The Afford Rent-A-Car Potters Arf

at Stoke on Trent on Sunday 11th June 2006

Potters Arf -- FINAL RESULTS

     Pos  Name                 Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  Ray Plant                    City Of Stoke                   1:11:45
       2  Philip Bradshaw              Newcastle AC                    1:14:07
       3  Mike Proudlove               City Of Stoke                   1:14:55
       4  Garry Payne          V45   1 George Eliot Strider            1:15:51
       5  Andrew Allen                 City Of Stoke                   1:16:10
       6  Mike Griffiths               Newcastle AC                    1:18:44
       7  Maurice Oldham       V50   1 Manchester Harriers & Ac        1:20:38
       8  City_of_Stoke_AC             Relay                           1:21:07
       9  Gareth Briggs                Staffs Moorlands AC             1:21:22
      10  Adri Hartveld        V45   2 City Of Stoke                   1:22:28
      11  Richard Hunter       V40   1 Tipton Harriers                 1:23:01
      12  Jan Piche                    Unattached                      1:23:55
      13  Chris Meir                   Unattached                      1:24:53
      14  Mike Hatton          V40   2 South Cheshire Harriers         1:25:16
      15  Colin Simpson                Unattached                      1:26:47
      16  Jamie Anderson               Telford Harriers                1:27:00
      17  Rebecca Harrison     L     1 Cheadle RC                      1:27:16
      18  Robert Boon          V40   3 Boallay                         1:27:34
      19  Simon Collis         V40   4 Trentham                        1:28:02
      20  Nasir Rafiq                  Unattached                      1:28:06
      21  Simon Jackson        V40   5 Congleton Harriers              1:28:10
      22  Kenneth Bloor        V45   3 Trentham                        1:28:30
      23  Angus Murray                 Cheadle RC                      1:29:33
      24  Mick Haire           V40   6 Boallay                         1:29:56
      25  Paul Burslem         V40   7 Trentham                        1:29:59
      26  Max Wood             V40   8 Boallay                         1:30:02
      27  Andy Mayers                  Unattached                      1:30:21
      28  Andrew Viggars       U18   1 Unattached                      1:30:28
      29  James Wood           U18   2 Unattached                      1:30:28
      30  Douglas Alcock       V50   2 Unattached                      1:30:49
      31  Steven Fenney                Stone Master Marathoners        1:30:51
      32  Stan Winterton       V60   1 Trentham                        1:30:59
      33  Anthony Bain         V50   3 Northern Veterans Ac            1:31:12
      34  Ronald Ilsley        V45   4 Wirksworth RC                   1:31:14
      35  David Myatt          V50   4 Trentham                        1:31:28
      36  Mark Dean            V40   9 Staffs Moorlands AC             1:31:41
      37  Lee Campbell         V40  10 Boallay                         1:31:54
      38  Ian Wood             V40  11 Oak Park RC                     1:32:00
      39  Kerry Taylor         L     2 Staffs Moorlands AC             1:32:03
      40  Mark Flint           V40  12 Newcastle AC                    1:32:29
      41  David Hindley                Unattached                      1:32:40
      42  David Clewlow                Unattached                      1:32:59
      43  Joe Humphries        U18   3 Unattached                      1:33:02
      44  Chris Ellams         JM    1 Unattached                      1:33:04
      45  Colin Averis                 Northbrook AC                   1:33:21
      46  Ruth WatchornRice    L35   1 Cheadle RC                      1:33:31
      47  Damian Tarbuck               Unattached                      1:33:48
      48  Martin Fox                   Newcastle AC                    1:35:07
      49  Robert Cooper                Unattached                      1:35:42
      50  David Hanson         V45   5 Unattached                      1:35:44
      51  Jayne Dickens        L35   2 Stone Master Marathoners        1:35:52
      52  Simon Canning                Unattached                      1:35:56
      53  Rob Edwards                  Wrecsam Tri                     1:35:58
      54  Paul Millward        V40  13 Staffs Moorlands AC             1:36:02
      55  Philippa Morris      L     5 Stone Master Marathoners        1:36:28
      56  Simon Fawcett                Unattached                      1:36:33
      57  James Trotter        V45   6 Unattached                      1:36:37
      58  Nigel Lee            V50   5 Newcastle AC                    1:36:48
      59  Deborah Thomas       L     6 Trentham                        1:36:56
      60  Chris Phillips               Unattached                      1:37:06
      61  Ivor Twiss           V50   6 Unattached                      1:37:12
      62  James Holland                Stone Master Marathoners        1:37:40
      63  Duane Daugherty      V45   7 Unattached                      1:37:46
      64  Goerge Grifton               Sneyd Striders                  1:37:55
      65  Robert MottranJones  V40  14 Vegetarian Cycling & AC         1:37:56
      66  Steve McConnell      V50   7 Longton Harriers                1:37:58
      67  Adrian Loughley      V40  15 Unattached                      1:37:59
      68  Shirley Robson       L55   1 Unattached                      1:38:07
      69  Mike Robson          V55   1 Unattached                      1:38:07
      70  Kyle Cassidy         JM    2 Unattached                      1:38:42
      71  Martin Ball                  Havering 90 Joggers             1:38:55
      72  Ian Cassidy          JM    3 Unattached                      1:38:59
      73  James Speed                  Unattached                      1:38:59
      74  John Morris          V45   8 Vegetarian Cycling & AC         1:39:10
      75  Mark Stoddard                Trentham                        1:39:16
      76  Simon Danks                  Uttoxeter RR                    1:39:17
      77  Ken Bennion          V50   8 Vale Royal AC                   1:39:25
      78  Frank Caci           V50   9 Trentham                        1:39:48
      79  Anthony Dickens      V45   9 Unattached                      1:39:57
      80  Douglas Mee          V45  10 Unattached                      1:40:08
      81  Clive Baggaley       V60   2 Uttoxeter RR                    1:40:10
      82  George Fox           V45  11 Stafford Harriers               1:40:31
      83  Warren Moores                Leeds Metropolitan University   1:40:42
      84  Paul Poole                   Newcastle AC                    1:40:47
      85  Daniel Viggars               Unattached                      1:40:47
      86  Amdrew Hughes                Unattached                      1:40:49
      87  John Holmes          V50  10 Milton                          1:41:07
      88  Andrew Barnett               Unattached                      1:41:15
      89  George Cairns        U18   4 Unattached                      1:41:16
      90  Jane Eardley         L     8 Newcastle AC                    1:41:23
      91  Rob Cummings         V40  16 South Cheshire Harriers         1:41:25
      92  Matthew Jackson              Biddulph RC                     1:41:40
      93  Paul Howle           V40  17 Milton                          1:41:47
      94  Anthony Carr                 Milton                          1:41:47
      95  Martyn Shaw                  Unattached                      1:41:48
      96  Philip Speck                 Unattached                      1:41:49
      97  Mark Maloney                 Michelin AC                     1:41:49
      98  Michael Cook         V40  18 Uttoxeter RR                    1:42:07
      99  Chris Smith                  Michelin AC                     1:42:11
     100  Chris Castille       V40  19 NSRRA                           1:42:12
     101  Philippa Boote       L35   3 Stone Master Marathoners        1:42:20
     102  Cieran O'Reilly      V40  20 Unattached                      1:42:29
     103  Simon Mullock        V40  21 Unattached                      1:42:40
     104  Chris Callan         V45  12 Unattached                      1:42:40
     105  Melanie Young        L    10 Newcastle AC                    1:42:42
     106  Ben Lui                      Manchester University AC        1:42:47
     107  Matthew Hammonds             Unattached                      1:42:48
     108  Jason Chappell               Unattached                      1:42:48
     109  Brian Speake                 Reading RR                      1:42:50
     110  Shaun Kelly                  Unattached                      1:42:51
     111  Andrew Gray                  Unattached                      1:42:59
     112  Gary Hemming                 Stafford Harriers               1:42:59
     113  Adrian Hutst                 Unattached                      1:43:03
     114  Justin Mould         JM    4 Unattached                      1:43:20
     115  Mark Hughes          V50  11 Trentham                        1:43:28
     116  Andy Evans                   Unattached                      1:43:32
     117  Ian Fairbrother      V40  22 Unattached                      1:43:34
     118  Tony Markham         V50  12 Newcastle AC                    1:43:42
     119  John Dowie                   Trentham                        1:43:44
     120  Liam Jones           U18   5 City Of Stoke                   1:43:54
     121  David Dixon          V40  23 Unattached                      1:44:02
     122  Steve Lovatt         V45  13 Trentham                        1:44:03
     123  Peter Denson                 Stoke ABC                       1:44:11
     124  M Charles                    Newcastle AC                    1:44:13
     125  David Johnson        V40  24 Unattached                      1:44:14
     126  Bill Clarke          V55   2 Unattached                      1:44:15
     127  Brian Corcoran               Unattached                      1:44:17
     128  Paul Walton          V40  25 Longton Harriers                1:44:19
     129  Paul Malkin                  Unattached                      1:44:22
     130  Grahame Cope                 Uttoxeter RR                    1:44:23
     131  Richard Mitchell             Unattached                      1:44:42
     132  Alan Clarey          V50  13 South Liverpool Harriers        1:44:46
     133  Graham Fletcher      V45  14 NSRRA                           1:44:53
     134  C TannerTremaine     V60   3 Congleton Harriers              1:45:00
     135  Mick Williams        V45  15 NSRRA                           1:45:01
     136  David Lee            JM    5 Unattached                      1:45:09
     137  Robert Killeen       JM    6 Unattached                      1:45:11
     138  Sylvia Zamperini     L35   4 Unattached                      1:45:16
     139  Mark Massey                  Unattached                      1:45:16
     140  Diane Townsend       L45   1 Oak Park RC                     1:45:18
     141  Don Beech            V45  16 Staffs Moorlands AC             1:45:25
     142  Adrian Northcott             Staffs Moorlands AC             1:45:27
     143  Mark Cope            JM    7 Unattached                      1:45:29
     144  Rosemary Wilson      L45   2 Stone Master Marathoners        1:45:33
     145  William Tomkinson    V40  26 Silverdale                      1:46:03
     146  Phil Fortun                  Stone Master Marathoners        1:46:15
     147  Brian James          V40  27 Cheadle RC                      1:46:17
     148  Lance King                   Unattached                      1:46:28
     149  Guy HartseTuyn       V40  28 Boallay                         1:46:33
     150  Arthur Zammit                Wolverhampton & Bilston         1:46:36
     151  Christopher Massey           Unattached                      1:46:49
     152  Robert Wagstaff      V45  17 Silverdale                      1:46:54
     153  Ian Hancock          V40  29 Unattached                      1:46:54
     154  Debbie Hill          L45   3 Congleton Harriers              1:47:04
     155  Pete Doyle           V45  18 Congleton Harriers              1:47:06
     156  Laura Dawson         L    15 Chase Harriers                  1:47:09
     157  Lee Hughes                   Unattached                      1:47:09
     158  Shayne Elsworth              Unattached                      1:47:11
     159  Stuart Day                   Unattached                      1:47:17
     160  Toni McDonagh        L    16 Unattached                      1:47:21
     161  Brian Mackey         V60   4 Uttoxeter RR                    1:47:22
     162  Michelle Rushton     L    17 Stone Master Marathoners        1:47:32
     163  Michael Morton       V55   3 Boallay                         1:47:43
     164  Gareth Nixon                 Staffs Moorlands AC             1:47:47
     165  Lindsay Fitzgerald   L    18 Unattached                      1:47:51
     166  Andrew Jessop                Unattached                      1:47:52
     167  Jason Bulley         V40  30 Sandbach Striders               1:47:53
     168  Mark Jordan          V45  19 Unattached                      1:47:58
     169  Mark Platts                  Staffs Moorlands AC             1:47:59
     170  Philip Sutton        JM    8 Unattached                      1:48:00
     171  Nick Bind            V40  31 Unattached                      1:48:38
     172  Ian Grocott          V40  32 Trentham                        1:48:45
     173  Nick Cansdale                Unattached                      1:48:53
     174  Brian Wiilson        V40  33 Unattached                      1:49:00
     175  Graham Ralston               Unattached                      1:49:05
     176  Russell Williams     V45  20 Unattached                      1:49:19
     177  Hazel Gibson         L40   1 Cheadle RC                      1:49:25
     178  Mark Petrozzi                Unattached                      1:49:31
     179  Warren Peake                 Unattached                      1:49:39
     180  Bernard Wilkes       V50  14 Stafford Harriers               1:49:52
     181  Alex Frost                   Unattached                      1:50:07
     182  Tim Nicklin                  Unattached                      1:50:12
     183  Stephen Day                  Unattached                      1:50:14
     184  Allan Parker         V50  15 Uttoxeter RR                    1:50:23
     185  Howard Moores        V45  21 Unattached                      1:50:29
     186  Paul Clulow          V45  22 Unattached                      1:50:29
     187  Amy Cope             L    20 Stone Master Marathoners        1:50:29
     188  Alison Brand         L45   4 Stone Master Marathoners        1:50:31
     189  Kevin Pilling        V40  34 Unattached                      1:50:33
     190  Malcolm Roberts      V45  23 Goodyear                        1:50:34
     191  Brian Powell         V55   4 Chesterton                      1:50:36
     192  Martyn Thomson               Trentham                        1:50:38
     193  Gaspare Iacono       V40  35 Unattached                      1:50:49
     194  Harry Bailey         U18   6 Unattached                      1:50:50
     195  Alistair Tarbuck             Unattached                      1:50:56
     196  George Barlow                Unattached                      1:51:03
     197  Derek Okseniuk       V50  16 Longton Harriers                1:51:11
     198  George Singh         V65   1 Stafford Harriers               1:51:14
     199  Michael Dunn                 Unattached                      1:51:22
     200  Ryan Procter                 Trentham                        1:51:22
     201  Andrew Wint          V40  36 Unattached                      1:51:24
     202  Jim Hawkins                  Cheadle RC                      1:51:24
     203  Yvonne Leeson        L50   1 Stone Master Marathoners        1:51:33
     204  Andy Wheeler         V50  17 Stragglers                      1:51:44
     205  Henry Atkinson               Unattached                      1:51:49
     206  David Keegan         V55   5 Shelton Striders                1:51:49
     207  David Wheable                Wilmslow Running Club           1:51:52
     208  Peter Haslop         V50  18 Stone Master Marathoners        1:52:09
     209  Richard Marks                Unattached                      1:52:17
     210  Steve Martin         V40  37 Unattached                      1:52:18
     211  Robert Thomson       V45  24 Shrewsbury                      1:52:18
     212  Martin Tomlinson             Unattached                      1:52:20
     213  Richard Benson       V50  19 Congleton Harriers              1:52:22
     214  Ian Spencer          V45  25 Stafford Harriers               1:52:22
     215  Martin Edwards               Unattached                      1:52:26
     216  Jon Corbishley               Unattached                      1:52:35
     217  John Finney          V60   5 Stafford Harriers               1:52:36
     218  Gerry Calvert        V65   2 Trentham                        1:52:36
     219  Rick Philips         V40  38 Unattached                      1:52:39
     220  Neil Pestridge               Unattached                      1:52:39
     221  David Hall           V45  26 Unattached                      1:52:41
     222  Tony Ratcliffe       V60   6 Newcastle AC                    1:52:44
     223  Catherine Goldstraw  L35   5 Unattached                      1:52:46
     224  Mike Cutler          V45  27 South Cheshire Harriers         1:52:48
     225  Denzil Martin                Wrekin RR                       1:53:27
     226  Jones                        Unattached                      1:53:38
     227  Steve Abene                  Unattached                      1:53:41
     228  Paul Hadley          V40  39 Trentham                        1:53:41
     229  John Hughes          V40  40 Unattached                      1:53:42
     230  Philip Butler        V45  28 Unattached                      1:53:42
     231  Lee Walker                   Unattached                      1:53:42
     232  Matthew Stanlake             Newcastle AC                    1:53:52
     233  Robert Hughes        V40  41 Unattached                      1:53:59
     234  Richard Beeston              Unattached                      1:54:10
     235  Tracy Pyatt          L35   6 Unattached                      1:54:14
     236  Jane Pyatt           L35   7 Unattached                      1:54:14
     237  Ian Harris           V40  42 Dudley Kingswinford             1:54:14
     238  Bert Loweth          V45  29 Unattached                      1:54:16
     239  Lindon Bloor                 Unattached                      1:54:20
     240  Jonathan Bourne              Unattached                      1:54:20
     241  Michael Done                 Unattached                      1:54:23
     242  Colin Earp           V55   6 South Cheshire Harriers         1:54:34
     243  Mark Cartlidge               Unattached                      1:54:43
     244  Derrick Weston       U18   7 Unattached                      1:54:46
     245  Anne Whitelock       L    26 Biddulph RC                     1:54:49
     246  Brett Moss                   Unattached                      1:54:50
     247  Andy George          V40  43 Broadway                        1:54:50
     248   Martin Dean         JM    9 Unattached                      1:54:56
     249  Nathan Shaw          JM   10 Unattached                      1:54:58
     250  Billy Meakin         V45  30 Newcastle AC                    1:54:58
     251  Christopher Steele   U18   8 Stoke ABC                       1:55:07
     252  Steven Tuck          V40  44 Boallay                         1:55:09
     253  Adrian Molyneux              Unattached                      1:55:10
     254  David Wilson         V50  20 Longton Harriers                1:55:11
     255  Darren Knapper               Unattached                      1:55:15
     256  Lynne Richards       L35   8 Newcastle AC                    1:55:15
     257  Andrew Sproson               Unattached                      1:55:17
     258  Gary Sproson                 Unattached                      1:55:17
     259  Mark Woolridge       V40  45 Unattached                      1:55:17
     260  Steve Turner         V40  46 Stafford Harriers               1:55:26
     261  Keith Beesley        V40  47 Unattached                      1:55:31
     262  Jill Phillips        L45   5 Trentham                        1:55:37
     263  Matthew Culverwell           Staffs Moorlands AC             1:55:46
     264  Steven Fogg          V40  48 Unattached                      1:55:47
     265  Peter Bicks                  Unattached                      1:55:49
     266  Emily Phillips       L18   1 Unattached                      1:55:56
     267  Michael Downes               Unattached                      1:55:57
     268  Jonathan Stanfield           Unattached                      1:56:03
     269  Alan Graham          V50  21 Southport Waterloo Ac           1:56:05
     270  Karen Matthews       L35   9 Staffs Police                   1:56:12
     271  Simon Davies                 Unattached                      1:56:22
     272  Carl Wallace                 Unattached                      1:56:27
     273  Mark Wallace                 Unattached                      1:56:27
     274  Brian Woosall        V55   7 Unattached                      1:56:30
     275  Alex Smith                   Unattached                      1:56:30
     276  Emily Chell          LJ    1 Unattached                      1:56:30
     277  John Smith           U18   9 Stoke ABC                       1:56:41
     278  Mark Chorton                 Stone Master Marathoners        1:56:42
     279  Barry Hall                   Stafford Harriers               1:56:47
     280  Steve Hargreaves             Unattached                      1:56:53
     281  Gareth Absalom       V40  49 Norton Canes                    1:56:56
     282  Darren Bradley               Unattached                      1:56:56
     283  Gary Holmes                  Unattached                      1:56:56
     284  Ian Paterson                 Unattached                      1:56:59
     285  David Gater          V40  50 Unattached                      1:57:06
     286  Andrew Johnson               Unattached                      1:57:07
     287  Catherine Mycock     L40   2 Unattached                      1:57:07
     288  Stephanie Ilsley     L40   3 Wirksworth RC                   1:57:14
     289  Paul Rowlinson       V40  51 Staffs Moorlands AC             1:57:22
     290  Isaac Banks                  Unattached                      1:57:25
     291  Martin McCormick     V40  52 Unattached                      1:57:28
     292  Trent_Trotters               Relay                           1:57:34
     293  Hanley_Economic_A            Relay                           1:57:37
     294  Robert Fenton                Unattached                      1:57:37
     295  Andrew Fenton                Unattached                      1:57:37
     296  Mark Armstrong       V45  31 Staffs Moorlands AC             1:57:45
     297  Gordon Fletcher      V40  53 Road Runners Club               1:57:45
     298  Adrian Williamson            Menai Valley                    1:57:54
     299  Peter Lines          V50  22 Telford AC                      1:57:59
     300  Raymond Puma         V40  54 Unattached                      1:58:17
     301  Anthony Bridgewood   V60   7 Longton Harriers                1:58:17
     302  Glenn Riley                  South Cheshire Harriers         1:58:18
     303  Trevor Reece         V45  32 South Cheshire Harriers         1:58:31
     304  Philippa Gilbert     L45   6 Unattached                      1:58:34
     305  Russell Reid         V45  33 NSRRA                           1:58:38
     306  Bradley Baynes       U18  10 Unattached                      1:58:40
     307  Shaun Baynes                 Unattached                      1:58:40
     308  Ken Ginders          V40  55 Unattached                      1:58:48
     309  Grant Donner                 Unattached                      1:58:53
     310  Wendy Davies         L    35 Unattached                      1:58:57
     311  Barry Hopwood        V65   3 Trentham                        1:58:57
     312  Swift_Electrical             Relay                           1:59:10
     313  Alastair Boyd        V45  34 Shelton Striders                1:59:15
     314  Kristian Turner              Unattached                      1:59:18
     315  Terence Walton       V60   8 Longton Harriers                1:59:19
     316  Bill Whitworth       V60   9 Stafford Harriers               1:59:23
     317  Nick Mollart         V45  35 Unattached                      1:59:26
     318  Matthew Forster              Unattached                      1:59:26
     319  Chicken Cox          L    36 Unattached                      1:59:33
     320  Ruth Umerah          L40   4 Stafford Harriers               1:59:42
     321  Matthew Simcock              Unattached                      1:59:45
     322  Alan Bourne                  Unattached                      1:59:47
     323  Robert Findler       V45  36 Milton                          1:59:50
     324  Bernard Finnemore    V60  10 Unattached                      1:59:52
     325  Keith Fellows        V50  23 Owls AC                         1:59:52
     326  Anthony Bates                Unattached                      1:59:52
     327  Christopher Bates    V40  56 Unattached                      1:59:54
     328  Colin Wynne          V55   8 South Cheshire Harriers         2:00:22
     329  David Cartwright     V40  57 Unattached                      2:00:31
     330  Don Brookes          V70   1 Trentham                        2:00:34
     331  Robert Cairns        V45  37 Unattached                      2:00:38
     332  Brenda Cairns        L45   7 Unattached                      2:00:40
     333  Clive Pritchard      V50  24 Unattached                      2:00:40
     334  Gordon Hutchins      V40  58 Sandbach Striders               2:00:40
     335  Vanessa Escott       L    39 Unattached                      2:00:47
     336  Keith Gater          V45  38 Unattached                      2:00:53
     337  Christopher Naylor           Unattached                      2:00:53
     338  Andrew Bradshaw              Unattached                      2:00:54
     339  Rob Sproston                 Unattached                      2:01:11
     340  Mike Rogers          V65   4 Cannock & Stafford AC           2:01:21
     341  Aaron Brunt          U18  11 Unattached                      2:01:43
     342  Robert Mayers        V40  59 Unattached                      2:01:44
     343  Christopr Wollimgton U18  12 Trentham                        2:01:45
     344  Dean Pritchard       U18  13 Unattached                      2:01:51
     345  Daniel Moors                 Unattached                      2:01:53
     346  David Austin                 Unattached                      2:01:56
     347  Richard Marshall             Unattached                      2:01:58
     348  David Ferris                 Unattached                      2:02:03
     349  Graham Kemp          V40  60 Enterprise                      2:02:04
     350  Thomas Shave                 Unattached                      2:02:05
     351  Edwardsrichard               Unattached                      2:02:05
     352  Phil Baldock         V45  39 Uttoxeter RR                    2:02:07
     353  Martin Forster               Unattached                      2:02:10
     354  Lisa Beesley         L35  10 Unattached                      2:02:12
     355  Simon Rayner         V50  25 Unattached                      2:02:12
     356  Glyn Botfield                Road Runners Club               2:02:13
     357  Alan McLelland       V40  61 Unattached                      2:02:13
     358  Emma Kerr            L    41 Michelin AC                     2:02:19
     359  Dave Reid            V45  40 City Of Chester Triathlon Club  2:02:21
     360  Roy Jardine          V55   9 Eryri Harriers                  2:02:28
     361  Graham McLachlan             Unattached                      2:02:33
     362  Patrick Tivenan      V60  11 Uttoxeter RR                    2:02:33
     363  Ken Harper           V45  41 Unattached                      2:02:38
     364  Amarjit Shahota      V45  42 Unattached                      2:02:44
     365  Malcolm Beardmore    V40  62 Unattached                      2:02:45
     366  Gaynor Sanders       L35  11 Unattached                      2:02:45
     367  Martin Richards              Unattached                      2:02:51
     368  Linda Dale           L40   5 Staffs Moorlands AC             2:02:53
     369  Trevor Goodwin       V65   5 NSRRA                           2:02:55
     370  Stephen Samuel               Unattached                      2:02:58
     371  Charlie Seddon       V45  43 Macclesfield Harriers & AC      2:03:01
     372  Graham Shaw                  Unattached                      2:03:11
     373  Mat Broadhead                Unattached                      2:03:16
     374  Paul Rogerson                Unattached                      2:03:18
     375  Anthony Parsons      V40  63 Unattached                      2:03:20
     376  Ian Davall           V40  64 Cheadle RC                      2:03:20
     377  Darren Taylor                Norton Canes                    2:03:20
     378  Liz O'Keefe          L45   8 Sandbach Striders               2:03:34
     379  Matthew Bunker               Unattached                      2:03:34
     380  David McPherson              Unattached                      2:03:34
     381  Judi Clayton         L35  12 Newport RC                      2:03:41
     382  Forbes Hamilton              Unattached                      2:03:41
     383  Philip Hackney               Unattached                      2:03:48
     384  David Baker          V50  26 Unattached                      2:03:55
     385  Lee Thursfield               Unattached                      2:04:11
     386  Pauk Jones           V40  65 Unattached                      2:04:13
     387  John Barrow                  Stragglers                      2:04:13
     388  Andrew Penty         V50  27 Stragglers                      2:04:18
     389  Philip Ashley        V40  66 Unattached                      2:04:18
     390  Craig Allen          V40  67 Unattached                      2:04:25
     391  Ben Greensides               Unattached                      2:04:25
     392  Richard Welsh                Unattached                      2:04:40
     393  Adrian Share         V40  68 Unattached                      2:04:41
     394  Gary Payne                   Stone Master Marathoners        2:04:59
     395  Paul Edwards                 Unattached                      2:04:59
     396  Simon Leigh          V40  69 Unattached                      2:05:02
     397  Carl Dimmock         V40  70 Boallay                         2:05:06
     398  Jeff Wilson                  Unattached                      2:05:07
     399  Mairi Pearce         L    46 Chase Harriers                  2:05:08
     400  David Wild           V40  71 Unattached                      2:05:08
     401  Rachel Wud           L    47 Unattached                      2:05:12
     402  Anthony Goodwin      V40  72 Unattached                      2:05:17
     403  Matthew Morray       U18  14 Unattached                      2:05:18
     404  Andrew Malben        JM   11 Unattached                      2:05:23
     405  Colin Pheasant       V50  28 Chase Harriers                  2:05:24
     406  Paul Potter                  Unattached                      2:05:36
     407  Ann Williams         L40   6 Sittingbourne Striders          2:05:40
     408  James McCall                 Stoke ABC                       2:05:53
     409  Richard Beeston      V40  73 Road Runners Club               2:05:54
     410  Jonathan Tundell             Long Eaton RC                   2:05:54
     411  Darren Dale                  Stoke ABC                       2:05:55
     412  Chris Barlow         V55  10 Stone Master Marathoners        2:05:58
     413  Robert Findler       V45  44 Newcastle AC                    2:06:11
     414  Nick Watson                  Unattached                      2:06:33
     415  Hanle6y_Economic_B           Relay                           2:06:36
     416  Patrick Marks                Boallay                         2:06:51
     417  Allan Kay            V55  11 100 Marathon Club               2:06:58
     418  Martin Evans                 Unattached                      2:07:05
     419  Becky Austin         L    49 Newcastle AC                    2:07:07
     420  Belinda Riley        L45   9 Newcastle AC                    2:07:10
     421  Janice Cope          L50   2 Unattached                      2:07:19
     422 ?Edwardsrichard               Unattached                      2:07:19
     423  Glynn Barrow                 Unattached                      2:07:22
     424  Mark Blakeley        V40  74 Unattached                      2:07:31
     425  Anthony Knight       V50  29 Trail Runners                   2:07:37
     426  Matthew Hughes               Unattached                      2:07:41
     427  Jodie Hurst          L    52 Unattached                      2:07:42
     428  Benjamin Wilkins     JM   12 Unattached                      2:08:03
     429  Nicola Stanyer       L35  13 Biddulph RC                     2:08:14
     430  Sally Freeman        L    54 Unattached                      2:08:18
     431  Philip Pointon       V40  75 Boallay                         2:08:24
     432  Dave Onion           V65   6 Redhill RR                      2:08:35
     433  Carole Tut           L40   7 Chesterton                      2:08:35
     434  Jason Parrish                Chesterton                      2:08:35
     435  Jason Fishwick               Unattached                      2:08:42
     436  Kathleen Oliver      L50   3 Road Runners Club               2:08:47
     437  Richard Smith        V40  76 Unattached                      2:08:50
     438  Carl Cartlidge               Unattached                      2:08:56
     439  Michael Clunn        JM   13 Stoke ABC                       2:08:58
     440  Simon Whitfield              Unattached                      2:08:59
     441  Daniel Tierney               Unattached                      2:09:02
     442  Paul Crookall        V50  30 Unattached                      2:09:06
     443  Steven Philbin               Unattached                      2:09:09
     444  Aaron Stokoe         U18  15 Unattached                      2:09:11
     445  Westbury_Park                Relay                           2:09:16
     446  Kevin Allen          V45  45 Fire Service Sports             2:09:16
     447  Ted Worsley          V55  12 Fire Service Sports             2:09:16
     448  Debbie Somerfield    L    57 Unattached                      2:09:16
     449  Frank Gould          V45  46 Unattached                      2:09:16
     450  Jacquelie Fitzgerald L40   8 Unattached                      2:09:16
     451  Garry Pankhurst              Unattached                      2:09:16
     452  Mark Longley         V45  47 Unattached                      2:09:16
     453  Chris Moores         U18  16 Unattached                      2:09:19
     454  Gina Weatherall      L60   1 Trentham                        2:09:24
     455  Mark Morris                  Unattached                      2:09:28
     456  David Amigoni        V40  77 Unattached                      2:09:28
     457  Trevor McVicker      V50  31 Unattached                      2:09:33
     458  Martin Cover         V45  48 Unattached                      2:09:36
     459  Brian Pointon        V40  78 Unattached                      2:09:41
     460  Tony Proctor         V55  13 Audley RC                       2:09:59
     461  Steven Mould         V45  49 Unattached                      2:09:59
     462  Anna Mieczako        L    60 Unattached                      2:10:02
     463  Ben Percival                 Unattached                      2:10:06
     464 ?Daniel Viggars               Unattached                      2:10:10
     465  Kevin Williams       V40  79 Unattached                      2:10:14
     466  Corinne Williams     L45  10 Unattached                      2:10:18
     467  Becky Foulkes        L18   2 Unattached                      2:10:22
     468  Robert Hagan                 Unattached                      2:10:26
     469  Worthingtonadam              Unattached                      2:10:26
     470  Matthew Cheadle              Unattached                      2:10:31
     471  Preston Grundy       V60  12 Dudley Kingswinford             2:10:36
     472  Paul Flynn           V45  50 Unattached                      2:10:41
     473  Matthew Sgrigley             Unattached                      2:10:46
     474  David Halliday               Newcastle AC                    2:10:52
     475  Henry Maxwell        V45  51 Unattached                      2:10:52
     476  Leslie Hassall               Unattached                      2:10:59
     477  Zoe Davies           L    63 Unattached                      2:11:00
     478  Mark Segley                  NSRRA                           2:11:01
     479  Mark Collins                 Unattached                      2:11:03
     480  Phil Tomkinson               Unattached                      2:11:04
     481  Kathleen Mackie      L    64 Unattached                      2:11:06
     482  Stuart James                 Unattached                      2:11:07
     483  Joseph Bridgewater   U18  17 Unattached                      2:11:08
     484  Kathy Keane          L45  11 Newcastle AC                    2:11:10
     485  Joanna Chadburn      L    66 Unattached                      2:11:11
     486  Sean Foley                   Unattached                      2:11:13
     487  Lorna Evans          L    67 Unattached                      2:11:16
     488  Ronald Wood          V60  13 Unattached                      2:11:16
     489  Gary Leese                   HM Prison RC                    2:11:16
     490  Andy Batho                   Unattached                      2:11:22
     491  Craig Hertoz                 Unattached                      2:11:24
     492  Joel McGill          U18  18 Unattached                      2:11:24
     493  Anthony Hayhoe       V40  80 Unattached                      2:11:37
     494  Neil Platts                  Staffs Moorlands AC             2:11:43
     495  Alexandra Lee        L    68 Unattached                      2:11:46
     496  Nicola Salvemini     V40  81 Unattached                      2:11:50
     497  Joanne Leese         L45  12 NSRRA                           2:11:53
     498  Matthew Holloway             Unattached                      2:12:09
     499  Jacqueline Hill      L    70 Unattached                      2:12:25
     500  Adam Tyson                   Unattached                      2:12:33
     501  Matthew Stanway              Unattached                      2:12:42
     502  Mac McCorc           V55  14 Stone Master Marathoners        2:12:45
     503  Damian Hopkins               Unattached                      2:13:00
     504  Janet Deaville       L45  13 Tattenhall Runners              2:13:06
     505  James Barnes         V45  52 Unattached                      2:13:20
     506  Stephen Thomas       V45  53 Unattached                      2:13:25
     507  Warren Potts                 Unattached                      2:13:33
     508  Anthony Edis         V60  14 Unattached                      2:13:41
     509  Alison Wright        L    72 Unattached                      2:13:42
     510  The_Young_Ones               Relay                           2:13:53
     511  Richard Longley              Unattached                      2:13:53
     512  Barry Ellams         V55  15 Unattached                      2:13:56
     513  Wayne Stevenson      JM   14 Unattached                      2:13:58
     514  Rhys Tatton          JM   15 Unattached                      2:13:58
     515  Michael Chaplin      JM   16 Unattached                      2:13:58
     516  Guy Coates           V40  82 Unattached                      2:14:04
     517  Sentinel_E                   Relay                           2:14:09
     518  Dean Calvert         U18  19 Stoke ABC                       2:14:10
     519  Steve McNulty        V45  54 Unattached                      2:14:12
     520  Julie Brown          L45  14 Barnsley Harriers               2:14:20
     521  Sonia Beaston        L    74 Unattached                      2:14:27
     522  Michael Burgin       V40  83 Unattached                      2:14:31
     523  Jeffrey Pass                 Unattached                      2:14:35
     524  Alan Melling         V50  32 Unattached                      2:14:35
     525  Ian Rogerson         V45  55 Unattached                      2:14:41
     526  Siobhan Adam         L    75 Porthill Park RC                2:14:48
     527  Jill Pedley          L40   9 Unattached                      2:14:48
     528  Nicholas Hill        V40  84 Unattached                      2:14:55
     529  Garry Sunderland             Unattached                      2:15:14
     530  Gary Eccleston       JM   17 Unattached                      2:15:17
     531  Robert Satburn       V45  56 Unattached                      2:15:28
     532  Alison Morrey        L40  10 Unattached                      2:15:39
     533  Chris Thomas         V50  33 Biddulph RC                     2:15:39
     534  Tracy Shufflebottom  L35  14 Biddulph RC                     2:15:39
     535  John Plant           V50  34 Unattached                      2:15:40
     536  Tim Woods            V40  85 Unattached                      2:15:43
     537  Jason Blount                 Unattached                      2:15:48
     538  Kathleen's_Team              Relay                           2:15:48
     539  Tracy Hartridge      L35  15 Unattached                      2:15:50
     540  Amrik Rai            V45  57 Milton                          2:15:50
     541  Paul Williams                Unattached                      2:16:08
     542  Stephen Hancock              Unattached                      2:16:14
     543  Samantha Joseph      L    80 Unattached                      2:16:16
     544  Phil Dowd            V40  86 Unattached                      2:16:19
     545  Andy Haigh                   Unattached                      2:16:23
     546  Tracy Hanson         L    81 Unattached                      2:16:31
     547  Robert Thacker               Unattached                      2:16:34
     548  Lee Hemming                  Unattached                      2:16:37
     549  Thomas Hanett                Unattached                      2:16:37
     550  Mark Sawbridge       V40  87 Unattached                      2:16:42
     551  Harry                V45  58 Unattached                      2:16:42
     552  Melissa Forster      L    82 Morpeth Harriers                2:16:44
     553  Richard Hey          V40  88 Unattached                      2:16:47
     554  Jeff Dyer            V55  16 Unattached                      2:16:48
     555  James Hilton                 Unattached                      2:16:51
     556  Paul Marsh                   Unattached                      2:16:54
     557  Steve Meynihan       V40  89 Unattached                      2:17:00
     558  Gavin Simpson                Unattached                      2:17:08
     559  David Thomas                 Unattached                      2:17:20
     560  Michael Thomas       V40  90 Unattached                      2:17:37
     561  Natalie Mountford    L    83 Stafford Harriers               2:17:37
     562  Dan Arkwell                  Unattached                      2:17:45
     563  Tim Bennett          V45  59 Unattached                      2:17:56
     564  Tony Moore           V50  35 Staffs Moorlands AC             2:18:03
     565  Sentinel_B                   Relay                           2:18:10
     566  Brian Burrows        V50  36 Unattached                      2:18:18
     567  Simon Boardman               Unattached                      2:18:27
     568  Terence Worthington  V55  17 Unattached                      2:18:27
     569  Susan Worthington    L55   2 Unattached                      2:18:44
     570  Philippa Longley     L    85 Unattached                      2:18:47
     571  Michael Mytenka      V45  60 Milton                          2:19:13
     572  Mary Carnall         L50   4 Unattached                      2:19:16
     573  Shane Knott          L45  15 Unattached                      2:19:16
     574  Karen Clowes         L40  11 Unattached                      2:19:19
     575  Graham McCrowan              Unattached                      2:19:19
     576  Steve Bradley        V50  37 Unattached                      2:19:23
     577  Richard Statham      V40  91 Peel Road Runners               2:19:40
     578  Paul Shelley                 Unattached                      2:19:47
     579  Roberto Lima                 Unattached                      2:20:01
     580  Laura Goldstraw      L    89 Unattached                      2:20:04
     581  John Rockey          V60  15 Newcastle AC                    2:20:07
     582  Matthew Rogalski     U18  20 Unattached                      2:20:17
     583  Andrew Gadsby        V45  61 Hatton Darts                    2:20:23
     584  Ann Worthington      L40  12 NSRRA                           2:20:24
     585  Arthur Hughes        V70   2 Unattached                      2:20:45
     586  Sentinel_A                   Relay                           2:20:48
     587  Alan Sims            V55  18 Unattached                      2:20:51
     588  David Caulkin                Unattached                      2:20:52
     589  Philip` Naylor       V50  38 Unattached                      2:21:23
     590  Andrew Deaville              Unattached                      2:21:25
     591  Jonathan Ashby               Unattached                      2:21:28
     592  Julian Goodwin               Unattached                      2:21:29
     593  John Meir            V45  62 Unattached                      2:21:30
     594  Paul Armitt                  Unattached                      2:21:32
     595  Joanne Woakes        L    91 Trentham                        2:21:36
     596  David Woakes                 Unattached                      2:21:45
     597  Alistair Nicholls            Unattached                      2:22:03
     598  Phil Curry           V45  63 Road Runners Club               2:22:06
     599  Mark Hancock                 Unattached                      2:22:09
     600  Mark Shingler                Unattached                      2:22:26
     601  Paul Cartledge       V40  92 Unattached                      2:22:38
     602  Laura Bloor          L    92 Michelin AC                     2:22:41
     603  I Hodgkins           U18  21 Unattached                      2:22:43
     604  Martin Latham        V40  93 Unattached                      2:23:06
     605  Craig Slater                 Stoke ABC                       2:23:10
     606  Jason Kaill                  Trentham                        2:23:10
     607  Paul Roberts         V40  94 Unattached                      2:23:17
     608  Mark Hawkes                  Unattached                      2:23:20
     609  Natalie YatesBolton  L35  16 Royton RR                       2:23:26
     610  Barry Clinton        V65   7 Centurian                       2:23:29
     611  Richard Hargreaves           Unattached                      2:23:29
     612  Brian Blowe                  Army AC                         2:23:35
     613  Anthony Ruscoe               Unattached                      2:23:38
     614  Brian Lancaster              Unattached                      2:23:38
     615  Martin Morse         V55  19 Unattached                      2:23:42
     616  Geoffrey Hassall     V55  20 Unattached                      2:23:42
     617  The_Welsh_Team               Relay                           2:23:42
     618  Chris Tittensor      V60  16 Newcastle AC                    2:23:50
     619  Michael Jones        V40  95 Unattached                      2:23:54
     620  Paul Byham           V40  96 Unattached                      2:23:59
     621  Kimberli Davenport   L    94 Unattached                      2:24:05
     622  Warm_Hearts_B                Relay                           2:24:12
     623  Stephen Johnson              Unattached                      2:24:26
     624  Maurice Pressley     V55  21 Road Runners Club               2:24:37
     625  Fred Forster         V55  22 Unattached                      2:24:46
     626  Ged McKenna          V50  39 Unattached                      2:24:54
     627  Rachel Condliffe     L35  17 NSRRA                           2:25:04
     628  E2                           Relay                           2:25:04
     629  Malcolm Rushton      V55  23 Trentham                        2:25:06
     630  Matthew Whitmore             Unattached                      2:25:06
     631  Karl Mason                   Unattached                      2:25:08
     632  Andrew McLean                Unattached                      2:25:11
     633  Gareth Paddock               Unattached                      2:25:16
     634  Andy Leese           V40  97 Trentham                        2:25:25
     635  Gail Green           L35  18 Womens Running Network          2:25:26
     636  Andy Reed                    Unattached                      2:25:28
     637  Graham Scarratt              Unattached                      2:25:38
     638  Sotos Generalis      V45  64 Unattached                      2:25:47
     639  Christine Booth      L45  16 Unattached                      2:26:18
     640  Adrian Forster               Newcastle AC                    2:26:25
     641  BT_D                         Relay                           2:26:48
     642  Peter Brown          V40  98 Unattached                      2:26:48
     643  Jacqui Gratton       L40  13 Royton RR                       2:26:54
     644  Warm_Hearts_A                Relay                           2:26:59
     645  Andrea Leese         L    99 Unattached                      2:27:18
     646  Andrew Newey                 Unattached                      2:27:18
     647  Michael Day          V40  99 Unattached                      2:27:18
     648  Marie Bebbington     L35  19 Unattached                      2:27:39
     649  Simon Bebbington             Unattached                      2:27:48
     650  Cindy Monnissette    L45  17 South Cheshire Harriers         2:28:21
     651  Andrew Ayres                 Enterprise                      2:28:39
     652  Nicola Blood         L   102 Unattached                      2:28:39
     653  Ian Phillips         V45  65 Unattached                      2:28:56
     654  Bernie Bromfield     V55  24 Unattached                      2:29:07
     655  Sue_Carrott_Dynasty          Relay                           2:29:11
     656  Liz Statham          L45  18 Livingwell                      2:29:31
     657  Nigel Buckley        V55  25 Unattached                      2:29:54
     658  Jason Sharp                  Unattached                      2:29:54
     659  Kathleen Steele      L35  20 Stoke ABC                       2:29:54
     660  Phil Crawley                 NSRRA                           2:29:54
     661  Andrew Pusey                 Unattached                      2:30:21
     662  Michelle Kidd        L   105 Unattached                      2:30:21
     663  Andrew Kidd                  Unattached                      2:30:37
     664  Glenn Kelly          V40 100 Boallay                         2:30:40
     665  Peter Hewitt         V50  40 Trentham                        2:30:40
     666  Simone Worthington   L   106 Unattached                      2:30:41
     667  Louise Cunningham    L   107 Unattached                      2:30:52
     668  Joanne Blair         LJ    2 Unattached                      2:30:55
     669  Rachel Biggs         L   109 Bournville Harriers             2:31:22
     670  Ashley Newman        JM   18 Unattached                      2:31:32
     671  Helen Rowlinson      L45  19 Staffs Moorlands AC             2:31:34
     672  Nadine Curtis        L35  21 Unattached                      2:31:38
     673  Neil Arrowsmith      V55  26 Unattached                      2:31:48
     674  Dave Juggins         V55  27 Unattached                      2:31:59
     675  Pat Hargreaves       L50   5 NSRRA                           2:31:59
     676  Joyce Edwards        L55   3 Stone Master Marathoners        2:32:02
     677  Susan Cross          L35  22 Unattached                      2:32:02
     678  Anthony Fox          JM   19 Unattached                      2:32:07
     679  Geoffrey Baddeley    V55  28 Unattached                      2:32:10
     680  William Lockett      V60  17 Longton Harriers                2:32:10
     681  Samantha Bradley     L   115 Unattached                      2:32:12
     682  Philip Jeksey        V50  41 Longton Harriers                2:32:12
     683  Lee Wild                     Unattached                      2:32:15
     684  Mandy Phillips       L40  14 Unattached                      2:32:35
     685  Karen Parsons        L40  15 Unattached                      2:32:56
     686  Christopher Day      V50  42 Scunthorpe & District           2:33:09
     687  BT_C                         Relay                           2:33:12
     688  Susanne Fowell       L45  20 Unattached                      2:33:13
     689  Sara Massey          L   119 Unattached                      2:33:47
     690  Rachel Griffin       L   120 Unattached                      2:34:00
     691  Dave Farr                    Unattached                      2:34:27
     692  Andrew Hulme                 Unattached                      2:34:40
     693  Wendy Rogers         L35  23 NSRRA                           2:35:11
     694  Lynne Frith          L40  16 Unattached                      2:35:11
     695  Andrea Bowditch      L   123 Unattached                      2:35:14
     696  Chris McCarthy               Unattached                      2:35:24
     697                ???         ???                             2:35:39
     698  Glenn Andrews        V40 101 Unattached                      2:35:52
     699  Malcolm Ellams       V55  29 Unattached                      2:36:14
     700  John Scarlett        JM   20 Unattached                      2:36:20
     701  Tim Hyatt                    Unattached                      2:36:26
     702  BursleyStarlight             Relay                           2:36:40
     703  Trish Morgan         L40  17 Wolverhampton & Bilston         2:36:47
     704  Clive Jukes          V70   3 Wolverhampton & Bilston         2:36:47
     705  BT_B                         Relay                           2:36:57
     706  Alex Powell                  Unattached                      2:36:57
     707  Mac                          Unattached                      2:37:05
     708  Angela Barlow        L   125 Unattached                      2:37:13
     709  Kimberley Owen       L   126 Unattached                      2:37:44
     710  Matthew Taylor               Unattached                      2:37:48
     711  John Nye             V70   4 Havering 90 Joggers             2:37:51
     712  Donna Martin         L   127 Unattached                      2:38:02
     713  John Lawton          V60  18 Unattached                      2:38:04
     714  Jacqueline Holdcroft L   128 Unattached                      2:38:06
     715  Claire Birks         L   129 Unattached                      2:38:07
     716  Shaun Bromfield              Unattached                      2:38:11
     717  Neil Farmer          V55  30 Newcastle AC                    2:38:23
     718  Amanda Collier       L   130 Unattached                      2:38:31
     719  ( No. 161 )          V40 102 Unattached                      2:38:36
     720  Stephen Goldspink            Unattached                      2:38:54
     721  N Goldspink                  Unattached                      2:38:54
     722  Edward Nathanson             Unattached                      2:38:57
     723  Hazel Barlow         L45  21 Michelin AC                     2:38:59
     724  James Warburton              Unattached                      2:39:01
     725  David Hopkinson              Unattached                      2:39:01
     726  Homers_Harriers_A            Relay                           2:39:12
     727  David Williamson     V40 103 Unattached                      2:39:14
     728  Susan Brough         L45  22 Unattached                      2:39:20
     729  Anthony Davies       V40 104 Unattached                      2:39:27
     730  Ryan Holdcroft       U18  22 Unattached                      2:39:53
     731                ???         ???                             2:39:57
     732  Sarah Dyde           L35  24 Trentham                        2:40:07
     733  Alasdair Dyde        V40 105 Unattached                      2:40:07
     734  Julie Draper         L   134 Unattached                      2:40:07
     735  Shirley Taylor       L55   4 Unattached                      2:40:47
     736  Enka Whittington     L   136 Unattached                      2:40:47
     737  Jane Underwood       L35  25 Unattached                      2:40:59
     738  Beverley Williams    L   138 Unattached                      2:40:59
     739  Lisa Wellings        L   139 Unattached                      2:41:01
     740  Trevor Holloway      V55  31 Longton Harriers                2:41:01
     741  Caroline Heap        L35  26 Unattached                      2:41:22
     742  Richard Swancott             Unattached                      2:41:47
     743  Stephanie Stone      L   141 Unattached                      2:42:03
     744                ???         ???                             2:42:14
     745  Suzanne Longstaff    L35  27 NSRRA                           2:42:15
     746  Guy Clarke                   Unattached                      2:42:33
     747  Lynn Parkin          L35  28 Unattached                      2:42:33
     748  Sunflowers_A                 Relay                           2:42:33
     749  Sunflowers_B                 Relay                           2:42:34
     750  Peter Avatt          V45  66 Unattached                      2:42:55
     751  David Trevor         V50  43 Stafford Harriers               2:43:17
     752  Ged Beaumont         V45  67 Trentham                        2:43:41
     753  Edward Roper                 Unattached                      2:44:01
     754  Neil Chilos                  Unattached                      2:44:53
     755  Matthew Brown                Enterprise                      2:44:53
     756  Signal_B                     Relay                           2:45:07
     757  Signal_A                     Relay                           2:45:21
     758  Lyndon Beardmore             Unattached                      2:45:35
     759  Iris Cresswell       L60   2 Unattached                      2:46:03
     760  Tracey Cressnell     L35  29 Unattached                      2:46:17
     761  Carl Cooper                  Enterprise                      2:46:31
     762  Clive Dowie          V50  44 White City (hull) Rrc           2:46:32
     763  Emma Saint           L   146 Unattached                      2:47:00
     764  Adam Fitzgerald      JM   21 Unattached                      2:47:01
     765  Pamela Bannister     L50   6 Unattached                      2:47:02
     766  Stephen Ellams       V50  45 Unattached                      2:47:58
     767  Craig Fairfield      V40 106 Unattached                      2:48:12
     768  Richard Warburton            Unattached                      2:48:12
     769  Zoe Ashley           L   148 Unattached                      2:48:23
     770  Claire Jervis        L   149 Unattached                      2:48:23
     771  Michael Thompson     V45  68 Unattached                      2:49:55
     772  Marie Carr           L40  18 Unattached                      2:50:35
     773  Homers)Harriers_B            Relay                           2:50:35
     774  Craig Palmer         V40 107 Unattached                      2:51:45
     775  Irene Brownsword     L55   5 Unattached                      2:51:45
     776  Samantha Arthur      L   152 Unattached                      2:52:48
     777  Ryan Dawson                  Unattached                      2:52:50
     778  Julie Nelson         L35  30 Unattached                      2:53:10
     779  Michelle Allen       L35  31 Unattached                      2:53:17
     780  Phil Crutchley               Unattached                      2:53:17
     781  Matthew Breed                Enterprise                      2:53:36
     782 ?Hazel Barlow         L45  23 Michelin AC                     2:53:41
     783  Jill Roberts         L40  19 Unattached                      2:55:01
     784  Lisa Whilock         L35  32 Unattached                      2:55:24
     785  Christopher Whilock          Unattached                      2:55:24
     786  Elizabeth Morray     L40  20 Unattached                      2:55:24
     787  BT_A                         Relay                           2:56:31
     788  Glyn Chamberlain     V45  69 Unattached                      2:56:38
     789  Janet Griffin        L50   7 Unattached                      2:56:38
     790                ???         ???                             2:56:49
     791  Mark Cooper                  Unattached                      2:57:18
     792  Donna Carey          L   160 Unattached                      2:57:55
     793  Michael Pritchard            Unattached                      2:57:55
     794 ?Matthew Taylor               Unattached                      2:58:25
     795  Gillian Caldwell     L65   1 Stafford Harriers               3:02:47
     796  Geoff Bailey         V75   1 Trentham                        3:02:47
     797  Pauline Hemmings     L45  24 Unattached                      3:03:16
     798  Alex Lockett                 Unattached                      3:03:20
     799  Johnny Malpass               Unattached                      3:03:25
     800  Dale Worthington             Unattached                      3:07:26
     801  Gemma James          L   163 Unattached                      3:08:28
     802  Katie Chell          L18   3 Unattached                      3:08:28
     803  Adam Garbar          U18  23 Unattached                      3:08:28
     804  RunningWithDinosaurs         Relay                           3:09:34
     805  Wayne Menshall               Unattached                      3:09:54
     806  Debbie Lowndes       L   165 Unattached                      3:10:25
     807  BT                           Relay                           3:11:23
     808  Lee Boulderstone             Unattached                      3:11:37
     809  Natalie Poole        L   166 Unattached                      3:13:56
     810  Natasha Clarke       L   167 Unattached                      3:13:56
     811  Leanne Hall          L   168 Unattached                      3:14:44
     812  Deb Cornwall         L35  33 Unattached                      3:14:44
     813  Hayley Spencer       L   170 Unattached                      3:20:00
     814  Owen Myatt                   Unattached                      3:21:14
     815  Julie Davies         L45  25 Unattached                      3:21:14
     816  Karen Brereton       L45  26 Unattached                      3:21:14
     817  Samantha Robinson    L   173 Unattached                      3:21:14
     818  Sharon Plane         L40  21 Unattached                      3:21:48
     819  Margaret Steele      L55   6 Unattached                      3:21:48

Potters Arf - Relay -- FINAL RESULTS

     Pos  Name                         Club         Time  

       1  City_of_Stoke_AC             Relay                           1:21:07
       2  Trent_Trotters               Relay                           1:57:34
       3  Hanley_Economic_A            Relay                           1:57:37
       4  Swift_Electrical             Relay                           1:59:10
       5  Hanle6y_Economic_B           Relay                           2:06:36
       6  Westbury_Park                Relay                           2:09:16
       7  The_Young_Ones               Relay                           2:13:53
       8  Sentinel_E                   Relay                           2:14:09
       9  Kathleen's_Team              Relay                           2:15:48
      10  Sentinel_B                   Relay                           2:18:10
      11  Sentinel_A                   Relay                           2:20:48
      12  The_Welsh_Team               Relay                           2:23:42
      13  Warm_Hearts_B                Relay                           2:24:12
      14  E2                           Relay                           2:25:04
      15  BT_D                         Relay                           2:26:48
      16  Warm_Hearts_A                Relay                           2:26:59
      17  Sue_Carrott_Dynasty          Relay                           2:29:11
      18  BT_C                         Relay                           2:33:12
      19  BursleyStarlight             Relay                           2:36:40
      20  BT_B                         Relay                           2:36:57
      21  Homers_Harriers_A            Relay                           2:39:12
      22  Sunflowers_A                 Relay                           2:42:33
      23  Sunflowers_B                 Relay                           2:42:34
      24  Signal_B                     Relay                           2:45:07
      25  Signal_A                     Relay                           2:45:21
      26  Homers)Harriers_B            Relay                           2:50:35
      27  BT_A                         Relay                           2:56:31
      28  RunningWithDinosaurs         Relay                           3:09:34
      29  BT                           Relay                           3:11:23
Results copyright © G.J. Fecitt (SportSoft) 2006