The PSUK 10 Mile Championship

at Llandudno on Wednesday 16th September 2009


     Pos  Name                 Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  Peter Tucker                 Metropolitan                      54:15
       2  Ben Gamble                   Staffordshire                     54:50
       3  Jim Cooper                   Metropolitan                      55:54
       4  Joel Clewett                 Metropolitan                      56:28
       5  James Brown                  Metropolitan                      57:22
       6  Kieran Rowlands              Lancashire                        58:10
       7  Nigel Bedell         V40   1 West Yorkshire                    58:13
       8  Ryan Maxwell                 Psni                              58:17
       9  David Hall                   West Mercia                       58:21
      10  Karl Webster                 Derbyshire                        58:52
      11  Terry Fowler         V40   2 Metropolitan                      58:59
      12  Steve Cockrell               Norfolk                           59:02
      13  Simon Newton                 West Yorkshire                    59:08
      14  Rhys Peters                  Metropolitan                      59:10
      15  Paul Allen           V40   3 Hertfordshire                     59:13
      16  Woerkon Vincent Van          Cheshire                          59:27
      17  Darren Riley         V40   4 West Midlands                     59:34
      18  Malcolm Fowler       V40   5 Cheshire                          59:44
      19  Ian Phillips                 Derbyshire                        59:49
      20  Mark Penny                   Kent                              59:56
      21  Kyle Greig                   Grampian                          59:58
      22  Andrew McGhee                Strathclyde                     1:00:13
      23  Michael Harvey       V40   6 Fife                            1:00:20
      24  Phil West                    Northamptonshire                1:00:26
      25  Karl Free                    Metropolitan                    1:00:31
      26  Tony Rickman                 Hampshire                       1:01:16
      27  Ioan Williams                Gwent                           1:01:28
      28  Rob Jackaman                 Metropolitan                    1:01:37
      29  Mick Lane            V40   7 Metropolitan                    1:01:43
      30  Christine Howard     L35   1 Derbyshire                      1:01:53
      31  Toni Kott            V50   1 Lothian & Borders               1:01:56
      32  John Pretty                  Strathclyde                     1:02:04
      33  Dave Fulton          V40   8 Gt Manchester Police Ac         1:02:06
      34  Mick Bond            V50   2 Essex                           1:02:10
      35  Duncan Malloy        V40   9 Leicestershire                  1:02:15
      36  Nigel Rowe           V40  10 Metropolitan                    1:02:36
      37  Tony Forder          V40  11 Metropolitan                    1:02:42
      38  Natalie Farrow       L     2 Humberside                      1:02:47
      39  Myles Robertson      V40  12 Cheshire                        1:02:49
      40  Dave Rayfield        V40  13 Northamptonshire                1:02:54
      41  Steve Jones          V40  14 Norfolk                         1:03:07
      42  Des Michael          V50   3 Hertfordshire                   1:03:09
      43  Peter Murtagh        V40  15 Psni                            1:03:23
      44  James Johnson                Devon & Cornwall                1:03:25
      45  Sarah Simmons        L     3 West Midlands                   1:03:43
      46  Iain Taylor          V40  16 Central Scotland                1:03:46
      47  Craig Jones                  North Wales                     1:03:48
      48  David McMillan       V50   4 Derbyshire                      1:03:54
      49  Chris Meir           V40  17 Staffordshire                   1:03:58
      50  Andy Pilling         V40  18 Gt Manchester Police Ac         1:04:03
      51  Alex Daniels                 Devon & Cornwall                1:04:08
      52  Aaron Parker                 Kent                            1:04:14
      53  Paul Wyatt                   Metropolitan                    1:04:20
      54  Dan Appleby                  Gt Manchester Police Ac         1:04:34
      55  Justin Maxwell               Psni                            1:04:41
      56  Luke Lazell                  Metropolitan                    1:04:46
      57  Stewart Jones        V50   5 Gt Manchester Police Ac         1:04:50
      58  Iain Wedge           V40  19 Cheshire                        1:04:51
      59  Tim Brooks           V40  20 Devon & Cornwall                1:04:51
      60  Mike Griffin                 Devon & Cornwall                1:04:54
      61  Tom Prytherch                North Wales                     1:05:06
      62  Dianne Lauder        L     4 Lothian & Borders               1:05:16
      63  Gary Durham          V50   6 South Yorkshire                 1:05:18
      64  Ben Mabon                    Surrey                          1:05:45
      65  Graeme Gow           V40  21 Lothian & Borders               1:05:50
      66  Steven Fleck         V40  22 Thames Valley                   1:06:02
      67  Andy Blaize                  Northamptonshire                1:06:05
      68  Adam Baines                  Lancashire                      1:06:18
      69  Neil Hunt                    West Midlands                   1:06:27
      70  Leon Ricketts                West Yorkshire                  1:06:30
      71  Robert Gregory       V40  23 Leicestershire                  1:06:34
      72  Derek Lodge          V40  24 Lancashire                      1:06:41
      73  Jim Buttleman        V40  25 Hertfordshire                   1:06:45
      74  Claire Thompson      L     5 Strathclyde                     1:06:53
      75  John Diffey          V40  26 South Wales                     1:06:57
      76  Mike Brooks          V40  27 Lothian & Borders               1:06:58
      77  Ian Baggott          V40  28 Devon & Cornwall                1:07:02
      78  Nigel Cook           V40  29 Kent                            1:07:14
      79  Princeton Akpojaro   V40  30 Metropolitan                    1:07:19
      80  Stuart Dinwoodie     V40  31 Wiltshire                       1:07:20
      81  Don Kenyon           V40  32 North Wales                     1:07:31
      82  Sean Bunn            V40  33 Northamptonshire                1:07:33
      83  Ed McNeill                   Cambridgeshire                  1:07:42
      84  Leo Glendon                  Dorset                          1:07:43
      85  Steve Lelliot        V40  34 Kent                            1:07:51
      86  Helen Mountney       L     6 Leicestershire                  1:08:04
      87  Gary Zoller          V40  35 Norfolk                         1:08:13
      88  Justin Frost                 Devon & Cornwall                1:08:13
      89  Mark Evans           V40  36 Gt Manchester Police Ac         1:08:17
      90  James Corrigan               Gt Manchester Police Ac         1:08:19
      91  Kelvin Bierton               West Mercia                     1:08:27
      92  Paul Shanahan        V50   7 Avon & Somerset                 1:08:34
      93  Anthony Price        V40  37 West Midlands                   1:08:37
      94  Nigel Braun          V40  38 Staffordshire                   1:08:40
      95  Kelly Morgan         L     7 South Wales                     1:08:46
      96  John Pollock         V50   8 Strathclyde                     1:08:48
      97  Harvey Rose                  West Midlands                   1:08:56
      98  Paul Clifford                Metropolitan                    1:08:59
      99  Andy Lakeland                South Yorkshire                 1:09:03
     100  Bryan Lawton         V40  39 Gt Manchester Police Ac         1:09:06
     101  Kate Armstrong       L45   1 Cambridgeshire                  1:09:11
     102  Martin Arnold        V40  40 Metropolitan                    1:09:13
     103  Victoria Ison        L     9 Staffordshire                   1:09:16
     104  Rod Graham           V50   9 Lancashire                      1:09:19
     105  Dan Meaney           V50  10 Hertfordshire                   1:09:24
     106  Gavin Phillip        V40  41 Lothian & Borders               1:09:32
     107  Matt Oldham                  Gt Manchester Police Ac         1:09:40
     108  Kevin Concannon      V50  11 Metropolitan                    1:09:41
     109  Caroline Walsh       L    10 Metropolitan                    1:09:51
     110  Steve Kyte           V40  42 Northumbria                     1:09:55
     111  Douglas Grant        V40  43 Psni                            1:09:58
     112  Andy Shepherd                Hertfordshire                   1:10:23
     113  Martin Wood          V50  12 Lincolnshire                    1:10:37
     114  Derek Walker                 Essex                           1:10:41
     115  Andrew Belshaw               Psni                            1:10:51
     116  Pete Crisp                   Thames Valley                   1:10:55
     117  John Kearns          V40  44 Leicestershire                  1:11:00
     118  Paul Anderson                Nottinghamshire                 1:11:11
     119  John Jackson         V40  45 Essex                           1:11:14
     120  Don English          V50  13 Essex                           1:11:16
     121  David Mitchell       V50  14 Strathclyde                     1:11:18
     122  Bill Smith           V40  46 Fife                            1:11:22
     123  Bobby Boothroyd              Metropolitan                    1:11:24
     124  Gordon Nellies       V50  15 Fife                            1:11:30
     125  Gary Goacher         V40  47 Derbyshire                      1:11:33
     126  Neil Coppack         V40  48 North Wales                     1:11:34
     127  Alison Wylie         L    11 Lothian & Borders               1:11:35
     128  Adrian Backhouse     V40  49 Staffordshire                   1:11:39
     129  Gillian Duncan       L35   2 Lothian & Borders               1:11:55
     130  Ian Mawdesley                Metropolitan                    1:11:56
     131  Sarah Green          L    13 Metropolitan                    1:12:00
     132  Libby Cameron        L    14 Metropolitan                    1:12:08
     133  Huw Trainor                  North Wales                     1:12:16
     134  Samantha Bell        L35   3 Northamptonshire                1:12:25
     135  Kevin Chippendale    V50  16 West Yorkshire                  1:12:29
     136  Sally Broome         L35   4 Gwent                           1:12:37
     137  Kendra White         L35   5 Cleveland                       1:12:41
     138  Barry Frost          V50  17 Devon & Cornwall                1:12:43
     139  Ken Willis           V50  18 Northamptonshire                1:12:46
     140  Steve Ingleby        V40  50 West Midlands                   1:12:47
     141  Liz Kooper           L35   6 South Yorkshire                 1:12:54
     142  Katrina Kemp         L45   2 Leicestershire                  1:12:59
     143  Bob Hind             V50  19 North Wales                     1:13:00
     144  Dru Baker                    Central Scotland                1:13:06
     145  Alex Potter          L    20 West Yorkshire                  1:13:14
     146  Denis Nelson         V40  51 Lancashire                      1:13:16
     147  Charles Quaey        V40  52 Essex                           1:13:18
     148  Veronica Singleton   L45   3 Hertfordshire                   1:13:18
     149  Tim James                    South Wales                     1:13:43
     150  Mathew Rogers                Kent                            1:13:52
     151  Malcolm Knight       V50  20 Avon & Somerset                 1:13:56
     152  Richie Eccles        V40  53 North Wales                     1:13:59
     153  Karlyn Forsyth       L    22 Strathclyde                     1:14:05
     154  Rachel Love          L35   7 Humberside                      1:14:09
     155  Roger Bond                   Fife                            1:14:14
     156  John Mackenzie       V50  21 Essex                           1:14:17
     157  Luisa Brana          L    24 Metropolitan                    1:14:19
     158  Sophie Clement       L    25 West Midlands                   1:14:21
     159  Steven Miller                Fife                            1:14:30
     160  Phil Fortun                  Staffordshire                   1:14:31
     161  Ian Jackson          V40  54 Derbyshire                      1:14:31
     162  Ross Morley-Trapnell V40  55 Devon & Cornwall                1:14:35
     163  Peter Laddiman       V50  22 Norfolk                         1:14:45
     164  Kevin Loftus         V50  23 Derbyshire                      1:14:47
     165  Jo Church            L35   8 Devon & Cornwall                1:14:48
     166  Jacqui Reid          L35   9 Metropolitan                    1:14:54
     167  Gary Corns                   Gt Manchester Police Ac         1:14:55
     168  Nick Brown           V40  56 North Wales                     1:15:10
     169  Chris Goodman                Surrey                          1:15:11
     170  Campbell Petrie              Strathclyde                     1:15:15
     171  Rachael Drummond     L    28 Lothian & Borders               1:15:28
     172  Billy Braidwood      V50  24 Lothian & Borders               1:15:28
     173  Dave McConville      V40  57 Gt Manchester Police Ac         1:15:38
     174  Helen Kerr           L    29 Psni                            1:15:53
     175  Don Pearson          V40  58 Devon & Cornwall                1:15:53
     176  Janine Fallon        L    30 Lancashire                      1:16:16
     177  Pete Lucas                   City Of London                  1:16:26
     178  Roger Newson         V50  25 Kent                            1:16:26
     179  Owain Llewellyn              North Wales                     1:16:27
     180  Lizzie Bonell        L    31 Kent                            1:16:34
     181  Dave Mills           V40  59 Hampshire                       1:16:41
     182  Steve Adelsberg      V50  26 Kent                            1:16:42
     183  Lee Bailey                   North Wales                     1:16:43
     184  Scott Lloyd                  Cambridgeshire                  1:16:44
     185  Tony Harper          V50  27 Derbyshire                      1:16:57
     186  Lorraine Paterson    L35  10 Humberside                      1:16:59
     187  Suzanne Tagg         L35  11 Gwent                           1:17:02
     188  Nik Ward                     Humberside                      1:17:11
     189  Andrew Williams              Gwent                           1:17:23
     190  Clare McAvoy         L    34 Central Scotland                1:17:31
     191  Steve Broadbent      V50  28 Lancashire                      1:17:34
     192  Paul Forster         V50  29 Merseyside                      1:17:47
     193  Graeme Kay           V50  30 Devon & Cornwall                1:17:48
     194  William Stephenson   V40  60 Lothian & Borders               1:17:59
     195  Phil Wynes           V50  31 Hertfordshire                   1:18:00
     196  David Needham        V60   1 South Yorkshire                 1:18:02
     197  Kirsty Baird         L35  12 Central Scotland                1:18:16
     198  Mark Hobson                  North Wales                     1:18:20
     199  Deborah Wilne        L35  13 Staffordshire                   1:18:21
     200  Ian Sullivan         V40  61 South Wales                     1:18:22
     201  Derek Nichols        V50  32 Hampshire                       1:18:28
     202  John Macinnes        V50  33 Strathclyde                     1:18:32
     203  Steve Plumb          V40  62 Leicestershire                  1:18:57
     204  Steve Quinn                  Gt Manchester Police Ac         1:19:05
     205  Karen Mather         L45   4 Gt Manchester Police Ac         1:19:12
     206  Rachel Allen         L    38 Gwent                           1:19:18
     207  Chris Hanson                 West Midlands                   1:19:34
     208  Marie McDonald       L35  14 Gt Manchester Police Ac         1:19:35
     209  Robert Mawhood       V50  34 South Yorkshire                 1:19:38
     210  Laura Smith          L    40 Fife                            1:19:56
     211  James Sheate         V40  63 Wiltshire                       1:19:59
     212  Angela Breen         L    41 Metropolitan                    1:20:03
     213  Mark Churton         V40  64 Staffordshire                   1:20:13
     214  Sally Mason          L    42 Fife                            1:20:14
     215  Tony Benjamin        V40  65 Essex                           1:20:19
     216  Gavin Timms                  Essex                           1:20:22
     217  Eddie Murfin         V60   2 Lincolnshire                    1:20:24
     218  Andrew Sayers        V60   3 Avon & Somerset                 1:20:25
     219  Gabby Waring         L45   5 North Wales                     1:20:26
     220  Paul Scarlett                Psni                            1:20:35
     221  Bobby Stevens        V40  66 Lothian & Borders               1:21:02
     222  Mel Moore            V40  67 Kent                            1:21:02
     223  Richard Collyer      V40  68 Norfolk                         1:21:10
     224  Dan Poole                    Wiltshire                       1:21:12
     225  Alan McGill          V40  69 Derbyshire                      1:21:27
     226  John Forsyth         V50  35 Lothian & Borders               1:21:29
     227  Lindsay Rust         L    44 South Yorkshire                 1:21:30
     228  Andrew Evans         V40  70 Gt Manchester Police Ac         1:21:34
     229  Sam Johnston         L    45 Metropolitan                    1:21:41
     230  Yvie Johnson         L    46 North Wales                     1:21:50
     231  Anna Gaches          L    47 West Yorkshire                  1:21:52
     232  Colin Prosser        V40  71 Gwent                           1:21:52
     233  Lynne Rogers         L    48 Strathclyde                     1:21:55
     234  Bill Sneddon         V40  72 Lothian & Borders               1:22:00
     235  Caroline Rogers      L    49 Lothian & Borders               1:22:00
     236  Tyrone Broome        V40  73 Gwent                           1:22:00
     237  Richard Baldwin      V40  74 Hampshire                       1:22:04
     238  Kevin Richards       V40  75 Devon & Cornwall                1:22:05
     239  Laura Lawler         L35  15 Lancashire                      1:22:09
     240  Fiona McDonald       L    51 Derbyshire                      1:22:14
     241  Sally Youden         L    52 Northumbria                     1:22:17
     242  Stuart Altoft        V40  76 Humberside                      1:22:29
     243  Eddie Strange                Wiltshire                       1:22:33
     244  Chris Brier          V50  36 Hampshire                       1:22:35
     245  Mark Braithwaite     V40  77 Wiltshire                       1:22:36
     246  Naomi Owen           L    53 Staffordshire                   1:22:37
     247  Melanie Williams     L45   6 North Wales                     1:22:41
     248  Jason Carr                   Cheshire                        1:22:44
     249  Dave Wilkinson       V50  37 Lancashire                      1:22:49
     250  James Bentley        V50  38 Gt Manchester Police Ac         1:22:55
     251  Karen Horswood       L45   7 Metropolitan                    1:22:57
     252  Guy Heyes                    Gt Manchester Police Ac         1:23:02
     253  Sarah Hern           L    56 Hertfordshire                   1:23:07
     254  Ken Huddart                  Leicestershire                  1:23:22
     255  Melanie Siddall      L45   8 West Yorkshire                  1:23:31
     256  B Jacks-Robson               North Wales                     1:23:44
     257  Dave Ainsworth       V40  78 Wiltshire                       1:23:50
     258  Joanna Wilson        L    58 Fife                            1:23:53
     259  Joslyn Clarke                Gwent                           1:24:02
     260  Judy Mills           L45   9 Avon & Somerset                 1:24:05
     261  Mike Flower                  Norfolk                         1:24:09
     262  Clare Davenport      L35  16 Staffordshire                   1:24:12
     263  Steve Roberts        V40  79 North Wales                     1:24:17
     264  Rob Kirman                   North Wales                     1:24:25
     265  Sarah James          L    61 Metropolitan                    1:24:26
     266  Greg Roulston        V50  39 Hampshire                       1:24:32
     267  Stephen New          V40  80 Gwent                           1:24:43
     268  Heather Mitchell     L45  10 West Yorkshire                  1:24:48
     269  Neil Pattison        V40  81 Humberside                      1:24:51
     270  Julie Lovatt         L35  17 Staffordshire                   1:24:52
     271  Sian Beck            L    64 North Wales                     1:25:01
     272  Pam Grant            L45  11 North Wales                     1:25:10
     273  Neil Edwards         V40  82 Lancashire                      1:25:24
     274  Liam O'Brian         V40  83 North Wales                     1:25:29
     275  Suzanne Mullen       L    66 Strathclyde                     1:25:30
     276  Molly Williams       L45  12 Gwent                           1:25:39
     277  Ginette Smith        L45  13 Gt Manchester Police Ac         1:25:51
     278  Kate Dunnigan        L    69 Lothian & Borders               1:25:56
     279  Tracey Marshall      L35  18 West Yorkshire                  1:25:58
     280  Gordon Thomson       V40  84 Strathclyde                     1:26:02
     281  Nicola Barnes        L35  19 Lancashire                      1:26:07
     282  Pete Bryan           V50  40 Essex                           1:26:12
     283  Gemma Beattie        L    72 Strathclyde                     1:26:38
     284  Bob Hope             V50  41 Lothian & Borders               1:26:40
     285  Ifan Hughes          V60   4 North Wales                     1:26:48
     286  Tracy Nicholls       L    73 Kent                            1:26:50
     287  Martyn Webb          V40  85 Gwent                           1:27:20
     288  Dave Wood            V40  86 Gt Manchester Police Ac         1:27:27
     289  Su Bookless-Browne   L35  20 Devon & Cornwall                1:27:37
     290  Kevin Clark          V40  87 North Wales                     1:27:39
     291  Joel Brooks                  Dorset                          1:27:54
     292  Sally Zerk           L35  21 Gwent                           1:27:55
     293  Joanne Lee           L    76 Northamptonshire                1:27:58
     294  Gail Balfour         L    77 Hampshire                       1:28:06
     295  Paul Goffey                  Cheshire                        1:28:40
     296  Alison Lapper        L35  22 Metropolitan                    1:28:45
     297  John Cooper          V50  42 Kent                            1:29:02
     298  Dave Watkinson       V50  43 Lancashire                      1:29:19
     299  Dave Chapman         V60   5 West Midlands                   1:29:20
     300  Darren Alderson      V40  88 Cambridgeshire                  1:29:24
     301  Chris Nightingale    V40  89 Cheshire                        1:29:24
     302  Madeleine Moutrie    L45  14 Northamptonshire                1:29:35
     303  Claire Scammell      L    80 Hampshire                       1:29:48
     304  Frances Williams     L35  23 South Wales                     1:30:21
     305  Rob White            V50  44 Cleveland                       1:30:45
     306  ( No. 439 )                  Avon & Somerset                 1:30:53
     307  Donna Jones          L35  24 North Wales                     1:31:31
     308  John Dougan          V40  90 Fife                            1:31:38
     309  Bill Murray          V60   6 Lancashire                      1:31:51
     310  Jill Sharpe          L45  15 Leicestershire                  1:32:25
     311  Keith Tween                  West Midlands                   1:32:34
     312  Ryan Brown                   Strathclyde                     1:32:37
     313  Sonia Marsh          L    84 Wiltshire                       1:32:43
     314  Kath McReady         L35  25 Cambridgeshire                  1:32:56
     315  Suzanne Richares     L    86 Gwent                           1:33:03
     316  Craig Ellis                  Gwent                           1:33:03
     317  Daniel Stoten                Essex                           1:33:32
     318  Peter Hern           V60   7 Hertfordshire                   1:36:56
     319  Carl Jones                   Wiltshire                       1:37:12
     320  Mark Baines          V40  91 Cleveland                       1:37:17
     321  Emma Spencer         L    87 Leicestershire                  1:37:41
     322  Lee Stephens                 Gwent                           1:37:42
     323  Milan Desai          V40  92 Hampshire                       1:38:02
     324  Ian Body             V40  93 Merseyside                      1:38:27
     325  Caroline Dames       L35  26 Lothian & Borders               1:38:44
     326  Aid O'Brian                  Merseyside                      1:38:44
     327  Wendy Gilham         L35  27 Kent                            1:40:30
     328  Gary Morewood        V50  45 South Yorkshire                 1:40:47
     329  Caroline Filmer      L    90 Kent                            1:40:49
     330  Julian Goodchild     V40  94 City Of London                  1:41:02
     331  Ben Cooke                    Cheshire                        1:41:20
     332  Cheryl Lord          L35  28 North Wales                     1:41:45
     333  Terri Gover          L35  29 Lothian & Borders               1:42:37
     334  Penny Fuller         L45  16 Wiltshire                       1:42:52
     335  Andrea Evans         L35  30 Merseyside                      1:42:59
     336  Rachel Archer        L    95 Northumbria                     1:43:20
     337  Karen Hughes         L35  31 South Yorkshire                 1:43:25
     338  Peter Lawley         V50  46 Bedfordshire                    1:43:52
     339  Jenny Massie         L    97 Cambridgeshire                  1:44:59
     340  Angie Lewin-Tomkins  L45  17 Leicestershire                  1:45:16
     341  Sue Harrison         L45  18 Lancashire                      1:46:08
     342  Hazel Taylor         L35  32 Norfolk                         1:46:35
     343  Gwen Williams        L35  33 Hampshire                       1:48:23
     344  Jim Perks            V40  95 Dorset                          1:49:00
     345  Roger Owen           V60   8 Staffordshire                   1:51:41
     346  Mick Hill            V50  47 West Midlands                   1:52:41
     347  Alex Spargo          L   102 Wiltshire                       1:52:56
     348  Michelle Dinwoodie   L35  34 Wiltshire                       1:54:55
     349  Joanne Weller        L   104 Hertfordshire                   1:59:59


     Pos  Name                 Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  Peter Tucker                 Metropolitan                      54:15
       2  Ben Gamble                   Staffordshire                     54:50
       3  Jim Cooper                   Metropolitan                      55:54
       4  Joel Clewett                 Metropolitan                      56:28
       5  James Brown                  Metropolitan                      57:22
       6  Kieran Rowlands              Lancashire                        58:10
       7  Nigel Bedell         V40   1 West Yorkshire                    58:13
       8  Ryan Maxwell                 Psni                              58:17
       9  David Hall                   West Mercia                       58:21
      10  Karl Webster                 Derbyshire                        58:52
      11  Terry Fowler         V40   2 Metropolitan                      58:59
      12  Steve Cockrell               Norfolk                           59:02
      13  Simon Newton                 West Yorkshire                    59:08
      14  Rhys Peters                  Metropolitan                      59:10
      15  Paul Allen           V40   3 Hertfordshire                     59:13
      16  Woerkon Vincent Van          Cheshire                          59:27
      17  Darren Riley         V40   4 West Midlands                     59:34
      18  Malcolm Fowler       V40   5 Cheshire                          59:44
      19  Ian Phillips                 Derbyshire                        59:49
      20  Mark Penny                   Kent                              59:56
      21  Kyle Greig                   Grampian                          59:58
      22  Andrew McGhee                Strathclyde                     1:00:13
      23  Michael Harvey       V40   6 Fife                            1:00:20
      24  Phil West                    Northamptonshire                1:00:26
      25  Karl Free                    Metropolitan                    1:00:31
      26  Tony Rickman                 Hampshire                       1:01:16
      27  Ioan Williams                Gwent                           1:01:28
      28  Rob Jackaman                 Metropolitan                    1:01:37
      29  Mick Lane            V40   7 Metropolitan                    1:01:43
      30  Toni Kott            V50   1 Lothian & Borders               1:01:56
      31  John Pretty                  Strathclyde                     1:02:04
      32  Dave Fulton          V40   8 Gt Manchester Police Ac         1:02:06
      33  Mick Bond            V50   2 Essex                           1:02:10
      34  Duncan Malloy        V40   9 Leicestershire                  1:02:15
      35  Nigel Rowe           V40  10 Metropolitan                    1:02:36
      36  Tony Forder          V40  11 Metropolitan                    1:02:42
      37  Myles Robertson      V40  12 Cheshire                        1:02:49
      38  Dave Rayfield        V40  13 Northamptonshire                1:02:54
      39  Steve Jones          V40  14 Norfolk                         1:03:07
      40  Des Michael          V50   3 Hertfordshire                   1:03:09
      41  Peter Murtagh        V40  15 Psni                            1:03:23
      42  James Johnson                Devon & Cornwall                1:03:25
      43  Iain Taylor          V40  16 Central Scotland                1:03:46
      44  Craig Jones                  North Wales                     1:03:48
      45  David McMillan       V50   4 Derbyshire                      1:03:54
      46  Chris Meir           V40  17 Staffordshire                   1:03:58
      47  Andy Pilling         V40  18 Gt Manchester Police Ac         1:04:03
      48  Alex Daniels                 Devon & Cornwall                1:04:08
      49  Aaron Parker                 Kent                            1:04:14
      50  Paul Wyatt                   Metropolitan                    1:04:20
      51  Dan Appleby                  Gt Manchester Police Ac         1:04:34
      52  Justin Maxwell               Psni                            1:04:41
      53  Luke Lazell                  Metropolitan                    1:04:46
      54  Stewart Jones        V50   5 Gt Manchester Police Ac         1:04:50
      55  Iain Wedge           V40  19 Cheshire                        1:04:51
      56  Tim Brooks           V40  20 Devon & Cornwall                1:04:51
      57  Mike Griffin                 Devon & Cornwall                1:04:54
      58  Tom Prytherch                North Wales                     1:05:06
      59  Gary Durham          V50   6 South Yorkshire                 1:05:18
      60  Ben Mabon                    Surrey                          1:05:45
      61  Graeme Gow           V40  21 Lothian & Borders               1:05:50
      62  Steven Fleck         V40  22 Thames Valley                   1:06:02
      63  Andy Blaize                  Northamptonshire                1:06:05
      64  Adam Baines                  Lancashire                      1:06:18
      65  Neil Hunt                    West Midlands                   1:06:27
      66  Leon Ricketts                West Yorkshire                  1:06:30
      67  Robert Gregory       V40  23 Leicestershire                  1:06:34
      68  Derek Lodge          V40  24 Lancashire                      1:06:41
      69  Jim Buttleman        V40  25 Hertfordshire                   1:06:45
      70  John Diffey          V40  26 South Wales                     1:06:57
      71  Mike Brooks          V40  27 Lothian & Borders               1:06:58
      72  Ian Baggott          V40  28 Devon & Cornwall                1:07:02
      73  Nigel Cook           V40  29 Kent                            1:07:14
      74  Princeton Akpojaro   V40  30 Metropolitan                    1:07:19
      75  Stuart Dinwoodie     V40  31 Wiltshire                       1:07:20
      76  Don Kenyon           V40  32 North Wales                     1:07:31
      77  Sean Bunn            V40  33 Northamptonshire                1:07:33
      78  Ed McNeill                   Cambridgeshire                  1:07:42
      79  Leo Glendon                  Dorset                          1:07:43
      80  Steve Lelliot        V40  34 Kent                            1:07:51
      81  Gary Zoller          V40  35 Norfolk                         1:08:13
      82  Justin Frost                 Devon & Cornwall                1:08:13
      83  Mark Evans           V40  36 Gt Manchester Police Ac         1:08:17
      84  James Corrigan               Gt Manchester Police Ac         1:08:19
      85  Kelvin Bierton               West Mercia                     1:08:27
      86  Paul Shanahan        V50   7 Avon & Somerset                 1:08:34
      87  Anthony Price        V40  37 West Midlands                   1:08:37
      88  Nigel Braun          V40  38 Staffordshire                   1:08:40
      89  John Pollock         V50   8 Strathclyde                     1:08:48
      90  Harvey Rose                  West Midlands                   1:08:56
      91  Paul Clifford                Metropolitan                    1:08:59
      92  Andy Lakeland                South Yorkshire                 1:09:03
      93  Bryan Lawton         V40  39 Gt Manchester Police Ac         1:09:06
      94  Martin Arnold        V40  40 Metropolitan                    1:09:13
      95  Rod Graham           V50   9 Lancashire                      1:09:19
      96  Dan Meaney           V50  10 Hertfordshire                   1:09:24
      97  Gavin Phillip        V40  41 Lothian & Borders               1:09:32
      98  Matt Oldham                  Gt Manchester Police Ac         1:09:40
      99  Kevin Concannon      V50  11 Metropolitan                    1:09:41
     100  Steve Kyte           V40  42 Northumbria                     1:09:55
     101  Douglas Grant        V40  43 Psni                            1:09:58
     102  Andy Shepherd                Hertfordshire                   1:10:23
     103  Martin Wood          V50  12 Lincolnshire                    1:10:37
     104  Derek Walker                 Essex                           1:10:41
     105  Andrew Belshaw               Psni                            1:10:51
     106  Pete Crisp                   Thames Valley                   1:10:55
     107  John Kearns          V40  44 Leicestershire                  1:11:00
     108  Paul Anderson                Nottinghamshire                 1:11:11
     109  John Jackson         V40  45 Essex                           1:11:14
     110  Don English          V50  13 Essex                           1:11:16
     111  David Mitchell       V50  14 Strathclyde                     1:11:18
     112  Bill Smith           V40  46 Fife                            1:11:22
     113  Bobby Boothroyd              Metropolitan                    1:11:24
     114  Gordon Nellies       V50  15 Fife                            1:11:30
     115  Gary Goacher         V40  47 Derbyshire                      1:11:33
     116  Neil Coppack         V40  48 North Wales                     1:11:34
     117  Adrian Backhouse     V40  49 Staffordshire                   1:11:39
     118  Ian Mawdesley                Metropolitan                    1:11:56
     119  Huw Trainor                  North Wales                     1:12:16
     120  Kevin Chippendale    V50  16 West Yorkshire                  1:12:29
     121  Barry Frost          V50  17 Devon & Cornwall                1:12:43
     122  Ken Willis           V50  18 Northamptonshire                1:12:46
     123  Steve Ingleby        V40  50 West Midlands                   1:12:47
     124  Bob Hind             V50  19 North Wales                     1:13:00
     125  Dru Baker                    Central Scotland                1:13:06
     126  Denis Nelson         V40  51 Lancashire                      1:13:16
     127  Charles Quaey        V40  52 Essex                           1:13:18
     128  Tim James                    South Wales                     1:13:43
     129  Mathew Rogers                Kent                            1:13:52
     130  Malcolm Knight       V50  20 Avon & Somerset                 1:13:56
     131  Richie Eccles        V40  53 North Wales                     1:13:59
     132  Roger Bond                   Fife                            1:14:14
     133  John Mackenzie       V50  21 Essex                           1:14:17
     134  Steven Miller                Fife                            1:14:30
     135  Phil Fortun                  Staffordshire                   1:14:31
     136  Ian Jackson          V40  54 Derbyshire                      1:14:31
     137  Ross Morley-Trapnell V40  55 Devon & Cornwall                1:14:35
     138  Peter Laddiman       V50  22 Norfolk                         1:14:45
     139  Kevin Loftus         V50  23 Derbyshire                      1:14:47
     140  Gary Corns                   Gt Manchester Police Ac         1:14:55
     141  Nick Brown           V40  56 North Wales                     1:15:10
     142  Chris Goodman                Surrey                          1:15:11
     143  Campbell Petrie              Strathclyde                     1:15:15
     144  Billy Braidwood      V50  24 Lothian & Borders               1:15:28
     145  Dave McConville      V40  57 Gt Manchester Police Ac         1:15:38
     146  Don Pearson          V40  58 Devon & Cornwall                1:15:53
     147  Pete Lucas                   City Of London                  1:16:26
     148  Roger Newson         V50  25 Kent                            1:16:26
     149  Owain Llewellyn              North Wales                     1:16:27
     150  Dave Mills           V40  59 Hampshire                       1:16:41
     151  Steve Adelsberg      V50  26 Kent                            1:16:42
     152  Lee Bailey                   North Wales                     1:16:43
     153  Scott Lloyd                  Cambridgeshire                  1:16:44
     154  Tony Harper          V50  27 Derbyshire                      1:16:57
     155  Nik Ward                     Humberside                      1:17:11
     156  Andrew Williams              Gwent                           1:17:23
     157  Steve Broadbent      V50  28 Lancashire                      1:17:34
     158  Paul Forster         V50  29 Merseyside                      1:17:47
     159  Graeme Kay           V50  30 Devon & Cornwall                1:17:48
     160  William Stephenson   V40  60 Lothian & Borders               1:17:59
     161  Phil Wynes           V50  31 Hertfordshire                   1:18:00
     162  David Needham        V60   1 South Yorkshire                 1:18:02
     163  Mark Hobson                  North Wales                     1:18:20
     164  Ian Sullivan         V40  61 South Wales                     1:18:22
     165  Derek Nichols        V50  32 Hampshire                       1:18:28
     166  John Macinnes        V50  33 Strathclyde                     1:18:32
     167  Steve Plumb          V40  62 Leicestershire                  1:18:57
     168  Steve Quinn                  Gt Manchester Police Ac         1:19:05
     169  Chris Hanson                 West Midlands                   1:19:34
     170  Robert Mawhood       V50  34 South Yorkshire                 1:19:38
     171  James Sheate         V40  63 Wiltshire                       1:19:59
     172  Mark Churton         V40  64 Staffordshire                   1:20:13
     173  Tony Benjamin        V40  65 Essex                           1:20:19
     174  Gavin Timms                  Essex                           1:20:22
     175  Eddie Murfin         V60   2 Lincolnshire                    1:20:24
     176  Andrew Sayers        V60   3 Avon & Somerset                 1:20:25
     177  Paul Scarlett                Psni                            1:20:35
     178  Bobby Stevens        V40  66 Lothian & Borders               1:21:02
     179  Mel Moore            V40  67 Kent                            1:21:02
     180  Richard Collyer      V40  68 Norfolk                         1:21:10
     181  Dan Poole                    Wiltshire                       1:21:12
     182  Alan McGill          V40  69 Derbyshire                      1:21:27
     183  John Forsyth         V50  35 Lothian & Borders               1:21:29
     184  Andrew Evans         V40  70 Gt Manchester Police Ac         1:21:34
     185  Colin Prosser        V40  71 Gwent                           1:21:52
     186  Bill Sneddon         V40  72 Lothian & Borders               1:22:00
     187  Tyrone Broome        V40  73 Gwent                           1:22:00
     188  Richard Baldwin      V40  74 Hampshire                       1:22:04
     189  Kevin Richards       V40  75 Devon & Cornwall                1:22:05
     190  Stuart Altoft        V40  76 Humberside                      1:22:29
     191  Eddie Strange                Wiltshire                       1:22:33
     192  Chris Brier          V50  36 Hampshire                       1:22:35
     193  Mark Braithwaite     V40  77 Wiltshire                       1:22:36
     194  Jason Carr                   Cheshire                        1:22:44
     195  Dave Wilkinson       V50  37 Lancashire                      1:22:49
     196  James Bentley        V50  38 Gt Manchester Police Ac         1:22:55
     197  Guy Heyes                    Gt Manchester Police Ac         1:23:02
     198  Ken Huddart                  Leicestershire                  1:23:22
     199  B Jacks-Robson               North Wales                     1:23:44
     200  Dave Ainsworth       V40  78 Wiltshire                       1:23:50
     201  Joslyn Clarke                Gwent                           1:24:02
     202  Mike Flower                  Norfolk                         1:24:09
     203  Steve Roberts        V40  79 North Wales                     1:24:17
     204  Rob Kirman                   North Wales                     1:24:25
     205  Greg Roulston        V50  39 Hampshire                       1:24:32
     206  Stephen New          V40  80 Gwent                           1:24:43
     207  Neil Pattison        V40  81 Humberside                      1:24:51
     208  Neil Edwards         V40  82 Lancashire                      1:25:24
     209  Liam O'Brian         V40  83 North Wales                     1:25:29
     210  Gordon Thomson       V40  84 Strathclyde                     1:26:02
     211  Pete Bryan           V50  40 Essex                           1:26:12
     212  Bob Hope             V50  41 Lothian & Borders               1:26:40
     213  Ifan Hughes          V60   4 North Wales                     1:26:48
     214  Martyn Webb          V40  85 Gwent                           1:27:20
     215  Dave Wood            V40  86 Gt Manchester Police Ac         1:27:27
     216  Kevin Clark          V40  87 North Wales                     1:27:39
     217  Joel Brooks                  Dorset                          1:27:54
     218  Paul Goffey                  Cheshire                        1:28:40
     219  John Cooper          V50  42 Kent                            1:29:02
     220  Dave Watkinson       V50  43 Lancashire                      1:29:19
     221  Dave Chapman         V60   5 West Midlands                   1:29:20
     222  Darren Alderson      V40  88 Cambridgeshire                  1:29:24
     223  Chris Nightingale    V40  89 Cheshire                        1:29:24
     224  Rob White            V50  44 Cleveland                       1:30:45
     225  John Dougan          V40  90 Fife                            1:31:38
     226  Bill Murray          V60   6 Lancashire                      1:31:51
     227  Keith Tween                  West Midlands                   1:32:34
     228  Ryan Brown                   Strathclyde                     1:32:37
     229  Craig Ellis                  Gwent                           1:33:03
     230  Daniel Stoten                Essex                           1:33:32
     231  Peter Hern           V60   7 Hertfordshire                   1:36:56
     232  Carl Jones                   Wiltshire                       1:37:12
     233  Mark Baines          V40  91 Cleveland                       1:37:17
     234  Lee Stephens                 Gwent                           1:37:42
     235  Milan Desai          V40  92 Hampshire                       1:38:02
     236  Ian Body             V40  93 Merseyside                      1:38:27
     237  Aid O'Brian                  Merseyside                      1:38:44
     238  Gary Morewood        V50  45 South Yorkshire                 1:40:47
     239  Julian Goodchild     V40  94 City Of London                  1:41:02
     240  Ben Cooke                    Cheshire                        1:41:20
     241  Peter Lawley         V50  46 Bedfordshire                    1:43:52
     242  Jim Perks            V40  95 Dorset                          1:49:00
     243  Roger Owen           V60   8 Staffordshire                   1:51:41
     244  Mick Hill            V50  47 West Midlands                   1:52:41

PSUK 10 Mile - Men -- TEAM RESULTS

  1  Metropolitan                       13
                                 1  Peter Tucker        
                                 3  Jim Cooper          
                                 4  Joel Clewett        
                                 5  James Brown         
  2  Cheshire                          126
                                16  Woerkon Vincent Van 
                                18  Malcolm Fowler      
                                37  Myles Robertson     
                                55  Iain Wedge          
  3  Gt Manchester Police Ac           184
                                32  Dave Fulton         
                                47  Andy Pilling        
                                51  Dan Appleby         
                                54  Stewart Jones       
  4  Derbyshire                        189
                                10  Karl Webster        
                                19  Ian Phillips        
                                45  David McMillan      
                               115  Gary Goacher        
  5  Northamptonshire                  202
                                24  Phil West           
                                38  Dave Rayfield       
                                63  Andy Blaize         
                                77  Sean Bunn           
  6  Psni                              202
                                 8  Ryan Maxwell        
                                41  Peter Murtagh       
                                52  Justin Maxwell      
                               101  Douglas Grant       
  7  Devon & Cornwall                  203
                                42  James Johnson       
                                48  Alex Daniels        
                                56  Tim Brooks          
                                57  Mike Griffin        
  8  West Yorkshire                    206
                                 7  Nigel Bedell        
                                13  Simon Newton        
                                66  Leon Ricketts       
                               120  Kevin Chippendale   
  9  Hertfordshire                     220
                                15  Paul Allen          
                                40  Des Michael         
                                69  Jim Buttleman       
                                96  Dan Meaney          
 10  Kent                              222
                                20  Mark Penny          
                                49  Aaron Parker        
                                73  Nigel Cook          
                                80  Steve Lelliot       
 11  Lancashire                        233
                                 6  Kieran Rowlands     
                                64  Adam Baines         
                                68  Derek Lodge         
                                95  Rod Graham          
 12  Strathclyde                       253
                                22  Andrew McGhee       
                                31  John Pretty         
                                89  John Pollock        
                               111  David Mitchell      
 13  Staffordshire                     253
                                 2  Ben Gamble          
                                46  Chris Meir          
                                88  Nigel Braun         
                               117  Adrian Backhouse    
 14  West Midlands                     259
                                17  Darren Riley        
                                65  Neil Hunt           
                                87  Anthony Price       
                                90  Harvey Rose         
 15  Lothian & Borders                 259
                                30  Toni Kott           
                                61  Graeme Gow          
                                71  Mike Brooks         
                                97  Gavin Phillip       
 16  Norfolk                           270
                                12  Steve Cockrell      
                                39  Steve Jones         
                                81  Gary Zoller         
                               138  Peter Laddiman      
 17  North Wales                       294
                                44  Craig Jones         
                                58  Tom Prytherch       
                                76  Don Kenyon          
                               116  Neil Coppack        
 18  Essex                             356
                                33  Mick Bond           
                               104  Derek Walker        
                               109  John Jackson        
                               110  Don English         
 19  Leicestershire                    375
                                34  Duncan Malloy       
                                67  Robert Gregory      
                               107  John Kearns         
                               167  Steve Plumb         
 20  Fife                              381
                                23  Michael Harvey      
                               112  Bill Smith          
                               114  Gordon Nellies      
                               132  Roger Bond          
 21  South Yorkshire                   483
                                59  Gary Durham         
                                92  Andy Lakeland       
                               162  David Needham       
                               170  Robert Mawhood      
 22  Hampshire                         529
                                26  Tony Rickman        
                               150  Dave Mills          
                               165  Derek Nichols       
                               188  Richard Baldwin     
 23  Gwent                             555
                                27  Ioan Williams       
                               156  Andrew Williams     
                               185  Colin Prosser       
                               187  Tyrone Broome       
 24  Wiltshire                         618
                                75  Stuart Dinwoodie    
                               171  James Sheate        
                               181  Dan Poole           
                               191  Eddie Strange       

PSUK 10 Mile - Men (Vets) -- TEAM RESULTS

  1  Metropolitan                       21
                                 2  Terry Fowler        
                                 7  Mick Lane           
                                12  Nigel Rowe          
  2  Cheshire                           43
                                 5  Malcolm Fowler      
                                14  Myles Robertson     
                                24  Iain Wedge          
  3  Hertfordshire                      51
                                 3  Paul Allen          
                                17  Des Michael         
                                31  Jim Buttleman       
  4  Gt Manchester Police Ac            54
                                 9  Dave Fulton         
                                22  Andy Pilling        
                                23  Stewart Jones       
  5  Lothian & Borders                  68
                                 8  Toni Kott           
                                27  Graeme Gow          
                                33  Mike Brooks         
  6  Leicestershire                     96
                                11  Duncan Malloy       
                                29  Robert Gregory      
                                56  John Kearns         
  7  West Midlands                     116
                                 4  Darren Riley        
                                44  Anthony Price       
                                68  Steve Ingleby       
  8  Northamptonshire                  121
                                15  Dave Rayfield       
                                39  Sean Bunn           
                                67  Ken Willis          
  9  Essex                             125
                                10  Mick Bond           
                                57  John Jackson        
                                58  Don English         
 10  Devon & Cornwall                  125
                                25  Tim Brooks          
                                34  Ian Baggott         
                                66  Barry Frost         
 11  Fife                              127
                                 6  Michael Harvey      
                                60  Bill Smith          
                                61  Gordon Nellies      
 12  Staffordshire                     130
                                21  Chris Meir          
                                45  Nigel Braun         
                                64  Adrian Backhouse    
 13  Norfolk                           134
                                16  Steve Jones         
                                41  Gary Zoller         
                                77  Peter Laddiman      
 14  Lancashire                        149
                                30  Derek Lodge         
                                49  Rod Graham          
                                70  Denis Nelson        
 15  Derbyshire                        157
                                20  David McMillan      
                                62  Gary Goacher        
                                75  Ian Jackson         
 16  Kent                              158
                                35  Nigel Cook          
                                40  Steve Lelliot       
                                83  Roger Newson        
 17  North Wales                       170
                                38  Don Kenyon          
                                63  Neil Coppack        
                                69  Bob Hind            
 18  Strathclyde                       200
                                46  John Pollock        
                                59  David Mitchell      
                                95  John Macinnes       
 19  South Yorkshire                   215
                                26  Gary Durham         
                                92  David Needham       
                                97  Robert Mawhood      
 20  Avon & Somerset                   217
                                43  Paul Shanahan       
                                72  Malcolm Knight      
                               102  Andrew Sayers       
 21  Wiltshire                         251
                                37  Stuart Dinwoodie    
                                98  James Sheate        
                               116  Mark Braithwaite    
 22  Hampshire                         290
                                84  Dave Mills          
                                94  Derek Nichols       
                               112  Richard Baldwin     
 23  Gwent                             342
                               109  Colin Prosser       
                               111  Tyrone Broome       
                               122  Stephen New         

PSUK 10 Mile - Ladies -- FINAL RESULTS

     Pos  Name                 Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  Christine Howard     L35   1 Derbyshire                      1:01:53
       2  Natalie Farrow       L     2 Humberside                      1:02:47
       3  Sarah Simmons        L     3 West Midlands                   1:03:43
       4  Dianne Lauder        L     4 Lothian & Borders               1:05:16
       5  Claire Thompson      L     5 Strathclyde                     1:06:53
       6  Helen Mountney       L     6 Leicestershire                  1:08:04
       7  Kelly Morgan         L     7 South Wales                     1:08:46
       8  Kate Armstrong       L45   1 Cambridgeshire                  1:09:11
       9  Victoria Ison        L     9 Staffordshire                   1:09:16
      10  Caroline Walsh       L    10 Metropolitan                    1:09:51
      11  Alison Wylie         L    11 Lothian & Borders               1:11:35
      12  Gillian Duncan       L35   2 Lothian & Borders               1:11:55
      13  Sarah Green          L    13 Metropolitan                    1:12:00
      14  Libby Cameron        L    14 Metropolitan                    1:12:08
      15  Samantha Bell        L35   3 Northamptonshire                1:12:25
      16  Sally Broome         L35   4 Gwent                           1:12:37
      17  Kendra White         L35   5 Cleveland                       1:12:41
      18  Liz Kooper           L35   6 South Yorkshire                 1:12:54
      19  Katrina Kemp         L45   2 Leicestershire                  1:12:59
      20  Alex Potter          L    20 West Yorkshire                  1:13:14
      21  Veronica Singleton   L45   3 Hertfordshire                   1:13:18
      22  Karlyn Forsyth       L    22 Strathclyde                     1:14:05
      23  Rachel Love          L35   7 Humberside                      1:14:09
      24  Luisa Brana          L    24 Metropolitan                    1:14:19
      25  Sophie Clement       L    25 West Midlands                   1:14:21
      26  Jo Church            L35   8 Devon & Cornwall                1:14:48
      27  Jacqui Reid          L35   9 Metropolitan                    1:14:54
      28  Rachael Drummond     L    28 Lothian & Borders               1:15:28
      29  Helen Kerr           L    29 Psni                            1:15:53
      30  Janine Fallon        L    30 Lancashire                      1:16:16
      31  Lizzie Bonell        L    31 Kent                            1:16:34
      32  Lorraine Paterson    L35  10 Humberside                      1:16:59
      33  Suzanne Tagg         L35  11 Gwent                           1:17:02
      34  Clare McAvoy         L    34 Central Scotland                1:17:31
      35  Kirsty Baird         L35  12 Central Scotland                1:18:16
      36  Deborah Wilne        L35  13 Staffordshire                   1:18:21
      37  Karen Mather         L45   4 Gt Manchester Police Ac         1:19:12
      38  Rachel Allen         L    38 Gwent                           1:19:18
      39  Marie McDonald       L35  14 Gt Manchester Police Ac         1:19:35
      40  Laura Smith          L    40 Fife                            1:19:56
      41  Angela Breen         L    41 Metropolitan                    1:20:03
      42  Sally Mason          L    42 Fife                            1:20:14
      43  Gabby Waring         L45   5 North Wales                     1:20:26
      44  Lindsay Rust         L    44 South Yorkshire                 1:21:30
      45  Sam Johnston         L    45 Metropolitan                    1:21:41
      46  Yvie Johnson         L    46 North Wales                     1:21:50
      47  Anna Gaches          L    47 West Yorkshire                  1:21:52
      48  Lynne Rogers         L    48 Strathclyde                     1:21:55
      49  Caroline Rogers      L    49 Lothian & Borders               1:22:00
      50  Laura Lawler         L35  15 Lancashire                      1:22:09
      51  Fiona McDonald       L    51 Derbyshire                      1:22:14
      52  Sally Youden         L    52 Northumbria                     1:22:17
      53  Naomi Owen           L    53 Staffordshire                   1:22:37
      54  Melanie Williams     L45   6 North Wales                     1:22:41
      55  Karen Horswood       L45   7 Metropolitan                    1:22:57
      56  Sarah Hern           L    56 Hertfordshire                   1:23:07
      57  Melanie Siddall      L45   8 West Yorkshire                  1:23:31
      58  Joanna Wilson        L    58 Fife                            1:23:53
      59  Judy Mills           L45   9 Avon & Somerset                 1:24:05
      60  Clare Davenport      L35  16 Staffordshire                   1:24:12
      61  Sarah James          L    61 Metropolitan                    1:24:26
      62  Heather Mitchell     L45  10 West Yorkshire                  1:24:48
      63  Julie Lovatt         L35  17 Staffordshire                   1:24:52
      64  Sian Beck            L    64 North Wales                     1:25:01
      65  Pam Grant            L45  11 North Wales                     1:25:10
      66  Suzanne Mullen       L    66 Strathclyde                     1:25:30
      67  Molly Williams       L45  12 Gwent                           1:25:39
      68  Ginette Smith        L45  13 Gt Manchester Police Ac         1:25:51
      69  Kate Dunnigan        L    69 Lothian & Borders               1:25:56
      70  Tracey Marshall      L35  18 West Yorkshire                  1:25:58
      71  Nicola Barnes        L35  19 Lancashire                      1:26:07
      72  Gemma Beattie        L    72 Strathclyde                     1:26:38
      73  Tracy Nicholls       L    73 Kent                            1:26:50
      74  Su Bookless-Browne   L35  20 Devon & Cornwall                1:27:37
      75  Sally Zerk           L35  21 Gwent                           1:27:55
      76  Joanne Lee           L    76 Northamptonshire                1:27:58
      77  Gail Balfour         L    77 Hampshire                       1:28:06
      78  Alison Lapper        L35  22 Metropolitan                    1:28:45
      79  Madeleine Moutrie    L45  14 Northamptonshire                1:29:35
      80  Claire Scammell      L    80 Hampshire                       1:29:48
      81  Frances Williams     L35  23 South Wales                     1:30:21
      82  Donna Jones          L35  24 North Wales                     1:31:31
      83  Jill Sharpe          L45  15 Leicestershire                  1:32:25
      84  Sonia Marsh          L    84 Wiltshire                       1:32:43
      85  Kath McReady         L35  25 Cambridgeshire                  1:32:56
      86  Suzanne Richares     L    86 Gwent                           1:33:03
      87  Emma Spencer         L    87 Leicestershire                  1:37:41
      88  Caroline Dames       L35  26 Lothian & Borders               1:38:44
      89  Wendy Gilham         L35  27 Kent                            1:40:30
      90  Caroline Filmer      L    90 Kent                            1:40:49
      91  Cheryl Lord          L35  28 North Wales                     1:41:45
      92  Terri Gover          L35  29 Lothian & Borders               1:42:37
      93  Penny Fuller         L45  16 Wiltshire                       1:42:52
      94  Andrea Evans         L35  30 Merseyside                      1:42:59
      95  Rachel Archer        L    95 Northumbria                     1:43:20
      96  Karen Hughes         L35  31 South Yorkshire                 1:43:25
      97  Jenny Massie         L    97 Cambridgeshire                  1:44:59
      98  Angie Lewin-Tomkins  L45  17 Leicestershire                  1:45:16
      99  Sue Harrison         L45  18 Lancashire                      1:46:08
     100  Hazel Taylor         L35  32 Norfolk                         1:46:35
     101  Gwen Williams        L35  33 Hampshire                       1:48:23
     102  Alex Spargo          L   102 Wiltshire                       1:52:56
     103  Michelle Dinwoodie   L35  34 Wiltshire                       1:54:55
     104  Joanne Weller        L   104 Hertfordshire                   1:59:59

PSUK 10 Mile - Ladies -- TEAM RESULTS

  1  Lothian & Borders                  27
                                 4  Dianne Lauder       
                                11  Alison Wylie        
                                12  Gillian Duncan      
  2  Metropolitan                       37
                                10  Caroline Walsh      
                                13  Sarah Green         
                                14  Libby Cameron       
  3  Humberside                         57
                                 2  Natalie Farrow      
                                23  Rachel Love         
                                32  Lorraine Paterson   
  4  Strathclyde                        75
                                 5  Claire Thompson     
                                22  Karlyn Forsyth      
                                48  Lynne Rogers        
  5  Gwent                              87
                                16  Sally Broome        
                                33  Suzanne Tagg        
                                38  Rachel Allen        
  6  Staffordshire                      98
                                 9  Victoria Ison       
                                36  Deborah Wilne       
                                53  Naomi Owen          
  7  Leicestershire                    108
                                 6  Helen Mountney      
                                19  Katrina Kemp        
                                83  Jill Sharpe         
  8  West Yorkshire                    124
                                20  Alex Potter         
                                47  Anna Gaches         
                                57  Melanie Siddall     
  9  Fife                              140
                                40  Laura Smith         
                                42  Sally Mason         
                                58  Joanna Wilson       
 10  North Wales                       143
                                43  Gabby Waring        
                                46  Yvie Johnson        
                                54  Melanie Williams    
 11  Gt Manchester Police Ac           144
                                37  Karen Mather        
                                39  Marie McDonald      
                                68  Ginette Smith       
 12  Lancashire                        151
                                30  Janine Fallon       
                                50  Laura Lawler        
                                71  Nicola Barnes       
 13  South Yorkshire                   158
                                18  Liz Kooper          
                                44  Lindsay Rust        
                                96  Karen Hughes        
 14  Northamptonshire                  170
                                15  Samantha Bell       
                                76  Joanne Lee          
                                79  Madeleine Moutrie   
 15  Hertfordshire                     181
                                21  Veronica Singleton  
                                56  Sarah Hern          
                               104  Joanne Weller       
 16  Cambridgeshire                    190
                                 8  Kate Armstrong      
                                85  Kath McReady        
                                97  Jenny Massie        
 17  Kent                              193
                                31  Lizzie Bonell       
                                73  Tracy Nicholls      
                                89  Wendy Gilham        
 18  Hampshire                         258
                                77  Gail Balfour        
                                80  Claire Scammell     
                               101  Gwen Williams       
 19  Wiltshire                         279
                                84  Sonia Marsh         
                                93  Penny Fuller        
                               102  Alex Spargo         

PSUK 10 Mile - Ladies (Vets) -- TEAM RESULTS

  1  Gwent                              48
                                 5  Sally Broome        
                                14  Suzanne Tagg        
                                29  Molly Williams      
  2  Gt Manchester Police Ac            65
                                17  Karen Mather        
                                18  Marie McDonald      
                                30  Ginette Smith       
  3  Staffordshire                      68
                                16  Deborah Wilne       
                                25  Clare Davenport     
                                27  Julie Lovatt        
  4  North Wales                        68
                                19  Gabby Waring        
                                21  Melanie Williams    
                                28  Pam Grant           
  5  Metropolitan                       69
                                12  Jacqui Reid         
                                22  Karen Horswood      
                                35  Alison Lapper       
  6  West Yorkshire                     80
                                23  Melanie Siddall     
                                26  Heather Mitchell    
                                31  Tracey Marshall     
  7  Lothian & Borders                  88
                                 3  Gillian Duncan      
                                41  Caroline Dames      
                                44  Terri Gover         
  8  Leicestershire                     95
                                 8  Katrina Kemp        
                                39  Jill Sharpe         
                                48  Angie Lewin-Tomkins 
  9  Lancashire                        101
                                20  Laura Lawler        
                                32  Nicola Barnes       
                                49  Sue Harrison        

PSUK 10 Mile - Minor Forces -- FINAL RESULTS

     Pos  Name                         Club         Time  

       1  Steve Cockrell               Norfolk                           59:02
       2  Kyle Greig                   Grampian                          59:58
       3  Michael Harvey       V40   1 Fife                            1:00:20
       4  Phil West                    Northamptonshire                1:00:26
       5  Ioan Williams                Gwent                           1:01:28
       6  Dave Rayfield        V40   2 Northamptonshire                1:02:54
       7  Steve Jones          V40   3 Norfolk                         1:03:07
       8  Iain Taylor          V40   4 Central Scotland                1:03:46
       9  Craig Jones                  North Wales                     1:03:48
      10  Tom Prytherch                North Wales                     1:05:06
      11  Andy Blaize                  Northamptonshire                1:06:05
      12  Derek Lodge          V40   5 Lancashire                      1:06:41
      13  Stuart Dinwoodie     V40   6 Wiltshire                       1:07:20
      14  Don Kenyon           V40   7 North Wales                     1:07:31
      15  Sean Bunn            V40   8 Northamptonshire                1:07:33
      16  Ed McNeill                   Cambridgeshire                  1:07:42
      17  Leo Glendon                  Dorset                          1:07:43
      18  Gary Zoller          V40   9 Norfolk                         1:08:13
      19  Martin Wood          V50   1 Lincolnshire                    1:10:37
      20  Bill Smith           V40  10 Fife                            1:11:22
      21  Gordon Nellies       V50   2 Fife                            1:11:30
      22  Neil Coppack         V40  11 North Wales                     1:11:34
      23  Huw Trainor                  North Wales                     1:12:16
      24  Ken Willis           V50   3 Northamptonshire                1:12:46
      25  Bob Hind             V50   4 North Wales                     1:13:00
      26  Dru Baker                    Central Scotland                1:13:06
      27  Richie Eccles        V40  12 North Wales                     1:13:59
      28  Roger Bond                   Fife                            1:14:14
      29  Steven Miller                Fife                            1:14:30
      30  Peter Laddiman       V50   5 Norfolk                         1:14:45
      31  Pete Lucas                   City Of London                  1:16:26
      32  Lee Bailey                   North Wales                     1:16:43
      33  Scott Lloyd                  Cambridgeshire                  1:16:44
      34  Andrew Williams              Gwent                           1:17:23
      35  Mark Hobson                  North Wales                     1:18:20
      36  James Sheate         V40  13 Wiltshire                       1:19:59
      37  Eddie Murfin         V60   1 Lincolnshire                    1:20:24
      38  Richard Collyer      V40  14 Norfolk                         1:21:10
      39  Dan Poole                    Wiltshire                       1:21:12
      40  Colin Prosser        V40  15 Gwent                           1:21:52
      41  Tyrone Broome        V40  16 Gwent                           1:22:00
      42  Eddie Strange                Wiltshire                       1:22:33
      43  Mark Braithwaite     V40  17 Wiltshire                       1:22:36
      44  B Jacks-Robson               North Wales                     1:23:44
      45  Dave Ainsworth       V40  18 Wiltshire                       1:23:50
      46  Joslyn Clarke                Gwent                           1:24:02
      47  Mike Flower                  Norfolk                         1:24:09
      48  Steve Roberts        V40  19 North Wales                     1:24:17
      49  Rob Kirman                   North Wales                     1:24:25
      50  Stephen New          V40  20 Gwent                           1:24:43
      51  Liam O'Brian         V40  21 North Wales                     1:25:29
      52  Ifan Hughes          V60   2 North Wales                     1:26:48
      53  Martyn Webb          V40  22 Gwent                           1:27:20
      54  Kevin Clark          V40  23 North Wales                     1:27:39
      55  Joel Brooks                  Dorset                          1:27:54
      56  Darren Alderson      V40  24 Cambridgeshire                  1:29:24
      57  Rob White            V50   6 Cleveland                       1:30:45
      58  John Dougan          V40  25 Fife                            1:31:38
      59  Craig Ellis                  Gwent                           1:33:03
      60  Carl Jones                   Wiltshire                       1:37:12
      61  Mark Baines          V40  26 Cleveland                       1:37:17
      62  Lee Stephens                 Gwent                           1:37:42
      63  Julian Goodchild     V40  27 City Of London                  1:41:02
      64  Peter Lawley         V50   7 Bedfordshire                    1:43:52
      65  Jim Perks            V40  28 Dorset                          1:49:00

PSUK 10 Mile - Minor Forces -- TEAM RESULTS

  1  Northamptonshire                   36
                                 4  Phil West           
                                 6  Dave Rayfield       
                                11  Andy Blaize         
                                15  Sean Bunn           
  2  North Wales                        55
                                 9  Craig Jones         
                                10  Tom Prytherch       
                                14  Don Kenyon          
                                22  Neil Coppack        
  3  Norfolk                            56
                                 1  Steve Cockrell      
                                 7  Steve Jones         
                                18  Gary Zoller         
                                30  Peter Laddiman      
  4  Fife                               72
                                 3  Michael Harvey      
                                20  Bill Smith          
                                21  Gordon Nellies      
                                28  Roger Bond          
  5  Gwent                             120
                                 5  Ioan Williams       
                                34  Andrew Williams     
                                40  Colin Prosser       
                                41  Tyrone Broome       
  6  Wiltshire                         130
                                13  Stuart Dinwoodie    
                                36  James Sheate        
                                39  Dan Poole           
                                42  Eddie Strange       

PSUK 10 Mile - Minor Forces -- FINAL RESULTS

     Pos  Name                         Club         Time  

       1  Kate Armstrong       L45   1 Cambridgeshire                  1:09:11
       2  Samantha Bell        L35   1 Northamptonshire                1:12:25
       3  Sally Broome         L35   2 Gwent                           1:12:37
       4  Kendra White         L35   3 Cleveland                       1:12:41
       5  Suzanne Tagg         L35   4 Gwent                           1:17:02
       6  Clare McAvoy         L     6 Central Scotland                1:17:31
       7  Kirsty Baird         L35   5 Central Scotland                1:18:16
       8  Rachel Allen         L     8 Gwent                           1:19:18
       9  Laura Smith          L     9 Fife                            1:19:56
      10  Sally Mason          L    10 Fife                            1:20:14
      11  Gabby Waring         L45   2 North Wales                     1:20:26
      12  Yvie Johnson         L    12 North Wales                     1:21:50
      13  Melanie Williams     L45   3 North Wales                     1:22:41
      14  Joanna Wilson        L    14 Fife                            1:23:53
      15  Sian Beck            L    15 North Wales                     1:25:01
      16  Pam Grant            L45   4 North Wales                     1:25:10
      17  Molly Williams       L45   5 Gwent                           1:25:39
      18  Sally Zerk           L35   6 Gwent                           1:27:55
      19  Joanne Lee           L    19 Northamptonshire                1:27:58
      20  Madeleine Moutrie    L45   6 Northamptonshire                1:29:35
      21  Donna Jones          L35   7 North Wales                     1:31:31
      22  Sonia Marsh          L    22 Wiltshire                       1:32:43
      23  Kath McReady         L35   8 Cambridgeshire                  1:32:56
      24  Suzanne Richares     L    24 Gwent                           1:33:03
      25  Cheryl Lord          L35   9 North Wales                     1:41:45
      26  Penny Fuller         L45   7 Wiltshire                       1:42:52
      27  Jenny Massie         L    27 Cambridgeshire                  1:44:59
      28  Hazel Taylor         L35  10 Norfolk                         1:46:35
      29  Alex Spargo          L    29 Wiltshire                       1:52:56
      30  Michelle Dinwoodie   L35  11 Wiltshire                       1:54:55

PSUK 10 Mile - Minor Forces -- TEAM RESULTS

  1  Gwent                              16
                                 3  Sally Broome        
                                 5  Suzanne Tagg        
                                 8  Rachel Allen        
  2  Fife                               33
                                 9  Laura Smith         
                                10  Sally Mason         
                                14  Joanna Wilson       
  3  North Wales                        36
                                11  Gabby Waring        
                                12  Yvie Johnson        
                                13  Melanie Williams    
  4  Northamptonshire                   41
                                 2  Samantha Bell       
                                19  Joanne Lee          
                                20  Madeleine Moutrie   
  5  Cambridgeshire                     51
                                 1  Kate Armstrong      
                                23  Kath McReady        
                                27  Jenny Massie        
  6  Wiltshire                          77
                                22  Sonia Marsh         
                                26  Penny Fuller        
                                29  Alex Spargo         

Results copyright (c) G.J. Fecitt (SportSoft) 2009