Manchester Area Cross Country League

at Heaton Park, Manchester on Saturday 24th October 2009

Senior Men -- FINAL RESULTS ($=non-counter)

     Pos  Num Name                 Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1    5  Matthew Barnes               Altrincham&district AC            33:21
       2   32  David Norman                 Altrincham&district AC            33:22
       3  248  Matt Bond                    Sale H Manchester                 33:34
       4  476  Ian Salisbury                Trafford AC                       34:53
       5  241  James Bailey                 Sale H Manchester                 35:05
       6   26  Nick Leigh                   Altrincham&district AC            35:19
       7  445  Danny Brocklehurst           Trafford AC                       35:33
       8  329  Ryan Worland         U20   1 Sale H Manchester                 35:45
       9   78  Jason Dunkerley              E Cheshire H & TAC                35:57
      10   13  William Crowther     V40   1 Altrincham&district AC            36:09
      11  456  Graham Hogg                  Trafford AC                       36:15
      12 1032 $Ian Grime                    Newham & Essex B                  36:22
      13  553  Danny Griffiths              St Helens Sutton                  36:36
      14  307  Jamie Roden          U20   2 Sale H Manchester                 36:46
      15 1039 $Andy Buttery                 Rossendale Harriers               36:50
      16  354  Jan Pichl                    Salford H&ac                      36:55
      17  260  James Davis                  Sale H Manchester                 36:56
      18  356  Paul Savage                  Salford H&ac                      37:04
      19    8  Tom Bush                     Altrincham&district AC            37:07
      20  350  Dave Lockett         V40   2 Salford H&ac                      37:08
      21  516  Malcolm Fowler       V45   1 Wilmslow RC                       37:09
      22  513  Rob Downs            V45   2 Wilmslow RC                       37:11
      23  564  Steven Wrigley       V45   3 Salford H&ac                      37:14
      24  440  D Berdejo                    Trafford AC                       37:21
      25  461  Michael Hunt                 Trafford AC                       37:29
      26  290  Gareth Matthews              Sale H Manchester                 37:32
      27  269  Michael Hatch                Sale H Manchester                 37:39
      28  526  Jim Pendrill                 Wilmslow RC                       37:41
      29  103  Matt Bigley                  Macclesfield H&ac                 37:52
      30  392  Dean Matkin                  Stockport H&ac                    38:06
      31  327  Luke Winterbottom            Sale H Manchester                 38:11
      32  219  Michael Flatley              Middleton Harriers                38:13
      33  521  Tom McGaff           V50   1 Wilmslow RC                       38:19
      34  550  Jake Healy           U20   3 St Helens Sutton                  38:23
      35  332  Paul Birkett         V40   3 Salford H&ac                      38:35
      36   19  Dave Gilchrist       V45   4 Altrincham&district AC            38:41
      37   86  Phillip Jacques      V40   4 E Cheshire H & TAC                38:52
      38  381  James Corden                 Stockport H&ac                    38:53
      39  489  Oliver Park                  Warrington AC                     38:57
      40  305  Gareth Raven                 Sale H Manchester                 39:10
      41  323  James Wignall        U20   4 Sale H Manchester                 39:11
      42  168  Edward Farnell               Manchester Triathlon              39:12
      43   75  Paul Dalton          V45   5 E Cheshire H & TAC                39:16
      44  133  Ed Fazakerley        V40   5 Manchester H&ac                   39:23
      45   70  Gavin Browne                 E Cheshire H & TAC                39:29
      46  460  John Howe                    Trafford AC                       39:37
      47   88  Kevin Jowett                 E Cheshire H & TAC                39:41
      48  536  Steven Worthington           Manchester Triathlon              39:54
      49  280  Mike Kilmartin               Sale H Manchester                 40:01
      50  383  Kevan Garner         V40   6 Stockport H&ac                    40:02
      51  244  Paul Barrett                 Sale H Manchester                 40:10
      52  390  Richard Marlton      V40   7 Stockport H&ac                    40:13
      53    7  Nick Burke           V40   8 Altrincham&district AC            40:15
      54  344  Dave Hudson                  Salford H&ac                      40:25
      55  330  Andy Yates           V50   2 Sale H Manchester                 40:29
      56  147  Andy Skitt                   Manchester H&ac                   40:32
      57  114  John Mooney          V50   3 Macclesfield H&ac                 40:35
      58  128  Liam Bartlett        U20   5 Manchester H&ac                   40:42
      59  226  Ryan Lindsay                 Middleton Harriers                40:43
      60  291  Stephen McCarron             Sale H Manchester                 40:45
      61  482  Tim Bedford                  Warrington AC                     40:54
      62  438  Daniel Ansell                Trafford AC                       40:56
      63 1035 $Ian Stainthorpe      V45   6 Unattached                        41:03
      64  465  Andrew Lister                Trafford AC                       41:10
      65  451  Duncan Drasdo        V40   9 Trafford AC                       41:11
      66  263  Rob Flannery                 Sale H Manchester                 41:16
      67  542  Ian White            V45   7 St Helens Sutton                  41:17
      68  412  Steve Doxey          V45   8 Swinton RC                        41:18
      69  199  Lee Dunn                     Manchester Ymca H                 41:21
      70  537  Richard Clancey              Trafford AC                       41:22
      71  462  Mike Hutchinson      V40  10 Trafford AC                       41:28
      72  566  Steve Haylock        V50   4 Stockport H&ac                    41:34
      73  337  Sean Cordell         V40  11 Salford H&ac                      41:35
      74  202  Eddie Gilligan       V45   9 Manchester Ymca H                 41:36
      75  259  Elton Davies                 Sale H Manchester                 41:37
      76   84  Simon Grundy         V40  12 E Cheshire H & TAC                41:39
      77  561  Ronan McGonigle              Trafford AC                       41:41
      78   27  David Livingstone            Altrincham&district AC            41:43
      79  468  David Meyer          U20   6 Trafford AC                       41:47
      80  448  Dick Byers           V45  10 Trafford AC                       41:48
      81  379  Len Best             V55   1 Stockport H&ac                    41:50
      82    2  David Alderson               Altrincham&district AC            41:51
      83  295  Andrew Mooney                Sale H Manchester                 41:52
      84  310  Paul Rowley                  Sale H Manchester                 41:53
      85  176  Tim Johns            V40  13 Manchester Triathlon              41:54
      86  134  Andy Fitzpatrick     V50   5 Manchester H&ac                   41:57
      87  366  Paul Connolly                Salford Met AC                    41:59
      88   35  Mark Norton                  Altrincham&district AC            42:00
      89  583  Ian Costello                 St Helens Sutton                  42:01
      90  102  Chris Bentley                Macclesfield H&ac                 42:01
      91  472  Thomas Powell        U20   7 Trafford AC                       42:01
      92  324  Gary Willcock        V45  11 Sale H Manchester                 42:09
      93  446  Kevin Brydon                 Trafford AC                       42:10
      94  182  Brian Mullan                 Manchester Triathlon              42:11
      95  161  Roger Barnes                 Manchester Triathlon              42:13
      96   97  Steven Robinson      V45  12 E Cheshire H & TAC                42:14
      97  321  Lee Whitley                  Sale H Manchester                 42:15
      98    9  Dave Carrington      V50   6 Altrincham&district AC            42:17
      99  442  Vinny Booth          V45  13 Trafford AC                       42:23
     100  224  Ian Ireland          V45  14 Middleton Harriers                42:26
     101   10  Gary Cassidy                 Altrincham&district AC            42:33
     102  402  Robert Taylor        V60   1 Stockport H&ac                    42:37
     103  258  Frank Cordingley     V45  15 Sale H Manchester                 42:39
     104  210  Andy Oliver                  Manchester Ymca H                 42:43
     105  240  Thomas Atkinson      U20   8 Sale H Manchester                 42:45
     106  453  Mark Evans           V45  16 Trafford AC                       42:47
     107 1025 $Andy Milligan                Bury AC                           42:49
     108   94  Gary Matthews        V45  17 E Cheshire H & TAC                42:50
     109 1013 $Julien Minshull              Glossopdale                       42:52
     110  572  David Keeling        V45  18 Trafford AC                       42:54
     111  528  Steve Smith          V45  19 Wilmslow RC                       42:57
     112  232  Albert Steele                Middleton Harriers                42:58
     113  104  Barry Blyth          V60   2 Macclesfield H&ac                 43:03
     114 1022 $Matt Shillabeer              Unattached                        43:06
     115   85  Derek Hughes         V45  20 E Cheshire H & TAC                43:07
     116   51  James Corrigan               Belle Vue Racers                  43:12
     117  374  Shane Wolstencroft           Salford Met AC                    43:15
     118  121  Tim Stock            V45  21 Macclesfield H&ac                 43:17
     119   79  Andrew Farley        V50   7 E Cheshire H & TAC                43:18
     120  575  Mark Bradley         V40  14 E Cheshire H & TAC                43:19
     121  514  Ray Eagle            V55   2 Wilmslow RC                       43:26
     122  434  Rick Waring          V40  15 Swinton RC                        43:27
     123    1  David Ainsworth      V50   8 Altrincham&district AC            43:28
     124  384  Tim Hargreaves       V50   9 Stockport H&ac                    43:31
     125 1020 $Andy Berry                   Unattached                        43:36
     126  357  Dave Shaw            V40  16 Salford H&ac                      43:40
     127  511  Mike Cooper          V45  22 Wilmslow RC                       43:41
     128  567  Paul Nutter                  Stockport H&ac                    43:43
     129  313  Jerry Smith          V55   3 Sale H Manchester                 43:44
     130  230  John Reilly          V55   4 Middleton Harriers                43:50
     131   49  Steve Bunyan                 Belle Vue Racers                  43:56
     132  138  John Halliwell       V45  23 Manchester H&ac                   44:02
     133   61  Nigel Sedman         V40  17 Belle Vue Racers                  44:07
     134   91  Paul Kenny           V45  24 E Cheshire H & TAC                44:11
     135   64  Daniel Bamber                E Cheshire H & TAC                44:13
     136  421  Chris Lomax          V40  18 Swinton RC                        44:15
     137  580  Ian Jackson          V40  19 Salford H&ac                      44:18
     138  154  James Little                 Manchester Met Univ               44:25
     139  106  Daryl Hall           V45  25 Macclesfield H&ac                 44:32
     140  163  Alan Burton                  Manchester Triathlon              44:35
     141 1023 $Ian Wilson                   Unattached                        44:41
     142   20  Graham Harrison      V45  26 Altrincham&district AC            44:50
     143  304  Tim Rainey           V40  20 Sale H Manchester                 44:52
     144  533  Mike Palmer          V40  21 Manchester Triathlon              44:57
     145  527  Ian Smallwood        V45  27 Wilmslow RC                       45:05
     146 1033 $Shaun McCarthy       V40  22 Unattached                        45:07
     147  382  Tim Edwards          V40  23 Stockport H&ac                    45:10
     148  215  Ian Wilding                  Manchester Ymca H                 45:17
     149  408  David Burke          V55   5 Swinton RC                        45:26
     150  253  Tim Brett            V40  24 Sale H Manchester                 45:31
     151  534  Paul Speed                   Manchester Triathlon              45:38
     152  108  Chris Holden                 Macclesfield H&ac                 45:40
     153  487  Josh Kinch           U20   9 Warrington AC                     45:43
     154  569  Lee Wood                     Middleton Harriers                45:46
     155 1068 $Brian Schofield      V55   6 Oldham & Royton                   45:55
     156  539  Alan McNally         V45  28 St Helens Sutton                  45:58
     157   69  Liam Browne                  E Cheshire H & TAC                46:00
     158   63  Steve Webb                   Belle Vue Racers                  46:12
     159  578  Chris Gorse          V40  25 Manchester Triathlon              46:17
     160  530  Gareth Trimble               Wilmslow RC                       46:19
     161  319  Michael Wharton              Sale H Manchester                 46:20
     162  555  John Appleton        V55   7 St Helens Sutton                  46:27
     163  124  Tim Walton                   Macclesfield H&ac                 46:29
     164  131  [2nd] Chris Cooper           Manchester H&ac                   46:31
     165  362  Ronald Warrender     V50  10 Salford H&ac                      46:32
     166  109  Kevin Jackson        V50  11 Macclesfield H&ac                 46:34
     167  228  Anthony Lowe         V50  12 Middleton Harriers                46:40
     168  397  Peter Nixon          V45  29 Stockport H&ac                    46:49
     169  149  Samuel Codd                  Manchester Met Univ               46:50
     170  508  Nick Bishop          V50  13 Wilmslow RC                       46:56
     171  242  Carl Barber                  Sale H Manchester                 46:58
     172  428  Paul Rutherford      V45  30 Swinton RC                        47:01
     173  423  Jonathan Mellor              Swinton RC                        47:10
     174  478  Carl Tipton                  Trafford AC                       47:21
     175   23  Mike Jones           V50  14 Altrincham&district AC            47:29
     176  529  Peter Stock          V50  15 Wilmslow RC                       47:33
     177  125  Alan Webster         V45  31 Macclesfield H&ac                 47:38
     178  391  Steve Matkin         V45  32 Stockport H&ac                    47:42
     179    6  Andrew Barton                Altrincham&district AC            47:45
     180   36  Craig Partridge      V40  26 Altrincham&district AC            47:46
     181  205  Bryn Machin                  Manchester Ymca H                 47:49
     182  557  Ian Hayburn          V40  27 St Helens Sutton                  48:02
     183   52  Philip D'netto       V40  28 Belle Vue Racers                  48:06
     184  551  Steven Clague        U20  10 St Helens Sutton                  48:08
     185  405  Tony Ward            V45  33 Stockport H&ac                    48:09
     186 1062 $Ian Berry                    Unattached                        48:13
     187 1059 $George Livesey       V60   3 St Maxime (FR)                    48:16
     188  111  Steve Lomas          V40  29 Macclesfield H&ac                 48:18
     189 1030 $Robert Dodds                 Unattached                        48:25
     190  371  Chris Jones          V40  30 Salford Met AC                    48:27
     191 1041 $Phil Facey                   Open Athletics                    48:28
     192  158  Samuel Thornborrow   U20  11 Manchester Met Univ               48:39
     193  439  Robin Beaumont       V40  31 Trafford AC                       48:42
     194  172  Neil Harrison        V45  34 Manchester Triathlon              48:47
     195   67  John Bowker          V45  35 E Cheshire H & TAC                49:10
     196  208  Mike O'Brien         V50  16 Manchester Ymca H                 49:12
     197   59  Andy Roberts         V45  36 Belle Vue Racers                  49:20
     198  577  Derek Frasier        V45  37 Trafford AC                       49:30
     199  372  Stuart Mairs                 Salford Met AC                    49:37
     200  126  Mark Wheelton        V50  17 Macclesfield H&ac                 49:39
     201   56  David Okopochini     V40  32 Belle Vue Racers                  49:44
     202  132  Michael Cunningham   V60   4 Manchester H&ac                   49:56
     203  156  Edward Preston               Manchester Met Univ               49:58
     204  565  Luke Higgins                 Trafford AC                       49:59
     205  365  Jack Carney          V50  18 Salford Met AC                    50:02
     206  339  Tom Daniels          V60   5 Salford H&ac                      50:08
     207  159  Thomas West                  Manchester Met Univ               50:10
     208  220  Alan Garvey          V55   8 Middleton Harriers                50:11
     209  185  Michael Ogden        V45  38 Manchester Triathlon              50:16
     210  188  Sean Salinger        V40  33 Manchester Triathlon              50:21
     211  162  Andy Brigg                   Manchester Triathlon              50:26
     212  353  Vincent Murphy       V65   1 Salford H&ac                      50:27
     213  145  Richard O'Regan      V40  34 Manchester H&ac                   50:34
     214   48  James Amin                   Belle Vue Racers                  50:37
     215   14  Colin Davies         V55   9 Altrincham&district AC            50:45
     216  266  Steve Gavin                  Sale H Manchester                 50:56
     217  562  Mark Kinch           V45  39 Warrington AC                     51:02
     218  292  Fechin McCormick     V60   6 Sale H Manchester                 51:04
     219 1038 $Paul Derbyshire              Unattached                        51:24
     220  367  Andrew Evans         V45  40 Salford Met AC                    51:44
     221  579  Gary Milnes          V50  19 E Cheshire H & TAC                51:47
     222  211  Jon Paramor          V55  10 Manchester Ymca H                 51:56
     223   55  Barry Guy            V55  11 Belle Vue Racers                  52:09
     224   39  Mansel Pope          V55  12 Altrincham&district AC            52:16
     225  287  Tony Lythe           V65   2 Sale H Manchester                 52:18
     226  568  Andy Schofield               E Cheshire H & TAC                52:29
     227  571  Martin O'Brien       V45  41 Sale H Manchester                 52:31
     228 1029 $Colin Rathbone       V65   3 Vale Royal                        52:49
     229  184  Neil O'Brien                 Manchester Triathlon              53:04
     230  546  John Skinley         V45  42 St Helens Sutton                  53:52
     231  148  Dave Wood            V45  43 Manchester H&ac                   54:11
     232  152  Duncan Harris                Manchester Met Univ               54:17
     233  261  Dave Farmer          V60   7 Sale H Manchester                 54:24
     234  570  Les Mooney           V55  13 Sale H Manchester                 54:38
     235  581  Dennis Moran         V60   8 Salford H&ac                      54:59
     236  120  David Shoesmith      V55  14 Macclesfield H&ac                 55:04
     237  573  Neil Slater                  Trafford AC                       55:09
     238  576  Colin Timpson        V60   9 E Cheshire H & TAC                55:41
     239  137  David Gregory        V65   4 Manchester H&ac                   56:02
     240  207  Geriant North                Manchester Ymca H                 57:09
     241  515  Trevor Faulkner      V65   5 Wilmslow RC                       57:20
     242  436  David Williamson     V40  35 Swinton RC                        57:47
     243  417  Steve Hart           V50  20 Swinton RC                        58:40
     244   58  Brian Roberts        V60  10 Belle Vue Racers                  59:47
     245  225  [70] Roy Lee         V75   1 Middleton Harriers              1:00:11
     246  582  Matthew Valleley     U20  12 Manchester Met Univ             1:02:45
     247  415  Andy Fryer                   Swinton RC                      1:06:49
     248  419  Mike Horton                  Swinton RC                      1:06:49

Senior Men -- TEAM RESULTS

NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Sale H Manchester                  68
                                 3  Matt Bond           
                                 5  James Bailey        
                                 8  Ryan Worland        
                                13  Jamie Roden         
                                15  James Davis         
                                24  Gareth Matthews     
  2  Altrincham&district AC             70
                                 1  Matthew Barnes      
                                 2  David Norman        
                                 6  Nick Leigh          
                                10  William Crowther    
                                17  Tom Bush            
                                34  Dave Gilchrist      
  3  Trafford AC                       111
                                 4  Ian Salisbury       
                                 7  Danny Brocklehurst  
                                11  Graham Hogg         
                                22  D Berdejo           
                                23  Michael Hunt        
                                44  John Howe           
  4  Salford H&ac                      154
                                14  Jan Pichl           
                                16  Paul Savage         
                                18  Dave Lockett        
                                21  Steven Wrigley      
                                33  Paul Birkett        
                                52  Dave Hudson         
  5  Sale H Manchester          'B'    227
                                25  Michael Hatch       
                                29  Luke Winterbottom   
                                38  Gareth Raven        
                                39  James Wignall       
                                47  Mike Kilmartin      
                                49  Paul Barrett        
  6  E Cheshire H & TAC                246
                                 9  Jason Dunkerley     
                                35  Phillip Jacques     
                                41  Paul Dalton         
                                43  Gavin Browne        
                                45  Kevin Jowett        
                                73  Simon Grundy        
  7  Stockport H&ac                    309
                                28  Dean Matkin         
                                36  James Corden        
                                48  Kevan Garner        
                                50  Richard Marlton     
                                69  Steve Haylock       
                                78  Len Best            
  8  Wilmslow RC                       317
                                19  Malcolm Fowler      
                                20  Rob Downs           
                                26  Jim Pendrill        
                                31  Tom McGaff          
                               106  Steve Smith         
                               115  Ray Eagle           
  9  Trafford AC                'B'    392
                                60  Daniel Ansell       
                                61  Andrew Lister       
                                62  Duncan Drasdo       
                                67  Richard Clancey     
                                68  Mike Hutchinson     
                                74  Ronan McGonigle     
 10  Sale H Manchester          'C'    407
                                53  Andy Yates          
                                58  Stephen McCarron    
                                63  Rob Flannery        
                                72  Elton Davies        
                                80  Andrew Mooney       
                                81  Paul Rowley         
 11  Altrincham&district AC     'B'    483
                                51  Nick Burke          
                                75  David Livingstone   
                                79  David Alderson      
                                85  Mark Norton         
                                95  Dave Carrington     
                                98  Gary Cassidy        
 12  Manchester Triathlon              484
                                40  Edward Farnell      
                                46  Steven Worthington  
                                82  Tim Johns           
                                91  Brian Mullan        
                                92  Roger Barnes        
                               133  Alan Burton         
 13  St Helens Sutton                  492
                                12  Danny Griffiths     
                                32  Jake Healy          
                                64  Ian White           
                                86  Ian Costello        
                               146  Alan McNally        
                               152  John Appleton       
 14  Manchester H&ac                   514
                                42  Ed Fazakerley       
                                54  Andy Skitt          
                                56  Liam Bartlett       
                                83  Andy Fitzpatrick    
                               125  John Halliwell      
                               154  [2nd] Chris Cooper  
 15  Macclesfield H&ac                 521
                                27  Matt Bigley         
                                55  John Mooney         
                                87  Chris Bentley       
                               108  Barry Blyth         
                               112  Tim Stock           
                               132  Daryl Hall          
 16  Trafford AC                'C'    530
                                76  David Meyer         
                                77  Dick Byers          
                                88  Thomas Powell       
                                90  Kevin Brydon        
                                96  Vinny Booth         
                               103  Mark Evans          
 17  Middleton Harriers                559
                                30  Michael Flatley     
                                57  Ryan Lindsay        
                                97  Ian Ireland         
                               107  Albert Steele       
                               123  John Reilly         
                               145  Lee Wood            
 18  Sale H Manchester          'D'    642
                                89  Gary Willcock       
                                94  Lee Whitley         
                               100  Frank Cordingley    
                               102  Thomas Atkinson     
                               122  Jerry Smith         
                               135  Tim Rainey          
 19  E Cheshire H & TAC         'B'    660
                                93  Steven Robinson     
                               104  Gary Matthews       
                               109  Derek Hughes        
                               113  Andrew Farley       
                               114  Mark Bradley        
                               127  Paul Kenny          
 20  Manchester Ymca H                 730
                                66  Lee Dunn            
                                71  Eddie Gilligan      
                               101  Andy Oliver         
                               139  Ian Wilding         
                               171  Bryn Machin         
                               182  Mike O'Brien        
 21  Swinton RC                        775
                                65  Steve Doxey         
                               116  Rick Waring         
                               129  Chris Lomax         
                               140  David Burke         
                               162  Paul Rutherford     
                               163  Jonathan Mellor     
 22  Stockport H&ac             'B'    802
                                99  Robert Taylor       
                               118  Tim Hargreaves      
                               121  Paul Nutter         
                               138  Tim Edwards         
                               158  Peter Nixon         
                               168  Steve Matkin        
 23  Belle Vue Racers                  864
                               110  James Corrigan      
                               124  Steve Bunyan        
                               126  Nigel Sedman        
                               148  Steve Webb          
                               173  Philip D'netto      
                               183  Andy Roberts        
 24  Salford H&ac               'B'    864
                                70  Sean Cordell        
                               119  Dave Shaw           
                               130  Ian Jackson         
                               155  Ronald Warrender    
                               192  Tom Daniels         
                               198  Vincent Murphy      
 25  Salford Met AC                    953
                                84  Paul Connolly       
                               111  Shane Wolstencroft  
                               177  Chris Jones         
                               185  Stuart Mairs        
                               191  Jack Carney         
                               205  Andrew Evans        
 26  Altrincham&district AC     'C'    956
                               117  David Ainsworth     
                               134  Graham Harrison     
                               165  Mike Jones          
                               169  Andrew Barton       
                               170  Craig Partridge     
                               201  Colin Davies        
 27  Wilmslow RC                'B'    958
                               120  Mike Cooper         
                               137  Ian Smallwood       
                               150  Gareth Trimble      
                               160  Nick Bishop         
                               166  Peter Stock         
                               225  Trevor Faulkner     
 28  Macclesfield H&ac          'B'    981
                               143  Chris Holden        
                               153  Tim Walton          
                               156  Kevin Jackson       
                               167  Alan Webster        
                               176  Steve Lomas         
                               186  Mark Wheelton       
 29  Manchester Triathlon       'B'    998
                               136  Mike Palmer         
                               142  Paul Speed          
                               149  Chris Gorse         
                               180  Neil Harrison       
                               195  Michael Ogden       
                               196  Sean Salinger       
 30  Trafford AC                'D'   1043
                               105  David Keeling       
                               164  Carl Tipton         
                               179  Robin Beaumont      
                               184  Derek Frasier       
                               190  Luke Higgins        
                               221  Neil Slater         
 31  Manchester Met Univ              1066
                               131  James Little        
                               159  Samuel Codd         
                               178  Samuel Thornborrow  
                               189  Edward Preston      
                               193  Thomas West         
                               216  Duncan Harris       
 32  Sale H Manchester          'E'   1069
                               141  Tim Brett           
                               151  Michael Wharton     
                               161  Carl Barber         
                               202  Steve Gavin         
                               204  Fechin McCormick    
                               210  Tony Lythe          
 33  E Cheshire H & TAC         'C'   1095
                               128  Daniel Bamber       
                               147  Liam Browne         
                               181  John Bowker         
                               206  Gary Milnes         
                               211  Andy Schofield      
                               222  Colin Timpson       

Senior Men (Vets) -- FINAL RESULTS ($=non-counter)

     Pos  Num Name                 Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1   13  William Crowther     V40   1 Altrincham&district AC            36:09
       2  350  Dave Lockett         V40   2 Salford H&ac                      37:08
       3  516  Malcolm Fowler       V45   1 Wilmslow RC                       37:09
       4  513  Rob Downs            V45   2 Wilmslow RC                       37:11
       5  564  Steven Wrigley       V45   3 Salford H&ac                      37:14
       6  521  Tom McGaff           V50   1 Wilmslow RC                       38:19
       7  332  Paul Birkett         V40   3 Salford H&ac                      38:35
       8   19  Dave Gilchrist       V45   4 Altrincham&district AC            38:41
       9   86  Phillip Jacques      V40   4 E Cheshire H & TAC                38:52
      10   75  Paul Dalton          V45   5 E Cheshire H & TAC                39:16
      11  133  Ed Fazakerley        V40   5 Manchester H&ac                   39:23
      12  383  Kevan Garner         V40   6 Stockport H&ac                    40:02
      13  390  Richard Marlton      V40   7 Stockport H&ac                    40:13
      14    7  Nick Burke           V40   8 Altrincham&district AC            40:15
      15  330  Andy Yates           V50   2 Sale H Manchester                 40:29
      16  114  John Mooney          V50   3 Macclesfield H&ac                 40:35
      17 1035 $Ian Stainthorpe      V45   6 Unattached                        41:03
      18  451  Duncan Drasdo        V40   9 Trafford AC                       41:11
      19  542  Ian White            V45   7 St Helens Sutton                  41:17
      20  412  Steve Doxey          V45   8 Swinton RC                        41:18
      21  462  Mike Hutchinson      V40  10 Trafford AC                       41:28
      22  566  Steve Haylock        V50   4 Stockport H&ac                    41:34
      23  337  Sean Cordell         V40  11 Salford H&ac                      41:35
      24  202  Eddie Gilligan       V45   9 Manchester Ymca H                 41:36
      25   84  Simon Grundy         V40  12 E Cheshire H & TAC                41:39
      26  448  Dick Byers           V45  10 Trafford AC                       41:48
      27  379  Len Best             V55   1 Stockport H&ac                    41:50
      28  176  Tim Johns            V40  13 Manchester Triathlon              41:54
      29  134  Andy Fitzpatrick     V50   5 Manchester H&ac                   41:57
      30  324  Gary Willcock        V45  11 Sale H Manchester                 42:09
      31   97  Steven Robinson      V45  12 E Cheshire H & TAC                42:14
      32    9  Dave Carrington      V50   6 Altrincham&district AC            42:17
      33  442  Vinny Booth          V45  13 Trafford AC                       42:23
      34  224  Ian Ireland          V45  14 Middleton Harriers                42:26
      35  402  Robert Taylor        V60   1 Stockport H&ac                    42:37
      36  258  Frank Cordingley     V45  15 Sale H Manchester                 42:39
      37  453  Mark Evans           V45  16 Trafford AC                       42:47
      38   94  Gary Matthews        V45  17 E Cheshire H & TAC                42:50
      39  572  David Keeling        V45  18 Trafford AC                       42:54
      40  528  Steve Smith          V45  19 Wilmslow RC                       42:57
      41  104  Barry Blyth          V60   2 Macclesfield H&ac                 43:03
      42   85  Derek Hughes         V45  20 E Cheshire H & TAC                43:07
      43  121  Tim Stock            V45  21 Macclesfield H&ac                 43:17
      44   79  Andrew Farley        V50   7 E Cheshire H & TAC                43:18
      45  575  Mark Bradley         V40  14 E Cheshire H & TAC                43:19
      46  514  Ray Eagle            V55   2 Wilmslow RC                       43:26
      47  434  Rick Waring          V40  15 Swinton RC                        43:27
      48    1  David Ainsworth      V50   8 Altrincham&district AC            43:28
      49  384  Tim Hargreaves       V50   9 Stockport H&ac                    43:31
      50  357  Dave Shaw            V40  16 Salford H&ac                      43:40
      51  511  Mike Cooper          V45  22 Wilmslow RC                       43:41
      52  313  Jerry Smith          V55   3 Sale H Manchester                 43:44
      53  230  John Reilly          V55   4 Middleton Harriers                43:50
      54  138  John Halliwell       V45  23 Manchester H&ac                   44:02
      55   61  Nigel Sedman         V40  17 Belle Vue Racers                  44:07
      56   91  Paul Kenny           V45  24 E Cheshire H & TAC                44:11
      57  421  Chris Lomax          V40  18 Swinton RC                        44:15
      58  580  Ian Jackson          V40  19 Salford H&ac                      44:18
      59  106  Daryl Hall           V45  25 Macclesfield H&ac                 44:32
      60   20  Graham Harrison      V45  26 Altrincham&district AC            44:50
      61  304  Tim Rainey           V40  20 Sale H Manchester                 44:52
      62  533  Mike Palmer          V40  21 Manchester Triathlon              44:57
      63  527  Ian Smallwood        V45  27 Wilmslow RC                       45:05
      64 1033 $Shaun McCarthy       V40  22 Unattached                        45:07
      65  382  Tim Edwards          V40  23 Stockport H&ac                    45:10
      66  408  David Burke          V55   5 Swinton RC                        45:26
      67  253  Tim Brett            V40  24 Sale H Manchester                 45:31
      68 1068 $Brian Schofield      V55   6 Oldham & Royton                   45:55
      69  539  Alan McNally         V45  28 St Helens Sutton                  45:58
      70  578  Chris Gorse          V40  25 Manchester Triathlon              46:17
      71  555  John Appleton        V55   7 St Helens Sutton                  46:27
      72  362  Ronald Warrender     V50  10 Salford H&ac                      46:32
      73  109  Kevin Jackson        V50  11 Macclesfield H&ac                 46:34
      74  228  Anthony Lowe         V50  12 Middleton Harriers                46:40
      75  397  Peter Nixon          V45  29 Stockport H&ac                    46:49
      76  508  Nick Bishop          V50  13 Wilmslow RC                       46:56
      77  428  Paul Rutherford      V45  30 Swinton RC                        47:01
      78   23  Mike Jones           V50  14 Altrincham&district AC            47:29
      79  529  Peter Stock          V50  15 Wilmslow RC                       47:33
      80  125  Alan Webster         V45  31 Macclesfield H&ac                 47:38
      81  391  Steve Matkin         V45  32 Stockport H&ac                    47:42
      82   36  Craig Partridge      V40  26 Altrincham&district AC            47:46
      83  557  Ian Hayburn          V40  27 St Helens Sutton                  48:02
      84   52  Philip D'netto       V40  28 Belle Vue Racers                  48:06
      85  405  Tony Ward            V45  33 Stockport H&ac                    48:09
      86 1059 $George Livesey       V60   3 St Maxime (FR)                    48:16
      87  111  Steve Lomas          V40  29 Macclesfield H&ac                 48:18
      88  371  Chris Jones          V40  30 Salford Met AC                    48:27
      89  439  Robin Beaumont       V40  31 Trafford AC                       48:42
      90  172  Neil Harrison        V45  34 Manchester Triathlon              48:47
      91   67  John Bowker          V45  35 E Cheshire H & TAC                49:10
      92  208  Mike O'Brien         V50  16 Manchester Ymca H                 49:12
      93   59  Andy Roberts         V45  36 Belle Vue Racers                  49:20
      94  577  Derek Frasier        V45  37 Trafford AC                       49:30
      95  126  Mark Wheelton        V50  17 Macclesfield H&ac                 49:39
      96   56  David Okopochini     V40  32 Belle Vue Racers                  49:44
      97  132  Michael Cunningham   V60   4 Manchester H&ac                   49:56
      98  365  Jack Carney          V50  18 Salford Met AC                    50:02
      99  339  Tom Daniels          V60   5 Salford H&ac                      50:08
     100  220  Alan Garvey          V55   8 Middleton Harriers                50:11
     101  185  Michael Ogden        V45  38 Manchester Triathlon              50:16
     102  188  Sean Salinger        V40  33 Manchester Triathlon              50:21
     103  353  Vincent Murphy       V65   1 Salford H&ac                      50:27
     104  145  Richard O'Regan      V40  34 Manchester H&ac                   50:34
     105   14  Colin Davies         V55   9 Altrincham&district AC            50:45
     106  562  Mark Kinch           V45  39 Warrington AC                     51:02
     107  292  Fechin McCormick     V60   6 Sale H Manchester                 51:04
     108  367  Andrew Evans         V45  40 Salford Met AC                    51:44
     109  579  Gary Milnes          V50  19 E Cheshire H & TAC                51:47
     110  211  Jon Paramor          V55  10 Manchester Ymca H                 51:56
     111   55  Barry Guy            V55  11 Belle Vue Racers                  52:09
     112   39  Mansel Pope          V55  12 Altrincham&district AC            52:16
     113  287  Tony Lythe           V65   2 Sale H Manchester                 52:18
     114  571  Martin O'Brien       V45  41 Sale H Manchester                 52:31
     115 1029 $Colin Rathbone       V65   3 Vale Royal                        52:49
     116  546  John Skinley         V45  42 St Helens Sutton                  53:52
     117  148  Dave Wood            V45  43 Manchester H&ac                   54:11
     118  261  Dave Farmer          V60   7 Sale H Manchester                 54:24
     119  570  Les Mooney           V55  13 Sale H Manchester                 54:38
     120  581  Dennis Moran         V60   8 Salford H&ac                      54:59
     121  120  David Shoesmith      V55  14 Macclesfield H&ac                 55:04
     122  576  Colin Timpson        V60   9 E Cheshire H & TAC                55:41
     123  137  David Gregory        V65   4 Manchester H&ac                   56:02
     124  515  Trevor Faulkner      V65   5 Wilmslow RC                       57:20
     125  436  David Williamson     V40  35 Swinton RC                        57:47
     126  417  Steve Hart           V50  20 Swinton RC                        58:40
     127   58  Brian Roberts        V60  10 Belle Vue Racers                  59:47
     128  225  [70] Roy Lee         V75   1 Middleton Harriers              1:00:11

Senior Men (Vets) -- TEAM RESULTS

NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Salford H&ac                       36
                                 2  Dave Lockett        
                                 5  Steven Wrigley      
                                 7  Paul Birkett        
                                22  Sean Cordell        
  2  Wilmslow RC                        52
                                 3  Malcolm Fowler      
                                 4  Rob Downs           
                                 6  Tom McGaff          
                                39  Steve Smith         
  3  Altrincham&district AC             54
                                 1  William Crowther    
                                 8  Dave Gilchrist      
                                14  Nick Burke          
                                31  Dave Carrington     
  4  Stockport H&ac                     72
                                12  Kevan Garner        
                                13  Richard Marlton     
                                21  Steve Haylock       
                                26  Len Best            
  5  E Cheshire H & TAC                 73
                                 9  Phillip Jacques     
                                10  Paul Dalton         
                                24  Simon Grundy        
                                30  Steven Robinson     
  6  Trafford AC                        94
                                17  Duncan Drasdo       
                                20  Mike Hutchinson     
                                25  Dick Byers          
                                32  Vinny Booth         
  7  Sale H Manchester                 130
                                15  Andy Yates          
                                29  Gary Willcock       
                                35  Frank Cordingley    
                                51  Jerry Smith         
  8  Macclesfield H&ac                 156
                                16  John Mooney         
                                40  Barry Blyth         
                                42  Tim Stock           
                                58  Daryl Hall          
  9  E Cheshire H & TAC         'B'    165
                                37  Gary Matthews       
                                41  Derek Hughes        
                                43  Andrew Farley       
                                44  Mark Bradley        
 10  Swinton RC                        185
                                19  Steve Doxey         
                                46  Rick Waring         
                                56  Chris Lomax         
                                64  David Burke         
 11  Manchester H&ac                   185
                                11  Ed Fazakerley       
                                28  Andy Fitzpatrick    
                                53  John Halliwell      
                                93  Michael Cunningham  
 12  Stockport H&ac             'B'    217
                                34  Robert Taylor       
                                48  Tim Hargreaves      
                                63  Tim Edwards         
                                72  Peter Nixon         
 13  Wilmslow RC                'B'    230
                                45  Ray Eagle           
                                50  Mike Cooper         
                                62  Ian Smallwood       
                                73  Nick Bishop         
 14  St Helens Sutton                  232
                                18  Ian White           
                                66  Alan McNally        
                                68  John Appleton       
                                80  Ian Hayburn         
 15  Manchester Triathlon              241
                                27  Tim Johns           
                                61  Mike Palmer         
                                67  Chris Gorse         
                                86  Neil Harrison       
 16  Trafford AC                'B'    249
                                36  Mark Evans          
                                38  David Keeling       
                                85  Robin Beaumont      
                                90  Derek Frasier       
 17  Middleton Harriers                252
                                33  Ian Ireland         
                                52  John Reilly         
                                71  Anthony Lowe        
                                96  Alan Garvey         
 18  Altrincham&district AC     'B'    260
                                47  David Ainsworth     
                                59  Graham Harrison     
                                75  Mike Jones          
                                79  Craig Partridge     
 19  Salford H&ac               'B'    270
                                49  Dave Shaw           
                                57  Ian Jackson         
                                69  Ronald Warrender    
                                95  Tom Daniels         
 20  Belle Vue Racers                  316
                                54  Nigel Sedman        
                                81  Philip D'netto      
                                89  Andy Roberts        
                                92  David Okopochini    
 21  Macclesfield H&ac          'B'    321
                                70  Kevin Jackson       
                                77  Alan Webster        
                                83  Steve Lomas         
                                91  Mark Wheelton       
 22  Sale H Manchester          'B'    337
                                60  Tim Rainey          
                                65  Tim Brett           
                               103  Fechin McCormick    
                               109  Tony Lythe          
 23  E Cheshire H & TAC         'C'    364
                                55  Paul Kenny          
                                87  John Bowker         
                               105  Gary Milnes         
                               117  Colin Timpson       

Senior Men - U20 -- FINAL RESULTS ($=non-counter)

     Pos  Num Name                 Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  329  Ryan Worland                 Sale H Manchester                 35:45
       2  307  Jamie Roden                  Sale H Manchester                 36:46
       3  550  Jake Healy                   St Helens Sutton                  38:23
       4  323  James Wignall                Sale H Manchester                 39:11
       5  128  Liam Bartlett                Manchester H&ac                   40:42
       6  468  David Meyer                  Trafford AC                       41:47
       7  472  Thomas Powell                Trafford AC                       42:01
       8  240  Thomas Atkinson              Sale H Manchester                 42:45
       9  487  Josh Kinch                   Warrington AC                     45:43
      10  551  Steven Clague                St Helens Sutton                  48:08
      11  158  Samuel Thornborrow           Manchester Met Univ               48:39
      12  582  Matthew Valleley             Manchester Met Univ             1:02:45

Senior Men - U20 -- TEAM RESULTS

NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Sale H Manchester                   7
                                 1  Ryan Worland        
                                 2  Jamie Roden         
                                 4  James Wignall       

Results copyright (c) G.J. Fecitt (SportSoft) 2010