The Brooks Good Friday Races

at Southport on Friday 10th April 2009

Men's 4 Mile - MEN -- FINAL RESULTS

     Pos  Name                 Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  Richard Burney               Liverpool Harriers                19:44
       2  Simon Mills                  Sale Harriers Manchester          19:52
       3  Steve Littler                Wesham Road Runners & AC          20:17
       4  Jelle Verwer         JM    1 Tipton Harriers                   20:29
       5  Luke Reddt                   Liverpool Harriers                20:32
       6  Colin Potts                  Liverpool Harriers                20:54
       7  Paul Sankey          V40   1 Liverpool RC                      21:00
       8  Richard Shearer              Southport Waterloo                21:07
       9  Keith Johnston               Chorley Harriers                  21:15
      10  David Thornton               Blackburn Harriers & AC           21:20
      11  Alan Ashton                  Liverpool Harriers                21:26
      12  Peter Green                  Liverpool Harriers                21:28
      13  Stephen Wrigley      V45   1 Unattached                        21:30
      14  Simon McKevitt               Liverpool Harriers                21:34
      15  Rob Berry                    Southport Waterloo                21:43
      16  Phil Peerless                Wirral AC                         21:53
      17  Sean Bolland                 Lancaster & Morecambe AC          21:56
      18  Steven Wilkinson             Southport Waterloo                21:58
      19  Gerard Lenehan               Southport Waterloo                22:02
      20  Robert McGrath       V40   2 Southport Waterloo                22:05
      21  Stephen Nicholls             Wigan Phoenix                     22:10
      22  Rob Ashworth         V40   3 Southport Waterloo                22:11
      23  Joe Vis              U18   1 Southport Waterloo                22:12
      24  Patrick Vis          U18   2 Southport Waterloo                22:28
      25  Maurice Collins      V45   2 Liverpool RC                      22:36
      26  Peter Roome          V40   4 Southport Waterloo                22:38
      27  Sean McMyler         V45   3 Bolton United Harriers & AC       22:40
      28  Ian Palin                    Liverpool RC                      22:40
      29  John Chaplin         V50   1 Blackburn Harriers & AC           22:42
      30  Rick Bowker          V45   4 Southport Waterloo                22:44
      31  Karl Ward                    Horwich Rmi                       22:52
      32  Mark Almond          V40   5 Blackburn Harriers & AC           22:55
      33  Kevin Hesketh        V55   1 Preston Harriers                  22:57
      34  Andy Starkey         V45   5 West Cheshire AC                  22:58
      35  Richard Cary         V40   6 Southport Waterloo                22:59
      36  David Edwards        V45   6 Liverpool RC                      23:02
      37  Steve McLean         V45   7 Southport Waterloo                23:04
      38  Simon Barker                 Unattached                        23:07
      39  Tony Taylor                  SALFORD HARRIERS                  23:12
      40  Ian White            V45   8 St Helens Sutton                  23:16
      41  Terry Hanley         V55   2 Red Rose Runners                  23:22
      42  Daniel Hughes        U18   3 St Helens Sutton                  23:28
      43  Les Ashton                   Unattached                        23:32
      44  Gary Cassidy                 Altrincham                        23:39
      45  Paul Kinsella        V45   9 Unattached                        23:44
      46  Alan McDonald                Unattached                        23:58
      47  Shaun Jordan         V55   3 Bingley Harriers Athletic Club    23:58
      48  Christopher Dunn     V40   7 Southport Waterloo                24:00
      49  Matthew Nelson       V45  10 Unattached                        24:01
      50  David Sims                   Unattached                        24:06
      51  Chris Maher                  Unattached                        24:08
      52  Simon Redhead                Unattached                        24:13
      53  Mark Ashby           V45  11 Southport Waterloo                24:14
      54  James Blackburn      U18   4 Liverpool Harriers                24:17
      55  Philip Bailey        V55   4 Southport Waterloo                24:21
      56  Evan Cook            V55   5 Blackburn Harriers & AC           24:25
      57  Martin Bailey                Newcastle (staffs) AC             24:27
      58  Dennis Wharton       V50   2 St Helens Sutton                  24:40
      59  Robert Burke         V40   8 Liverpool RC                      24:43
      60  Simon Birtles        V40   9 Liverpool Harriers                24:44
      61  Tony Jackson         V50   3 Newburgh Nomads RC                24:49
      62  Gerard McTague               Liverpool Harriers                24:51
      63  Mutch Graeme                 WDAC                              24:57
      64  Ian Hayburn          V40  10 St Helens Sutton                  24:58
      65  David Quinn                  Liverpool Harriers                25:04
      66  Mark Hargreaves              Liverpool Harriers                25:08
      67  Michael Cunningham   V45  12 Southport Waterloo                25:11
      68  Stephen Perry        V50   4 Lancaster & Morecambe AC          25:12
      69  Anthony Chadwick     V40  11 Liverpool RC                      25:21
      70  John McMyler                 Wigan Phoenix                     25:27
      71  Daniel Rees          V50   5 Unattached                        25:28
      72  Mike Morgan                  Southport Waterloo                25:33
      73  George Pierce        V40  12 Liverpool RC                      25:34
      74  Jake Healy           U18   5 St Helens Sutton                  25:36
      75  Paul Cain            V40  13 Southport Waterloo                25:40
      76  David Smith                  Unattached                        25:51
      77  Paul Rainford        V40  14 Liverpool RC                      25:51
      78  Paul Wareing         V45  13 Chorley AC                        25:52
      79  Andrew Healy                 Liverpool RC                      25:54
      80  David Owen                   Liverpool RC                      25:56
      81  Peter Sandford       V50   6 Dallam RC                         25:58
      82  Mark Blackburn       V40  15 South Liverpool RC                25:59
      83  Billy Hargreaves     V60   1 Liverpool Harriers                26:04
      84  Dave Wall            V40  16 Wigan Phoenix                     26:10
      85  Bruce Eastaff        V45  14 Unattached                        26:16
      86  Mike Dowsett                 Unattached                        26:18
      87  Stephen McCullough   V45  15 Liverpool RC                      26:19
      88  Ian Kilshaw          V50   7 Southport Waterloo                26:21
      89  Carlos Irizar        V45  16 Southport Waterloo                26:23
      90  Peter Morgan         V50   8 Pinetops                          26:24
      91  Robert Wilson        V50   9 Unattached                        26:25
      92  Peter Wilkinson      V45  17 Skelmersdale Boundary H           26:28
      93  Dominic Nube         V40  17 Abbey Runners                     26:40
      94  David Nicholls       V40  18 Unattached                        26:49
      95  Richard Horrocks     V40  19 Unattached                        26:59
      96  Brendon Mullaney             Unattached                        27:06
      97  Anthony Fowler       V45  18 Mersey Tri                        27:10
      98  Pete Bland           V60   2 Horwich Rmi                       27:14
      99  David Evans          V50  10 Unattached                        27:24
     100  Mike O'Brien         V50  11 Manchester YMCA Harriers          27:28
     101  Peter Schriewersmann         Unattached                        27:31
     102  Philip Dean          V50  12 Red Rose Runners                  27:33
     103  Paul Murray                  Unattached                        27:34
     104  David Cahill                 Unattached                        27:38
     105  Ian Simnor           V45  19 Mersey Tri                        27:45
     106  Christopher Barrett  V45  20 Southport Waterloo                27:46
     107  Barry Jones                  Unattached                        27:47
     108  Will Ferguson                Wirral AC                         27:48
     109  Ste Pellow                   Unattached                        27:49
     110  Richard Oakley       V55   6 Red Rose Runners                  27:54
     111  Gary Burcher         V40  20 Unattached                        27:59
     112  Jason Robinson       V40  21 Unattached                        28:06
     113  Simon Gora                   Unattached                        28:10
     114  Neil Holt                    Unattached                        28:11
     115  Milan Juricek        V50  13 Unattached                        28:14
     116  Adrian Sage                  Unattached                        28:18
     117  Alan Jones           V40  22 Deestriders                       28:23
     118  Andrew Sixsmith      V50  14 Pacific Spirit Tri Club           28:26
     119  Paul Armstrong       V45  21 Liverpool RC                      28:39
     120  David O'Sullivan             Unattached                        28:40
     121  Philip Baxendale     V55   7 Southport Waterloo                28:42
     122  Jonathan Lawson      V40  23 Wesham Road Runners & AC          28:43
     123  Adam Tinsley                 Unattached                        28:48
     124  Alan Appleton        V50  15 Unattached                        28:51
     125  Brian McGlynn                Unattached                        28:57
     126  Andrew Reynolds      U18   6 Unattached                        28:59
     127  Alistair Bledge              Lancashire Constabulary           29:09
     128  Robert Reynolds      V50  16 Unattached                        29:12
     129  Andrew Conway        V40  24 Unattached                        29:14
     130  Dominic Rigby        V40  25 Unattached                        29:19
     131  Clifford Thomas              Unattached                        29:20
     132  Michael Bell         V40  26 Preston Harriers                  29:23
     133  Michael Murray       V50  17 Chorley AC                        29:24
     134  Glyn Martin                  Unattached                        29:25
     135  Nicholas Sinclair    V60   3 Southport Waterloo                29:27
     136  Paul Cheetham                Unattached                        29:32
     137  David McAlister      V50  18 Wallasey AC                       29:34
     138  Graham Morris        V45  22 Preston Harriers                  29:50
     139  Philip Gibbon                Unattached                        29:54
     140  Colin Vose           V45  23 Unattached                        29:58
     141  Nigel Starkey        V45  24 West Cheshire AC                  30:06
     142  Gordon Brown         V75   1 Liverpool Harriers                30:15
     143  Chris Wootton        V40  27 Unattached                        30:23
     144  John Henderson       V40  28 Unattached                        30:31
     145  Joseph Furmedge      V55   8 Northern Vets AC                  30:37
     146  Gareth Redhead               Unattached                        30:39
     147  Peter YatesThompson  V55   9 Unattached                        30:44
     148  Peter Hough          V40  29 Unattached                        31:02
     149  Molloy Mark          V40  30 Warrington Road Runners           31:20
     150  Sid Bailey           V50  19 Deestriders                       31:22
     151  Harold Gott          V65   1 Northern Vets AC                  31:27
     152  Ben Cribb            V45  25 Unattached                        31:30
     153  Timothy Freer        V45  26 Unattached                        31:35
     154  John Edwards         V40  31 Unattached                        31:39
     155  Andy Hitchin         V40  32 Unattached                        31:45
     156  Robbie Birchall              Hearts RC                         31:48
     157  Daniel Bolton                Chorley Harriers                  31:50
     158  Vincent Killen       V45  27 Littlewoods RC                    31:51
     159  Anthony Killen       V40  33 Unattached                        31:52
     160  Alex Stones          V45  28 Red Rose Runners                  31:53
     161  Andrew Walmsley      V40  34 Unattached                        32:00
     162  Stephen Gibson       V45  29 Unattached                        32:04
     163  Clive James          V45  30 Southport Waterloo                32:07
     164  Daniel Riley                 Unattached                        32:10
     165  Donald Wilkinson     V45  31 Unattached                        32:19
     166  Steve Cooney         V40  35 Unattached                        32:26
     167  Robert Harrison      V55  10 Unattached                        32:29
     168  Richard Hughes       V55  11 Southport Waterloo                33:07
     169  Howard Henshaw       V65   2 Blackpool Wyre & Fylde            33:15
     170  Allan Howard         V50  20 Red Rose Runners                  33:24
     171  Jon Singleton        V50  21 Southport Waterloo                33:40
     172  Norman Greenwood     V70   1 Blackpool Wyre & Fylde            34:39
     173  Peter Christian      V45  32 Unattached                        34:57
     174  John Windsor         V45  33 Unattached                        34:57
     175  Tony Coffey                  Liverpool RC                      35:12
     176  Paul Stennett        V45  34 Unattached                        35:44
     177  Jon Bradley                  Unattached                        35:46
     178  Paul Lane                    Unattached                        35:47
     179  David Hoyle          V50  22 Unattached                        35:52
     180  Les Bradley          V50  23 Unattached                        35:55
     181  Geoff Howard         V70   2 Northern Vets AC                  36:45
     182  Steven Hartley               Unattached                        42:38
     183  Dom Antrobus                 Unattached                        43:57
     184  Rod Henderson        V60   4 Unattached                        45:49
     185  John Evans           V65   3 Unattached                        50:05

Men's 4 Mile - MEN -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Liverpool Harriers                 23
                                 1  Richard Burney      
                                 5  Luke Reddt          
                                 6  Colin Potts         
                                11  Alan Ashton         
  2  Southport Waterloo                 57
                                 8  Richard Shearer     
                                14  Rob Berry           
                                17  Steven Wilkinson    
                                18  Gerard Lenehan      
  3  Liverpool RC                       93
                                 7  Paul Sankey         
                                24  Maurice Collins     
                                27  Ian Palin           
                                35  David Edwards       
  4  Blackburn Harriers & AC           116
                                10  David Thornton      
                                28  John Chaplin        
                                31  Mark Almond         
                                47  Evan Cook           
  5  St Helens Sutton                  182
                                38  Ian White           
                                40  Daniel Hughes       
                                49  Dennis Wharton      
                                55  Ian Hayburn         
  6  Red Rose Runners                  317
                                39  Terry Hanley        
                                83  Philip Dean         
                                87  Richard Oakley      
                               108  Alex Stones         

Men's 4 Mile - MEN (Vets) -- FINAL RESULTS

     Pos  Name                 Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  Paul Sankey          V40   1 Liverpool RC                      21:00
       2  Stephen Wrigley      V45   1 Unattached                        21:30
       3  Robert McGrath       V40   2 Southport Waterloo                22:05
       4  Rob Ashworth         V40   3 Southport Waterloo                22:11
       5  Maurice Collins      V45   2 Liverpool RC                      22:36
       6  Peter Roome          V40   4 Southport Waterloo                22:38
       7  Sean McMyler         V45   3 Bolton United Harriers & AC       22:40
       8  John Chaplin         V50   1 Blackburn Harriers & AC           22:42
       9  Rick Bowker          V45   4 Southport Waterloo                22:44
      10  Mark Almond          V40   5 Blackburn Harriers & AC           22:55
      11  Kevin Hesketh        V55   1 Preston Harriers                  22:57
      12  Andy Starkey         V45   5 West Cheshire AC                  22:58
      13  Richard Cary         V40   6 Southport Waterloo                22:59
      14  David Edwards        V45   6 Liverpool RC                      23:02
      15  Steve McLean         V45   7 Southport Waterloo                23:04
      16  Ian White            V45   8 St Helens Sutton                  23:16
      17  Terry Hanley         V55   2 Red Rose Runners                  23:22
      18  Paul Kinsella        V45   9 Unattached                        23:44
      19  Shaun Jordan         V55   3 Bingley Harriers Athletic Club    23:58
      20  Christopher Dunn     V40   7 Southport Waterloo                24:00
      21  Matthew Nelson       V45  10 Unattached                        24:01
      22  Mark Ashby           V45  11 Southport Waterloo                24:14
      23  Philip Bailey        V55   4 Southport Waterloo                24:21
      24  Evan Cook            V55   5 Blackburn Harriers & AC           24:25
      25  Dennis Wharton       V50   2 St Helens Sutton                  24:40
      26  Robert Burke         V40   8 Liverpool RC                      24:43
      27  Simon Birtles        V40   9 Liverpool Harriers                24:44
      28  Tony Jackson         V50   3 Newburgh Nomads RC                24:49
      29  Ian Hayburn          V40  10 St Helens Sutton                  24:58
      30  Michael Cunningham   V45  12 Southport Waterloo                25:11
      31  Stephen Perry        V50   4 Lancaster & Morecambe AC          25:12
      32  Anthony Chadwick     V40  11 Liverpool RC                      25:21
      33  Daniel Rees          V50   5 Unattached                        25:28
      34  George Pierce        V40  12 Liverpool RC                      25:34
      35  Paul Cain            V40  13 Southport Waterloo                25:40
      36  Paul Rainford        V40  14 Liverpool RC                      25:51
      37  Paul Wareing         V45  13 Chorley AC                        25:52
      38  Peter Sandford       V50   6 Dallam RC                         25:58
      39  Mark Blackburn       V40  15 South Liverpool RC                25:59
      40  Billy Hargreaves     V60   1 Liverpool Harriers                26:04
      41  Dave Wall            V40  16 Wigan Phoenix                     26:10
      42  Bruce Eastaff        V45  14 Unattached                        26:16
      43  Stephen McCullough   V45  15 Liverpool RC                      26:19
      44  Ian Kilshaw          V50   7 Southport Waterloo                26:21
      45  Carlos Irizar        V45  16 Southport Waterloo                26:23
      46  Peter Morgan         V50   8 Pinetops                          26:24
      47  Robert Wilson        V50   9 Unattached                        26:25
      48  Peter Wilkinson      V45  17 Skelmersdale Boundary H           26:28
      49  Dominic Nube         V40  17 Abbey Runners                     26:40
      50  David Nicholls       V40  18 Unattached                        26:49
      51  Richard Horrocks     V40  19 Unattached                        26:59
      52  Anthony Fowler       V45  18 Mersey Tri                        27:10
      53  Pete Bland           V60   2 Horwich Rmi                       27:14
      54  David Evans          V50  10 Unattached                        27:24
      55  Mike O'Brien         V50  11 Manchester YMCA Harriers          27:28
      56  Philip Dean          V50  12 Red Rose Runners                  27:33
      57  Ian Simnor           V45  19 Mersey Tri                        27:45
      58  Christopher Barrett  V45  20 Southport Waterloo                27:46
      59  Richard Oakley       V55   6 Red Rose Runners                  27:54
      60  Gary Burcher         V40  20 Unattached                        27:59
      61  Jason Robinson       V40  21 Unattached                        28:06
      62  Milan Juricek        V50  13 Unattached                        28:14
      63  Alan Jones           V40  22 Deestriders                       28:23
      64  Andrew Sixsmith      V50  14 Pacific Spirit Tri Club           28:26
      65  Paul Armstrong       V45  21 Liverpool RC                      28:39
      66  Philip Baxendale     V55   7 Southport Waterloo                28:42
      67  Jonathan Lawson      V40  23 Wesham Road Runners & AC          28:43
      68  Alan Appleton        V50  15 Unattached                        28:51
      69  Robert Reynolds      V50  16 Unattached                        29:12
      70  Andrew Conway        V40  24 Unattached                        29:14
      71  Dominic Rigby        V40  25 Unattached                        29:19
      72  Michael Bell         V40  26 Preston Harriers                  29:23
      73  Michael Murray       V50  17 Chorley AC                        29:24
      74  Nicholas Sinclair    V60   3 Southport Waterloo                29:27
      75  David McAlister      V50  18 Wallasey AC                       29:34
      76  Graham Morris        V45  22 Preston Harriers                  29:50
      77  Colin Vose           V45  23 Unattached                        29:58
      78  Nigel Starkey        V45  24 West Cheshire AC                  30:06
      79  Gordon Brown         V75   1 Liverpool Harriers                30:15
      80  Chris Wootton        V40  27 Unattached                        30:23
      81  John Henderson       V40  28 Unattached                        30:31
      82  Joseph Furmedge      V55   8 Northern Vets AC                  30:37
      83  Peter YatesThompson  V55   9 Unattached                        30:44
      84  Peter Hough          V40  29 Unattached                        31:02
      85  Molloy Mark          V40  30 Warrington Road Runners           31:20
      86  Sid Bailey           V50  19 Deestriders                       31:22
      87  Harold Gott          V65   1 Northern Vets AC                  31:27
      88  Ben Cribb            V45  25 Unattached                        31:30
      89  Timothy Freer        V45  26 Unattached                        31:35
      90  John Edwards         V40  31 Unattached                        31:39
      91  Andy Hitchin         V40  32 Unattached                        31:45
      92  Vincent Killen       V45  27 Littlewoods RC                    31:51
      93  Anthony Killen       V40  33 Unattached                        31:52
      94  Alex Stones          V45  28 Red Rose Runners                  31:53
      95  Andrew Walmsley      V40  34 Unattached                        32:00
      96  Stephen Gibson       V45  29 Unattached                        32:04
      97  Clive James          V45  30 Southport Waterloo                32:07
      98  Donald Wilkinson     V45  31 Unattached                        32:19
      99  Steve Cooney         V40  35 Unattached                        32:26
     100  Robert Harrison      V55  10 Unattached                        32:29
     101  Richard Hughes       V55  11 Southport Waterloo                33:07
     102  Howard Henshaw       V65   2 Blackpool Wyre & Fylde            33:15
     103  Allan Howard         V50  20 Red Rose Runners                  33:24
     104  Jon Singleton        V50  21 Southport Waterloo                33:40
     105  Norman Greenwood     V70   1 Blackpool Wyre & Fylde            34:39
     106  Peter Christian      V45  32 Unattached                        34:57
     107  John Windsor         V45  33 Unattached                        34:57
     108  Paul Stennett        V45  34 Unattached                        35:44
     109  David Hoyle          V50  22 Unattached                        35:52
     110  Les Bradley          V50  23 Unattached                        35:55
     111  Geoff Howard         V70   2 Northern Vets AC                  36:45
     112  Rod Henderson        V60   4 Unattached                        45:49
     113  John Evans           V65   3 Unattached                        50:05
Results copyright (c) G.J. Fecitt (SportSoft) 2009