The Alsager 5 Mile Road Race

at Alsager on Sunday 5th February 2012


     Pos  Name                 Cat/Pos Club                             Time  

       1  Luke Cragg                   Mansfield                         24:41
       2  Anthony Ford                 Sale Harriers Manchester          24:54
       3  Dave Webb                    Leeds City AC                     24:55
       4  Tom Lancashire               Bolton United Harriers            24:56
       5  Matt Barnes                  Altrincham & District AC          25:05
       6  James Bailey                 Sale Harriers Manchester          25:07
       7  Phil Wylie                   Bristol & West                    25:09
       8  Simon Horsfield              East Cheshire & Tameside AC       25:12
       9  Ben Jones                    Coventry Godiva Harriers          25:21
      10  Marc Scott                   Richmond & Zetland                25:22
      11  Ben Riddell                  Salford Harriers                  25:23
      12  Russ Best                    New Marske                        25:24
      13  Richard Brown                Unattached                        25:27
      14  Michael Crawley              Durham City Harriers              25:28
      15  Ryan Holroyd                 Staffs Moorlands AC               25:28
      16  Andrew Davis                 Maldwyn Harriers                  25:29
      17  Ian Mitchell                 Tipton Harriers                   25:29
      18  Ben Gamble                   Tipton Harriers                   25:33
      19  Gary Priestley               Horwich Rmi Harriers              25:39
      20  Ryan Stephenson              Gateshead                         25:40
      21  Anders Russell               Stroud AC                         25:41
      22  Joe Bailey                   Salford Harriers                  25:42
      23  Sebastian Duffy              City Of Stoke AC                  25:44
      24  Rhys Park                    Bristol & West                    25:45
      25  Michael Sawrey               Stockport Harriers                25:47
      26  Tim Dalton                   Severn AC                         25:53
      27  Josh Tighe                   Salford Harriers                  25:58
      28  Thomas Gayle                 Newham & Essex Beagles            26:01
      29  James Riley                  Liverpool Harriers                26:04
      30  Alasdair Russell             Kendal AC                         26:04
      31  Luke Mimms                   Blackpool Wyre & Fylde            26:14
      32  Mathew Townley               Stockport Harriers                26:20
      33  Gordon Lee           V40   1 Leicester Corinthians             26:23
      34  Paul Lockwood                Wakefield                         26:36
      35  Karl Billington              Blackburn Harriers                26:54
      36  Elle Baker           L     1 Stockport Harriers                26:58
      37  Christian Prior              City Of Chester Tri Club          27:14
      38  Daniel Bradford              Sale Harriers Manchester          27:20
      39  Ben Harrison                 Morpeth Harriers                  27:26
      40  Andy Parker                  Bolton United Harriers            27:28
      41  Sonia Samuels        L     2 Sale Harriers Manchester          27:34
      42  Jamie Loxam                  Stockport Harriers                27:36
      43  Alex Hall                    City Of Chester Tri Club          27:40
      44  Nev Watson                   Amazing Feet RC                   27:54
      45  Matthew Woodwman             Stafford Harriers                 27:55
      46  Kate Avery           L     3 Shildon AC                        27:56
      47  Julian Goodwin       V40   2 Boalloy Running Club              27:59
      48  James Noakes         V45   1 Macclesfield Harriers             28:00
      49  Roger Alsop          V45   2 Herne Hill Harriers               28:01
      50  Tim Kennedy                  Sale Harriers Manchester          28:03
      51  Robert Sloane                Trafford AC                       28:05
      52  Malcolm Eustace      V50   1 Tipton Harriers                   28:07
      53  Carl Moulton                 Boalloy Running Club              28:08
      54  Matthew Smith                South Cheshire Harriers           28:20
      55  Stacy Johnson        L     4 Cannock & Staffs                  28:28
      56  James Wood                   Congleton                         28:30
      57  Carl Platt                   Trentham RC                       28:31
      58  Craig Pearson                Cannock & Staffs                  28:32
      59  Thomas Haynes                South Cheshire Harriers           28:33
      60  Mike Hatton          V50   2 South Cheshire Harriers           28:35
      61  Craig Jeffrey                Staffs Moorlands AC               28:40
      62  Matthew Judson               Notts AC                          28:41
      63  Mark Flint           V45   3 Newcastle(staffs) AC              28:55
      64  Dave Giles                   Newcastle(staffs) AC              29:01
      65  Kate Roberts         L     5 Bridgend AC                       29:05
      66  Maria Barrett        L     6 Liverpool Harriers                29:05
      67  Henry Valentine              South Cheshire Harriers           29:11
      68  Andy Allen           V45   4 City Of Stoke AC                  29:25
      69  Chris Yorke          V40   3 Nwrrc                             29:29
      70  Stuart Le'clere              Unattached                        29:30
      71  Owen Flage                   Oldham & Royton Harriers          29:37
      72  Neil Jones           V40   4 South Cheshire Harriers           29:39
      73  Anthony Cotton               Trentham RC                       29:41
      74  Pat Hudson                   South Cheshire Harriers           29:42
      75  James Simpson        V40   5 South Cheshire Harriers           29:44
      76  Thomas Halloway              Staffs Moorlands AC               29:47
      77  Chris Patterson              Ashbourne RC                      29:49
      78  Martin H Green               North Wales RR                    29:52
      79  Alison Lavender      L     7 Oswestry                          29:55
      80  Adam Soley                   South Cheshire Harriers           29:58
      81  Martin Bateman               Liverpool Harriers                30:00
      82  Nathan Sabin                 Stafford Harriers                 30:00
      83   Phil Burns                  Stockport Harriers                30:04
      84  Kelvin Amos          V50   3 Staffs Moorlands AC               30:10
      85  Matt Driver                  Newcastle(staffs) AC              30:14
      86  Chris Bentley                Macclesfield Harriers             30:15
      87  Sion Wynne-Williams          Liverpool Harriers                30:19
      88  Paul Marsham         V40   6 Wigan Phoenix                     30:20
      89  Ashley Gibson                Morpeth Harriers                  30:22
      90  Jennifer Pybis       L     8 Liverpool Harriers                30:23
      91  Mick Haire           V45   5 Boalloy Running Club              30:25
      92  Amanda Wright-Smith  L40   1 Shrewsbury                        30:30
      93  Gareth Howell                Liverpool Harriers                30:32
      94  David Morris                 South Cheshire Harriers           30:46
      95  Devlin Edward                Liverpool Harriers                30:49
      96  Roger Spencer        V40   7 Derby Tri Club                    30:50
      97  Andy Willis          V45   6 Unattached                        30:52
      98  Philip Mainwaring            Trentham RC                       30:56
      99  Erika Robinson       L    10 Buckley Runners                   30:57
     100  Amin Naeini                  City Of Stoke AC                  31:00
     101  Dean Windsor                 Unattached                        31:02
     102  Phillip Bailey       V60   1 Southport Waterloo AC             31:05
     103  Richard Storey       V40   8 Unattached                        31:06
     104  Paul Clinton         V45   7 Trentham RC                       31:16
     105  Robert Tabbanor      V50   4 Trentham RC                       31:18
     106  Abigail Howarth      L    11 Leigh Harriers                    31:21
     107  Jonathon Guildford           Manchester Frontrunners           31:25
     108  Melissa Neal         L35   1 March AC                          31:27
     109  Steven Corpe                 Lichfield RC                      31:28
     110  Danny Peel                   Trentham RC                       31:34
     111  John Mooney          V50   5 Macclesfield Harriers             31:36
     112  Toby Miller                  Boalloy Running Club              31:38
     113  Darren Varley                Unattached                        31:39
     114  Sean Dyer                    South Cheshire Harriers           31:43
     115  Tyler Goodwin                Boalloy Running Club              31:44
     116  Maurice Collins      V45   8 St Helens Sutton AC               31:44
     117  Nicholas Hackett             South Cheshire Harriers           31:50
     118  Martin Packham               South Cheshire Harriers           31:56
     119  Michelle Buckle      L35   2 Newcastle(staffs) AC              31:58
     120  Ann-Marie Smith      L    14 Coventry Godiva Harriers          32:03
     121  Joanne Donnelly      L35   3 Trentham RC                       32:06
     122  Nathan Mayoum        V40   9 Unattached                        32:06
     123  Olly Williams        U17   1 South Cheshire Harriers           32:06
     124  Paul Davies          V45   9 Staffs Moorlands AC               32:11
     125  Andy Mayers          V40  10 South Cheshire Harriers           32:19
     126  Ben Carter                   Vale Royal AC                     32:24
     127  Paul Stoddard        V45  10 Cheadle RC                        32:27
     128  Laura Thompson       L    16 Trentham RC                       32:28
     129  Lee Ellis                    Trentham RC                       32:33
     130  Sandra Lewis         L35   4 Altrincham & District AC          32:37
     131  Robert Perkins               Unattached                        32:39
     132  Ian Wood             V45  11 Oakpark RC                        32:40
     133  Daniel Jordan        V40  11 Trentham RC                       32:42
     134  Barry Blyth          V65   1 Macclesfield Harriers             32:46
     135  Frank Caci                   Michelin AC                       32:47
     136  Russell Williams     V50   6 Cheadle RC                        32:49
     137  David Betteley       V40  12 South Cheshire Harriers           32:50
     138  Roger Taylor                 Stone Master Marathoners          32:52
     139  Mark Smith                   Cheadle RC                        32:56
     140  Sam Tulley                   Unattached                        32:59
     141  Ian Roberts                  Manchester Frontrunners           32:59
     142  Sharleen Holinshead  L40   2 Trentham RC                       33:02
     143  David Pickstock              Trentham RC                       33:14
     144  Tuyn Guy Aartse-     V45  12 Mow Cop Runners                   33:15
     145  Nigel Payne          V50   7 Michelin AC                       33:19
     146  Mark Allen                   Ashbourne RC                      33:19
     147  Ben Massey                   Unattached                        33:19
     148  Martin Coleman       V40  13 Sandbach Striders                 33:20
     149  Jessica Marriott     L    19 Notts AC                          33:20
     150  Andy McEvoy                  Macclesfield Harriers             33:28
     151  Mark Wood            V45  13 Nsrra                             33:30
     152  Sian Holland         L    20 Sale Harriers Manchester          33:34
     153  Robert Valentine     V40  14 South Cheshire Harriers           33:35
     154  Owen Barron          V45  14 Uttoxeter RR                      33:36
     155  Neil Fowler          V40  15 Unattached                        33:41
     156  Daniel Wheeler               Unattached                        33:41
     157  Robert Poole         U17   2 South Cheshire Harriers           33:43
     158  John Guest           V50   8 Trentham RC                       33:44
     159  Andrew Greensmith            Trentham RC                       33:44
     160  Melanie Young        L    21 Newcastle(staffs) AC              33:44
     161  Neil Stretton        V55   1 Oakpark RC                        33:50
     162  Ffion Roberts        V45  15 Unattached                        33:51
     163  Anthony Hadfield     V40  16 South Cheshire Harriers           33:51
     164  Mick Beardmore       V60   2 Cheadle RC                        33:51
     165  Thomas Brookes               Staffs Moorlands AC               33:52
     166  Jayson Gilbert               South Cheshire Harriers           33:53
     167  Stan Winterton       V65   2 Trentham RC                       33:57
     168  Kevan Hinett         V45  16 Unattached                        34:03
     169  Steve Locker         V55   2 Trentham RC                       34:04
     170  Lee Wilkinson                South Cheshire Harriers           34:05
     171  Andy Seal            V45  17 Telford Harriers                  34:07
     172  John Corbett         V60   3 Unattached                        34:09
     173  Nick Dunning         V40  17 South Cheshire Harriers           34:15
     174  Jason Johnson                Unattached                        34:19
     175  Dave Wilson          V45  18 Newcastle(staffs) AC              34:20
     176  Shelley Brace        L    22 City Of Stoke AC                  34:21
     177  Neil Corby           V45  19 Cheadle RC                        34:25
     178  Alan Brookes         V55   3 Unattached                        34:26
     179  Tony Dutton          V45  20 Sneyd Striders                    34:28
     180  John Wood            V55   4 Michelin AC                       34:30
     181  Stephen Askey        V55   5 Newcastle(staffs) AC              34:31
     182  Charlie Rowlands     V40  18 South Cheshire Harriers           34:33
     183  Sam Keeling                  Unattached                        34:34
     184  David Dobberson      V45  21 Crewe & Nantwich AC               34:34
     185  Greg Keynes          V55   6 Manchester Frontrunners           34:38
     186  Kevin Hendricken     V50   9 City Of Stoke AC                  34:40
     187  Gary Payne                   Trentham RC                       34:41
     188  Geoff Pettengell     V50  10 Mow Cop Runners                   34:49
     189  Wendy Swift          L40   3 Newcastle(staffs) AC              34:54
     190  Ian Hewitt                   Sinfin RC                         34:55
     191  Matthew Harper               Nsrra                             34:59
     192  Robert Freeman       V55   7 Northern Veterans AC              35:01
     193  Mark Stoddard        V40  19 Cheadle RC                        35:08
     194  Harry Porter                 Mow Cop Runners                   35:09
     195  Grahame Cope         V40  20 Uttoxeter RR                      35:12
     196  Richard Jones        V40  21 South Cheshire Harriers           35:13
     197  Laura Stanley        L    24 Liverpool Harriers                35:15
     198  Dominic Caddy                Unattached                        35:16
     199  Craig Taylor                 Newcastle(staffs) AC              35:18
     200  Pejman Nikoufekr             Newcastle(staffs) AC              35:20
     201  Mark Harrison                Cheadle RC                        35:22
     202  Ken Bloor            V50  11 Trentham RC                       35:23
     203  Evie Greenhough      L    25 Unattached                        35:25
     204  Neil Martin          V45  22 Stafford Harriers                 35:26
     205  Nigel Moult                  Mow Cop Runners                   35:29
     206  Clare Shubotham      L    26 Michelin AC                       35:29
     207  James Biddulph               Unattached                        35:32
     208  Alan Burt            V50  12 Chase Harriers                    35:34
     209  Karl Tatlock                 Unattached                        35:36
     210  Melvyn Cole          V60   4 South Cheshire Harriers           35:37
     211  Nick Chadwick                Stone Master Marathoners          35:39
     212  Richard Ellis        V40  22 Unattached                        35:41
     213  Neil Ridgway         V50  13 South Cheshire Harriers           35:45
     214  Eardleydavid                 Unattached                        35:46
     215  Chris Skellern       L45   1 Stafford Harriers                 35:49
     216  Steve Cooper         V40  23 Stafford Harriers                 35:50
     217  Greg Julian          V50  14 Trentham RC                       35:51
     218  Darren Mattocks              Stafford Harriers                 35:52
     219  Alan Webster         V50  15 Macclesfield Harriers             35:53
     220  Dave Payling         V45  23 Stafford Harriers                 35:55
     221  Mark Ponsford                Unattached                        35:59
     222  Rob Mayers           V45  24 South Cheshire Harriers           36:00
     223  Jacqueline Brace     L50   1 Bridgend AC                       36:01
     224  Adrian Burden        V45  25 Unattached                        36:03
     225  Steven Fallows               Unattached                        36:03
     226  Adrian Williamson    V40  24 Mvh Tri Club                      36:05
     227  Kerry Widdowson      L35   5 Trentham RC                       36:06
     228  Liam Medley                  Border Harriers                   36:07
     229  Russ Cooper          V50  16 Mow Cop Runners                   36:09
     230  Sally Evans          L    30 Unattached                        36:09
     231  Chris Hargreaves     V45  26 Unattached                        36:11
     232  Gavin Brookes        V40  25 Unattached                        36:11
     233  Anthony Rowley               Unattached                        36:11
     234  Michael Saint-Dunn           Stafford Harriers                 36:15
     235  Ian Hodkinson        V40  26 Stafford Harriers                 36:18
     236  Sally Kenny          L35   6 Cheadle RC                        36:18
     237  Mark Bentley         V45  27 Stafford Harriers                 36:19
     238  Lindon Clowes                Unattached                        36:19
     239  Paul Risby           V40  27 Stafford Harriers                 36:20
     240  Alan Griffin                 Stafford Harriers                 36:29
     241  Stephen Brookes      V45  28 Stone Master Marathoners          36:30
     242  Jonathan Stanfield           Nsrra                             36:31
     243  Lee Jones            V40  28 Trentham RC                       36:32
     244   Darren Arrowsmith           Unattached                        36:32
     245  Phil Thomas                  Trentham RC                       36:34
     246  Dale Southern                Delamere Spartans                 36:35
     247  David Tucker         V60   5 Macclesfield Harriers             36:36
     248  Dot Fellows          L65   1 Cannock & Staffs                  36:40
     249  Gary Jones           V45  29 Michelin AC                       36:42
     250  Rosemary Wilson      L50   2 Trentham RC                       36:44
     251  Mark Day                     Trentham RC                       36:47
     252  Mark Steele                  Newcastle(staffs) AC              36:49
     253  Neil Croft                   Delamere Spartans                 36:51
     254  Andrew Russell               Unattached                        36:52
     255  Joanne Moss          L40   4 Congleton                         36:54
     256  George Buckley       V70   1 Bingley Harriers                  36:55
     257  Jamie Williams               Trentham RC                       37:00
     258  Gillian Russon       L40   5 Cannock & Staffs                  37:00
     259  Richard Hare         V50  17 Unattached                        37:06
     260  Andrew Moss                  Unattached                        37:07
     261  Simon Mansell                Stone Master Marathoners          37:10
     262  Ian Allen            V45  30 Nsrra                             37:10
     263  Krzysztof Zajac              Unattached                        37:12
     264  Graham Fletcher      V50  18 Newcastle(staffs) AC              37:13
     265  Steve Alder                  Stone Master Marathoners          37:14
     266  Barbara Murray       L50   3 Macclesfield Harriers             37:18
     267  Andrew Aitken        V45  31 South Cheshire Harriers           37:20
     268  Richard Benson       V55   8 Congleton                         37:24
     269  Thomas Heath                 Unattached                        37:25
     270  James Thorpe                 Stafford Harriers                 37:26
     271  David Taylor         V50  19 Unattached                        37:28
     272  Tim Yorke                    Unattached                        37:29
     273  Jeremy Snazell               Unattached                        37:30
     274  Robert Findler       V50  20 Nsrra                             37:36
     275  Sarah Green          L45   2 Swinton                           37:39
     276  Oliver Howse                 Unattached                        37:42
     277  Hannah Fleet         L    38 Lancaster & Morecambe             37:52
     278  Teresa Medley        L40   6 Unattached                        37:55
     279  Phillip Smith        V55   9 Shropshire Shufflers              37:58
     280  Brittany Davenport   L    40 Biddulph RC                       37:59
     281  Simon Hodgkiss       V40  29 Biddulph RC                       38:02
     282  Adrian Reeves-Jones  V45  32 Cheadle RC                        38:02
     283  Tony Ratcliffe       V65   3 Newcastle(staffs) AC              38:03
     284  Alan Lewis           V70   2 Trentham RC                       38:06
     285  Paul Miles           V45  33 Unattached                        38:08
     286  Lisa Burke           L    41 Cheadle RC                        38:10
     287  Nigel Lofkin         V45  34 Unattached                        38:10
     288  Tim Hulse            V40  30 Stone Master Marathoners          38:11
     289  A RichardsonOwen     L    42 Unattached                        38:14
     290  Roger Need           V40  31 Unattached                        38:18
     291  Simon Bourne         V40  32 Unattached                        38:22
     292  Louisa Keeling       L    43 Unattached                        38:24
     293  Mark Povey           V40  33 West Cheshire AC                  38:25
     294  Amanda Hewitt        L35   7 Derby AC                          38:26
     295  Tony Smith           V55  10 Congleton                         38:31
     296  Martin Rickers       V60   6 Unattached                        38:33
     297  Frances McMulkin     L    45 South Cheshire Harriers           38:36
     298  Nigel Wood           V50  21 Rrc                               38:37
     299  Martin Wragg                 Unattached                        38:40
     300  V ConsterdineT       L35   8 South Cheshire Harriers           38:41
     301  Darren Taylor        V45  35 Chase Harriers                    38:45
     302  Richard Ford                 Unattached                        38:47
     303  Richard Chidlow              Unattached                        38:51
     304  Tim Nicholls                 Lichfield RC                      38:58
     305  Steve Turner         V45  36 Stafford Harriers                 39:02
     306  Andrew Vickerman             Trentham RC                       39:03
     307  Becky Austin         L35   9 Trentham RC                       39:05
     308  Nick Green                   Uttoxeter RR                      39:05
     309  Dave Mantle          V60   7 Stafford Harriers                 39:10
     310  Liz Clutton          L55   1 Cheadle RC                        39:10
     311  Jeremy Horton        V55  11 Wesham Road Runners               39:12
     312  Daniel Cooper                Stafford Harriers                 39:13
     313  Julie Lucas          L45   3 Wilmslow RC                       39:13
     314  Mansel Pope          V60   8 Altrincham & District AC          39:13
     315  Paul Morley-Smith            Unattached                        39:15
     316  Zoe Franklin         L    50 Unattached                        39:19
     317  Spike Millican       V50  22 Uttoxeter RR                      39:20
     318  Christopher Butler   V45  37 Nsrra                             39:20
     319  John Holmes          V55  12 Nsrra                             39:22
     320  Giles Nutkins        V40  34 Unattached                        39:24
     321  Clare Holdcroft      L40   7 Mow Cop Runners                   39:25
     322  Doug Hughes          V55  13 Macclesfield Harriers             39:25
     323  Richard Allmark              Unattached                        39:29
     324  Amy Ward             L17   1 Unattached                        39:30
     325  John Riley           V70   3 Northern Veterans AC              39:31
     326  Jill Phillips        L50   4 Trentham RC                       39:32
     327  Matthew Simcock              Unattached                        39:34
     328  Jason Blount                 Newcastle(staffs) AC              39:35
     329  Sharon Willis        L40   8 Potters Trotters                  39:36
     330  Alex Wilson                  Nsrra                             39:53
     331  Alan Cooke           V50  23 Trentham RC                       39:55
     332  Jayne Lomax          L40   9 Vale Royal AC                     39:56
     333  David Beech                  Unattached                        39:57
     334  Kerry Allen          L    56 Notts AC                          40:03
     335  Colin Hill           V45  38 Sale Harriers Manchester          40:04
     336  Chris Smith          V40  35 Michelin AC                       40:05
     337  Emma Havenhand       L40  10 Buxton AC                         40:08
     338  Colin Earp           V60   9 South Cheshire Harriers           40:12
     339  Nigel Hearson        V55  14 Nsrra                             40:12
     340  Andrew Edwards               Unattached                        40:14
     341  William Harvey       V50  24 Newcastle(staffs) AC              40:15
     342  Chris McDermott      V40  36 Unattached                        40:20
     343  David Baker          V55  15 Staffs Moorlands AC               40:22
     344  Kevin Yeates         V50  25 Unattached                        40:24
     345  Keith Cotton         V45  39 Whitchurch Whippets               40:27
     346  Leslie Shaw          V45  40 Unattached                        40:28
     347  Tom Shaw             V40  37 Michelin AC                       40:28
     348  Russell Reid         V50  26 Uttoxeter RR                      40:29
     349  Ann Williams         L45   4 Nsrra                             40:29
     350  Mike Cutler          V50  27 South Cheshire Harriers           40:33
     351  Chris Ferneyhough    V45  41 Unattached                        40:43
     352  Peter Varley         V50  28 Unattached                        40:44
     353  Andrew Knowles               Unattached                        40:44
     354  Neil Taylor          V45  42 Unattached                        40:54
     355  Matt Kelly                   Unattached                        40:57
     356  Denis Garnham        V45  43 Unattached                        41:05
     357  Anna Pszenna         L    59 Unattached                        41:07
     358  Darren Hunt          V40  38 Mow Cop Runners                   41:08
     359  Rowena Jukes         L    60 Biddulph RC                       41:10
     360  Frank Gould          V50  29 Unattached                        41:10
     361  Susan Hill           L45   5 Uttoxeter RR                      41:13
     362  Pauline Davies       L60   1 Vale Royal AC                     41:14
     363  David Jones          V60  10 Denbigh Harriers                  41:15
     364  Toni McDonagh        L35  10 Biddulph RC                       41:17
     365  Belinda Riley        L50   5 Newcastle(staffs) AC              41:18
     366  Paul Robertson       V55  16 Unattached                        41:19
     367  Louise Ball          L    65 Unattached                        41:20
     368  David Larkin                 Macclesfield Harriers             41:23
     369  Rachel Beardmore     L35  11 Cheadle RC                        41:24
     370  David Gaston         V50  30 Unattached                        41:25
     371  Jon Ward             V40  39 Unattached                        41:29
     372  Pam Davies           L60   2 Stone Master Marathoners          41:32
     373  Jon Fitton           V40  40 Unattached                        41:34
     374  Su Davies            L35  12 Unattached                        41:40
     375  Trevor Fleet         V45  44 Unattached                        41:57
     376  Karen Norcross-Downs L40  11 Unattached                        42:00
     377  Kirsten Owen         L35  13 Potters Trotters                  42:02
     378  Louise Finney        L35  14 Mow Cop Runners                   42:04
     379  Sue Barron           L45   6 Uttoxeter RR                      42:05
     380  Kevin Lightfoot              Unattached                        42:07
     381  Jonathan Wood                Unattached                        42:09
     382  Graham Tom           V60  11 Unattached                        42:15
     383  James Jepson                 Unattached                        42:16
     384  Andradez Martin      V45  45 Unattached                        42:23
     385  Cathal Criuse        V60  12 Unattached                        42:25
     386  Karen Sabin          L40  12 Stafford Harriers                 42:30
     387  Lisa Lancaster       L40  13 Border Harriers                   42:31
     388  Paul Hickman         V40  41 Nsrra                             42:31
     389  Susan Baker          L50   6 Cheadle RC                        42:32
     390  Michael Smith                Stone Master Marathoners          42:35
     391  Nicola Stringer      L40  14 Unattached                        42:36
     392  Christopher Walsh    V55  17 South Cheshire Harriers           42:39
     393  Edward Taylor        V65   4 Rugeley Runners                   42:40
     394  Graham Thorley       V50  31 Unattached                        42:45
     395  Rebecca Willetts     L40  15 Lytham St Annes AC                42:45
     396  Helen Graham         L    78 Unattached                        42:47
     397  Simon Meir           V45  46 Unattached                        42:50
     398  Diane Newsham        L40  16 Vale Royal AC                     42:55
     399  Lesley Cole          L55   2 South Cheshire Harriers           42:56
     400  Pamela Hardman       L50   7 Lytham St Annes AC                42:57
     401  Sam Tidy                     Trentham RC                       42:59
     402  Paul Green           V40  42 Unattached                        43:02
     403  Carl Swain           V45  47 Whitchurch Whippets               43:05
     404  Nigel Symms          V45  48 Newcastle(staffs) AC              43:09
     405  Christine Shubotham  L50   8 Michelin AC                       43:10
     406  Bobbie Hickman       L40  17 Potters Trotters                  43:15
     407  Rebecca Holden       L40  18 Unattached                        43:15
     408  Carole Miller        L40  19 Unattached                        43:17
     409  Balbir Bassi         V50  32 Unattached                        43:21
     410  Andrew Marchetti             Unattached                        43:23
     411  Colin Pheasant       V55  18 Chase Harriers                    43:25
     412  Malcolm Rushton      V60  13 Trentham RC                       43:30
     413  Marc Baret                   Unattached                        43:30
     414  Jacqui Cawdron       L45   7 Unattached                        43:32
     415  Gill Hodkinson       L40  20 Stafford Harriers                 43:33
     416  Simon Wilkes                 Unattached                        43:36
     417  Daniel Canavan               Unattached                        43:36
     418  Chris Worthington            Unattached                        43:41
     419  Julie Harris         L40  21 Biddulph RC                       43:44
     420  Emma Berry           L35  15 Unattached                        43:45
     421  David Fisher                 Unattached                        43:46
     422  David Williamson     V45  49 Unattached                        43:48
     423  Miranda Buttery      L    90 Unattached                        43:53
     424  Lisa Clarkson        L35  16 Unattached                        43:58
     425  Russell Beeston              Unattached                        43:59
     426  Graham Howse         V45  50 Unattached                        44:00
     427  Jon Timmins                  Unattached                        44:01
     428  Fiona Moura          L40  22 Uttoxeter RR                      44:09
     429  Robert Wagstaff      V55  19 Silverdale                        44:10
     430  Philip Cooke         V55  20 Stone Master Marathoners          44:11
     431  Ainsley Cooper               Unattached                        44:11
     432  Bill Barker          V65   5 Newcastle(staffs) AC              44:20
     433  Gary Knapper         V40  43 Unattached                        44:21
     434  Philippa Tyson       L45   8 Unattached                        44:23
     435  Anthony Davies       V45  51 Unattached                        44:25
     436  Don Brookes          V75   1 Trentham RC                       44:27
     437  Mark Edwards         V45  52 Unattached                        44:28
     438  Andrew McLean        V40  44 Unattached                        44:29
     439  Liz O'Keeffe         L55   3 Sandbach Striders                 44:30
     440  David Steele         V70   4 Newcastle(staffs) AC              44:32
     441  Bill Whitworth       V70   5 Stafford Harriers                 44:33
     442  Anne-Marie Mountford L35  17 Stone Master Marathoners          44:34
     443  Sue Morley-Smith     L35  18 Unattached                        44:35
     444  Michael Jones        V65   6 Stafford Harriers                 44:41
     445  Joe Park             V75   2 Cheshire Tally-Ho                 44:43
     446  Hannah Arnot         L    97 Sandbach Striders                 44:44
     447  Lauren Edwards       L    98 Unattached                        44:46
     448  David Spruce         V40  45 Unattached                        44:46
     449  Helen Moore          L40  23 Unattached                        44:51
     450  Lorna Siddons        L   100 Unattached                        44:56
     451  Austin Smith         V45  53 Unattached                        44:59
     452  Claire Broach        L   101 Stone Master Marathoners          45:03
     453  Helen West           L40  24 Unattached                        45:06
     454  Shelagh Swinnerton   L60   3 South Cheshire Harriers           45:11
     455  Andrew Stanyer               Unattached                        45:13
     456  Tim Smith                    Congleton                         45:14
     457  Abigail Fleet        L   104 Lancaster & Morecambe             45:22
     458  Ruth Fleet           L45   9 Unattached                        45:23
     459  Daniel Carter        V50  33 Uttoxeter RR                      45:43
     460  Phillip Buxton       V40  46 Unattached                        45:44
     461  Isabel Syred         L40  25 Cheadle RC                        45:46
     462  Ruth Hadfield        L40  26 South Cheshire Harriers           45:49
     463  Emma Ford            L35  19 Unattached                        45:58
     464  Jane Cottrell        L40  27 Unattached                        46:10
     465  Dave Wain                    Unattached                        46:14
     466  Dan Cornwall                 Unattached                        46:15
     467  Julie Griffiths      L45  10 Stone Master Marathoners          46:17
     468  Shirley Winkle       L40  28 Unattached                        46:18
     469  Mac McCoig           V60  14 Stone Master Marathoners          46:18
     470  Kyle Murray                  Unattached                        46:19
     471  Patrick Whitmore             Holmes Chapel Harriers            46:20
     472  Angelo Tomasso               Manchester Frontrunners           46:22
     473  Rachel Bexon         L   112 South Cheshire Harriers           46:22
     474  Nick Boulton         V45  54 Stone Master Marathoners          46:25
     475  Lorraine Clarke      L   113 Mow Cop Runners                   46:27
     476  Martin Stirna        V55  21 South Cheshire Harriers           46:41
     477  Rachel Laws          L35  20 Unattached                        46:55
     478  Yvonne Taylor        L50   9 Unattached                        47:11
     479  Vicky Crockett       L35  21 Congleton                         47:12
     480  Dennis Vallely       V65   7 Boalloy Running Club              47:20
     481  Nyssa Crorie         L   117 Unattached                        47:21
     482  Tessa Williams       L35  22 Unattached                        47:22
     483  Sue Davies           L45  11 South Cheshire Harriers           47:23
     484  George Singh         V70   6 Stafford Harriers                 47:23
     485  Robert Almond        V60  15 Unattached                        47:28
     486  Corinne Edwards      L40  29 Unattached                        47:29
     487  Joanne Weetman       L40  30 Unattached                        47:29
     488  Richard Tarrant      V40  47 Unattached                        47:30
     489  Lisa Quinn           L35  23 Unattached                        47:34
     490  Tracey Williams      L35  24 Unattached                        47:34
     491  Oliver Long                  Unattached                        47:40
     492  Suzie Kelly          L   124 Unattached                        47:49
     493  Jacquie Macphail     L45  12 Trentham RC                       47:54
     494  Peter Davies                 Unattached                        48:12
     495  Melanie Jones        L35  25 Unattached                        48:23
     496  Jackie Edwards       L50  10 Unattached                        48:27
     497  John Perrie                  Unattached                        48:30
     498   Thomas Wynne        V45  55 Unattached                        48:34
     499  David Hayton         V50  34 Unattached                        48:41
     500  Islay McEwan         L45  13 South Cheshire Harriers           48:50
     501  Brian Cornwall       V55  22 Unattached                        48:51
     502  Mark Whitmore        V45  56 Holmes Chapel Harriers            48:53
     503  Samantha Brookes     L35  26 Unattached                        48:55
     504  John Rowlands        V60  16 Whitchurch Whippets               48:55
     505  Allison Kelly        L50  11 Stafford Harriers                 48:56
     506  Lindsey Cartwright   L   131 Unattached                        49:04
     507  Kellie Lee           L35  27 Stafford Harriers                 49:16
     508  Richard Platt                Unattached                        50:00
     509  David Smith          V40  48 Unattached                        50:06
     510  Lynne Cook           L55   4 Shropshire Shufflers              50:15
     511  Amanda Tibbott       L35  28 South Cheshire Harriers           50:18
     512  Julie Fletcher       L50  12 Newcastle(staffs) AC              50:20
     513  Rachel Shields       L   136 South Cheshire Harriers           50:30
     514  Fiona Dillon         L50  13 Whitchurch Whippets               50:42
     515  Tregarran Percival           Unattached                        50:57
     516  Lee Dean             V60  17 Nsrra                             50:59
     517  Andrew Horne         V60  18 Real                   51:04
     518  Julie Corbett        L45  14 Whitchurch Whippets               51:08
     519  Sue Kemp             L45  15 South Cheshire Harriers           51:18
     520  Cheryl Percival      L   140 South Cheshire Harriers           51:25
     521  Sonia Wells          L45  16 Unattached                        51:26
     522  Anthony Taylor       V40  49 Real                   51:27
     523  Tony Fillingham              Spectrun Striders                 51:32
     524  Sonia Lockett        L35  29 Stone Master Marathoners          51:33
     525  Kate Sutcliffe       L   143 Stone Master Marathoners          51:36
     526  Linda Drayton        L50  14 Unattached                        51:43
     527   Samantha Jones      L40  31 Unattached                        51:48
     528  Emma Pattin          L   146 Unattached                        51:50
     529  Charlie Green        L   147 Unattached                        51:50
     530  Sally Aldridge       L65   2 Nsrra                             52:04
     531  Ruth McDermott       L45  17 Unattached                        52:08
     532  Hayley Smith         L   150 Potters Trotters                  52:14
     533  Howard Davies        V50  35 Unattached                        52:52
     534  Jody Elliott                 Unattached                        52:56
     535  Gillian Fowles       L45  18 Whitchurch Whippets               53:05
     536  Andrea Perkins       L35  30 Sandbach Striders                 53:16
     537  Claire Lowndes       L40  32 Alsager Angels                    53:19
     538  Graham Rowe          V70   7 Newcastle(staffs) AC              53:25
     539  Sharon Tibbott       L35  31 South Cheshire Harriers           53:36
     540  Gael Earp            L45  19 Nsrra                             53:47
     541  Elaine Cross         L   156 Unattached                        53:54
     542  Karen Fuller         L45  20 Unattached                        54:07
     543  Joanna Currie        L   158 Unattached                        54:18
     544  Judith Colman        L60   4 Stafford Harriers                 55:18
     545  Alison Birch         L45  21 Whitchurch Whippets               55:30
     546  Susan Jenkins        L40  33 Whitchurch Whippets               55:30
     547  Linda Woodall        L50  15 Michelin AC                       56:56
     548  Roy Fitton           V75   3 Northern Veterans AC              57:26
     549  Frank Grant          V70   8 Stafford Harriers                 57:40
     550  Cheryl Kelsall       L35  32 Unattached                        57:47
     551  Charlotte Bailey     L35  33 Potters Trotters                  57:55
     552  Wayne Reddin                 Unattached                        57:55
     553  Amanda Moreton       L40  34 Potters Trotters                  58:07
     554  John Noakes          V70   9 Holmes Chapel Harriers            58:22
     555  Hazel Barlow         L50  16 Michelin AC                       58:33
     556  Marie Burt           L50  17 Chase Harriers                    58:50
     557  Lucienne Robinson    L   168 Trentham RC                       59:37
     558  Hazel Cumings        L   169 Trentham RC                       59:37
     559  Anne Davies          L60   5 Potters Trotters                  59:48
     560  Samantha Armstrong   L35  34 Unattached                      1:00:20
     561  Margaret Mayoh       L60   6 Unattached                      1:00:42
     562  Ken Richards         V65   8 Newcastle(staffs) AC            1:01:40
     563  Barbara Evans        L40  35 Unattached                      1:02:42

Alsager - Men -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Sale Harriers Manchester           90
                                 2  Anthony Ford        
                                 6  James Bailey        
                                36  Daniel Bradford     
                                46  Tim Kennedy         
  2  Stockport Harriers                168
                                24  Michael Sawrey      
                                31  Mathew Townley      
                                39  Jamie Loxam         
                                74  Phil Burns          
  3  Staffs Moorlands AC               213
                                14  Ryan Holroyd        
                                56  Craig Jeffrey       
                                68  Thomas Halloway     
                                75  Kelvin Amos         
  4  South Cheshire Harriers           219
                                50  Matthew Smith       
                                54  Thomas Haynes       
                                55  Mike Hatton         
                                60  Henry Valentine     
  5  Liverpool Harriers                260
                                28  James Riley         
                                72  Martin Bateman      
                                78  Sion Wynne-Williams 
                                82  Gareth Howell       
  6  Boalloy Running Club              268
                                43  Julian Goodwin      
                                49  Carl Moulton        
                                81  Mick Haire          
                                95  Toby Miller         
  7  Trentham RC                       292
                                52  Carl Platt          
                                65  Anthony Cotton      
                                86  Philip Mainwaring   
                                89  Paul Clinton        
  8  City Of Stoke AC                  316
                                22  Sebastian Duffy     
                                61  Andy Allen          
                                87  Amin Naeini         
                               146  Kevin Hendricken    
  9  Macclesfield Harriers             324
                                44  James Noakes        
                                77  Chris Bentley       
                                94  John Mooney         
                               109  Barry Blyth         
 10  Newcastle(staffs) AC              331
                                58  Mark Flint          
                                59  Dave Giles          
                                76  Matt Driver         
                               138  Dave Wilson         
 11  Stafford Harriers                 441
                                42  Matthew Woodwman    
                                73  Nathan Sabin        
                               160  Neil Martin         
                               166  Steve Cooper        
 12  Cheadle RC                        460
                               105  Paul Stoddard       
                               111  Russell Williams    
                               114  Mark Smith          
                               130  Mick Beardmore      
 13  Michelin AC                       555
                               110  Frank Caci          
                               118  Nigel Payne         
                               141  John Wood           
                               186  Gary Jones          
 14  Mow Cop Runners                   579
                               117  Tuyn Guy Aartse-    
                               148  Geoff Pettengell    
                               153  Harry Porter        
                               161  Nigel Moult         
 15  Manchester Frontrunners           611
                                91  Jonathon Guildford  
                               115  Ian Roberts         
                               145  Greg Keynes         
                               260  Angelo Tomasso      
 16  Nsrra                             646
                               122  Mark Wood           
                               150  Matthew Harper      
                               181  Jonathan Stanfield  
                               193  Ian Allen           
 17  Stone Master Marathoners          649
                               113  Roger Taylor        
                               164  Nick Chadwick       
                               180  Stephen Brookes     
                               192  Simon Mansell       
 18  Uttoxeter RR                      709
                               124  Owen Barron         
                               154  Grahame Cope        
                               213  Nick Green          
                               218  Spike Millican      
 19  Congleton                         711
                                51  James Wood          
                               197  Richard Benson      
                               207  Tony Smith          
                               256  Tim Smith           

Alsager - Men (Vets) -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  South Cheshire Harriers            49
                                 6  Mike Hatton         
                                10  Neil Jones          
                                11  James Simpson       
                                22  Andy Mayers         
  2  Trentham RC                        95
                                17  Paul Clinton        
                                18  Robert Tabbanor     
                                25  Daniel Jordan       
                                35  John Guest          
  3  Macclesfield Harriers             112
                                 3  James Noakes        
                                19  John Mooney         
                                26  Barry Blyth         
                                64  Alan Webster        
  4  Cheadle RC                        132
                                23  Paul Stoddard       
                                27  Russell Williams    
                                38  Mick Beardmore      
                                44  Neil Corby          
  5  Newcastle(staffs) AC              175
                                 7  Mark Flint          
                                43  Dave Wilson         
                                47  Stephen Askey       
                                78  Graham Fletcher     
  6  Stafford Harriers                 254
                                58  Neil Martin         
                                62  Steve Cooper        
                                65  Dave Payling        
                                69  Ian Hodkinson       
  7  Michelin AC                       254
                                30  Nigel Payne         
                                46  John Wood           
                                75  Gary Jones          
                               103  Chris Smith         
  8  Mow Cop Runners                   261
                                29  Tuyn Guy Aartse-    
                                52  Geoff Pettengell    
                                68  Russ Cooper         
                               112  Darren Hunt         
  9  Nsrra                             287
                                32  Mark Wood           
                                77  Ian Allen           
                                81  Robert Findler      
                                97  Christopher Butler  
 10  Uttoxeter RR                      295
                                34  Owen Barron         
                                55  Grahame Cope        
                                96  Spike Millican      
                               110  Russell Reid        
 11  Stone Master Marathoners          411
                                72  Stephen Brookes     
                                87  Tim Hulse           
                               122  Philip Cooke        
                               130  Mac McCoig          

Alsager - Ladies -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Liverpool Harriers                 38
                                 6  Maria Barrett       
                                 8  Jennifer Pybis      
                                24  Laura Stanley       
  2  Trentham RC                        49
                                15  Joanne Donnelly     
                                16  Laura Thompson      
                                18  Sharleen Holinshead 
  3  Newcastle(staffs) AC               57
                                13  Michelle Buckle     
                                21  Melanie Young       
                                23  Wendy Swift         
  4  Cannock & Staffs                   67
                                 4  Stacy Johnson       
                                30  Dot Fellows         
                                33  Gillian Russon      
  5  Cheadle RC                        110
                                29  Sally Kenny         
                                38  Lisa Burke          
                                43  Liz Clutton         
  6  Biddulph RC                       144
                                37  Brittany Davenport  
                                52  Rowena Jukes        
                                55  Toni McDonagh       
  7  South Cheshire Harriers           148
                                40  Frances McMulkin    
                                41  V ConsterdineT      
                                67  Lesley Cole         
  8  Stafford Harriers                 159
                                26  Chris Skellern      
                                62  Karen Sabin         
                                71  Gill Hodkinson      
  9  Vale Royal AC                     168
                                48  Jayne Lomax         
                                54  Pauline Davies      
                                66  Diane Newsham       
 10  Potters Trotters                  176
                                47  Sharon Willis       
                                59  Kirsten Owen        
                                70  Bobbie Hickman      
 11  Uttoxeter RR                      187
                                53  Susan Hill          
                                61  Sue Barron          
                                73  Fiona Moura         
 12  Mow Cop Runners                   189
                                45  Clare Holdcroft     
                                60  Louise Finney       
                                84  Lorraine Clarke     
 13  Michelin AC                       205
                                25  Clare Shubotham     
                                69  Christine Shubotham 
                               111  Linda Woodall       
 14  Stone Master Marathoners          210
                                58  Pam Davies          
                                75  Anne-Marie Mountford
                                77  Claire Broach       
 15  Sandbach Striders                 254
                                74  Liz O'Keeffe        
                                76  Hannah Arnot        
                               104  Andrea Perkins      
 16  Nsrra                             259
                                51  Ann Williams        
                               101  Sally Aldridge      
                               107  Gael Earp           
 17  Whitchurch Whippets               294
                                95  Fiona Dillon        
                                96  Julie Corbett       
                               103  Gillian Fowles      

Alsager - Ladies (Vets) -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Trentham RC                        20
                                 4  Joanne Donnelly     
                                 6  Sharleen Holinshead 
                                10  Kerry Widdowson     
  2  Newcastle(staffs) AC               42
                                 3  Michelle Buckle     
                                 7  Wendy Swift         
                                32  Belinda Riley       
  3  Cheadle RC                         65
                                11  Sally Kenny         
                                21  Liz Clutton         
                                33  Rachel Beardmore    
  4  Stafford Harriers                  93
                                 8  Chris Skellern      
                                38  Karen Sabin         
                                47  Gill Hodkinson      
  5  Vale Royal AC                      98
                                26  Jayne Lomax         
                                30  Pauline Davies      
                                42  Diane Newsham       
  6  Potters Trotters                  106
                                25  Sharon Willis       
                                35  Kirsten Owen        
                                46  Bobbie Hickman      
  7  South Cheshire Harriers           114
                                19  V ConsterdineT      
                                43  Lesley Cole         
                                52  Shelagh Swinnerton  
  8  Uttoxeter RR                      115
                                29  Susan Hill          
                                37  Sue Barron          
                                49  Fiona Moura         
  9  Stone Master Marathoners          140
                                34  Pam Davies          
                                51  Anne-Marie Mountford
                                55  Julie Griffiths     
 10  Nsrra                             171
                                28  Ann Williams        
                                69  Sally Aldridge      
                                74  Gael Earp           
 11  Whitchurch Whippets               201
                                65  Fiona Dillon        
                                66  Julie Corbett       
                                70  Gillian Fowles      
 12  Michelin AC                       204
                                45  Christine Shubotham 
                                78  Linda Woodall       
                                81  Hazel Barlow        

Results copyright (c) G.J. Fecitt (SportSoft) 2012