The Stoke on Trent City Marathon

at Trentham Gardens on Sunday 20th June 2004

Stoke on Trent - Men -- FINAL RESULTS

     Pos  Name                 Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  Ray Plant                    City Of Stoke                   2:27:27
       2  Mike Proudlove               City Of Stoke                   2:28:14
       3  Bryan Carr           V40   1 Congleton Harriers              2:45:17
       4  Stephen Farrell              Staffs Moorlands AC             2:47:42
       5  Benedikt Hieber      V40   2 Telford AC                      2:50:31
       6  Ian James            V40   3 Unattached                      2:50:43
       7  Steve Poope                  Unattached                      2:52:20
       8  Toby Laver                   Trentham                        2:53:19
       9  Carl Baker           V40   4 Peel RR                         2:54:14
      10  Mark Flint                   Newcastle                       2:54:57
      11  Kenneth Bloor        V40   5 Trentham                        2:55:11
      12  Dave Owen            V40   6 Staffs Moorlands AC             3:00:20
      13  Stephen Hatton       V40   7 Shropshire Shufflers            3:00:40
      14  Paul Heeley          V40   8 Unattached                      3:02:48
      15  Richard Gurd         V40   9 Windle Valley Runners           3:03:30
      16  Marc Hopkin          V40  10 Unattached                      3:05:06
      17  Gregory Crowley              Dark Peak                       3:05:12
      18  Gerard Hill                  Black Country Tri               3:05:31
      19  Jonathan Williams            Longton Harriers                3:06:09
      20  Jason Lee                    Jersey Spartan AC               3:08:41
      21  Andrew Mayers                Cheadle                         3:10:09
      22  Paul Douglas         V50   1 Stafford Harriers               3:10:12
      23  Nigel Lee            V50   2 Newcastle                       3:10:34
      24  Anthony Wilkes       V45   1 Trentham                        3:10:56
      25  Paul Davies          V40  11 Trentham                        3:11:05
      26  Jonathan Davies              Unattached                      3:11:42
      27  Stuart Whittaker             Unattached                      3:11:48
      28  Richard Johnson      V50   3 Sneyd Striders                  3:11:48
      29  John Clemens         V60   1 Stone Master Marathoners        3:11:59
      30  Colin Averis                 Team Real Runners               3:12:06
      31  Steven Locker        V45   2 Trentham                        3:12:15
      32  Jonathan Whilock             Staffs Moorlands AC             3:12:25
      33  Melvin Clewlow       V40  12 Newcastle                       3:13:14
      34  Sean McCartney               Ampthill & Flitwick Flyers      3:14:44
      35  David Quinn                  Peel RR                         3:14:47
      36  Paul Poole                   Unattached                      3:14:54
      37  Michael Buckley              Unattached                      3:15:05
      38  Stephen Dawson       V40  13 South Cheshire Harriers         3:15:31
      39  Tony Vernon          V55   1 Staffs Moorlands AC             3:15:43
      40  Paul Beckett         V45   3 Tipton Harriers                 3:15:51
      41  Paul Wright                  Tipton Harriers                 3:15:51
      42  Bernie Priekuis      V45   4 Stone Master Marathoners        3:15:51
      43  Bob Jackson          V50   4 Valley Striders                 3:18:33
      44  Steven Prosser               Unattached                      3:19:03
      45  Brian Clarke         V45   5 Unattached                      3:19:12
      46  Paul Burslem                 Trentham                        3:21:02
      47  Steve Edwards        V40  14 100 Marathon Club               3:21:11
      48  Adrian Edwards       V40  15 Unattached                      3:21:13
      49  Andrew Wilmot        V55   2 Halstead RR                     3:21:18
      50  Kevin Uzzell         V55   3 Stone Master Marathoners        3:21:20
      51  Robert Mace                  Unattached                      3:21:27
      52  Paul Crookall        V45   6 Northern Veterans AC            3:21:36
      53  Nick Mollart         V40  16 Unattached                      3:22:03
      54  Mark Dean                    Trentham                        3:22:17
      55  Duane Daugherty      V40  17 Unattached                      3:22:30
      56  David Hansbury       V40  18 Unattached                      3:22:38
      57  David Hindley                Unattached                      3:22:55
      58  Adrian Pestell               Unattached                      3:23:12
      59  Neil Middleton       V55   4 Trentham                        3:23:36
      60  Kieron McAvoy                Unattached                      3:23:39
      61  Robert MottranJones  V40  19 Vegetarians C & AC              3:23:39
      62  Paul Barratt                 Unattached                      3:23:42
      63  Bill Howes           V55   5 Unattached                      3:24:34
      64  Stepehn Hughes               Unattached                      3:24:39
      65  Stehen Price         V45   7 Liverpool RC                    3:24:43
      66  Ian Hancock                  Unattached                      3:25:08
      67  Simon Williams               Unattached                      3:25:17
      68  Paul King            V40  20 Stourbridge RC                  3:25:26
      69  Alan Rathbone        V50   5 Unattached                      3:26:05
      70  Ian Sloss            V40  21 Staffs Fire & Rescue            3:26:17
      71  Colin Simpson                South Cheshire Harriers         3:26:18
      72  Mick Ward            V70     Oswestry Olympians              3:26:21
      73  Terry Parton         V60   2 Trentham                        3:26:22
      74  Ian Spencer          V40  22 Stafford Harriers               3:26:22
      75  Brian Cumpsty                Unattached                      3:26:34
      76  Mark Massey                  Unattached                      3:26:59
      77  Lester Young         V40  23 Road Runners Club               3:27:27
      78  Paul Henderson               Unattached                      3:28:08
      79  Verne Barltrop       V55   6 Road Runners Club               3:28:42
      80  A WilkinsonJones             Unattached                      3:29:01
      81  Lee Adshead                  Unattached                      3:29:12
      82  Matthew Poope                AAC                             3:29:30
      83  Keith Fainr          V50   6 Stafford Harriers               3:29:49
      84  Tom Rogers           V40  24 Aldridge RC                     3:30:09
      85  Peter Clegg          V50   7 Grange Farm                     3:30:35
      86  Sam Proctor                  Unattached                      3:30:38
      87  Stuart Brown         V40  25 Road Runners Club               3:30:48
      88  Allan Price          V40  26 Unattached                      3:31:01
      89  Roy Barnes           V45   8 Road Runners Club               3:31:12
      90  Charles Pope         V55   7 Northbrook                      3:31:28
      91  David Wilson         V50   8 Longton Harriers                3:31:41
      92  Geoff Newman         V55   8 Unattached                      3:31:59
      93  John Fryer           V50   9 Trentham                        3:32:07
      94  David Aveuana                Unattached                      3:32:56
      95  Stephen Hunter       V45   9 Egdon Heath Harriers            3:32:56
      96  Gary Jones                   Milton                          3:32:56
      97  Andy Whitrow         V50  10 Unattached                      3:33:11
      98  Kenny Johnson        V45  10 Michelin                        3:33:23
      99  Simon Fielder        V45  11 Stone Master Marathoners        3:33:25
     100  Alan Mills           V55   9 Newcastle                       3:33:32
     101  Clive Baggaley       V55  10 Uttoxeter RR                    3:33:39
     102  Ian Sparks                   Unattached                      3:34:21
     103  Wayne Mosedale               Unattached                      3:34:44
     104  Adrian Northcott             Staffs Moorlands AC             3:34:44
     105  Paul Amison                  Unattached                      3:34:46
     106  Andrew Bailey        V45  12 Unattached                      3:35:13
     107  Ian Grocott          V40  27 Trentham                        3:35:51
     108  Robert Porter        V50  11 North Staffs RRA                3:35:51
     109  Philip Thompson      V45  13 Lichfield                       3:35:58
     110  Mark Green           V45  14 100k Association                3:36:20
     111  Peter Caci           V50  12 Trentham                        3:36:27
     112  Stephen Hawkins      V40  28 Ampthill & Flitwick Flyers      3:36:57
     113  Glyn Holcroft        V55  11 Champion Sparks AC              3:36:59
     114  Ian Thomas                   Unattached                      3:37:21
     115  Martin Ilott                 Defra AC                        3:37:34
     116  Norman Brown         V50  13 Stragglers                      3:37:44
     117  David Taplin         V50  14 Congleton Harriers              3:38:05
     118  Richard Powell               Stoke College                   3:38:06
     119  Steve Lowe           V40  29 Unattached                      3:38:16
     120  Martin Edwards               Silverdale                      3:38:39
     121  Ken Dean             V55  12 East Cheshire Harriers          3:39:15
     122  John Morris          V45  15 Vegetarians C & AC              3:39:28
     123  Craig Hughes                 Unattached                      3:39:29
     124  Barry Gyte           V50  15 Steel City Striders             3:40:04
     125  Charlie Mulliner             Unattached                      3:40:20
     126  John Rawlins                 Unattached                      3:40:23
     127  Simon Ellis          V40  30 Stone Master Marathoners        3:40:37
     128  Roger Smith          V45  16 Longton Harriers                3:40:39
     129  Gregory Perkins      V50  16 Telford AC                      3:40:49
     130  Gerry Calvert        V65   2 Trentham                        3:41:08
     131  Peter Thomas         V45  17 Steel City Striders             3:41:09
     132  Rob Dean                     Unattached                      3:41:11
     133  Andrew Law           V40  31 Unattached                      3:41:20
     134  Andrew Adams         V45  18 Derwent AC                      3:41:29
     135  Allan Parker         V50  17 Uttoxeter RR                    3:41:32
     136  Taito Kaya           V45  19 TMUK                            3:41:39
     137  David Parks          V60   3 Unattached                      3:42:05
     138  Tony Palmer                  Unattached                      3:42:31
     139  Darren Gallagher             Unattached                      3:42:37
     140  Owen Evans           V45  20 South Cheshire Harriers         3:42:53
     141  Kevin Day                    Goyt Valley Striders            3:43:16
     142  Shaun Pankhurst      V40  32 Silverdale                      3:43:33
     143  Howard Bailey        V45  21 Crewkerne                       3:43:40
     144  Christopher Weaver   V40  33 Unattached                      3:44:02
     145  Colin Longworth      V50  18 100 Marathon Club               3:44:06
     146  Dave Withington      V55  13 Michelin                        3:44:08
     147  Neil Henderson               Unattached                      3:44:21
     148  Peter Beard                  Unattached                      3:44:24
     149  Andrew Harper                Vegetarians C & AC              3:44:32
     150  Steven Smith         V40  34 Dark Peak                       3:44:47
     151  Nicholas Whittaker           Unattached                      3:44:54
     152  Neil Jones           V45  22 Wells City Harriers             3:45:03
     153  Danny Kay            V60   4 Avon Valley Runners             3:45:22
     154  Jonathan Ward                Unattached                      3:45:26
     155  Michael Geaney       V50  19 Unattached                      3:45:35
     156  Richard Jones                Boalloy                         3:46:15
     157  David Ryder                  Oak Park                        3:46:17
     158  McGartland                   Les Croupiers                   3:46:44
     159  Alan Lucas           V60   5 Abergele Harriers               3:46:48
     160  Preston Grundy       V55  14 Wolverhampton & Bilston         3:47:18
     161  Stephen O'Keefe      V50  20 Unattached                      3:47:21
     162  Terry Murphy         V55  15 Stone Master Marathoners        3:47:36
     163  Adam Quinn                   Unattached                      3:47:38
     164  Neil Eardley                 Boalloy                         3:47:48
     165  Don Brookes          V65   3 Trentham                        3:48:05
     166  Alan Wheeler         V50  21 Burnham Joggers                 3:48:24
     167  Mark Hughes          V45  23 Trentham                        3:48:30
     168  Russ Cooper          V45  24 Unattached                      3:48:31
     169  Pascal Malone        V40  35 White Horse Harriers            3:48:41
     170  Edward Milbourn              Coventry Triathletes            3:48:43
     171  Anthony Powell               Brackla Harriers                3:49:07
     172  Jurgen Zimmerman             Unattached                      3:49:40
     173  Andrew Edwards       V40  36 Unattached                      3:49:44
     174  Philip Pointon       V40  37 Boalloy                         3:49:48
     175  Mervyn Edwards       V40  38 Unattached                      3:50:02
     176  Stuart Smith                 Unattached                      3:50:06
     177  Terry Robson         V60   6 Stockport Harriers              3:50:20
     178  Shawn Burton                 Long Eaton 86                   3:50:22
     179  Gary Kauer           V40  39 Unattached                      3:50:34
     180  Roy Clay             V45  25 Stafford Harriers               3:50:36
     181  Peter Ratcliffe      V55  16 Road Runners Club               3:50:39
     182  Barry Hallam         V40  40 Unattached                      3:50:44
     183  Richard Midgley              Ilkley Harriers AC              3:52:06
     184  Robert John                  Les Croupiers                   3:52:24
     185  Antony Carr                  Milton                          3:52:38
     186  Andrew Pearson               Unattached                      3:52:38
     187  Mark Maddox                  Unattached                      3:52:59
     188  Robert Evans         V40  41 Trentham                        3:53:46
     189  Alan Clarey          V50  22 South Liverpool AC              3:54:38
     190  Pooltonadrian                Unattached                      3:54:54
     191  Robert Newman        V60   7 North Fylde AC                  3:55:06
     192  John Eardley         V40  42 Boalloy                         3:55:20
     193  Mike Cutler          V45  26 South Cheshire Harriers         3:55:29
     194  Philip Dufy          V60   8 Peugeot UK                      3:55:41
     195  Harry Brough         V50  23 Unattached                      3:55:49
     196  John Finney          V55  17 Unattached                      3:56:14
     197  Tom Jones            V50  24 Unattached                      3:56:17
     198  Mark Wallace                 Unattached                      3:56:20
     199  Harry Atkinson               Unattached                      3:56:26
     200  Carl Bailey                  Unattached                      3:56:26
     201  Darren Taylor                Chase Harriers                  3:56:39
     202  Simon Jones                  Unattached                      3:56:42
     203  Brian Scott                  Unattached                      3:56:59
     204  William Potts                Unattached                      3:57:05
     205  Alan Hodgkiss        V55  18 Telford AC                      3:57:08
     206  Aolin Cookson        V45  27 Red Rose RR                     3:57:23
     207  John Williams        V60   9 100 Marathon Club               3:57:25
     208  Robert Bourne                Unattached                      3:57:53
     209  Matthew Stanlake             Newcastle                       3:58:01
     210  Guy Harrison                 Unattached                      3:58:12
     211  Michael Jones        V60  10 Stafford Harriers               3:58:20
     212  Brian Dunn                   Royal Marines                   3:58:37
     213  Dominic Dunn                 Royal Marines                   3:58:37
     214  Robert Findler       V40  43 North Staffs RRA                3:58:50
     215  Maurice Pressley     V55  19 Road Runners Club               3:58:56
     216  Frank Evans          V60  11 Stafford Harriers               3:59:02
     217  Steve Smith          V50  25 Unattached                      3:59:03
     218  Frank Grant          V65   4 Stafford Harriers               3:59:04
     219  Phil Roberts         V55  20 Unattached                      4:00:20
     220  Anthony Davies               St Helens Sutton                4:00:42
     221  Bernie Musto         V55  21 Essex Fire Brigade              4:01:09
     222  David Hawkins                Unattached                      4:01:34
     223  Ged Beaumont         V40  44 Trentham                        4:01:42
     224  Philip Hollinshead   V40  45 Unattached                      4:01:59
     225  C TannerTremaine     V60  12 Congleton Harriers              4:02:18
     226  Mike Carr            V55  22 Road Runners Club               4:02:27
     227  Nicholas Watson              Unattached                      4:02:56
     228  Anthony Wright       V45  28 Unattached                      4:03:36
     229  Michael Procter              Unattached                      4:03:58
     230  Andrew Parkinson             Unattached                      4:04:00
     231  Steven Robins                Peel RR                         4:04:17
     232  Steven Philbin               Unattached                      4:04:22
     233  James Hilton                 Unattached                      4:05:26
     234  Anil Bose            V40  46 Unattached                      4:05:30
     235  Gary Barrass         V40  47 Unattached                      4:05:40
     236  Stephen Windsor      V45  29 Unattached                      4:05:42
     237  Martin Forster               Unattached                      4:05:45
     238  Wayne Godridge       V40  48 Unattached                      4:05:55
     239  Dan Wood             V50  26 Road Runners Club               4:06:05
     240  Stephen Thomas       V45  30 Unattached                      4:06:08
     241  Barrie Siddons       V60  13 Dawlish Coasters                4:06:27
     242  Anthony Mathewson            Unattached                      4:06:57
     243  Robert Knott         V45  31 Trentham                        4:07:28
     244  Anthony Knight       V50  27 Cheadle                         4:09:27
     245 ?Norman Pellington            Unattached                      4:10:11
     246  Andrew Harvey        V40  49 Unattached                      4:10:17
     247  Roy Hollins          V70     Unattached                      4:10:38
     248  Barry Williams       V65   6 Unattached                      4:10:40
     249  Robert Thomson       V45  32 Shrewsbury AC                   4:10:41
     250  Gaspare Iacono       V40  50 Stone Master Marathoners        4:10:45
     251  Charles Taylor       V40  51 Unattached                      4:10:58
     252  Phil Fortun                  Staffs Police                   4:11:20
     253  John Lambton         V45  33 Sunderland                      4:11:20
     254  Robert Brown                 Lichfield                       4:11:49
     255  Ernie Barker         V55  23 100 Marathon Club               4:12:09
     256  George Singh         V60  14 Stafford Harriers               4:12:12
     257  Michael Jervis       V50  28 Unattached                      4:12:38
     258  David Jervis         V45  34 Unattached                      4:12:38
     259  Andy Picking                 Unattached                      4:12:40
     260  Peter Walker         V50  29 Unattached                      4:12:52
     261  Mark Collins                 Unattached                      4:12:55
     262  Christopher Thomas           BRCTC                           4:12:55
     263  Arthur Zammitt               Wolverhampton & Bilston         4:13:01
     264  Brioan Booth         V70     Unattached                      4:13:04
     265  David Keegan         V55  24 Shelton Striders                4:14:15
     266  Phil Hewitt                  Unattached                      4:14:37
     267  Richard Braithwaite          Unattached                      4:14:55
     268  Jason Concali                Unattached                      4:14:57
     269  Alan Bourne                  Unattached                      4:15:12
     270  Nigel Milner         V45  35 Peel RR                         4:16:01
     271  Steven Drinck                Unattached                      4:16:34
     272  Alfred Slater        V55  25 Norton Grange RR                4:16:37
     273  Mark Chorton                 Stone Master Marathoners        4:16:41
     274  David Hymers                 Unattached                      4:16:58
     275  Jim Kerr             V40  52 Hull Springhead                 4:16:58
     276  John Gilbert         V50  30 Les Croupiers                   4:17:04
     277  Ken Harper           V45  36 Unattached                      4:17:25
     278  James Trotter        V45  37 Unattached                      4:17:29
     279  Stewart Chadwick     V40  53 Unattached                      4:17:47
     280  Stephen Palmer       V45  38 Unattached                      4:18:09
     281  Peter Rowlands       V65   8 Trentham                        4:18:26
     282  Brian Rawlings       V40  54 Trentham                        4:18:42
     283  Gareth Gibson                Unattached                      4:18:53
     284  Timothy Rainey               Sale Harriers Manchester        4:19:59
     285  Mark Bailey                  Biddulph RC                     4:20:03
     286  Grant McTaggart              Durham Police                   4:21:17
     287  Richard Dodd         V40  55 Unattached                      4:21:17
     288  Philip Story                 Newcastle                       4:22:43
     289  Mark Kerbey                  Unattached                      4:23:02
     290  Nicholas Bird                Unattached                      4:23:07
     291  Peter Thorburn       V60  15 Long Eaton 86                   4:23:15
     292  Dan Johnson                  Unattached                      4:23:18
     293  Peter Brady                  Royal Marines                   4:23:18
     294  Bernard Bromfield    V55  26 Unattached                      4:23:42
     295  John Biard                   Unattached                      4:23:48
     296  Andy Pitts           V40  56 Unattached                      4:24:04
     297  Kio Vejdani          V65   9 Lingfield RC                    4:24:31
     298  James EarlsDavis     V40  57 Unattached                      4:24:48
     299  Stan Colley          V55  27 Stamford Striders               4:24:50
     300  Jomes Lockett                Unattached                      4:24:53
     301  Richard Dunstan      V40  58 Dartford Road Runners           4:24:56
     302  Kirk Sherwin                 Unattached                      4:24:56
     303  David Brown                  Fell Runners Assoc              4:25:05
     304  Mac                  V50  31 Unattached                      4:25:57
     305  Ben Mountford                Unattached                      4:26:55
     306  Michael Alsworth     V50  32 100 Marathon Club               4:27:09
     307  Ian Fairbrother      V40  59 Unattached                      4:27:32
     308  Daniel Higgins               Unattached                      4:27:32
     309  Martin Gould                 Unattached                      4:27:35
     310  Carl Downes                  Unattached                      4:27:37
     311  Brian Woodcock       V55  28 Unattached                      4:27:59
     312  David Phillips       V60  16 Massey Ferguson AC              4:28:17
     313  Thomas Murray        V45  39 Unattached                      4:28:23
     314  Shaun Bromfield              Unattached                      4:28:27
     315  Denis Keogh          V75     Midland Vets AC                 4:28:51
     316  Charles Larddon              Newcastle                       4:28:52
     317  Andy Edwards         V45  40 Unattached                      4:28:58
     318  Stephen Roach        V50  33 Unattached                      4:28:58
     319  Andrew Charles               Unattached                      4:29:10
     320  Steve Langston               Unattached                      4:29:31
     321  Chris Morgan         V40  60 Road Runners Club               4:30:56
     322  David Warrilow               Unattached                      4:31:25
     323  Derek Okseniuk       V50  34 Longton Harriers                4:31:25
     324  Dave Davies          V45  41 Telford AC                      4:31:39
     325  Matthew Knight               Longton Harriers                4:31:55
     326  David Williams       V55  29 Barnet & District AC            4:33:07
     327  Gary Leese                   HM Prison                       4:33:49
     328  David Major                  Road Runners Club               4:33:53
     329  Warren D'Rozario     V45  42 Sandwell Valley                 4:33:53
     330  Philip Slater        V55  30 100k Association                4:33:56
     331  Kenneth Thoerley     V50  35 Unattached                      4:33:59
     332  Mark Ryles                   Unattached                      4:33:59
     333  Ernest Kennedy       V60  17 Unattached                      4:34:09
     334  John Dawson          V65  10 Lichfield                       4:34:29
     335  John Ray             V50  36 Unattached                      4:34:42
     336  Philip Stubbs                Unattached                      4:35:03
     337  Paul Dixon                   Trentham                        4:35:46
     338  Richard Wood                 Unattached                      4:35:48
     339  Ben GardnerHall              Norton Grange RR                4:36:42
     340  Gregg Boughey                HM Prison                       4:36:58
     341  Andrew DixonBurt             Unattached                      4:37:09
     342  Shaun Louth                  Unattached                      4:37:09
     343  Michael Lassen       V55  31 Unattached                      4:37:23
     344  David Toms           V50  37 Brandon Fern Hoppers            4:37:49
     345  Clive Jukes          V65  11 Wolverhampton & Bilston         4:38:40
     346  Ken Richards         V55  32 Newcastle                       4:38:43
     347  Andrew Hale                  Unattached                      4:41:03
     348  Ian Fenton                   Unattached                      4:41:04
     349  Lee Reynolds                 Staffs Moorlands AC             4:41:18
     350  James Johnson        V65  12 Unattached                      4:41:44
     351  Michael Nostrand     V45  43 Unattached                      4:42:32
     352  Mike Sillitoe        V55  33 New Eltham Joggers              4:42:53
     353  Jason Blount                 Unattached                      4:43:33
     354  Martin Morse         V50  38 Unattached                      4:43:58
     355  Peter Bullock        V50  39 Lichfield                       4:44:02
     356  Pal Potter                   Unattached                      4:44:14
     357  Kamaljit Kang                Unattached                      4:44:19
     358  Adam Fitzgerald              Unattached                      4:44:27
     359  R Dimmick                    Unattached                      4:44:46
     360  Fasa Gina            V70   1 Man Uk                          4:44:50
     361  Darren Chadwick              Unattached                      4:45:05
     362  Colin Pheasant       V45  44 Chase Harriers                  4:45:12
     363  Peter Keane          V55  34 Unattached                      4:46:18
     364  Robert Tinnyunt      V65  14 Teignbridge Trotters            4:46:22
     365  Peter Brooks                 Unattached                      4:46:35
     366  Barry StuartCole     V55  35 Winston Runners                 4:46:39
     367  Peter Reed           V50  40 Veterans AC                     4:47:17
     368  Chris Tittensor      V55  36 Newcastle                       4:47:18
     369  Martin Sellers       V45  45 Beverley AC                     4:48:07
     370  Colin Lear                   Unattached                      4:48:07
     371  David Burndrett              Unattached                      4:48:27
     372  Barrie Clinton       V65  15 Centurion RR                    4:48:40
     373  Ian Edwards                  Unattached                      4:48:45
     374  Roy Jones            V70   1 Unattached                      4:49:09
     375  Ron Wake             V60  18 Road Runners Club               4:49:22
     376  Tony Moore           V50  41 Stone Master Marathoners        4:49:22
     377  Liam Fenelon         V60  19 100 Marathon Club               4:49:50
     378  Warren Moores                Unattached                      4:50:04
     379  Terence Meakin       V45  46 Unattached                      4:50:08
     380  Scott Hulse                  Unattached                      4:50:40
     381  Terry Forbes                 Unattached                      4:50:40
     382  Adrian Colley                Unattached                      4:50:59
     383  David Moles          V50  42 Dovedale Harriers               4:51:32
     384  Andrew Bradshaw              Unattached                      4:52:08
     385 ?Referees             V40  61 Unattached                      4:52:08
     386  Will Simpson         V45  47 Unattached                      4:53:07
     387  Christopher Dowd     V45  48 Unattached                      4:53:21
     388  Alan Doyle           V50  43 Unattached                      4:53:35
     389  John Rockey          V55  37 Newcastle                       4:53:41
     390  Mark Rockey                  Unattached                      4:53:41
     391  Brian StuartCole     V55  38 Winston Runners                 4:54:02
     392  Clive Dowie          V50  44 White City Hull                 4:54:44
     393  Philip Harvey        V45  49 White City Hull                 4:54:44
     394  Mark Garner          V45  50 Unattached                      4:55:08
     395  Michael Thompson     V45  51 Unattached                      4:55:45
     396  Jonathan Farrimond   V45  52 Unattached                      4:57:01
     397  Philip Turner        V55  39 Biddulph RC                     4:57:33
     398  Ken Bedson           V60  20 Biddulph RC                     4:57:33
     399  Roy Lakin            V55  40 Biddulph RC                     4:57:49
     400  Phil Powell                  Unattached                      4:57:54
     401  Dave Dawson          V55  41 City Of Stoke                   4:58:01
     402  Harry Taylor         V45  53 Unattached                      4:58:17
     403  Harry Robertson      V45  54 Unattached                      4:59:06
     404  John Nutt            V65  17 Unattached                      4:59:06
     405  Andrew Shaw                  Unattached                      4:59:06
     406  Richard White        V45  55 Unattached                      4:59:53
     407  Les Hall             V55  42 Norton Grange RR                4:59:53
     408  Thomas Kay           V50  45 Unattached                      5:05:13
     409  Wesley Westhead              Unattached                      5:05:18
     410  David Perkins        V55  43 Unattached                      5:05:39
     411  Keith Tubman         V55  44 Unattached                      5:05:44
     412  Graham Scarratt              Unattached                      5:05:54
     413 ?Referees             V40  62 Unattached                      5:06:17
     414  Ivor Davies          V55  45 Unattached                      5:08:06
     415  Matthew Taylor               Unattached                      5:09:29
     416  Jason Clewes                 Unattached                      5:13:20
     417  Anthony Edis         V55  46 Unattached                      5:14:02
     418  John Nye             V65  18 Havering 90                     5:14:08
     419  Henryk Szor          V40  63 Unattached                      5:14:23
     420  Paul Griffiths       V45  56 Unattached                      5:15:29
     421  Geoffrey Baddeley    V50  46 Unattached                      5:15:34
     422  Don Johnson          V45  57 Unattached                      5:18:28
     423  Paul Parsons                 Unattached                      5:18:38
     424  M Hough                      Unattached                      5:20:55
     425  Carl Dimmock                 Boalloy                         5:20:55
     426  Nick Errington       V60  21 Road Runners Club               5:20:55
     427  Syd Wheeler          V65  19 Chepstow Harriers               5:21:36
     428  Paul Watts                   Barnet & District AC            5:21:36
     429  Adam Proud                   Unattached                      5:23:27
     430  Mark Saunders                Unattached                      5:23:27
     431  Richard Warburton            Unattached                      5:23:34
     432  Chris Barlow         V55  47 Stone Master Marathoners        5:25:16
     433  John Mackintosh      V40  64 Unattached                      5:25:26
     434  John Heaton          V50  47 Unattached                      5:26:12
     435  Nicholas Gee         V45  58 Unattached                      5:27:25
     436 ?Norman Pellington            Unattached                      5:29:30
     437  John Scarlett                Unattached                      5:30:23
     438  Roger Barton         V60  22 Gentleman Joggers               5:32:01
     439  Stephen Cooper       V50  48 Unattached                      5:32:43
     440  Mark Abbotts                 Unattached                      5:32:43
     441  John Lawton                  Unattached                      5:34:07
     442  Christopher Hyatt            Unattached                      5:34:12
     443  Ben West                     Unattached                      5:34:12
     444  Stephen Sale         V50  49 Unattached                      5:35:53
     445  Scott Chisholm               Unattached                      5:36:21
     446  David Hughes         V45  59 Unattached                      5:37:25
     447  Kenneth Steele       V55  48 Unattached                      5:37:56
     448  George Shaw          V65  20 Unattached                      5:38:18
     449  Westley Allcock              Unattached                      5:47:53
     450  David Stevens        V45  60 Unattached                      5:51:43
     451  Petrer Graham                100 Marathon Club               5:54:51
     452  Dave Murray                  Unattached                      5:56:30
     453  Jeff Shaw            V40  65 Unattached                      5:57:10
     454  Keith Lee                    Ivanhoe Runners                 6:34:00
     455  Paul Barlow          V45  61 British Telecom                 6:34:00
     456  Alan Davies          V60  23 St Helens Sutton                6:34:00
     457  Eric Mould           V50  50 Unattached                      6:50:00
     458  William Lockett      V55  49 Longton Harriers                6:50:00
     459  Ohilip Bloor         V45  62 Unattached                      6:50:00

Stoke on Trent - Ladies -- FINAL RESULTS

     Pos  Name                 Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  Julia Myatt          L40   1 Newcastle                       3:06:06
       2  Michelle Buckle      L     2 Newcastle                       3:09:47
       3  Lynne Richards       L     3 Newcastle                       3:10:40
       4  Lorraine Craib       L     4 Worksop                         3:29:39
       5  Ros Barker           L40   2 Stone Master Marathoners        3:33:07
       6  Karen Buyukcepec     L     6 Newcastle                       3:35:51
       7  Victoria McHale      L     7 Unattached                      3:39:20
       8  Lesley Woodward      L50   1 Unattached                      3:41:07
       9  Helen Guy            L     9 Womens Running Network          3:42:26
      10  Sarah GardnerHall    L    10 Norton Grange RR                3:43:48
      11  Karen Jones          L40   3 Unattached                      3:44:47
      12  Kathleen Oliver      L50   2 Wolverhampton & Bilston         3:45:24
      13  Carolyn Lockett      L40   4 Maidenhead AC                   3:45:31
      14  Rebecca Adams        L40   5 Derwent AC                      3:47:02
      15  Carol Probyn         L45   1 Unattached                      3:47:13
      16  Julia Race           L40   6 Trentham                        3:47:42
      17  Jane Matthews        L45   2 Unattached                      3:52:32
      18  Jane Eardley         L    18 Unattached                      3:52:38
      19  Yvonne Leeson        L50   3 Stone Master Marathoners        3:52:55
      20  Lynn Geoghegan       L40   7 Stafford Harriers               3:58:18
      21  Jillian Ross         L35   1 Stafford Harriers               3:58:47
      22  Sarah Booth          L35   2 Unattached                      4:01:41
      23  Belinda Riley        L40   8 Newcastle                       4:02:51
      24  Victoria Hyatt       L    24 Unattached                      4:05:36
      25  Liz Lowther          L55   1 Unattached                      4:06:46
      26  Dawn Moody           L35   3 Unattached                      4:08:09
      27  Sue Mac              L45   3 Unattached                      4:09:28
      28  Judith Webb          L35   4 Valley Hill Runners             4:10:41
      29  Kathleen Keane       L45   4 Newcastle                       4:11:44
      30  Nicola Stanyer       L35   5 Biddulph RC                     4:12:50
      31  Bridget Welsh        L    31 Unattached                      4:18:34
      32  Helen Kerbey         L    32 Unattached                      4:23:02
      33  Angela Darlington    L    33 Unattached                      4:24:21
      34  Dianne Lapworth      L50   4 Biddulph RC                     4:25:09
      35  Lorraine Bowman      L35   6 Unattached                      4:26:36
      36  Aileen Jones         L40   9 Unattached                      4:28:47
      37  Ann Williams         L35   7 North Staffs RRA                4:33:51
      38  Patricia Seabrook    L60   1 Finch Coasters                  4:35:25
      39  Irene Brownssword    L55   2 Unattached                      4:35:46
      40  Gina Weatherall      L60   2 Trentham                        4:36:42
      41  Marla HowardCutts    L45   5 Unattached                      4:38:29
      42  Emma Riggott         L35   8 Beverley AC                     4:39:20
      43  Pearl Palak          L35   9 Unattached                      4:40:20
      44  Ann Worthington      L40  10 Womens Running Network          4:42:20
      45  Toni Mac             L    45 Unattached                      4:44:34
      46  Lys James            L55   3 Michelin                        4:46:32
      47  Moira Reed           L45   6 Veterans AC                     4:47:17
      48  Julie Lawrence       L40  11 Michelin                        4:47:18
      49  Carole Rimington     L45   7 Beverley AC                     4:48:07
      50  Laura Townsend       L    50 Hydrographic Harriers           4:48:17
      51  Pauline Howes        L50   5 Unattached                      4:48:29
      52  Chicken Cox          L    52 Unattached                      4:49:08
      53  Louise Finney        L    53 Biddulph RC                     4:49:11
      54  Julie Candy          L    54 Unattached                      4:49:29
      55  Linda Maor           L40  12 Road Runners Club               4:50:55
      56  Clare Lovatt         L    56 Rugeley Runners                 4:51:01
      57  Wendy Davies         L    57 Unattached                      4:51:18
      58  Selina DaSilva       L45   8 Womens Running Network          4:54:39
      59  Annette Field        L40  13 Unattached                      4:56:00
      60  Sarah Platt          L    60 Biddulph RC                     4:57:33
      61  Lynda Twigg          L50   6 Biddulph RC                     4:57:33
      62  Helen Turner         L55   4 Biddulph RC                     4:57:33
      63  Nicola Doorbar       L    63 Unattached                      4:57:33
      64  Mandy Moores         L    64 Unattached                      4:57:33
      65  Edith Bedson         L60   3 Biddulph RC                     4:57:33
      66  Helen Roberts        L60   4 Biddulph RC                     4:57:33
      67  Jane Nutt            L    67 Formula 1                       4:59:06
      68  Margaret Shaw        L60   5 Michelin                        4:59:06
      69  Margaret Dineen      L65   1 Michelin                        4:59:06
      70  Anne Bird            L55   5 Unattached                      4:59:46
      71  Gayle Harrison       L    71 Unattached                      4:59:53
      72  Denmise Rogers       L40  14 Aldridge RC                     4:59:53
      73  Carol Bryant         L50   7 Womens Running Network          4:59:59
      74  Gayna Dalgarno       L    74 Unattached                      5:09:36
      75  Shirley Taylor       L55   6 Unattached                      5:09:36
      76  Hazel Barlow         L40  15 Michelin                        5:10:49
      77  Emily Vernon         L    77 Unattached                      5:12:28
      78  Julia Myatt          L40  16 Newcastle                       5:14:42
      79  Wendy Rogers         L35  10 Womens Running Network          5:25:20
      80  Ruth Benzimra        L35  11 Unattached                      5:43:46
      81  Sara Houlton         L    81 Unattached                      5:47:53

Stoke on Trent - Relay -- FINAL RESULTS

     Pos  Name                         Club         Time  

       1  StaffsMoorlandsAC            Relay                           2:23:41
       2  BoalloyRC                    Relay                           2:40:22
       3  CheadleCheekyGirls           Relay                           2:53:33
       4  Sneyd_Striders               Relay                           3:01:43
       5  WeaveNorfolk&Chance          Relay                           3:02:28
       6  CongletonHarriersC           Relay                           3:02:51
       7  Main Men                     Relay                           3:05:55
       8  Kingfisher                   Relay                           3:07:20
       9  Tornados                     Relay                           3:07:32
      10  SMMMixedVets                 Relay                           3:10:14
      11  Audley_Aces_1                Relay                           3:11:55
      12  SMMLadyVets                  Relay                           3:15:51
      13  DeadLegs                     Relay                           3:18:24
      14  CongletonHarriersB           Relay                           3:28:42
      15  PharmacyAllStars             Relay                           3:31:12
      16  CongletonHarriersA           Relay                           3:33:03
      17  EsportasFinest               Relay                           3:33:16
      18  MiltonKickboxing             Relay                           3:34:02
      19  PendleARC                    Relay                           3:34:09
      20  BlytheSpirits                Relay                           3:37:00
      21  Audley_Aces_2                Relay                           3:38:19
      22  Bladon Runners               Relay                           3:38:50
      23  LongtonHarriers              Relay                           3:39:28
      24  Sportex                      Relay                           3:40:50
      25  MidlifeCrisis_A              Relay                           3:41:31
      26  HomersRunners2               Relay                           3:41:34
      27  Swift_Electrical_B           Relay                           3:41:36
      28  Dinosaurs_A                  Relay                           3:42:51
      29  StThomasPrimary              Relay                           3:44:08
      30  Outright_A                   Relay                           3:49:22
      31  BurntwoodTriBabes            Relay                           3:49:26
      32  Exel_1                       Relay                           3:49:52
      33  Exel_2                       Relay                           3:49:52
      34  UnitedReformedChurch         Relay                           3:51:01
      35  CaverswallCricket            Relay                           3:51:53
      36  WFGRoadRunners               Relay                           3:52:42
      37  KnightMares                  Relay                           3:52:42
      38  AgeConcern                   Relay                           3:54:02
      39  WomensRunning_A              Relay                           3:54:17
      40  MidlifeCrisis_B              Relay                           3:54:33
      41  SilverdaleRC                 Relay                           3:57:36
      42  S-O-TStudents                Relay                           3:58:14
      43  HomersRunners1               Relay                           3:58:49
      44  Sentinel_B                   Relay                           4:00:13
      45  Sentinel_C                   Relay                           4:00:15
      46  Sentinel_A                   Relay                           4:00:27
      47  StokeCollege                 Relay                           4:00:38
      48  HomelessCommunity            Relay                           4:02:16
      49  G.M.Team                     Relay                           4:02:29
      50  TotalFitnessJogging          Relay                           4:05:26
      51  AudleyScouts                 Relay                           4:05:26
      52  BarnadosBombers              Relay                           4:05:59
      53  Famous Five                  Relay                           4:06:07
      54  PlaygroupPlodders            Relay                           4:06:40
      55  Dinosaurs_B                  Relay                           4:06:47
      56  ForgingFive                  Relay                           4:11:32
      57  Dinosaurs_C                  Relay                           4:11:53
      58  MerryAdventurers_C           Relay                           4:16:27
      59  GreensAccountants            Relay                           4:17:37
      60  WardleTravel                 Relay                           4:17:56
      61  TheMichJoggers               Relay                           4:18:42
      62  Outright_B                   Relay                           4:20:23
      63  HanleyTown_B                 Relay                           4:20:53
      64  HanleyTown_A                 Relay                           4:20:59
      65  BrownhillsHigh               Relay                           4:21:17
      66  OldHouseAtHome               Relay                           4:22:02
      67  Tittensor'sClan              Relay                           4:24:19
      68  MerryAdventurers_B           Relay                           4:24:21
      69  Merryadventurers_A           Relay                           4:24:21
      70  TeamSpecial'K'               Relay                           4:28:09
      71  WomensRunning_B              Relay                           4:28:42
      72  Swift_Electrical_C           Relay                           4:32:13
      73  StaffsHousingMincers         Relay                           4:34:09
      74  TrenthamTerriers             Relay                           4:36:48
      75  HomesteadResidential         Relay                           4:40:42
      76  BBCRadioStoke                Relay                           4:40:44
      77  Swift_Electrical_D           Relay                           4:42:05
      78  WomensRunning_C              Relay                           4:49:56
      79  BarclaysEagles_A             Relay                           4:58:13
      80  BarclaysEagles_B             Relay                           4:58:13
Results copyright © G.J. Fecitt (SportSoft) 2004