The Wilkinson Ackworth Half Marathon

at Ackworth on Sunday 25th March 2007


     Pos  Name                 Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  Ian Fisher                   Otley Ac                        1:07:49
       2  Adam Osborne                 Leeds City Athletic Club        1:08:30
       3  Darran Bilton        V40   1 Leeds City Athletic Club        1:08:47
       4  Nick Swinburn                Morpeth Harriers & Ac           1:10:11
       5  Cameron Brooks               Knavesmire Harriers             1:10:20
       6  Andrew Jackson               Ackworth Road Runners & AC      1:10:22
       7  Steven Neill                 Pudsey & Bramley Ac             1:11:04
       8  Jamil Parapia                Otley Ac                        1:12:42
       9  David Allinson       V40   2 Unattached                      1:14:38
      10  Nigel Thompson       V40   3 Lytham St Annes Rr Club         1:15:05
      11  C Oliphant                   Pudsey & Bramley Ac             1:15:17
      12  Julian Mawson                Otley Ac                        1:15:21
      13  Kieron White                 Herculeswimbledon               1:15:46
      14  Tom Danby                    Pocklington Runners             1:16:25
      15  Mark Ridgway         V40   4 Wakefield District H & Ac       1:16:29
      16  Jon Hobbs                    Lincoln & District Runners      1:16:49
      17  Jonathan Crook               Steel City Striders Rc          1:16:59
      18  Nigel Bedwell        V40   5 Keighley & Craven Ac            1:17:06
      19  Tony Hazell                  Horsforth Harriers              1:17:19
      20  Martin Hall          V45   1 Dewsbury Road Runners           1:17:31
      21  Simon Newton                 Ackworth Road Runners & AC      1:17:52
      22  Gareth Wilson                Leeds & Bradford Triathlon Clu  1:18:47
      23  Andrew Guiseley              Dewsbury Road Runners           1:18:55
      24  Trevor Clough        V45   2 Leeds City Athletic Club        1:19:36
      25  Michael Fryer        V45   3 Halifax Harriers & Ac           1:19:44
      26  Chris Gibbins                Bingley Harriers & Ac           1:19:46
      27  Donald Kennedy       V40   6 Longwood Harriers Ac            1:19:58
      28  James Clarke                 Unattached                      1:19:59
      29  Lisa Mawer           L35   1 Bingley Harriers & Ac           1:20:08
      30  Richard Smith                Holmfirth Harriers Ac           1:20:36
      31  Andrew Dobby                 Raf Menwith Hill Ac             1:20:55
      32  Mark Greaves         V40   7 Unattached                      1:21:00
      33  Steve Large          V40   8 Horsforth Harriers              1:21:40
      34  Simon Bennett                Steel City Striders Rc          1:21:42
      35  Peter Grimoldby      V55   1 Ackworth Road Runners & AC      1:21:50
      36  Jo Buckley           L     2 Halifax Harriers & Ac           1:22:01
      37  Stuart Locking               Pudsey & Bramley Ac             1:22:11
      38  Jamie Westwood               Stadium Runners                 1:22:24
      39  Paul Lycett          V45   4 Ackworth Road Runners & AC      1:22:35
      40  Mick Flatley                 Middleton Harriers Ac           1:23:02
      41  James Morris                 Dewsbury Road Runners           1:23:06
      42  Michjael Hurley              Unattached                      1:23:11
      43  Jonathan Uttley      V45   5 Valley Striders                 1:23:17
      44  Mark Harney          V40   9 York Acorn Running Club         1:23:23
      45  Stephen Moran        V50   1 Northern Veterans Ac            1:23:28
      46  Nicholas Scott       V40  10 Steel City Striders Rc          1:23:31
      47  Malcolm Bostock      V45   6 Middleton Harriers Ac           1:23:33
      48  Paul Tranter         V40  11 Unattached                      1:23:45
      49  Graham Werrett       V50   2 Askern District Rc              1:24:05
      50  David Brown          V50   3 Unattached                      1:24:10
      51  Faye Banks           L     3 Ackworth Road Runners & AC      1:24:13
      52  Gary James                   Whitfield                       1:24:20
      53  Kath Farquhar        L35   2 Holmfirth Harriers Ac           1:24:23
      54  Steven Kellett       V55   2 Rothwell & Dist Harriers        1:24:35
      55  Amy Green            L     5 Keighley & Craven Ac            1:24:37
      56  Craig Alwash                 Barnsley Harriers               1:24:49
      57  Thomas Hill                  Unattached                      1:25:15
      58  Martin Kirby         V40  12 York Acorn Running Club         1:25:29
      59  Pete Johnson         V55   3 Unattached                      1:25:31
      60  Bernard Vickers      V50   4 Rothwell & Dist Harriers        1:25:47
      61  Raymond Hall         V60   1 Halifax Harriers & Ac           1:26:01
      62  Gary Chapman                 Keighley & Craven Ac            1:26:21
      63  Iain Andrews                 Wetherby                        1:26:24
      64  Adan Parton                  Valley Striders                 1:26:33
      65  Sue Busuttil         L35   3 Thirsk & Sowerby Harriers       1:26:34
      66  Richard West         V50   5 Wakefield                       1:26:40
      67  David Henson                 Unattached                      1:26:42
      68  Simon Smith          V40  13 Bingley Harriers & Ac           1:26:59
      69  Treena Johnson       L45   1 Dewsbury Road Runners           1:27:08
      70  Eric Green           V45   7 Valley Striders                 1:27:14
      71  David Miller                 Stadium Runners                 1:27:20
      72  Robert Gray          V40  14 Wetherby                        1:27:23
      73  Paul Brannigan       V40  15 Todmorden Harriers & Ac         1:27:25
      74  Roy Flesher          V50   6 Valley Striders                 1:27:27
      75  John Robson                  Unattached                      1:27:29
      76  Steve Trout                  Valley Striders                 1:27:42
      77  Julie Barley         L40   1 Leeds City Athletic Club        1:27:43
      78  Andy McFie                   Todmorden Harriers & Ac         1:27:47
      79  Andrew Hamilton      V45   8 Unattached                      1:27:56
      80  Paul Body                    City Of Hull Ac                 1:27:57
      81  Terry Eastwood       V45   9 Rotherham Harriers & Ac         1:27:59
      82  Leighton Medley              Longwood Harriers Ac            1:27:59
      83  Gary Sutherland      V45  10 Valley Striders                 1:28:22
      84  Bob Jackson          V55   4 Valley Striders                 1:28:23
      85  Robin Clough                 Barnsley Harriers               1:28:24
      86  Paul Watson                  Barnsley Harriers               1:28:24
      87  John Haliwell        V40  16 Abbey Runners                   1:28:24
      88  Barrie Taylor                Unattached                      1:28:25
      89  Simon Franklin       V40  17 Unattached                      1:28:40
      90  Simon Richardson     V55   5 Pocklington Runners             1:28:42
      91  Charles Lambley              Unattached                      1:28:47
      92  Ian Dowse            V50   7 Scunthorpe & District Ac        1:28:51
      93  David Griffiths      V45  11 Unattached                      1:28:54
      94  Mike McGrath         V55   6 Knavesmire Harriers             1:29:10
      95  Peter Mullery        V45  12 Rothwell & Dist Harriers        1:29:15
      96  Paul Fordham                 Barnsley Harriers               1:29:21
      97  Graham Chesters      V45  13 Middleton Harriers Ac           1:29:28
      98  Angela Hannon        L35   4 Unattached                      1:29:28
      99  Ross Stewart                 Unattached                      1:29:30
     100  Dominic Young                Unattached                      1:29:39
     101  Tom Denwood                  Harrogate Harriers & Athletic   1:29:40
     102  Greg Elwell                  Todmorden Harriers & Ac         1:29:42
     103  John Spencer         V40  18 Rotherham Harriers & Ac         1:29:43
     104  J Greenwell                  Leeds City Athletic Club        1:29:46
     105  Iain Manfield        V40  19 Abbey Runners                   1:29:47
     106  John Fitzmaurice             Wakefield District H & Ac       1:29:50
     107  Mark Richardson              Unattached                      1:29:53
     108  M Hollinshead        L35   5 Dewsbury Road Runners           1:29:54
     109  Chris Adams                  Unattached                      1:29:55
     110  Richard Stewart              Unattached                      1:29:58
     111  E King               V40  20 Horsforth Harriers              1:29:59
     112  James Chapman                Stadium Runners                 1:30:00
     113  Kevin Watson         V60   2 Horsforth Harriers              1:30:07
     114  Brian Campbell               Denby Dale Travellers           1:30:13
     115  David Whitaker       V40  21 Sheffieldtri                    1:30:17
     116  Flora Skidmore       L45   2 Dewsbury Road Runners           1:30:19
     117  Michael Richmond             Woodkirk                        1:30:19
     118  Kevin Nicholas       V40  22 Dragons Sports                  1:30:23
     119  C McCarthy           L45   3 Ackworth Road Runners & AC      1:30:28
     120  David Bell                   White City (hull) Rrc           1:30:30
     121  J Wrigglesworth      V60   3 Rothwell & Dist Harriers        1:30:31
     122  Mick Flaherty        V40  23 Ackworth Road Runners & AC      1:30:34
     123  Lee Grant                    Stadium Runners                 1:30:35
     124  Steven Close                 Wetherby                        1:30:37
     125  David Lewis          V45  14 Idle Ac                         1:30:45
     126  Michael Battye               Unattached                      1:31:00
     127  Andrew Chalkley              Unattached                      1:31:07
     128  Thomas Macdonald     V40  24 Bridlington Road Runners        1:31:17
     129  Steve Cooper         V45  15 Harrogate Harriers & Athletic   1:31:25
     130  Tom Button                   Hartlepool Burn Road Harriers   1:31:33
     131  Andrew Doveman               Unattached                      1:31:34
     132  Kevin Holmes         V45  16 Unattached                      1:32:04
     133  Richard Fores                Unattached                      1:32:05
     134  Nige Rothery                 Unattached                      1:32:12
     135  Michael Cordall              Unattached                      1:32:13
     136  Kevin Lally                  Easingwold Running Club         1:32:25
     137  Tim Wragg            V40  25 Spenborough & Dist Ac           1:32:27
     138  Maxine Worden        L35   6 Dewsbury Road Runners           1:32:28
     139  Angela Hall          L45   4 Thirsk & Sowerby Harriers       1:32:32
     140  Hugh Allen                   Wakefield District H & Ac       1:32:39
     141  Jack Robertshaw      V60   4 Otley Ac                        1:32:40
     142  Graeme Hurst                 Unattached                      1:32:43
     143  Andrew Hilton                Unattached                      1:32:46
     144  Fiona Strange        L40   2 Knavesmire Harriers             1:32:46
     145  Pete Hoyle           V40  26 Middleton Harriers Ac           1:32:47
     146  Chris Lingard                Ackworth Road Runners & AC      1:32:50
     147  James Wilkinson              Ackworth Road Runners & AC      1:33:13
     148  Patrick Barrett      V45  17 Valley Striders                 1:33:24
     149  Rob Aitchison                Halifax Harriers & Ac           1:33:24
     150  David Beechy         V50   8 Steel City Striders Rc          1:33:28
     151  Daniel Keating               Unattached                      1:33:31
     152  Alan Schofield       V40  27 Barnsley Harriers               1:33:33
     153  Bryan Willis         V40  28 Unattached                      1:33:35
     154  Glenn Shelley                Unattached                      1:33:36
     155  Jeff Clark           V40  29 Barnsley Harriers               1:33:59
     156  Chris Snowden                Unattached                      1:34:00
     157  Robert Booth         V50   9 City Of Sheffield Ac            1:34:06
     158  David Harling                Unattached                      1:34:06
     159  Mathew Dodsworth             Wakefield District H & Ac       1:34:07
     160  Emer Dudley          L40   3 Unattached                      1:34:09
     161  Alan Gravey          V50  10 Middleton Harriers Ac           1:34:13
     162  John Cawley          V50  11 Baildon Runners                 1:34:13
     163  Roger Steele         V45  18 Unattached                      1:34:17
     164  Helen South          L    17 Unattached                      1:34:21
     165  Carmel Barker        L45   5 Valley Striders                 1:34:24
     166  Helen Standing       L    19 Stadium Runners                 1:34:25
     167  John Foulds          V45  19 Horwich R M I Harriers          1:34:28
     168  Joseph Clarke                Dorothy Hyman                   1:34:31
     169  Tom Preece           V45  20 Unattached                      1:34:45
     170  Martin Kemp          V50  12 Taunton                         1:34:55
     171  David Cooper         V45  21 Halifax Harriers & Ac           1:34:55
     172  Tim Hayles                   Halifax Harriers & Ac           1:34:55
     173  Carmen Marchant      L    20 Rothwell & Dist Harriers        1:34:59
     174  Hadrian Dook                 Unattached                      1:35:01
     175  Simon Redshaw                Valley Striders                 1:35:05
     176  Karen Ball           L    21 Ackworth Road Runners & AC      1:35:07
     177  Martin Smith                 Knavesmire Harriers             1:35:15
     178  Stuart McCormick     V40  30 Stadium Runners                 1:35:16
     179  Philip Swift         V40  31 Unattached                      1:35:29
     180  Anand Mistry                 Unattached                      1:35:31
     181  Ian Stinson                  Steel City Striders Rc          1:35:42
     182  David Bailey                 Unattached                      1:35:43
     183  Malcolm White        V55   7 Scunthorpe & District Ac        1:35:47
     184  Janet Cordingley     L45   6 Knavesmire Harriers             1:35:54
     185  Pete Belsey          V45  22 Denby Dale Travellers           1:35:55
     186  Tom Hannah           V55   8 Otley Ac                        1:36:06
     187  Siu Wah              V40  32 Kwandragons                     1:36:13
     188  Stewart Kinghorn     V55   9 Unattached                      1:36:15
     189  John Harrison        V45  23 Harrogate Harriers & Athletic   1:36:19
     190  John Beresford       V45  24 Rothwell & Dist Harriers        1:36:25
     191  Jonathan Faill       V45  25 Barnsley Athletic Club          1:36:29
     192  Colin McNeill                Stadium Runners                 1:36:31
     193  Tony Robertson       V50  13 Sudburycourt                    1:36:31
     194  Roland Robson        V50  14 Middleton Harriers Ac           1:36:37
     195  Mark Nurse           V45  26 Withernsea Harriers             1:36:38
     196  Ian Robertson                Unattached                      1:36:40
     197  Robert Potter        V40  33 Unattached                      1:36:42
     198  Bryn Shomey                  Unattached                      1:36:52
     199  Amanda Crundall      L    23 Unattached                      1:36:54
     200  Susan Simpson        L45   7 Harrogate Harriers & Athletic   1:36:56
     201  Derek Williams       V45  27 Unattached                      1:37:03
     202  Wayne Hanson                 City Of Hull Ac                 1:37:06
     203  Peter Higgins        V45  28 Barnsley Harriers               1:37:11
     204  Mathew Page          V45  29 Knavesmire Harriers             1:37:16
     205  Javid Greenwood              Dewsbury Road Runners           1:37:18
     206  Martin Smith         V40  34 Unattached                      1:37:20
     207  Elizabeth Shore      L    25 Halifax Harriers & Ac           1:37:24
     208  Mel Blackhurst       L40   4 Barnsley Harriers               1:37:39
     209  Hayley Palmer        L    27 Valley Striders                 1:38:04
     210  Jamie Hirst                  Raf Menwith Hill Ac             1:38:06
     211  John Hewitt          V60   5 Barnsley Harriers               1:38:07
     212  Frank Kitson         V45  30 Unattached                      1:38:10
     213  Linda Westlake       L45   8 Barnsley Athletic Club          1:38:11
     214  Lucie Joglova        L    29 Unattached                      1:38:15
     215  Jull Barron          L    30 Kirkstall Harriers              1:38:33
     216  Rosemary Baker       L45   9 Stadium Runners                 1:38:43
     217  Nigel Warner         V55  10 Goole Viking Striders           1:38:58
     218  Richard Howard       V40  35 Denby Dale Travellers           1:39:04
     219  Jonathan Evans               Tri London                      1:39:06
     220  Paul Gwynn           V45  31 Unattached                      1:39:10
     221  Andrew Byram                 Unattached                      1:39:15
     222  David Lewins         V40  36 Askern District Rc              1:39:17
     223  Phil Swann           V40  37 Unattached                      1:39:18
     224  Robert Kellett       V40  38 Royton RR                       1:39:23
     225  Allen Murray         V40  39 Unattached                      1:39:26
     226  T Billinghirst       V45  32 Steel City Striders Rc          1:39:28
     227  Stephen Senior       V50  15 Middleton Harriers Ac           1:39:29
     228  Neil Kingham                 Knavesmire Harriers             1:39:38
     229  Paul Cusson          V50  16 Unattached                      1:39:40
     230  Gillian Kester       L45  10 Stadium Runners                 1:39:43
     231  Sarah Gregory        L35   7 Richmond & Zetland Harriers     1:40:03
     232  Philip Jones         V50  17 Baildon Runners                 1:40:04
     233  Louise Taylor        L    34 Wakefield District H & Ac       1:40:05
     234  Jon Aures                    Unattached                      1:40:15
     235  Ruth Warren          L50   1 Unattached                      1:40:21
     236  Jenny Hannon         L35   8 Unattached                      1:40:24
     237  Andrew Foster        V40  40 Beverley Ac                     1:40:33
     238  Tracy Lawless        L    37 Middleton Harriers Ac           1:40:34
     239  Jim Fletcher         V50  18 Unattached                      1:40:38
     240  Matt Dale                    Unattached                      1:40:42
     241  Jason Jaggart                Dorothy Hyman                   1:40:49
     242  Andy Maier                   Unattached                      1:40:50
     243  Antony Stinson               Unattached                      1:40:59
     244  John Cottam          V50  19 Stadium Runners                 1:41:07
     245  Alistair Macloud     V45  33 Knavesmire Harriers             1:41:13
     246  Roger Hellings       V55  11 Hartsholme                      1:41:22
     247  Shaun Logan          V50  20 Barnsley Harriers               1:41:24
     248  Mathew Rayner                Unattached                      1:41:26
     249  Natasha Corbett      L    38 Unattached                      1:41:28
     250  Martyn Womersley             Kippax & Dist Harriers          1:41:37
     251  Sean Corritt         V40  41 Unattached                      1:41:39
     252  John Brunyee                 Unattached                      1:41:44
     253  Adrian Couzens       V40  42 Unattached                      1:41:46
     254  Mark Whitehouse      V45  34 Wakefield District H & Ac       1:41:48
     255  Lester Elsworth      V40  43 Unattached                      1:41:49
     256  Windsor Lewis        V50  21 Askern District Rc              1:41:54
     257  Peter Heaton                 Unattached                      1:41:56
     258  David Darton         V45  35 Knavesmire Harriers             1:41:56
     259  Paul Allott                  Unattached                      1:42:03
     260  Steven Vasiliov      V45  36 Middleton Harriers Ac           1:42:19
     261  Andrew Ely                   Unattached                      1:42:24
     262  Helen Blackburn      L35   9 Knavesmire Harriers             1:42:28
     263  Mark Gomersall       V40  44 Kimberworth Striders            1:42:28
     264  John McHale                  Doncaster Ac                    1:42:40
     265  Nanjit Curtis        L35  10 Unattached                      1:42:44
     266  Simon Drew                   Knavesmire Harriers             1:42:47
     267  Stephen Clarke       V45  37 Dorothy Hyman                   1:42:55
     268  Peter Hepton         V45  38 Unattached                      1:42:57
     269  Helen Goldthorpe     L    41 Kirkstall Harriers              1:43:04
     270  R Thorneycroft       V50  22 Knavesmire Harriers             1:43:07
     271  Patrick Brady        V60   6 Middleton Harriers Ac           1:43:13
     272  Craig Coles                  Unattached                      1:43:15
     273  Christine Brooks     L50   2 Middleton Harriers Ac           1:43:17
     274  Steven Worth                 Pocklington Runners             1:43:20
     275  John Basker                  Unattached                      1:43:21
     276  C Cameron-Doe        V40  45 Serpentine                      1:43:32
     277  Graham Callaby       V50  23 Unattached                      1:43:34
     278  Steven Nunns                 Unattached                      1:43:39
     279  David Aldridge               Unattached                      1:43:39
     280  Colin Lea            V40  46 Knavesmire Harriers             1:43:43
     281  Peter Marshall       V45  39 Kirkstall Harriers              1:43:47
     282  James Barlow                 Unattached                      1:43:51
     283  Andrew Dobson        V40  47 Unattached                      1:43:52
     284  Rachel Lumb          L    43 Unattached                      1:43:57
     285  Andrew Wilson        V40  48 Abbey Runners                   1:44:12
     286  Deborah Dennison     L40   5 Tadcaster Harriers              1:44:20
     287  Caroline Bell        L    45 Unattached                      1:44:25
     288  Steve Hambleton      V45  40 Unattached                      1:44:28
     289  David Wrighton               Unattached                      1:44:28
     290  John Jenkins         V40  49 Uknetrunner                     1:44:29
     291  Andrew Watson                Unattached                      1:44:34
     292  Don Stead            V65   1 Pudsey Pacers Rc                1:44:43
     293  Simon Davison                Unattached                      1:44:44
     294  Andrew Throup                Knavesmire Harriers             1:44:47
     295  James Maddison               Dewsbury Road Runners           1:44:50
     296  John Pearson         V40  50 Killamarsh Kestrels Rc          1:44:51
     297  John Horbury         V40  51 Unattached                      1:44:54
     298  Ricky Hurley         L35  11 Unattached                      1:44:57
     299                ???         ???                             1:45:05
     300  Russell Webster              Dewsbury Road Runners           1:45:16
     301  Richard Annes        V40  52 Goole Viking Striders           1:45:25
     302  Nic Beavers                  Unattached                      1:45:26
     303  I Christopherson     V55  12 Barnsley Harriers               1:45:31
     304  C Weatherill         V50  24 Roadrunners                     1:45:36
     305  Andy Bayford         V45  41 Unattached                      1:45:37
     306  Ross Blackburn               Ackworth Road Runners & AC      1:45:38
     307  Liz Deaki            L    47 Unattached                      1:45:39
     308  Alice Heath          L    48 Todmorden Harriers & Ac         1:45:46
     309  Ian Barber           V45  42 Fra                             1:45:48
     310  Malcolm Fawcett      V65   2 Knavesmire Harriers             1:45:50
     311  Roger Connell        V40  53 Unattached                      1:45:55
     312  Chris Aucott                 Unattached                      1:45:58
     313  K Robertshaw         L60   1 Otley Ac                        1:46:03
     314  Kevin Sipling        V40  54 Goole Viking Striders           1:46:08
     315  Mark Dennison        V40  55 Unattached                      1:46:14
     316  Neil Smith           V40  56 Roadrunners                     1:46:17
     317  Geoff Pitter         V55  13 Leeds City Athletic Club        1:46:19
     318  Russell Pike         V60   7 Leeds City Athletic Club        1:46:29
     319  Victoria Evans       L    50 Unattached                      1:46:30
     320  Jonathan Holt                Unattached                      1:46:30
     321  John Cairns                  Unattached                      1:46:30
     322  Nicola Wilde         L45  11 Horsforth Harriers              1:46:33
     323  Angela Andrews       L40   6 Horsforth Harriers              1:46:33
     324  Maggie Hayley        L60   2 Dewsbury Road Runners           1:46:48
     325  Ray Carter           V45  43 Unattached                      1:46:49
     326  John Gunning         V45  44 Unattached                      1:46:49
     327  Peter Ramsdale       V45  45 Horwich R M I Harriers          1:46:54
     328  Liz Adams            L    54 Valley Striders                 1:46:59
     329  Sean Barry                   Unattached                      1:46:59
     330  Michael Thompson     V65   3 Scarborough Athletic Club       1:47:13
     331  David Coope                  Easingwold Running Club         1:47:14
     332  Sam Sockett          V45  46 Steel City Striders Rc          1:47:19
     333  Eleanor Horsman      L    55 Abbey Runners                   1:47:24
     334  Helen Deighton       L35  12 Unattached                      1:47:27
     335  Joy Allan            L45  12 Knavesmire Harriers             1:47:28
     336  Lesley Parker        L    58 Barnsley Harriers               1:47:30
     337  Geoff Hayes          V55  14 Barnsley Harriers               1:47:31
     338  J Cameron-Doe        L35  13 Serpentine                      1:47:36
     339  Rob Snow             V45  47 Nidd Valley Road Runners        1:47:40
     340  Steven Hardisty              Unattached                      1:47:41
     341  Terry Weaver         V50  25 Unattached                      1:47:43
     342  Ian Ellis            V40  57 Unattached                      1:47:48
     343  David English        V45  48 Otley Ac                        1:47:55
     344  Lisanne Cooper       L40   7 Unattached                      1:48:25
     345  Kath Lesie           L    61 Unattached                      1:48:25
     346  Philip Pointon       V65   4 Unattached                      1:48:25
     347  Graham Charnock              Unattached                      1:48:29
     348  Timothy Bell                 Askern District Rc              1:48:30
     349  Chris Hardaker       V55  15 Bingley Harriers & Ac           1:48:34
     350  Dave McNamara                Unattached                      1:48:35
     351  Nick Mellor          V50  26 Ilkley Harriers Ac              1:48:37
     352  Phil Gibbs           V40  58 Livingwell                      1:48:39
     353  Neil Briscoe         V50  27 Barnsley Athletic Club          1:48:47
     354  Emma Gradwell        L    62 Knavesmire Harriers             1:48:53
     355  Simon Hackett        V40  59 Durham City                     1:49:00
     356  Julian Ellis                 Unattached                      1:49:01
     357  Norman Britton       V55  16 Tickhill Running & Ac           1:49:09
     358  David Webster        V40  60 Dewsbury Road Runners           1:49:10
     359  Gary Hammond         V40  61 Unattached                      1:49:22
     360  Gareth Ewing                 Unattached                      1:49:23
     361  Syam Velayudhan      V50  28 Ackworth Road Runners & AC      1:49:30
     362  Adele Morris         L40   8 Rotherham Harriers & Ac         1:49:38
     363  Jerry Fisher                 Barnsley Harriers               1:49:40
     364  John Turnbull                Unattached                      1:49:46
     365  Chris Wojarski               Unattached                      1:49:48
     366  Lesley Bell          L40   9 Askern District Rc              1:49:50
     367  John Crabtree        V50  29 Baildon Runners                 1:49:57
     368  Paul Wilson          V50  30 Knavesmire Harriers             1:50:00
     369  Margaret Metcalf     L55   1 Knavesmire Harriers             1:50:01
     370  Gary Waite           V40  62 Dragons Sports                  1:50:08
     371  Andrew Fish                  Chapel Allerton Road Runners    1:50:12
     372  Ilyas Sharit                 Unattached                      1:50:16
     373  K Hurst-Moore        L40  10 Middleton Harriers Ac           1:50:24
     374  Martin Bagshaw       V45  49 Killamarsh Kestrels Rc          1:50:27
     375  Sam Newington        L    67 Durham City                     1:50:28
     376  Dave Shaw            V55  17 Ackworth Road Runners & AC      1:50:38
     377  Graham Atherton      V40  63 Unattached                      1:50:41
     378  Mike Brown           V50  31 Valley Striders                 1:50:43
     379  Mrs Horan            L60   3 Rotherham Harriers & Ac         1:50:46
     380  Simon Simms                  Unattached                      1:50:52
     381  David Casey                  Unattached                      1:50:55
     382  David Gill           V50  32 Unattached                      1:50:58
     383  G. Hurst             V55  18 Unattached                      1:51:00
     384  Jeff Harwood         V40  64 Unattached                      1:51:00
     385  Peter McEvoy         V50  33 Unattached                      1:51:03
     386  Elizabeth Toms       L45  13 Keighley & Craven Ac            1:51:10
     387  Dick Hunter          V60   8 Knavesmire Harriers             1:51:12
     388  Marcus Bourne                Pocklington Runners             1:51:18
     389  Sue Bradford         L35  14 Tadcaster Harriers              1:51:21
     390  Simon Enright        V40  65 Unattached                      1:51:30
     391  Michael Hardisty     V40  66 Rothwell & Dist Harriers        1:51:37
     392  J Weatherill         L    71 Unattached                      1:51:39
     393  Karen Large          L40  11 Horsforth Harriers              1:51:40
     394  Ian Meade            V55  19 Barnsley Harriers               1:51:41
     395  Elaine Kavanagh      L45  14 Tadcaster Harriers              1:51:48
     396  Carol Butterill      L40  12 Knavesmire Harriers             1:52:00
     397  Steve Cryer          V60   9 Unattached                      1:52:13
     398  Sheila King          L40  13 Kirkstall Harriers              1:52:17
     399  Tom Eddy                     Unattached                      1:52:24
     400  Mark Rogers          V45  50 Unattached                      1:52:30
     401  Tony Rivers          V40  67 Airecentre Pacers Rc            1:52:31
     402  Vikki Skipper        L50   3 Barnsley Harriers               1:52:35
     403  Cheryl Holder        L35  15 Unattached                      1:52:39
     404  Chris Tye            V40  68 Unattached                      1:52:41
     405  Martin Gladwell      V60  10 Selby Striders                  1:52:54
     406  R Wainwright                 Nidd Valley Road Runners        1:53:08
     407  Vic Taylor           V70   1 Ackworth Road Runners & AC      1:53:08
     408  Jayne Chappell       L45  15 Uknetrunner                     1:53:24
     409  Martin Walker        V40  69 Uknetrunner                     1:53:24
     410  Terry Preston        V55  20 Roadrunners                     1:53:30
     411  Andrea May           L40  14 Selby                           1:53:44
     412  Gareth Unwin                 Unattached                      1:53:48
     413  Pat Kirby            L55   2 Thirsk & Sowerby Harriers       1:53:54
     414  Gary Shaw            V50  34 Unattached                      1:54:01
     415  Bev Clark            L35  16 Barnsley Harriers               1:54:03
     416  Dave Onion           V65   5 Redhill                         1:54:04
     417  David Noble          V55  21 Baildon Runners                 1:54:07
     418  Elaine Minty         L35  17 Unattached                      1:54:20
     419  Stuart Marshall              Unattached                      1:54:25
     420  Darren Darley                Unattached                      1:54:41
     421  Dean Darley                  Unattached                      1:54:42
     422  David Goddard        V55  22 Thirsk & Sowerby Harriers       1:54:43
     423  John Bowman          V40  70 Benfleet                        1:54:46
     424  Nicola Downes        L    83 Unattached                      1:54:47
     425  Alana Taylor         L45  16 Unattached                      1:54:54
     426  Rob Precious                 Unattached                      1:55:00
     427  Lucy Hardwick        L    85 Unattached                      1:55:08
     428  Eleanor Smith        L    86 Unattached                      1:55:10
     429  John Gibbon          V50  35 Unattached                      1:55:15
     430  Malcolm Rhodes       V55  23 Rotherham Harriers & Ac         1:55:30
     431  Craig Thorpe                 Unattached                      1:55:32
     432  Colin Frost          V45  51 Unattached                      1:55:35
     433  Darren Shepherd      V40  71 Unattached                      1:55:44
     434  Robert Sutton        V40  72 Eccleshill                      1:55:47
     435  Richard Lockwood     V40  73 Unattached                      1:55:50
     436  Alan Dale            V45  52 Barracuda Triathlon Club        1:55:59
     437  Steve Ely            V40  74 Unattached                      1:56:07
     438  Adela Reperecki      L45  17 Dragons Sports                  1:56:14
     439  Mike Leitch          V40  75 Unattached                      1:56:17
     440  Elaine Sutcliffe     L35  18 Wakefield District H & Ac       1:56:18
     441  Paul Taylor          V40  76 Wakefield District H & Ac       1:56:21
     442  Julie Brown          L45  18 Barnsley Harriers               1:56:22
     443  Jill Dowson          L40  15 Pocklington Runners             1:56:25
     444  Simon Whitehead      V40  77 Unattached                      1:56:32
     445  Helen Harper         L    91 Unattached                      1:57:01
     446  Alison Leader        L40  16 Eccleshill Road Runners         1:57:12
     447  Maureen Medlar       L50   4 Knavesmire Harriers             1:57:14
     448  Sarah Maltby         L    94 Tadcaster Harriers              1:57:15
     449  Dean Booth                   Barnsley Harriers               1:57:16
     450  Jon Staniforth               Unattached                      1:57:18
     451  Don Marshall         V60  11 Unattached                      1:57:26
     452  Sue Kelly            L40  17 Knavesmire Harriers             1:57:40
     453  Beverly Thomas       L45  19 Northern Veterans Ac            1:57:45
     454  Raymond Carroll      V55  24 Northern Veterans Ac            1:57:45
     455  Alex Harrison                Unattached                      1:57:49
     456  C Rimmington         L45  20 Beverley Ac                     1:57:50
     457  Elizabeth Scott      L    98 Steel City Striders Rc          1:57:55
     458  Kevin Hirst          V40  78 Unattached                      1:57:57
     459  Alan Spence          V50  36 Unattached                      1:58:14
     460  Ken Bingley          V70   2 Ackworth Road Runners & AC      1:58:18
     461  Angela Scott         L40  18 Unattached                      1:58:18
     462  Wendy Baxter         L40  19 Unattached                      1:58:21
     463  Daniel Godden                Unattached                      1:58:33
     464  James McGrath        V40  79 Unattached                      1:58:35
     465  Ian Codling          V65   6 Thirsk & Sowerby Harriers       1:58:39
     466  Tim Hoskin           V45  53 Unattached                      1:58:41
     467  Julie McFadden       L   101 Beverley Ac                     1:58:45
     468  Christine Jones      L35  19 Holmfirth Harriers Ac           1:58:46
     469  Peter Hadgraft       V45  54 East Hull Harriers & Ac         1:58:47
     470  Ian Cross            V40  80 Unattached                      1:58:56
     471  L Whitehurst         L45  21 Steel City Striders Rc          1:58:57
     472  Stephen Moore                New Marske Harriers             1:59:04
     473  Kristina Hanson      L   104 Knavesmire Harriers             1:59:04
     474  Patrick Milton       V45  55 Unattached                      1:59:28
     475  Vanessa Barrett      L40  20 Tickhill Running & Ac           1:59:28
     476  Janet Gibson         L45  22 York Acorn Running Club         1:59:41
     477  Stephen Samuel               Worksop                         1:59:49
     478  Steven Dawson        V45  56 White City (hull) Rrc           1:59:54
     479  Paula Webster        L35  20 Unattached                      1:59:56
     480  Sally Cooper         L35  21 Easingwold Running Club         2:00:14
     481  David Hulse                  Unattached                      2:00:22
     482  Rachael Teal         L   109 Unattached                      2:00:30
     483  Paul Donlow          V50  37 Stadium Runners                 2:00:43
     484  Kevin Dean           V50  38 Barracuda Triathlon Club        2:00:45
     485  Isaac Dell           V50  39 Abbey Runners                   2:00:47
     486  Alan Holmes          V45  57 Unattached                      2:01:17
     487  Victoria Brook       L   110 Unattached                      2:01:20
     488  Sarah Lacey          L40  21 Rothwell & Dist Harriers        2:01:22
     489  S Zaczkiewikz        L45  23 Unattached                      2:01:23
     490  Katy Hutchinson      L   113 York Acorn Running Club         2:01:24
     491  Alison Rowle         L40  22 Unattached                      2:01:25
     492  Kimbra Molyneux      L50   5 Middleton Harriers Ac           2:01:26
     493  Helen Robinson       L   116 Steel City Striders Rc          2:01:33
     494  Carl Hughes                  Newworldrr                      2:01:38
     495  Tony Lee             V45  58 Unattached                      2:01:45
     496  Derek Bury           V65   7 Middleton Harriers Ac           2:01:48
     497  Paul Hyde            V45  59 Unattached                      2:02:10
     498  Ann Bath             L55   3 Kippax & Dist Harriers          2:02:21
     499  Martin Reed          V55  25 Unattached                      2:02:25
     500  Joan Heron           L50   6 Knavesmire Harriers             2:02:38
     501  Jesus Urien          V40  81 Unattached                      2:02:41
     502  Andrew Bloor         V45  60 Ilkeston Running Club           2:03:03
     503  Sally Henshall       L   119 Unattached                      2:03:21
     504  Bryony Lockyer       L   120 York Acorn Running Club         2:03:40
     505  Carys Murray         L35  22 Knavesmire Harriers             2:03:59
     506  Sarah King           L   122 Unattached                      2:04:05
     507  Peter Beaumont               Unattached                      2:04:06
     508  Valerie Pell         L50   7 Kippax & Dist Harriers          2:04:11
     509  Laura Leahy          L   124 Unattached                      2:04:38
     510  John Adams           V60  12 Unattached                      2:04:38
     511  Franci Whelan        L45  24 Unattached                      2:04:44
     512  Andrew Smith         V45  61 Unattached                      2:04:45
     513  John Bradshaw        V40  82 Unattached                      2:04:46
     514  Diane Simmons        L45  25 Wakefield District H & Ac       2:05:29
     515  Sue Vicary           L45  26 Pocklington Runners             2:05:54
     516  Elizabeth Williams   L35  23 Unattached                      2:06:06
     517  Nicola Ball          L35  24 Unattached                      2:06:06
     518  Jonathan Manfield            Unattached                      2:06:12
     519  Paul Milnes          V40  83 Unattached                      2:06:14
     520  Claire Abbott        L   130 Unattached                      2:06:16
     521  Lionel Ward          V65   8 Unattached                      2:06:19
     522  Lorraine Wells       L60   4 Scunthorpe & District Ac        2:06:23
     523  Ian Moorwood         V55  26 Scunthorpe & District Ac        2:06:23
     524  Allan Hunter         V55  27 Unattached                      2:06:28
     525  John Burkhill        V65   9 Killamarsh Kestrels Rc          2:06:37
     526  Ron Wilkinson        V50  40 Unattached                      2:06:40
     527  Andrew Ramsden       V40  84 Unattached                      2:06:55
     528  Shaun Hodgson                Roadrunners                     2:07:32
     529  Robin Hart                   Unattached                      2:07:40
     530  Andy Brown                   Unattached                      2:07:42
     531  I Simpson-Eyre       L50   8 Unattached                      2:07:42
     532  Chris Rea            V50  41 Unattached                      2:07:42
     533  Roddis Alan                  Unattached                      2:07:42
     534  Michelle Atkins      L40  23 Knavesmire Harriers             2:07:45
     535  Hilary Wharam        L65   1 Horsforth Harriers              2:07:46
     536  Cherylene Camps      L35  25 Runnaways                       2:07:47
     537  E Kitchen            L35  26 Runnaways                       2:07:47
     538  Jane Hartas          L40  24 Knavesmire Harriers             2:07:58
     539  Anne Everitt         L45  27 Unattached                      2:08:06
     540  Kim Webb             L35  27 Holmfirth Harriers Ac           2:08:27
     541  John Whiting         V60  13 Unattached                      2:08:38
     542  Wendy Lampitt        L35  28 Unattached                      2:08:44
     543  Nisar Jandar                 Unattached                      2:08:53
     544  Martin Sellers       V50  42 Beverley Ac                     2:09:00
     545  Tony Dean            V55  28 Ackworth Road Runners & AC      2:09:01
     546  George Forbes        V40  85 Unattached                      2:09:31
     547  Richard Twinem       V60  14 Dartmouth AAC                   2:09:36
     548  Richard Smith        V45  62 Unattached                      2:09:42
     549  Liz Davies           L50   9 Unattached                      2:09:55
     550  Linda Carey          L45  28 Baildon Runners                 2:10:09
     551  Phylly Wilson        L65   2 Wreake Runners                  2:10:14
     552  Chris Peace          V50  43 Unattached                      2:10:16
     553  Frances Peace        L50  10 Unattached                      2:10:34
     554  Andrew Heppell       V50  44 York Acorn Running Club         2:10:48
     555  Sally Hutchinson     L55   4 York Acorn Running Club         2:10:50
     556  Judith Marshall      L40  25 Unattached                      2:10:56
     557  Gary Moss                    Knavesmire Harriers             2:12:12
     558  Patrick Neasdon      V55  29 Kirkstall Harriers              2:12:47
     559  Jaune Bielby         L45  29 Unattached                      2:13:29
     560  Michael Parker       V45  63 Unattached                      2:14:20
     561  Samantha Lyth        L40  26 Unattached                      2:14:33
     562  Martin Storr         V50  45 Unattached                      2:15:11
     563  Donna Litchfield     L45  30 West Yorkshire Police Harriers  2:15:12
     564  Keeley Ridge         L40  27 West Yorkshire Police Harriers  2:15:12
     565  P Scatterwood        V50  46 Unattached                      2:15:26
     566  Andrew Chambers      V40  86 Unattached                      2:16:20
     567  Sue Igoe             L40  28 Knavesmire Harriers             2:16:25
     568  Meryll Cripps        L55   5 Unattached                      2:17:11
     569  Ian Ellwood                  York Postal Harriers            2:17:56
     570  Lisa Ellwood         L35  29 York Acorn Running Club         2:18:35
     571  Jane Ruclar          L40  29 Unattached                      2:18:56
     572  Mik Cremona                  Unattached                      2:18:56
     573  Paul Ruclar          V40  87 Unattached                      2:18:56
     574  Kathryn Smith        L40  30 Unattached                      2:18:57
     575  Russell Shaw         V40  88 Unattached                      2:19:10
     576  Marilyn Smith        L45  31 Unattached                      2:19:13
     577  Keith Hilsden        V45  64 Knavesmire Harriers             2:21:59
     578  Dennis Davey         V70   3 Covejoggers                     2:22:49
     579  Susan Wood           L40  31 Knavesmire Harriers             2:23:18
     580  David Houghton       V40  89 Unattached                      2:23:35
     581  Jean Snelling        L70   1 Knavesmire Harriers             2:23:53
     582  Vicky Japes          L   159 Unattached                      2:24:46
     583  Helen Cariss         L   160 Bingley Harriers & Ac           2:26:12
     584  Frank Hughes         V60  15 Newworldrr                      2:26:26
     585  Hazel Brown          L40  32 Nidd Valley Road Runners        2:28:14
     586  Aimy Blueman         L   162 Nidd Valley Road Runners        2:28:14
     587  Marian Codling       L65   3 Thirsk & Sowerby Harriers       2:28:43
     588  Pamela Sherlock      L60   5 Thirsk & Sowerby Harriers       2:29:37
     589  Jayne Fligg          L35  30 Knavesmire Harriers             2:31:13
     590  Andrew Kennedy       V65  10 Unattached                      2:31:57
     591  Alison Grant         L   166 Stadium Runners                 2:32:31
     592  Grace Towse          L   167 Nidd Valley Road Runners        2:33:00
     593  Kevin Towse          V45  65 Nidd Valley Road Runners        2:33:00
     594  Susan Birbeck        L40  33 Eccleshill Road Runners         2:33:39
     595  J Dennison           L40  34 Unattached                      2:36:24
     596  Lindsey Martin       L   170 Unattached                      2:36:28
     597  Linda Schumaher      L50  11 Knavesmire Harriers             2:37:33
     598  Mavis Yang           L55   6 Knavesmire Harriers             2:37:34
     599  Ashiela Narang       L35  31 Unattached                      2:39:57
     600  Gerard Biggs         V45  66 Bingley Harriers & Ac           2:41:53

Ackworth - Men -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Otley Ac                           20
                                 1  Ian Fisher          
                                 8  Jamil Parapia       
                                11  Julian Mawson       
  2  Leeds City Athletic Club           28
                                 2  Adam Osborne        
                                 3  Darran Bilton       
                                23  Trevor Clough       
  3  Pudsey & Bramley Ac                49
                                 7  Steven Neill        
                                10  C Oliphant          
                                32  Stuart Locking      
  4  Ackworth Road Runners & AC         57
                                 6  Andrew Jackson      
                                20  Simon Newton        
                                31  Peter Grimoldby     
  5  Dewsbury Road Runners              77
                                19  Martin Hall         
                                22  Andrew Guiseley     
                                36  James Morris        
  6  Steel City Striders Rc             86
                                16  Jonathan Crook      
                                30  Simon Bennett       
                                40  Nicholas Scott      
  7  Horsforth Harriers                128
                                18  Tony Hazell         
                                29  Steve Large         
                                81  E King              
  8  Valley Striders                   142
                                37  Jonathan Uttley     
                                51  Adan Parton         
                                54  Eric Green          
  9  Middleton Harriers Ac             150
                                35  Mick Flatley        
                                41  Malcolm Bostock     
                                74  Graham Chesters     
 10  Rothwell & Dist Harriers          163
                                44  Steven Kellett      
                                47  Bernard Vickers     
                                72  Peter Mullery       
 11  Stadium Runners                   170
                                33  Jamie Westwood      
                                55  David Miller        
                                82  James Chapman       
 12  Halifax Harriers & Ac             177
                                24  Michael Fryer       
                                48  Raymond Hall        
                               105  Rob Aitchison       
 13  Barnsley Harriers                 178
                                45  Craig Alwash        
                                66  Robin Clough        
                                67  Paul Watson         
 14  Todmorden Harriers & Ac           193
                                57  Paul Brannigan      
                                60  Andy McFie          
                                76  Greg Elwell         
 15  Wakefield District H & Ac         193
                                14  Mark Ridgway        
                                80  John Fitzmaurice    
                                99  Hugh Allen          
 16  Knavesmire Harriers               195
                                 5  Cameron Brooks      
                                71  Mike McGrath        
                               119  Martin Smith        
 17  Wetherby                          198
                                50  Iain Andrews        
                                56  Robert Gray         
                                92  Steven Close        
 18  Pocklington Runners               247
                                13  Tom Danby           
                                69  Simon Richardson    
                               165  Steven Worth        
 19  Bingley Harriers & Ac             272
                                25  Chris Gibbins       
                                53  Simon Smith         
                               194  Chris Hardaker      
 20  Harrogate Harriers & Athletic     296
                                75  Tom Denwood         
                                95  Steve Cooper        
                               126  John Harrison       
 21  Abbey Runners                     316
                                68  John Haliwell       
                                79  Iain Manfield       
                               169  Andrew Wilson       
 22  York Acorn Running Club           332
                                38  Mark Harney         
                                46  Martin Kirby        
                               248  Andrew Heppell      
 23  Askern District Rc                340
                                42  Graham Werrett      
                               142  David Lewins        
                               156  Windsor Lewis       
 24  Denby Dale Travellers             347
                                84  Brian Campbell      
                               123  Pete Belsey         
                               140  Richard Howard      
 25  Rotherham Harriers & Ac           363
                                62  Terry Eastwood      
                                77  John Spencer        
                               224  Malcolm Rhodes      
 26  Dorothy Hyman                     425
                               114  Joseph Clarke       
                               149  Jason Jaggart       
                               162  Stephen Clarke      
 27  Scunthorpe & District Ac          434
                                70  Ian Dowse           
                               122  Malcolm White       
                               242  Ian Moorwood        
 28  Baildon Runners                   462
                               112  John Cawley         
                               147  Philip Jones        
                               203  John Crabtree       
 29  Goole Viking Striders             497
                               139  Nigel Warner        
                               176  Richard Annes       
                               182  Kevin Sipling       
 30  Roadrunners                       580
                               178  C Weatherill        
                               183  Neil Smith          
                               219  Terry Preston       
 31  Killamarsh Kestrels Rc            624
                               174  John Pearson        
                               207  Martin Bagshaw      
                               243  John Burkhill       
 32  Nidd Valley Road Runners          662
                               191  Rob Snow            
                               216  R Wainwright        
                               255  Kevin Towse         

Ackworth - Ladies -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Dewsbury Road Runners              26
                                 7  Treena Johnson      
                                 9  M Hollinshead       
                                10  Flora Skidmore      
  2  Ackworth Road Runners & AC         32
                                 3  Faye Banks          
                                11  C McCarthy          
                                18  Karen Ball          
  3  Knavesmire Harriers                64
                                14  Fiona Strange       
                                19  Janet Cordingley    
                                31  Helen Blackburn     
  4  Stadium Runners                    69
                                16  Helen Standing      
                                26  Rosemary Baker      
                                27  Gillian Kester      
  5  Valley Striders                    78
                                15  Carmel Barker       
                                23  Hayley Palmer       
                                40  Liz Adams           
  6  Thirsk & Sowerby Harriers          80
                                 6  Sue Busuttil        
                                13  Angela Hall         
                                61  Pat Kirby           
  7  Middleton Harriers Ac             112
                                30  Tracy Lawless       
                                33  Christine Brooks    
                                49  K Hurst-Moore       
  8  Kirkstall Harriers                114
                                25  Jull Barron         
                                32  Helen Goldthorpe    
                                57  Sheila King         
  9  Barnsley Harriers                 123
                                22  Mel Blackhurst      
                                43  Lesley Parker       
                                58  Vikki Skipper       
 10  Horsforth Harriers                129
                                37  Nicola Wilde        
                                38  Angela Andrews      
                                54  Karen Large         
 11  Tadcaster Harriers                142
                                34  Deborah Dennison    
                                53  Sue Bradford        
                                55  Elaine Kavanagh     
 12  Holmfirth Harriers Ac             177
                                 4  Kath Farquhar       
                                75  Christine Jones     
                                98  Kim Webb            
 13  Wakefield District H & Ac         183
                                29  Louise Taylor       
                                64  Elaine Sutcliffe    
                                90  Diane Simmons       
 14  Steel City Striders Rc            233
                                73  Elizabeth Scott     
                                76  L Whitehurst        
                                84  Helen Robinson      
 15  York Acorn Running Club           248
                                79  Janet Gibson        
                                82  Katy Hutchinson     
                                87  Bryony Lockyer      
 16  Nidd Valley Road Runners          334
                               109  Hazel Brown         
                               110  Aimy Blueman        
                               115  Grace Towse         

Ackworth - Yorks Men -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Otley Ac                           17
                                 1  Ian Fisher          
                                 7  Jamil Parapia       
                                 9  Julian Mawson       
  2  Leeds City Athletic Club           21
                                 2  Adam Osborne        
                                 3  Darran Bilton       
                                16  Trevor Clough       
  3  Ackworth Road Runners & AC         38
                                 5  Andrew Jackson      
                                14  Simon Newton        
                                19  Peter Grimoldby     
  4  Horsforth Harriers                 72
                                12  Tony Hazell         
                                18  Steve Large         
                                42  E King              
  5  Valley Striders                    93
                                28  Eric Green          
                                32  Roy Flesher         
                                33  Steve Trout         
  6  Barnsley Harriers                  98
                                23  Craig Alwash        
                                36  Paul Watson         
                                39  Paul Fordham        
  7  Dewsbury Road Runners              99
                                13  Martin Hall         
                                21  James Morris        
                                65  Javid Greenwood     
  8  Rothwell & Dist Harriers          106
                                22  Steven Kellett      
                                38  Peter Mullery       
                                46  J Wrigglesworth     
  9  Knavesmire Harriers               109
                                 4  Cameron Brooks      
                                37  Mike McGrath        
                                68  David Darton        

Ackworth - Yorks Ladies -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Dewsbury Road Runners              26
                                 7  Treena Johnson      
                                 9  M Hollinshead       
                                10  Flora Skidmore      
  2  Ackworth Road Runners & AC         30
                                 3  Faye Banks          
                                11  C McCarthy          
                                16  Karen Ball          
  3  Thirsk & Sowerby Harriers          48
                                 6  Sue Busuttil        
                                12  Angela Hall         
                                30  Pat Kirby           
  4  Knavesmire Harriers                55
                                13  Fiona Strange       
                                17  Janet Cordingley    
                                25  Joy Allan           
  5  Horsforth Harriers                 86
                                23  Angela Andrews      
                                27  Karen Large         
                                36  Hilary Wharam       

Results copyright (c) G.J. Fecitt (SportSoft) 2007