The Ackworth half Marathon

at Ackworth on Sunday 28th March 2004

Ackworth -- FINAL RESULTS ($=non-counter)

     Pos  Name                 Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  Sammy Malakwen               Unattached                      1:04:49
       2  Simon Tonui                  Leamington                      1:05:21
       3  David Anderson               Belgrave                        1:05:32
       4  John Mutai                   Bromsgrove & R                  1:06:36
       5  Robert Birchall              Notts AC                        1:06:52
       6  Hassan Raidi                 Belgrave                        1:07:00
       7  Paul Freary                  Belgrave                        1:07:11
       8  Ian Fisher                   Otley                           1:07:36
       9  Kassa Tadesse                Belgrave                        1:07:48
      10  Andy Norman                  Altrincham & District AC        1:07:57
      11  Dave Watson                  Holmfirth                       1:08:25
      12  Mark Croasdale               Bingley                         1:08:35
      13  Adrian Marriott              Hercules Wimbledon              1:08:47
      14  Darran Bilton                Leeds City                      1:09:02
      15  James Walsh                  Leamington                      1:09:44
      16  Will Cookerell               Belgrave                        1:10:06
      17  Andy Weir                    Thames Hare & Hounds            1:10:45
      18  Bernard Murphy               Liverpool H                     1:10:52
      19  Luke Northall        JM    1 Wrexham AC                      1:11:35
      20  Paul Andrew                  Saracens RC                     1:11:52
      21  Jonathan Bateman             Scarborough                     1:12:03
      22  Brian Cole                   City Of Stoke                   1:12:31
      23  Joachim Wolf                 Belgrave                        1:12:37
      24  Jonathan Wardley             Scarborough                     1:12:37
      25  John Convery         V40   1 Bingley                         1:12:46
      26  Julian Mawson                Otley                           1:12:47
      27  Keith Johnson                Chorley Harriers                1:12:52
      28  Neil Cayton                  Otley                           1:12:54
      29  Eddie Simpson                Preston Harriers & AC           1:12:57
      30  Chris Brogan         V45   1 Woodford Green/Ess L            1:13:05
      31  Alex Rowe            V45   2 Wesham Road Runners             1:13:13
      32  Carl Ryde                    Doncaster & S                   1:13:30
      33  Paul Muller          V45   3 Horwich                         1:13:36
      34  Russell Maddams              London Irish AC                 1:14:16
      35  Malcolm Cates                Eton Manor AC                   1:14:24
      36  Richard Shearer              Liverpool H                     1:14:34
      37  Rickie Wilson                Scarborough                     1:14:49
      38  Jamie Noon                   Pudsey & Bramley                1:15:25
      39  Malcolm Muir                 Ilford AC                       1:15:26
      40  Andrew Jackson               Ackworth                        1:15:38
      41  Stephen Rennie       V45   4 Kingston U Hull                 1:15:46
      42  Mike Robbins         V40   2 Wrexham AC                      1:15:47
      43  Alastair Kennis              Thames Hare & Hounds            1:15:50
      44  Stuart Maycock               Hallamshire                     1:15:52
      45  Trevor Hunter                Handy Cross Runners             1:15:59
      46  Steve Tibbs          V40   3 Wakefield                       1:16:10
      47  Mike Moor                    Leamington                      1:16:26
      48  Chris Stokes         V45   5 Sphinx AC                       1:16:51
      49  David Meeson                 Rothwell                        1:17:08
      50  John Muddeman                Leamington                      1:17:12
      51  Michael Senior               Horsforth                       1:17:13
      52  Adam Cooper          V40   4 Wakefield                       1:17:37
      53  Miryam Wangari       L     1 Leamington                      1:17:39
      54  Nigel Clementson     V40   5 Horwich                         1:17:46
      55  Simon Riley          V40   6 Leamington                      1:17:48
      56  Jeremy Bateman       V45   6 Ripley RC                       1:17:49
      57  Phil Grimes          V45   7 Halifax                         1:17:50
      58  Mark Lawson                  Longwood                        1:18:19
      59  Martin Lewis                 Poole Runners                   1:18:19
      60  Mike Baillie                 Witney RR                       1:18:26
      61  Chris Hodgson        V40   7 East Hull                       1:18:28
      62  Mick Page            V50   1 Doncaster & S                   1:18:30
      63  Charles Lines        V40   8 Ackworth                        1:18:35
      64  Malachi Byansi               Belgrave                        1:18:35
      65  Martin Sanders               Ackworth                        1:18:35
      66  Mark Tomlinson               Ripley RC                       1:18:49
      67  Arwel Lewis          V45   8 Abergele Harriers               1:19:01
      68  Donald Kennedy               Longwood                        1:19:03
      69  Stephen Davies       V45   9 Mansfield AC                    1:19:10
      70  Penny Thackray       L     2 Wakefield                       1:19:28
      71  Stuart Bannister             Wakefield                       1:19:43
      72  Martin Firth         V45  10 Queensbury                      1:19:56
      73  Masahiro Kawamoto    V40   9 Unattached                      1:20:09
      74  Phil McCoy                   Kingston U Hull                 1:20:14
      75  Neil Holding         V40  10 West Pennine R                  1:20:17
      76  Andrea Dennison      L40   1 Bradford Airedale               1:20:18
      77  Antony Bradford              Spenborough                     1:20:42
      78  Ben Dyson                    Derby AC                        1:20:46
      79  Kevin Beattie                Stockport                       1:20:50
      80  Graham Chesters      V40  11 Middleton                       1:21:01
      81  Simon Griffin                Goole Vs                        1:21:12
      82  Darren Blazier               Abergele Harriers               1:21:22
      83  Roger Porter         V45  11 Handy Cross Runners             1:21:22
      84  Steve Almond         V40  12 Stockport                       1:21:27
      85  Adrian Hunt                  Unattached                      1:21:34
      86  Ian Clayton                  Rothwell                        1:21:37
      87  Lazloe Boden         V40  13 Witney RR                       1:21:52
      88  Terry Hyland         V45  12 Huddersfield                    1:21:53
      89  Bernard Vickers      V45  13 Rothwell                        1:21:54
      90  Malcolm Bostock      V40  14 Middleton                       1:21:58
      91  Julia Downes         L     4 Brighton                        1:22:04
      92  Mark Walker                  Ripley RC                       1:22:11
      93  Stephen Kellett      V50   2 Rothwell                        1:22:22
      94  Ian Newcombe         V45  14 Middleton                       1:22:31
      95  Neil Haggas                  Kippax                          1:22:34
      96  Rob Platt            V40  15 Mansfield AC                    1:22:40
      97  Jenny Murray         L     5 Stockport                       1:22:52
      98  Martin Hall          V40  16 Unattached                      1:23:00
      99  Helen Sly            L35   1 Horsforth                       1:23:29
     100  Tracey Apps          L35   2 Springfield Striders            1:23:38
     101  Kevin Erskine                Tadcaster                       1:23:40
     102  Keith Joules         V40  17 East Hull                       1:23:41
     103  Geoff Cumber         V55   1 Halifax                         1:23:43
     104  John Philpott        V50   3 Holmfirth                       1:23:46
     105  Neil Shaw                    Rotherham                       1:23:47
     106  Mark Harris          V40  18 Rothwell                        1:23:48
     107  Kerrie Wood          L     8 Stockport                       1:23:56
     108  Chris Stubbs                 Idle                            1:23:57
     109  Steve Large                  Horsforth                       1:23:57
     110  Gladys Ganiel        L     9 Unattached                      1:24:11
     111  Ian Scott            V45  15 Unattached                      1:24:13
     112  Craig Alwash                 Barnsley H                      1:24:20
     113  Ian Mason                    Unattached                      1:24:31
     114  Tony Smith                   Wakefield                       1:24:34
     115  Craig Noble                  Unattached                      1:24:38
     116  Kevin Oates          V40  19 Dewsbury                        1:24:39
     117  Philippa Walsh       L40   2 Preston Harriers & AC           1:24:48
     118  Chris Domoney        V50   4 Col & Tendring                  1:24:58
     119  Kevin Langan         V40  20 Knavesmire                      1:25:01
     120  John Oãreilly        V50   5 Middleton                       1:25:05
     121  James Morris                 Dewsbury                        1:25:20
     122  Keith Wild           V50   6 Holmfirth                       1:25:26
     123  Rich Borysiewicz     V50   7 Valley Hill R                   1:25:41
     124  Isobel Partridge     L    11 Kenilworth                      1:25:44
     125  Neil Holdsworth      V45  16 Knavesmire                      1:25:52
     126  Gary Lunn            V40  21 Unattached                      1:25:56
     127  Sharon Marshall      L    12 Wakefield                       1:25:57
     128  Peter Young          V45  17 Wakefield                       1:26:06
     129  Les Fenton           V50   8 Spenborough                     1:26:12
     130  Tony Hurn            V50   9 Darwen                          1:26:13
     131  Paul Tranter                 Unattached                      1:26:13
     132  Monique Hollinshead  L35   3 Dewsbury                        1:26:16
     133  Gerry Bell           V50  10 Bingley                         1:26:22
     134  Amarnath Ahir        V45  18 Bingley                         1:26:33
     135  Linda Clarkson       L35   4 Darwen                          1:26:33
     136  Steve Campion        V40  22 Lincoln Wellington              1:26:36
     137  Carolyn Robbins      L40   3 Blackpool & Fylde AC            1:26:53
     138  Michael Pennington   V45  19 Holmfirth                       1:26:54
     139  David Taylor         V45  20 Meltham                         1:26:55
     140  Jason Purdon                 City Of Hull                    1:26:55
     141  Anthony White                Wakefield                       1:27:05
     142  Mark Woodhouse               Handsworth                      1:27:10
     143  Michael Walsh                Ackworth                        1:27:12
     144  Paul Watson                  Barnsley H                      1:27:15
     145  Andrew Rose                  Halifax                         1:27:18
     146  Kieron Batt                  Knavesmire                      1:27:25
     147  Richard Randle       V40  23 Doncaster & S                   1:27:30
     148  A HamiltonMorris     L40   4 Wrexham AC                      1:27:34
     149  Julian Lusardi       V55   2 Dewsbury                        1:27:39
     150  Howard Cohen         V40  24 Abbey                           1:27:41
     151  Stephen Chater               Unattached                      1:27:41
     152  Dave Birch           V45  21 Steel City Striders             1:27:42
     153  Cliff Gale           V55   3 Hull Springhead                 1:27:42
     154  Paul Gwilliam                Unattached                      1:27:49
     155  Jared Croft                  Holmfirth                       1:27:51
     156  Nicola Gomm          L40   5 Witney RR                       1:27:54
     157  Jackie Watson        L35   5 Benfleet RR                     1:27:58
     158  Peter Johnson        V50  11 Unattached                      1:28:14
     159  Steven Bradshaw      V40  25 Unattached                      1:28:15
     160  Harold Dobson        V65   1 Knavesmire                      1:28:16
     161  Andy Cottier                 Dewsbury                        1:28:21
     162  John Howarth         V50  12 Longwood                        1:28:22
     163  Stewart Hazell               Unattached                      1:28:24
     164  Stephen Reynolds     V40  26 Unattached                      1:28:25
     165  Howard Jeffrey       V45  22 Otley                           1:28:27
     166  Stuart Locking               Unattached                      1:28:31
     167  Joseph Armitage              Unattached                      1:28:38
     168  Steve Dickinson      V40  27 Barnsley H                      1:28:42
     169  Lisa Dent            L    19 Skyrac                          1:28:48
     170  Adam Parton                  Abbey                           1:28:50
     171  Russell Eaton                Unattached                      1:29:01
     172  G HopeEllershaw      L    20 Blackpool & Fylde AC            1:29:06
     173  Oliver Downing       V55   4 Bingley                         1:29:06
     174  Tony Essex           V55   5 Harrogate                       1:29:14
     175  Faye Banks           L    21 Ackworth                        1:29:16
     176  Richard Hammond              Redhill                         1:29:18
     177  Linda Harris         L45   1 Kippax                          1:29:18
     178  Paul Trower                  Nidd Valley                     1:29:32
     179  Christine McCarthy   L40   6 Kippax                          1:29:37
     180  Christopher Linguard         Ackworth                        1:29:44
     181  Karen Watkin         L    24 Blackpool & Fylde AC            1:29:48
     182  Paul Berry                   Halifax                         1:29:51
     183  Stephen Balmforth    V50  13 Unattached                      1:29:55
     184  John Moorhouse       V45  23 Meltham                         1:29:57
     185  Colin Utterson       V60   1 York Acorn                      1:30:00
     186  Timothy Gibson               Lytham St Annes RR Club         1:30:01
     187 $Samantha Harris      L    25 Valley Striders                 1:30:03
     188  Stephen Rouse        V40  28 Barnsley H                      1:30:06
     189  Scott Ellwood                Newton Aycliffe                 1:30:13
     190  Peter Mullery        V45  24 Rothwell                        1:30:17
     191  John Levick          V40  29 West Yorkshire Pol              1:30:21
     192  Julie Palmer         L45   2 Benfleet RR                     1:30:22
     193  Cieran Murray                Doncaster & S                   1:30:24
     194  Mathew Agbridge              Rotherham                       1:30:30
     195  Russell Thomas       V40  30 Dewsbury                        1:30:42
     196  Philip Haigh         V45  25 Rotherham                       1:30:48
     197  Christopher Oldfield         Meltham                         1:30:50
     198  Ernest Huck          V55   6 Thirsk & Sowerby                1:31:12
     199  Rebecca Kendall      L    27 Kenilworth                      1:31:22
     200  Chris Corcoran       V50  14 Leeds City                      1:31:23
     201  Beverley Whitfield   L    28 Norfolk Gaz                     1:31:27
     202  Fiona Strange        L35   6 Knavesmire                      1:31:28
     203  Geoff Cotter         V50  15 One 2 One                       1:31:39
     204  Ian Tillett          V50  16 Knavesmire                      1:31:54
     205  Richard Wheatley             Redhill                         1:31:56
     206  Jeff Clark                   Barnsley H                      1:31:57
     207  Peter Dolan          V45  26 Holmfirth                       1:32:06
     208  David Tarren                 Quakers                         1:32:07
     209  David Beccroft       V40  31 Rothwell                        1:32:12
     210  Daniel Mortimer              Dewsbury                        1:32:14
     211  John Turner                  Unattached                      1:32:22
     212  Steven Vasilou       V40  32 Middleton                       1:32:39
     213  Robert Hewitson      V45  27 Durham                          1:32:40
     214  Paul Collingwood             Askern                          1:32:43
     215  Tony Vout            V40  33 Askern                          1:32:45
     216  Paul White           V55   7 Valley Striders                 1:32:48
     217  Stephen Longfellow   V50  17 Crossgates                      1:32:59
     218  Sally Pitts          L40   7 Witney RR                       1:33:11
     219  Mike McGrath         V50  18 Knavesmire                      1:33:18
     220  Michael Timer        V50  19 Valley Striders                 1:33:20
     221  Chris Hammond                Unattached                      1:33:21
     222  Terry Tillotson              Unattached                      1:33:31
     223  Keith Bamforth       V65   2 Holmfirth                       1:33:33
     224  Peter Higgins        V45  28 Barnsley H                      1:33:39
     225  Christoph Sueme              Unattached                      1:33:40
     226  Tony Man                     Penny Lane Striders             1:33:42
     227  David Lee            V40  34 Unattached                      1:33:43
     228  Jane Sutton          L35   7 Valley Striders                 1:33:44
     229  Mick Thompson        V60   2 Scarborough                     1:33:45
     230  Graham Werrett       V50  20 Unattached                      1:33:54
     231  Michael Smith        V60   3 Bingley                         1:33:57
     232  Eric Green           V45  29 Valley Striders                 1:33:57
     233  George Nichol        V55   8 Unattached                      1:33:58
     234  John Ludvigsen       V40  35 Unattached                      1:34:01
     235  Ray Baines           V55   9 Road Runners C                  1:34:06
     236  David Walker         V40  36 Unattached                      1:34:08
     237  Karen Richardson     L    32 Ackworth                        1:34:09
     238  Mark Tordoff                 Hallamshire                     1:34:09
     239  David Elliott        V45  30 York Acorn                      1:34:14
     240  Kevin McManus        V50  21 City Of Hull                    1:34:22
     241  Alan Garvey          V50  22 Middleton                       1:34:23
     242  Steven Collins       V45  31 Unattached                      1:34:33
     243  David Atkinson               Unattached                      1:34:39
     244  David Brooke         V60   4 City Of Hull                    1:34:40
     245  Robert Roberts       V45  32 Unattached                      1:34:42
     246  John Todd                    Unattached                      1:34:47
     247  Peter Blowers        V55  10 City Of Hull                    1:34:56
     248  Jim Davies           V45  33 Lincoln & District              1:35:00
     249  Richard Campbell             Unattached                      1:35:13
     250  Rob Gray             V40  37 Unattached                      1:35:16
     251  James Macdonald      V45  34 Knavesmire                      1:35:17
     252  Robert Thompson      V45  35 City Of Hull                    1:35:20
     253  Nicola Wilde         L40   8 Horsforth                       1:35:26
     254  Suzanne Sharman      L    34 North Derbyshire RC             1:35:31
     255  David Greenwood              Dewsbury                        1:35:42
     256  Neil Davies          V40  38 Unattached                      1:35:44
     257  Jane Mumford         L35   8 Coventry Godiva Harriers        1:35:48
     258  David Dodd           V45  36 Unattached                      1:35:53
     259  David Varley         V55  11 Garden City Runners             1:35:56
     260  Stephen Wilby        V50  23 Queensbury                      1:36:04
     261  Jim Coldwell                 Eccleshill                      1:36:07
     262  Mark Gregory         V40  39 Rothwell                        1:36:14
     263  Andy Dyson                   Eccleshill                      1:36:16
     264  Ian Wade             V40  40 North East Vets                 1:36:21
     265  Liz Birchall         L    36 Notts AC                        1:36:22
     266  Mark Stephens        V45  37 Unattached                      1:36:25
     267  John Bradshaw        V60   5 Northern Vets                   1:36:29
     268  Tim Barraclough      V40  41 Selby                           1:36:32
     269  Martin Kemp          V50  24 Unattached                      1:36:34
     270  Philip Swann         V40  42 Unattached                      1:36:45
     271  Julie Kennedy        L35   9 Middleton                       1:36:46
     272  Kevin Wilkinson              Unattached                      1:36:48
     273  David Lewis          V45  38 Idle                            1:36:53
     274  Allen Murray         V40  43 Unattached                      1:36:54
     275  Alan Schofield       V40  44 Barnsley H                      1:37:10
     276  Kristy Stephenson    L40   9 Abergele Harriers               1:37:14
     277  Jason Mellor                 Unattached                      1:37:15
     278  Tony Baker           V45  39 Unattached                      1:37:16
     279  Darren Cartwright            Unattached                      1:37:25
     280  Andrea Goode         L    39 Bro Dysynni AC                  1:37:26
     281  Sara Berry           L    40 Dewsbury                        1:37:58
     282  Lucy Thompson        L45   3 Benfleet RR                     1:37:58
     283  John Walker                  North Wales Road Runners        1:37:59
     284  Dean Otley                   Unattached                      1:38:00
     285  Jamie Hirst                  Unattached                      1:38:03
     286  Roger Steele         V45  40 Unattached                      1:38:04
     287  David Woodhead               Unattached                      1:38:08
     288  Philip Jones         V45  41 Baildon Runners                 1:38:10
     289  Kevin Kilkenny       V45  42 Kingston U Hull                 1:38:13
     290  Peter Alston         V50  25 Knavesmire                      1:38:14
     291  Adrian Trevelyan             Idle                            1:38:18
     292  ?                            Unattached                      1:38:22
     293  Chris Jones          V40  45 Unattached                      1:38:22
     294  Graham Kitchen               Unattached                      1:38:29
     295  Derek Williams       V45  43 Unattached                      1:38:32
     296  Harbhag Singh        V60   6 Darlington                      1:38:34
     297  Gillian Stevens      L45   4 Unattached                      1:38:35
     298  Lisa Chapman         L    43 Unattached                      1:38:36
     299  Clare Muckart        L    44 Knavesmire                      1:38:43
     300  Joanna Simpson       L    45 Knavesmire                      1:38:45
     301  David Dawson                 Wakefield                       1:38:50
     302  Robert Lee                   Unattached                      1:38:52
     303  Andrew Nicholls      V45  44 Unattached                      1:39:00
     304  Peter Grimoldby      V50  26 Ackworth                        1:39:00
     305  John Brummitt        V45  45 Unattached                      1:39:02
     306  Allan Bamford        V65   3 Sheffield                       1:39:05
     307  Keven Condick        V40  46 St Theresas                     1:39:08
     308  Terence Cooling              Unattached                      1:39:13
     309  Hayley Palmer        L    46 Valley Striders                 1:39:16
     310  Keith Franks         V45  46 Selby                           1:39:17
     311  Colin Ward           V50  27 Unattached                      1:39:25
     312  Barrie Taylor                Unattached                      1:39:28
     313  Jonathan Faill       V40  47 Barnsley AC                     1:39:28
     314  Garry Hutchinson     V40  48 East Hull                       1:39:37
     315  Malcolm Fawcett      V60   7 Knavesmire                      1:39:39
     316  Andrew Ely                   Unattached                      1:39:42
     317  Graham Banks         V45  47 Thirsk & Sowerby                1:39:45
     318  Nigel Bowler         V40  49 Unattached                      1:39:49
     319  Mark Ravenscroft     V40  50 Unattached                      1:40:02
     320  Dawn Hartley         L    47 Holmfirth                       1:40:02
     321  Deborah Clift        L35  10 Abergele Harriers               1:40:06
     322  John Rowley          V50  28 Rothwell                        1:40:09
     323  Tony Robertson       V45  48 Unattached                      1:40:11
     324  David Porter         V40  51 Unattached                      1:40:12
     325  Ian Christopherson   V55  12 Barnsley H                      1:40:14
     326  Martyn Precious              Hull Achilles                   1:40:15
     327  Philip Pointon       V65   4 Unattached                      1:40:16
     328  Lynn Woods           L55   1 New Marske                      1:40:16
     329  Eleanor Robinson     L55   2 Ripley RC                       1:40:20
     330  Kate Morrell         L35  11 Steel City Striders             1:40:22
     331  Martin Gladwell      V55  13 Road Runners C                  1:40:23
     332  Judith Jones         L40  10 Abergele Harriers               1:40:25
     333  Kay Hatton           L40  11 North Wales Road Runners        1:40:29
     334  Peter Hey            V50  29 Kirkstall                       1:40:30
     335  Clive Bradey         V45  49 Totley                          1:40:32
     336  Jeanette Thomas      L40  12 Dewsbury                        1:40:56
     337  Nicholas Beevers             Unattached                      1:41:03
     338  Malcolm White        V55  14 Wolds Vets                      1:41:08
     339  Kyrinda Hurst-Moore  L35  12 Middleton                       1:41:11
     340  Shirley Colquhoun    L45   5 Tadcaster                       1:41:21
     341  Tony Bell            V55  15 Nidd Valley                     1:41:22
     342  Peter Joanson        V45  50 BTA                             1:41:23
     343  Andrew Foster        V40  52 Unattached                      1:41:27
     344  Paul Gibson                  Unattached                      1:41:31
     345  Jeff Outhwaite       V45  51 Unattached                      1:41:32
     346  Wanda Macdonald      L40  13 St Theresas                     1:41:34
     347  Dene Townend         V45  52 Halifax                         1:41:36
     348  Janice Graham        L40  14 Unattached                      1:41:37
     349  Christine Howard     L    59 Matlock Athletic Club           1:41:40
     350  Carol Davies         L45   6 Rothwell                        1:41:42
     351  Mark Sullivan        V45  53 Knavesmire                      1:41:43
     352  Terry Preston        V55  16 Road Runners C                  1:41:49
     353  Denise Tibbs         L40  15 Wakefield                       1:41:52
     354  Janet Beecroft       L40  16 Rothwell                        1:41:53
     355  Richard Gardham              Unattached                      1:41:55
     356  Gary Sutherland      V40  53 Unattached                      1:42:03
     357  Ian Ferris                   Unattached                      1:42:10
     358  Dave Galley                  Unattached                      1:42:11
     359  Paul Aldridge                Unattached                      1:42:26
     360  Jan Webb             L    63 Unattached                      1:42:31
     361  Bill Hunter          V55  17 Holmfirth                       1:42:32
     362  Mark Thompson                Goole Vs                        1:42:34
     363  Alastair McCannn             Hull Springhead                 1:42:50
     364  Stuart Anderson      V65   5 Wakefield                       1:42:58
     365  Kevin Sipling        V40  54 Unattached                      1:42:59
     366  Chris Peace          V45  54 Unattached                      1:43:01
     367  Graham Guest                 Denby Dale                      1:43:04
     368  Robert Chambers              Unattached                      1:43:11
     369  Jonathan Morrison            East Hull                       1:43:12
     370  Paul Griffiths       V40  55 Barnsley H                      1:43:18
     371  Simon Peck           V50  30 Dragons                         1:43:19
     372  Keith Swain          V40  56 Unattached                      1:43:19
     373  Paul Berwin          V45  55 Harrogate                       1:43:24
     374  Glenn Robinson       V40  57 St Theresas                     1:43:33
     375  Keith Tolan          V45  56 Unattached                      1:43:34
     376  Geraldine Roby       L45   7 Halifax                         1:43:35
     377  David Berry          V50  31 Meltham                         1:43:38
     378  Julie Hustwit        L40  17 Kirkstall                       1:43:43
     379  Stephen Clarke       V45  57 Unattached                      1:43:45
     380  Natalie Crossland    L    66 Valley Striders                 1:43:48
     381  Paul Williams                Unattached                      1:43:49
     382  John Hewitt          V60   8 Barnsley H                      1:43:52
     383  Chris Shaw           V40  58 Unattached                      1:43:52
     384  Ken Hayes            V60   9 Warrington                      1:43:55
     385  Christine Brooks     L50   1 Middleton                       1:43:55
     386  Archer Wilson                St Theresas                     1:43:59
     387  David Coulthard              Unattached                      1:44:02
     388  Gavin Cutler         V40  59 Hull Springhead                 1:44:14
     389  Geoffrey Hardman     V65   6 St Theresas                     1:44:16
     390  Philip Hollins       V50  32 Middleton                       1:44:21
     391  Michael Pyle         V55  18 Middleton                       1:44:24
     392  Graham Terry         V40  60 Askern                          1:44:28
     393  Ian Meade            V55  19 Barnsley H                      1:44:37
     394  Lisa Foreman         L    68 Rothwell                        1:44:37
     395  Gary Campbell        V40  61 Rothwell                        1:44:38
     396  Steven Hemingway     V40  62 Unattached                      1:44:43
     397  Robert Lockwood      V55  20 Easingwold                      1:44:50
     398  Ronald Davies        V55  21 Unattached                      1:44:53
     399  Linda Brewis         L45   8 Longwood                        1:44:53
     400  Mark Osborn          V50  33 Road Runners C                  1:44:55
     401  Michael Hoyle        V50  34 Unattached                      1:45:04
     402  Martin Lannon        V40  63 Unattached                      1:45:09
     403  Mark Poole                   Unattached                      1:45:11
     404  John Thomas          V45  58 South Yorks Police              1:45:11
     405  Trevor Willoughby    V50  35 Lytham St Annes RR Club         1:45:14
     406  Ian Murwood          V50  36 Wolds Vets                      1:45:15
     407  Rosie Sims           L    70 Arnold Road Runners             1:45:16
     408  Kris Spoors                  Unattached                      1:45:16
     409  Simon Williams               Link                            1:45:16
     410  Robert Spawton       V40  64 Unattached                      1:45:27
     411  Gareth Farrar        V45  59 Pudsey Pacers                   1:45:37
     412  Sally Precious       L    71 Hull Achilles                   1:45:38
     413 ?Pauline Hardman      L55   3 St Theresas                     1:45:39
     414  Robert Lockwood      V65   7 Road Runners C                  1:45:39
     415  Mary Harris          L45   9 Valley Striders                 1:45:40
     416  Joy Crick            L40  18 Barnsley H                      1:45:41
     417  Derek Berry          V40  65 Dewsbury                        1:45:42
     418  Anthony King         V45  60 Unattached                      1:45:44
     419  Jane Teasdale        L35  13 Ackworth                        1:45:45
     420  Peter McGowan        V45  61 Askern                          1:45:52
     421  Tracy Cottaris       L    76 Rothwell                        1:45:53
     422  Andrew Painter       V40  66 Road Runners C                  1:46:16
     423  Jeremy Faint                 Unattached                      1:46:24
     424  Philip Sumpter               Unattached                      1:46:25
     425  Joe Thornton         V50  37 Elvet Striders                  1:46:27
     426  David Parks          V60  10 Unattached                      1:46:28
     427  Ian Bithell          V55  22 Knavesmire                      1:46:31
     428  Malcolm Rhodes       V55  23 Rotherham                       1:46:47
     429  Lynda McDonald       L    77 Coventry Godiva Harriers        1:46:48
     430  Clare Moynihan       L    78 Lowestoft                       1:46:49
     431  Margaret Metcalfe    L50   2 Knavesmire                      1:47:00
     432  Roger Helm           V45  62 Unattached                      1:47:04
     433  Graeme Adams         V60  11 Knavesmire                      1:47:08
     434  Deborah Dunkerley    L45  10 Hull Springhead                 1:47:16
     435  Deryn Oãconnor       L45  11 Vale Royal                      1:47:20
     436  Emma Gaw             L    82 Unattached                      1:47:24
     437  Adrian Bowcock       V40  67 Middleton                       1:47:37
     438  Noel Briscoe         V45  63 Unattached                      1:47:38
     439  Stephen Bagley               Unattached                      1:47:40
     440  Mike Mahoney         V65   8 St Bedes                        1:47:46
     441  Melanie Nicholls     L    83 Todmorden                       1:47:53
     442  Helen Bates          L40  19 Ilkeston                        1:47:53
     443  John Tully                   Quakers                         1:48:04
     444  John Hannan                  Blackburn Road Runners          1:48:05
     445  Emma McGinty         L50   3 Unattached                      1:48:13
     446  John Leggett         V55  24 Eastern Vets                    1:48:17
     447  Paul Kirtley         V40  68 North East Vets                 1:48:22
     448  Zoe Woodward         L40  20 Eton Manor AC                   1:48:26
     449  Chris Denton                 Unattached                      1:48:29
     450  Peter Hill                   Unattached                      1:48:34
     451  John Johnson         V75   1 St Theresas                     1:48:38
     452  Tracy Turrell        L    87 Cleethorpes                     1:48:39
     453  Neil Sergeant                Beverley                        1:48:46
     454  Peter McEvoy         V45  64 Unattached                      1:48:47
     455  Geoffrey Pitter      V50  38 Leeds City                      1:48:57
     456  Christopher Maltby   V45  65 St Theresas                     1:49:04
     457  Richard Kirk                 Unattached                      1:49:21
     458  Mark Dennison        V40  69 Unattached                      1:49:31
     459  Nick Ward-Lowery             Fra                             1:49:56
     460  Alison Rooney        L    88 Rothwell                        1:49:58
     461  Robert McWilliam             Unattached                      1:49:58
     462  Julia Thomson        L35  14 Unattached                      1:50:08
     463  John Brophy          V45  66 Middleton                       1:50:17
     464  Kenneth Bingley      V70   1 Ackworth                        1:50:26
     465  Terry Lacy                   Rothwell                        1:50:32
     466  Mark Reynolds        V40  70 Unattached                      1:50:36
     467  Robert Daveney               Unattached                      1:50:47
     468  Alison Holmes        L45  12 Middleton                       1:50:49
     469  Heinz Ruess          V45  67 Unattached                      1:50:58
     470  Tania Carrilero      L    91 Unattached                      1:50:58
     471  Robert Page          V50  39 Fra                             1:51:05
     472  Jim Towers           V50  40 Nidd Valley                     1:51:12
     473  Derek Quantrill              Unattached                      1:51:17
     474  Neal Shotter         V45  68 Kirkstall                       1:51:20
     475  James Swanston       V50  41 Unattached                      1:51:22
     476  David Cunningham     V40  71 Unattached                      1:51:26
     477  Steph Borysiewicz    L50   4 Valley Hill                     1:51:28
     478  Simon Ossitt         V40  72 Leeds City                      1:51:28
     479  Julie Brown          L40  21 Barnsley H                      1:51:35
     480  Melanie Sanders      L45  13 Barnsley H                      1:51:35
     481  Graham McCormick     V40  73 Barnsley H                      1:51:36
     482  Alan Tattersall      V45  69 Ackworth                        1:51:41
     483  Carmen Pidcock       L    95 Rothwell                        1:51:44
     484  Francis Robinson             Unattached                      1:51:59
     485  Gillian Mackie       L35  15 Abbey                           1:52:12
     486  Martyn Stearn        V50  42 Unattached                      1:52:20
     487  Carol Watson         L45  14 Erewash Valley                  1:52:30
     488  Sandra Stott         L45  15 Unattached                      1:52:47
     489  Robert Dakin         V50  43 Unattached                      1:52:48
     490  Pierog Prevertovich          Unattached                      1:52:53
     491  Paul Gray                    Doncaster & S                   1:52:54
     492  John Adams           V55  25 Unattached                      1:52:57
     493  John Taylor          V65   9 Unattached                      1:52:58
     494  Robert Sharratt      V45  70 Ilkeston                        1:53:00
     495  Tom Kasprowicz       V40  74 Road Runners C                  1:53:05
     496  Teresa Hollins       L50   5 Middleton                       1:53:16
     497  Antony McAvoy        V40  75 Unattached                      1:53:24
     498  Charles Weatherill   V45  71 Unattached                      1:53:31
     499  Simon Irons                  Unattached                      1:53:38
     500  Jim Harran           V55  26 Selby                           1:53:44
     501  David Hey            V50  44 Penistone                       1:53:44
     502  Katrina Humphries    L35  16 Unattached                      1:53:53
     503  Paul Cutler          V40  76 Billingham                      1:53:54
     504  Peter Scanlon        V55  27 Thirsk & Sowerby                1:53:56
     505  Raymond Carroll      V55  28 Northern Vets                   1:53:58
     506  Beverley Thomas      L45  16 Northern Vets                   1:53:58
     507  Michael Bednall      V50  45 Rothwell                        1:53:59
     508  Vikki Skipper        L45  17 Barnsley H                      1:54:06
     509  Terry Maddocks       V40  77 Eccleshill                      1:54:11
     510  Mike Pickerden       V40  78 Unattached                      1:54:13
     511  Christopher Kimble   V45  72 Unattached                      1:54:17
     512  Ian Vogan            V45  73 Ackworth                        1:54:23
     513  Philip McCann        V45  74 Stockport                       1:54:24
     514  Anthony Melling      V55  29 Unattached                      1:54:28
     515  Steven Dawson        V40  79 White City Hull                 1:54:35
     516  Amanda Walker        L40  22 Unattached                      1:54:36
     517  John Woodhead        V50  46 Unattached                      1:54:41
     518  Lee Flinders                 Unattached                      1:55:09
     519  Andrew Dobson                Unattached                      1:55:10
     520  Ricky Hurley         L   104 Unattached                      1:55:12
     521  Sally Raines         L40  23 Unattached                      1:55:18
     522  Kevin Cooney         V60  12 Unattached                      1:55:19
     523  Kevin Dalby          V50  47 Unattached                      1:55:24
     524  Martyn West          V45  75 Unattached                      1:55:24
     525  Tony Myers           V55  30 Eccleshill                      1:55:37
     526  Stephen Dauber       V45  76 Darlington                      1:55:47
     527  John Rees                    Unattached                      1:55:58
     528  Andrew Gardner       V50  48 St Theresas                     1:56:03
     529  Lee Tavendale        V40  80 Unattached                      1:56:11
     530 ?Pauline Hardman      L55   4 St Theresas                     1:56:25
     531  Lorraine Wells       L55   5 Wolds Vets                      1:56:28
     532  Roz Wood             L45  18 Rothwell                        1:56:32
     533  Andrew Hirst                 Unattached                      1:56:34
     534  Pauline Dable        L   109 Kenilworth                      1:56:35
     535  Denise Thompson      L45  19 City Of Hull                    1:56:38
     536  Pascal Vionnet       V40  81 Knavesmire                      1:56:46
     537  Emma Buckley         L   111 Middleton                       1:56:57
     538  Wendy Baxter         L40  24 Beverley                        1:57:00
     539  Heather Goodman      L65   1 Kendal                          1:57:02
     540  Richard Harrison             Unattached                      1:57:11
     541  Racel Lawton         L   114 Unattached                      1:57:14
     542  Anthony Chafer       V45  77 Unattached                      1:57:22
     543  Peter Gray           V55  31 Knavesmire                      1:57:36
     544  Andrew Watson                Unattached                      1:57:40
     545  Martin Sellers       V45  78 Beverley                        1:57:47
     546  Stuart Scott         V40  82 Unattached                      1:57:48
     547  David Holdsworth     V50  49 Unattached                      1:57:48
     548  Don Marshall         V55  32 Unattached                      1:57:50
     549  David Moran          V50  50 Unattached                      1:58:09
     550  Andrew Heppell       V45  79 York Acorn                      1:58:11
     551  Ann Bath             L55   6 Kippax                          1:58:13
     552  Rod Fisher           V50  51 Roberttown                      1:58:15
     553  Sarah Noble          L   116 Unattached                      1:58:16
     554  Brian Waites         V40  83 Unattached                      1:58:16
     555  Antony Melia                 Middleton                       1:58:22
     556  Steve Cryer          V55  33 Unattached                      1:58:25
     557  Gill Davies          L40  25 Unattached                      1:58:26
     558  Robert Pickard       V55  34 Hornsea Harriers                1:58:30
     559  Kathryn Eccleston    L35  17 Unattached                      1:58:33
     560  Debbie Carse         L35  18 Unattached                      1:58:35
     561  Sharron Currie       L35  19 Unattached                      1:58:35
     562  Gerard Biggs         V40  84 Bingley                         1:58:45
     563  Graeme Slack         V45  80 White City Hull                 1:58:48
     564  John Goodson         V55  35 Unattached                      1:58:48
     565  David Darton         V45  81 Knavesmire                      1:58:49
     566  Bev Clark            L35  20 Barnsley H                      1:58:54
     567  Clive Marshall               Unattached                      1:59:04
     568  Karen Hoyle          L35  21 Horsforth                       1:59:06
     569  Ian Davison          V55  36 Unattached                      1:59:16
     570  Ian Codling          V60  13 Thirsk & Sowerby                1:59:24
     571  Dominic Cooney               Unattached                      1:59:42
     572  Rachel Northard      L40  26 Barnsley H                      1:59:42
     573  Lesley McAvoy        L40  27 Unattached                      1:59:46
     574  Nisar Jan                    Dar Unattached                  1:59:54
     575  Simon Wooffindin             Ackworth                        1:59:59
     576  Grahame Hall         V45  82 Unattached                      2:00:05
     577  Michael White        V50  52 Selby                           2:00:05
     578  Gavin Keane                  Unattached                      2:00:16
     579  Keeley Ridge         L35  22 West Yorkshire Pol              2:00:19
     580  Norman Harding       V55  37 Unattached                      2:00:27
     581  Philip Lamprey       V50  53 Unattached                      2:00:51
     582  Andrew McKinley              Unattached                      2:01:02
     583  Keith Hillsden       V40  85 Knavesmire                      2:01:13
     584  Gillian Thompson     L40  28 Middleton                       2:01:13
     585  Graham Whitworth     V55  38 Wakefield                       2:01:34
     586  Tony Dean            V55  39 Ackworth                        2:01:34
     587                ???         ???                             2:01:34
     588  Julie Northard       L40  29 Barnsley H                      2:01:40
     589  Michael Hardisty             Unattached                      2:01:40
     590  Lionel Ward          V65  10 Unattached                      2:01:45
     591  Richard Duce                 Unattached                      2:01:53
     592  Colin Lea                    Knavesmire                      2:02:00
     593  Norman Dunn          V60  14 Unattached                      2:02:19
     594  Claire Frost         L   128 Ackworth                        2:02:20
     595  Meryl Cripps         L50   6 Unattached                      2:02:26
     596  Ken Price            V65  11 Unattached                      2:02:36
     597  Stephen Shaw         V40  86 Billingham                      2:02:45
     598  Terence Kelly        V75   2 Fearnville                      2:02:52
     599  Gary Brown           V40  87 Unattached                      2:02:57
     600  Douglas Fraser               Dragons                         2:03:07
     601  Karen Brown          L40  30 Horsforth                       2:03:08
     602  John Dale            V60  15 Selby                           2:03:09
     603  Chris Dowle          V40  88 Unattached                      2:03:21
     604  Elizabeth Spooner    L   131 Unattached                      2:03:33
     605  Vicky Williamson     L45  20 Rothwell                        2:03:39
     606  Martin Spooner       V40  89 Unattached                      2:03:43
     607  Kirsty Sanderson     L   133 Unattached                      2:04:03
     608  Andrea Worrall       L   134 Middleton                       2:04:55
     609  Gillian Hardman      L   135 Unattached                      2:05:07
     610  Neil Coleman                 Unattached                      2:05:14
     611  Sarah Harris         L   136 Unattached                      2:05:48
     612  Pat Wood             L45  21 Wakefield                       2:05:59
     613  Michael Hall         V40  90 Unattached                      2:06:19
     614  Mathew Lister                Unattached                      2:06:25
     615  Peter Walker                 Unattached                      2:06:41
     616  Hilary Wharam        L60   1 Horsforth                       2:06:51
     617  Joan Lever           L35  23 Barnsley H                      2:07:11
     618  Patricia Walker      L65   2 Horsforth                       2:07:14
     619  Tasha Cannell        L   141 Eccleshill                      2:07:48
     620  Patrick Nesden       V50  54 Kirkstall                       2:07:48
     621  Sally Hutchinson     L50   7 Acorn RC                        2:07:52
     622  Stephen Mardy        V40  91 Unattached                      2:08:07
     623  Dennis Adams         V55  40 Unattached                      2:08:14
     624  Glenn Mitchell               Unattached                      2:08:14
     625  Jagir Sidhu                  Unattached                      2:08:32
     626  Raminder Mehat               Unattached                      2:08:32
     627  Richard Twinem       V55  41 Unattached                      2:08:34
     628  Joanna Marshall      L   143 Unattached                      2:08:35
     629  Stephen Rodgerson    V40  92 Unattached                      2:08:40
     630  Jane Williams        L40  31 Nidd Valley                     2:08:44
     631  Lisa Thompson        L   145 Stainland Lions                 2:08:55
     632  Margaret Cartledge   L55   7 Middleton                       2:09:12
     633  Helen Lyon           L   147 Yeadon Dragons                  2:09:14
     634  John Butler          V55  42 Stratford                       2:09:29
     635  Gillian Gill         L50   8 Knavesmire                      2:09:41
     636  Sabine Ruff          L   149 Unattached                      2:09:56
     637  Peter Cross          V50  55 Penistone                       2:10:33
     638  Celia Knight         L45  22 Dragons                         2:10:39
     639  Alyson Lamb          L45  23 Middleton                       2:11:11
     640  Sally Biggins        L   152 Yeadon Dragons                  2:12:06
     641  Ken Wooffindin       V50  56 Ackworth                        2:12:20
     642  John Oakley          V50  57 Unattached                      2:12:23
     643  Stephen Fletcher     V50  58 Pocklington                     2:12:29
     644  Jeremy Wassell       V40  93 Ackworth                        2:12:42
     645  Nicola Ward          L   153 Unattached                      2:13:26
     646  Jeff Denton          V50  59 Unattached                      2:13:39
     647  Paul Stroud                  Unattached                      2:13:54
     648  Dave Brumwell        V40  94 Unattached                      2:13:54
     649  David Cooper         V40  95 Dewsbury                        2:14:28
     650  Arthur James         V65  12 Eccleshill                      2:15:49
     651  Carolyn Hall         L40  32 Unattached                      2:16:09
     652  Angela Evans         L40  33 Unattached                      2:16:18
     653  Jean Snelling        L65   3 Knavesmire                      2:16:40
     654  Ian Brown                    Unattached                      2:16:40
     655  Phil Evans           V50  60 Unattached                      2:16:51
     656  Lucy Harness         L   157 Unattached                      2:16:52
     657  Sarah Appleyard      L   158 Unattached                      2:17:02
     658  Mohammad Farooqdar   V50  61 Unattached                      2:17:07
     659  Ingrid Sugden        L50   9 Knavesmire                      2:17:26
     660  Jason Brown                  Unattached                      2:17:38
     661  Vikki Douglas        L   160 Unattached                      2:17:49
     662  Theresa Kimble       L45  24 Unattached                      2:18:03
     663  Michelle Atkins      L35  24 Knavesmire                      2:18:45
     664  Julie Walton         L40  34 Unattached                      2:20:10
     665  Richard Bagley       V40  96 Unattached                      2:20:54
     666  Margaret Colenutt    L45  25 Ackworth                        2:23:18
     667  Naz Hussain          V50  62 Unattached                      2:24:57
     668  Catherine Moores     L50  10 Nidd Valley                     2:25:23
     669  Gerald Williams      V50  63 Nidd Valley                     2:25:23
     670  Annette Herdman      L50  11 Knavesmire                      2:28:02
     671  Samantha Taylor      L   167 Denby Dale                      2:31:27
     672  Margaret Sharkie     L65   4 Knavesmire                      2:31:29
     673  Jude Clarke          L55   8 Unattached                      2:31:29
     674  Keith Tyler          V55  43 Cleethorpes                     2:34:32
     675  Jennifer Dennison    L35  25 Unattached                      2:35:00
     676  Geoffrey Finlayson   V40  97 Unattached                      2:35:58
     677  Graham Dawson        V60  16 Horsforth                       2:37:41
     678  Janet Guest          L55   9 Denby Dale                      2:37:59
     679  Sue Igoe             L40  35 Knavesmire                      2:38:32

Ackworth - Men -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Belgrave                           13
                                 2  David Anderson      
                                 5  Hassan Raidi        
                                 6  Paul Freary         
  2  Otley                              59
                                 7  Ian Fisher          
                                25  Julian Mawson       
                                27  Neil Cayton         
  3  Leamington                         61
                                 1  Simon Tonui         
                                14  James Walsh         
                                46  Mike Moor           
  4  Scarborough                        79
                                20  Jonathan Bateman    
                                23  Jonathan Wardley    
                                36  Rickie Wilson       
  5  Bingley                           146
                                11  Mark Croasdale      
                                24  John Convery        
                               111  Gerry Bell          
  6  Ackworth                          163
                                39  Andrew Jackson      
                                61  Charles Lines       
                                63  Martin Sanders      
  7  Wakefield                         164
                                45  Steve Tibbs         
                                51  Adam Cooper         
                                68  Stuart Bannister    
  8  Ripley RC                         203
                                54  Jeremy Bateman      
                                64  Mark Tomlinson      
                                85  Mark Walker         
  9  Holmfirth                         208
                                10  Dave Watson         
                                93  John Philpott       
                               105  Keith Wild          
 10  Rothwell                          211
                                48  David Meeson        
                                80  Ian Clayton         
                                83  Bernard Vickers     
 11  Doncaster & S                     214
                                31  Carl Ryde           
                                60  Mick Page           
                               123  Richard Randle      
 12  Middleton                         246
                                75  Graham Chesters     
                                84  Malcolm Bostock     
                                87  Ian Newcombe        
 13  Longwood                          253
                                56  Mark Lawson         
                                66  Donald Kennedy      
                               131  John Howarth        
 14  Halifax                           268
                                55  Phil Grimes         
                                92  Geoff Cumber        
                               121  Andrew Rose         
 15  Kingston U Hull                   310
                                40  Stephen Rennie      
                                70  Phil McCoy          
                               200  Kevin Kilkenny      
 16  Dewsbury                          328
                               100  Kevin Oates         
                               104  James Morris        
                               124  Julian Lusardi      
 17  Knavesmire                        331
                               102  Kevin Langan        
                               107  Neil Holdsworth     
                               122  Kieron Batt         
 18  Barnsley H                        351
                                98  Craig Alwash        
                               120  Paul Watson         
                               133  Steve Dickinson     
 19  East Hull                         360
                                59  Chris Hodgson       
                                91  Keith Joules        
                               210  Garry Hutchinson    
 20  Rotherham                         394
                                94  Neil Shaw           
                               149  Mathew Agbridge     
                               151  Philip Haigh        
 21  Meltham                           408
                               115  David Taylor        
                               141  John Moorhouse      
                               152  Christopher Oldfield
 22  Leeds City                        436
                                13  Darran Bilton       
                               154  Chris Corcoran      
                               269  Geoffrey Pitter     
 23  Stockport                         445
                                74  Kevin Beattie       
                                79  Steve Almond        
                               292  Philip McCann       
 24  Horsforth                         476
                                50  Michael Senior      
                                97  Steve Large         
                               329  Graham Dawson       
 25  City Of Hull                      478
                               116  Jason Purdon        
                               180  Kevin McManus       
                               182  David Brooke        
 26  Idle                              494
                                96  Chris Stubbs        
                               196  David Lewis         
                               202  Adrian Trevelyan    
 27  Valley Striders                   513
                               167  Paul White          
                               170  Michael Timer       
                               176  Eric Green          
 28  Askern                            574
                               165  Paul Collingwood    
                               166  Tony Vout           
                               243  Graham Terry        
 29  Hull Springhead                   593
                               127  Cliff Gale          
                               227  Alastair McCannn    
                               239  Gavin Cutler        
 30  Road Runners C                    617
                               177  Ray Baines          
                               216  Martin Gladwell     
                               224  Terry Preston       
 31  York Acorn                        621
                               142  Colin Utterson      
                               179  David Elliott       
                               300  Andrew Heppell      
 32  Nidd Valley                       634
                               138  Paul Trower         
                               220  Tony Bell           
                               276  Jim Towers          
 33  Thirsk & Sowerby                  652
                               153  Ernest Huck         
                               212  Graham Banks        
                               287  Peter Scanlon       
 34  Eccleshill                        672
                               190  Jim Coldwell        
                               192  Andy Dyson          
                               290  Terry Maddocks      
 35  St Theresas                       679
                               207  Keven Condick       
                               234  Glenn Robinson      
                               238  Archer Wilson       
 36  Selby                             687
                               195  Tim Barraclough     
                               208  Keith Franks        
                               284  Jim Harran          
 37  Kirkstall                         813
                               217  Peter Hey           
                               277  Neal Shotter        
                               319  Patrick Nesden      

Ackworth - Ladies -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Blackpool & Fylde AC               56
                                14  Carolyn Robbins     
                                19  G HopeEllershaw     
                                23  Karen Watkin        
  2  Wakefield                          69
                                 2  Penny Thackray      
                                11  Sharon Marshall     
                                56  Denise Tibbs        
  3  Benfleet RR                        80
                                17  Jackie Watson       
                                24  Julie Palmer        
                                39  Lucy Thompson       
  4  Dewsbury                          100
                                12  Monique Hollinshead 
                                38  Sara Berry          
                                50  Jeanette Thomas     
  5  Knavesmire                        108
                                27  Fiona Strange       
                                40  Clare Muckart       
                                41  Joanna Simpson      
  6  Ackworth                          118
                                20  Faye Banks          
                                30  Karen Richardson    
                                68  Jane Teasdale       
  7  Kenilworth                        127
                                10  Isobel Partridge    
                                25  Rebecca Kendall     
                                92  Pauline Dable       
  8  Abergele Harriers                 128
                                36  Kristy Stephenson   
                                44  Deborah Clift       
                                48  Judith Jones        
  9  Valley Striders                   131
                                29  Jane Sutton         
                                42  Hayley Palmer       
                                60  Natalie Crossland   
 10  Horsforth                         136
                                 6  Helen Sly           
                                31  Nicola Wilde        
                                99  Karen Hoyle         
 11  Kippax                            140
                                21  Linda Harris        
                                22  Christine McCarthy  
                                97  Ann Bath            
 12  Middleton                         147
                                35  Julie Kennedy       
                                51  Kyrinda Hurst-Moore 
                                61  Christine Brooks    
 13  Rothwell                          174
                                55  Carol Davies        
                                57  Janet Beecroft      
                                62  Lisa Foreman        
 14  Barnsley H                        232
                                67  Joy Crick           
                                82  Julie Brown         
                                83  Melanie Sanders     

Results copyright (c) G.J. Fecitt (SportSoft) 2004