The Settle Hills Race

at Settle on Saturday 1st July 2006

Settle Hills - Inter Counties -- FINAL RESULTS

     Pos  Name                         Club         Time  

       1  Andi Jones                   Greater Manchester                48:01
       2  Alistair Brownlee    JM    1 Yorkshire                         49:35
       3  John Brown                   Greater Manchester                50:02
       4  Mark Croasdale       V40   1 Lancashire                        50:36
       5  John Heneghan                Yorkshire                         51:08
       6  Darren Kay                   Greater Manchester                51:33
       7  Craig Roberts        V40   2 Cumbria                           52:37
       8  Thomas Cornthwaite           Lancashire                        52:59
       9  Alastair Dunn                Cumbria                           53:20
      10  Lee Athersmith               Yorkshire                         53:32
      11  Dave Milliken        V40   3 Greater Manchester                53:57
      12  Richard Patton               Derbyshire                        54:23
      13  Malcolm Fowler       V40   4 Cheshire                          54:36
      14  Martin Humphries             Gloucestershire                   54:54
      15  Chris Beeham                 Middlesex                         55:56
      16  Simon Thompson               Lancashire                        56:06
      17  James Kevan          JM    2 Lancashire                        56:32
      18  Jason Williams               Leicestershire                    57:35
      19  Chris Doyle                  Cumbria                           57:36
      20  Patrick DevineWright         Leicestershire                    57:48
      21  Andrew Wllis                 Cheshire                          58:12
      22  Ricky Lightfoot              Cumbria                           58:40
      23  Gary Chandler                Essex                           1:00:00
      24  Rob Ashworth         V40   5 Merseyside                      1:01:03
      25  Mike Duxbury                 Gloucestershire                 1:01:07
      26  Kevan Spillman       V40   6 Gloucestershire                 1:01:12
      27  David Brock          V40   7 Essex                           1:02:14
      28  David Burton         V45   1 Gloucestershire                 1:02:28
      29  Tim MitchellSmith            Middlesex                       1:04:06
      30  Ian Gladwell                 Leicestershire                  1:04:54
      31  Gary Raynor          V50   1 Essex                           1:06:37
      32  Chris Smith                  Leicestershire                  1:08:30
      33  Tim Brockington      V40   8 Springfield Striders            1:09:08
      34  John Sprackland      V40   9 Merseyside                      1:09:19
      35  Matthew Percy                Middlesex                       1:17:40
      36  John Cullinane               Middlesex                       1:21:25

Settle Hills - Inter Counties -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Greater Manchester                 10
                                 1  Andi Jones          
                                 3  John Brown          
                                 6  Darren Kay          
  2  Yorkshire                          17
                                 2  Alistair Brownlee   
                                 5  John Heneghan       
                                10  Lee Athersmith      
  3  Lancashire                         28
                                 4  Mark Croasdale      
                                 8  Thomas Cornthwaite  
                                16  Simon Thompson      
  4  Cumbria                            35
                                 7  Craig Roberts       
                                 9  Alastair Dunn       
                                19  Chris Doyle         
  5  Gloucestershire                    65
                                14  Martin Humphries    
                                25  Mike Duxbury        
                                26  Kevan Spillman      
  6  Leicestershire                     68
                                18  Jason Williams      
                                20  Patrick DevineWright
                                30  Ian Gladwell        
  7  Middlesex                          79
                                15  Chris Beeham        
                                29  Tim MitchellSmith   
                                35  Matthew Percy       
  8  Essex                              81
                                23  Gary Chandler       
                                27  David Brock         
                                31  Gary Raynor         

Settle Hills - I/C Women -- FINAL RESULTS

     Pos  Name                         Club         Time  

       1  Jo Waites            L     1 Yorkshire                         58:59
       2  Lisa Lacon           L     2 Yorkshire                       1:02:04
       3  Rebecca Robinson     L     3 Cumbria                         1:02:10
       4  Sally Newman         L     4 Greater Manchester              1:02:40
       5  Sue Becconsall       L40   1 Yorkshire                       1:04:19
       6  Evelyn Dugdale       L40   2 Cumbria                         1:04:37
       7  Hazel Jones          L     7 Cumbria                         1:05:36
       8  Vanessa Peacock      L50   1 Lancashire                      1:06:38
       9  Sarah Wells          L     9 Leicestershire                  1:06:51
      10  Deborah Culshaw      L    10 Lancashire                      1:06:59
      11  Lynn Clough          L    11 Greater Manchester              1:07:25
      12  Becky Ellis          LJ    1 Cheshire                        1:08:11
      13  Karen Smout          L    13 Greater Manchester              1:08:34
      14  Carmen Anthony       L    14 Lancashire                      1:08:58
      15  Julie Wilson         L    15 Yorkshire                       1:09:14
      16  Heather Corbishley   L    16 Lancashire                      1:14:25
      17  Barbara Lee          L    17 Leicestershire                  1:14:46
      18  Gill Carter          L    18 Essex                           1:17:43
      19  Anne Rosbottom       L    19 Merseyside                      1:19:09
      20  Sarah Harris         L    20 Cheshire                        1:19:48
      21  Fiona Dewick         L    21 Leicestershire                  1:23:07
      22  Karen Jarvis         L40   3 Merseyside                      1:23:14
      23  Louise Hogg          L    23 Merseyside                      1:23:50
      24  Alison Wright        L40   4 Leicestershire                  1:32:56
      25  Allison Cook         L    25 Essex                           1:33:53
      26  Michelle Mercer      L    26 Merseyside                      1:34:12
      27  Janet Hill           L50   2 Essex                           1:35:58

Settle Hills - I/C Women -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Yorkshire                           8
                                 1  Jo Waites           
                                 2  Lisa Lacon          
                                 5  Sue Becconsall      
  2  Cumbria                            16
                                 3  Rebecca Robinson    
                                 6  Evelyn Dugdale      
                                 7  Hazel Jones         
  3  Greater Manchester                 28
                                 4  Sally Newman        
                                11  Lynn Clough         
                                13  Karen Smout         
  4  Lancashire                         32
                                 8  Vanessa Peacock     
                                10  Deborah Culshaw     
                                14  Carmen Anthony      
  5  Leicestershire                     47
                                 9  Sarah Wells         
                                17  Barbara Lee         
                                21  Fiona Dewick        
  6  Merseyside                         64
                                19  Anne Rosbottom      
                                22  Karen Jarvis        
                                23  Louise Hogg         
  7  Essex                              70
                                18  Gill Carter         
                                25  Allison Cook        
                                27  Janet Hill          

Results copyright (c) G.J. Fecitt (SportSoft) 2006