 ( 2, 6, 2, 4)
2 Gina Senior L40 WiganP 30 ( 6, 12, 5, 7)
3 Anne Ferguson L55 BurndenRR 42 ( 10, 14, 7, 11)
4 Katy Thompson L40 BurndenRR 49 ( 11, 17, 8, 13)
5 Susan Booth L50 BurndenRR 79 ( 18, 34, 11, 16)
6 Sharen Roberts L40 SwintonRC 98 ( 21, 42, 16, 19)
7 Mandy Beard L45 SwintonRC 118 ( 26, 53, 17, 22)
8 Kierenne Baldwin L35 Unattached 133 ( 30, 61, 18, 24)