The South East Lancashire Cross Country League

at Middleton on Saturday 13th November 2004

Under 11 - Boys -- PROVISIONAL RESULTS ($=non-counter)

     Pos  Name                         Club         Time  

       1  B Yates                      Salford Metropolitan AC                
       2  L Stephenson                 Salford Metropolitan AC                
       3  J Whitehead                  Salford Metropolitan AC                
       4  A Schofield                  E Cheshire H & Tameside AC             
       5 $M Campbemm                   Bury Athletic Club                     
       6  J Evans                      Salford Metropolitan AC                
       7 $D McIlnunn                   East Manchester                        
       8 $R Hill                       Moston                                 
       9  A Howarth                    Leigh Harriers & AC                    
      10 $M Wong                       East Manchester                        
      11 $J O'Donnell                  Preston Harriers & AC                  
      12  J Hill                       E Cheshire H & Tameside AC             
      13  J Tattum                     Salford Metropolitan AC                
      14 $J Lee                        Bury Athletic Club                     
      15 $R Lally                      East Manchester                        
      16  P Carey                      Blackley Nth Manchester AC             
      17  Michael Hulme                Salford Metropolitan AC                
      18  E Kirby                      Radcliffe AC                           
      19  O Brown                      Salford Metropolitan AC                
      20  Polari                       Salford Metropolitan AC                
      21  E Atkinson                   E Cheshire H & Tameside AC             
      22  L Gatcliffe                  Radcliffe AC                           
      23 $A DaltonO'Reilly             Unattached                             
      24 $B Davies                     Bury Athletic Club                     
      25 $J Clarke                     East Manchester                        
      26 $M Jones                      Bury Athletic Club                     
      27  J Carey                      Blackley Nth Manchester AC             
      28  I Williamson                 Leigh Harriers & AC                    
      29  M Murray                     Chorley Harriers                       
      30  M Mankarious                 Oldham & Royton H & AC                 
      31  L Peet                       E Cheshire H & Tameside AC             
      32  L Smith                      Rochdale Harriers & AC                 
      33  A Bott                       Oldham & Royton H & AC                 
      34  C Kinsey                     E Cheshire H & Tameside AC             
      35  C Marshall                   Oldham & Royton H & AC                 
      36 $J Brown                      Bury Athletic Club                     
      37  S Gibson                     Blackley Nth Manchester AC             
      38  B Hamilton                   E Cheshire H & Tameside AC             

Under 11 - Boys -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Salford Metropolitan AC             6
                                 1  B Yates             
                                 2  L Stephenson        
                                 3  J Whitehead         
  2  E Cheshire H & Tameside AC         25
                                 4  A Schofield         
                                 7  J Hill              
                                14  E Atkinson          
  3  Blackley Nth Manchester AC         50
                                 9  P Carey             
                                16  J Carey             
                                25  S Gibson            
  4  Oldham & Royton H & AC             65
                                19  M Mankarious        
                                22  A Bott              
                                24  C Marshall          

Under 11 - Girls -- PROVISIONAL RESULTS ($=non-counter)

     Pos  Name                         Club         Time  

       1  K McAsalan                   E Cheshire H & Tameside AC             
       2  K Reynold                    E Cheshire H & Tameside AC             
       3  V Newal                      E Cheshire H & Tameside AC             
       4 $B Dean                       East Manchester                        
       5 ?A Grundy                     Bury Athletic Club                     
       6  S Johnson                    Leigh Harriers & AC                    
       7  Amy Matthews                 Salford Metropolitan AC                
       8  S Taylor                     Salford Metropolitan AC                
       9  B Jones                      Leigh Harriers & AC                    
      10  Lucy Matthews                Salford Metropolitan AC                
      11  E Sutton                     E Cheshire H & Tameside AC             
      12 $C O'Reily                    Moston                                 
      13  K Lockwood                   E Cheshire H & Tameside AC             
      14  C Donald                     E Cheshire H & Tameside AC             
      15  L Alford                     E Cheshire H & Tameside AC             
      16 $R Stevenson                  Moston                                 
      17  S Thornton                   Leigh Harriers & AC                    
      18 $C Cole                       Bury Athletic Club                     
      19 $K O'Hanlon                   Moston                                 
      20  A Vanden                     Salford Metropolitan AC                
      21 $C Smith                      East Manchester                        
      22  D McDermott                  E Cheshire H & Tameside AC             
      23 $L Smith                      East Manchester                        
      24 $A Hicks                      Moston                                 
      25 ?A Grundy                     Bury Athletic Club                     
      26 $B Clarke                     Bury Athletic Club                     
      27  K McCann                     Leigh Harriers & AC                    
      28  C Hunter                     Oldham & Royton H & AC                 
      29  H Simpson                    E Cheshire H & Tameside AC             
      30  A Burke                      Blackley Nth Manchester AC             
      31  K Scales                     Salford Metropolitan AC                
      32  C Dickson                    E Cheshire H & Tameside AC             
      33  L Cunliffe                   Oldham & Royton H & AC                 
      34  V Coltas                     Oldham & Royton H & AC                 
      35  N Schofield                  E Cheshire H & Tameside AC             
      36  D Conn                       Radcliffe AC                           
      37  S Saunders                   Salford Metropolitan AC                
      38  J Atkinson                   Oldham & Royton H & AC                 

Under 11 - Girls -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  E Cheshire H & Tameside AC          6
                                 1  K McAsalan          
                                 2  K Reynold           
                                 3  V Newal             
  2  Salford Metropolitan AC            19
                                 5  Amy Matthews        
                                 6  S Taylor            
                                 8  Lucy Matthews       
  3  Leigh Harriers & AC                24
                                 4  S Johnson           
                                 7  B Jones             
                                13  S Thornton          
  4  Oldham & Royton H & AC             62
                                17  C Hunter            
                                22  L Cunliffe          
                                23  V Coltas            

Under 13 Boys -- PROVISIONAL RESULTS ($=non-counter)

     Pos  Name                         Club         Time  

       1  I McCann                     Leigh Harriers & AC                7:49
       2  C Adamson                    Leigh Harriers & AC                8:01
       3 $D Berry                      Park High School                   8:16
       4  R Powell                     Leigh Harriers & AC                8:23
       5 $S Cristy                     Moston                             8:32
       6  B Coltas                     Oldham & Royton H & AC             8:33
       7  S Hayto                      E Cheshire H & Tameside AC         8:36
       8  L Hatrvey                    Altrincham & District AC           8:36
       9  T Jones                      Lostock AC                         8:43
      10 $C Wilsoncroft                Moston                             8:47
      11 $C Dean                       East Manchester                    8:52
      12  J Dolan                      Radcliffe AC                       8:56
      13  D Rowark                     Altrincham & District AC           8:57
      14  J Tinker                     Salford Metropolitan AC            8:58
      15  M Marshall                   Oldham & Royton H & AC             9:02
      16  S Kinsey                     E Cheshire H & Tameside AC         9:18
      17  T Jones                      Salford Metropolitan AC            9:25
      18  J O'Gara                     Middleton Harriers AC              9:48
      19  W Pugh                       Middleton Harriers AC              9:57
      20  T Muller                     Salford Metropolitan AC           10:07
      21  J Hoeard                     Radcliffe AC                      10:25
      22 $A Hall                       Bolton United Harriers & AC       10:44
      23  S Nichol                     Altrincham & District AC          11:01
      24  D Wilson                     Radcliffe AC                      14:52

Under 13 Boys -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Leigh Harriers & AC                 6
                                 1  I McCann            
                                 2  C Adamson           
                                 3  R Powell            
  2  Altrincham & District AC           33
                                 6  L Hatrvey           
                                 9  D Rowark            
                                18  S Nichol            
  3  Salford Metropolitan AC            39
                                10  J Tinker            
                                13  T Jones             
                                16  T Muller            
  4  Radcliffe AC                       44
                                 8  J Dolan             
                                17  J Hoeard            
                                19  D Wilson            

Under 13 Girl -- PROVISIONAL RESULTS ($=non-counter)

     Pos  Name                         Club         Time  

       1  A Riley                      Leigh Harriers & AC                7:53
       2  N Sumpter                    E Cheshire H & Tameside AC         8:11
       3  A Backhouse                  Salford Metropolitan AC            8:13
       4 $L Riches                     Wigan & District H & AC            8:14
       5  A Howarth                    Leigh Harriers & AC                8:33
       6  B Faulkener                  Horwich R M I Harriers             8:41
       7  L Owen                       E Cheshire H & Tameside AC         8:50
       8  L Schofield                  E Cheshire H & Tameside AC         8:57
       9  R Choudary                   E Cheshire H & Tameside AC         9:04
      10  A O'Keefe                    E Cheshire H & Tameside AC         9:11
      11 $A Gilraine                   Moston                             9:12
      12  R Vanden                     Salford Metropolitan AC            9:20
      13  B Saunders                   Salford Metropolitan AC            9:31
      14  B Wild                       Oldham & Royton H & AC             9:32
      15 $A Baker                      Bury Athletic Club                 9:33
      16 $E Benson                     Moston                             9:36
      17  A Holt                       Radcliffe AC                       9:41
      18 $S Hicks                      Moston                             9:52
      19  K Dutton                     Leigh Harriers & AC               10:05
      20  E Lucas                      Salford Metropolitan AC           10:09
      21  J Ordell                     Leigh Harriers & AC               10:09
      22  C Smith                      Salford Metropolitan AC           10:42
      23  J Roberts                    Salford Metropolitan AC           11:38
      24 $K Phelan                     Moston                            11:56

Under 13 Girl -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  E Cheshire H & Tameside AC         15
                                 2  N Sumpter           
                                 6  L Owen              
                                 7  L Schofield         
  2  Leigh Harriers & AC                19
                                 1  A Riley             
                                 4  A Howarth           
                                14  K Dutton            
  3  Salford Metropolitan AC            24
                                 3  A Backhouse         
                                10  R Vanden            
                                11  B Saunders          

Under 15 Boys -- PROVISIONAL RESULTS ($=non-counter)

     Pos  Name                         Club         Time  

       1  R Edwards                    Salford Metropolitan AC            7:22
       2 $C Andrew                     Rossendale Harriers & AC           7:38
       3 $P Bolton                     Rossendale Harriers & AC           7:40
       4  R Nichol                     Altrincham & District AC           7:54
       5  J Christopher                Horwich R M I Harriers             7:56
       6  S Barber                     Oldham & Royton H & AC             7:59
       7 $A Barker                     Rossendale Harriers & AC           8:02
       8 $M Ramsden                    Park High School                   8:11
       9  Matthew Hulme                Salford Metropolitan AC            8:13
      10  D Hill                       Salford Metropolitan AC            8:25
      11  M Carney                     Salford Metropolitan AC            8:30
      12  J Barber                     Glossopdale Harriers               8:31
      13  A Shepley                    Salford Metropolitan AC            8:33
      14  A Holmes                     Chorley AC                         8:48
      15  G Hilton                     Lostock AC                         8:49
      16 $C Horniman                   Moston                             8:50
      17 $J Crawley                    East Manchester                    8:53
      18  A Fleet                      E Cheshire H & Tameside AC         8:57
      19  P McCollum                   Blackley Nth Manchester AC         9:08
      20  M Mannings                   Oldham & Royton H & AC             9:09
      21  C Turner                     Radcliffe AC                       9:09
      22  P Fielding                   Blackley Nth Manchester AC         9:17
      23  A BorgFrench                 Blackley Nth Manchester AC         9:19
      24  N Alexander                  Radcliffe AC                       9:44
      25  R Bailey                     Leigh Harriers & AC               10:12
      26  L Burke                      Blackley Nth Manchester AC        10:59
      27  S Morris                     Radcliffe AC                      12:30

Under 15 Boys -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Salford Metropolitan AC            12
                                 1  R Edwards           
                                 5  Matthew Hulme       
                                 6  D Hill              
  2  Blackley Nth Manchester AC         46
                                13  P McCollum          
                                16  P Fielding          
                                17  A BorgFrench        
  3  Radcliffe AC                       54
                                15  C Turner            
                                18  N Alexander         
                                21  S Morris            

Under 15 Girl -- PROVISIONAL RESULTS ($=non-counter)

     Pos  Name                         Club         Time  

       1  H Warburton                  Leigh Harriers & AC                8:28
       2  Dionne Allen                 Leigh Harriers & AC                8:36
       3 $T Boswell                    Park High School                   8:37
       4  J Hayes                      Salford Metropolitan AC            8:43
       5  L Howarth                    Leigh Harriers & AC                8:47
       6  S Hudak                      E Cheshire H & Tameside AC         8:48
       7  Danielle Allen               Leigh Harriers & AC                8:50
       8 $R Robinson                   Park High School                   9:00
       9  L Hill                       E Cheshire H & Tameside AC         9:04
      10  A Gorton                     E Cheshire H & Tameside AC         9:09
      11  V Green                      Leigh Harriers & AC                9:20
      12 $K Ireland                    Rossendale Harriers & AC           9:21
      13 $E Hornsby                    Blackburn Harriers & AC            9:23
      14  Z Leighton                   Salford Metropolitan AC            9:25
      15  A Leonard                    Chorley Harriers                   9:26
      16  H Warburton                  Leigh Harriers & AC                9:44
      17  N Rogerson                   Salford Metropolitan AC            9:57
      18 $L Grant                      East Manchester                   10:06
      19  A Warburton                  Radcliffe AC                      10:13
      20  G Atherton                   Oldham & Royton H & AC            10:15
      21  L Fox                        Radcliffe AC                      10:37
      22  H Mullen                     Salford Metropolitan AC           10:48
      23  A Dolan                      Salford Metropolitan AC           10:50
      24 $H Pollitt                    East Manchester                   10:51
      25  C Murray                     Chorley Harriers                       

Under 15 Girl -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Leigh Harriers & AC                 7
                                 1  H Warburton         
                                 2  Dionne Allen        
                                 4  L Howarth           
  2  E Cheshire H & Tameside AC         20
                                 5  S Hudak             
                                 7  L Hill              
                                 8  A Gorton            
  3  Salford Metropolitan AC            26
                                 3  J Hayes             
                                10  Z Leighton          
                                13  N Rogerson          


     Pos  Name                         Club         Time  

       1  T Henders                    Leigh Harriers & AC               14:25
       2  R Hendley                    Oldham & Royton H & AC            15:24
       3  M Mannings                   Oldham & Royton H & AC            15:34
       4  P Howarth                    Oldham & Royton H & AC            15:39
       5  J Shaw                       E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        16:23
       6  M Proctor                    Rochdale Harriers & AC            16:35
       7  G Browne                     E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        16:48

Under 17 Men -- TEAM RESULTS

  1  Oldham & Royton H & AC              9
                                 2  R Hendley           
                                 3  M Mannings          
                                 4  P Howarth           

Ladies under 17 -- PROVISIONAL RESULTS ($=non-counter)

     Pos  Name                 Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1 $A Dereven            L17   1 Moston                            14:26
       2 $P Wadsworth          L17   2 Rossendale Harriers & AC          14:32
       3  K Shuttleworth       L17   3 E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        16:04
       4  K Keeley             L17   4 Oldham & Royton H & AC            16:44
       5  J Fairchild          L17   5 Salford Metropolitan AC           17:32
       6  R Howarth            L17   6 Leigh Harriers & AC               17:46
       7  S Hefron             L17   7 Oldham & Royton H & AC            17:50
       8  E Hall               L17   8 Salford Metropolitan AC           19:33
       9  S Lucas              L17   9 Rochdale Harriers & AC            19:40
      10  K Hart               L17  10 Oldham & Royton H & AC            20:30
      11  J Murray             L17  11 Chorley Harriers                  22:04

Ladies under 17 -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Oldham & Royton H & AC             15
                                 2  K Keeley            
                                 5  S Hefron            
                                 8  K Hart              

Ladies under 20 -- PROVISIONAL RESULTS ($=non-counter)

     Pos  Name                 Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  L Livesey            LJ    1 Chorley AC                        27:49
       2  C Lewtus             LJ    2 Salford Metropolitan AC           31:36
       3  H Hudson             LJ    3 Oldham & Royton H & AC            33:57

Ladies under 20 -- TEAM RESULTS

No complete teams

Ladies over 18 -- PROVISIONAL RESULTS ($=non-counter)

     Pos  Name                 Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  J Rashleigh          L40   1 Horwich R M I Harriers            24:39
       2  K Teahn                      Leigh Harriers & AC               24:59
       3  S Bom                L35   1 E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        25:07
       4  C Robinson                   Belle Vue Racers                  25:14
       5  S Budgett            L40   2 Horwich R M I Harriers            25:23
       6 $R Moore                      Wigan Phoenix                     25:30
       7  L Carson                     E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        25:35
       8  A Allen              L35   2 Horwich R M I Harriers            25:42
       9  K Smout                      Horwich R M I Harriers            26:49
      10  K Harvey             L45   1 Altrincham & District AC          27:05
      11  R Dunnington         L50   1 E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        27:20
      12  A Ferguson           L45   2 Burnden Road Runners              27:25
      13  F McAslan            L40   3 Middleton Harriers AC             27:47
      14  L Livesey            LJ    1 Chorley AC                        27:49
      15  D Allen                      Radcliffe AC                      27:53
      16  R Metcalfe                   Horwich R M I Harriers            27:54
      17  H Rahman             L35   3 Rochdale Harriers & AC            27:57
      18  L Lucas              L45   3 Astley & Tyldesley Road Runner    27:59
      19  G Higson             L35   4 Horwich R M I Harriers            28:18
      20  J Needham            L50   2 Rochdale Harriers & AC            28:32
      21  L Fisher             L45   4 Burnden Road Runners              28:42
      22  C Hancock                    Radcliffe AC                      28:43
      23  M Wilde              L35   5 E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        29:08
      24  G Dewhurst           L35   6 Radcliffe AC                      29:30
      25  R Norton                     Manchester YMCA Harriers          29:50
      26  G Barber             L40   4 Saddleworth Runners Club          29:51
      27  L Webb               L40   5 Horwich R M I Harriers            29:52
      28  K Law                L35   7 E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        29:58
      29  A Sanders                    Salford Harriers                  30:11
      30  J Forrest            L40   6 Lostock AC                        30:44
      31  A Holmes             L45   5 Middleton Harriers AC             30:57
      32  L Yates              L40   7 Salford Metropolitan AC           31:07
      33  C Milnes             L45   6 E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        31:13
      34  C Bowness            L50   3 Middleton Harriers AC             31:20
      35  L Ashworth           L35   8 E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        31:23
      36  T Hollins            L50   4 Middleton Harriers AC             31:26
      37  K Molyneux           L50   5 Middleton Harriers AC             31:35
      38  C Lewtus             LJ    2 Salford Metropolitan AC           31:36
      39  J Barrett            L50   6 Oldham & Royton H & AC            31:54
      40  B Buckley            L50   7 Glossopdale Harriers              31:55
      41  M Jones              L45   7 Altrincham & District AC          31:56
      42  A Hirsch             L45   8 Belle Vue Racers                  32:01
      43  A Christopher        L40   8 Horwich R M I Harriers            32:04
      44  J Derbyshire         L35   9 Horwich R M I Harriers            32:12
      45  S Bott               L35  10 Oldham & Royton H & AC            32:29
      46  T Melvin                     E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        32:33
      47  J Fairbrother                Oldham & Royton H & AC            32:40
      48  G Garry              L45   9 Radcliffe AC                      32:41
      49  G Caldwel            L50   8 Lostock AC                        32:42
      50  E Hopley             L35  11 Lostock AC                        33:18
      51  L Cheetham           L50   9 Belle Vue Racers                  33:25
      52  C Deaset                     Rochdale Harriers & AC            33:35
      53  C Smith              L45  10 Lostock AC                        33:41
      54  L Nichol             L35  12 Altrincham & District AC          33:48
      55  H Hudson             LJ    3 Oldham & Royton H & AC            33:57
      56  P Cole                       Burnden Road Runners              34:24
      57  P Hudson             L50  10 Oldham & Royton H & AC            34:44
      58  B Swindales          L45  11 E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        35:03
      59  L Riddall            L50  11 Rochdale Harriers & AC            35:14
      60  J Hutchinson                 Rochdale Harriers & AC            35:48
      61  K Johnson            L40   9 Lostock AC                        35:53
      62  L Redman                     Salford Metropolitan AC           35:54
      63  D Smith              L40  10 Lostock AC                        36:01
      64  V Launders           L35  13 Radcliffe AC                      37:02
      65  D Sutcliffe          L45  12 Radcliffe AC                      37:35
      66  S Hutchinson         L40  11 Middleton Harriers AC             39:18
      67  S Beresford                  Lostock AC                        39:20
      68 $C Nugent                     Unattached                        39:22
      69  K Allison            L50  12 Rochdale Harriers & AC            40:10
      70  J Beevers            L50  13 Burnden Road Runners              40:28
      71 $F Coughlan                   Unattached                        41:37
      72  J Laverock           L35  14 Salford Harriers                  42:12

Ladies over 18 -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Horwich R M I Harriers             13
                                 1  J Rashleigh         
                                 5  S Budgett           
                                 7  A Allen             
  2  E Cheshire H & Tameside AC         19
                                 3  S Bom               
                                 6  L Carson            
                                10  R Dunnington        
  3  Radcliffe AC                       58
                                14  D Allen             
                                21  C Hancock           
                                23  G Dewhurst          
  4  Middleton Harriers AC              75
                                12  F McAslan           
                                30  A Holmes            
                                33  C Bowness           
  5  Rochdale Harriers & AC             86
                                16  H Rahman            
                                19  J Needham           
                                51  C Deaset            
  6  Burnden Road Runners               86
                                11  A Ferguson          
                                20  L Fisher            
                                55  P Cole              
  7  Belle Vue Racers                   95
                                 4  C Robinson          
                                41  A Hirsch            
                                50  L Cheetham          
  8  Altrincham & District AC          102
                                 9  K Harvey            
                                40  M Jones             
                                53  L Nichol            
  9  Lostock AC                        126
                                29  J Forrest           
                                48  G Caldwel           
                                49  E Hopley            
 10  Oldham & Royton H & AC            128
                                38  J Barrett           
                                44  S Bott              
                                46  J Fairbrother       
 11  Salford Metropolitan AC           129
                                31  L Yates             
                                37  C Lewtus            
                                61  L Redman            

Ladies over 35 -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Horwich R M I Harriers              8
                                 1  J Rashleigh         
                                 3  S Budgett           
                                 4  A Allen             
  2  E Cheshire H & Tameside AC         22
                                 2  S Bom               
                                 6  R Dunnington        
                                14  M Wilde             
  3  Middleton Harriers AC              51
                                 8  F McAslan           
                                20  A Holmes            
                                23  C Bowness           
  4  Rochdale Harriers & AC             63
                                 9  H Rahman            
                                12  J Needham           
                                42  L Riddall           
  5  Burnden Road Runners               69
                                 7  A Ferguson          
                                13  L Fisher            
                                49  J Beevers           
  6  Altrincham & District AC           73
                                 5  K Harvey            
                                29  M Jones             
                                39  L Nichol            
  7  Lostock AC                         90
                                19  J Forrest           
                                35  G Caldwel           
                                36  E Hopley            
  8  Radcliffe AC                       94
                                15  G Dewhurst          
                                34  G Garry             
                                45  V Launders          
  9  Oldham & Royton H & AC            100
                                27  J Barrett           
                                33  S Bott              
                                40  P Hudson            

Ladies over 40 -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Horwich R M I Harriers             14
                                 1  J Rashleigh         
                                 2  S Budgett           
                                11  L Webb              
  2  Middleton Harriers AC              35
                                 6  F McAslan           
                                13  A Holmes            
                                16  C Bowness           
  3  E Cheshire H & Tameside AC         48
                                 4  R Dunnington        
                                15  C Milnes            
                                29  B Swindales         
  4  Burnden Road Runners               50
                                 5  A Ferguson          
                                 9  L Fisher            
                                36  J Beevers           
  5  Lostock AC                         64
                                12  J Forrest           
                                25  G Caldwel           
                                27  C Smith             
  6  Rochdale Harriers & AC             73
                                 8  J Needham           
                                30  L Riddall           
                                35  K Allison           

Ladies over 45 -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Middleton Harriers AC              26
                                 7  A Holmes            
                                 9  C Bowness           
                                10  T Hollins           
  2  E Cheshire H & Tameside AC         31
                                 2  R Dunnington        
                                 8  C Milnes            
                                21  B Swindales         
  3  Burnden Road Runners               34
                                 3  A Ferguson          
                                 6  L Fisher            
                                25  J Beevers           
  4  Rochdale Harriers & AC             51
                                 5  J Needham           
                                22  L Riddall           
                                24  K Allison           

Senior Men -- PROVISIONAL RESULTS ($=non-counter)

     Pos  Name                 Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  C Hardman                    Salford Harriers                  31:44
       2  S Hughes                     Leigh Harriers & AC               32:08
       3  C Rigby                      Horwich R M I Harriers            32:35
       4  G Richards                   Salford Harriers                  32:45
       5 $N Coe                        Bury Athletic Club                32:52
       6  P West                       Salford Harriers                  32:58
       7  P Williams           JM    1 Rochdale Harriers & AC            33:02
       8  P Foster             V40   1 Leigh Harriers & AC               33:06
       9  J Boothroyd                  Salford Harriers                  33:23
      10  D Lockett                    Salford Harriers                  33:25
      11  G Matthews           V40   2 E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        33:32
      12 $S Willis                     Todmorden Harriers & AC           33:41
      13  J Kevan              JM    2 Horwich R M I Harriers            33:42
      14  R Hughes                     Salford Metropolitan AC           33:48
      15  D Vaughan            V40   3 E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        33:57
      16  G Schofield          V40   4 Horwich R M I Harriers            34:04
      17  J Howarth            V40   5 Leigh Harriers & AC               34:08
      18  P Wood               V40   6 Middleton Harriers AC             34:13
      19  A Martin                     Oldham & Royton H & AC            34:15
      20  A Taylor                     Salford Metropolitan AC           34:29
      21  T Davies                     Oldham & Royton H & AC            34:33
      22  D Appleby                    Radcliffe AC                      34:39
      23  A Urmston            JM    3 Leigh Harriers & AC               34:57
      24 $I Selby                      Bolton United Harriers & AC       35:07
      25  K Robinson                   Rochdale Harriers & AC            35:11
      26  T Battersby                  Astley & Tyldesley Road Runner    35:19
      27  M Conroy                     Leigh Harriers & AC               35:24
      28  J Simmonite                  Horwich R M I Harriers            35:26
      29                ???         ???                               35:30
      30  L Browne             JM    4 E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        35:35
      31  ( No. 745 )                  E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        35:47
      32  G Fleet              V40   7 Saddleworth Runners Club          35:49
      33  G Piper              V40   8 E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        35:54
      34 $B Martin                     Bolton United Harriers & AC       35:58
      35  A Carroll            V50   1 E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        35:59
      36  D Jayes              V40   9 Horwich R M I Harriers            36:00
      37  E Reynolds                   Chorley AC                        36:03
      38  P Barrett                    Oldham & Royton H & AC            36:05
      39  J Dooley                     E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        36:06
      40  P Byrne              V40  10 Middleton Harriers AC             36:08
      41  N Burke                      Altrincham & District AC          36:10
      42  M Creighton          V40  11 E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        36:13
      43  I Stainthorpe        V40  12 Rochdale Harriers & AC            36:16
      44  M Shaw                       E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        36:17
      45 $M O'Donnell          V40  13 Preston Harriers & AC             36:19
      46  M Seed                       Salford Harriers                  36:25
      47  A Murray                     Horwich R M I Harriers            36:26
      48  O Williams           JM    5 Rochdale Harriers & AC            36:29
      49  D Fleming            V40  14 Horwich R M I Harriers            36:45
      50  A Harris             V40  15 Radcliffe AC                      36:46
      51  M Christie           V40  16 Chorley Harriers                  36:47
      52  C Whitworth          V40  17 E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        36:52
      53  R Green              V40  18 Horwich R M I Harriers            36:56
      54  S Gallagher                  E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        36:58
      55  C Leach              V40  19 Rochdale Harriers & AC            36:59
      56  P Kearsley           V50   2 Burnden Road Runners              37:01
      57 $P Quibell            V40  20 Preston Harriers & AC             37:19
      58  R Smith              V50   3 E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        37:27
      59  B Greaves            V40  21 Royton RR                         37:28
      60  S Moran              V40  22 Astley & Tyldesley Road Runner    37:41
      61  R Duffy                      Lostock AC                        37:44
      62  B Lucas              V50   4 Astley & Tyldesley Road Runner    37:54
      63  D Potter                     Astley & Tyldesley Road Runner    37:55
      64  D Law                        E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        37:57
      65  A Duffy              V40  23 Burnden Road Runners              37:59
      66  D Mason                      Horwich R M I Harriers            38:00
      67 $P Meade                      Unattached                        38:01
      68  G Carney             V40  24 Belle Vue Racers                  38:02
      69 $J Seddon                     Wigan Phoenix                     38:03
      70  R Derbyshire         V40  25 Salford Harriers                  38:04
      71  M Pollitt            V40  26 Burnden Road Runners              38:12
      72 $S Gotts                      Rossendale Harriers & AC          38:14
      73  J Ashton                     Horwich R M I Harriers            38:16
      74  A Towell                     Salford Harriers                  38:19
      75  A Gorman                     Horwich R M I Harriers            38:23
      76  H Chambers           V40  27 Saddleworth Runners Club          38:24
      77  S Robinson           V40  28 E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        38:26
      78  B Waterhouse         V50   5 Saddleworth Runners Club          38:34
      79  M Riches             V40  29 Astley & Tyldesley Road Runner    38:38
      80  N Kirby              V40  30 Radcliffe AC                      38:41
      81  P Marchment          JM    6 Salford Metropolitan AC           38:53
      82  J Leach              JM    7 Rochdale Harriers & AC            39:03
      83  F Day                V50   6 E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        39:04
      84  N Prestage                   Middleton Harriers AC             39:07
      85  N White                      Astley & Tyldesley Road Runner    39:12
      86  P Hopley                     Lostock AC                        39:15
      87  M Mooney             V50   7 Belle Vue Racers                  39:17
      88  N Smith              V40  31 Lostock AC                        39:19
      89  M Howard             V40  32 Radcliffe AC                      39:20
      90  K Edge               V40  33 Rochdale Harriers & AC            39:21
      91  S Burns              JM    8 Salford Metropolitan AC           39:22
      92  G Booth                      Chorley Harriers                  39:28
      93  M Williams                   Radcliffe AC                      39:35
      94  K Thomas             V40  34 Lostock AC                        39:37
      95  D Bartlett                   Radcliffe AC                      39:44
      96  R Dalby              V40  35 Rochdale Harriers & AC            39:45
      97  N Eames              V50   8 Rochdale Harriers & AC            39:46
      98  M Betts                      Middleton Harriers AC             39:48
      99  N Oldham                     Manchester YMCA Harriers          39:51
     100  B Schofield          V50   9 Oldham & Royton H & AC            39:59
     101  S Jones              V40  36 Lostock AC                        40:02
     102  N Shaw               V50  10 Rochdale Harriers & AC            40:12
     103  C Waterworth         V40  37 Horwich R M I Harriers            40:17
     104  M Moran              V40  38 Rochdale Harriers & AC            40:25
     105  B Lawton                     Royton RR                         40:28
     106 $R HaddonF            V40  39 Swinton Running Club              40:31
     107  W Hallahan           V40  40 Horwich R M I Harriers            40:38
     108  A Hallahan                   Horwich R M I Harriers            40:39
     109  M O'Reilly           V40  41 Rochdale Harriers & AC            40:40
     110  S Chamberlain                Radcliffe AC                      40:59
     111  A Hope                       Lostock AC                        41:00
     112  D Hughes             V40  42 E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        41:05
     113  C Conway             V40  43 Rochdale Harriers & AC            41:06
     114  M Jones              V40  44 Altrincham & District AC          41:10
     115  P Blaand             V50  11 Horwich R M I Harriers            41:15
     116  I Smith              V50  12 Horwich R M I Harriers            41:23
     117  B Little             V60   1 E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        41:24
     118  P Murray             V60   2 Horwich R M I Harriers            41:34
     119  G Stevens                    Astley & Tyldesley Road Runner    41:39
     120  C Bradbury                   Astley & Tyldesley Road Runner    41:40
     121  I Mellor                     E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        41:42
     122  P Williams           V40  45 Oldham & Royton H & AC            41:52
     123  P Horton                     E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        42:08
     124  T Daniels            V50  13 Salford Harriers                  42:15
     125 $H Smith                      Arcc                              42:16
     126  K Latham             V40  46 Horwich R M I Harriers            42:25
     127  P Brady              V60   3 Middleton Harriers AC             42:30
     128  K Makin              V50  14 Horwich R M I Harriers            42:32
     129  S Sargeant           V40  47 Belle Vue Racers                  42:34
     130  Daniel                       Astley & Tyldesley Road Runner    42:37
     131  D Hall               V40  48 Middleton Harriers AC             42:48
     132  H Bamber             V50  15 E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        42:58
     133  I Barber             V40  49 Saddleworth Runners Club          43:10
     134  P Butler             V40  50 Astley & Tyldesley Road Runner    43:16
     135  C Lawlor             V40  51 Salford Metropolitan AC           43:27
     136  T Faulkner                   E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        43:31
     137  J Barber             V40  52 Glossopdale Harriers              43:42
     138  T Hughes             V40  53 Astley & Tyldesley Road Runner    43:48
     139  D Hitchen            V50  16 Burnden Road Runners              43:55
     140  M Emmett             V40  54 Radcliffe AC                      43:56
     141  I Manners                    Manchester YMCA Harriers          44:00
     142  D Atherton           V40  55 Oldham & Royton H & AC            44:06
     143  M McGann             V50  17 E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        44:19
     144  J Paramor            V50  18 Manchester YMCA Harriers          44:25
     145  P Roberts            V50  19 Rochdale Harriers & AC            44:31
     146  M Murray             V40  56 Chorley Harriers                  44:38
     147  C Buckley            V50  20 Glossopdale Harriers              44:52
     148  J Tongue                     Lostock AC                        44:53
     149  J Corrigan                   Belle Vue Racers                  44:58
     150  S Mairs                      Salford Metropolitan AC           45:21
     151  B Chester            V50  21 Chorley AC                        45:25
     152  P Noble              V50  22 Lostock AC                        45:26
     153  R Bowness            V50  23 Salford Harriers                  45:38
     154  M Cartwright                 Radcliffe AC                      46:03
     155  M Hulme              V40  57 Salford Metropolitan AC           46:12
     156  S Ingham             V40  58 Manchester YMCA Harriers          46:16
     157  W Cooper             V60   4 E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        46:42
     158  S Roddis             V40  59 Altrincham & District AC          47:23
     159  M Lucas              V40  60 Salford Metropolitan AC           47:49
     160 $J Cryan              V50  24 Unattached                        47:54
     161  C Holdcroft          V50  25 Lostock AC                        48:03
     162  M Schofield          V60   5 Altrincham & District AC          48:21
     163  K Boardman           V40  61 Leigh Harriers & AC               48:29
     164  J Sutcliffe                  Radcliffe AC                      48:31
     165  G Jones              V50  26 Chorley Harriers                  48:46
     166  W Smith              V50  27 Lostock AC                        49:00
     167  K Egerton            V50  28 Belle Vue Racers                  49:19
     168  B Preece             V40  62 Rochdale Harriers & AC            50:53
     169  L Pollad             V60   6 Lostock AC                        56:16

Senior Men -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Salford Harriers                   67
                                 1  C Hardman           
                                 4  G Richards          
                                 5  P West              
                                 8  J Boothroyd         
                                 9  D Lockett           
                                40  M Seed              
  2  Horwich R M I Harriers            125
                                 3  C Rigby             
                                11  J Kevan             
                                14  G Schofield         
                                25  J Simmonite         
                                31  D Jayes             
                                41  A Murray            
  3  E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        135
                                10  G Matthews          
                                13  D Vaughan           
                                26  L Browne            
                                27  (745)               
                                29  G Piper             
                                30  A Carroll           
  4  Leigh Harriers & AC               219
                                 2  S Hughes            
                                 7  P Foster            
                                15  J Howarth           
                                21  A Urmston           
                                24  M Conroy            
                               150  K Boardman          
  5  Rochdale Harriers & AC            229
                                 6  P Williams          
                                22  K Robinson          
                                38  I Stainthorpe       
                                42  O Williams          
                                49  C Leach             
                                72  J Leach             
  6  Astley & Tyldesley Road Runner    331
                                23  T Battersby         
                                53  S Moran             
                                55  B Lucas             
                                56  D Potter            
                                69  M Riches            
                                75  N White             
  7  Radcliffe AC                      381
                                20  D Appleby           
                                44  A Harris            
                                70  N Kirby             
                                79  M Howard            
                                83  M Williams          
                                85  D Bartlett          
  8  Oldham & Royton H & AC            400
                                17  A Martin            
                                19  T Davies            
                                33  P Barrett           
                                90  B Schofield         
                               111  P Williams          
                               130  D Atherton          
  9  Salford Metropolitan AC           443
                                12  R Hughes            
                                18  A Taylor            
                                71  P Marchment         
                                81  S Burns             
                               123  C Lawlor            
                               138  S Mairs             
 10  Middleton Harriers AC             447
                                16  P Wood              
                                35  P Byrne             
                                74  N Prestage          
                                88  M Betts             
                               115  P Brady             
                               119  D Hall              
 11  Lostock AC                        483
                                54  R Duffy             
                                76  P Hopley            
                                78  N Smith             
                                84  K Thomas            
                                91  S Jones             
                               100  A Hope              

Senior Men under 20 -- PROVISIONAL RESULTS ($=non-counter)

     Pos  Name                 Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  P Williams           JM    1 Rochdale Harriers & AC            33:02
       2  J Kevan              JM    2 Horwich R M I Harriers            33:42
       3  A Urmston            JM    3 Leigh Harriers & AC               34:57
       4  L Browne             JM    4 E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        35:35
       5  O Williams           JM    5 Rochdale Harriers & AC            36:29
       6  P Marchment          JM    6 Salford Metropolitan AC           38:53
       7  J Leach              JM    7 Rochdale Harriers & AC            39:03
       8  S Burns              JM    8 Salford Metropolitan AC           39:22

Senior Men under 20 -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Rochdale Harriers & AC             13
                                 1  P Williams          
                                 5  O Williams          
                                 7  J Leach             

Senior Men (Vets) over 40 -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  E Cheshire H & Tameside AC         13
                                 2  G Matthews          
                                 3  D Vaughan           
                                 8  G Piper             
  2  Horwich R M I Harriers             28
                                 4  G Schofield         
                                10  D Jayes             
                                14  D Fleming           
  3  Saddleworth Runners Club           67
                                 7  G Fleet             
                                29  H Chambers          
                                31  B Waterhouse        
  4  Rochdale Harriers & AC             70
                                13  I Stainthorpe       
                                19  C Leach             
                                38  K Edge              
  5  Burnden Road Runners               73
                                20  P Kearsley          
                                25  A Duffy             
                                28  M Pollitt           
  6  Middleton Harriers AC              76
                                 6  P Wood              
                                11  P Byrne             
                                59  P Brady             
  7  Astley & Tyldesley Road Runner     79
                                23  S Moran             
                                24  B Lucas             
                                32  M Riches            
  8  Radcliffe AC                       85
                                15  A Harris            
                                33  N Kirby             
                                37  M Howard            
  9  Leigh Harriers & AC                93
                                 1  P Foster            
                                 5  J Howarth           
                                87  K Boardman          
 10  Lostock AC                        118
                                36  N Smith             
                                39  K Thomas            
                                43  S Jones             
 11  Belle Vue Racers                  122
                                26  G Carney            
                                35  M Mooney            
                                61  S Sargeant          
 12  Salford Harriers                  163
                                27  R Derbyshire        
                                57  T Daniels           
                                79  R Bowness           
 13  Oldham & Royton H & AC            169
                                42  B Schofield         
                                56  P Williams          
                                71  D Atherton          
 14  Chorley Harriers                  179
                                16  M Christie          
                                75  M Murray            
                                88  G Jones             
 15  Altrincham & District AC          220
                                51  M Jones             
                                83  S Roddis            
                                86  M Schofield         
 16  Salford Metropolitan AC           230
                                66  C Lawlor            
                                80  M Hulme             
                                84  M Lucas             

Senior Men (Vets) over 50 -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  E Cheshire H & Tameside AC         10
                                 1  A Carroll           
                                 3  R Smith             
                                 6  F Day               
  2  Horwich R M I Harriers             37
                                11  P Blaand            
                                12  I Smith             
                                14  P Murray            
  3  Rochdale Harriers & AC             40
                                 8  N Eames             
                                10  N Shaw              
                                22  P Roberts           
  4  Lostock AC                         84
                                25  P Noble             
                                28  C Holdcroft         
                                31  W Smith             

Senior Men (Vets) over 60 -- TEAM RESULTS

No complete teams Results copyright (c) G.J. Fecitt (SportSoft) 2004