Hallamshire Harriers Sheffield and Handsworth Roadhogs
present the
Sheffield Lord Mayor’s 10K
Sunday 16th March 2008, 11am start
Don Valley Stadium, Sheffield
road race permit applied for
An accurately measured flat course based on the track, paths and
nearby roads at Don Valley Stadium, Sheffield. The start and finish will
be within the stadium which has a plentiful supply of toilets and showers.
The course will enter and leave the stadium several times (drinks station
in stadium), and your supporters will be able cheer you along from the
comfort of the covered grandstand.
Course will be the best available using the stadium and adjoining
roads and paths
Entry for spectators is free and there is plenty of street and off
street parking within easy reach of the stadium.
All runners will receive a “memento” from The Lord Mayor of Sheffield
There will be a prize list in all age groups linked to the number of
Results on the day by Sports Computer Services and on http://www.race-results.co.uk/
Entry Fee: affiliated runners £8, unattached runners £10
Entries to Ian Thomas, LM10K, 8 Sandygate Park Road, Sheffield S10
5TY. Tel 0114 230 1381 Please enclose SAE(A5 size 24p, A4 Large
Letter size 40p)
Entries close on Wednesday 12th March – extra £2 on the day
"Supported by Keep on Running freefone 0800 0832 504"
"Supported by Sheffield City Council’s Major Sports Events Unit"