The Village Hotel & Leisure Club Hyde to Stockport 11

at Stockport on Sunday 20th July 2003


     Pos  Name                 Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  Nick Jones                   Tipton Harriers                   58:33
       2  William Musyoki              Kenya                           1:00:10
       3  Tomas Abyu                   Salford Harriers                1:00:20
       4  Bashir Hussain               Stockport Harriers & AC         1:00:34
       5   Duncan Mason                Salford Harriers                1:01:35
       6  James Kovacs                 Salford Harriers                1:03:21
       7  Lee Hurst                    Altrincham & District           1:04:09
       8  David Cameron        V40   1 South West RR                   1:05:46
       9  Danny Vaughan                East Cheshire Harr              1:06:13
      10  Peter Speake                 Bildeston Bounders              1:06:40
      11  Gary Matthews        V40   2 East Cheshire Harr              1:07:05
      12  David Bolton         V40   3 Altrincham & District           1:08:53
      13  M Kuronen            V40   4 East Cheshire Harr              1:09:17
      14  Andrew Lamont                Macclesfield Harrier            1:09:31
      15  Kevin Beattie                Stockport Harriers & AC         1:09:41
      16  Richard Marlton              Stockport Harriers & AC         1:10:03
      17  Vincent Booth                Trafford Athletic Club          1:10:22
      18  Andy Fitzpatrick     V45   1 Manchester Harriers             1:10:44
      19  Jenny Clague         L     1 Liverpool Harriers              1:11:04
      20  Joseph Dooley                East Cheshire Harr              1:11:46
      21  Tim Stock            V40   5 Macclesfield Harrier            1:12:02
      22  Michael Johnson      V50   1 Sale Harriers Manchester        1:12:20
      23  Russ Derbyshire      V45   2 Stockport Harriers & AC         1:12:26
      24  Albert Sunter        V40   6 Horwich R.m.i                   1:12:36
      25  Eddie Sanders        V50   2 Amazing Feet RC                 1:12:48
      26  Steven Doxey         V40   7 Swinton Running Club            1:12:52
      27  Paul Barrett                 Oldham & Royton                 1:13:26
      28  Gary Adams           V40   8 Unattached                      1:13:33
      29  David Burke          V50   3 Manchester Ymca                 1:13:43
      30  Carl Whitworth               East Cheshire Harr              1:13:44
      31  Gareth Blizzard              Spectrum Striders               1:13:47
      32  David Law                    East Cheshire Harr              1:14:14
      33  Keith Parker         V45   3 East Cheshire Harr              1:14:15
      34  Tracey Curl          L40   1 Norwich Road Runners            1:14:27
      35  Chris Paul           V45   4 Salford Harriers                1:14:28
      36  Goy Roper            V40   9 Norwich Road Runners            1:14:37
      37  Mike Higginbottom            Salford Harriers                1:14:40
      38  Eddie Gilligan               Manchester Ymca                 1:14:42
      39  John Amos            V45   5 Amazing Feet RC                 1:14:46
      40  Nigel Sedman                 Unattached                      1:14:57
      41  Paul Sinnott         V45   6 Northern Vets                   1:15:11
      42  Paul Rushworth               Bbc Running Club                1:15:19
      43  Tony Flanagan                Unattached                      1:15:31
      44  Andrew Duffy         V40  10 Burnden Rd Runners              1:15:38
      45  Barry Greaves        V45   7 Royton Road Runners             1:15:40
      46  James Blackwell              Unattached                      1:15:45
      47  Mike Nixon           V40  11 Stockport Harriers & AC         1:16:00
      48  Ian Smallwood        V40  12 Wilmslow                        1:16:10
      49  Andy Rees                    Penny Lane Striders             1:16:31
      50  Steve Chisnall       V40  13 Gt Manchester Police AC         1:16:48
      51  Paul Toole                   Stockport Harriers & AC         1:16:53
      52   Kerrie Wood         L35   1 Stockport Harriers & AC         1:17:14
      53  Christopher Moran            Worsley Harriers                1:17:43
      54  Dominic Naylor       V45   8 Glossopdale Harriers            1:17:45
      55  George Walker        V50   4 Stockport Harriers & AC         1:17:53
      56  Alison Sedman        L35   2 Unattached                      1:17:58
      57  Paul Grimsdale       V45   9 Oxford City                     1:18:00
      58  John McNally         V45  10 Kenilworth Runners              1:18:03
      59  Peter Ferlie         V40  14 Ironbridge Runner               1:18:14
      60   Andrew Mason                Spingfield Striders             1:18:16
      61  John Halliwell       V40  15 Manchester Harriers             1:18:24
      62  Daniel Dauer                 Swinton Running Club            1:18:26
      63  Ian Stainthorpe      V40  16 Rochdale Harriers               1:18:31
      64  Paul Capey                   Manchester Ymca                 1:18:32
      65  David Smith          V55   1 Stockport Harriers & AC         1:18:33
      66  Jackie Newton        L35   3 Stockport Harriers & AC         1:18:34
      67  Dean Loxam           V40  17 Stockport Harriers & AC         1:18:35
      68  Gary Coxon           V45  11 East Cheshire Harr              1:18:48
      69  Nigel Lee            V45  12 Newcastle AC                    1:18:52
      70  Barry Little         V55   2 East Cheshire Harr              1:18:56
      71  Steve Temple         V40  18 Unattached                      1:19:06
      72  Ian Harvey                   Swinton Running Club            1:19:19
      73  Martin Pollitt       V40  19 Burnden Rd Runners              1:19:20
      74  Paul Christie        V45  13 Burnden Rd Runners              1:19:37
      75  Mike Cutler          V45  14 South Cheshire Harriers         1:19:39
      76  George Scott         V50   5 Pennine Fell Runners            1:19:43
      77  John Ward            V50   6 Bournville Harriers             1:19:57
      78  Bernard Riley        V50   7 Spectrum Striders               1:20:10
      79  Mark Adams           V40  20 Unattached                      1:20:24
      80  Tony Holt            V40  21 Radcliffe AC                    1:20:31
      81  Dermot Paterson      V40  22 Unattached                      1:20:32
      82  John Gueran          V45  15 Royal Navy AC                   1:20:35
      83  Andrew Fletcher              Unattached                      1:20:47
      84  Bryan Lawton                 Oldham & Royton                 1:20:48
      85  David Maddock        V40  23 Unattached                      1:20:49
      86  Steven Blezard               Unattached                      1:20:51
      87  Alan Peers           V60   1 Spectrum Striders               1:20:53
      88  Ulf Lundstrom                Eurochips                       1:20:59
      89  David Durnin         V40  24 Spectrum Striders               1:21:00
      90  Peter Gillham        V55   3 Chorley Harriers                1:21:06
      91  Keith Usher                  Saddleworth Runners             1:21:09
      92  David Gaskell                Unattached                      1:21:19
      93  George Shufflebottom V55   4 Worsley Harriers                1:21:25
      94  Jeroen Peters        V40  25 Glossopdale Harriers            1:21:31
      95  Darren Shaw          JM    1 East Cheshire Harr              1:21:35
      96  Kevin Day                    Goyt Valley Striders            1:21:39
      97  Mark Preston         V40  26 Stainland Lions                 1:21:56
      98  Derek Hughes         V40  27 East Cheshire Harr              1:21:58
      99  Jon Paramor          V50   8 Manchester Ymca                 1:21:59
     100  Colin Sinnott        V50   9 North Derbys RC                 1:22:03
     101  Lesley Fisher        L40   2 Burnden Rd Runners              1:22:07
     102  Adrian Massey        V40  28 Unattached                      1:22:09
     103  John Taylor                  Rolls Royce Harriers            1:22:26
     104  Charlie Manclarke    V50  10 Warbys Wackos                   1:22:28
     105  Catherine Hurst      L40   3 Trafford Athletic Club          1:22:30
     106  Jeff Prestridge      V40  29 Serpentine RC                   1:22:43
     107  Stephen Symons               Manchester Ymca                 1:22:50
     108  Paul Sefton                  Salford Harriers                1:22:56
     109  David Hickling       V50  11 Saddleworth Runners             1:23:00
     110  John Doyle                   Unattached                      1:23:03
     111  Stuart Crabtree              Unattached                      1:23:04
     112  John Moorhouse       V45  16 Meltham AC                      1:23:05
     113  Michael Taylor       V40  30 Castrol Uk                      1:23:06
     114  Ian Boyle                    Castrol Uk                      1:23:07
     115  Stephen Cragg        V50  12 Manchester Harriers             1:23:09
     116  Stephen Roberts              East Cheshire Harr              1:23:14
     117  Paul McNamara                Salford Harriers                1:23:20
     118  Paul Pover           V50  13 Northern Vets                   1:23:36
     119  Ray Hampton          V55   5 Stockport Harriers & AC         1:23:41
     120  Andrew Metcalfe      V50  14 Unattached                      1:23:55
     121  Mark Crossland               Saddleworth Runners             1:23:58
     122  Geoff Spencer                Unattached                      1:24:12
     123  Billy Hargreaves     V55   6 Liverpool Harriers              1:24:15
     124  Nigel Rigg           V40  31 Halifax Harriers                1:24:32
     125  John Hosie                   Runners World                   1:24:36
     126  Paul Sawyer                  Indigo Tri                      1:24:37
     127  Shiela Waite         L35   4 Saddleworth Runners             1:24:39
     128  Dave Hitchen         V55   7 Burnden Rd Runners              1:24:56
     129  Richard Clarke       V40  32 Manchester Ymca                 1:25:07
     130  Simon Bamford        V40  33 Unattached                      1:25:11
     131  Michaela Bromley     L     9 East Cheshire Harr              1:25:16
     132  David Gregory        V55   8 Manchester Harriers             1:25:22
     133  Terence Coles        V60   2 Spectrum Striders               1:25:38
     134  Graham Barnes        V45  17 Unattached                      1:25:44
     135  Steve Hamer          V45  18 Radcliffe AC                    1:25:47
     136  Stuart Fearns        V40  34 Unattached                      1:25:51
     137  Paul Kenny           V40  35 East Cheshire Harr              1:25:54
     138  Eric Normansell      V60   3 Stockport Harriers & AC         1:25:55
     139  Graham Tracey                Unattached                      1:26:03
     140  Gary Baxter          V40  36 Bolton Utd & AC                 1:26:04
     141  Steve Smith          V40  37 Wilmslow                        1:26:11
     142  John McDonald        V60   4 Chorley Harriers                1:26:19
     143  Garry Thompson               Unattached                      1:26:21
     144  Lawrence Moran       V45  19 Stockport Harriers & AC         1:26:25
     145  Roger Ashby          V60   5 Sale Harriers Manchester        1:26:34
     146  Cheryl Pope          L40   4 Chorley Harriers                1:26:36
     147  Michael Strahand     V40  38 Stockport Harriers & AC         1:26:54
     148  Patrick Henley       V55   9 Liverpool Harriers              1:27:00
     149  John Gordon                  Staffs Moorlands AC             1:27:04
     150  Peter Simpson        V55  10 Liverpool Harriers              1:27:12
     151  Marc Poulard                 Meridian Tri                    1:27:14
     152  Leroy Bennett                Trafford Athletic Club          1:27:24
     153  Michael Brown                Stockport Harriers & AC         1:27:30
     154  Dennis Middleton     V50  15 Unattached                      1:27:31
     155   Ray Ski             V45  20 Manchester Harriers             1:27:36
     156  Paul Houghton        V45  21 East Cheshire Harr              1:27:38
     157  Gordon Shields       V50  16 Unattached                      1:27:42
     158  Colin Dooling                Kenilworth Runners              1:27:50
     159  Samantha Thomas      L    11 Stockport Harriers & AC         1:27:55
     160  Joanne Summers       L    12 Runners World                   1:27:56
     161  Andy Farley          V40  39 East Cheshire Harr              1:28:10
     162  Mike Houghton                Spectrum Striders               1:28:32
     163  Dave Wallis                  Unattached                      1:28:33
     164  Malcolm Cox          V45  22 Sunderland Strollers            1:28:35
     165  Anthony Cutler       V40  40 Wilmslow                        1:28:42
     166  Russ Freer           V40  41 Unattached                      1:28:51
     167  John Golder          V55  11 Sale Harriers Manchester        1:28:58
     168  Mike Carr            V50  17 Road Runners Club               1:29:02
     169  Gerry Dewhurst       L    13 Radcliffe AC                    1:29:17
     170  Chris Bryans         V65   1 Stockport Harriers & AC         1:29:28
     171  Mike Cunningham      V55  12 Manchester Harriers & AC        1:29:29
     172  Joanne Summers       L    14 Runners World                   1:29:32
     173  Stephen Ruffley      V40  42 Leigh Harriers                  1:29:42
     174  Stephanie Goodchild  L35   5 Manchester Ymca                 1:29:48
     175  Paul Beaver          V50  18 Stockport Harriers & AC         1:29:50
     176  Mike O'Brien         V45  23 Manchester Ymca                 1:29:56
     177  Kyrinda Hurst-Moore  L35   6 Middleton Harriers              1:30:12
     178  Trevor Grundy        V60   6 Royton Road Runners             1:30:16
     179  Jeff Cordwell        V50  19 Royton Road Runners             1:30:16
     180  Steven Shaw          V45  24 Unattached                      1:30:16
     181  Steve Peel                   Saddleworth Runners             1:30:33
     182  Peter Beal                   Runners World                   1:30:44
     183  Allan Jones          V55  13 Lostock A. C.                   1:30:51
     184  Craig Torrance               Stockport Harriers & AC         1:30:59
     185  Ron Dear             V55  14 Spectrum Striders               1:31:05
     186  Don Bremner          V50  20 Stockport Harriers & AC         1:31:11
     187  Mark Davies          V40  43 Unattached                      1:31:13
     188  Chris Dehan          V60   7 East Cheshire Harr              1:31:14
     189  Terry Robson         V60   8 Stockport Harriers & AC         1:31:32
     190  Angela Leonard       L40   5 Manchester Ymca                 1:31:33
     191  Robert Rowe          V40  44 Unattached                      1:31:37
     192  Alan Dilkes          V55  15 Stockport Harriers & AC         1:31:43
     193  Anthony Brady        V55  16 Manchester Harriers             1:31:45
     194  Lisa Shaw            L    18 Stockport Harriers & AC         1:31:47
     195  Stephen Jones        V40  45 Team              1:32:17
     196  Robert Blair         V45  25 Sunderland Strollers            1:32:22
     197  Carl Buckley         V55  17 Glossopdale Harriers            1:32:30
     198  David Wild                   Unattached                      1:32:35
     199  Stephen Ingham       V45  26 Manchester Ymca                 1:32:41
     200  Karen Law            L35   7 East Cheshire Harr              1:32:46
     201  Christine Brooks     L45   1 Middleton Harriers              1:32:51
     202  Gareth Evans         V40  46 Unattached                      1:32:53
     203  Eamon Mooney         V45  27 Rochdale Harriers               1:33:05
     204  David Mastin         V40  47 Belle Vue Racers                1:33:06
     205  Higsondeb            L40   6 Eyemouth                        1:33:14
     206  Ian Woodhall                 Unattached                      1:33:16
     207  Nev McGraw           V55  18 Glossopdale Harriers            1:33:21
     208  Andy Roberts                 Unattached                      1:33:29
     209  Geoff Wilson         V50  21 Spectrum Striders               1:33:52
     210  Carl Harrington              Unattached                      1:34:04
     211  Gary Adams           V40  48 Unattached                      1:34:11
     212  John Wolstencroft    V45  28 Gt Manchester Police AC         1:34:12
     213  Heather Harrison     L35   8 Amazing Feet RC                 1:34:28
     214  Gordon Sims          V55  19 Amazing Feet RC                 1:34:30
     215  Robert Edwards       V50  22 Amazing Feet RC                 1:34:37
     216  Beryl Buckley        L50   1 Glossopdale Harriers            1:34:43
     217  David Furey                  Unattached                      1:34:52
     218  Irene Bradwell       L55   1 East Cheshire Harr              1:35:00
     219  Kenneth Dean         V55  20 East Cheshire Harr              1:35:01
     220  Antony Koziol        V40  49 Unattached                      1:35:19
     221  Robert Atkin                 Unattached                      1:35:30
     222  Nick Merston                 Unattached                      1:35:31
     223  Bernard Farrell      V50  23 Manchester Harriers             1:35:39
     224  David Forster        V40  50 N Staffs RRA                    1:35:41
     225  Wilson McKnight      V45  29 Sunderland Strollers            1:35:46
     226  Janet Redpath        L50   2 Spectrum Striders               1:35:54
     227  Kenneth Workman      V60   9 Lostock A. C.                   1:35:57
     228  Chris Renshaw        V50  24 Unattached                      1:35:58
     229  John Stephenson      V45  30 Glossopdale Harriers            1:35:59
     230  Robert Miller        V50  25 Stockport Harriers & AC         1:36:02
     231  David Redpath        V50  26 Spectrum Striders               1:36:37
     232  Linda Owen           L45   2 Spectrum Striders               1:36:47
     233  Dominic Sexton               Unattached                      1:36:57
     234  William Booth                Unattached                      1:37:05
     235  Peter Watson         V60  10 Wilmslow                        1:37:07
     236  Teresa Hollins       L45   3 Middleton Harriers              1:37:09
     237  Julie Powell         L35   9 Stockport Harriers & AC         1:37:14
     238  Jim Lanham           V55  21 Manchester Harriers             1:37:22
     239  Ron Hill             V60  11 Clayton-Le-Moors                1:37:32
     240  Susan Ward           L45   4 Stourbridge RC                  1:37:32
     241  Jerzy Matuszewski    V50  27 Stockport Harriers & AC         1:37:59
     242  Don Maclean          V45  31 Unattached                      1:38:10
     243  Neil Holmes                  East Cheshire Harr              1:38:21
     244  Michael Durcan       V55  22 Stockport Harriers & AC         1:38:25
     245  Michael Skinkis      V45  32 Unattached                      1:38:31
     246  Andrew Bathe         V40  51 Unattached                      1:39:11
     247  Alison Holmes        L45   5 Middleton Harriers              1:39:57
     248  Ned Spencer          V50  28 Wilmslow                        1:40:29
     249  Brian Walton         V65   2 East Cheshire Harr              1:40:56
     250  Roger Galt                   Unattached                      1:41:14
     251  Kate Sutton          L40   7 Wilmslow                        1:41:55
     252  David Ogden          V50  29 Unattached                      1:42:11
     253  Trevor Freeman       V55  23 Stockport Harriers & AC         1:42:12
     254  Pauline Malley       L40   8 Kinross Road Runners            1:42:13
     255  Jo Sullivan          L35  10 Spectrum Striders               1:42:50
     256  Heather Mitchell     L50   3 West York's Police              1:42:52
     257  Phil McCann                  Stockport Harriers & AC         1:43:27
     258  Tony Jones           V40  52 Unattached                      1:44:06
     259  Jane McNally         L40   9 Kenilworth Runners              1:44:43
     260  Pauline Dable        L55   2 Kenilworth Runners              1:45:12
     261  John Austin          V55  24 Cornwall                        1:45:19
     262  Mike Anthony         V50  30 Unattached                      1:45:45
     263  Paul Wilkinson               Unattached                      1:47:19
     264  Kevin Ball           V50  31 Lostock A. C.                   1:47:49
     265  Samantha Hatton      L    37 Amazing Feet RC                 1:47:51
     266  Phil Armitt          V50  32 Unattached                      1:48:40
     267  Kenneth Cooper               Manchester Ramblers             1:49:07
     268  John Howard          V50  33 East Cheshire Harr              1:49:47
     269  James Herron         V50  34 Stockport Harriers & AC         1:50:00
     270  Beryl Normansell     L60   1 Stockport Harriers & AC         1:50:18
     271  Alistair Denton              Unattached                      1:51:48
     272  Christopher Hardman  V45  33 East Cheshire Harr              1:52:28
     273  Kitty Garnett        L65   1 Clayton-Le-Moors                1:53:55
     274  Brent Armistead      V50  35 Oldham & Royton                 1:55:28
     275  Margaret Cartledge   L50   4 Middleton Harriers              1:56:28
     276  Peter Powell         V55  25 Stockport Harriers & AC         1:58:17
     277  Geoffrey Settle      V45  34 Settle Harriers                 1:58:33
     278  Rita Long            L35  11 Stockport Harriers & AC         1:58:52
     279  Natalie Slack        L    42 Stockport Harriers & AC         1:58:52
     280  Patrick Brooks       V70   1 Northern Vets                   2:00:01
     281  Michele Sunter       L40  10 Unattached                      2:01:20
     282  Claire Broadbent     L    44 Unattached                      2:03:23
     283  Emma Summerscales    L    45 Unattached                      2:03:25
     284  Neil Atherton        V40  53 Manchester Ymca                 2:04:26
     285  Justine Barlow       L35  12 Unattached                      2:08:44
     286  Philip Moore         V45  35 Middleton Harriers              2:11:54
     287  Debbie Moore         L45   6 Middleton Harriers              2:12:20
     288  Thomas Howarth       V50  36 Unattached                      3:10:56

Tour - Men -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Salford Harriers                 3:05:16
                                 3  Tomas Abyu          
                                 5  Duncan Mason        
                                 6  James Kovacs        
  2  Stockport Harriers & AC          3:20:18
                                 4  Bashir Hussain      
                                15  Kevin Beattie       
                                16  Richard Marlton     
  3  East Cheshire Harr               3:22:35
                                 9  Danny Vaughan       
                                11  Gary Matthews       
                                13  M Kuronen           
  4  East Cheshire Harr         'B'   3:38:21
                                19  Joseph Dooley       
                                28  Carl Whitworth      
                                30  David Law           
  5  Stockport Harriers & AC    'B'   3:43:11
                                22  Russ Derbyshire     
                                41  Mike Nixon          
                                45  Paul Toole          
  6  Manchester Ymca                  3:45:52
                                27  David Burke         
                                35  Eddie Gilligan      
                                56  Paul Capey          
  7  Swinton Running Club             3:48:59
                                25  Steven Doxey        
                                54  Daniel Dauer        
                                62  Ian Harvey          
  8  Salford Harriers           'B'   3:49:41
                                32  Chris Paul          
                                34  Mike Higginbottom   
                                89  Paul Sefton         
  9  Manchester Harriers              3:49:58
                                18  Andy Fitzpatrick    
                                53  John Halliwell      
                                94  Stephen Cragg       
 10  East Cheshire Harr         'C'   3:50:25
                                31  Keith Parker        
                                59  Gary Coxon          
                                61  Barry Little        
 11  Burnden Rd Runners               3:51:49
                                39  Andrew Duffy        
                                63  Martin Pollitt      
                                64  Paul Christie       
 12  Spectrum Striders                3:51:50
                                29  Gareth Blizzard     
                                68  Bernard Riley       
                                72  Alan Peers          
 13  Stockport Harriers & AC    'C'   3:52:13
                                48  George Walker       
                                57  David Smith         
                                58  Dean Loxam          
 14  Amazing Feet RC                  3:55:03
                                24  Eddie Sanders       
                                36  John Amos           
                               158  Gordon Sims         
 15  Sale Harriers Manchester         4:00:22
                                21  Michael Johnson     
                               115  Roger Ashby         
                               130  John Golder         
 16  East Cheshire Harr         'D'   4:02:34
                                79  Darren Shaw         
                                82  Derek Hughes        
                                95  Stephen Roberts     
 17  Saddleworth Runners              4:02:48
                                76  Keith Usher         
                                90  David Hickling      
                                99  Mark Crossland      
 18  Oldham & Royton                  4:02:57
                                26  Paul Barrett        
                                71  Bryan Lawton        
                               184  Brent Armistead     
 19  Glossopdale Harriers             4:03:24
                                47  Dominic Naylor      
                                78  Jeroen Peters       
                               151  Carl Buckley        
 20  Wilmslow                         4:03:31
                                42  Ian Smallwood       
                               112  Steve Smith         
                               129  Anthony Cutler      
 21  Manchester Ymca            'B'   4:04:16
                                83  Jon Paramor         
                                88  Stephen Symons      
                               105  Richard Clarke      
 22  Royton Road Runners              4:06:46
                                40  Barry Greaves       
                               137  Trevor Grundy       
                               138  Jeff Cordwell       
 23  Spectrum Striders          'B'   4:07:06
                                74  David Durnin        
                               107  Terence Coles       
                               127  Mike Houghton       
 24  Northern Vets                    4:07:49
                                37  Paul Sinnott        
                                97  Paul Pover          
                               187  Patrick Brooks      
 25  Stockport Harriers & AC    'D'   4:08:08
                                98  Ray Hampton         
                               110  Eric Normansell     
                               114  Lawrence Moran      
 26  Liverpool Harriers               4:09:04
                               100  Billy Hargreaves    
                               117  Patrick Henley      
                               119  Peter Simpson       
 27  East Cheshire Harr         'E'   4:12:09
                               109  Paul Kenny          
                               124  Paul Houghton       
                               126  Andy Farley         
 28  Stockport Harriers & AC    'E'   4:12:48
                               116  Michael Strahand    
                               122  Michael Brown       
                               132  Chris Bryans        
 29  Manchester Harriers        'B'   4:13:58
                               106  David Gregory       
                               123  Ray Ski             
                               148  Anthony Brady       
 30  Stockport Harriers & AC    'F'   4:18:31
                               135  Paul Beaver         
                               142  Craig Torrance      
                               144  Don Bremner         
 31  Sunderland Strollers             4:20:41
                               128  Malcolm Cox         
                               150  Robert Blair        
                               163  Wilson McKnight     
 32  Stockport Harriers & AC    'G'   4:22:21
                               146  Terry Robson        
                               147  Alan Dilkes         
                               166  Robert Miller       
 33  Spectrum Striders          'C'   4:22:57
                               143  Ron Dear            
                               156  Geoff Wilson        
                               167  David Redpath       
 34  East Cheshire Harr         'F'   4:24:02
                               145  Chris Dehan         
                               160  Kenneth Dean        
                               172  Neil Holmes         
 35  Manchester Ymca            'C'   4:24:29
                               136  Mike O'Brien        
                               152  Stephen Ingham      
                               188  Neil Atherton       
 36  Lostock A. C.                    4:25:02
                               141  Allan Jones         
                               164  Kenneth Workman     
                               179  Kevin Ball          
 37  Stockport Harriers & AC    'H'   4:29:07
                               171  Jerzy Matuszewski   
                               173  Michael Durcan      
                               176  Trevor Freeman      
 38  East Cheshire Harr         'G'   4:31:14
                               175  Brian Walton        
                               181  John Howard         
                               183  Christopher Hardman 
 39  Stockport Harriers & AC    'I'   4:32:01
                               177  Phil McCann         
                               182  James Herron        
                               185  Peter Powell        

Tour - Ladies -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Stockport Harriers & AC          3:07:34
                                 3  Kerrie Wood         
                                 4  Jackie Newton       
                                10  Samantha Thomas     
  2  East Cheshire Harr               3:28:56
                                 8  Michaela Bromley    
                                18  Karen Law           
                                23  Irene Bradwell      
  3  Middleton Harriers               3:33:37
                                15  Kyrinda Hurst-Moore 
                                19  Christine Brooks    
                                26  Teresa Hollins      
  4  Stockport Harriers & AC    'B'   3:38:28
                                17  Lisa Shaw           
                                27  Julie Powell        
                                37  Beryl Normansell    
  5  Spectrum Striders                3:39:38
                                24  Janet Redpath       
                                25  Linda Owen          
                                32  Jo Sullivan         
  6  Middleton Harriers         'B'   3:43:48
                                29  Alison Holmes       
                                39  Margaret Cartledge  
                                42  Debbie Moore        

Results copyright (c) G.J. Fecitt (SportSoft) 2003