The Leek Half Marathon

at Leek on Sunday 30th August 2009


     Pos  Name                 Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  Ben Gamble                   Stone Master Marathoners        1:18:26
       2  Jan Pichl                    Salford Harriers                1:19:06
       3  Mike Hatton          V45   1 South Cheshire Harriers         1:20:53
       4  Craig Jeffery                Staffs Moorlands AC             1:21:32
       5  Mark Neeld           V40   1 Stone Master Marathoners        1:21:56
       6  Mark Flint           V40   2 Newcastle AC                    1:22:04
       7  Richard Brooks               Unattached                      1:22:14
       8  Stephen Morran       V50   1 Northern Veterans               1:22:24
       9  Richard Houghton     V45   2 Buxton AC                       1:22:43
      10  Kelvin Amos          V50   2 Staffs Moorlands AC             1:22:59
      11  Keith Boardman       V45   3 Salford Harriers                1:23:34
      12  Julian Goodwin               Boalloy                         1:23:44
      13  John Mooney          V50   3 Macclesfield Harriers           1:23:52
      14  Andrew Allen         V40   3 City Of Stoke                   1:24:01
      15  Neil Jones           V40   4 South Cheshire Harriers         1:24:52
      16  Perter Marquis-Jones         South Cheshire Harriers         1:24:54
      17  Paul Burslem         V40   5 Trentham RC                     1:26:06
      18  Nick Dunning         V40   6 South Cheshire Harriers         1:26:17
      19  Nigel Grant          V45   4 Penny Lane Striders             1:26:30
      20  Rob Sloane                   Unattached                      1:26:36
      21  Gary Dean                    Penistone AC                    1:27:09
      22  Mick Haire           V45   5 Boalloy                         1:27:16
      23  Paul Light           V50   4 Staffs Moorlands AC             1:27:21
      24  Jon Alexander                Unattached                      1:28:03
      25  Dale Colclough       V50   5 Trentham RC                     1:28:53
      26  Danny Evans                  Sneyd Striders                  1:28:59
      27  Simon Jackson        V45   6 Congleton Harriers              1:29:08
      28  Peter Grindley       V40   7 Unattached                      1:29:18
      29  Ruth WatchornRice    L40   1 Cheadle RC                      1:29:29
      30  Hamish Woodhead              Unattached                      1:29:34
      31  Robert Boon          V50   6 Boalloy                         1:29:54
      32  Ben Liu                      Trafford AC                     1:30:09
      33  Tony Johnson         V40   8 Ropsley RR                      1:30:19
      34  Eddie Gilligan       V40   9 Manchester YMCA Harriers        1:30:33
      35  William Alves        V50   7 Totley AC                       1:30:42
      36  James Simpson                South Cheshire Harriers         1:30:42
      37  Simon Danks          V40  10 Uttoxeter RR                    1:31:05
      38  Paul Douglas         V55   1 Stafford Harriers               1:31:15
      39  Peter Fahy                   Sphinx AC                       1:31:28
      40  Mark Wood            V40  11 Staffs Moorlands AC             1:31:35
      41  Andrew Mayers        V40  12 South Cheshire Harriers         1:31:35
      42  Paul Drabble         V45   7 Buxton AC                       1:31:47
      43  Kevin Brydon                 Trafford AC                     1:31:47
      44  Russel Williams      V45   8 Cheadle RC                      1:31:54
      45  Peter Sarson         V60   1 Stafford Harriers               1:31:59
      46  Alan Wardle          V45   9 Macclesfield Harriers           1:32:07
      47  Ian Wood             V45  10 Oak Park RC                     1:32:18
      48  Eric Green           V50   8 Valley Striders                 1:32:27
      49  Mark Maloney                 Michelin AC                     1:32:31
      50  Lee Campbell         V45  11 Boalloy                         1:32:36
      51  Nicky Lowe           L35   1 South Cheshire Harriers         1:32:54
      52  Arian Northcott      V40  13 Staffs Moorlands AC             1:33:13
      53  David Darton         V50   9 York Knavesmire Harriers        1:33:28
      54  Alex McCormick       V45  12 Congleton Harriers              1:33:39
      55  Jason Chappell               Congleton Harriers              1:33:39
      56  Martin Smith                 York Knavesmire Harriers        1:34:15
      57  Duane Daugherty      V45  13 Unattached                      1:34:35
      58  Martin Platt         V50  10 Macclesfield Harriers           1:34:36
      59  Stan Winterton       V60   2 Trentham RC                     1:34:40
      60  Keith Brown          V45  14 Warrington Road Runners         1:34:43
      61  Nigel Braun          V45  15 Stone Master Marathoners        1:34:54
      62  Guy AartseTuyn       V40  14 NSRRA                           1:34:59
      63  Chris Harbron                Macclesfield Harriers           1:35:38
      64  Carl Williams        V40  15 Boalloy                         1:35:54
      65  Steve Bunyan                 Belle Vue Runners               1:36:09
      66  Ken Bloor            V45  16 Trentham RC                     1:36:21
      67  Paul Lloyd           V40  16 NSRRA                           1:36:33
      68  Anthony Hurst        V45  17 Unattached                      1:36:42
      69  Matt Dawson                  Staffs Moorlands AC             1:36:44
      70  Bob Duncalf          V50  11 Blythe Bridge RC                1:36:48
      71  Paul Eardley         V40  17 Newcastle AC                    1:36:51
      72  Nick Pearson                 Unattached                      1:36:52
      73  Peter Davis          V45  18 Goyt Valley Striders            1:37:01
      74  Stephen Coleman      V45  19 Astley & Tyldesley              1:37:02
      75  Luke Dale                    Unattached                      1:37:04
      76  John Green           V40  18 Staffs Moorlands AC             1:37:15
      77  Ros Barker           L45   1 Stone Master Marathoners        1:37:27
      78  Matthew Noble        V40  19 Wreake Runners                  1:38:08
      79  Charlie Rowlands     V40  20 South Cheshire Harriers         1:38:17
      80  John Foulds          V45  20 Astley & Tyldesley              1:38:23
      81  Amy Cope             L     4 Stone Master Marathoners        1:38:37
      82  Stephen Askey        V50  12 Newcastle AC                    1:38:38
      83  Barry Smith          V40  21 Newcastle AC                    1:38:46
      84  John Clements        V65   1 Stone Master Marathoners        1:38:54
      85  Greg Taylor          V40  22 Unattached                      1:39:00
      86  Stephen Corden               Unattached                      1:39:20
      87  John Corbett         V60   3 Unattached                      1:39:25
      88  Ben Gregory          V50  13 Stockport Harriers              1:39:47
      89  Palmer Dawson                Chase Harriers                  1:39:53
      90  Kevin Uzzell         V60   4 Stone Master Marathoners        1:39:56
      91  Chris Bascombe               Staffs Moorlands AC             1:40:14
      92  Phil Large                   Unattached                      1:40:16
      93  Gary Payne                   Stone Master Marathoners        1:40:22
      94  Chris Mosiuk                 Trentham RC                     1:40:27
      95  Grahame Cope                 Unattached                      1:40:27
      96  Steven Kenworthy     V50  14 Buxton AC                       1:40:32
      97  Mick Parr            V45  21 Newcastle AC                    1:42:20
      98  Rob Cumming          V40  23 South Cheshire Harriers         1:42:26
      99  Matthew Boulton              Stone Master Marathoners        1:42:31
     100  Martin McOrmick      V45  22 Unattached                      1:42:42
     101  Philip Wilson        V45  23 Sphinx AC                       1:42:48
     102  Chris Hall                   Unattached                      1:42:49
     103  David Gillian                Abbey Runners                   1:42:55
     104  Graham Kemp          V45  24 Newcastle AC                    1:43:03
     105  Bryn Machin                  Manchester YMCA Harriers        1:43:08
     106  Mick Williams        V50  15 NSRRA                           1:43:20
     107  Charlie Weller       L40   2 Newcastle AC                    1:43:24
     108  James Upton                  Unattached                      1:43:32
     109  Kiri Johnson         L     6 Trentham RC                     1:43:32
     110  Michael Horton       V60   5 Boalloy                         1:43:43
     111  Nathan Robinson              Unattached                      1:43:58
     112  Andy Baines-Davies           Staffs Moorlands AC             1:44:08
     113  Stephaine Goodchild  L40   3 Manchester YMCA Harriers        1:44:13
     114  Pete Doyle           V50  16 Congleton Harriers              1:44:48
     115  James Lea            V40  24 Unattached                      1:45:06
     116  Christopher Naylor           Michelin AC                     1:45:12
     117  Sam Smith            V40  25 Unattached                      1:45:20
     118  Simon Walker         V40  26 South Cheshire Harriers         1:45:30
     119  Tony Hughes          V50  17 Northbrook AC                   1:45:52
     120  Chris Owen                   Stafford Harriers               1:46:01
     121  Martin Baker         V40  27 Northampton Roadrunners         1:46:05
     122  Nigel Smith          V40  28 NSRRA                           1:46:12
     123  Stephen Symons       V40  29 Manchester YMCA Harriers        1:46:30
     124  Andrew Dow                   Unattached                      1:46:35
     125  John Holmes          V55   2 Milton                          1:46:50
     126  Colin Lea            V40  30 York Knavesmire Harriers        1:46:53
     127  Liz Turton           L50   1 Stockport Harriers              1:47:35
     128  Alan Lewis           V65   2 Trentham RC                     1:47:55
     129  Rosemary Wilson      L50   2 Trentham RC                     1:48:10
     130  Debbie Hill          L45   2 Congleton Harriers              1:48:48
     131  Karen Davies         L45   3 Stafford Harriers               1:48:54
     132  Robert Simoson       V45  25 Stafford Harriers               1:48:54
     133  Jason Blount                 Newcastle AC                    1:49:07
     134  Mark Evendon         V45  26 Unattached                      1:49:12
     135  Yvonne Leeson        L55   1 Stone Master Marathoners        1:49:23
     136  Paul Langson         V40  31 Newcastle AC                    1:49:30
     137  Craig Wright                 Unattached                      1:49:33
     138  George Lamplough     V40  32 Staffs Moorlands AC             1:49:36
     139  Bill Stevenson       V45  27 Michelin AC                     1:49:43
     140  Craig Taylor                 Unattached                      1:49:45
     141  Paula Kennerley      L40   4 Congleton Harriers              1:49:50
     142  Allan Kay            V60   6 100 Marathon Club               1:50:02
     143  Lynne Shepley        L50   3 Stone Master Marathoners        1:50:18
     144  Alan Docherty        V60   7 Unattached                      1:50:26
     145  Martin Hayward               Unattached                      1:50:34
     146  Mike Cutler          V50  18 South Cheshire Harriers         1:50:39
     147  James EarlsDavis     V45  28 Unattached                      1:50:39
     148  Daniel Bowman                Unattached                      1:51:02
     149  Felicity Doyle       L50   4 Congleton Harriers              1:51:02
     150  James Fowler                 Unattached                      1:51:33
     151  Adam Finney                  Unattached                      1:51:35
     152  Neil Chaplin         V50  19 North Derbys RC                 1:51:40
     153  Bethany Young        L    16 North Derbys RC                 1:51:42
     154  Greg Holland                 Rolls Royce Harriers            1:52:12
     155  Dot Fellows          L60   1 Cannock And Stafford            1:52:21
     156  Tony Ratcliffe       V65   3 Newcastle AC                    1:52:31
     157  Andrew Evans                 Unattached                      1:52:34
     158  Chris Moss                   Unattached                      1:52:49
     159  Keith Goss           V55   3 Uttoxeter RR                    1:52:53
     160  David Kelly          V45  29 Sphinx AC                       1:53:13
     161  Fionia Wilson        L45   4 Unattached                      1:53:32
     162  Adam Gayes                   Unattached                      1:53:40
     163  David Turton         V55   4 Stockport Harriers              1:53:58
     164  Jon Paramor          V50  20 Manchester YMCA Harriers        1:54:07
     165  Rob Mayers           V45  30 South Cheshire Harriers         1:54:12
     166  Phil Cliff           V45  31 South Cheshire Harriers         1:54:12
     167  Craig Bode           V40  33 Unattached                      1:54:22
     168  Anthony Hayhoe       V45  32 Unattached                      1:54:30
     169  Colin Earp           V60   8 South Cheshire Harriers         1:54:32
     170  Bradley Payne                Unattached                      1:54:46
     171  Ralph Wedlock        V50  21 Stafford Harriers               1:54:55
     172  Katy Coton           L    19 Unattached                      1:55:13
     173  Tom Rogers           V45  33 West Bromwich Harriers          1:55:18
     174  Chris Moore          V45  34 Unattached                      1:55:22
     175  John Dunn            V55   5 NSRRA                           1:55:25
     176  Walter Mosiuk        V50  22 Trentham RC                     1:55:28
     177  Jane Burston         L    20 Serpentine                      1:55:32
     178  John Wood            V50  23 Michelin AC                     1:55:36
     179  Karen Dennett        L45   5 Unattached                      1:55:48
     180  Oliver Wilson                Unattached                      1:55:54
     181  Sarah Halstead       L40   5 Penistone AC                    1:56:07
     182  Kerry Clancy         L    23 Newcastle AC                    1:56:22
     183  Kai Lipinski         V40  34 Newcastle AC                    1:56:22
     184  Tracy Abrahart       L    24 Peel Roadrunners                1:57:01
     185  Delmont Betts                Peel Roadrunners                1:57:01
     186  John Greatholder     V55   6 Stafford Harriers               1:57:04
     187  Luke Vernon                  Unattached                      1:57:09
     188  Kesley Attridge              Unattached                      1:57:09
     189  John Guest           V50  24 NSRRA                           1:57:13
     190  Sean Carthy          V45  35 Unattached                      1:57:50
     191  David Stevens        V50  25 Unattached                      1:57:51
     192  Martin Stirna        V55   7 South Cheshire Harriers         1:57:56
     193  Gail Lowe            L40   6 Newcastle AC                    1:57:57
     194  Garry Holmes         V45  36 Unattached                      1:58:03
     195  Nigel Tyrell         V50  26 Unattached                      1:58:30
     196  David Taylor         V40  35 Rugley Runners                  1:58:49
     197  Trevor Goodwin       V70   1 Trentham RC                     1:58:53
     198  Andrew Mayland       V40  36 Unattached                      1:58:53
     199  Nicola Stanyer       L40   7 Biddulph RC                     1:58:53
     200  Gail Goodwin         L35   2 Newcastle AC                    1:59:02
     201  ( No. 45 )                   Unattached                      1:59:04
     202  James Barnes         V45  37 Uk Netrunner                    1:59:19
     203  Robert Sayburn       V50  27 Unattached                      2:00:20
     204  Michael Jones        V65   4 Stafford Harriers               2:01:20
     205  Dave Reid            V45  38 Chester Tri                     2:01:49
     206  Chris Johnson        V60   9 East Cheshire Harriers          2:02:06
     207  John Riley           V65   5 Northern Veterans               2:02:19
     208  Rob Warrilow                 Unattached                      2:02:20
     209  Gary Moss            V40  37 York Knavesmire Harriers        2:02:28
     210  Carol Parsons        L45   6 Totley AC                       2:02:47
     211  Richard Thompson     V40  38 Rolls Royce Harriers            2:02:59
     212  Rajash Jimabhai              Littlewoods RC                  2:02:59
     213  Dougall McCorry              Unattached                      2:03:18
     214  Richard Emerton      V65   6 Unattached                      2:03:53
     215  Harold Gleaves       V65   7 Staffs Moorlands AC             2:04:13
     216  Paul Rowlinson       V45  39 Unattached                      2:04:13
     217  Brian Newall         V45  40 Littlewoods RC                  2:04:18
     218  Chris Robey                  Unattached                      2:04:20
     219  Kathy Davies         L    29 Unattached                      2:04:33
     220  Nigel Symms          V40  39 Newcastle AC                    2:04:41
     221  Ann Hughes           L50   5 Northbrook AC                   2:04:43
     222  John Brown           V55   8 Cheadle RC                      2:04:48
     223  Colin Pheasant       V50  28 Chase Harriers                  2:05:07
     224  Osman Sideuk         V40  40 Littlewoods RC                  2:05:24
     225  Tyler White          U18   1 Unattached                      2:05:24
     226  Graham Butterworth           Unattached                      2:05:26
     227  Andrew Butterworth           Unattached                      2:05:26
     228  Paul Lowe            V40  41 Newcastle AC                    2:05:26
     229  Robert Findler       V45  41 Newcastle AC                    2:05:31
     230  Emma Clarke          L35   3 Unattached                      2:05:46
     231  Sally Kerr           L40   8 Buxton AC                       2:06:12
     232  Stephen Day          V40  42 Unattached                      2:06:34
     233  Liz Hall             L    33 Manchester YMCA Harriers        2:06:36
     234  Tony Baker           V50  29 Stafford Harriers               2:07:14
     235  Bob Eccles           V40  43 Stockport Harriers              2:07:34
     236  Ann Williams         L40   9 NSRRA                           2:08:13
     237  Michael Oliver       V45  42 Stratford Upon Avon AC          2:08:13
     238  Shane Knott          L    35 Penny Lane Striders             2:08:28
     239  Stephen Hurst                Unattached                      2:09:17
     240  Ian Harrison         V40  44 Unattached                      2:09:39
     241  John Ruggiero        V50  30 Cheshire Police                 2:09:48
     242  Rita Banks           L65   1 Stone Master Marathoners        2:09:52
     243  Jess AartseTuyn      L18   1 Unattached                      2:10:06
     244  Andrew Tharp         V45  43 Unattached                      2:11:02
     245  Stephen Thomas       V50  31 Unattached                      2:11:45
     246  Karen Predergast     L    38 Unattached                      2:11:58
     247  Joanne AartseTuyn    L40  10 NSRRA                           2:12:05
     248  Lucinda Stone        L    40 Staffs Moorlands AC             2:12:10
     249  Boltonjames                  Unattached                      2:13:25
     250  Malcolm Rushton      V55   9 Trentham RC                     2:13:39
     251  Michael Unwin        V55  10 Unattached                      2:15:37
     252  Karen Murray         L45   7 Stafford Harriers               2:15:42
     253  Caroline Houghton    L35   4 Penny Lane Striders             2:16:18
     254  Richard Hough        V50  32 Unattached                      2:16:56
     255  Geraint North                Manchester YMCA Harriers        2:17:47
     256  Edward Taylor        V65   8 Rugley Runners                  2:17:53
     257  Norman Harding       V60  10 Barrow Runners                  2:19:19
     258  Jill Evenden         L45   8 Unattached                      2:20:03
     259  Michael Owen                 Unattached                      2:22:26
     260  Joe Vazquez          V60  11 Unattached                      2:23:23
     261  Dean Lee             V55  11 NSRRA                           2:25:44
     262  David Taylor         V50  33 Staffs Moorlands AC             2:27:43
     263  Darren Taylor        V40  45 Chase Harriers                  2:30:50
     264  Liz Stevenson        L50   6 Potters Trotters                2:30:50
     265  Sarah Haslam         L    45 Sandbach Stridders              2:31:48
     266  Kate Farrell         L65   2 Manchester YMCA Harriers        2:32:08
     267  Chris Smyth                  Unattached                      2:33:52
     268  Hazel Barlow         L45   9 Michelin AC                     2:34:50
     269  Deirde Postlewaite   L45  10 Unattached                      2:35:17
     270  Seema Sikka          L35   5 Unattached                      2:38:45
     271  Denise Rogers        L45  11 West Bromwich Harriers          2:41:38

Leek Half - Men -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  South Cheshire Harriers            49
                                 3  Mike Hatton         
                                14  Neil Jones          
                                15  Perter Marquis-Jones
                                17  Nick Dunning        
  2  Staffs Moorlands AC                68
                                 4  Craig Jeffery       
                                 9  Kelvin Amos         
                                21  Paul Light          
                                34  Mark Wood           
  3  Boalloy                           100
                                11  Julian Goodwin      
                                20  Mick Haire          
                                25  Robert Boon         
                                44  Lee Campbell        
  4  Stone Master Marathoners          130
                                 1  Ben Gamble          
                                 5  Mark Neeld          
                                53  Nigel Braun         
                                71  John Clements       
  5  Trentham RC                       147
                                16  Paul Burslem        
                                22  Dale Colclough      
                                51  Stan Winterton      
                                58  Ken Bloor           
  6  Macclesfield Harriers             157
                                12  John Mooney         
                                40  Alan Wardle         
                                50  Martin Platt        
                                55  Chris Harbron       
  7  Newcastle AC                      207
                                 6  Mark Flint          
                                62  Paul Eardley        
                                69  Stephen Askey       
                                70  Barry Smith         
  8  Congleton Harriers                208
                                24  Simon Jackson       
                                47  Alex McCormick      
                                48  Jason Chappell      
                                89  Pete Doyle          
  9  Stafford Harriers                 264
                                32  Paul Douglas        
                                39  Peter Sarson        
                                93  Chris Owen          
                               100  Robert Simoson      
 10  NSRRA                             294
                                54  Guy AartseTuyn      
                                59  Paul Lloyd          
                                86  Mick Williams       
                                95  Nigel Smith         
 11  Manchester YMCA Harriers          322
                                28  Eddie Gilligan      
                                85  Bryn Machin         
                                96  Stephen Symons      
                               113  Jon Paramor         
 12  York Knavesmire Harriers          327
                                46  David Darton        
                                49  Martin Smith        
                                98  Colin Lea           
                               134  Gary Moss           
 13  Michelin AC                       358
                                43  Mark Maloney        
                                90  Christopher Naylor  
                               104  Bill Stevenson      
                               121  John Wood           

Leek Half - Ladies -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Stone Master Marathoners           19
                                 3  Ros Barker          
                                 4  Amy Cope            
                                12  Yvonne Leeson       
  2  Congleton Harriers                 38
                                10  Debbie Hill         
                                13  Paula Kennerley     
                                15  Felicity Doyle      
  3  Newcastle AC                       47
                                 5  Charlie Weller      
                                20  Kerry Clancy        
                                22  Gail Lowe           
  4  Manchester YMCA Harriers           73
                                 7  Stephaine Goodchild 
                                28  Liz Hall            
                                38  Kate Farrell        

Results copyright © G.J. Fecitt (SportSoft) 2009