The Sale Sizzler

at Wythenshawe Park on Thursday 12th August 2004

Sale Sizzler -- FINAL RESULTS

     Pos  Name                 Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  Andy Caine                   Tynedale Harriers & AC            14:49
       2  Tom Lancashire               Bolton United Harriers & AC       15:11
       3  Rick Hayman                  Sale Harriers Manchester          15:18
       4  John McCole                  Liverpool Harriers & AC           15:32
       5  Robert Flannery      JM    1 Sale Harriers Manchester          15:38
       6  David Barker                 Trafford Athletic Club            15:54
       7  David Marsh          JM    2 Sale Harriers Manchester          15:59
       8  David Shaw                   Bolton United Harriers & AC       16:01
       9  Darren Talbot                Trafford Athletic Club            16:06
      10  Mike Shaw            V40   1 Stockport Harriers & AC           16:07
      11  George Kirk                  Sale Harriers Manchester          16:08
      12 ?Robert Hughes                Salford Metropolitan AC           16:09
      13  Andy Thomas                  Liverpool Harriers & AC           16:12
      14  Ben Harrison                 Preston Harriers & AC             16:22
      15  Carl Tipton                  Telford AC                        16:28
      16  Mike Hatch                   Sale Harriers Manchester          16:32
      17  Tim Ellis            JM    3 Bolton United Harriers & AC       16:34
      18  Daniel Vaughan       V40   2 E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        16:40
      19  Ian Bamber                   Spectrum Striders                 16:50
      20  David Gee            V50   1 Manchester Harriers & AC          16:59
      21  Ian Cooper           V40   3 Ellesmere Port                    17:00
      22  Karl Ward                    Horwich R M I Harriers            17:03
      23  Mark Richards        V40   4 Goytr Valley Striders             17:14
      24  Christopher Heys             Sale Harriers Manchester          17:22
      25  Andrew Schofield             E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        17:23
      26  Paul Barratt                 0ld                               17:26
      27  Paul Fergus          V40   5 Lopers Groep Duerne               17:28
      28  Michael Stores       V40   6 Manchester Harriers & AC          17:31
      29  Andrew Taylor                Salford Metropolitan AC           17:33
      30  David Shaw                   Salford Harriers                  17:38
      31  Tony Hyland                  Ellesmere Port                    17:39
      32  Colin Hammond        V40   7 Unattached                        17:40
      33  Paul Backhouse               E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        17:41
      34                ???         ???                               17:42
      35  Peter Maher          V40   8 Vale Royal AC                     17:43
      36  Konrad Steinert              Unattached                        17:49
      37  Martin Bailey                Newcastle(staffs) AC              17:50
      38  Nicola Bird          L     1 Ellesmere Port                    17:51
      39  Richard Haggett              Unattached                        17:52
      40  Darren Cottier               Vale Royal AC                     17:53
      41  Billy Martin                 Bolton United Harriers & AC       17:54
      42  Colin Martin         V40   9 Spectrum Striders                 17:55
      43  Julian Spencer       V40  10 Spectrum Striders                 17:56
      44  Mike Toal                    Stockport Harriers & AC           17:57
      45  Richard Wilson               Unattached                        17:58
      46  Mark Wood                    Unattached                        17:59
      47  Rick Gwilt           V50   2 Trafford Athletic Club            18:00
      48  Phil Reid            V50   3 Bolton United Harriers & AC       18:01
      49  Andy Yates           V40  11 Sale Harriers Manchester          18:02
      50  P Vesey              V40  12 Altrincham & District AC          18:03
      51  David Mellor         V50   4 E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        18:04
      52                ???         ???                               18:05
      53  Gemma Fidder         L     2 Unattached                        18:12
      54  Martin Cortvriend    V50   5 Macclesfield Harriers & AC        18:14
      55  Graham Harrison      V40  13 Unattached                        18:19
      56  Neil Hennigan                Sale Harriers Manchester          18:26
      57  Graeme Holden                Blackburn Harriers & AC           18:27
      58  Mathew Whitfield     V45   1 Ellesmere Port                    18:28
      59  Lester McCabe                Unattached                        18:29
      60  M Gyves              V40  14 Sale Harriers Manchester          18:30
      61  Martin Dillon                Unattached                        18:35
      62  Zack Hocking                 Unattached                        18:36
      63  Michael Taggert              Unattached                        18:43
      64  Paul Swindells               Chorley Harriers                  18:46
      65  Christopher Sykes            Manchester Harriers & AC          18:47
      66  J Parrott            V40  15 Stockport Harriers & AC           18:54
      67  Aron Myers                   Sale Harriers Manchester          19:00
      68  Rob Oldfield                 Unattached                        19:01
      69  Pauline Atkinson     L40   1 Macclesfield Harriers & AC        19:02
      70  Michael Court                Vale Royal AC                     19:03
      71  James Brien                  Sale Harriers Manchester          19:04
      72  Simon Rees                   University Of Sheffield           19:06
      73  Chris Hardcastle     V40  16 Unattached                        19:07
      74  Nick Blanchard               Stockport Harriers & AC           19:08
      75  Anne Pugh            L40   2 Altrincham & District AC          19:09
      76  Paul Rutherford      V40  17 Swinton Running Club              19:10
      77  Peter Wood           V40  18 Unattached                        19:13
      78  Damien Utton         V40  19 Altrincham & District AC          19:14
      79  Stephen Robinson     V40  20 E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        19:19
      80  Steve Wilkinson              Vale Royal AC                     19:21
      81  Stephen Wright               Unattached                        19:23
      82  Kathy Ellson         L     5 Unattached                        19:26
      83  Ken Burgess          V60   1 Altrincham & District AC          19:28
      84  David Helps          V50   6 Leigh Harriers & AC               19:36
      85  Nicky Archer         LJ    1 Vale Royal AC                     19:43
      86  Ian Brown            V50   7 Manchester Triathlon              19:48
      87  Susan Selby          L40   3 Salford Harriers                  19:50
      88  Richard Reid         JM    4 Unattached                        19:51
      89  Andrew Farley        V40  21 E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        19:58
      90  Marian Martin        L40   4 Spectrum Striders                 20:01
      91  Toby Young                   Sale Harriers Manchester          20:05
      92  Robert Steele        V40  22 Vale Royal AC                     20:07
      93  Richard Harwood              Sale Harriers Manchester          20:08
      94  Richard Falshaw      V40  23 Altrincham & District AC          20:12
      95  Barrie Little        V50   8 E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        20:14
      96  Jackie Cordingley    L40   5 Sale Harriers Manchester          20:15
      97  Simon McCarthy               Unattached                        20:16
      98  Ged McCarthy         V40  24 Unattached                        20:17
      99  Mark Earle           V50   9 Unattached                        20:18
     100  John Delany          V60   2 Stockport Harriers & AC           20:19
     101  Derek Walton         V60   3 Altrincham & District AC          20:21
     102  Ruth Partridge       L    10 Sale Harriers Manchester          20:21
     103  Richard Lawson       V60   4 Clayton Le Moors Harriers         20:22
     104  John Adams           V40  25 Unattached                        20:23
     105  Matthew Newton               Sale Harriers Manchester          20:28
     106  Matt Ford                    Sale Harriers Manchester          20:33
     107  Miran Aprahamien     V40  26 Sale Harriers Manchester          20:36
     108  Jenny Chambers       L50   1 Hallamshire Harriers Sheffield    20:37
     109  Gerry Lee                    Unattached                        20:40
     110  Mark Callender               Unattached                        20:43
     111  Daniel Pennington    JM    5 Unattached                        20:45
     112  Graham Peake                 Unattached                        20:46
     113  Colin Heatherington          Chorley Harriers                  20:48
     114  Dean Phillips                Unattached                        20:50
     115  Richard Clancy               Unattached                        20:51
     116  Barry Lonsdale               Unattached                        20:52
     117  Darren Kettle                Unattached                        20:53
     118  Jonathan Sargeant    V40  27 Unattached                        20:55
     119  Andy Pennington              Unattached                        20:56
     120  Jacqueline Carter    L    12 Stockport Harriers & AC           20:57
     121  Kars Lim                     Unattached                        20:58
     122  Patrick Chan                 Sale Harriers Manchester          21:03
     123  Derek Hand                   Unattached                        21:04
     124  Gareth Dowson                Unattached                        21:07
     125 ?Robert Hughes                Salford Metropolitan AC           21:10
     126  Bryan Gane           V60   5 Sale Harriers Manchester          21:12
     127  Lisa Armitage        L    13 Sale Harriers Manchester          21:13
     128  Christopher Gill             Unattached                        21:17
     129  Paul Steane          V40  28 Unattached                        21:24
     130  Hayley Gibbs         L    14 Unattached                        21:25
     131  Jacky Thorn          L40   6 Vale Royal AC                     21:26
     132  Susan Crehan         L40   7 Sale Harriers Manchester          21:27
     133  Craig Ashton                 Newcastle(staffs) AC              21:28
     134  Amy Archer           L    17 Vale Royal AC                     21:29
     135  Andy Ault                    Vale Royal AC                     21:39
     136  Elle Jordan          L    18 Unattached                        21:44
     137  Richard Woodcock             Unattached                        21:44
     138  Audrey Foster        L50   2 Horwich R M I Harriers            21:47
     139  Mark Worth                   Unattached                        21:50
     140  Carole Harrison      L    20 Unattached                        21:54
     141  Shane Wolstencroft           Unattached                        21:56
     142  Paul Grimes                  Sale Harriers Manchester          21:57
     143  Joanne Edwards       L40   8 Vale Royal AC                     21:57
     144  Val Kinvig           L40   9 Vale Royal AC                     21:59
     145  Tony Allen           L40  10 E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        21:59
     146  Ian Riley                    Unattached                        22:13
     147  Richard Ousey                Sale Harriers Manchester          22:15
     148  Christopher Farrell          Unattached                        22:22
     149  Timothy Rainey               Sale Harriers Manchester          22:24
     150  Avril Corbett        L    24 Sale Harriers Manchester          22:25
     151  Mark Hesslewood              Unattached                        22:26
     152  Mike Howe                    Stockport Harriers & AC           22:33
     153  Matthew Evans                Unattached                        22:35
     154  Robert Gorvette              Unattached                        22:37
     155  Philip Weedon                Village                           22:38
     156  Ben Makin                    Unattached                        22:47
     157  Ged Parr             V40  29 Unattached                        22:48
     158  Ben Bridgeman                Unattached                        22:50
     159  Adam Librae                  Unattached                        22:51
     160  Richard Tomlinson    V50  10 Unattached                        22:52
     161  Graham Allinson      V40  30 Sale Harriers Manchester          22:54
     162  Melony Leathley      L    25 Sale Harriers Manchester          22:58
     163  Ian Mulholland               Unattached                        22:59
     164  Ian Patterson                Unattached                        23:02
     165  Ruth Worthington     L    26 Manchester Harriers & AC          23:03
     166  Andrew Whitehead     V40  31 Spectrum Striders                 23:06
     167  Russell Perkins              Unattached                        23:08
     168  Sean Barry           V40  32 Wilmslow Running Club             23:09
     169  Simon Murphy         V40  33 Unattached                        23:11
     170  Claire Rainbird      L    27 Vale Royal AC                     23:12
     171  John Riley           V60   6 Unattached                        23:13
     172  Louisa Anderson      L    28 Unattached                        23:14
     173  Ros Mann             L50   3 Stockport Harriers & AC           23:15
     174  Russell Bowden               Unattached                        23:16
     175  Helen Reagan         L    30 Unattached                        23:17
     176  Guillaume Slee               Unattached                        23:22
     177  Alison Green         L    31 Blackheath Harriers               23:23
     178  Tony Smith           V40  34 Unattached                        23:24
     179  Sarah Gibbons        L    32 Unattached                        23:26
     180  Terry Robson         V60   7 Stockport Harriers & AC           23:27
     181  Lynn Yates           L40  11 Sale Harriers Manchester          23:28
     182  Andy Parkinson               Unattached                        23:30
     183  Joe Small            V40  35 Stockport Harriers & AC           23:35
     184  Pete Flannery        V40  36 Unattached                        23:35
     185  Ian Parry                    Unattached                        23:41
     186  Margaret Trickey     L50   4 Sale Harriers Manchester          23:48
     187  Carla Ousey          L    35 Sale Harriers Manchester          23:49
     188  Ashok Kallumpram     V40  37 Sale Harriers Manchester          23:52
     189  Claire Churchill     L    36 Unattached                        23:57
     190  Pauline Davies       L50   5 Vale Royal AC                     24:03
     191  John Phillips                Bolton United Harriers & AC       24:08
     192  Geoff Smith                  Unattached                        24:11
     193  Chick Yuill          V50  11 Unattached                        24:21
     194  Gary Myers                   Unattached                        24:23
     195  Kirsty Morrison      L    38 Unattached                        24:31
     196  Jenny Clink          L    39 Sale Harriers Manchester          24:39
     197  Jenny Silverthorne   L    40 Unattached                        24:40
     198  Mark Hodcroft        JM    6 Unattached                        24:45
     199  David Allen                  Unattached                        24:47
     200  Vanessa Higgins      L    41 Unattached                        24:49
     201  Jane Bilton          L    42 Unattached                        24:53
     202  Bernard Traynor      V50  12 Unattached                        24:54
     203  Shirley Cook         L40  12 Horwich R M I Harriers            24:55
     204  Barbara Walshaw      L40  13 Winston Runners                   25:08
     205  Brenda Robinson      L60   1 Rochdale Harriers & AC            25:12
     206  Karen Sheen          L40  14 Sale Harriers Manchester          25:20
     207  Bnob Mills           V50  13 Altrincham & District AC          25:25
     208  Chris Stokes                 Unattached                        25:27
     209  Johanna Pennington   L    47 Spectrum Striders                 25:28
     210  Simon Munday                 Unattached                        25:29
     211  Janet Fielden        L50   6 Sale Harriers Manchester          25:39
     212  Leslie Jackson       V60   8 Clayton Le Moors Harriers         25:46
     213  Melanie Pickup       L40  15 Unattached                        25:48
     214  Linda Edmundson      L40  16 Unattached                        25:55
     215  Jane O'Leary         L    51 Unattached                        25:57
     216  Claire Wilson        L    52 Unattached                        25:59
     217  John Smith           V40  38 Sale Harriers Manchester          26:05
     218  Jean Bayley          L40  17 Manchester Harriers & AC          26:11
     219  Anthony Brown        V40  39 Spectrum Striders                 26:15
     220  Sandra Dawber        L40  18 Unattached                        26:30
     221  Catrin Evans         L    55 Unattached                        26:44
     222  Phoebe Dickinson     L    56 Unattached                        26:46
     223  Jonathan Muir                Helsby (BICC) Running Club        26:55
     224  Martina Magill       L    57 Unattached                        26:55
     225  Ruth Harkin          L40  19 Unattached                        27:15
     226  Ros Dyde             L40  20 Winston Runners                   27:31
     227  Jean Skitt           L50   7 Manchester Harriers & AC          27:38
     228  Angelene Singleton   L    61 Unattached                        27:49
     229  Margaret Pennington  L40  21 Unattached                        27:54
     230  Rosie Taylor         L    63 Bolton United Harriers & AC       27:56
     231  Jane Fraser          L40  22 Road Runners Club                 28:01
     232  Esther Farnworth     L    65 Unattached                        28:05
     233 ?Caroline Fleet       L    66 Unattached                        28:25
     234  Brian Rogers                 Unattached                        28:27
     235  Mayna O'Neill        L    67 Unattached                        28:28
     236  Alison Donaldson     L    68 Unattached                        28:29
     237  Mike Brett           V60   9 Unattached                        28:51
     238  Janet Pickering      L50   8 Unattached                        28:53
     239  Sharon Senn          L40  23 Unattached                        29:22
     240  Jonny Nevitt                 Unattached                        29:23
     241  Ian Campbell         V50  14 Unattached                        29:25
     242  Valerie Lawson       L60   2 Clayton Le Moors Harriers         29:28
     243  Jill Brown           L40  24 Sale Harriers Manchester          29:38
     244  David Gill                   Sale Harriers Manchester          29:43
     245  Ivan Macintyre       V40  40 Sale Harriers Manchester          29:44
     246  Victoria Hamblin     L    73 Unattached                        29:52
     247  Louise Giles         L40  25 Unattached                        29:55
     248  Jill Lysons          L    75 Unattached                        29:56
     249  Alison Lysons        L40  26 Warrington Road Runners           30:02
     250  Ann Robinson         L40  27 Winston Runners                   30:17
     251  Caroline Flatley     L    78 Unattached                        30:20
     252  Helen Bradley        L40  28 Winston Runners                   30:56
     253  Clare Smith          L    80 Unattached                        31:14
     254  Melanie Mardon       L50   9 Unattached                        31:14
     255  Dawn Patterson       L    82 Unattached                        31:54
     256  Thomas Malone                Sale Harriers Manchester          32:32
     257  Margaret Yuill       L50  10 Unattached                        32:56
     258  Alison Doyle         L50  11 Northern Veterans AC              33:14
     259  Mary Stuart          L    85 Unattached                        35:04
     260  Julie Bassett        LJ    2 Unattached                        35:05
     261 ?Caroline Fleet       L    87 Unattached                        36:11
     262  Natania Bailey       L    88 Unattached                        37:40
     263  Julia Borthwick      L40  29 Newcastle(staffs) AC              38:51
     264  Trish Doyle          L50  12 Northern Veterans AC              43:53
     265  Margaret Grierson    L50  13 Unattached                        46:34
     266  Kath Yarwood         L50  14 Unattached                        46:35

Sale Sizzler - Men -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Sale Harriers Manchester           26
                                 3  Rick Hayman         
                                 5  Robert Flannery     
                                 7  David Marsh         
                                11  George Kirk         
  2  Bolton United Harriers & AC        61
                                 2  Tom Lancashire      
                                 8  David Shaw          
                                16  Tim Ellis           
                                35  Billy Martin        
  3  E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        115
                                17  Daniel Vaughan      
                                24  Andrew Schofield    
                                31  Paul Backhouse      
                                43  David Mellor        
  4  Stockport Harriers & AC           155
                                10  Mike Shaw           
                                38  Mike Toal           
                                51  J Parrott           
                                56  Nick Blanchard      
  5  Spectrum Striders                 178
                                18  Ian Bamber          
                                36  Colin Martin        
                                37  Julian Spencer      
                                87  Andrew Whitehead    
  6  Vale Royal AC                     179
                                32  Peter Maher         
                                34  Darren Cottier      
                                53  Michael Court       
                                60  Steve Wilkinson     
  7  Altrincham & District AC          229
                                42  P Vesey             
                                58  Damien Utton        
                                61  Ken Burgess         
                                68  Richard Falshaw     

Sale Sizzler - Ladies -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Sale Harriers Manchester           39
                                 7  Jackie Cordingley   
                                 8  Ruth Partridge      
                                11  Lisa Armitage       
                                13  Susan Crehan        
  2  Vale Royal AC                      46
                                 4  Nicky Archer        
                                12  Jacky Thorn         
                                14  Amy Archer          
                                16  Joanne Edwards      
  3  Winston Runners                   157
                                31  Barbara Walshaw     
                                37  Ros Dyde            
                                44  Ann Robinson        
                                45  Helen Bradley       

Results copyright (c) G.J. Fecitt (SportSoft) 2004