North Tyneside 10K Road Race

at North Shields-Whitley Bay on Sunday 16th April 2006


     Pos  Name           Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  Mark Hudspith          Morpeth H & AC                    32:08
       2  Stewy Bell             Chester-Le-Street & Dist AC       32:31
       3  Ivan Hollingsworth     Morpeth H & AC                    32:53
       4  David Kirkland         Alnwick Harriers                  33:27
       5  Andrew Lawrence        Morpeth H & AC                    35:24
       6  John Moore             Heaton Harriers                   35:25
       7  Paul Waterston V40   1 Morpeth H & AC                    35:41
       8  Helen Lawrence L     1 Wirral AC                         35:59
       9  Mark McLeod            Elswick Harriers                  36:08
      10  Howard Wilkinson       Unattached                        36:18
      11  Carl Mustill           Newton Aycliffe AC                36:30
      12  Chris Paton            Gateshead H & AC                  36:36
      13  Leo Talbot             Unattached                        36:41
      14  Robert Vaughan         Birmingham Rowheath AC            36:42
      15  Sean Maley             Unattached                        36:53
      16  Damien Weston          Unattached                        36:54
      17  Tony Carter    JM    1 Wallsend H & AC                   36:58
      18  Mark Walton    V45   1 TV-Tiefen Bronn                   37:04
      19  Neville Craigs         Alnwick Harriers                  37:06
      20  Alan Dent      V45   2 Blaydon H & AC                    37:09
      21  Paul Guy               Newton Aycliffe AC                37:12
      22  Stevie Clark   V40   2 North Shields Poly AC             37:25
      23  David Daniels          Wallsend H & AC                   37:32
      24  Mark McNally   V55   1 Elswick Harriers                  37:38
      25  Michael Hegarty        Morpeth H & AC                    37:45
      26  David Thomas           Wallsend H & AC                   37:48
      27  Peter Grey     V45   3 Alnwick Harriers                  37:51
      28  Phil Walker            Blaydon H & AC                    37:59
      29  Louise Noble   L     2 Sunderland H & AC                 38:03
      30  Joe Waugh              Unattached                        38:07
      31  Tom Vale               York Acorn AC                     38:15
      32  Daniel Robins          Heaton Harriers                   38:22
      33  Paul Dodd              Elswick Harriers                  38:34
      34  Martin Gaughan V45   4 Blyth RC                          38:35
      35  Geoff Stobart          Unattached                        38:40
      36  Michael Gibbons        Unattached                        38:48
      37  Jane Mooney    L     3 Morpeth H & AC                    38:53
      38  Ben Harding            Durham City H & AC                38:59
      39  Ian Warren             Unattached                        39:01
      40  Harry Matthews V55   2 Elswick Harriers                  39:03
      41  Will Hogg              Unattached                        39:09
      42  John Barker            Unattached                        39:12
      43  Michael Bunn   V45   5 Jarrow & Hebburn AC               39:14
      44  Gary Jones             Blyth RC                          39:18
      45  Danielle Hodgkinson L4 Wallsend H & AC                   39:28
      46  Paul Williams          Unattached                        39:29
      47  Peter Milburn  V45   6 Newton Aycliffe AC                39:50
      48  A Schuppenhauer         Unattached                        39:52
      49  Ian Parker     V40   3 Unattached                        39:53
      50  Mark Hall              Unattached                        39:54
      51  Nick Kilinich          Chester-Le-Street & Dist AC       39:57
      52  Simon Cook             Alnwick Harriers                  39:58
      53  Jeff Wilson            Heaton Harriers                   40:00
      54  Paul Gordon            Unattached                        40:01
      55  Neil Irvine    V40   4 Elswick Harriers                  40:02
      56  Gregory Penn   V40   5 Olney Runners                     40:03
      57  Paul Turnbull  V40   6 Blyth RC                          40:06
      58  John Sword     V45   7 Sunderland Strollers              40:10
      59  Neil Curry     V45   8 Unattached                        40:11
      60  Chris Auld             Heaton Harriers                   40:25
      61  Sarah Graham   LJ    1 Morpeth H & AC                    40:26
      62  Luke Aston             Blaydon H & AC                    40:27
      63  Nick Cooper            Claremont RR                      40:28
      64  Nigel Goode    V50   1 Blaydon H & AC                    40:28
      65  Carl Watson            Jarrow & Hebburn AC               40:35
      66  Mick Robinson  V40   7 Wallsend H & AC                   40:40
      67  Alan Storey    V50   2 Blaydon H & AC                    40:43
      68  Keith Allan    V50   3 North Shields Poly AC             40:47
      69  David Linsley  V40   8 Unattached                        40:48
      70  Martin Haddon          North Shields Poly AC             40:48
      71  Mark Hood              Unattached                        40:53
      72  Vin Rutherford         North Shields Poly AC             41:04
      73  Sam Daley      V50   4 Unattached                        41:08
      74  Geoff Hayes    V55   3 Barnsley Harriers                 41:11
      75  Graeme Thompson V40  9 Jarrow & Hebburn AC               41:20
      76  Philip Morrow  V45   9 Unattached                        41:30
      77  Anthony Ball           Heaton Harriers                   41:30
      78  John Brown     V50   5 North Shields Poly AC             41:31
      79  Michael Trow   V50   6 Unattached                        41:32
      80  Alan Hyde              Blaydon H & AC                    41:34
      81  Chris Deakin   V50   7 Unattached                        41:34
      82  David Hughes   V40  10 North Shields Poly AC             41:37
      83  Not Known                                                41:39
      84  Jayne Goble    L     6 Unattached                        41:44
      85  Graham Paxton          Unattached                        41:53
      86  Ian Sands      V40  11 Unattached                        42:00
      87  Martin Slater          Gateshead H & AC                  42:02
      88  Kevin Miller   V45  10 Unattached                        42:02
      89  Kevin Payne    V45  11 Wallsend H & AC                   42:04
      90  Graham King    V50   8 Wallsend H & AC                   42:04
      91  Jamie Corcoran         Unattached                        42:09
      92  Neil Jefferson V40  12 Unattached                        42:09
      93  Chris McClane  V45  12 Unattached                        42:10
      94  Michael Coxon          Unattached                        42:13
      95  Peter Getahun          Unattached                        42:14
      96  Jamie Steel            Crook & District AC               42:15
      97  Kaoru Shimada          Unattached                        42:15
      98  Tim Pigott             Claremont RR                      42:18
      99  James Lawson   V45  13 Unattached                        42:19
     100  Matt Kingston          Claremont RR                      42:24
     101  Mark Cass      V40  13 Unattached                        42:27
     102  Helen Astley   L     7 Heaton Harriers                   42:28
     103  Murray Heenan          North Shields Poly AC             42:29
     104  Barrie Symonds V50   9 Erme Valley Harriers              42:31
     105  Peter Leighton         Unattached                        42:35
     106  Not Known                                                42:35
     107  Mich Mingstones V40 14 Unattached                        42:35
     108  John Burnside  V50  10 Newton Aycliffe AC                42:37
     109  Jon Balmer             South Shields H & AC              42:39
     110  Carl Robson    V40  15 Royal Navy AC                     42:42
     111  Donna Horne    L     8 Wallsend H & AC                   42:42
     112  John Haycock           Sedgefield Harriers               42:45
     113  Craig Wilkinson        Unattached                        42:50
     114  Gillian Barry  L     9 Sunderland H & AC                 42:51
     115  Lisa Walker    L35   1 Wallsend H & AC                   42:58
     116  Barry Nicholson V45 14 Northumbria Police                42:59
     117  David Taylor           Unattached                        43:00
     118  Paul Jasper    V40  16 Unattached                        43:00
     119  Ian Maholam    V40  17 Unattached                        43:01
     120  Stephen Downs  V45  15 Unattached                        43:01
     121  Gary Rutherford V40 18 Elswick Harriers                  43:09
     122  David McGuckin V55   4 Unattached                        43:10
     123  Rich Johnston  V45  16 Unattached                        43:13
     124  Pete Frizzel   V50  11 New Forest Runners                43:14
     125  Chris Eggett           Unattached                        43:18
     126  Alan Turnbull          North Shields Poly AC             43:20
     127  Ingrid Hope    L45   1 Sunderland H & AC                 43:22
     128  Paul Barnes            Unattached                        43:22
     129  John Scotcliffe        Unattached                        43:24
     130  Robbie Wilson          Unattached                        43:27
     131  Richard Urron          South Shields H & AC              43:28
     132  Robin Towns    V40  19 Quakers RC                        43:30
     133  Phil Hunter            Aurora Harriers                   43:32
     134  Brian Usher    V55   5 Aurora Harriers                   43:32
     135  Jason Mellor           Claremont RR                      43:33
     136  Harry Porteous V45  17 Wooler RC                         43:35
     137  David Freeland         Unattached                        43:35
     138  Mich Hindmarch         Unattached                        43:36
     139  Howard Gold    V60   1 Heaton Harriers                   43:39
     140  Lizzy Ranger   L    12 Morpeth H & AC                    43:42
     141  Steven Medd            Unattached                        43:45
     142  Andy Calvert   V40  20 Unattached                        43:46
     143  Steven Snowdon V45  18 Unattached                        43:51
     144  Allan Knaggs   V40  21 Unattached                        43:53
     145  John Farrell           Unattached                        43:54
     146  Melvyn Gunn    V40  22 Unattached                        43:59
     147  David Brignall V45  19 Heaton Harriers                   44:00
     148  Peter Scaife   V45  20 Abbey Runners                     44:01
     149  Francis Lowes  V45  21 Unattached                        44:02
     150  Rick Long              Unattached                        44:02
     151  Matthew Heron          Unattached                        44:04
     152  Hugh Barclay   V45  22 Unattached                        44:09
     153  Paul Flint             Unattached                        44:09
     154  Kevin Greenall V55   6 Newton Aycliffe AC                44:10
     155  Steve Johnstone        Unattached                        44:11
     156  Ean Parsons    V45  23 Sedgefield Harriers               44:14
     157  Cath Young     L45   2 Blyth RC                          44:15
     158  Chris Nolan            Unattached                        44:16
     159  John Gibson            Heaton Harriers                   44:20
     160  Chris Atwell   V45  24 Alnwick Harriers                  44:21
     161  Brian Diver            Unattached                        44:22
     162  Stephen Ragg   V45  25 Unattached                        44:23
     163  Craig Ducat            Unattached                        44:24
     164  Sally Gold     L    14 Heaton Harriers                   44:25
     165  Ian Richardson V50  12 Gosforth H & AC                   44:26
     166  Tony Vaughan   V55   7 Midland Veterans AC               44:27
     167  Phil Watson    V45  26 Sunderland Strollers              44:29
     168  Derek Wright   V55   8 Sunderland Strollers              44:31
     169  Michael Leaky  V40  23 Sedgefield Harriers               44:33
     170  Rich Fearnside         Sedgefield Harriers               44:36
     171  S Cadwallender         Unattached                        44:37
     172  Mick Patterson         Unattached                        44:38
     173  Philip Young   V40  24 Unattached                        44:39
     174  Joseph McLeod  V50  13 Unattached                        44:40
     175  Jan Russell            Unattached                        44:41
     176  Michael Middleton      Unattached                        44:42
     177  Hilary Ross    L50   1 Unattached                        44:43
     178  Colin McEntee  V55   9 Heaton Harriers                   44:45
     179  Dan Raistrick          Unattached                        44:46
     180  Jane Bass      L    16 Heaton Harriers                   44:48
     181  Mark Linney            Unattached                        44:50
     182  Reg Parker     V55  10 Blaydon H & AC                    44:52
     183  Aissa Tyley    L    17 Unattached                        44:55
     184  M'n Harbertson         Unattached                        44:57
     185  Gary Coltman   V40  25 Unattached                        44:59
     186  Doug Morrison          Unattached                        45:01
     187  Law Hutchinson V50  14 Unattached                        45:02
     188  Kevin O'Neill  V40  26 Sunderland Strollers              45:04
     189  Les'e Anderson V40  27 Unattached                        45:06
     190  Tony Eccleston         Wallsend H & AC                   45:08
     191  Kevin Connolly         Unattached                        45:09
     192  James Duthie           Unattached                        45:10
     193  Vincent Lilley         Unattached                        45:12
     194  Kim Davison    L45   3 Elswick Harriers                  45:13
     195  David Mein     V55  11 Unattached                        45:15
     196  Paul Lancaster V45  27 Unattached                        45:17
     197  Cath Willis    L    19 Wallsend H & AC                   45:19
     198  Graeme Clazey  V50  15 Sunderland Strollers              45:25
     199  George Slone   V40  28 Unattached                        45:26
     200  Dave Saunders  V45  28 Claremont RR                      45:27
     201  Grant Tevendale        Claremont RR                      45:28
     202  Paul Bowden    V45  29 Blaydon H & AC                    45:29
     203  Jeff Henderson         Unattached                        45:30
     204  Alan Wheatley  V45  30 Unattached                        45:31
     205  Rachel Kerr    L    20 Claremont RR                      45:32
     206  David Roberts  V45  31 Blyth RC                          45:34
     207  Ken Alnwick    V60   2 Gateshead H & AC                  45:37
     208  Ian Corner             Unattached                        45:40
     209  Gary Richardson        Unattached                        45:43
     210  Harry Norman   V45  32 North Shields Poly AC             45:46
     211  Fiona Turley   L    21 Heaton Harriers                   45:49
     212  Julie Clark    L    22 Morpeth H & AC                    45:49
     213  Ricky Davidson         Morpeth H & AC                    45:50
     214  Matthew Jones          Sedgefield Harriers               45:51
     215  Jam's Pattison         Unattached                        45:52
     216  Jane'e Kilgour L55   1 Claremont RR                      45:53
     217  Ken McEntee    V45  33 Unattached                        45:54
     218  Aidan Hughes   V45  34 Unattached                        45:55
     219  Andy Gibson            Unattached                        45:56
     220  Alan Latimer           Elswick Harriers                  45:57
     221  Paul Davison   V40  29 Unattached                        45:58
     222  David McKale           Unattached                        45:59
     223  Not Known                                                46:00
     224  Pete Eckersley         Unattached                        46:00
     225  Susanne Hunter L35   2 Blyth RC                          46:01
     226  William Balmer V60   3 South Shields H & AC              46:02
     227  Susan Milburn  L45   4 Newton Aycliffe AC                46:03
     228  David Ford     V55  12 Tynedale H & AC                   46:04
     229  Colin Mair     V40  30 Unattached                        46:05
     230  Gillian Millar L40   1 Alnwick Harriers                  46:06
     231  Robert Craig   V45  35 Road Runners Club                 46:07
     232  John Cockburn  V55  13 Alnwick Harriers                  46:08
     233  Jason Fergus           Unattached                        46:09
     234  Claire Bruce   L35   3 North Shields Poly AC             46:10
     235  David Logan            Blyth RC                          46:11
     236  Amanda Crooks  L    28 Unattached                        46:12
     237  Paul Whitelaw  V45  36 Unattached                        46:13
     238  Double number                                            46:15
     239  Paul Hunt      V40  31 Unattached                        46:17
     240  Step'n Braizer V40  32 Unattached                        46:18
     241  Dave Kennewell         Unattached                        46:19
     242  Stewart Boocock V55 14 Unattached                        46:21
     243  Anthony Waldron        Unattached                        46:22
     244  Raymond Hurst          Unattached                        46:24
     245  Ian Wade       V40  33 Newton Aycliffe AC                46:25
     246  Colin Whittle  V40  34 Unattached                        46:26
     247  Jenny Friend   L40   2 Heaton Harriers                   46:27
     248  James Flynn    V55  15 Wallsend H & AC                   46:29
     249  Paul Rea       V45  37 Unattached                        46:30
     250  Stephen Hancock        Unattached                        46:32
     251  Julie Cross    L40   3 Claremont RR                      46:37
     252  Liane Brown    L    31 Blaydon H & AC                    46:42
     253  John Little    V50  16 Unattached                        46:42
     254  Andrew Hunt            Unattached                        46:43
     255  Mich Templeton         Unattached                        46:44
     256  Bryan Reynolds V55  16 Unattached                        46:45
     257  Martin Harper          Unattached                        46:46
     258  Simon Ogg              Unattached                        46:48
     259  Brian Robson   V50  17 Unattached                        46:50
     260  Phil Hutchinson        Unattached                        46:52
     261  Allen Mulliss  V45  38 Heaton Harriers                   46:54
     262  James McLean           Unattached                        46:56
     263  Tony Campbell  V40  35 Unattached                        46:58
     264  Chris Shipman          Unattached                        46:59
     265  Stephen Young  V40  36 Unattached                        47:00
     266  Step Johnstone         Unattached                        47:01
     267  Vicki Hood     L    32 Jarrow & Hebburn AC               47:02
     268  Paul Hartley           Unattached                        47:04
     269  Matt Attridge          Unattached                        47:05
     270  Gary Ormston           Unattached                        47:07
     271  Dean Smith             Unattached                        47:08
     272  David Mitsides V40  37 Wallsend H & AC                   47:10
     273  Faye Glover    L    33 Morpeth H & AC                    47:11
     274  Scott Hydon            Sedgefield Harriers               47:13
     275  Liam Smart             Unattached                        47:15
     276  Jason Stobbs   JM    2 Gateshead H & AC                  47:16
     277  Stephen Moir   V45  39 Blaydon H & AC                    47:18
     278  David Bradley  V50  18 Unattached                        47:19
     279  Martyn Adams           Unattached                        47:21
     280  Robert Pinkney V65   1 South Shields H & AC              47:22
     281  Mark Ions              Unattached                        47:23
     282  Kath Storey    L40   4 Unattached                        47:24
     283  Eleanor Feather L   35 Blaydon H & AC                    47:25
     284  Laura Peacock  L    36 Blaydon H & AC                    47:26
     285  Martin Wilson          Unattached                        47:28
     286  Austin Churm           Unattached                        47:30
     287  Antony Fairman         Unattached                        47:32
     288  Kirsty J-Cox   L35   4 Unattached                        47:34
     289  Step'n Linsley V45  40 Unattached                        47:35
     290  Howar Broadway V45  41 Unattached                        47:36
     291  Gra'e Leathard V40  38 Morpeth H & AC                    47:37
     292  Keith Willshire V50 19 Blyth RC                          47:38
     293  Simon Curry            Unattached                        47:39
     294  David Peat             Unattached                        47:40
     295  Pam Woodcock   L55   2 Morpeth H & AC                    47:41
     296  Gary Corney            Unattached                        47:43
     297  John Deane             Unattached                        47:43
     298  Andy McClean   V40  39 Unattached                        47:44
     299  Laura McGregor L    39 Wallsend H & AC                   47:44
     300  Ben Hedley     U17   1 Blyth RC                          47:45
     301  James McLeod           Unattached                        47:45
     302  Ray Salkeld    V50  20 Unattached                        47:46
     303  David Massie           Unattached                        47:46
     304  Duncan Howell  V45  42 Unattached                        47:47
     305  Daniel Gregg           Unattached                        47:48
     306  S Barry        V50  21 Houghton & Peterlee AC            47:50
     307  Ian Jobson     V50  22 Unattached                        47:52
     308  Gr'm Priestley V40  40 Unattached                        47:54
     309  Ian Jackson            Unattached                        47:56
     310  Derek Boyle            Unattached                        47:58
     311  Eric Appleby   V70   1 Heaton Harriers                   48:00
     312  John McLeod    V50  23 Wallsend H & AC                   48:02
     313  John Remington         Unattached                        48:04
     314  Michael Winter         Morpeth H & AC                    48:06
     315  Ian Stearman   V55  17 Morpeth H & AC                    48:08
     316  John Fenton    V50  24 Unattached                        48:10
     317  Craig McBurnie         Unattached                        48:11
     318  Ben Dobson             Unattached                        48:12
     319  Jock Bolam             Unattached                        48:14
     320  Barry G Murray V40  41 Derwentside AC                    48:15
     321  William Latham         Unattached                        48:17
     322  Dave Robson    V50  25 Elvet Striders                    48:18
     323  Law'e Thompson V45  43 Sunderland Strollers              48:19
     324  Jenny Brinall  L17   1 Heaton Harriers                   48:20
     325  Martin Dixon           Unattached                        48:21
     326  Natalie Osborn L    41 Unattached                        48:22
     327  Dave McGuiness         Unattached                        48:24
     328  Da Stainthorpe         Unattached                        48:26
     329  Stephen Burnet         Unattached                        48:28
     330  Craig Lang     V40  42 Unattached                        48:31
     331  Alexander Ross U17   2 Unattached                        48:32
     332  Mick Lawrence          Unattached                        48:33
     333  Reg Checkley   V65   2 Heaton Harriers                   48:34
     334  David Silver   V40  43 Unattached                        48:35
     335  Tracey Raine   L    42 Unattached                        48:36
     336  Brian Smith    V50  26 Blyth RC                          48:37
     337  Karl McCracken         Unattached                        48:38
     338  Darren Carlaw          Unattached                        48:39
     339  Anthony Cordon         Unattached                        48:40
     340  Matt Fletcher          Nidd Valley RR                    48:41
     341  Daniel Garnys          Unattached                        48:42
     342  Al'n Robertson V45  44 Sunderland Strollers              48:42
     343  Andy Nevison   V40  44 Unattached                        48:43
     344  Cath Charlton  L    43 Redhill RR                        48:44
     345  Stephen Kiszow         Unattached                        48:45
     346  Colin Seccombe V40  45 Blyth RC                          48:46
     347  Alex Logan     V45  45 Unattached                        48:46
     348  Rob Crawshaw           Unattached                        48:47
     349  James Brady            Northumbria Police                48:48
     350  Ken Horsham    V50  27 Unattached                        48:49
     351  Paul Clark     V40  46 Unattached                        48:50
     352  Peter Barker           Unattached                        48:52
     353  Natalie Batey  L    44 Blaydon H & AC                    48:54
     354  Godfrey Bell   V60   4 Unattached                        48:54
     355  Steve Bishop   V45  46 Unattached                        48:55
     356  Antony Kornas  V40  47 Unattached                        48:56
     357  Jane Bewlay    L40   5 Unattached                        48:56
     358  Paula Lavery   L35   5 Unattached                        48:57
     359  Keith Bryant   V40  48 Unattached                        48:58
     360  Pat Richardson L40   6 Unattached                        48:59
     361  Andy Middleton         Unattached                        48:59
     362  Richard Graham         Unattached                        49:00
     363  Nigel Torrance V40  49 Unattached                        49:00
     364  Steven Marus           Unattached                        49:01
     365  Scott Adam             Unattached                        49:01
     366  Vicki Bradley          Unattached                        49:02
     367  Ni Kirkpatrick         Unattached                        49:02
     368  Dawn Sheriff   L    48 Sunderland H & AC                 49:03
     369  Barry Maddison         Unattached                        49:03
     370  Paul Maddison          Unattached                        49:04
     371  Graham Cairns  U17   3 Unattached                        49:04
     372  Patrica West   L40   7 Wallsend H & AC                   49:05
     373  Chris'n Cherif         Unattached                        49:06
     374  Keith Staines  V40  50 Unattached                        49:07
     375  Robert Peacock         Unattached                        49:08
     376  Robert Walton  V40  51 Unattached                        49:09
     377  Stephen Curry  V40  52 Elswick Harriers                  49:10
     378  Pete Mobberleg         Unattached                        49:10
     379  John Everett   V45  47 Elvet Striders                    49:11
     380  Sharon Wood    L35   6 Unattached                        49:12
     381  Jacqui Elliott L    51 Unattached                        49:13
     382  Carla Maley    L    52 North Shields Poly AC             49:13
     383  Andrew Webb    V55  18 North Shields Poly AC             49:14
     384  Julie Pinkerton L35  7 Sunderland H & AC                 49:15
     385  Lesley Watson  L40   8 Sunderland H & AC                 49:16
     386  Alex Logan     V45  48 Concordia R&P                     49:17
     387  Steph'n Duthie V40  53 Unattached                        49:19
     388  Julie Symonds  L    55 Wallsend H & AC                   49:21
     389  Geoff Reed     V50  28 Unattached                        49:23
     390  Keith Weavers          Aurora Harriers                   49:25
     391  Peter Foggo            Unattached                        49:26
     392  John Pells     V60   5 Unattached                        49:27
     393  Ivan Pearson           Unattached                        49:29
     394  Marty Lawrence         Unattached                        49:30
     395  Gary Legg      V40  54 Unattached                        49:32
     396  Larry Ingham   V40  55 Unattached                        49:33
     397  Philip Lee     V45  49 Unattached                        49:34
     398  Dennis Lawther V55  19 Saltwell Harriers                 49:35
     399  David Duffy    V45  50 Unattached                        49:36
     400  Michael Gilholm V45 51 Morpeth H & AC                    49:37
     401  Jonathan Wallace       Sedgefield Harriers               49:38
     402  Brian Fenn             Unattached                        49:41
     403  Ger O'Donnell          Unattached                        49:44
     404  Ray Pilling            Unattached                        49:44
     405  David Harrison         Unattached                        49:45
     406  Paul Crompton  V40  56 Sunderland Strollers              49:46
     407  Pamela Gold    L60   1 Heaton Harriers                   49:46
     408  Jason Scotney          Unattached                        49:47
     409  Neil Martin            Unattached                        49:48
     410  B Illingworth          Unattached                        49:54
     411  Graham Hall            Unattached                        49:54
     412  Paul Hunter    V40  57 Concordia R&P                     49:55
     413  D'n Littlewood V40  58 Unattached                        49:55
     414  Rod McLachlan          Unattached                        49:56
     415  Kath Smith     L45   5 Unattached                        49:56
     416  Louise Cant    L    58 Unattached                        49:57
     417  Marc Gill              Unattached                        49:57
     418  Noreen Rees    L50   2 North Shields Poly AC             49:58
     419  Les Williamson V55  20 Unattached                        49:59
     420  David Hunter           Unattached                        50:02
     421  Nicholas Gilks V45  52 Unattached                        50:05
     422  Scott Ellis    U17   4 Unattached                        50:08
     423  Russell Hill           Unattached                        50:10
     424  Adele Lonsdale L35   8 Unattached                        50:13
     425  Paul Rae       V50  29 Northumbria Police                50:15
     426  Tanja Cooper   L    61 Claremont RR                      50:18
     427  Clair McKinnon LJ    2 Unattached                        50:18
     428  Steve Davies   V45  53 Unattached                        50:19
     429  David Caygill          Newton Aycliffe AC                50:20
     430  Tom Payne              Unattached                        50:20
     431  Kenny Thompson         Unattached                        50:21
     432  Chris Burns    L    63 Unattached                        50:22
     433  Dawn Parker    L    64 Heaton Harriers                   50:22
     434  David Thompson         Unattached                        50:23
     435  Philip Edwards         Unattached                        50:24
     436  Graham S Hall          Unattached                        50:24
     437  Jean Laidler   L35   9 Unattached                        50:25
     438  Suz'e Pentland L    66 Unattached                        50:26
     439  Philip Heslop          Unattached                        50:26
     440  Richard Fahey          Unattached                        50:27
     441  Ranj Moses     L40   9 Unattached                        50:28
     442  Step Armstrong V40  59 West Cheshire AC                  50:29
     443  Chris Watson   V45  54 Unattached                        50:30
     444  Iain Flowers   V50  30 Unattached                        50:31
     445  Kat Arrowsmith L    68 Claremont RR                      50:39
     446  Am'a Gilmooley L35  10 Unattached                        50:39
     447  Gayle Jobson   L    70 Unattached                        50:40
     448  Stev Priestley         Unattached                        50:41
     449  Marianne Pughe L    71 Tynedale H & AC                   50:42
     450  David Smith    V40  60 Unattached                        50:42
     451  Colin Jepson   V40  61 Unattached                        50:43
     452  Andrew Barker          Unattached                        50:44
     453  Stuart McNulty V45  55 Unattached                        50:45
     454  Hummaad Ahmed          Unattached                        50:45
     455  Barry Dobson           Unattached                        50:46
     456  Neale Holmes   JM    3 Unattached                        50:46
     457  Chris'a Murton L40  10 Alnwick Harriers                  50:47
     458  Susan Bolam    L40  11 Alnwick Harriers                  50:48
     459  Step'n Bentham V50  31 Unattached                        50:48
     460  Cal Muckley            Sedgefield Harriers               50:49
     461  John Varzgar           Unattached                        50:50
     462  Michael Ewing  V40  62 Unattached                        50:51
     463  Paul Jackson   V40  63 Alnwick Harriers                  50:52
     464  Amanda Watson  L35  11 Elswick Harriers                  50:53
     465  Louis Herzberg L    75 Unattached                        50:54
     466  Neale Thompson         Unattached                        50:55
     467  Colin White    V55  21 Unattached                        50:56
     468  Steve Hardie   V45  56 Unattached                        50:57
     469  Micky White            Unattached                        50:58
     470  John Coulson           Unattached                        51:00
     471  Vi Cuthbertson L    76 Saltwell Harriers                 51:01
     472  Steve Rochelle V50  32 Saltwell Harriers                 51:03
     473  Stuart Milner          Unattached                        51:04
     474  Stu't McKinnon V45  57 Unattached                        51:06
     475  Peter Stockton         Unattached                        51:07
     476  Susan Chester  L35  12 Unattached                        51:08
     477  Alistair Murray V45 58 Unattached                        51:09
     478  Lynn Swanson   L40  12 Heaton Harriers                   51:10
     479  Jonathan Stewart       Unattached                        51:11
     480  Graham Keefe           Unattached                        51:12
     481  David Bell             Unattached                        51:13
     482  Robert Walton  V40  64 Unattached                        51:15
     483  Walter Young   V40  65 Unattached                        51:18
     484  Chris Beadle           Unattached                        51:21
     485  Amanda Tunmore L40  13 Heaton Harriers                   51:23
     486  Michael Dutton         Unattached                        51:25
     487  Malcolm Liddle V45  59 Balackhill Bounders               51:27
     488  Caroline Holmes L   80 Newton Aycliffe AC                51:30
     489  Rachael Hope   L    81 Unattached                        51:33
     490  Rob Jefferson          Unattached                        51:36
     491  Pete Wilkinson V50  33 Saltwell Harriers                 51:37
     492  James Blevins          Unattached                        51:39
     493  Chris Jobson           Unattached                        51:41
     494  Rich Atkinson          Unattached                        51:42
     495  J Illingworth L35   13 Unattached                        51:44
     496  Gary Watson            Unattached                        51:46
     497  Chris Lilley           Unattached                        51:46
     498  Geo Bradshaw   U17   5 Unattached                        51:47
     499  Roger Browne   U15   1 Unattached                        51:48
     500  Louise Tupling L35  14 Unattached                        51:49
     501  John Williams  V50  34 Claremont RR                      51:56
     502  Ronald Stewart V60   6 North Shields Poly AC             51:56
     503  John Lewis             Unattached                        51:57
     504  Steve Dobson   L    84 Northumbria Police                51:58
     505  Ian Lewis      V40  66 Unattached                        51:59
     506  Trish Kay      L40  14 Newton Aycliffe AC                52:00
     507  Bianca Quon    L    86 Unattached                        52:01
     508  Sally Banks    L    87 Unattached                        52:03
     509  Lindsay Dunn   L17   2 Unattached                        52:05
     510  Robert Sugden  V50  35 Unattached                        52:08
     511  Martin Banks           Horwich RMI                       52:10
     512  Michael Mohon  V40  67 Unattached                        52:13
     513  Simon Dunn             Unattached                        52:14
     514  Paul Regnart           Unattached                        52:16
     515  Kath Stewart   L65   1 North Shields Poly AC             52:18
     516  Zaid Alwan             Unattached                        52:20
     517  John Sample    V40  68 Unattached                        52:22
     518  Terry Whitfield V60  7 North Shields Poly AC             52:24
     519  Anne-Marie Roe L    90 Unattached                        52:27
     520  Sharon Rogers  L35  15 Unattached                        52:31
     521  Neil Hedgecock         Unattached                        52:33
     522  Yvonne Peel    L45   6 Derwentside AC                    52:36
     523  Alisa Birkett  L45   7 Unattached                        52:39
     524  Kevin Whalen   V55  22 Heaton Harriers                   52:42
     525  John Cosgrove  V50  36 Sunderland Strollers              52:43
     526  Jack Wilkinson U17   6 Saltwell Harriers                 52:45
     527  Anthony Bennett        Unattached                        52:46
     528  Nicki Scott    L40  15 Unattached                        52:48
     529  Helen Parsons  LJ    3 Sedgefield Harriers               52:51
     530  Julie Harrison L    96 Unattached                        52:55
     531  Fred Henderson V65   3 Unattached                        52:56
     532  Gareth Bird            Unattached                        52:57
     533  Glov'i Airoldi         Unattached                        52:58
     534  Les'y Mitchell V40  69 Unattached                        52:59
     535  Fred Beadle    V50  37 Unattached                        53:00
     536  Ashley Adams   V40  70 Unattached                        53:04
     537  Simon Green            Unattached                        53:09
     538  Holly Metcalfe L    97 Unattached                        53:11
     539  Mark Whitelaw          Unattached                        53:13
     540  Peter Bayes    V50  38 Unattached                        53:15
     541  Ivan Currie            Unattached                        53:17
     542  Michael Blundred       Unattached                        53:19
     543  Lisa Thompson  L    98 Unattached                        53:21
     544  Fiona Clarkson L35  16 Unattached                        53:24
     545  Brian Gascoigne        Unattached                        53:26
     546  Paul Hutchinson        Unattached                        53:28
     547  Graham Thompson        Unattached                        53:31
     548  Kerry Logan    L   100 Blyth RC                          53:33
     549  Paul Bluefield         Unattached                        53:35
     550  Paul Boyle     V45  60 Unattached                        53:38
     551  Lee Mills              Unattached                        53:39
     552  H't Desgranges         Unattached                        53:40
     553  Stewart Gordon V45  61 Unattached                        53:41
     554  Kenneth Hedley V50  39 Unattached                        53:42
     555  Chris Francis  V50  40 Tynedale H & AC                   53:43
     556  Ger Stones     V40  71 Unattached                        53:44
     557  Ian McGuigan   V40  72 Unattached                        53:45
     558  Hazel Ord      L   101 Blaydon H & AC                    53:47
     559  Darrin Cutting V40  73 Unattached                        53:47
     560  Ca'l Horsfield L45   8 Concordia R&P                     53:48
     561  Will Henderson V50  41 Unattached                        53:48
     562  Mi'e Henderson L   103 Unattached                        53:49
     563  Gordon Johnson         Unattached                        53:49
     564  Double number                                            53:50
     565  Robert Sharp           Unattached                        53:51
     566  Angela Shimada L   104 Unattached                        53:51
     567  Julian Bates   V50  42 Unattached                        53:52
     568  Robert Hart    V45  62 Unattached                        53:52
     569  Angela Gunnell L45   9 Concordia R&P                     53:53
     570  Lynne Beal     L35  17 Concordia R&P                     53:54
     571  Trevor Reid    V50  43 Unattached                        53:54
     572  Jean Taylor    L40  16 Unattached                        53:55
     573  Heather Gould  L40  17 North Shields Poly AC             53:56
     574  Kels' Buchanan L35  18 Unattached                        53:56
     575  Rachel Harding L35  19 Unattached                        53:57
     576  Stephen Fox            Unattached                        53:58
     577  Mick Singh             Sunderland Strollers              53:59
     578  Kevin Jones    V40  74 Unattached                        53:59
     579  Double number                                            54:00
     580  Mal Craighead  V45  63 Unattached                        54:01
     581  Paul Branskey          Unattached                        54:02
     582  Samantha Lyall L   111 Unattached                        54:04
     583  Richard Ullok          Unattached                        54:06
     584  Libby Tindle   LJ    4 Unattached                        54:08
     585  Kerry Rich     L   113 Unattached                        54:10
     586  Ad'e Edwardson L35  20 Unattached                        54:13
     587  Joanne Tonkin  L   115 Darlington H & AC                 54:14
     588  Craig Little           Unattached                        54:15
     589  Tracy Pearson  L35  21 Unattached                        54:16
     590  David Bravey           Unattached                        54:17
     591  Mich Hubberd   V45  64 Unattached                        54:18
     592  Simon Ellis    U17   7 Unattached                        54:19
     593  Wayne Robson   V50  44 Unattached                        54:21
     594  Harry Gallon   V60   8 Unattached                        54:22
     595  AndrewS Akroyd U17   8 Unattached                        54:24
     596  Sharron Towns  L35  22 Quakers RC                        54:26
     597  Les'y Bradshaw L35  23 Unattached                        54:28
     598  Scott Richards         Unattached                        54:30
     599  Daniel Monk            Elswick Harriers                  54:33
     600  Julie Lloyd    L40  18 Unattached                        54:36
     601  David Reay     V40  75 Elswick Harriers                  54:37
     602  Sam Kitchen            Unattached                        54:39
     603  Andrew Dodds   V65   4 Unattached                        54:41
     604  Kev Armstrong  V55  23 Unattached                        54:43
     605  Lee Peacock            Unattached                        54:45
     606  Victora Fletcher L 120 Unattached                        54:47
     607  Matt Fletcher          Unattached                        54:48
     608  Derek Hooper   V55  24 Unattached                        54:50
     609  Cath Mustill   L   121 Newton Aycliffe AC                54:51
     610  Sa'h Lieberman L   122 Claremont RR                      54:53
     611  Nick Benefield V40  76 Unattached                        54:55
     612  James Young            Unattached                        54:58
     613  Kevin Maloney          Unattached                        55:06
     614  Kate Virica    L35  24 Unattached                        55:07
     615  Stephen Cramer V40  77 Unattached                        55:08
     616  Royston Nixon  V40  78 Unattached                        55:09
     617  Shi'y Gardiner L35  25 Unattached                        55:10
     618  Not Known                                                55:11
     619  Robert Delap           Elswick Harriers                  55:12
     620  Diana Jelley   L50   3 Unattached                        55:13
     621  Julia Waddell  L35  26 Unattached                        55:15
     622  Karen Sedgwick L   127 Unattached                        55:17
     623  John Pickles   V50  45 Unattached                        55:18
     624  Colin Bell     V50  46 Unattached                        55:19
     625  Mel Smithson   L   128 Unattached                        55:20
     626  Carol Greenwood L55  3 Derwentside AC                    55:21
     627  Craig Austin           Unattached                        55:22
     628  Les'y McKinnon L45  10 Unattached                        55:24
     629  Paula Embleton L35  27 Sunderland H & AC                 55:26
     630  David Ellis    V40  79 Sunderland H & AC                 55:27
     631  Tony Araniello         Unattached                        55:28
     632  Paul Araniello         Unattached                        55:29
     633  Tracy Graham   L35  28 Unattached                        55:30
     634  Peter Davison  V55  25 Concordia R&P                     55:31
     635  Tam'y Snelling L   133 Unattached                        55:33
     636  Robert Porter          Unattached                        55:34
     637  Neil Carney            Unattached                        55:36
     638  Gareth Breese  V40  80 Unattached                        55:38
     639  Keith Goodhart L40  19 Unattached                        55:40
     640  Philip Payne   V60   9 Unattached                        55:40
     641  Brian Lillie           Unattached                        55:41
     642  Clare Douglas  L   135 Unattached                        55:42
     643  Jonathan Shotton       Blaydon H & AC                    55:42
     644  Rich Anthony           Unattached                        55:43
     645  Carl Hudson            Unattached                        55:44
     646  Wendy Pawsey   L   136 Unattached                        55:44
     647  Michael Coulson V40 81 Unattached                        55:45
     648  Neil Barnes    V40  82 Unattached                        55:46
     649  Joan Heron     L50   4 Unattached                        55:47
     650  Adrian Cowan           Unattached                        55:48
     651  Vi'a Middleton L   138 Unattached                        55:50
     652  Mary Lockie    L40  20 Derwentside AC                    55:51
     653  Art Wilkinson  V45  65 Derwentside AC                    55:53
     654  Jane Hunt      L40  21 Unattached                        55:55
     655  Fintan Kealy   V40  83 Unattached                        55:56
     656  Dan'l Bradford JM    4 Unattached                        55:58
     657  Helen J Gibson L35  29 Unattached                        56:00
     658  Colin Stone            Unattached                        56:02
     659  Geof Summerly          Unattached                        56:04
     660  S Guneyogullari V40  84 Unattached                        56:05
     661  Stewart Massie         Unattached                        56:06
     662  Helen Raverick L35  30 Unattached                        56:08
     663  Sean Brodie            Unattached                        56:09
     664  Lucy Wood      L   143 Totley AC                         56:11
     665  Keith Jackson  V45  66 Unattached                        56:13
     666  M'k Stephenson V40  85 Unattached                        56:16
     667  Erik Coleman   V40  86 Unattached                        56:17
     668  David Pinkney  JM    5 Unattached                        56:19
     669  Colin Wafer    V40  87 Unattached                        56:21
     670  Paul Cook      V50  47 Unattached                        56:23
     671  Hendrik Atsma          Unattached                        56:23
     672  Chris Palmer           Unattached                        56:24
     673  Kenneth Thoms  V40  88 Unattached                        56:24
     674  Philip Hunter  V45  67 Unattached                        56:25
     675  Dean Tiffin            Unattached                        56:26
     676  Chris Mason    V50  48 Unattached                        56:26
     677  Dominic Roche          Unattached                        56:27
     678  Jackie Taylor  L40  22 Quakers RC                        56:28
     679  Leah Cahill            Unattached                        56:35
     680  Kim Ford       L   145 Unattached                        56:40
     681  Kate Dalkin    L35  31 Unattached                        56:41
     682  Robert French          Unattached                        56:42
     683  Dave Patterson         Unattached                        56:44
     684  Geo Routledge  V55  26 Heaton Harriers                   56:50
     685  Emma Hepple    L35  32 Unattached                        56:50
     686  Judith Parkinson L4511 North Shields Poly AC             56:51
     687  John Spedding  V40  89 Unattached                        56:52
     688  Jul Richardson L   149 Unattached                        56:53
     689  Rod Richardson         Unattached                        56:54
     690  Rich Kirkman   V40  90 Unattached                        56:55
     691  Da Whittingham         Unattached                        56:56
     692  Lin' Burbridge L35  33 Unattached                        56:57
     693  Stephen Trewick V50 49 Unattached                        56:58
     694  Garrie Jardine V40  91 Unattached                        57:00
     695  Marg' Greenall L50   5 Newton Aycliffe AC                57:01
     696  Double number                                            57:02
     697  Robert Fish    V40  92 Unattached                        57:04
     698  Rozz Clark     L45  12 Unattached                        57:04
     699  Peter Weir             Unattached                        57:05
     700  Peter Purvis   V40  93 Unattached                        57:06
     701  Chris Freeman          Unattached                        57:07
     702  Hilda Frost    L40  23 Elswick Harriers                  57:07
     703  Cathy Dowding  L   154 Unattached                        57:08
     704  May Rogers     L45  13 Unattached                        57:09
     705  David Webb     V45  68 Unattached                        57:10
     706  Angela Wade    L35  34 Newton Aycliffe AC                57:12
     707  Mick Aitchison V50  50 Unattached                        57:14
     708  Jacqui Dunn    L35  35 Unattached                        57:16
     709  James Cairns   V50  51 Unattached                        57:17
     710  Mick McDonald  V50  52 Unattached                        57:18
     711  Philip Johnson V55  27 Unattached                        57:19
     712  Diane Adkins   L40  24 Quakers RC                        57:20
     713  Richard Clarke         Unattached                        57:21
     714  Michael Cook   V40  94 Unattached                        57:23
     715  Charles Oakley V45  69 Unattached                        57:25
     716  Ross Graham            Unattached                        57:27
     717  Thomas Sillars V50  53 Unattached                        57:29
     718  Frank Walton   V70   2 Scunthorpe & District AC          57:32
     719  Du Cumberlidge V45  70 Unattached                        57:34
     720  Kathryn Flinn  L   159 Unattached                        57:37
     721  Janice Shippen L45  14 Unattached                        57:40
     722  John Shippen   V45  71 Unattached                        57:41
     723  Julian Hunter  V40  95 Unattached                        57:42
     724  John McMullen  V45  72 Unattached                        57:44
     725  Sal' Coulthard L40  25 Unattached                        57:45
     726  Joanne Fraser  L   162 Unattached                        57:47
     727  David McGuire  V50  54 Unattached                        57:47
     728  Martin Palmer  V45  73 Unattached                        57:48
     729  Chris Dixon            Unattached                        57:48
     730  Keith Aston            Unattached                        57:49
     731  Deborah Pearson L  163 Unattached                        57:49
     732  Karen Green    L45  15 Unattached                        57:50
     733  Steven Johnson         Unattached                        57:50
     734  Joanne Barrass L   165 Unattached                        57:51
     735  Fran'e Vollans L   166 Newton Aycliffe AC                57:51
     736  Karen Marley   L   167 Unattached                        57:52
     737  Brian Kinghorn V55  28 Concordia R&P                     57:55
     738  Tr Cuthbertson L35  36 Concordia R&P                     57:56
     739  Emma Abel      L   169 Unattached                        57:56
     740  Nich Stringer          Unattached                        57:57
     741  Joel Hooper            Unattached                        57:57
     742  Col Fairgrieve V50  55 Unattached                        57:58
     743  Jim Sharman    V55  29 Derwentside AC                    57:59
     744  Judith Crozier L50   6 Unattached                        57:59
     745  Jane Lambert   L45  16 Unattached                        57:59
     746  Bev Smith      L   172 Unattached                        58:03
     747  Linda Deakin   L45  17 Unattached                        58:03
     748  Lee Howells            Unattached                        58:06
     749  Claire Houlsby L   174 Unattached                        58:07
     750  Mark Scott     V40  96 Unattached                        58:07
     751  Claire Haydock L   175 Unattached                        58:08
     752  Gill Donaldson L35  37 Saltwell Harriers                 58:08
     753  Wayne Young            Unattached                        58:08
     754  Stuart Baillie         Unattached                        58:09
     755  Michael J Todd V45  74 Unattached                        58:16
     756  Viv Stapley    L50   7 Unattached                        58:21
     757  John Chaplow   V55  30 Unattached                        58:23
     758  Sarah Lackneby L   178 Unattached                        58:26
     759  Tina Huddart   L   179 Unattached                        58:27
     760  Don Watson     V50  56 Unattached                        58:27
     761  Gill Welsher   L   180 Unattached                        58:28
     762  Anna Benbow    L   181 Heaton Harriers                   58:33
     763  Cristina Tyley L   182 Unattached                        58:39
     764  Lindsey Canner L   183 Unattached                        58:45
     765  Paula Davison  L   184 Unattached                        58:48
     766  Double number                                            58:49
     767  Susan Regnart          Unattached                        58:50
     768  Paul Sanderson V45  75 Unattached                        58:50
     769  Sharon Ince    L40  26 Unattached                        58:51
     770  Gill Brazewell L   186 Unattached                        58:51
     771  Alexand' Blake L   187 Unattached                        58:52
     772  Dan MacArthur  V45  76 Unattached                        58:53
     773  Sarah Smith    L   188 Unattached                        58:53
     774  Jessica Barker L   189 Unattached                        58:54
     775  Clare Jeffray  L   190 Unattached                        58:57
     776  Michael Gowland V45 77 Unattached                        58:59
     777  Ridley Waters  V60  10 Unattached                        59:00
     778  Eliz Jefferson L40  27 Unattached                        59:07
     779  Patrick Smith  V40  97 Unattached                        59:09
     780  David Bartrum          Unattached                        59:09
     781  Jack'n Fenwick L   192 Birtley AC                        59:10
     782  Lesley Dennis  L40  28 Unattached                        59:14
     783  Victoria Curry L35  38 Wooler RC                         59:15
     784  Angela Davison L   195 Unattached                        59:15
     785  Daniel Pigeon  V55  31 Unattached                        59:15
     786  Fiona T-Mitchell L 196 Unattached                        59:16
     787  James Fraser   V50  57 Unattached                        59:18
     788  Karen Logan    L   197 Unattached                        59:21
     789  David Bowditch V50  58 Unattached                        59:22
     790  Alan Crombie   V55  32 Unattached                        59:24
     791  James Tiplady  V50  59 Blyth RC                          59:24
     792  Nicola Baldwin L   198 Unattached                        59:25
     793  Lee Baldwin            Unattached                        59:25
     794  Owen Brookes           Unattached                        59:26
     795  Colin Robinson V40  98 Unattached                        59:26
     796  Frank Patterson V60 11 Unattached                        59:28
     797  Susan McGee    L40  29 Unattached                        59:28
     798  Maureen Bartrum L35 39 Unattached                        59:29
     799  Allan Cairns   V55  33 Unattached                        59:30
     800  Linda Grainger L45  18 Barnsley Harriers                 59:31
     801  Jill Anderson  L   202 Unattached                        59:32
     802  Neil Tait              Unattached                        59:34
     803  Mike Elliott   V55  34 Elvet Striders                    59:36
     804  Patrick Kelly  V40  99 Birtley AC                        59:39
     805  Jocelyn Smith  L40  30 Blyth RC                          59:41
     806  Paul Richards  V45  78 Unattached                        59:41
     807  Susan Brown    L35  40 Unattached                        59:42
     808  Jayne Greenall L   205 Unattached                        59:45
     809  Ga'h Underwood         Unattached                        59:50
     810  Clare Westwood L   206 Sedgefield Harriers               59:55
     811  Janet Ross     L50   8 Unattached                        59:57
     812  Sarah Kidd     L   208 Unattached                        59:59
     813  Tracy Cooper   L35  41 Unattached                      1:00:00
     814  Carol Hills    L   210 Unattached                      1:00:01
     815  David Murray   V50  60 Unattached                      1:00:05
     816  Graham Wood    V40 100 Unattached                      1:00:05
     817  Pauline Batey  L45  19 Blaydon H & AC                  1:00:08
     818  Kate Waters    L   212 Unattached                      1:00:12
     819  Olga Errington L40  31 North Shields Poly AC           1:00:13
     820  Jeanette Ives  L40  32 Sedgefield Harriers             1:00:14
     821  Barry Knaggs           Unattached                      1:00:15
     822  Anna Robinson  L   215 Unattached                      1:00:17
     823  Dav Wellington         Unattached                      1:00:21
     824  P'l Ebblewhite V40 101 Unattached                      1:00:22
     825  David Robson   V55  35 Unattached                      1:00:24
     826  Liz Paton      L50   9 Gateshead H & AC                1:00:25
     827  Dar'n Craddock         Unattached                      1:00:28
     828  Rotsin Duffy   L   217 Unattached                      1:00:28
     829  Paul Musgrove  V40 102 Newton Aycliffe AC              1:00:29
     830  Sharon Barron  L40  33 Unattached                      1:00:29
     831  Tracey Hartley L35  42 Unattached                      1:00:29
     832  Julie Waller   L35  43 Unattached                      1:00:30
     833  Sarah Jones    L35  44 Heaton Harriers                 1:00:33
     834  Barry Elliott          Unattached                      1:00:34
     835  Andrew Akroyd V50   61 Unattached                      1:00:35
     836  Kevin Milton   V40 103 Unattached                      1:00:38
     837  Lo'e Dickinson L55   4 Unattached                      1:00:39
     838  Lynne Bewick   L   223 Unattached                      1:00:44
     839  Vanessa Robson L   224 Unattached                      1:00:47
     840  Colin Harrison         Unattached                      1:00:50
     841  Gemma White    L17   3 Unattached                      1:00:52
     842  Bev'y Torrance L45  20 Unattached                      1:00:54
     843  Clare Harrison L35  45 Unattached                      1:01:02
     844  Robert Jobson  V55  36 Unattached                      1:01:02
     845  Pete O'Herlihy V65   5 Unattached                      1:01:03
     846  Brenda Lowry   L45  21 Unattached                      1:01:07
     847  Mur'y Thompson V65   6 Unattached                      1:01:10
     848  Claire Fettis  L   229 Unattached                      1:01:11
     849  Lorra'e Lowdon L   230 Unattached                      1:01:11
     850  Viv Miller     L45  22 North Shields Poly AC           1:01:11
     851  Craig Hall             Unattached                      1:01:12
     852  Adam Stannard          Unattached                      1:01:12
     853  Deb Stannard   L   232 Unattached                      1:01:13
     854  Pamela W-Webb  L40  34 Unattached                      1:01:14
     855  Michael Pinkney V45 79 Unattached                      1:01:15
     856  Russell Surrey         Unattached                      1:01:17
     857  Mel'e Robinson L35  46 Unattached                      1:01:18
     858  Kevin Staines          Unattached                      1:01:19
     859  Mar Hutchinson         Unattached                      1:01:19
     860  David Alderson V45  80 Unattached                      1:01:20
     861  Joanne Gough   L35  47 Unattached                      1:01:22
     862  Am Mousavipour V45  81 Unattached                      1:01:23
     863  Victoria Manning L 236 Blaydon H & AC                  1:01:24
     864  Lorna Fritze   L50  10 Unattached                      1:01:29
     865  Stephen Dean   V45  82 Unattached                      1:01:31
     866  Mark Bell              Unattached                      1:01:32
     867  Carol Johnson  L40  35 Unattached                      1:01:32
     868  Lisa Milne     L   239 Unattached                      1:01:34
     869  Edward Baty    V50  62 Heaton Harriers                 1:01:35
     870  Sandra Little  L45  23 Unattached                      1:01:36
     871  Martin Parker  V45  83 Unattached                      1:01:36
     872  Faye Parker    L   241 North York Moors AC             1:01:37
     873  Emma Slater    L   242 Unattached                      1:01:40
     874  Tammy Francis  L   243 Unattached                      1:01:40
     875  Jane Vallance  L35  48 Unattached                      1:01:41
     876  Andrew Tremble V40 104 Unattached                      1:01:42
     877  Cl'e Lancaster L   245 Unattached                      1:01:42
     878  Richard Chaplow        Unattached                      1:01:44
     879  Robert Stobbs  V40 105 Gateshead H & AC                1:01:45
     880  Sally Gittins  L35  49 Unattached                      1:01:45
     881  Ian Fitzgerald V45  84 Wallsend H & AC                 1:01:53
     882  Julie Cable    L45  24 Unattached                      1:01:54
     883  Michael Walker V50  63 Unattached                      1:01:58
     884  Paul Godfrey           Unattached                      1:01:59
     885  Paul McHugh            Unattached                      1:02:00
     886  David Godfrey          Unattached                      1:02:00
     887  Sarah A Welsh  L   248 Unattached                      1:02:01
     888  Jane Kidd      L50  11 Unattached                      1:02:01
     889  James Heard    V55  37 Unattached                      1:02:04
     890  Deborah Hunt   L35  50 Unattached                      1:02:05
     891  Michael Hunt   V40 106 Unattached                      1:02:05
     892  Roslaind Hurst L35  51 Unattached                      1:02:06
     893  Julie Charlton L   252 Unattached                      1:02:07
     894  Jen Wilkinson  L   253 Unattached                      1:02:08
     895  Mark Bauer             Unattached                      1:02:11
     896  Judith Watson  L40  36 Unattached                      1:02:12
     897  John Scott     V40 107 Unattached                      1:02:14
     898  And' Blacklock L35  52 Unattached                      1:02:15
     899  Wendy Prudhoe  L40  37 Unattached                      1:02:16
     900  Keith Barnsley         Unattached                      1:02:17
     901  Helen Grant    L   257 Unattached                      1:02:18
     902  Samantha Day   L   258 Unattached                      1:02:18
     903  Saman'a Hughes L   259 Unattached                      1:02:20
     904  Bill Frankland V70   3 Quakers RC                      1:02:21
     905  Joanne Bowden  L   260 Unattached                      1:02:22
     906  Violet Diver   L40  38 Unattached                      1:02:23
     907  James Waters   V60  12 100 Marathon Club               1:02:29
     908  Judith Parks   L35  53 Unattached                      1:02:30
     909  David Pace             Unattached                      1:02:32
     910  Beryl Robson   L50  12 Unattached                      1:02:41
     911  Emma Townend   L   264 Unattached                      1:02:44
     912  Gill Wallis    L40  39 Quakers RC                      1:02:44
     913  Mick McGuiness         Unattached                      1:02:45
     914  Debra James    L35  54 Unattached                      1:02:47
     915  Tony Gilroy    V55  38 Concordia R&P                   1:02:48
     916  Robert Wann    V60  13 Unattached                      1:02:48
     917  Steven Little          Unattached                      1:02:49
     918  Colin Turnbull         Unattached                      1:02:49
     919  Karen Ridley   L35  55 Unattached                      1:02:49
     920  Diane Shane    L35  56 Unattached                      1:02:50
     921  Cait Davies    L   269 Unattached                      1:02:57
     922  Antony Cairns          Unattached                      1:02:57
     923  Richard Walker V60  14 Unattached                      1:02:57
     924  Kathleen Seed  L40  40 Unattached                      1:02:58
     925  Fiona Wright   L40  41 Unattached                      1:03:10
     926  Sarah Baty     L40  42 Unattached                      1:03:11
     927  Alan Hansell   V50  64 Unattached                      1:03:12
     928  Gill Gowland   L40  43 Unattached                      1:03:15
     929  Elizabeth Noon L   274 Unattached                      1:03:16
     930  Joanne Woods   L   275 Unattached                      1:03:16
     931  Harold Fern    V60  15 North Shields Poly AC           1:03:22
     932  Emma Lyall     L   276 Unattached                      1:03:22
     933  Darren Hack            Unattached                      1:03:30
     934  Keith Mason    V50  65 Unattached                      1:03:33
     935  Clare Luery    L40  44 Unattached                      1:03:33
     936  David Chambers V45  85 Unattached                      1:03:34
     937  Michael Robson         Unattached                      1:03:34
     938  Kevin Fraser           Unattached                      1:03:38
     939  Gail McCamley  L   278 Unattached                      1:03:38
     940  Ang'a McMillan L   279 Unattached                      1:03:38
     941  Deborah Heron  L40  45 Unattached                      1:03:39
     942  Lorna Thompson L   281 Unattached                      1:03:39
     943  Sue Barns      L50  13 Unattached                      1:03:48
     944  Emma Ingham    L   283 Unattached                      1:03:52
     945  John Bradshaw          Unattached                      1:03:55
     946  Susan Bradshaw L35  57 Unattached                      1:03:56
     947  Hazel Watson   L45  25 Unattached                      1:03:56
     948  Rory McCann            Unattached                      1:03:57
     949  Clau'a Wootten L35  58 Unattached                      1:03:58
     950  Naiomi Wootten L35  59 Unattached                      1:03:58
     951  Fiona Coleman  L40  46 Unattached                      1:04:00
     952  Linda McLeod   L50  14 Unattached                      1:04:01
     953  Robert Dunn            Unattached                      1:04:10
     954  Robert Brice   V45  86 Unattached                      1:04:10
     955  Miche'e Cooper L   290 Unattached                      1:04:16
     956  S Stainton     L45  26 Unattached                      1:04:21
     957  Ce'a Wilkinson L40  47 Unattached                      1:04:31
     958  Paula Baxter   L45  27 Unattached                      1:04:40
     959  Victoria Vyse  L40  48 Unattached                      1:04:43
     960  James Dafter   V40 108 Unattached                      1:04:43
     961  Jackie Smith   L   295 Unattached                      1:04:43
     962  Stuart McLeod  V50  66 Unattached                      1:04:44
     963  Emma Hardon    L   296 Unattached                      1:04:46
     964  Sacha Hunter   L   297 Unattached                      1:04:58
     965  Paul Jennings  V40 109 Unattached                      1:05:02
     966  Gemma Toner    L   298 Unattached                      1:05:12
     967  Patsy Millen   L35  60 Unattached                      1:05:24
     968  Dave Blacklock V40 110 Unattached                      1:05:26
     969  Dawn Hunter    L40  49 Unattached                      1:05:29
     970  Rachel English L35  61 Unattached                      1:05:29
     971  Double number                                          1:05:29
     972  Yusuf Michla           Unattached                      1:05:33
     973  Lind'y Douglas         Unattached                      1:05:35
     974  Ian Nicholson          Unattached                      1:05:35
     975  Lynda Jackson  L   302 Unattached                      1:05:49
     976  P'l Torkington V40 111 Unattached                      1:05:49
     977  K Cheung-Smith L40  50 Unattached                      1:05:50
     978  Judith Greaves L   304 Unattached                      1:05:50
     979  Jean Hall      L55   5 Unattached                      1:05:54
     980  Maureen Carter L45  28 Unattached                      1:05:56
     981  Eliz'h McGuire L35  62 Unattached                      1:05:56
     982  Jane Shepherd  L45  29 Newton Aycliffe AC              1:05:57
     983  Tr'y Bullivant L   309 Unattached                      1:05:57
     984  Claire Walsh   L   310 Unattached                      1:05:58
     985  Emily Durham   L   311 Unattached                      1:06:01
     986  Gary Lockhart          Unattached                      1:06:01
     987  Jud'h Lockhart L35  63 Unattached                      1:06:12
     988  Carol Reed     L45  30 Unattached                      1:06:19
     989  Caroline Reed  L45  31 Unattached                      1:06:20
     990  Gareth Mitchell        Unattached                      1:06:23
     991  Karen Nuttal   L   315 Unattached                      1:06:23
     992  Steve Rebair           Unattached                      1:06:29
     993  Sydney Robson  V70   4 Gateshead H & AC                1:06:37
     994  Jess' Eastwood L   316 Unattached                      1:06:43
     995  Matthew Thomas         Unattached                      1:06:48
     996  Karen Watson   L   317 Unattached                      1:06:49
     997  Kirsty Anderson L35 64 Unattached                      1:06:49
     998  Louise Meyer   L   319 Unattached                      1:06:49
     999  Cl' B-McMurray L   320 Unattached                      1:06:50
    1000  Michael Welsh          Unattached                      1:06:51
    1001  Phl Fairgrieve L50  15 Unattached                      1:06:53
    1002  Lisa Bell      L   322 Unattached                      1:06:54
    1003  Cyn'a Davidson L55   6 Unattached                      1:07:00
    1004  Helen Burfield L   324 Unattached                      1:07:00
    1005  Stephen Atwell         Unattached                      1:07:08
    1006  Ross Cooney            Unattached                      1:07:09
    1007  Stuart Askew           Unattached                      1:07:10
    1008  Paul Arkley    V40 112 Unattached                      1:07:22
    1009  Carrie Fraser  L   325 Unattached                      1:07:25
    1010  Derek Milton   V70   5 South Shields H & AC            1:07:32
    1011  Alan Hodgson   V55  39 Unattached                      1:07:33
    1012  Lorna Hodgson  L60   2 Unattached                      1:07:47
    1013  Sarah Weir     L   327 Unattached                      1:07:49
    1014  Carol Morgan   L45  32 Unattached                      1:07:49
    1015  Kirs'n Francis L45  33 Unattached                      1:07:51
    1016  Paul Dodds             Unattached                      1:07:53
    1017  Liz Fuller     L   330 Unattached                      1:07:54
    1018  Lynds Marshall L   331 Unattached                      1:07:56
    1019  Andre Marshall         Unattached                      1:08:02
    1020  Richard Smith  V40 113 Unattached                      1:08:09
    1021  Richard Gordon V45  87 Unattached                      1:08:10
    1022  Yvonne Probert L35  65 Unattached                      1:08:13
    1023  Double number                                          1:08:14
    1024  Michell Dawson L   333 Unattached                      1:08:47
    1025  Valerie Davis  L45  34 Unattached                      1:08:48
    1026  Double number                                          1:08:56
    1027  Cla'e Thornton         Unattached                      1:08:56
    1028  Louise Keeler  L50  16 Unattached                      1:08:57
    1029  Jill Thompson  L   336 Unattached                      1:08:57
    1030  Louise Parker  L   337 Unattached                      1:08:58
    1031  Andrea Dodds   L35  66 Unattached                      1:08:59
    1032  Kelly Kirby    L   339 Unattached                      1:09:10
    1033  Stephen Tyley  V60  16 Unattached                      1:09:13
    1034  D Vijayaratnam L   340 Unattached                      1:09:16
    1035  Gillian Hasnip L50  17 Unattached                      1:09:17
    1036  Susan Ellis    L45  35 Unattached                      1:09:27
    1037  Lin' Wardhaugh L   343 Unattached                      1:09:28
    1038  Joanne Irving  L   344 Unattached                      1:09:30
    1039  David Tait     V55  40 Saltwell Harriers               1:09:34
    1040  Mel'e Bancroft L   345 Unattached                      1:09:45
    1041  Susan Browne   L40  51 Unattached                      1:09:46
    1042  Not Known                                              1:09:47
    1043  John Turnbull  V40 114 Unattached                      1:09:47
    1044  Janine Cassels L   347 Unattached                      1:09:50
    1045  Jackie Cairns  L35  67 Unattached                      1:09:51
    1046  Liam M Todd            Unattached                      1:09:54
    1047  Mary Brennan   L   349 Unattached                      1:10:03
    1048  Robin Frost    V40 115 Unattached                      1:10:07
    1049  Lisa Maddison  L   350 Unattached                      1:10:08
    1050  Roland Maddison V70  6 Unattached                      1:10:24
    1051  Barry Goodley  V55  41 Unattached                      1:10:24
    1052  Kate Lindsay   L   351 Unattached                      1:10:25
    1053  Karen Karlson  L35  68 Gateshead H & AC                1:10:30
    1054  Tom Brown      V60  17 Gateshead H & AC                1:10:40
    1055  Chris Frazer   L   353 Claremont RR                    1:10:40
    1056  Helen Preen    L   354 Unattached                      1:10:43
    1057  He'n Demberton L   355 Unattached                      1:10:56
    1058  Rich Harkness          Unattached                      1:10:57
    1059  Heather Stead  L   356 Unattached                      1:10:59
    1060  Claire Gough   L35  69 Unattached                      1:11:03
    1061  Karen Turner   L40  52 Quakers RC                      1:11:05
    1062  Catherin Fagan L35  70 Quakers RC                      1:11:06
    1063  Stephen Cruz   V40 116 Unattached                      1:11:08
    1064  Shonadh French L35  71 Unattached                      1:11:14
    1065  Julia Claydon  L35  72 Unattached                      1:11:16
    1066  Double number                                          1:11:22
    1067  Liz Williamson L   362 Unattached                      1:11:57
    1068  Kerry Jamieson L   363 Unattached                      1:12:07
    1069  Jon Holdsworth         Unattached                      1:12:07
    1070  Kay Batey      L40  53 Unattached                      1:12:15
    1071  Nad'e Strettle L   365 Unattached                      1:12:16
    1072  Cla'e Strettle L   366 Unattached                      1:12:16
    1073  Jane Melling   L   367 Unattached                      1:12:24
    1074  June Green     L55   7 Unattached                      1:12:24
    1075  Ang Longstaff  L35  73 Unattached                      1:12:43
    1076  Jean Morrison  L50  18 Unattached                      1:12:49
    1077  Alec Robe      V55  42 North East Veterans AC          1:13:13
    1078  Lora'e Elliott L55   8 Unattached                      1:13:16
    1079  James Elliott  V60  18 Unattached                      1:13:16
    1080  Pat Sutherland L40  54 Unattached                      1:13:40
    1081  Lesley Linden  L40  55 Unattached                      1:13:48
    1082  Kevin Lavery   V40 117 Unattached                      1:13:59
    1083  J'e Kilvington L   374 Unattached                      1:15:40
    1084  Paul Scott             Unattached                      1:15:40
    1085  Ian Paton      V45  88 Unattached                      1:16:15
    1086  Anne-M Argile  L   375 Unattached                      1:17:04
    1087  Robert Askew   V60  19 Unattached                      1:17:15
    1088  Margaret Hardon L55  9 Unattached                      1:17:17
    1089  Maria Lopes    L50  19 Unattached                      1:18:27
    1090  Hen' Hiffinson V60  20 Unattached                      1:18:28
    1091  Jonathon Doyle U15   2 Unattached                      1:18:51
    1092  Simone Doyle   L45  36 Unattached                      1:19:07
    1093  Robert Soulsby V75   1 Blyth RC                        1:20:19
    1094  Rachel Jones   L   379 Unattached                      1:21:11
    1095  Cath Telford   L17   4 Unattached                      1:21:45
    1096  Alison McMahon L   381 Unattached                      1:21:46
    1097  Kate Jones     L60   3 Unattached                      1:22:49
    1098  Double number                                          1:22:50
    1099  Jacqui Oliver  L40  56 Unattached                      1:22:50
    1100  Gordon Jones   V65   7 Unattached                      1:22:51
    1101  Cilena Easton  L35  74 Unattached                      1:25:41
    1102  Everard Baker  V50  67 Unattached                      1:26:17
    1103  Jayne McKenna  L35  75 Unattached                      1:26:20
    1104  Sue Ho         L   386 Unattached                      1:26:25
    1105  Don Sutherland V50  68 Unattached                      1:26:26
    1106  Urin' Harkness L   387 Unattached                      1:28:44
    1107  Maura Wann     L65   2 Unattached                      1:43:07

Men's teams

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Morpeth H & AC                     16
                                 1  Mark Hudspith    3  I Hollingsw'th
                                 5  Andrew Lawrence  7  Paul Waterston
  2  Alnwick Harriers                   74
                                 4  David Kirkland  14  Neville Craigs
                                22  Peter Grey      34  Simon Cook    
  3  Elswick Harriers                   82
                                 8  Mark McLeod     19  Mark McNally  
                                26  Paul Dodd       29  Harry Matthews
  4  Wallsend H & AC                    96
                                12  Tony Carter     18  David Daniels 
                                21  David Thomas    45  Mick Robinson 
  5  Heaton Harriers                   106
                                 6  John Moore      25  Daniel Robins 
                                35  Jeff Wilson     40  Chris Auld    
  6  Newton Aycliffe AC                121
                                 9  Carl Mustill    16  Paul Guy      
                                32  Peter Milburn   64  John Burnside 
  7  Blaydon H & AC                    122
                                15  Alan Dent       23  Phil Walker   
                                41  Luke Aston      43  Nigel Goode   
  8  North Shields Poly AC             161
                                17  Stevie Clark    47  Keith Allan   
                                48  Martin Haddon   49  Vin Rutherford
  9  Blyth RC                          195
                                27  Martin Gaughan  31  Gary Jones    
                                38  Paul Turnbull   99  David Roberts 
 10  Claremont RR                      239
                                42  Nick Cooper     60  Tim Pigott    
                                61  Matt Kingston   76  Jason Mellor  
 11  Gateshead H & AC                  281
                                10  Chris Paton     56  Martin Slater 
                               100  Ken Alnwick    115  Jason Stobbs  
 12  Sunderland Strollers              307
                                39  John Sword      87  Phil Watson   
                                88  Derek Wright    93  Kevin O'Neill 
 13  Sedgefield Harriers               328
                                67  John Haycock    82  Ean Parsons   
                                89  Michael Leaky   90  Rich Fearnside
 14  South Shields H & AC              359
                                65  Jon Balmer      72  Richard Urron 
                               105  William Balmer 117  Robert Pinkney
 15  Saltwell Harriers                 601
                               140  Dennis Lawther 150  Steve Rochelle
                               152  Pete Wilkinson 159  Jack Wilkinson
 16  Concordia R&P                     619
                               138  Alex Logan     144  Paul Hunter   
                               166  Peter Davison  171  Brian Kinghorn

Women's teams

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Wallsend H & AC                    36
                                 4  Danielle Hodgkinson 7  Donna Horne   
                                 9  Lisa Walker     16  Cath Willis   
  2  Morpeth H & AC                     38
                                 3  Jane Mooney      5  Sarah Graham  
                                11  Lizzy Ranger    19  Julie Clark   
  3  Heaton Harriers                    51
                                 6  Helen Astley    13  Sally Gold    
                                14  Jane Bass       18  Fiona Turley  
  4  Sunderland H & AC                  57
                                 2  Louise Noble     8  Gillian Barry 
                                10  Ingrid Hope     37  Dawn Sheriff  
  5  Claremont RR                      108
                                17  Rachel Kerr     20  Jane'e Kilgour
                                26  Julie Cross     45  Tanja Cooper  
  6  Blaydon H & AC                    124
                                27  Liane Brown     30  Elea'r Feather
                                31  Laura Peacock   36  Natalie Batey 
  7  North Shields Poly AC             165
                                24  Claire Bruce    39  Carla Maley   
                                44  Noreen Rees     58  Kath Stewart  
  8  Blyth RC                          182
                                12  Cath Young      21  Susanne Hunter
                                61  Kerry Logan     88  Jocelyn Smith 
  9  Newton Aycliffe AC                203
                                22  Susan Milburn   55  Carol'e Holmes
                                57  Trish Kay       69  Cath Mustill  
 10  Concordia R&P                     274
                                63  Ca'l Horsfield  64  Angela Gunnell
                                65  Lynne Beal      82  Tr Cuthbertson
 11  Quakers RC                        321
                                68  Sharron Towns   75  Jackie Taylor 
                                80  Diane Adkins    98  Gill Wallis   

Results copyright (c) G.J. Fecitt (SportSoft) 2006