Birmingham Cross Challenge 2007

at Senneleys Park, Birmingham on Saturday 27th October 2007


     Pos  Name                 Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  Rachel Felton        Cha   1 Shaftesbury Barnet AC             22:57
       2  Claire Martin        Cha   2 Telford AC                        23:11
       3  Kim Fawke            Cha   3 Telford AC                        23:12
       4  Kate Ramsey          V40   1 Barrow Runners                    23:16
       5  Hannah Whitmore      Cha   4 Charnwood AC                      23:21
       6  Nicola Bamford       Cha   5 Notts AC                          23:29
       7  Rachel Jones         Cha   6 Salford Harriers                  23:41
       8  Jo Maddick                   Loughborough Students             23:48
       9  Josie Gray                   Birchfield Harriers               23:53
      10  Cathy Ansell                 Telford AC                        23:54
      11  Frances Briscoe      Cha   7 White Horse Harriers              24:07
      12  Louise Durman                Stroud & District AC              24:26
      13  ( No. 268 )                  Newcastle(Staffs) AC              24:31
      14  Audrey Wilson                Wolverhampton & Bilston           24:42
      15  Joanne Ritson                Tipton Harriers                   24:47
      16  Cheryl Evans         V45   1 Telford AC                        24:54
      17  Laura Brenton                Loughborough Students             25:08
      18  Melanie James                Bournville Harriers               25:12
      19  Jess Leitch          Cha   8 Oxford University Cc              25:16
      20  Amanda Dalkins               Birchfield Harriers               25:19
      21  Elizabeth Crawford           Solihull & Small Heath            25:21
      22  Rachel Deegan        Cha   9 Oxford University Cc              25:28
      23  Sophie Williams      Cha  10 Unattached                        25:29
      24  Jessica Dunn         JM    1 Loughborough Students             25:30
      25  Katie Lomas          JM    2 Loughborough Students             25:36
      26  Sarah Hanley                 Birmingham University             25:48
      27  Hannah Bowe          Cha  11 Oxford University Cc              25:51
      28  Estelle Damant               Loughborough Students             25:54
      29  Lucia Gibson         Cha  12 Oxford University Cc              25:57
      30  Michelle Buckle              Newcastle(Staffs) AC              26:00
      31  Helen Finch                  Solihull & Small Heath            26:06
      32  Robyn Matson                 Birmingham University             26:10
      33  Kate Hollis                  Tipton Harriers                   26:15
      34  Julie Kirby                  Telford AC                        26:18
      35  Marina Johns         Cha  13 Oxford University Cc              26:20
      36  Sally Latham                 Birchfield Harriers               26:23
      37  Rachel Cook          V40   2 Birchfield Harriers               26:26
      38  Sarah Mackness       Cha  14 Telford AC                        26:33
      39  Sarah Rudge                  Birchfield Harriers               26:35
      40  Suki Dhillon                 Wolverhampton & Bilston           26:47
      41  Olivia Toye          Cha  15 Oxford University Cc              26:52
      42  Julia Myatt          V40   3 Newcastle(Staffs) AC              27:03
      43  Roxanne Russell              Birchfield Harriers               27:04
      44  Lucy Flanner                 Solihull & Small Heath            27:05
      45  Arnie Fithern        Cha  16 Tipton Harriers                   27:09
      46  Amanda Diddle        V40   4 Dudley & Stourbridge              27:10
      47  ( No. 269 )                  Newcastle(Staffs) AC              27:12
      48  Kate Wright          V40   5 Stratford On Avon AC              27:13
      49  Ellie Bogie          Cha  17 Oxford University Cc              27:16
      50  Rebecca Freeman              Solihull & Small Heath            27:18
      51  Joanne Finch                 Solihull & Small Heath            27:18
      52  Carly Davis                  Birmingham University             27:19
      53  Emma Hornby                  Kidderminster & Stourport         27:20
      54  Amy Tanner                   Loughborough Students             27:22
      55  Jacqui Phillips      V40   6 Kidderminster & Stourport         27:27
      56  Natasha Taylor       Cha  18 Herts Phoenix AC                  27:28
      57  Cari Warner                  Aldridge                          27:29
      58  Elena James                  Birchfield Harriers               27:32
      59  Laura Johnson                Charnwood AC                      27:40
      60  Marianne Hensman             Bournville Harriers               27:41
      61  Katharine Hill       V40   7 Solihull & Small Heath            27:44
      62  Linda Howell                 Bournville Harriers               27:46
      63  Jennifer Clements            Solihull & Small Heath            27:50
      64  Rebecca Smith                Northbrook AC                     27:52
      65  ( No. 265 )                  Newcastle(Staffs) AC              27:55
      66  Clare Campbell               Bournville Harriers               27:58
      67  Mim Kirby                    Birmingham Rowheath               28:00
      68  Jodie Ledger                 Loughborough Students             28:10
      69  Dawn Davies                  Stratford On Avon AC              28:14
      70  Jo Pulsford                  Rugby & Northampton AC            28:15
      71  Zara Blower                  Leamington C & AC                 28:21
      72  Mel Young                    Newcastle(Staffs) AC              28:22
      73  Rachel Ward          Cha  19 Amazing Feet RC                   28:27
      74  Jenny Musgrove       JM    3 Solihull & Small Heath            28:30
      75  Margaret Kenchington         Bournville Harriers               28:32
      76  Louise Collins               Stourbridge                       28:35
      77  Zamie Cotterill              Birmingham Rowheath               28:38
      78  Kuldeep Samra                West Bromwich Harriers            28:39
      79  Emma Boxon                   Stratford On Avon AC              28:41
      80  Sally Spencer                Halesowen C & AC                  28:49
      81  Fiona Mellor                 Birmingham Rowheath               28:56
      82  Cath Mayall                  Cobra                             28:59
      83  Val Carter           V40   8 Birchfield Harriers               29:01
      84  Helen Parish         Cha  20 Amazing Feet RC                   29:08
      85  Lucy Ashe            Cha  21 Oxford University Cc              29:09
      86  Kerri James          V40   9 Birmingham Rowheath               29:12
      87  Susannah Davies              Tipton Harriers                   29:12
      88  Michelle Leech       V40  10 Rugby & Northampton AC            29:13
      89  Sarah Hurford        JM    4 Warwick University                29:15
      90  Justine Hewson               Birmingham Rowheath               29:16
      91  Tess Hill                    Birmingham University             29:18
      92  Nikki Davies                 Stourbridge                       29:20
      93  Debbie Cooper        V40  11 Stratford On Avon AC              29:26
      94  Ellen Tune                   Birmingham Rowheath               29:27
      95  Jenny Wilson                 Cannock & Staffs                  29:28
      96  Ann Stuart                   Bromsgrove & Redditch             29:29
      97  Eltaerina Orekova    Cha  22 Oxford University Cc              29:30
      98  Simone Wilson        V40  12 Nuneaton Harriers                 29:37
      99  Catherine Fenn               Northbrook AC                     29:39
     100  Colette Monahan              Warwick University                29:40
     101  Sian Harrison                Birmingham Rowheath               29:40
     102  Zena Talbot          V40  13 Sneyd Striders                    29:41
     103  Jackie Bradshaw              Halesowen C & AC                  29:43
     104  Jane Eardley                 Newcastle(Staffs) AC              29:47
     105  Agata Piech          Cha  23 Oxford University Cc              29:49
     106  ( No. 262 )                  Newcastle(Staffs) AC              29:55
     107  Sophie Ayling        Cha  24 Oxford University Cc              29:57
     108  Katherine Abbott             Bournville Harriers               29:59
     109  Liz Blake            V40  14 Sparkhill                         30:04
     110  Lisa Yeomans                 Telford AC                        30:04
     111  Jennifer McNab       Cha  25 Oxford University Cc              30:05
     112  Helen Rea            V40  15 Birchfield Harriers               30:06
     113  Denise Sanders       V40  16 Telford AC                        30:13
     114  ( No. 267 )                  Newcastle(Staffs) AC              30:14
     115  Liz Dines                    Rugby & Northampton AC            30:20
     116  Claire Beaumont              Birchfield Harriers               30:26
     117  AnnMarie Bathmaker           Birmingham Rowheath               30:27
     118  Debbie Southwood             Birmingham Rowheath               30:33
     119  Jean Fleming         V40  17 Solihull & Small Heath            30:36
     120  Emma Dobson                  Telford AC                        30:40
     121  Sue Johnson          Cha  26 Stafford Harriers                 30:57
     122  Chris Hirsch                 Birmingham Rowheath               30:59
     123  ( No. 266 )                  Newcastle(Staffs) AC              31:01
     124  Lisa Dimbleby                Birchfield Harriers               31:04
     125  ( No. 263 )                  Newcastle(Staffs) AC              31:06
     126  Claire Cragge                Wolverhampton & Bilston           31:23
     127  Sarah Rock                   Bournville Harriers               31:25
     128  Jane Hurley                  Telford AC                        31:36
     129  Claire Eveson                Wolverhampton & Bilston           31:40
     130  Rachel Stenhouse             Birchfield Harriers               31:41
     131  Sarah Capewell       JM    5 Birchfield Harriers               31:46
     132  Grace Hough                  Telford AC                        31:48
     133  Ellie Hooper         Cha  27 Amazing Feet RC                   31:53
     134  Alison Larwood               Telford AC                        31:54
     135  Sarah Bland          V40  18 Stratford On Avon AC              31:59
     136  Rebecca Redding              Newcastle(Staffs) AC              32:05
     137  Amanda McManus               Newcastle(Staffs) AC              32:16
     138  Gill Harper          V40  19 Cobra                             32:19
     139  Dawn Bishop                  Stourbridge                       32:19
     140  Tania Ugwu                   Bournville Harriers               32:40
     141  Sam Morton                   Halesowen C & AC                  32:41
     142  Carolyn Kelly                Cobra                             32:44
     143  Clare Scott                  Sparkhill                         32:45
     144  Maggie Curtis                Bournville Harriers               32:45
     145  Sue Bellingham       Cha  28 Mansfield Harriers                32:48
     146  Amanda Thompson              Sneyd Striders                    32:50
     147  Vici Richardson              Peel Road Runners                 32:55
     148  Cliona Long                  Sneyd Striders                    32:58
     149  Helen Herniman       V40  20 Kenilworth                        33:04
     150  Lorraine Harte               Bournville Harriers               33:05
     151  ( No. 264 )                  Newcastle(Staffs) AC              33:06
     152  Sarah Brand                  Telford AC                        33:08
     153  Lisa Blagden                 Telford AC                        33:16
     154  Rachel Denham                Birchfield Harriers               33:31
     155  Holly O'Meara                Birchfield Harriers               33:50
     156  Emily Evans                  Birchfield Harriers               33:56
     157  Louise Steele                Telford AC                        34:01
     158  Ros Elcock                   Stourbridge                       34:07
     159  Beth Lander                  Bournville Harriers               34:20
     160  Carol Blower         V40  21 Leamington C & AC                 34:28
     161  Marion Bailey        V45   2 Halesowen C & AC                  34:34
     162  Margaret Ehrenberg   V40  22 Sparkhill                         34:51
     163  Gabriella McKinnon   V45   3 Halesowen C & AC                  34:58
     164  Helen Poutney        V40  23 Cobra                             35:03
     165  Pam McEntee                  Wolverhampton & Bilston           35:04
     166  Trish Morgan                 Wolverhampton & Bilston           35:30
     167  Cris Brockhurst      V60   1 Sneyd Striders                    36:23
     168  Kelly Sprawson               Bournville Harriers               36:34
     169  Sally Hicks          V40  24 Kenilworth                        36:36
     170  Helen Manton         V45   4 Peel Road Runners                 37:02
     171  Vicky Edmonds        V45   5 Sneyd Striders                    37:21
     172  Danielle Stevenson           Sphinx AC                         37:37
     173  Sonia Michael                Halesowen C & AC                  37:51
     174  Pauline Dable        V40  25 Kenilworth                        38:05
     175  Anita Holland        V40  26 Sneyd Striders                    38:41
     176  Jennifer Kinson      V40  27 Aldridge                          38:54
     177  Lisa Holroyd                 Peel Road Runners                 39:00
     178  Jackie Stuart        V40  28 Sphinx AC                         39:02
     179  Melanie Broewn               Aldridge                          39:07
     180  Ingrid Cain          V50   1 Stourbridge                       39:46
     181  Jackie Thomas                Stourbridge                       39:48
     182  Sanita Kaur                  Coventry University               40:45
     183  Sharon Lea           Cha  29 Unattached                        40:46
     184  Cilla Peteman        V40  29 Sparkhill                         41:27
     185  Heather Waller       V40  30 Leamington C & AC                 41:36
     186  Megan Davies                 Telford AC                        41:44
     187  Victoria Jeffs       V40  31 Stratford On Avon AC              42:14
     188  Helen Keegan                 Stourbridge                       42:17
     189  Gaye Clough                  West Bromwich Harriers            42:36
     190  Wendy Morant                 Birchfield Harriers               46:35
     191  Samantha Curry       V40  32 Kenilworth                        47:55
     192  Sarah Gangitane              Aldridge                          49:58

Senior Ladies -- TEAM RESULTS

NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Telford AC                         15
                                 2  Claire Martin       
                                 3  Kim Fawke           
                                10  Cathy Ansell        
  2  Loughborough Students              48
                                 8  Jo Maddick          
                                17  Laura Brenton       
                                23  Jessica Dunn        
  3  Birchfield Harriers                64
                                 9  Josie Gray          
                                20  Amanda Dalkins      
                                35  Sally Latham        
  4  Oxford University Cc               67
                                19  Jess Leitch         
                                22  Rachel Deegan       
                                26  Hannah Bowe         
  5  Newcastle(Staffs) AC               83
                                13  (268)               
                                29  Michelle Buckle     
                                41  Julia Myatt         
  6  Tipton Harriers                    91
                                15  Joanne Ritson       
                                32  Kate Hollis         
                                44  Arnie Fithern       
  7  Solihull & Small Heath             94
                                21  Elizabeth Crawford  
                                30  Helen Finch         
                                43  Lucy Flanner        
  8  Birmingham University             107
                                25  Sarah Hanley        
                                31  Robyn Matson        
                                51  Carly Davis         
  9  Bournville Harriers               138
                                18  Melanie James       
                                59  Marianne Hensman    
                                61  Linda Howell        
 10  Wolverhampton & Bilston           178
                                14  Audrey Wilson       
                                39  Suki Dhillon        
                               125  Claire Cragge       
 11  Stratford On Avon AC              193
                                47  Kate Wright         
                                68  Dawn Davies         
                                78  Emma Boxon          
 12  Birmingham Rowheath               222
                                66  Mim Kirby           
                                76  Zamie Cotterill     
                                80  Fiona Mellor        
 13  Rugby & Northampton AC            270
                                69  Jo Pulsford         
                                87  Michelle Leech      
                               114  Liz Dines           
 14  Amazing Feet RC                   287
                                72  Rachel Ward         
                                83  Helen Parish        
                               132  Ellie Hooper        
 15  Stourbridge                       304
                                75  Louise Collins      
                                91  Nikki Davies        
                               138  Dawn Bishop         
 16  Halesowen C & AC                  321
                                79  Sally Spencer       
                               102  Jackie Bradshaw     
                               140  Sam Morton          
 17  Cobra                             359
                                81  Cath Mayall         
                               137  Gill Harper         
                               141  Carolyn Kelly       
 18  Sneyd Striders                    393
                               101  Zena Talbot         
                               145  Amanda Thompson     
                               147  Cliona Long         
 19  Aldridge                          409
                                56  Cari Warner         
                               175  Jennifer Kinson     
                               178  Melanie Broewn      
 20  Sparkhill                         411
                               108  Liz Blake           
                               142  Clare Scott         
                               161  Margaret Ehrenberg  
 21  Leamington C & AC                 412
                                70  Zara Blower         
                               159  Carol Blower        
                               183  Heather Waller      
 22  Kenilworth                        489
                               148  Helen Herniman      
                               168  Sally Hicks         
                               173  Pauline Dable       
 23  Peel Road Runners                 491
                               146  Vici Richardson     
                               169  Helen Manton        
                               176  Lisa Holroyd        

Senior Ladies - Challenge -- PROVISIONAL RESULTS

     Pos  Name                         Club         Time  

       1  Rachel Felton                Shaftesbury Barnet AC             22:57
       2  Claire Martin                Telford AC                        23:11
       3  Kim Fawke                    Telford AC                        23:12
       4  Kate Ramsey          V40   1 Barrow Runners                    23:16
       5  Hannah Whitmore              Charnwood AC                      23:21
       6  Nicola Bamford               Notts AC                          23:29
       7  Rachel Jones                 Salford Harriers                  23:41
       8  Frances Briscoe              White Horse Harriers              24:07
       9  Jess Leitch                  Oxford University Cc              25:16
      10  Rachel Deegan                Oxford University Cc              25:28
      11  Sophie Williams              Unattached                        25:29
      12  Hannah Bowe                  Oxford University Cc              25:51
      13  Lucia Gibson                 Oxford University Cc              25:57
      14  Marina Johns                 Oxford University Cc              26:20
      15  Sarah Mackness               Telford AC                        26:33
      16  Olivia Toye                  Oxford University Cc              26:52
      17  Arnie Fithern                Tipton Harriers                   27:09
      18  Ellie Bogie                  Oxford University Cc              27:16
      19  Natasha Taylor               Herts Phoenix AC                  27:28
      20  Rachel Ward                  Amazing Feet RC                   28:27
      21  Helen Parish                 Amazing Feet RC                   29:08
      22  Lucy Ashe                    Oxford University Cc              29:09
      23  Eltaerina Orekova            Oxford University Cc              29:30
      24  Agata Piech                  Oxford University Cc              29:49
      25  Sophie Ayling                Oxford University Cc              29:57
      26  Jennifer McNab               Oxford University Cc              30:05
      27  Sue Johnson                  Stafford Harriers                 30:57
      28  Ellie Hooper                 Amazing Feet RC                   31:53
      29  Sue Bellingham               Mansfield Harriers                32:48
      30  Sharon Lea                   Unattached                        40:46

Senior Ladies - Challenge -- TEAM RESULTS

NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Telford AC                         19
                                 2  Claire Martin       
                                 3  Kim Fawke           
                                14  Sarah Mackness      
  2  Oxford University Cc               30
                                 9  Jess Leitch         
                                10  Rachel Deegan       
                                11  Hannah Bowe         
  3  Amazing Feet RC                    66
                                19  Rachel Ward         
                                20  Helen Parish        
                                27  Ellie Hooper        

Results copyright (c) G.J. Fecitt (SportSoft) 2007