The South of England Cross Country Championships

at Parliament Hill Fields on Saturday 29th January 2005


     Pos  Name                 Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  A Vernon                     Aldershot, Farnham & Dist. AC     28:23
       2  S Jacobs                     Ipswich Harriers                  28:30
       3  M Ashton                     Aldershot, Farnham & Dist. AC     28:48
       4  K Hardy                      Ipswich Harriers                  28:59
       5  O Freeman                    Hailsham Harriers                 29:00
       6  L Cadman                     Bedford & County AC               29:02
       7  J Ellis                      Aldershot, Farnham & Dist. AC     29:04
       8  S Omar                       Ealing, Southall & Middx. AC      29:43
       9  A Whetstone                  Milton Keynes AC                  29:46
      10  A Allen                      Peterborough AC                   30:06
      11  T Stanley                    Bedford & County AC               30:08
      12  D Watts                      Peterborough AC                   30:17
      13  M Mashford                   Aldershot, Farnham & Dist. AC     30:22
      14  R Franzese                   Harrow AC                         30:25
      15  A Humphreys                  Erme Valley Harriers              30:27
      16  A Inskip                     Bedford & County AC               30:35
      17  K McCullock                  Aldershot, Farnham & Dist. AC     30:46
      18  G Watts                      Peterborough AC                   30:50
      19  T Leckie                     Hailsham Harriers                 30:57
      20  M Leslie                     Aldershot, Farnham & Dist. AC     30:59
      21  L Bowron                     Ealing, Southall & Middx. AC      31:01
      22  A Donno                      Brighton & Hove City AC           31:13
      23  G Wilcox                     Milton Keynes AC                  31:14
      24  O Bristoe                    White Horse Harriers              31:16
      25  I Ibrahim                    London Heathside                  31:27
      26  H Jama                       Ealing, Southall & Middx. AC      31:41
      27  K Tombleson                  Nene Valley Harriers              31:46
      28  T Collins                    Medway & Maidstone AC             31:49
      29  D Cheney                     Poole Runners                     31:52
      30  C Jones                      City Of Norwich AC                31:59
      31  A WallClarke                 Team Southampton                  32:11
      32  D Bradley                    Tonbridge AC                      32:25
      33  D Giles                      Hailsham Harriers                 32:35
      34  P Graham                     Ipswich Harriers                  32:38
      35  O Fahey                      Chelmsford AC                     32:40
      36  R Taylor                     Milton Keynes AC                  32:44
      37  S Ellerby                    Chiltern Harriers AC              33:00
      38  M Hammacott                  Bournemouth AC                    33:02
      39  D Grant                      Ealing, Southall & Middx. AC      33:05
      40  A Pritchard                  Winchester AC                     33:08
      41  P Bridgeman                  Aldershot, Farnham & Dist. AC     33:11
      42  J White                      Peterborough AC                   33:17
      43  S Joyce                      Orion Harriers                    33:22
      44  L Smyth                      Bedford & County AC               33:41
      45  R Hawkins                    Wells City Harriers               33:53
      46  T Beedel                     Chiltern Harriers AC              33:56
      47  D Leedham                    Winchester AC                     33:59
      48  G Reed                       Erme Valley Harriers              34:49
      49  M Tarpey                     Herts Phoenix AC                  35:11
      50  C Berryman                   Havant AC                         35:32
      51  E O'Brien                    Worthing Striders                 36:03
      52  G Petts                      Witney Road Runners               36:18
      53  T O'Loughlin                 London Heathside                  36:20
      54  A Najdowski                  Bexley AC                         36:53
      55  A Horton                     Barnet & District AC              37:12
      56  J Paris                      Harrow AC                         37:12
      57  S GrangerBevan               Brighton & Hove City AC           37:17
      58  S Rayfield                   Windsor Slough Eton Hounslow      37:23
      59  D Moses                      Orion Harriers                    37:48
      60  P Williams                   Hillingdon AC                     38:50
      61  M Jenner                     Bexley AC                         39:20
      62  C Gallagher                  Orion Harriers                    39:40
      63  A Edwards                    Newham & Essex Beagles AC         40:14
      64  M Chandler                   Orion Harriers                    40:16
      65  T Lapins                     Croydon Harriers                  42:01
      66  J Freshwater                 Poole AC                          45:13
      67  K Clare                      Orion Harriers                    46:23
      68  A Shsaarpe                   Orion Harriers                    46:44

Junior Men -- TEAM RESULTS

  1  Aldershot, Farnham & Dist. AC      24
                                 1  A Vernon            
                                 3  M Ashton            
                                 7  J Ellis             
                                13  M Mashford          
  2  Bedford & County AC                77
                                 6  L Cadman            
                                11  T Stanley           
                                16  A Inskip            
                                44  L Smyth             
  3  Peterborough AC                    82
                                10  A Allen             
                                12  D Watts             
                                18  G Watts             
                                42  J White             
  4  Ealing, Southall & Middx. AC       94
                                 8  S Omar              
                                21  L Bowron            
                                26  H Jama              
                                39  D Grant             
  5  Orion Harriers                    228
                                43  S Joyce             
                                59  D Moses             
                                62  C Gallagher         
                                64  M Chandler          

Results copyright (c) G.J. Fecitt (SportSoft) 2005