The Trafford 10k

at Partington on Sunday 5th September 2004

Trafford 10k -- FINAL RESULTS

     Pos  Name                 Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  Andy Caine                   Tynedale Harriers & AC            30:01
       2  Andrew Norman                Altrincham & District AC          30:20
       3  Carl Hardman                 Salford Harriers                  31:58
       4  Lee Hurst                    Altrincham & District AC          32:11
       5  James Kovacs                 Salford Harriers                  32:21
       6  Simon McKevitt               Liverpool Harriers & AC           32:30
       7  Mike Shaw            V40   1 Stockport Harriers & AC           32:48
       8  Mike Weedall         V45   1 Wrexham AC                        32:55
       9  Ian Wetherall                Sale Harriers Manchester          33:02
      10  Michael Halman               Wilmslow Running Club             33:28
      11  Sean Butler          V45   2 Altrincham & District AC          33:33
      12  Bernie Jones         V45   3 Wrexham AC                        33:36
      13  George Kirk                  Sale Harriers Manchester          33:44
      14  Pete Speake                  Bildeston Bounders                34:18
      15  Neil Chisholm                Altrincham & District AC          34:33
      16  Ian Bamber                   Spectrum Striders                 34:43
      17  Stuart Parrott       V40   2 Wilmslow Running Club             34:45
      18  Gary Matthews        V40   3 E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        34:58
      19  Michael Hatch                Sale Harriers Manchester          35:08
      20  Steven Crowe                 Ellesmere Port RC                 35:10
      21  Kenneth Moss         V50   1 Northern Veterans AC              35:16
      22  Dennis Matthews      V40   4 E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        35:28
      23  Mikko Kuronen        V45   4 E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        35:40
      24  Anthony Battersby            Astley & Tyldesley Road Runner    36:14
      25  Andy Schofield               E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        36:16
      26  Nick Williamson              Unattached                        36:17
      27  Shaun Moran          V45   5 Astley & Tyldesley Road Runner    36:19
      28  Glenn Piper          V40   5 E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        36:22
      29  Keith Hatton         V40   6 Liverpool Harriers & AC           36:38
      30  Mervyn Ward          V40   7 Spectrum Striders                 36:43
      31  Andrew Sattler               Royton Runners                    36:47
      32  Adrian Fuller                Altrincham & District AC          36:49
      33  Rachel Jones         L     1 Salford Harriers                  36:50
      34  David Mellor         V50   2 E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        36:58
      35  Liam Browne          JM    1 E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        36:59
      36  Phil Vesey           V40   8 Altrincham & District AC          37:01
      37  John Bellamy                 Altrincham & District AC          37:05
      38  Doug Speake                  Bildeston Bounders                37:12
      39  Colin Hammond        V40   9 Unattached                        37:15
      40  Andy Ault                    Vale Royal AC                     37:22
      41  Lester McCabe                Unattached                        37:35
      42  Mark Hunphreys       V45   6 Unattached                        37:41
      43  Gary Willcock        V40  10 Manchester YMCA Harriers          37:45
      44  Richard Clancy               Unattached                        37:55
      45  Cecilia Grensley     L45   1 Macclesfield Harriers & AC        37:59
      46  Gary Bergin                  Unattached                        38:13
      47  Steve Edge                   Rochdale Harriers & AC            38:16
      48  Tony Lee                     Stockport Harriers & AC           38:20
      49  Andy Wilson                  Unattached                        38:21
      50  Ian Wood                     Stainland Lions Road Runners      38:34
      51  Tim Murphy           V40  11 Northern Veterans AC              38:39
      52  John Battersby       V45   7 Sale Harriers Manchester          38:46
      53  Hossein Yousefian    V50   3 Stockport Harriers & AC           38:54
      54  Darren Williamson            Unattached                        38:57
      55  James Edwards        V45   8 Vale Royal AC                     39:07
      56  Gary Coxon           V45   9 E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        39:10
      57  Nick Haywood                 Vale Royal AC                     39:13
      58  David Law                    E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        39:13
      59  Mark Gyves           V40  12 Sale Harriers Manchester          39:14
      60  Ken Burgess          V60   1 Altrincham & District AC          39:15
      61  Jennie Bowman        L     3 Ford Halewood                     39:31
      62  Stephen Robinson     V40  13 E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        39:33
      63  David Potter                 Astley & Tyldesley Road Runner    39:37
      64  Joan Jackson         L45   2 Northern Veterans AC              39:42
      65  Robert Stevens       V50   4 Astley & Tyldesley Road Runner    39:42
      66  Paul Birkett                 Unattached                        39:43
      67  John Myott           V50   5 Unattached                        39:48
      68  Halen Whitby         L     5 Vale Royal AC                     39:54
      69  Tony Archer          V45  10 Vale Royal AC                     39:58
      70  Russell Eaton                Unattached                        40:03
      71  Gary Milnes          V45  11 E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        40:10
      72  David Phillips       V60   2 Royton Runners                    40:12
      73  Tommy Burke          V55   1 Penny Lane Striders               40:13
      74  Anne Farmer          L     6 Macclesfield Harriers & AC        40:21
      75  Simon Derby                  E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        40:29
      76  Derek Hughes         V40  14 E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        40:31
      77  David Fieldhouse             Serpentine RC                     40:38
      78  John Perkins         V40  15 Unattached                        40:39
      79  Barry Allman         V45  12 Horwich R M I Harriers            40:39
      80  Andrew Farley        V45  13 E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        40:49
      81  Stephen Jones        V40  16 Unattached                        40:53
      82  Ian Mellor                   E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        41:01
      83  Brandon Holroyd              Unattached                        41:02
      84  Frank Driscoll               Unattached                        41:16
      85  Brian Moore                  Royton Runners                    41:17
      86  Peter Rogers                 Unattached                        41:20
      87  Brian Speake                 Reading Road Runners              41:26
      88  Dave Kershaw                 Royton Runners                    41:28
      89  Nicky Archer         LJ    1 Vale Royal AC                     41:30
      90  Simon Leary                  Vale Royal AC                     41:54
      91  Roy Woodland         V45  14 Unattached                        41:56
      92  David Heald                  Unattached                        41:58
      93  Daniel Byrne         V45  15 Stockport Pct Running Club        41:59
      94  Chris Churm          V45  16 Chorley AC                        42:02
      95  Mark Robinson                Unattached                        42:08
      96  Leon Richards                Unattached                        42:16
      97  Chris Clark                  Unattached                        42:22
      98  Andrew Holloway              Unattached                        42:24
      99  Campbel McKellar     V40  17 Unattached                        42:28
     100  Michael Dunne        V55   2 Sale Harriers Manchester          42:31
     101  Andy Rippon                  Stockport Pct Running Club        42:33
     102  Craig Little                 Unattached                        42:34
     103  Patrick Chan                 Sale Harriers Manchester          42:36
     104  R Jones                      Didsbury                          42:37
     105  Richard Wlodarczyk   V45  17 E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        42:40
     106  Pete Hoyle           V40  18 Unattached                        42:42
     107  David Fox            V45  18 Unattached                        42:46
     108  Andrew Hilton                Unattached                        42:48
     109  Jonathan Burley              Unattached                        42:54
     110  Karen Forster        L40   1 Spectrum Striders                 43:01
     111  David Freer                  Royton Runners                    43:06
     112  Andrea Frost         L35   1 Macclesfield Harriers & AC        43:07
     113  Dave Edge            V65   1 Rochdale Harriers & AC            43:08
     114  Jason Dix                    South Cheshire Harriers           43:11
     115  Edward Jackson               Altrincham & District AC          43:14
     116  Ron Woolmer          V65   2 E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        43:28
     117  Paul Steane          V45  19 Unattached                        43:37
     118  Jeffrey Cordwell     V50   6 Royton Runners                    43:40
     119  Ian Roberts                  Unattached                        43:53
     120  Daniel Fox           V40  19 Unattached                        44:04
     121  Nicola Smith         L    10 Unattached                        44:07
     122  Peter O'Hare         V50   7 Village Runners                   44:08
     123  Neil Hennigan                Sale Harriers Manchester          44:21
     124  Paul Walters         V45  20 Royton Runners                    44:24
     125  Paul Shanks          V45  21 Unattached                        44:28
     126  Ian Oatley                   E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        44:29
     127  David Baker                  Unattached                        44:40
     128  David Waite          V40  20 Stainland Lions Road Runners      44:41
     129  Chris Taylor                 Unattached                        44:44
     130  Chris Godfrey                Holmfirth Harriers AC             44:46
     131  Alan Jenkinson       V55   3 Unattached                        44:47
     132  Carole Milnes        L45   3 E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        44:49
     133  Alan Tomlinson       V45  22 Manchester YMCA Harriers          44:50
     134  Mark Weatherall              Bolton United Harriers & AC       44:52
     135  David Pickering              Unattached                        44:52
     136  Louise Dempster      L40   2 Spectrum Striders                 44:55
     137  Paul O'Connor        V40  21 Unattached                        44:58
     138  Anthony Collier      V45  23 Unattached                        44:59
     139  John Griffin         V45  24 Bury Athletic Club                45:01
     140  David Thompson       V45  25 Spectrum Striders                 45:02
     141  Gerry Rogers                 Unattached                        45:08
     142  Graham Jackett       V55   4 Unattached                        45:09
     143  Keith Rigby          V45  26 Unattached                        45:11
     144  Ivan Wadeson                 Unattached                        45:11
     145  Fiona McGrath        L    13 Warrington Athletic Club          45:13
     146  Michael Gandy                Unattached                        45:14
     147  Barry Chambers       V50   8 Vale Royal AC                     45:15
     148  Trevor Grundy        V60   3 Royton Runners                    45:24
     149  Paul Hawgood                 Stockport Pct Running Club        45:35
     150  Frank Blakeley               Unattached                        45:40
     151  Paul Addison         V40  22 Road Runners Club                 45:41
     152  James Lanham         V55   5 Manchester Harriers & AC          45:47
     153  Louise Gilchrist     L70   1 Valley Striders                   45:50
     154  Helen Halsall        L35   2 Unattached                        46:01
     155  Neil Byrne                   Unattached                        46:09
     156  Diane Waite          L40   3 Stainland Lions Road Runners      46:09
     157  Colin Grimshaw               Unattached                        46:23
     158  Andy Whitehead       V40  23 Spectrum Striders                 46:24
     159  Caroline Emery       L    17 Unattached                        46:25
     160  Andy Clarke          V55   6 Manchester YMCA Harriers          46:26
     161  Karen Shaw           L    18 E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        46:36
     162  Bob Thompson         V45  27 Manchester Harriers & AC          46:38
     163  Tony Elston          V45  28 Unattached                        46:39
     164  Diane Hennigan       L    19 Sale Harriers Manchester          46:40
     165  Thomas Whiting               Unattached                        46:52
     166  Karen McCrackle      L    20 Stockport Harriers & AC           46:54
     167  Martin Grimes        V40  24 Unattached                        47:06
     168  Emma Godfrey         L    21 Holmfirth Harriers AC             47:20
     169  John Stephenson      V45  29 Glossopdale Harriers              47:32
     170  Christine Yousefian  L55   1 Stockport Harriers & AC           47:34
     171  Charles Lowthian     V45  30 Unattached                        47:42
     172  Jim Rogers                   Unattached                        47:44
     173  Janet Redpath        L50   1 Spectrum Striders                 47:53
     174  David Redpath        V50   9 Spectrum Striders                 47:55
     175  Simon Bolton         V40  25 Unattached                        47:58
     176  Rob Manson                   Unattached                        47:59
     177  Joanne DixBaker      L    24 Spectrum Striders                 48:00
     178  John Riley           V60   4 Altrincham & District AC          48:08
     179  Andrew Oatley                Unattached                        48:17
     180  Anthony Preston              Unattached                        48:25
     181  Ian Morris           V55   7 Manchester Harriers & AC          48:27
     182  Anne Fortune         L50   2 Northern Veterans AC              48:38
     183  Craig Watson                 Quakers Running Club              48:41
     184  Peter Bedford        V50  10 Sale Harriers Manchester          48:49
     185  Alec Dunn            V70   1 Stockport Harriers & AC           49:01
     186  Howard Cottam        V40  26 Unattached                        49:09
     187  Vicki Crampton       L35   3 Unattached                        49:13
     188  Cather Dodsworth     L    27 Unattached                        49:18
     189  Meg Jones            L    28 Penny Lane Striders               49:24
     190  Heather Rankin       L    29 Penny Lane Striders               49:38
     191  Helen Reagan         L35   4 Unattached                        49:39
     192  James Kelleher       V40  27 Unattached                        49:45
     193  Victoria Buckley     L35   5 Stockport Harriers & AC           49:51
     194  Jenny Clink          L    32 Sale Harriers Manchester          49:56
     195  Jason Mastin                 Unattached                        49:57
     196  Martin Lucas         V40  28 Sale Harriers Manchester          50:00
     197  Robert Stiles                Unattached                        50:07
     198  Patrick O'Dowd               Unattached                        50:22
     199  Claire Wood          L    33 Stainland Lions Road Runners      50:31
     200  George Meynell       V55   8 Royton Runners                    50:48
     201  Trudy Melvin         L    34 E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        50:52
     202  Kelly Paterson       L    35 Unattached                        50:59
     203  Mary Cowling         L35   6 Stainland Lions Road Runners      51:01
     204  Tony Beck                    Unattached                        51:05
     205  Simon Munday                 Unattached                        51:14
     206  Sarah Powell         L    37 Penny Lane Striders               51:16
     207  Luan Underwood       L    38 Stainland Lions Road Runners      51:56
     208  Tim Oliver           V45  31 Unattached                        52:06
     209  Pat Hanlen           L50   3 Manchester YMCA Harriers          52:16
     210  Geoffrey Knowles     V45  32 Bolton United Harriers & AC       52:17
     211  Malcolm Towler       V60   5 Unattached                        52:49
     212  Neville Jones        V65   3 Warrington Athletic Club          52:57
     213  Dawn Morris          L35   7 Unattached                        53:02
     214  Richard Harvey       V45  33 Unattached                        53:05
     215  Philip Murray        V65   4 Penny Lane Striders               53:06
     216  Tracey Green         L35   8 Warrington Athletic Club          53:09
     217  Sam Barnes           V40  29 Warrington Athletic Club          53:10
     218  Lyndsay Duffill      L35   9 Unattached                        53:13
     219  Lee Kaufman                  Sale Harriers Manchester          53:14
     220  Phil Markham         V45  34 Unattached                        53:15
     221  Johan Pennington     L    43 Spectrum Striders                 53:21
     222  Kay Mysiw            L40   4 Manchester YMCA Harriers          53:24
     223  Sally Gibson         L    45 Salford Metropolitan AC           53:26
     224  Philip Urmston       V40  30 Unattached                        53:33
     225  Thomas Platt         U17   1 Unattached                        53:34
     226  Andrew Charlton      V40  31 Unattached                        53:38
     227  Kate Alderson        L40   5 Unattached                        53:45
     228  June Sinnott         L45   4 Stockport Harriers & AC           53:55
     229  Moira Farrelly       L45   5 Salford Metropolitan AC           54:00
     230  David Faulkner       V45  35 Unattached                        54:09
     231  Rachael Charlton     L35  10 Unattached                        54:23
     232  Louise Weller        L40   6 Unattached                        54:24
     233  Jane Ashworth        L35  11 Bjs Jog Club                      54:37
     234  Mark Molloy                  Warrington Road Runners           54:43
     235  Lindsey Scott        L35  12 Warrington Road Runners           54:45
     236  Alan Morris                  Unattached                        55:01
     237  Ann Burrows          L50   4 Manchester YMCA Harriers          55:04
     238  Adele Mitchell       L    54 Unattached                        55:58
     239  Ian Pritchard        V40  32 Unattached                        56:05
     240  Helen Hogg           L35  13 Unattached                        56:17
     241  Stella Anderson      L    56 Sandbach                          56:20
     242  J Bruce              L    57 Unattached                        57:31
     243  Rachel Harding       L    58 Unattached                        59:21
     244  Tony Hunking         V50  11 Royton Runners                    59:23
     245  Tony Wright          V45  36 Burnden Road Runners              59:24
     246  Janet Jones          L45   6 Unattached                        59:28
     247  Alyson Lamb          L45   7 Middleton Harriers AC             59:53
     248  Alison Barton        L    61 Unattached                        59:53
     249  Anthony Woodcock     V45  37 Unattached                      1:00:00
     250  Tim Yorke            V40  33 Unattached                      1:00:07
     251  Gloria Norton        L45   8 Stockport Harriers & AC         1:00:15
     252  Vakas Khawaja                Unattached                      1:00:37
     253  Audrey Collier       L35  14 Unattached                      1:01:36
     254  Tony Pickering       V55   9 Unattached                      1:01:55
     255  Mark Pickup          V40  34 Altrincham & District AC        1:02:16
     256  Alan Platt           V45  38 Unattached                      1:02:22
     257  Anne Iball           L45   9 Salford Metropolitan AC         1:02:38
     258  David Shepherd               Unattached                      1:03:30
     259  Lesley Waite         L45  10 Unattached                      1:04:20
     260  Ca Simcox-Rowley     L55   2 Unattached                      1:18:48

Trafford 10k - Men -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Altrincham & District AC           17
                                 2  Andrew Norman       
                                 4  Lee Hurst           
                                11  Sean Butler         
  2  Sale Harriers Manchester           41
                                 9  Ian Wetherall       
                                13  George Kirk         
                                19  Michael Hatch       
  3  E Cheshire H & Tameside AC         63
                                18  Gary Matthews       
                                22  Dennis Matthews     
                                23  Mikko Kuronen       
  4  Stockport Harriers & AC            91
                                 7  Mike Shaw           
                                40  Tony Lee            
                                44  Hossein Yousefian   
  5  Astley & Tyldesley Road Runner    102
                                24  Anthony Battersby   
                                26  Shaun Moran         
                                52  David Potter        
  6  Vale Royal AC                     129
                                37  Andy Ault           
                                45  James Edwards       
                                47  Nick Haywood        
  7  Spectrum Striders                 135
                                16  Ian Bamber          
                                29  Mervyn Ward         
                                90  David Thompson      
  8  Royton Runners                    150
                                30  Andrew Sattler      
                                56  David Phillips      
                                64  Brian Moore         
  9  Manchester YMCA Harriers          222
                                38  Gary Willcock       
                                87  Alan Tomlinson      
                                97  Andy Clarke         
 10  Stockport Pct Running Club        232
                                68  Daniel Byrne        
                                71  Andy Rippon         
                                93  Paul Hawgood        
 11  Manchester Harriers & AC          295
                                95  James Lanham        
                                98  Bob Thompson        
                               102  Ian Morris          

Trafford 10k - Ladies -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Macclesfield Harriers & AC         17
                                 2  Cecilia Grensley    
                                 6  Anne Farmer         
                                 9  Andrea Frost        
  2  Spectrum Striders                  39
                                 8  Karen Forster       
                                11  Louise Dempster     
                                20  Janet Redpath       
  3  E Cheshire H & Tameside AC         53
                                10  Carole Milnes       
                                15  Karen Shaw          
                                28  Trudy Melvin        
  4  Stockport Harriers & AC            61
                                17  Karen McCrackle     
                                19  Christine Yousefian 
                                25  Victoria Buckley    
  5  Stainland Lions Road Runners       70
                                14  Diane Waite         
                                27  Claire Wood         
                                29  Mary Cowling        
  6  Penny Lane Striders                77
                                23  Meg Jones           
                                24  Heather Rankin      
                                30  Sarah Powell        
  7  Manchester YMCA Harriers          108
                                32  Pat Hanlen          
                                35  Kay Mysiw           
                                41  Ann Burrows         
  8  Salford Metropolitan AC           119
                                36  Sally Gibson        
                                38  Moira Farrelly      
                                45  Anne Iball          

Results copyright (c) G.J. Fecitt (SportSoft) 2004