The Leek Half Marathon

at Leek on Sunday 24th August 2008

Leek Half 2008 -- FINAL RESULTS

     Pos  Name                 Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  Ben Gamble                   Stone Master Marathoners        1:15:14
       2  Kevin Lilley         V45   1 Sheffield Running Club          1:15:57
       3  Jan Pichl                    Newcastle Ac(staffs)            1:18:07
       4  Paul Mannion                 Ashbourne RC                    1:19:15
       5  Malcolm Fowler       V45   2 Wilmslow RC                     1:19:45
       6  Stuart Jones         V40   1 South Cheshire Harriers         1:21:46
       7  Pete Mallison                South Cheshire Harriers         1:22:18
       8  Mark Flint           V40   2 Newcastle Ac(staffs)            1:22:24
       9  Darren Perry                 Staffs Moorlands AC             1:22:44
      10  Richard Thompson     V40   3 Unattached                      1:23:14
      11  Richard Marlton      V40   4 Stockport Harriers              1:24:19
      12  Glenn North          V45   3 Charnwood AC                    1:24:33
      13  Lee Tomlinson        V40   5 Hermitage Harriers              1:25:01
      14  Julian Goodwin               Boalloy                         1:25:21
      15  Neil Platts                  Staffs Moorlands AC             1:26:14
      16  Gareth Briggs                Staffs Moorlands AC             1:27:37
      17  John Mooney          V45   4 Macclesfield Harriers           1:27:55
      18  Julie Myatt          L45   1 Newcastle Ac(staffs)            1:28:23
      19  Andy Parkin                  Ripley AC                       1:28:31
      20  William Alves        V50   1 Totley AC                       1:28:58
      21  Neil Jones           V40   6 South Cheshire Harriers         1:29:15
      22  Paul Burslem         V40   7 Trentham RC                     1:29:27
      23  Simon Danks                  Uttoxeter RC                    1:29:42
      24  Russel Williams      V45   5 Cheadle RC                      1:29:52
      25  Peter Sarson         V60   1 Stafford Harriers               1:30:09
      26  Martin Stocks        V45   6 Ashbourne RC                    1:30:23
      27  Ruth WatchornRigg    L     2 Cheadle RC                      1:30:28
      28  David Jones                  Nsrra                           1:30:37
      29  Peter Grindley       V40   8 Unattached                      1:30:54
      30  Adela Salt           L35   1 Trentham RC                     1:31:04
      31  Tony Johnson         V40   9 Ropsley RC                      1:31:08
      32  Peter Medsley        V55   1 Charnwood AC                    1:31:31
      33  Nigel Critchlow              Buxton AC                       1:31:39
      34  Lee Campbell         V45   7 Boalloy                         1:31:45
      35  Mike Sheldon         V50   2 Barrow Runners                  1:31:53
      36  Carl Moulton                 Unattached                      1:32:14
      37  Robin Britton        V55   2 Staffs Moorlands AC             1:32:27
      38  Matthew Jackson              Newcastle Ac(staffs)            1:32:30
      39  Anthony Chadwick     V40  10 Liverpool Running Club          1:32:48
      40  Mick Haire                   Boalloy                         1:33:22
      41  Amy Green            L     4 Keighley & Craven AC            1:33:43
      42  Stephen Dawson       V40  11 South Cheshire Harriers         1:33:50
      43  Dave Thorley                 Cheadle RC                      1:33:53
      44  Graham Lowe                  Helsby AC                       1:33:55
      45  Andrew Coates        V40  12 Swinton RC                      1:33:57
      46  David Wakefield              Serpentine RC                   1:34:00
      47  Ian Wood             V45   8 Oak Park RC                     1:34:05
      48  Ian Stoddart         V40  13 Stone Master Marathoners        1:34:11
      49  Paul Roughley        V45   9 Stone Master Marathoners        1:34:33
      50  Peter Jones                  South Cheshire Harriers         1:34:34
      51  Stephen Hilton               Spa Striders                    1:34:42
      52  Adrian Pestell               Trentham RC                     1:34:48
      53  Caren Coonan         L35   2 Ashbourne RC                    1:34:49
      54  Keith Skelton        V40  14 Stafford Harriers               1:34:58
      55  Michelle Clarke      L35   3 Telford Harriers                1:35:03
      56  Keith Scovell        V45  10 Arrowe Park Amblers             1:35:26
      57  Joe Parkin                   Unattached                      1:35:38
      58  Duanne Daugherty     V45  11 Unattached                      1:35:45
      59  Jonathan Sewell              Unattached                      1:36:02
      60  Jon Alexander                Serpentine RC                   1:36:04
      61  Johnathan Mellor             Swinton RC                      1:36:07
      62  Elaine Everill       L     7 Brighton And Hove AC            1:36:14
      63  Julie Robinson       L     8 Unattached                      1:36:15
      64  Charlie Rowlands             South Cheshire Harriers         1:36:28
      65  Ben Gregory          V50   3 Stockport Harriers              1:36:31
      66  Mark Platts                  Staffs Moorlands AC             1:36:33
      67  Lesley York          L40   1 Unattached                      1:36:34
      68  Andrew Lovatt                Unattached                      1:36:37
      69  Adrian Read                  Sneyd Striders                  1:36:46
      70  Darren Smith                 Unattached                      1:36:58
      71  Carl Williams        V40  15 Boalloy                         1:37:05
      72  Ian Landucci         V40  16 Unattached                      1:37:11
      73  Amy Forshaw          L    10 Unattached                      1:37:16
      74  John Terry                   Hermitage Harriers              1:37:19
      75  Simon Parke                  Unattached                      1:37:26
      76  Geoffrey Lawton      V50   4 Goyt Valley Striders            1:37:55
      77  Neil Stretton        V50   5 Oak Park RC                     1:37:58
      78  Paul Lyons                   Stone Master Marathoners        1:38:17
      79  Alex McCormick       V45  12 Congleton Harriers              1:38:17
      80  Michael Parr         V50   6 Newcastle Ac(staffs)            1:38:43
      81  Darren Spooner               Unattached                      1:38:44
      82  Philip Naylor        V50   7 Michelin AC                     1:39:08
      83  Holly Taylor         L    11 Helsby AC                       1:39:29
      84  Katie North          L    12 Charnwood AC                    1:39:34
      85  Brad Ehlen                   Spctrum Striders                1:39:40
      86  Kevin Uzzell         V60   2 Stone Master Marathoners        1:39:59
      87  Ian Salt                     Unattached                      1:40:02
      88  Jane Staite          L40   2 Telford Harriers                1:40:27
      89  Matthew Noble        V40  17 Wreake Runners                  1:40:34
      90  Stephanine Ilsey     L45   2 Wirksworth RC                   1:40:38
      91  Ian Hancock          V40  18 Nsrra                           1:40:54
      92  Grahame Cope                 Uttoxeter RC                    1:40:56
      93  Steve Kenworthy      V50   8 Buxton AC                       1:41:08
      94  Matt Boulton                 Stone Master Marathoners        1:41:21
      95  Graham Flecther      V50   9 Newcastle Ac(staffs)            1:41:38
      96  Chris Harbron                Macclesfield Harriers           1:41:53
      97  Steve Martin         V40  19 Michelin AC                     1:41:56
      98  John Corbett         V60   3 Unattached                      1:42:17
      99  Matthew Lewis                Unattached                      1:42:26
     100  Adrian Northcott     V40  20 Staffs Moorlands AC             1:42:29
     101  David Preece         V50  10 Stafford Harriers               1:42:40
     102  Mike Cutler          V50  11 South Cheshire Harriers         1:42:41
     103  Chris Smith                  Michelin AC                     1:42:47
     104  Phil Cullerton               Unattached                      1:42:53
     105  Peter Davis          V40  21 Goyt Valley Striders            1:43:11
     106  Dave Fern            V55   3 Peel RC                         1:43:16
     107  Nigel Lee                    Newcastle Ac(staffs)            1:43:19
     108  Norman Ashmore       V50  12 Unattached                      1:43:21
     109  Jennie Spillane      L    15 Unattached                      1:43:23
     110  Christopher Bascombe         Staffs Moorlands AC             1:43:35
     111  Michael Horton       V60   4 Boalloy                         1:43:40
     112  Ryan Procter                 Trentham RC                     1:43:43
     113  John Dowie                   Trentham RC                     1:43:43
     114  Ruth Umerah          L40   3 Stafford Harriers               1:43:43
     115  Gavin Ellis                  Unattached                      1:43:51
     116  Tony Vernon          V60   5 Staffs Moorlands AC             1:43:54
     117  Sally Chambers       L    17 Newcastle Ac(staffs)            1:43:59
     118  Jason Fazekas                Unattached                      1:44:02
     119  Dick Scroop          V60   6 Road Runners Club               1:44:03
     120  Nick McKinney        V45  13 Unattached                      1:44:04
     121  Glyn Roberts                 Unattached                      1:44:26
     122  Farouk Vawda         V40  22 Unattached                      1:44:31
     123  Arthur Zammit                Wolverhampton And Bilston       1:44:34
     124  Michael Lawrence             Unattached                      1:44:39
     125  Alan Richardson              Unattached                      1:44:42
     126  Nicolas Braddon              Unattached                      1:44:46
     127  Mark Maloney                 Michelin AC                     1:44:56
     128  Craig Horsfield              Fitness First Gorton            1:45:01
     129  Estelle Craig        L40   4 Stockport Harriers              1:45:02
     130  Peter Robinson       V45  14 Drotwich AC                     1:45:08
     131  Mick Williams                Nsrra                           1:45:14
     132  Paul Hadley          V40  23 Unattached                      1:45:17
     133  Tom Rogers           V40  24 Nsrra                           1:45:20
     134  Alan Burt            V45  15 Chase Harriers                  1:45:21
     135  Geaorge Lampough     V40  25 Hm Forces                       1:45:32
     136  Mark Armstrong       V50  13 Staffs Moorlands AC             1:45:36
     137  Sally Pattison       L45   3 Macclesfield Harriers           1:45:57
     138  Richard Bull                 Unattached                      1:45:58
     139  Mark Woolridge       V45  16 Nsrra                           1:46:03
     140  Paul Mullen                  Unattached                      1:46:27
     141  Jackie Smith         L55   1 Sheffield Running Club          1:46:29
     142  Graham Kemp          V45  17 Unattached                      1:46:40
     143  Tim Vincent                  Unattached                      1:46:45
     144  Simon Lister                 Lanc Constab                    1:47:00
     145  Gary Jones                   Michelin AC                     1:47:20
     146  Gerald Davies        V65   1 Stone Master Marathoners        1:47:47
     147  Gabriel Hutchings    V45  18 Ashbourne RC                    1:48:03
     148  Heather North        L45   4 Charnwood AC                    1:48:13
     149  Stephen Vaccarini            Buxton AC                       1:48:34
     150  Ken Smith            V50  14 Oswestry Olympians              1:48:35
     151  Phil Mainwarring             Trentham RC                     1:48:40
     152  Adam Macaulay        V40  26 Unattached                      1:48:47
     153  Chris Skellern       L45   5 Stafford Harriers               1:48:51
     154  Richard Colclogh     V40  27 Unattached                      1:48:52
     155  Martin Luis          V40  28 Unattached                      1:49:02
     156  Peter Lymer          V45  19 Drotwich AC                     1:49:03
     157  Pete Doyle           V50  15 Congleton Harriers              1:49:06
     158  Bernard Wilkes       V50  16 Stafford Harriers               1:49:10
     159  Michella Shaw        L    23 Leigh Harriers                  1:49:11
     160  John Lawton          V55   4 Sandbach Striders               1:49:14
     161  Jon Fuller           V50  17 Unattached                      1:49:16
     162  Michael Jorger               Unattached                      1:49:21
     163  Brian James          V40  29 Cheadle RC                      1:49:28
     164  Allan Mann           V50  18 Les Croupiers                   1:49:32
     165  Robert Hill          V40  30 Unattached                      1:49:43
     166  Kai Lipinski         V40  31 Newcastle Ac(staffs)            1:49:45
     167  Tom Jagger                   Unattached                      1:49:47
     168  Sean Scragg                  Staffs Moorlands AC             1:49:51
     169  Ian Dutton                   Unattached                      1:50:12
     170  Craig Hawley         V50  19 Unattached                      1:50:16
     171  Timothy Weil                 Unattached                      1:50:20
     172  Phil Marshall                Wimbledon Windmilers            1:50:21
     173  Jill Phillips        L45   6 Trentham RC                     1:50:24
     174  Martin Baker                 Unattached                      1:50:27
     175  Leonard Foulk        V40  32 Belper Harriers                 1:50:30
     176  Bridgid Duffy        L    25 Wolverhampton And Bilston       1:50:35
     177  Tony Ratcliffe       V60   7 Newcastle Ac(staffs)            1:50:40
     178  Yvonnne Leeson       L55   2 Stone Master Marathoners        1:51:07
     179  Russell Reid         V60   8 Uttoxeter RC                    1:51:09
     180  Fionna Hilton        L35   4 Unattached                      1:51:11
     181  Kiri Johnson         L    28 Trentham RC                     1:51:23
     182  Rachel Yates         L    29 Stone Master Marathoners        1:51:37
     183  Don Beech            V50  20 Staffs Moorlands AC             1:51:49
     184  Ralph Wedlock                Stafford Harriers               1:51:49
     185  Nick Cansdale        V40  33 Nsrra                           1:51:53
     186  Andy BainesDavies            Staffs Moorlands AC             1:51:56
     187  Antony Hughes        V50  21 Unattached                      1:52:07
     188  Graham Williams      V65   2 Stafford Harriers               1:52:10
     189  Nigel Tyrell         V45  20 Unattached                      1:52:12
     190  Patrick Flynn                Unattached                      1:52:13
     191  Grace Hough          L55   3 Telford Harriers                1:52:17
     192  Jason Coyne                  Trail Running Assoc             1:52:18
     193  Martin McCormick     V45  21 Unattached                      1:52:23
     194  Sarah Graham         L35   5 Unattached                      1:52:24
     195  Christopher Naylor           Michelin AC                     1:52:27
     196  Steve Barnett        V50  22 Unattached                      1:52:37
     197  Ron Isley            V45  22 Wirksworth RC                   1:52:38
     198  Lee Grant            V40  34 Unattached                      1:52:41
     199  Jo Bailey            L    32 Unattached                      1:52:48
     200  Stephen Corden               Unattached                      1:52:54
     201  Stephen Whalley      V55   5 Unattached                      1:52:55
     202  Angie Twine          L    33 Drotwich AC                     1:53:15
     203  Dougall McCorry              Unattached                      1:53:22
     204  John Phillips        V40  35 Tamworth AC                     1:53:22
     205  Rebbeca Lawrence     L    34 Peel RC                         1:53:25
     206  Matthew Dawson               Unattached                      1:53:33
     207  Brian Worthington    V50  23 Birchfield Harriers             1:53:37
     208  Liam Bradley                 Unattached                      1:53:54
     209  Trevor Goodwin       V70   1 Trentham RC                     1:53:59
     210  Kevin McCourt                Michelin AC                     1:54:14
     211  Helen Buchan         L    35 Unattached                      1:54:32
     212  John Riley           V65   3 Northern Veterans AC            1:54:35
     213  Karen Lawton         L40   5 Unattached                      1:54:38
     214  Alex Lilburn                 Buxton AC                       1:54:40
     215  Colin Pheasent       V45  23 Chase Harriers                  1:54:43
     216  David Drew           V60   9 Unattached                      1:54:46
     217  Darren Readman               Thame Road Runners              1:54:47
     218  Karen Davies         L40   6 Stafford Harriers               1:54:56
     219  Heather Hooper       L    38 Unattached                      1:54:58
     220  Loretta Daley        L40   7 Les Croupiers                   1:55:05
     221  Judith Newham        L35   6 Congleton Harriers              1:55:07
     222  Steve Platt          V50  24 Trail Running Assoc             1:55:10
     223  David Cartwright             Nsrra                           1:55:24
     224  Dean Brown           V45  24 Unattached                      1:55:26
     225  Daniel Bowman                Unattached                      1:55:28
     226  Barry Humpries       V55   6 Unattached                      1:55:29
     227  Dave Owen                    Unattached                      1:55:31
     228  James Fowler                 Unattached                      1:55:39
     229  Chris Johnson        V60  10 East Cheshire Harriers          1:55:45
     230  Fiona Wilson         L45   7 Unattached                      1:55:46
     231  Chris Ellerton       V40  36 Stone Master Marathoners        1:55:50
     232  Julie Casley         L45   8 Malvern Joggers                 1:56:10
     233  Peter Balmont        V50  25 Peel RC                         1:56:19
     234  David Taylor                 Rugeley Runners                 1:57:01
     235  James Barnes         V45  25 UK Net Runner                   1:57:11
     236  Jo Mayland           L    43 Unattached                      1:57:27
     237  Lew Badger           V60  11 Stone Master Marathoners        1:57:29
     238  Theresa Duffy        L45   9 Wolverhampton And Bilston       1:57:38
     239  Edward Davidson              Unattached                      1:57:39
     240  John Sheil                   Sinfin                          1:57:40
     241  Paul Berry           V45  26 Reservoir Dogs                  1:57:40
     242  Andrew Mayland       V40  37 Unattached                      1:57:53
     243  Carol Parsons        L45  10 Totley AC                       1:58:10
     244  Mark Egerton                 Unattached                      1:58:27
     245  Phil Pointon         V70   2 Unattached                      1:58:35
     246  Nigel Symms          V40  38 Newcastle Ac(staffs)            1:58:37
     247  Claire Wilson        L    46 Stockport Harriers              1:58:40
     248  Linda Baines         L45  11 Unattached                      1:58:50
     249  Marvin Smith         V40  39 Birstalll RC                    1:58:54
     250  David Fox            V55   7 Erme Valley Harriers            1:58:59
     251  Felicity Doyle       L50   1 Congleton Harriers              1:59:10
     252  Keith Goss           V55   8 Uttoxeter RC                    1:59:12
     253  Jeff Huthwaite               Unattached                      1:59:19
     254  Jane Burston         L    49 Serpentine RC                   1:59:33
     255  John Dunn            V55   9 Nsrra                           1:59:35
     256  Harold Gleave        V65   4 Staffs Moorlands AC             2:00:02
     257  Paul Rowlinson       V45  27 Staffs Moorlands AC             2:00:02
     258  David Campbell       V45  28 Congleton Harriers              2:00:06
     259  Steven Gould                 Unattached                      2:00:10
     260  Adrian Atkinson      V40  40 Unattached                      2:01:26
     261  David Allen                  Unattached                      2:01:29
     262  Andy Dow                     Unattached                      2:01:29
     263  Ann Williams         L40   8 Nsrra                           2:01:57
     264  Angus Fyfe           V45  29 Unattached                      2:02:13
     265  Sui Kuet             L40   9 Bracknell Forest Runners        2:02:23
     266  Anna Morley          L35   7 Unattached                      2:02:56
     267  Mary Carnall         L55   4 Nsrra                           2:03:13
     268  Catherine Phillips   L35   8 Tamworth AC                     2:03:16
     269  Bill Whitworth       V60  12 Stafford Harriers               2:03:21
     270  Andrew Tharp         V45  30 Unattached                      2:03:28
     271  Karen Clowes         L40  10 Unattached                      2:03:43
     272  Vicky Sims           L    56 Sinfin                          2:03:47
     273  Karen Macaulay       L45  12 Orion Harriers                  2:03:54
     274  Richard Owen                 Unattached                      2:04:02
     275  Ronald Little        V55  10 Unattached                      2:04:30
     276  Tony Baker           V50  26 Stafford Harriers               2:04:45
     277  Peter Hiscock                Unattached                      2:05:13
     278  Anthony Hammond      V50  27 Peel RC                         2:06:05
     279  Tim Fletcher         V40  41 Peel RC                         2:06:13
     280  Bob Aird             V70   3 Barrow Runners                  2:06:18
     281  Katy Hughes          L    58 Westbury Harriers               2:06:27
     282  Anne Hughes          L50   2 Unattached                      2:06:32
     283  Margaret Shaw        L55   5 Stone Master Marathoners        2:06:55
     284  Andrew Noble         V50  28 Chase Harriers                  2:07:17
     285  Fionna Macintosh     L40  11 Unattached                      2:07:47
     286  Karl Deakes                  Unattached                      2:07:52
     287  Jane Pickford        L45  13 Unattached                      2:08:05
     288  Belinda Riley        L    63 Newcastle Ac(staffs)            2:08:09
     289  Rob Falcon                   Unattached                      2:08:11
     290  Naomi Youbgberg      L    64 Unattached                      2:09:04
     291  Malcolm Rushton      V55  11 Trentham RC                     2:09:33
     292  Stephen Thomas       V50  29 Unattached                      2:09:36
     293  Andy Bloor           V50  30 Ilkeston RC                     2:09:44
     294  Gina Weatherall      L65   1 Nsrra                           2:10:02
     295  Richard Platt                Boalloy                         2:10:18
     296  Rebecca Lemoignan    L    66 Unattached                      2:10:19
     297  Richard Woodward     V40  42 Unattached                      2:11:59
     298  Val Lawson           L45  14 Peel RC                         2:12:03
     299  Susan Paterson       L45  15 Unattached                      2:13:03
     300  Glynn Forshaw                Unattached                      2:14:23
     301  Kesley Attridge              Unattached                      2:14:54
     302  Luke Vernon                  Unattached                      2:14:54
     303  Paul Mayers          V45  31 Unattached                      2:14:55
     304  Nigel Burin          V55  12 Manchester Harriers             2:15:25
     305  James Shubotham              Unattached                      2:15:26
     306  Robert Walton                Unattached                      2:15:47
     307  Frank Grant          V70   4 Stafford Harriers               2:16:07
     308  Dave McKechhie               Keighley & Craven AC            2:16:21
     309  Paul Chauvean        V45  32 Unattached                      2:16:30
     310  Paul Jepicott        V50  31 Unattached                      2:16:47
     311  Leon Spence                  Hermitage Harriers              2:16:58
     312  Tony Britt           L50   3 Norwich Harriers                2:18:08
     313  Stephen Bambury              Unattached                      2:18:21
     314  Lucinda Stone        L    70 Unattached                      2:18:46
     315  Anne Herold          L45  16 Aldridge RC                     2:19:00
     316  Andrew Kimberley             Unattached                      2:19:03
     317  Edward Taylor        V65   5 Rugeley Runners                 2:19:16
     318  Rita Banks           L60   1 Stone Master Marathoners        2:19:43
     319  Derek Okseniuk               Longton Harriers                2:20:10
     320  Mark Parkinson               Badger Racing                   2:21:36
     321  David Trevor         V55  13 Stafford Harriers               2:22:24
     322  Shane Knott          V45  33 Unattached                      2:22:38
     323  Janice Wainwright    L40  12 Chase Harriers                  2:23:52
     324  Ken Gough            V40  43 Norton Cannes                   2:23:57
     325  Amy Robson           L    74 Unattached                      2:24:04
     326  Stan Colley          V55  14 Almost Athletes                 2:24:30
     327  Denise Rogers        L40  13 Norton Cannes                   2:25:02
     328  Graham Allsopp       V50  32 Rolls Royce Harriers            2:26:55
     329  Daksha Chouhan       L45  17 Unattached                      2:26:57
     330  Cindy Morrissette    L45  18 Staffs Moorlands AC             2:28:58
     331  Helen Rowlinson      L45  19 Staffs Moorlands AC             2:29:29
     332  Hazel Barlow         L45  20 Michelin AC                     2:30:17
     333  Darren Taylor        V40  44 Chase Harriers                  2:30:18
     334  Alf Slater           V60  13 Norton Cannes                   2:30:18
     335  Judith Colman        L55   6 Stafford Harriers               2:30:56
     336  John Hateley         V65   6 Stafford Harriers               2:33:26
     337  Steven Simnett               Unattached                      2:35:12
     338  Richard Everill              Unattached                      2:36:55
     339  Norman Harding       V55  15 Barrow Runners                  2:36:57
     340  Rebbeca Cunnane      L    81 Centurians AC                   2:36:57
     341  Ravan Bailey         L    82 Black Pear Joggers              2:54:42
     342  Matthew Bailey               Black Pear Joggers              2:54:42

Leek Half 2008 - Men -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  South Cheshire Harriers            67
                                 6  Stuart Jones        
                                 7  Pete Mallison       
                                19  Neil Jones          
                                35  Stephen Dawson      
  2  Staffs Moorlands AC                69
                                 9  Darren Perry        
                                14  Neil Platts         
                                15  Gareth Briggs       
                                31  Robin Britton       
  3  Newcastle Ac(staffs)              103
                                 3  Jan Pichl           
                                 8  Mark Flint          
                                32  Matthew Jackson     
                                60  Michael Parr        
  4  Boalloy                           130
                                13  Julian Goodwin      
                                29  Lee Campbell        
                                34  Mick Haire          
                                54  Carl Williams       
  5  Stone Master Marathoners          142
                                 1  Ben Gamble          
                                41  Ian Stoddart        
                                42  Paul Roughley       
                                58  Paul Lyons          
  6  Trentham RC                       228
                                20  Paul Burslem        
                                45  Adrian Pestell      
                                81  Ryan Procter        
                                82  John Dowie          
  7  Stafford Harriers                 246
                                23  Peter Sarson        
                                46  Keith Skelton       
                                73  David Preece        
                               104  Bernard Wilkes      
  8  Nsrra                             269
                                25  David Jones         
                                65  Ian Hancock         
                                89  Mick Williams       
                                90  Tom Rogers          
  9  Michelin AC                       293
                                61  Philip Naylor       
                                71  Steve Martin        
                                75  Chris Smith         
                                86  Mark Maloney        
 10  Buxton AC                         321
                                28  Nigel Critchlow     
                                67  Steve Kenworthy     
                                99  Stephen Vaccarini   
                               127  Alex Lilburn        
 11  Uttoxeter RC                      343
                                21  Simon Danks         
                                66  Grahame Cope        
                               113  Russell Reid        
                               143  Keith Goss          
 12  Peel RC                           512
                                77  Dave Fern           
                               134  Peter Balmont       
                               150  Anthony Hammond     
                               151  Tim Fletcher        
 13  Chase Harriers                    540
                                91  Alan Burt           
                               128  Colin Pheasent      
                               153  Andrew Noble        
                               168  Darren Taylor       

Leek Half 2008 - Ladies -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Telford Harriers                   41
                                 6  Michelle Clarke     
                                10  Jane Staite         
                                25  Grace Hough         
  2  Trentham RC                        46
                                 3  Adela Salt          
                                20  Jill Phillips       
                                23  Kiri Johnson        
  3  Stafford Harriers                  58
                                12  Ruth Umerah         
                                18  Chris Skellern      
                                28  Karen Davies        
  4  Newcastle Ac(staffs)               59
                                 1  Julie Myatt         
                                13  Sally Chambers      
                                45  Belinda Riley       
  5  Stone Master Marathoners           90
                                22  Yvonnne Leeson      
                                24  Rachel Yates        
                                44  Margaret Shaw       
  6  Nsrra                             122
                                37  Ann Williams        
                                39  Mary Carnall        
                                46  Gina Weatherall     

Results copyright © G.J. Fecitt (SportSoft) 2008