Exhibition Park 5K

in Exhibition Park, Newcastle upon Tyne, on Wednesday 13th August 2008

     Pos  Name             Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  Ryan McLeod              Elswick Harrriers                 14:34
       2  Brian Rushworth  V45   1 Sunderland H & AC                 15:30
       3  Darren Purvis            Chester-Le-Street & Dist AC       15:37
       4  Marc Fenwick             Wallsend H & AC                   15:55
       5  Damien Weston            Sunderland H & AC                 16:08
       6  David Swinburne          Morpeth H & AC                    16:12
       7  Paul Besford             Unattached                        16:13
       8  Phil Walker      V40   1 Morpeth H & AC                    16:14
       9  Greg Richie      U17   1 Jarrow & Hebburn AC               16:35
      10  Matty Tomlinson          Chester-Le-Street & Dist AC       16:44
      11  Paul Waterston   V40   2 Morpeth H & AC                    16:48
      12  Gary Jones               Blyth RC                          16:49
      13  Gary Moore               North Shields Poly AC             16:50
      14  Alan Thompson    V45   2 Elswick Harrriers                 17:05
      15  Kevin Stephenson V40   3 Elswick Harrriers                 17:06
      16  Les Smith                Heaton Harriers                   17:07
      17  Shaun Laws               Birtley AC                        17:10
      18  Stephen Gray     V40   4 Elswick Harrriers                 17:12
      19  Conrad Franks            Gateshead H & AC                  17:14
      20  David Old                Chester-Le-Street & Dist AC       17:26
      21  Michael Jones    V45   3 South Shields H & AC              17:28
      22  Chris Hainsworth         Gateshead H & AC                  17:33
      23  Angela Hibbs     L     1 Chester-Le-Street & Dist AC       17:36
      24  William Gilroy   V45   4 Morpeth H & AC                    17:42
      25  Mark Ketley              Elswick Harrriers                 17:43
      26  Josh McEnaney    U17   2 Birtley AC                        17:45
      27  Martin Slater    V40   5 Gateshead H & AC                  17:46
      28  Jack McWilliams  JM    1 Unattached                        17:49
      29  Nigel Camilleri          Unattached                        17:52
      30  Paul Dodd                Elswick Harrriers                 17:57
      31  Neil Morris      V45   5 Low Fell RC                       18:02
      32  Robert Main              Elswick Harrriers                 18:03
      33  Dan Robins               Heaton Harriers                   18:05
      34  Luke Aston               Blaydon H & AC                    18:06
      35  Alistair MacDonald V45 6 Morpeth H & AC                    18:12
      36  Martin Connelly  V40   6 Elswick Harrriers                 18:13
      37  Iain Hardy       V40   7 Elswick Harrriers                 18:14
      38  Stephen Marshall V50   1 Durham City Harriers              18:15
      39  Geoff Scott      V45   7 Unattached                        18:15
      40  Alun Carter              North Shields Poly AC             18:16
      41  Andrew Hartley   V45   8 Elswick Harrriers                 18:17
      42  Mark McNally     V60   1 Elswick Harrriers                 18:20
      43  Martin Crowe     V45   9 Elswick Harrriers                 18:22
      44  Carl Watson      V40   8 Low Fell RC                       18:24
      45  Alistair Spanner         Blaydon H & AC                    18:26
      46  Danielle Hodgkinson L  2 Wallsend H & AC                   18:30
      47  James Long               Low Fell RC                       18:37
      48  William Robson           PB Fitness RC                     18:40
      49  Paul O'Mara              Elswick Harrriers                 18:44
      50  Ian Tullock      V40   9 Unattached                        18:45
      51  Graeme Leathard  V40  10 Morpeth H & AC                    18:46
      52  Hester Dix       L     3 Blaydon H & AC                    18:47
      53  John Watson      V50   2 Unattached                        18:47
      54  Michael Bunn     V45  10 Jarrow & Hebburn AC               18:48
      55  Gavin Sword      V45  11 Sunderland H & AC                 18:50
      56  George Russell   V40  11 Low Fell RC                       18:51
      57  Iain McKinnon            Heaton Harriers                   18:51
      58  David Jardin             Elswick Harrriers                 18:52
      59  David Beaney     V50   3 Claremont RR                      18:53
      60  David Anderson   V50   4 Wallsend H & AC                   18:54
      61  Mark Cass        V40  12 Unattached                        18:55
      62  Stephen Borlos   V55   1 North Shields Poly AC             18:58
      63  Glenn Robinson   V40  13 Unattached                        19:08
      64  Scott McEntee            Heaton Harriers                   19:09
      65  Alasdair WilsonCraw V50 5 Claremont RR                     19:10
      66  Yamuna Thiru     L40   1 Elswick Harrriers                 19:11
      67  Neil McAnany     V45  12 Morpeth H & AC                    19:14
      68  Jason Stobbs             Gateshead H & AC                  19:19
      69  Steve Atwell             North Shields Poly AC             19:20
      70  Matt Fletcher            North Shields Poly AC             19:21
      71  Andrew Smith     V50   6 Gateshead H & AC                  19:22
      72  Nick Armstrong   V40  14 Morpeth H & AC                    19:23
      73  Ian Fenwick              Elswick Harrriers                 19:24
      74  Gary Richardson          Wallsend H & AC                   19:25
      75  Donna Horne      L     5 Wallsend H & AC                   19:26
      76  Malcom Gibson            Heaton Harriers                   19:29
      77  Ian Richardson   V55   2 North Shields Poly AC             19:29
      78  Andrew Hughes    V40  15 Low Fell RC                       19:30
      79  David Thompson           Ryton TC                          19:32
      80  Michael Thompson         Teesdale AC                       19:33
      81  Jim Alder        V45  13 Morpeth H & AC                    19:34
      82  Mike Walker      V60   2 Gosforth H & AC                   19:35
      83  Geoff Smith      V40  16 Gateshead H & AC                  19:36
      84  Alan Turnbull    V40  17 North Shields Poly AC             19:37
      85  Bobby Weightman  V50   7 Gateshead H & AC                  19:38
      86  Ian Jackman              Unattached                        19:39
      87  Rick Long        V40  18 Unattached                        19:40
      88  Robert Wilson    V45  14 Elswick Harrriers                 19:41
      89  Vicky Hindson    L     6 Wallsend H & AC                   19:42
      90  Gary Pemberton   V55   3 North East Veterans AC            19:48
      91  Lawrence Johnson V45  15 Low Fell RC                       19:51
      92  Paul Inskip      V40  19 Heaton Harriers                   19:52
      93  Emma Gibson      L     7 Elswick Harrriers                 19:53
      94  Roland Young             The Stragglers                    20:00
      95  Gary Rutherford  V45  16 Elswick Harrriers                 20:01
      96  Stephen Kyte     V45  17 Elswick Harrriers                 20:04
      97  Kim Simpson      L     8 Gateshead H & AC                  20:08
      98  Glen McWilliams  V45  18 Unattached                        20:11
      99  Mike Stephen     V50   8 Morpeth H & AC                    20:12
     100  Jacqui Etherington L   9 Phoenix Runners                   20:13
     101  Mark Foster-Black        Unattached                        20:14
     102  Jason Forster            Unattached                        20:16
     103  Iain McLaren     V40  20 Morpeth H & AC                    20:17
     104  Vanessa Butler   L    10 Claremont RR                      20:17
     105  Deborah Oakley   L17   1 Morpeth H & AC                    20:19
     106  Micky Harrison           Unattached                        20:20
     107  Paul Brown       V40  21 Wallsend H & AC                   20:21
     108  Emma Walton      L    12 Wallsend H & AC                   20:22
     109  Mark Cunningham          Unattached                        20:23
     110  Kevin Payne      V45  19 Wallsend H & AC                   20:24
     111  Suzanne Stephenson L40 2 Elswick Harrriers                 20:26
     112  Phil Inglehearn  V50   9 Unattached                        20:27
     113  Dave Dale                Heaton Harriers                   20:29
     114  Lee Coulson              Elswick Harrriers                 20:30
     115  Stephen Curry    V45  20 Elswick Harrriers                 20:33
     116  Gareth Hope              Blyth RC                          20:35
     117  George Burns             Unattached                        20:36
     118  Gordon Long              Low Fell RC                       20:37
     119  Lisa Walker      L35   1 Wallsend H & AC                   20:39
     120  Zoe Armstrong    L17   2 Morpeth H & AC                    20:45
     121  Stephen Maratos          Unattached                        20:48
     122  John Tollitt     V40  22 Unattached                        20:49
     123  Edward Baty      V55   4 Heaton Harriers                   20:50
     124  Trevor Robinson          Morpeth H & AC                    20:52
     125  Jenny Tinkler    L45   1 Chester-Le-Street & Dist AC       20:53
     126  Ron Murray       V55   5 Wallsend H & AC                   20:55
     127  David Wotton     V55   6 Claremont RR                      21:00
     128  Dianne Ford      L40   3 Unattached                        21:04
     129  Desmond Purdon   V40  23 Unattached                        21:05
     130  Sue Calvert      L40   4 Morpeth H & AC                    21:07
     131  Lucy Robinson    L    19 North Shields Poly AC             21:11
     132  Robin Stankewicz V50  10 Norham RC                         21:15
     133  William Doidge   V55   7 Low Fell RC                       21:21
     134  Stephen Kizzow           Unattached                        21:28
     135  Nick Wilson      V45  21 Unattached                        21:37
     136  Allen Mulliss    V50  11 Heaton Harriers                   21:39
     137  Ian Maddison     V40  24 Ryton TC                          21:43
     138  Tony Maddocks    V45  22 Wallsend H & AC                   21:45
     139  Paul O'Hara      V40  25 PB Fitness RC                     21:46
     140  Ana Seeley       L    20 Unattached                        21:47
     141  Greg Smith               Unattached                        21:53
     142  David Wright     V55   8 Low Fell RC                       21:57
     143  Laura Emmerson   L    21 Wallsend H & AC                   21:58
     144  Michael Lowes    V40  26 Unattached                        22:00
     145  Kate Sloan       L    22 Heaton Harriers                   22:01
     146  Janette Gilgour  L55   1 Claremont RR                      22:03
     147  Will Thompson            Unattached                        22:04
     148  Shaun Harris             Heaton Harriers                   22:07
     149  Angela Gilmore   L40   5 Gateshead H & AC                  22:09
     150  Yvonne Swinhoe   L50   1 Elswick Harrriers                 22:10
     151  Wendy Pawsley    L    26 North Shields Poly AC             22:11
     152  Chris Wilson             Heaton Harriers                   22:12
     153  John Oswald      V55   9 Unattached                        22:15
     154  Clive Mitchell   V45  23 Unattached                        22:21
     155  Dominic Manual   V50  12 Tynedale H & AC                   22:23
     156  Alan Langford            Unattached                        22:24
     157  Alister Robson           Unattached                        22:26
     158  David Reay       V40  27 Elswick Harrriers                 22:27
     159  Shaun Faetz              Elswick Harrriers                 22:30
     160  Craig Deacon             Jarrow & Hebburn AC               22:33
     161  Ian Knox         V50  13 Wallsend H & AC                   22:36
     162  Fraser Gill      V40  28 North Shields Poly AC             22:47
     163  Emma Moir        L35   2 Wallsend H & AC                   22:56
     164  Robert Stobbs    V45  24 Gateshead H & AC                  22:57
     165  Melanie Hudson   L    28 Unattached                        22:58
     166  Ian Gray                 Unattached                        23:00
     167  Alan Myers               Unattached                        23:01
     168  Andrea Clarke    L40   6 PB Fitness RC                        23:02
     169  Kathryn Gidney   L    30 Wallsend H & AC                   23:02
     170  Kate McEntee     L    31 Heaton Harriers                   23:03
     171  Anthony McKenna  V45  25 Unattached                        23:04
     172  David Duffy      V45  26 Unattached                        23:09
     173  Simon Gascoigne  V40  29 Unattached                        23:11
     174  John McDonald    V60   3 Gateshead H & AC                  23:17
     175  Nick Straker     V55  10 Unattached                        23:26
     176  Keith Weavers    V40  30 Aurora Harriers                   23:27
     177  Caroline Hansan  L    32 Wallsend H & AC                   23:31
     178  Paul Kelly       V55  11 Unattached                        23:35
     179  Neil Parkin              Unattached                        23:36
     180  Lisa Dent        L    33 Unattached                        23:37
     181  Sally Welsh      L40   7 Morpeth H & AC                    23:39
     182  Harry Norman     V45  27 North Shields Poly AC             23:41
     183  Russell Enright          Unattached                        23:45
     184  John Young       V50  14 Low Fell RC                       23:50
     185  Jeff Henderson   V40  31 North East Veterans AC            23:51
     186  John Gibson      V50  15 Unattached                        23:56
     187  Caroline Wood    L    35 Phoenix Runners                   23:57
     188  Helen Mitford    L55   2 Heaton Harriers                   23:58
     189  Lee Manual               Unattached                        24:00
     190  Anseme Uwihanganye       Unattached                        24:03
     191  Sarah Ledger     L    37 Unattached                        24:04
     192  Tim Deveaux      V50  16 PB Fitness RC                        24:05
     193  Deb McWilliams   L40   8 Gateshead H & AC                  24:05
     194  Sue Smith        L40   9 Morpeth H & AC                    24:10
     195  Christine Lee    L65   1 Elswick Harrriers                 24:12
     196  Thomas Hitchen           Unattached                        24:25
     197  Lorna Thompson   L    41 Unattached                        24:27
     198  Gillian Law      L    42 Gateshead H & AC                  24:33
     199  Jennifer Rees    L    43 North Shields Poly AC             24:34
     200  Catherine Turner L35   3 Unattached                        24:35
     201  Dave Barratt             Unattached                        24:36
     202  Colin Howard             Unattached                        24:36
     203  Ian Hardie       V40  32 Unattached                        24:38
     204  Donna Chapman    L    45 Unattached                        24:39
     205  Tara Florance    L35   4 PB Fitness RC                     24:42
     206  Rob Delap                Elswick Harrriers                 24:45
     207  Noreen Rees      L50   2 North Shields Poly AC             24:48
     208  John Loughran    V55  12 Gosforth H & AC                   24:55
     209  Richard Fenton           Unattached                        24:57
     210  Simon Aitken             Unattached                        24:58
     211  Amanda Tunmore   L40  10 Heaton Harriers                   25:05
     212  Sara Howe        L    49 Unattached                        25:08
     213  Simon Rowland    V50  17 Unattached                        25:09
     214  Julia Scott      L40  11 Unattached                        25:11
     215  Catherine Parkin L    51 Unattached                        25:12
     216  Trevor Rowe      V55  13 Unattached                        25:16
     217  Andreas Tzannes-Kastrotos 
			   V45  28 Gateshead H & AC                  25:22
     218  Ashley Robson    V60   4 Elswick Harrriers                 25:28
     219  Eric Appleby     V75   1 Heaton Harriers                   25:29
     220  Geoff Hume       V65   1 Low Fell RC                       25:35
     221  David Whitmore   V70   1 South Shields H & AC              25:36
     222  Susan Lowes      L35   5 Unattached                        25:48
     223  Eve Smith        L    53 Unattached                        25:49
     224  Mike Benefield   V40  33 Unattached                        25:57
     225  Joanne Bodsworth L    54 Unattached                        26:02
     226  Christine Bravey L45   2 Unattached                        26:12
     227  Gillian Mackay   L    56 Unattached                        26:13
     228  Fred Henderson   V65   2 North East Veterans AC            26:28
     229  Aaron Tucker             Low Fell RC                       26:30
     230  Gayle Daley      L35   6 Unattached                        26:33
     231  Karen Hagerty    L35   7 Unattached                        26:35
     232  Sharon Nochels   L35   8 Unattached                        26:35
     233  Charlotte Gilbert L40 12 Unattached                        26:40
     234  Jean Nash        L    61 Unattached                        26:42
     235  Lara Malone      L    62 Unattached                        26:58
     236  Joy Bell         L65   2 Blackhill Bounders                27:07
     237  Hilary Cranston  L    64 Unattached                        27:11
     238  Ellen Vale       L    65 Unattached                        27:11
     239  Georgina Cane    L    66 Unattached                        27:13
     240  Paul Charlton    V45  29 Unattached                        27:14
     241  Liz Paton        L50   3 Gateshead H & AC                  27:20
     242  Alan Hansell     V55  14 Unattached                        27:27
     243  Patrick Kelly    V40  34 Birtley AC                        27:33
     244  Carol Scot       L45   3 Unattached                        27:36
     245  Jessica Fletcher L    69 North Shields Poly AC             27:48
     246  Brendan Meagher          North Shields Poly AC             27:49
     247  Lesly Richardson L45   4 Unattached                        27:50
     248  Amanda Gilhooley L35   9 Heaton Harriers                   29:03
     249  Chris Hooper             Unattached                        29:37
     250  Paul Hooper      V50  18 Unattached                        29:37
     251  Dare Ijagbemi            Unattached                        30:02
     252  Stan White       V70   2 Low Fell RC                       30:15
     253  Tammi Water      L45   5 Unattached                        30:25
     254  Neil McLean      V55  15 Unattached                        30:26
     255  Michelle Dixon   L    73 Unattached                        30:57
     256  George Routledge V60   5 Heaton Harriers                   32:12
     257  Jacq Magalhaes   L    74 Unattached                        32:24
     258  Car FarJohnston  L    75 Unattached                        32:32
     259  Kim Trenholm     L45   6 Unattached                        32:33
     260  Karen Karlsson   L35  10 Gateshead H & AC                  32:45
     261  Sydney Robson    V75   2 Gateshead H & AC                  33:07
     262  Rachel Cole      L    78 Unattached                        33:39
     263  Sarah Welsh      L35  11 Unattached                        33:40
     264  Maureen McMillan L35  12 Unattached                        35:28
     265  Charles Renwick  V40  35 Unattached                        35:28
     266  Clayton Kopko            Unattached                        35:29
     267  David Tait       V60   6 Saltwell Harriers                 39:02
     268  Ted Joynson      V85     Gateshead H & AC                  51:13

Men's Teams

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Morpeth H & AC                     23
                                 6  David Swinburne    7  Phil Walker     
                                10  Paul Waterston  
  2  Elswick Harrriers                  28
                                 1  Ryan McLeod       13  Alan Thompson   
                                14  Kevin Stephenson
  3  Chester-Le-Street & Dist AC        31
                                 3  Darren Purvis      9  Matty Tomlinson 
                                19  David Old       
  4  Sunderland H & AC                  53
                                 2  Brian Rushworth    5  Damien Weston   
                                46  Gavin Sword     
  5  Gateshead H & AC                   64
                                18  Conrad Franks     21  Chris Hainsworth
                                25  Martin Slater   
  6  Heaton Harriers                    92
                                15  Les Smith         29  Dan Robins      
                                48  Iain McKinnon   
  7  North Shields Poly AC              99
                                12  Gary Moore        35  Alun Carter     
                                52  Stephen Borlos  
  8  Low Fell RC                       107
                                27  Neil Morris       39  Carl Watson     
                                41  James Long      
  9  Wallsend H & AC                   117
                                 4  Marc Fenwick      51  David Anderson  
                                62  Gary Richardson 
 10  Jarrow & Hebburn AC               158
                                 8  Greg Richie       45  Michael Bunn    
                               105  Craig Deacon    
 11  Birtley AC                        164
                                16  Shaun Laws        24  Josh McEnaney   
                               124  Patrick Kelly   
 12  Claremont RR                      196
                                50  David Beaney      54  Craw Alis Wilson
                                92  David Wotton    
 13  PB Fitness RC                     254
                                42  William Robson    98  Paul O'Hara     
                               114  Tim Deveaux     
 14  North East Veterans AC            309
                                74  Gary Pemberton   113  Jeff Henderson  
                               122  Fred Henderson  

Women's Teams

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Wallsend H & AC                    13
                                 2  Danielle Hodgkinson 5  Donna Horne     
                                 6  Vicky Hindson   
  2  Elswick Harrriers                  24
                                 4  Yamuna Thiru       7  Emma Gibson     
                                13  Suzanne Stephenson  
  3  Morpeth H & AC                     43
                                11  Deborah Oakley    15  Zoe Armstrong   
                                17  Sue Calvert     
  4  Gateshead H & AC                   63
                                 8  Kim Simpson       22  Angela Gilmore  
                                33  Deb McWilliams  
  5  North Shields Poly AC              79
                                18  Lucy Robinson     24  Wendy Pawsley   
                                37  Jennifer Rees   
  6  Heaton Harriers                    80
                                20  Kate Sloan        28  Kate McEntee    
                                32  Helen Mitford   

Results copyright (c) G.J. Fecitt (SportSoft) 2008