Chester-le-Street & District AC Road Races

at Chester-le-Street on Sunday 30th March 2003


     Pos  Name                     Club         Time  

       1  Jonny Young              Morpeth H & AC                    10:01
       2  Simon Watson             Gateshead H & AC                  10:10
       3  Ross Floyd               Morpeth H & AC                    10:18
       4  Jack Martin              Sunderland H & AC                 10:31
       5  Jonathan Pearson         Elswick Harriers                  10:35
       6  William Pike             Gateshead H & AC                  10:38
       7  Alex Muir                Blaydon H & AC                    10:50
       8  Mark Brown               Gateshead H & AC                  10:51
       9  Stephen Brewis           Houghton & Peterlee AC            11:00
      10  Marc Docherty            Birtley AC                        11:04
      11  Brian Knighton           Gateshead H & AC                  11:05
      12  Glen Docherty            Birtley AC                        11:06
      13  Stuart Haswell           Houghton & Peterlee AC            11:26
      14  Nathan Reed              Gateshead H & AC                  11:32
      15  Anthony Spoor            Sunderland H & AC                 11:37
      16  James Stacey             Gateshead H & AC                  11:40
      17  Alan Wear                Birtley AC                        11:41
      18  Gary Heppell             Houghton & Peterlee AC            11:49
      19  Mark Douglas             Gateshead H & AC                  11:58
      20  Dan Garbutt              Durham City H & AC                12:15
      21  Jalal Thompson           Shildon R & AC                    12:51
      22  Adam Greenwood           Birtley AC                        13:11
      23  Stephen Humphrey         Houghton & Peterlee AC            13:28
      24  Jonathon Simkins         Durham City H & AC                13:55


  1  Gateshead H & AC                   16
                                 2  Simon Watson       6  William Pike    
                                 8  Mark Brown      
  2  Birtley AC                         39
                                10  Marc Docherty     12  Glen Docherty   
                                17  Alan Wear       
  3  Houghton & Peterlee AC             40
                                 9  Stephen Brewis    13  Stuart Haswell  
                                18  Gary Heppell    

U17/20/Senior/Veteran Women -- PROVISIONAL RESULTS ($=non-counter)

     Pos  Name             Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  Alyson Dixon             Sunderland Uiv                    19:03
       2  Angie Watson             Chester-Le-Street & Dist AC       19:13
       3  Samantha Crowe   U17   1 Elswick Harriers                  19:26
       4  Caroline Bowman  L35   1 Chester-Le-Street & Dist AC       19:53
       5  Vanessa Raw              Chester-Le-Street & Dist AC       20:33
       6 $Kelly Bentley    L35   2 Birtley AC                        20:43
       7  Sally Youden             Gateshead H & AC                  21:04
       8  Sophie Milburn           Chester-Le-Street & Dist AC       21:09
       9  Jane Hetherington        Unattached                        21:23
      10  Rebecca Forster  U17   2 Jarrow & Hebburn AC               21:37
      11  Sharon Parr      L35   3 Chester-Le-Street & Dist AC       21:46
      12 $Rachel Simpson   U20   1 Birtley AC                        21:54
      13  Gillian Barry    U17   3 Houghton & Peterlee AC            21:55
      14  Amy Barter       U17   4 Birtley AC                        23:08
      15  Lisa Tweddle     U17   5 Houghton & Peterlee AC            23:56
      16  Helen Strafford  U17   6 Chester-Le-Street & Dist AC       24:02
      17  Helen Blevins    U17   7 Chester-Le-Street & Dist AC       25:36
      18  Pauline Ridley   L35   4 Birtley AC                        27:18
      19  Janis Frazer     L35   5 Birtley AC                        29:40
      20  Christine Scott  L35   6 Birtley AC                        29:40
      21  Lesley Inwood    L35   7 Birtley AC                        29:46
      22  Sharon Dixon     L35   8 Birtley AC                        29:53
      23  Angela Vitty     L35   9 Birtley AC                        30:35


NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Chester-Le-Street & Dist AC        11
                                 2  Angie Watson       4  Caroline Bowman 
                                 5  Vanessa Raw     
  2  Birtley AC                         42
                                11  Amy Barter        15  Pauline Ridley  
                                16  Janis Frazer    


     Pos  Name                     Club         Time  

       1  Mark Hood                Sunderland H & AC                 31:09
       2  Stewie Bell              Chester-Le-Street & Dist AC       31:20
       3  David Swinburne          Morpeth H & AC                    31:36
       4  Ian Crampton     V40   1 Durham City H & AC                32:32
       5  Gerrard Sharp            Morpeth H & AC                    32:36
       6  Paul Johnson     V40   2 Morpeth H & AC                    32:41
       7  Alan Lilliendale         Sunderland H & AC                 32:49
       8  James Armitage           Durham City H & AC                33:03
       9  Les Atkinson     V40   3 Morpeth H & AC                    33:11
      10  John Moore               Heaton Harriers                   33:15
      11  Norman Younger           Sunderland H & AC                 33:26
      12  Mark Slesser             Jarrow & Hebburn AC               33:36
      13  Mark Donkin              Sunderland H & AC                 33:39
      14  Darren Purvis            Birtley AC                        34:17
      15  John O'Reilly            Gateshead H & AC                  34:23
      16  Stevie Clark     V40   4 North Shields Poly AC             34:24
      17  Anthony Mellor   V40   5 North Shields Poly AC             34:31
      18  Gareth Thraves           Chester-Le-Street & Dist AC       34:36
      19  Mark McLeod              Elswick Harriers                  34:51
      20  Graham Hunt      V40   6 Durham City H & AC                34:59
      21  Peter Morgan     V40   7 South Shields H & AC              35:07
      22  John McDermott   V40   8 Houghton & Peterlee AC            35:26
      23  Archie Jenkins   V40   9 Morpeth H & AC                    35:30
      24  Harry Matthews   V40  10 Elswick Harriers                  35:41
      25  Tim Hardman      V40  11 Elvet Striders                    35:44
      26  Stevie Winter    V40  12 Chester-Le-Street & Dist AC       35:52
      27  Geoff Robinson   V40  13 Chester-Le-Street & Dist AC       36:08
      28  Dave Nicholson   V40  14 Elswick Harriers                  36:22
      29  Simon Wells              Chester-Le-Street & Dist AC       37:05
      30  Graham Slesser           Jarrow & Hebburn AC               37:35
      31  David Armstrong          Elswick Harriers                  37:39
      32  Peter Walton             Unattached                        37:46
      33  Steve White      V40  15 Elswick Harriers                  38:06
      34  Paul Eilles              Derwentside AC                    38:46
      35  Dave Newman      V40  16 Fire Brigade                      38:50
      36  Kevin Allen              Crook & District AC               38:53
      37  David Hughes     V40  17 North Shields Poly AC             38:57
      38  Marc Lown                Birtley AC                        39:04
      39  Brian Cook       V40  18 Chester-Le-Street & Dist AC       39:09
      40  Gary Campbell            Heaton Harriers                   39:15
      41  Michael Harrison         South Shields H & AC              39:22
      42  Niel Smith               Derwentside AC                    39:33
      43  M Joyce          V40  19 Jarrow & Hebburn AC               39:51
      44  Michael Blacker          Unattached                        40:00
      45  Malc Thirlaway   V40  20 South Shields H & AC              40:05
      46  Graham Daglish   V40  21 Elvet Striders                    40:13
      47  Andrew Billett           Durham City H & AC                40:15
      48  Brian Hume       V40  22 Low Fell RC                       40:17
      49  Garath Huxley            Gateshead H & AC                  40:25
      50  Brian Lamb       V40  23 Chester-Le-Street & Dist AC       40:38
      51  Mark Chrostowski         Derwentside AC                    40:46
      52  Andy Walton      V40  24 Unattached                        40:53
      53  G Conlon                 Unattached                        40:56
      54  David Perditer           Unattached                        40:57
      55  Peter Watton     V40  25 North East Veterans AC            40:58
      56  Barry Murray     V40  26 Unattached                        41:03
      57  Norman Robson    V40  27 Houghton & Peterlee AC            41:12
      58  Colin Philipson          Unattached                        41:15
      59  Ben Groves               Morpeth H & AC                    41:30
      60  Ted Batty                Heaton Harriers                   41:34
      61  Richard Urron            South Shields H & AC              41:35
      62  Brian Usher      V40  28 Chester-Le-Street & Dist AC       41:37
      63  John Burnside    V40  29 Newton Aycliffe AC                41:38
      64  Ken Pyle         V40  30 Chester-Le-Street & Dist AC       41:40
      65  Bernie Cordes    V40  31 Morpeth H & AC                    41:40
      66  Mich Dickinson   V40  32 Low Fell RC                       41:43
      67  Geoff Urron      V40  33 South Shields H & AC              42:08
      68  David Gillet     V40  34 Chester-Le-Street & Dist AC       42:14
      69  Steve Walker     V40  35 Durham City H & AC                42:19
      70  Dave Ballantyne          Birtley AC                        42:59
      71  Allen Mullis     V40  36 Heaton Harriers                   43:07
      72  Geoff Hume       V40  37 Low Fell RC                       43:43
      73  Martin Anderson          Unattached                        44:28
      74  Jeff Wilson              Heaton Harriers                   44:44
      75  Chris Urron              South Shields H & AC              45:40
      76  David Mackenzie  V40  38 Newton Aycliffe AC                46:19
      77  Eric Appleby     V40  39 Heaton Harriers                   47:40
      78  Steve Luke               Durham City H & AC                47:46
      79  Colin Brothers           Derwentside AC                    47:46
      80  Tom Brown        V40  40 Gateshead H & AC                  47:47
      81  Dennis Lawther   V40  41 Saltwell Harriers                 48:06
      82  Ray Dodd         V40  42 Newton Aycliffe AC                48:48
      83  Tom Millmore     V40  43 Birtley AC                        48:59
      84  David Whitmore   V40  44 South Shields H & AC              49:31
      85  Alan Purvis      V40  45 Elvet Striders                    51:49
      86  George Routledge         Heaton Harriers                   55:38
      87  David Tait       V40  46 Saltwell Harriers                 57:40
      88  Harry Craven     V40  47 Heaton Harriers                   59:31


    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Morpeth H & AC                     14
                                 3  David Swinburne    5  Gerrard Sharp   
                                 6  Paul Johnson    
  2  Sunderland H & AC                  19
                                 1  Mark Hood          7  Alan Lilliendale
                                11  Norman Younger  
  3  Durham City H & AC                 32
                                 4  Ian Crampton       8  James Armitage  
                                20  Graham Hunt     
  4  Chester-Le-Street & Dist AC        46
                                 2  Stewie Bell       18  Gareth Thraves  
                                26  Stevie Winter   
  5  North Shields Poly AC              69
                                16  Stevie Clark      17  Anthony Mellor  
                                36  David Hughes    
  6  Elswick Harriers                   71
                                19  Mark McLeod       24  Harry Matthews  
                                28  Dave Nicholson  
  7  Jarrow & Hebburn AC                84
                                12  Mark Slesser      30  Graham Slesser  
                                42  M Joyce         
  8  Heaton Harriers                   102
                                10  John Moore        39  Gary Campbell   
                                53  Ted Batty       
  9  South Shields H & AC              104
                                21  Peter Morgan      40  Michael Harrison
                                43  Malc Thirlaway  
 10  Birtley AC                        114
                                14  Darren Purvis     37  Marc Lown       
                                63  Dave Ballantyne 
 11  Derwentside AC                    123
                                33  Paul Eilles       41  Niel Smith      
                                49  Mark Chrostowski
 12  Gateshead H & AC                  134
                                15  John O'Reilly     47  Garath Huxley   
                                72  Tom Brown       
 13  Elvet Striders                    146
                                25  Tim Hardman       44  Graham Daglish  
                                77  Alan Purvis     
 14  Low Fell RC                       170
                                46  Brian Hume        59  Mich Dickinson  
                                65  Geoff Hume      
 15  Newton Aycliffe AC                198
                                56  John Burnside     68  David Mackenzie 
                                74  Ray Dodd        

Results copyright (c) G.J. Fecitt (SportSoft) 2003