The Formby 10k

at Formby on Sunday 17th September 2006

Formby 10k -- FINAL RESULTS

     Pos  Name                 Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  Rob Berry                    Southport Waterloo Ac             38:28
       2  Robert Kelly                 Liverpool Running Club            38:47
       3  Robert Seddon        V45   1 Unattached                        39:15
       4  Mat Harrington               Unattached                        39:52
       5  David Prudence       V40   1 Unattached                        40:45
       6  Joe Donnelly                 Unattached                        40:51
       7  Neil Adshead         V40   2 Southport Waterloo Ac             41:00
       8  Peter Roome          V40   3 Unattached                        41:13
       9  Thomas Ginn          U18   1 Unattached                        41:26
      10  Amanda Crook         L     1 Southport Waterloo Ac             41:31
      11  Ian Dodds            V40   4 Southport Waterloo Ac             41:37
      12  Keith Lunt                   Littlewoods Running Club          41:47
      13  Thomas Rees                  Unattached                        41:57
      14  Mike Morgan                  Southport Waterloo Ac             42:00
      15  S Howard             L     2 Southport Waterloo Ac             42:09
      16  S Broadhurst         V40   5 Northern Veterans Ac              42:16
      17  A Hudson             V40   6 Southport Waterloo Ac             42:21
      18  S Bennett            V40   7 Unattached                        42:22
      19  Adam Harris          U18   2 Unattached                        42:28
      20  Sue Cooper           L50   1 Southport Waterloo Ac             42:38
      21  Greg Norry                   Unattached                        42:58
      22  Ian Upton                    Unattached                        43:03
      23  Boyd Park            V40   8 Unattached                        43:28
      24  Philip Dean                  United Utilities Harriers         43:35
      25  J Littlefair         V40   9 Unattached                        43:44
      26  Arran Bordi          U18   3 Unattached                        44:03
      27  Ann Eggington        L40   1 Southport Waterloo Ac             44:05
      28  Daniel Rees          V45   2 Unattached                        44:19
      29  Ian Kilshaw          V45   3 Southport Waterloo Ac             44:26
      30  Graeme Mutch                 Wellingborough                    44:36
      31  Stephen Loftus       V40  10 Northern Veterans Ac              44:49
      32  Reginald Black       V60   1 Formby Runners                    44:58
      33  Richar Russell       V40  11 Pinetops Running Club             45:30
      34  David Bosworth       V50   1 Unattached                        45:34
      35  Keith Hatton         V45   4 Liverpool Harriers                45:37
      36  Paul Rainford        V40  12 Unattached                        45:39
      37  Der Farrington       V40  13 Southport Waterloo Ac             45:46
      38  David O'Brien        V45   5 Unattached                        45:53
      39  Brad Ehlen                   Spectrum Striders                 45:56
      40  D Carpenter          V45   6 Unattached                        46:05
      41  Anthony Beyga        V45   7 Unattached                        46:08
      42  Ste Pemberton        V50   2 Penny Lane Striders               46:12
      43  Nigel Haworth                Trail Running Association         46:14
      44  Peter Falshaw                Unattached                        46:23
      45  David King           V45   8 Unattached                        46:29
      46  Shane Knott                  Penny Lane Striders               46:30
      47  Colin Wolfarth       V50   3 Unattached                        46:32
      48  Laurie Lyall         V40  14 Unattached                        46:34
      49  C Thomas                     Unattached                        46:38
      50  V Harvey             L40   2 Unattached                        46:46
      51  Carl Pedder                  Unattached                        47:01
      52  Rob Greenslade               Unattached                        47:46
      53  Martin Pymm          V45   9 Unattached                        47:56
      54  PostlethwaiteD               Unattached                        47:58
      55  David Bramhall       V40  15 Pinetops Running Club             48:02
      56  S Littlefair         U16   1 Unattached                        48:07
      57  Keith Craig          V40  16 Littlewoods Running Club          48:11
      58  Micky White                  Fitness First Gorton Running C    48:15
      59  Ian Connelly         V40  17 Unattached                        48:17
      60  K Griffiths          V40  18 Unattached                        48:18
      61  Philip Noble         V45  10 Unattached                        48:19
      62  Rob Newsham                  Unattached                        48:19
      63  Stephn Roberts       V40  19 Unattached                        48:21
      64  Martin Connell               Unattached                        48:26
      65  Richd Horrocks               Unattached                        48:32
      66  Anthony Harper       V50   4 Unattached                        48:40
      67  Wayne Harrison       V45  11 Unattached                        48:46
      68  Matthew Grant                Unattached                        48:52
      69  James Doyle                  Unattached                        48:53
      70  Ben Connolly         V45  12 Picton Sports Centre Rc           49:01
      71  M Godfrey            V55   1 Pensby Runners                    49:03
      72  Stephn Hickson       V40  20 Unattached                        49:05
      73  John Bryning         V40  21 Unattached                        49:14
      74  Liam Jones                   Sci Club Verdefondo               49:17
      75  R Butterwick                 Unattached                        49:22
      76  Greg Lowe            V45  13 Formby Runners                    49:34
      77  Julia Stewart        L     6 Unattached                        49:41
      78  Philippa Mahen       L     7 Buckley Runners                   50:05
      79  Chris Walkden                Unattached                        50:15
      80  David Muskett                Unattached                        50:23
      81  Mary Doyle           L50   2 Liverpool Running Club            50:29
      82  Andrew Parker                Liverpool Harriers                50:35
      83  Martine Lucas        L     9 Unattached                        50:38
      84  David Hassall        V40  22 Fitness First Gorton Running C    50:39
      85  S Freeman                    Liverpool Harriers                50:53
      86  Clare Hartley        L    10 Unattached                        50:54
      87  Terence Long         V50   5 Penny Lane Striders               51:00
      88  Jamie Jardine                Unattached                        51:02
      89  Robert Cooper                Unattached                        51:06
      90  S Cruickshank                Formby Runners                    51:08
      91  Peter Barton         V50   6 Unattached                        51:12
      92  Graham Bell          V50   7 Unattached                        51:28
      93  John Revill                  Unattached                        51:51
      94  Chris Snelson                Unattached                        51:51
      95  Alan Clarey          V50   8 Mossley Hill                      51:58
      96  Paul Bird                    Unattached                        52:00
      97  K Horsburgh          V45  14 Unattached                        52:01
      98  Paul Doyle           V40  23 Unattached                        52:10
      99  H Greenwood          V55   2 Picton Sports Centre Rc           52:15
     100  Mark Henderson       V40  24 Littlewoods Running Club          52:22
     101  R Hardaker           V40  25 Unattached                        52:26
     102  Stephen Cook         V40  26 Unattached                        52:27
     103  Stephen Bold                 Suites RC                         52:28
     104  Piers Walsh                  Unattached                        52:32
     105  Joanne Stocks        L    11 Redhill Road Runners              52:46
     106  Pete Farrell                 Unattached                        52:54
     107  James Barnes         V45  15 Unattached                        53:12
     108  Colin Jones          V45  16 Unattached                        53:12
     109  Robet Crichton       U18   4 Unattached                        53:29
     110  Marie Delaney        L40   3 Unattached                        53:39
     111  R Howarth            V40  27 Unattached                        54:20
     112  James Smith          V50   9 Northern Veterans Ac              54:25
     113  Sadie McKeand        L35   1 Lancaster & Morecambe Ac          54:30
     114  Will Gardner         V45  17 Lancaster & Morecambe Ac          54:30
     115  John Ashton          V40  28 Unattached                        54:31
     116  Mark Wilson          V50  10 Wesham Road Runners & Ac          54:37
     117  Chris Bryan                  Unattached                        54:56
     118  C Stone                      Freshfield Primary School         54:59
     119  Graham O'Neill       V55   3 Southport Waterloo Ac             55:02
     120  P O'Keefffee         V60   2 Unattached                        55:10
     121  Craig King           U16   2 Unattached                        55:11
     122  Eliz Scanlon         L    14 Unattached                        55:22
     123  Gill McKenna         L    15 Southport Waterloo Ac             55:26
     124  Alistar Miller       V50  11 Unattached                        55:40
     125  Andy Mercer                  Unattached                        55:43
     126  Gareth Ward          V40  29 Littlewoods Running Club          55:48
     127  Jane Blacklin        L45   1 Riverside Runners                 55:50
     128  Alison Hendry        L35   2 Unattached                        56:16
     129  Guy Holden           V40  30 Unattached                        56:25
     130  Eliz Hesketh         L45   2 Unattached                        56:27
     131  W Delaney            V45  18 Unattached                        56:33
     132  Sheila Best          L40   4 Unattached                        56:39
     133  John Barbour         V40  31 Unattached                        56:45
     134  Martin Bennett       V40  32 Merseyside Police                 56:49
     135  David Talbot                 Suites RC                         56:51
     136  Neil Rhymes                  Unattached                        57:01
     137  Dav Armstrong        V45  19 Penny Lane Striders               57:08
     138  Tony Smith           V60   3 Unattached                        57:17
     139  Les Bumford          V70   1 Red Herrings                      57:32
     140  Anthony Aindow       V45  20 Unattached                        57:36
     141  Carl Graham                  Southport Waterloo Ac             57:38
     142  Donna Spencer        L35   3 Unattached                        57:48
     143  Andrew McEvoy        V40  33 Road Runners Club                 57:53
     144  Eleanor Hudson       L    21 Unattached                        57:58
     145  John Fisher          V40  34 Unattached                        58:02
     146  Andy Drummond        V40  35 Formby Runners                    58:07
     147  Gary Lacey                   Unattached                        58:10
     148  S Pickering                  Unattached                        58:10
     149  Liz Hill             L40   5 Picton Sports Centre Rc           58:14
     150  Ian Hope                     Pinetops Running Club             58:16
     151  Sue Burns            L35   4 Unattached                        58:22
     152  Pam Truman           L40   6 Unattached                        58:34
     153  G Halstead           L    25 Unattached                        58:35
     154  Sami Guisef                  Unattached                        58:47
     155  K Mawdesley                  Unattached                        58:53
     156  Steve Evans          V50  12 Unattached                        58:54
     157  Emma Davies          L    26 Unattached                        59:06
     158  D Wilkinson          V40  36 Unattached                        59:07
     159  Angie Larsen         L40   7 Pinetops Running Club             59:07
     160  R Pickersgill                Unattached                        59:18
     161  Mark Minnis          V40  37 Unattached                        59:18
     162  E Williams           L50   3 Northern Veterans Ac              59:29
     163  Kathryn Hutt         L45   3 Formby Runners                  1:00:10
     164  Patrick Cliffe       V60   4 Unattached                      1:00:16
     165  Martin Gratton               Unattached                      1:00:29
     166  Chris Taaffe         L    30 Unattached                      1:00:35
     167  Maria Bennett        L35   5 Unattached                      1:00:53
     168  Shelagh Holden       L45   4 Unattached                      1:01:01
     169  M Collantine         L55   1 Fitness First Gorton Running C  1:01:03
     170  Alison Formby        L    34 Pinetops Running Club           1:01:20
     171  Gen Wilson           L35   6 Unattached                      1:01:22
     172  Nick Simms                   Unattached                      1:01:32
     173  Mike Forshaw                 Unattached                      1:01:32
     174  Hilary Goorney       L60   1 Blackpool Wyre And Fylde        1:01:44
     175  Colin Barnes         V40  38 Unattached                      1:01:46
     176  John Armstrong       V40  39 Unattached                      1:01:53
     177  C Jones              L35   7 Pinetops Running Club           1:01:56
     178  Tony O'Brien         V40  40 Unattached                      1:01:57
     179  S Littlefair         L40   8 Unattached                      1:02:08
     180  Jennifer Jones       L    39 Suites RC                       1:02:23
     181  Jayne Grote          L35   8 Unattached                      1:02:28
     182  Sarah Reynolds       L35   9 Unattached                      1:02:28
     183  C Kadiri             L45   5 Picton Sports Centre Rc         1:02:30
     184  Jon Aindow                   Unattached                      1:03:00
     185  Joan Wildman         L60   2 Unattached                      1:03:09
     186  Julie Brown          L35  10 Unattached                      1:03:56
     187  John Taylor          V40  41 Suites RC                       1:04:28
     188  Jane Keese           L    45 Unattached                      1:05:06
     189  Brian McDonald               Suites RC                       1:05:07
     190  Alan Unsworth        V50  13 Suites RC                       1:05:07
     191  Kris Howley          L45   6 Unattached                      1:05:10
     192  A Pritchett          L35  11 Unattached                      1:05:16
     193  Iain Wilkie          V40  42 Unattached                      1:05:23
     194  Ian Bryden           V60   5 Unattached                      1:06:08
     195  C Kenyon             L45   7 Unattached                      1:06:26
     196  Natal Bradshaw       L    49 Unattached                      1:06:36
     197  Martin Russell       V45  21 Unattached                      1:06:37
     198  Abbey D-Jones        L    50 Unattached                      1:06:42
     199  R Shallcross         L    51 Unattached                      1:06:43
     200  David D-Jones                Unattached                      1:06:46
     201  Janice Russell       L40   9 Unattached                      1:06:49
     202  Monica Brown         L60   3 Penny Lane Striders             1:07:22
     203  Anna O'Connell       L65   1 Penny Lane Striders             1:07:49
     204  D Hollingworth       L50   4 Unattached                      1:08:22
     205  A Williams                   Unattached                      1:08:48
     206  Sharon Roberts       L35  12 Unattached                      1:09:09
     207  D Titherington       L40  10 Womens Running Network          1:10:15
     208  Angela Howells       L    58 Unattached                      1:10:36
     209  C Beyga              L45   8 Unattached                      1:10:53
     210  Harriet Smith        L    60 Unattached                      1:12:45
     211  Roz Cray             L35  13 S Cray                          1:14:25
     212  Joanne Ferns         L35  14 S Cray                          1:14:25
     213  Eileen Tubb          L50   5 Picton Sports Centre Rc         1:14:33
     214  Jane Baxter          L65   2 Unattached                      1:15:05
     215  C Ferris             L50   6 Unattached                      1:15:32
     216  Hugh Pritchard               Wallasey AC                     1:15:46
     217  Carla Longton        L60   4 Unattached                      1:19:07
     218  Kim Allen            L35  15 Womens Running Network          1:20:58

Formby 10k - Men -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Southport Waterloo Ac               8
                                 1  Rob Berry           
                                 3  Neil Adshead        
                                 4  Ian Dodds           
  2  Northern Veterans Ac               56
                                 7  S Broadhurst        
                                12  Stephen Loftus      
                                37  James Smith         
  3  Littlewoods Running Club           62
                                 5  Keith Lunt          
                                22  Keith Craig         
                                35  Mark Henderson      
  4  Penny Lane Striders                69
                                18  Ste Pemberton       
                                20  Shane Knott         
                                31  Terence Long        
  5  Formby Runners                     72
                                13  Reginald Black      
                                27  Greg Lowe           
                                32  S Cruickshank       
  6  Liverpool Harriers                 73
                                15  Keith Hatton        
                                28  Andrew Parker       
                                30  S Freeman           
  7  Pinetops Running Club              85
                                14  Richar Russell      
                                21  David Bramhall      
                                50  Ian Hope            
  8  Suites RC                         131
                                36  Stephen Bold        
                                44  David Talbot        
                                51  John Taylor         

Formby 10k - Ladies -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Southport Waterloo Ac               6
                                 1  Amanda Crook        
                                 2  S Howard            
                                 3  Sue Cooper          
  2  Pinetops Running Club              46
                                12  Angie Larsen        
                                16  Alison Formby       
                                18  C Jones             
  3  Picton Sports Centre Rc            57
                                11  Liz Hill            
                                20  C Kadiri            
                                26  Eileen Tubb         

Results copyright (c) G.J. Fecitt (SportSoft) 2002