The South of England Cross Country Championships

at Parliament Hill Fields on Saturday 29th January 2005

Under 17 Men -- FINAL RESULTS

     Pos  Name                 Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  A Hickey                     Southend-on-Sea AC                21:43
       2  S Godfrey                    West Suffolk AC                   22:00
       3  D Crichton                   Southend-on-Sea AC                22:05
       4  A Livingstone                Thurrock Harriers                 22:11
       5  M Bailey                     Southend-on-Sea AC                22:19
       6  L Cox                        Aldershot, Farnham & Dist. AC     22:25
       7  M Goose                      City Of Norwich AC                22:27
       8  M Clark                      Poole Runners                     22:29
       9  R Clarke                     Havering Mayesbrook AC            22:29
      10  J Pepper                     Enfield & Haringay AC             22:31
      11  S Connor                     Aldershot, Farnham & Dist. AC     22:47
      12  S Blake                      Aldershot, Farnham & Dist. AC     22:54
      13  G Smith                      Aldershot, Farnham & Dist. AC     23:01
      14  M Woodley                    Chelmsford AC                     23:04
      15  C Bradbury                   Reading AC                        23:07
      16  C Lee                        Southend-on-Sea AC                23:10
      17  B Wilson                     Aldershot, Farnham & Dist. AC     23:12
      18  R Campbell                   Highgate Harriers                 23:13
      19  A Harris                     Overton Harriers & AC             23:18
      20  M Dack                       City Of Norwich AC                23:19
      21  C Hopkins                    City Of Norwich AC                23:21
      22  R Ward                       City Of Norwich AC                23:25
      23  M Tallis                     IIF Group                         23:28
      24  T Best                       Luton AC                          23:30
      25  S Dobin                      Invicta East Kent AC              23:32
      26  I May                        Windsor Slough Eton Hounslow      23:36
      27  E Sereae                     London Heathside                  23:37
      28  C Wilson                     Poole AC                          23:41
      29  T Wade                       Isle Of Wight AC                  23:47
      30  N Gunby                      Peterborough AC                   23:50
      31  J Teuten                     City Of Portsmouth AC             23:52
      32  J Murray                     Bedford & County AC               23:54
      33  A Conway                     Herne Hill Harriers               23:56
      34  S Cannell                    City Of Norwich AC                23:57
      35  J Slade                      Team Southampton                  23:58
      36  L Murray                     Colchester & Tendring AC          23:59
      37  S Tuttle                     Bedford & County AC               24:00
      38  C Ramsey                     Wells City Harriers               24:01
      39  S Gillert                    Chichester Runners & AC           24:02
      40  J Wade                       Isle Of Wight AC                  24:02
      41  R Henderson                  Bedford & County AC               24:03
      42  D Holgate                    Colchester Harriers AC            24:06
      43  R North                      Team Southampton                  24:08
      44  P Evans                      Epsom & Ewell Harriers            24:08
      45  M Bath                       City Of Norwich AC                24:11
      46  C Reade                      Swindon Harriers                  24:12
      47  B Tyler                      Medway & Maidstone AC             24:12
      48  J Burke                      Peterborough AC                   24:13
      49  S Martin                     Highgate Harriers                 24:16
      50  J Chege                      Orion Harriers                    24:23
      51  J Anderson                   Aldershot, Farnham & Dist. AC     24:23
      52  C Moore                      Fleet & Crookham AC               24:26
      53  M Smith                      Medway & Maidstone AC             24:29
      54  J Williams                   Bedford & County AC               24:31
      55  J Stroud                     Orion Harriers                    24:32
      56  P Smale                      Southend-on-Sea AC                24:36
      57  A Wold                       Ipswich Harriers                  24:37
      58  A Osagie                     Harlow RC                         24:37
      59  L Turner                     Bexley AC                         24:40
      60  B Reynolds                   Herts Phoenix AC                  24:43
      61  S Spalding                   Ealing, Southall & Middx. AC      24:44
      62  J Vintner                    Blackheath & Bromley H            24:45
      63  D Russell                    Poole AC                          24:46
      64  J Ferrett                    Windsor Slough Eton Hounslow      24:48
      65  M Judson                     Harrow AC                         24:49
      66  N Quigley                    Luton AC                          24:53
      67  D Thompson                   Hillingdon AC                     24:55
      68  D Brrewer                    Blackheath & Bromley H            24:57
      69  S Trowbridge                 IIF Group                         24:57
      70  M Evans                      Taunton AC                        24:59
      71  C Rooke                      Ipswich Harriers                  25:00
      72  A Suter                      Peterborough AC                   25:01
      73  G Higgins                    Bedford & County AC               25:02
      74  O Williams                   Team Southampton                  25:05
      75  P Capps                      Peterborough AC                   25:07
      76  T Hines                      Epsom & Ewell Harriers            25:09
      77  J Marshall                   Hillingdon AC                     25:11
      78  S Bradley                    Milton Keynes AC                  25:13
      79  J Lampettt                   Peterborough AC                   25:14
      80  N Ashman                     Swindon Harriers                  25:16
      81  J Hughes                     Bracknell AC                      25:17
      82  S Defoe                      Shaftesbury Barnet Harriers       25:19
      83  L Marchant                   Luton AC                          25:21
      84  A Booth                      Shaftesbury Barnet Harriers       25:23
      85  N Bates                      Basingstoke & Mid Hants AC        25:24
      86  A Bodin                      Hercules Wimbledon AC             25:25
      87  B Topping                    Medway & Maidstone AC             25:26
      88  T Comerford                  Milton Keynes AC                  25:28
      89  J Paterson                   Harrow AC                         25:29
      90  B Corfield                   Leighton Buzzard AC               25:29
      91  S Mellon                     Bedford & County AC               25:30
      92  M Apsey                      Reading AC                        25:31
      93  S Gill                       Aldershot, Farnham & Dist. AC     25:35
      94  M McKechnie                  Stevenage & North Herts AC        25:38
      95  G Paxman                     Harlow RC                         25:38
      96  J Preston                    City Of Norwich AC                25:40
      97  J Cotton                     Windsor Slough Eton Hounslow      25:41
      98  M Bennett                    Chiltern Harriers AC              25:43
      99  A Byren                      Epsom & Ewell Harriers            25:46
     100  B Jones                      Isle Of Wight AC                  25:50
     101  L Taylor                     IIF Group                         25:52
     102  J Martindale                 Shaftesbury Barnet Harriers       25:53
     103  A Johnson                    Vale Of Aylesbury AC              25:54
     104  J Durrant                    Cambridge Harriers                25:55
     105  A Hawkins                    Epsom & Ewell Harriers            25:59
     106  J Downing                    Ealing, Southall & Middx. AC      26:02
     107  J Castro                     Hillingdon AC                     26:03
     108  M Vardy                      Team Kennett                      26:04
     109  O Berry                      Taunton AC                        26:05
     110  A Justice                    Team Southampton                  26:05
     111  C Holmes                     Invicta East Kent AC              26:08
     112  T Butt                       Chelmsford AC                     26:12
     113  A Smith                      Poole AC                          26:18
     114  N Day                        Vale Of Aylesbury AC              26:22
     115  M Salney                     Basingstoke & Mid Hants AC        26:24
     116  C Vidgen                     Shaftesbury Barnet Harriers       26:25
     117  D Jermy                      Ranelagh Harriers                 26:25
     118  N Rawlings                   Southend-on-Sea AC                26:27
     119  L Gruszewski                 Thames Valley Harriers            26:33
     120  K McNally                    Isle Of Wight AC                  26:33
     121  J Matthewman                 Highgate Harriers                 26:34
     122  R Davies                     Blackheath & Bromley H            26:34
     123  A Duque                      Newham & Essex Beagles AC         26:38
     124  D Menigiseu                  Ealing, Southall & Middx. AC      26:40
     125  D Willis                     Blackheath & Bromley H            26:43
     126  E Cook                       Bracknell AC                      26:45
     127  M Hobson                     Bexley AC                         26:57
     128  M Debbage                    Peterborough AC                   27:06
     129  L Looughrey                  Basingstoke & Mid Hants AC        27:06
     130  C Paxman                     Harlow RC                         27:15
     131  P Whittaker                  Southend-on-Sea AC                27:16
     132  D Whiote                     Wells City Harriers               27:28
     133  R Murton                     Dartford Harriers                 27:28
     134  L Hayes                      Bexley AC                         27:33
     135  B Stock                      Ealing, Southall & Middx. AC      27:37
     136  R Ridley                     Team Kennett                      27:41
     137  J White                      Nene Valley Harriers              27:50
     138  M Roberts                    Basingstoke & Mid Hants AC        27:58
     139  B Hussein                    Newham & Essex Beagles AC         28:00
     140  T Jefferies                  Swindon Harriers                  28:07
     141  G O'Brien                    Ealing, Southall & Middx. AC      28:12
     142  A Bond                       Basingstoke & Mid Hants AC        28:19
     143  W Davies                     Luton AC                          28:37
     144  J Board                      Herne Hill Harriers               28:46
     145  M Clapp                      Medway & Maidstone AC             28:48
     146  D Parnell                    Chelmsford AC                     28:49
     147  D Goodman                    Harrow AC                         29:02
     148  N Harding                    Bournemouth AC                    29:06
     149  L Donnelly                   Highgate Harriers                 29:10
     150  J Keeble                     Bexley AC                         29:14
     151  M Jones                      Southend-on-Sea AC                30:14
     152  J Roberts                    Harlow RC                         30:23
     153  R D'Angelo                   Blackheath & Bromley H            30:31
     154  J Ozanne                     Poole Runners                     30:38
     155  D Kalonji                    Kingston AC & Polytechnic H       30:50
     156  C Jacobs                     Newham & Essex Beagles AC         31:36
     157  T Timms                      Witney Road Runners               34:04
     158  R Harrison                   Orion Harriers                    34:08
     159  D Morgan                     Blackheath & Bromley H            36:25

Under 17 Men -- TEAM RESULTS

  1  Southend-on-Sea AC                 25
                                 1  A Hickey            
                                 3  D Crichton          
                                 5  M Bailey            
                                16  C Lee               
  2  Aldershot, Farnham & Dist. AC      42
                                 6  L Cox               
                                11  S Connor            
                                12  S Blake             
                                13  G Smith             
  3  City Of Norwich AC                 70
                                 7  M Goose             
                                20  M Dack              
                                21  C Hopkins           
                                22  R Ward              
  4  Bedford & County AC               164
                                32  J Murray            
                                37  S Tuttle            
                                41  R Henderson         
                                54  J Williams          
  5  Peterborough AC                   225
                                30  N Gunby             
                                48  J Burke             
                                72  A Suter             
                                75  P Capps             
  6  Team Southampton                  262
                                35  J Slade             
                                43  R North             
                                74  O Williams          
                               110  A Justice           
  7  Isle Of Wight AC                  289
                                29  T Wade              
                                40  J Wade              
                               100  B Jones             
                               120  K McNally           
  8  Luton AC                          316
                                24  T Best              
                                66  N Quigley           
                                83  L Marchant          
                               143  W Davies            
  9  Epsom & Ewell Harriers            324
                                44  P Evans             
                                76  T Hines             
                                99  A Byren             
                               105  A Hawkins           
 10  Medway & Maidstone AC             332
                                47  B Tyler             
                                53  M Smith             
                                87  B Topping           
                               145  M Clapp             
 11  Highgate Harriers                 337
                                18  R Campbell          
                                49  S Martin            
                               121  J Matthewman        
                               149  L Donnelly          
 12  Blackheath & Bromley H            377
                                62  J Vintner           
                                68  D Brrewer           
                               122  R Davies            
                               125  D Willis            
 13  Shaftesbury Barnet Harriers       384
                                82  S Defoe             
                                84  A Booth             
                               102  J Martindale        
                               116  C Vidgen            
 14  Ealing, Southall & Middx. AC      426
                                61  S Spalding          
                               106  J Downing           
                               124  D Menigiseu         
                               135  B Stock             
 15  Harlow RC                         435
                                58  A Osagie            
                                95  G Paxman            
                               130  C Paxman            
                               152  J Roberts           
 16  Basingstoke & Mid Hants AC        467
                                85  N Bates             
                               115  M Salney            
                               129  L Looughrey         
                               138  M Roberts           
 17  Bexley AC                         470
                                59  L Turner            
                               127  M Hobson            
                               134  L Hayes             
                               150  J Keeble            

Results copyright (c) G.J. Fecitt (SportSoft) 2005