Southport Autumn 5

at Southport on Sunday 30th September 2001

Autumn 5 - Men -- FINAL RESULTS

     Pos  Name                 Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  Neil Tattersall              Hyndburn AC                       25:31
       2  Nathan Vengdasalem           Liverpool Pembroke Sefton         25:33
       3  Bernie Murphy                Liverpool Pembroke Sefton         25:47
       4  Brian Curry                  Liverpool Pembroke Sefton         26:29
       5  John Wycherley       V40   1 Helsby                            26:44
       6  Nigel Clementson     V40   2 Horwich Rmi Harriers              26:51
       7  Lee Cadwallader              Liverpool Harriers                26:55
       8  Marc Laithwaite              Wigan Phoenix                     26:59
       9  Paul Cadwallader             Liverpool Pembroke Sefton         27:02
      10  John Worthington             Wigan Phoenix                     27:02
      11  John Burnett                 Southport Waterloo                27:13
      12  David Townsend               Horwich Rmi Harriers              27:18
      13  Ian Lawton           JM    1 Liverpool Harriers                27:35
      14  Paul Derbyshire              Wigan Phoenix                     27:43
      15  Paul Worthington             Burnden Road Runners              27:47
      16  David Edwards                Liverpool R C                     27:51
      17  Terry Orrell         V45   1 Horwich Rmi Harriers              27:52
      18  Chris Wilson                 Wigan Phoenix                     27:52
      19  Mark Bleasdale       V40   3 Liverpool Pembroke Sefton         27:55
      20  Stephen Cottom               Wigan Phoenix                     28:00
      21  Steve Spence                 Wirral A C                        28:08
      22  Daniel Gregson               Wigan Phoenix                     28:11
      23  Adrian Harris        V45   2 Radcliffe A C                     28:15
      24  Phil Derbyshire      V40   4 Wigan Phoenix                     28:22
      25  Darren Sodden        V50   1 Liverpool Pembroke Sefton         28:38
      26  Steve Wilkinson              Southport Waterloo                28:43
      27  Rick Bowker                  Southport Waterloo                28:49
      28  David Mercer         V40   5 Wigan Phoenix                     28:51
      29  Des McIvor                   Liverpool Pembroke Sefton         28:55
      30  Phil Sixsmith        V45   3 Shildon R & AC                    28:55
      31  Chris Burgess                Wigan Phoenix                     29:00
      32  Maurice Collins              Liverpool R C                     29:02
      33  Hywel Care           JM    2 Unattached                        29:03
      34  Brian Duffy          V45   4 Burnden Road Runners              29:04
      35  James Beesley        V55   1 Northern Vets A C                 29:06
      36  Brian Gow            V40   6 Southport Waterloo                29:10
      37  Alan Jervis                  Penny Lane Striders               29:12
      38  Steve Jackson        V45   5 Horwich Rmi Harriers              29:15
      39  Philip Langan                Rivacre R/j                       29:18
      40  Mark Ashby           V40   7 Southport Waterloo                29:19
      41  Keith Hatton         V40   8 Liverpool Harriers                29:20
      42  Chris Pedder         V40   9 Newburgh Nomads                   29:22
      43  Mark Schooling               Chorley Harriers                  29:24
      44  Stephen Freeman              Liverpool Pembroke Sefton         29:27
      45  Andy Staveley        V40  10 Burnden Road Runners              29:30
      46  Will Ray                     Southport Waterloo                29:46
      47  Christopher Petch            Stockport                         29:48
      48  Tony Clark                   Liverpool Harriers                29:50
      49  Alan Hudson          V50   2 Wesham RR                         29:52
      50  Paul Richley                 Unattached                        29:54
      51  Kevin Still                  Unattached                        30:01
      52  Andy Rees                    Penny Lane Striders               30:19
      53  Keith Tyrer          V45   6 Horwich Rmi Harriers              30:20
      54  Eddie Mannion                Marconi Harriers                  30:23
      55  Neil Rothwell                Southport Waterloo                30:23
      56  Delroy Chambers              Horwich Rmi Harriers              30:23
      57  Brian Warring                Southport Waterloo                30:25
      58  Geoff Caton          V50   3 Southport Waterloo                30:28
      59  Paul Christie        V45   7 Burnden Road Runners              30:31
      60  Stephen Murphy               Liverpool Pembroke Sefton         30:42
      61  Andy Hudson                  Southport Waterloo                30:47
      62  Simon Smith                  Unattached                        30:51
      63  Adam Clansey         JM    3 Southport Waterloo                30:52
      64  Graham Beadman               Unattached                        31:01
      65  Mark Leicester       U16   1 Southport Waterloo                31:02
      66  Chris Nightingale            Wigan Phoenix                     31:06
      67  Nigel Cochrane       V45   8 Newburgh Nomads                   31:08
      68  Mike Walker          V50   4 Southport Waterloo                31:19
      69  Stephen Donegan      U18   1 Liverpool Pembroke Sefton         31:23
      70  Gareth Booth                 Chorley Harriers                  31:34
      71  Andrew Duffy         V40  11 Burnden Road Runners              31:40
      72  Wiliam Merritt               Liverpool R C                     31:44
      73  Eric Fogarty         V60   1 St Helens Striders                31:45
      74  Anthony Parkinson    V40  12 Northern Vets A C                 31:45
      75  David Bond                   Unattached                        31:47
      76  Drendan Bolland              Horwich Rmi Harriers              31:48
      77  Alec Steele          V50   5 Radcliffe A C                     31:50
      78  Mike Leary           V55   2 Wigan Phoenix                     31:54
      79  Martyn Pollitt       V40  13 Burnden Road Runners              31:55
      80  Barry Abram          V40  14 Wigan Phoenix                     31:59
      81  Campbell Gillespie           Liverpool R C                     32:01
      82  Wally Coppelov       V40  15 Newburgh Nomads                   32:01
      83  Ian Dodds                    Unattached                        32:10
      84  Paul Carroll         V40  16 Wigan Phoenix                     32:12
      85  Arthur Curlett       V45   9 Liverpool R C                     32:12
      86  David Watson                 Preston Harriers                  32:13
      87  Ken Palmer           V50   6 Wigan Phoenix                     32:17
      88  Alan Sweatman        V50   7 Horwich Rmi Harriers              32:33
      89  Peter Mitchinson     V45  10 Wigan Phoenix                     32:49
      90  Alan Bewley          V55   3 Ford Halewood                     32:53
      91  Dave Hitchin         V50   8 Burnden Road Runners              33:02
      92  Ian McNeil           V40  17 Penny Lane Striders               33:03
      93  Robert Mitchell              Wallasey A C                      33:07
      94  Daniel Hains                 Southport Waterloo                33:08
      95  Philip Baxendale     V50   9 Southport Waterloo                33:12
      96  Michael Cunningham           Southport Waterloo                33:13
      97  Paul Wright                  Unattached                        33:13
      98  John McDonald        V55   4 Chorley Harriers                  33:14
      99  Brian Kennedy        V50  10 Newburgh Nomads                   33:15
     100  David Wagstaff               Horwich Rmi Harriers              33:28
     101  Graeme Smith         V40  18 Unattached                        33:31
     102  Pete Bland           V50  11 Horwich Rmi Harriers              33:33
     103  Howard Waite         V40  19 Wigan Phoenix                     33:35
     104  Kevin McKendrick     V45  11 Unattached                        33:38
     105  Graham Bailey        V45  12 Preston Harriers                  33:48
     106  Brent Prior                  Unattached                        34:00
     107  Stephen Bodman               Unattached                        34:03
     108  Andy Wheeler         V45  13 Burnden Road Runners              34:04
     109  Bill Clarke          V50  12 Stone Master Marathoners          34:05
     110  Steve Thomas         V45  14 Chorley Harriers                  34:10
     111  Paul Ashby                   Unattached                        34:13
     112  Kevin Donnelly               Unattached                        34:14
     113  William Fogg         V45  15 Darwen Dashers                    34:15
     114  Mike Parker                  Unattached                        34:25
     115  N Clark                      Merseyside Police                 34:37
     116  Steve Collier        V40  20 Unattached                        34:40
     117  Paul Clyne                   Unattached                        34:42
     118  Ian Kilshaw          V40  21 Unattached                        34:49
     119  Eric Todd            V40  22 Unattached                        34:51
     120  Mark Emmett          V40  23 Radcliffe A C                     35:00
     121  Barry Allman         V45  16 Horwich Rmi Harriers              35:06
     122  Derek Farrington             Unattached                        35:20
     123  Mark Midgley                 Unattached                        35:31
     124  Stewart Burns                Unattached                        35:35
     125  Paul Hannigan        V45  17 Marconi Harriers                  35:37
     126  Paul Swindells               Chorley Harriers                  35:41
     127  Philip Robinson      V45  18 Burnden Road Runners              35:49
     128  Roy Tasker           V50  13 Southport Waterloo                35:51
     129  Colin Leyland        V40  24 Unattached                        35:57
     130  Peter Wilson                 Wigan Phoenix                     35:59
     131  Malcolm Berry        V60   2 Northern Vets A C                 36:04
     132  Brian Kaerns         V60   3 Wigan Phoenix                     36:08
     133  Alan Jones                   Wrexham AC                        36:16
     134  Will Weir            V40  25 Unattached                        36:17
     135  John Neild           V50  14 Wigan Phoenix                     36:18
     136  Peter Maguire        V40  26 Unattached                        36:18
     137  Ian Browne           V40  27 Unattached                        36:22
     138  Colin Sawyer                 Unattached                        36:33
     139  Alan Graham          V45  19 Unattached                        36:35
     140  Christopher Barrett  V40  28 Southport Waterloo                36:54
     141  David Winstanley             Unattached                        37:02
     142  Jake Beale           U18   2 Southport Waterloo                37:07
     143  Brian Grice          V55   5 Southport Waterloo                37:08
     144  David Meagher                Southport Waterloo                37:12
     145  Colin Dryden                 Southport Waterloo                37:15
     146  John Doyle                   Manchester Ymca Harriers          37:18
     147  Alan Clarey          V45  20 Unattached                        37:21
     148  Neil Nuttall         V55   6 Burnden Road Runners              37:21
     149  Colin Ball                   Unattached                        37:24
     150  Tony Charlton        V50  15 Southport Waterloo                37:25
     151  Joseph Furmedge      V45  21 Unattached                        37:27
     152  Colin Eaves          V40  29 Unattached                        37:29
     153  Graham Bell          V50  16 Unattached                        37:34
     154  Scott Ranson                 Unattached                        37:38
     155  John Kirk            V50  17 Unattached                        37:38
     156  Ernie Pryce          V55   7 Northern Vets A C                 37:42
     157  Colin Aindow                 Southport Waterloo                37:47
     158  Andrew Sixsmith      V45  22 Unattached                        37:48
     159  Bryan Michell                Unattached                        37:49
     160  Drew Prior                   Unattached                        37:51
     161  Peter Bardsley               Unattached                        37:52
     162  Roland Howard                Unattached                        37:59
     163  Tom Conroy           V50  18 Chorley Harriers                  38:02
     164  Alan Appleton        V45  23 Unattached                        38:08
     165  Stephen Jeffers      V45  24 Unattached                        38:19
     166  Guy Dawson                   Unattached                        38:32
     167  A Doyle                      Merseyside Police                 38:35
     168  David Culshaw        V45  25 Wigan Harriers                    38:38
     169  Lee Ranson                   Unattached                        38:41
     170  Tony Totham          V40  30 Chorley Harriers                  38:44
     171  James Michaels       V50  19 Unattached                        39:06
     172  Frank Wilson         V65   1 Marconi Harriers                  39:13
     173  John Blower          V50  20 Unattached                        39:14
     174  Iain Harris          V50  21 Radcliffe A C                     39:19
     175  Mike Ogle            V50  22 Chorley Harriers                  39:20
     176  Iain Kirk                    Penny Lane Striders               39:22
     177  John Clare           V45  26 St Helens Sutton                  39:42
     178  Thomas Hanratty              Unattached                        39:44
     179  Richard Spencer      V40  31 Unattached                        39:46
     180  Andrew Spencer               Wirral A C                        39:46
     181  Stephen Vose                 Unattached                        39:52
     182  Gerrard Witter               Unattached                        39:52
     183  Ian Cooper           V40  32 Unattached                        39:53
     184  Ian Hadwin                   Unattached                        40:06
     185  Graham Swift                 Unattached                        40:15
     186  Stephen Gregory      V45  27 Unattached                        40:36
     187  Jimmy Wahlers        V55   8 Unattached                        40:37
     188  Thomas Barker        V65   2 Unattached                        40:59
     189  Stennett Wizzart             Unattached                        41:19
     190  Stephen Frackleton           Unattached                        41:29
     191  Jon Singleton        V40  33 Southport Waterloo                42:09
     192  Tony Tarbuck                 Unattached                        42:17
     193  Gordon Leahair       V55   9 Unattached                        42:27
     194  Ken Beavers          V50  23 Burnden Road Runners              44:00
     195  Tom Hilton           V50  24 Chorley Harriers                  44:22
     196  Albert Greenall      V60   4 Northern Vets A C                 46:16
     197  Jules Reis                   Unattached                        47:54
     198  Eddie Connolly       V50  25 Unattached                        48:50
     199  Graham Chaplin       V40  34 Unattached                        50:19
     200  James Munn           V65   3 Chorley A C                       50:53
     201  Jeff Houlihan        V55  10 Unattached                        51:06

Autumn 5 - Men -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Liverpool Pembroke Sefton          18
                                 2  Nathan Vengdasalem  
                                 3  Bernie Murphy       
                                 4  Brian Curry         
                                 9  Paul Cadwallader    
  2  Wigan Phoenix                      50
                                 8  Marc Laithwaite     
                                10  John Worthington    
                                14  Paul Derbyshire     
                                18  Chris Wilson        
  3  Horwich Rmi Harriers               72
                                 6  Nigel Clementson    
                                12  David Townsend      
                                17  Terry Orrell        
                                37  Steve Jackson       
  4  Southport Waterloo                 99
                                11  John Burnett        
                                26  Steve Wilkinson     
                                27  Rick Bowker         
                                35  Brian Gow           
  5  Liverpool Harriers                107
                                 7  Lee Cadwallader     
                                13  Ian Lawton          
                                40  Keith Hatton        
                                47  Tony Clark          
  6  Burnden Road Runners              148
                                15  Paul Worthington    
                                33  Brian Duffy         
                                44  Andy Staveley       
                                56  Paul Christie       
  7  Liverpool R C                     190
                                16  David Edwards       
                                32  Maurice Collins     
                                67  Wiliam Merritt      
                                75  Campbell Gillespie  
  8  Newburgh Nomads                   270
                                41  Chris Pedder        
                                62  Nigel Cochrane      
                                76  Wally Coppelov      
                                91  Brian Kennedy       
  9  Chorley Harriers                  295
                                42  Mark Schooling      
                                65  Gareth Booth        
                                90  John McDonald       
                                98  Steve Thomas        
 10  Penny Lane Striders               299
                                36  Alan Jervis         
                                49  Andy Rees           
                                85  Ian McNeil          
                               129  Iain Kirk           
 11  Radcliffe A C                     322
                                23  Adrian Harris       
                                71  Alec Steele         
                               101  Mark Emmett         
                               127  Iain Harris         
 12  Northern Vets A C                 331
                                34  James Beesley       
                                69  Anthony Parkinson   
                               108  Malcolm Berry       
                               120  Ernie Pryce         

Autumn 5 - Ladies -- FINAL RESULTS

     Pos  Name                 Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  Kath Charnock        L35   1 Wigan Phoenix                     29:22
       2  Jill Taylor          L35   2 Liverpool Harriers                30:02
       3  Sue Cooper           L45   1 Southport Waterloo                31:09
       4  Gill Jones           L     4 Wigan Phoenix                     31:25
       5  Jane Raffell         L     5 Wigan Phoenix                     31:30
       6  Claire Swift         L     6 Liverpool Harriers                31:42
       7  Carolyn Hunter-Rowe  L35   3 Horwich Rmi Harriers              33:02
       8  Susan Waterson       L35   4 Wigan Phoenix                     33:06
       9  Lesley Fisher        L40   1 Burnden Road Runners              33:32
      10  Deborah Culshaw      L    10 Wigan Phoenix                     34:17
      11  Stephanie Ratcliffe  L18   1 Unattached                        37:25
      12  Liz Smart            L40   2 Horwich Rmi Harriers              37:57
      13  Christine Hart       L45   2 Wigan Phoenix                     38:50
      14  Lynsey Townsend      L    14 Unattached                        39:06
      15  Anna Crabtree        L35   5 Chorley Harriers                  39:20
      16  Lynn Duffy           L40   3 Burnden Road Runners              39:42
      17  Kathryn Culshaw      L    17 Wigan Harriers                    39:46
      18  Christine Cutner     L45   3 Southport Waterloo                39:53
      19  Carol Barrow         L    19 Unattached                        40:07
      20  Debra Dutton         L40   4 Wigan Phoenix                     40:13
      21  Christine Sweatman   L45   4 Horwich Rmi Harriers              40:30
      22  Sarah Reynolds       L    22 Southport Waterloo                41:01
      23  Gill Tomkins         L35   6 Unattached                        41:17
      24  Joyce Gent           L55   1 Wigan Phoenix                     41:50
      25  Sandra Waters        L45   5 Southport Waterloo                42:12
      26  Sandra Worthington   L    26 Burnden Road Runners              42:16
      27  Jacqui Beevers       L50   1 Burnden Road Runners              42:19
      28  Val Lawson           L55   2 Clayton Le Moors                  42:33
      29  Rachel Elleray       L    29 Unattached                        44:02
      30  Sheila Marshall      L    30 Southport Waterloo                44:09
      31  Kathryn Unsworth     L40   5 Unattached                        45:02
      32  Dianne Carr          L    32 Unattached                        45:37
      33  Karen Bliss          L    33 Unattached                        45:39
      34  Teri Houlihan        L    34 Unattached                        46:10
      35  Tess Harrison        L60   1 Burnden Road Runners              46:22
      36  Helen Bardsley       L    36 Unattached                        46:55
      37  Fiona Stanforth      L35   7 Unattached                        47:08
      38  Jean Jones           L50   2 Bolton United Harriers            47:12
      39  Carol McGoldrick     L35   8 Unattached                        47:20
      40  Sue Whiteley         L35   9 Unattached                        48:34
      41  Joscelin Matzen      L    41 Unattached                        48:35
      42  Sam Dobrowolska-Doyl L    42 Unattached                        48:35
      43  Lucy Skellern        L    43 Unattached                        48:35
      44  Susan Adams          L40   6 Unattached                        49:05
      45  Karen Davies         L40   7 Unattached                        49:08
      46  Sue Tarbuck          L35  10 Unattached                        49:13
      47  Judith Sixsmith      L40   8 Unattached                        49:14
      48  Maureen Mallett      L35  11 Unattached                        49:43
      49  Ann Chaplin          L35  12 Unattached                        50:43
      50  Grace Kelleher       L40   9 Unattached                        50:43
      51  Christine Clark      L35  13 Unattached                        52:35
      52  Lucy Dawson          L35  14 Unattached                        53:28
      53  Cynthia Nuttall      L45   6 Burnden Road Runners              55:47
      54  Susan Fantom         L35  15 Manchester Ymca Harriers          55:49

Autumn 5 - Ladies -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Wigan Phoenix                      10
                                 1  Kath Charnock       
                                 4  Gill Jones          
                                 5  Jane Raffell        
  2  Horwich Rmi Harriers               36
                                 7  Carolyn Hunter-Rowe 
                                11  Liz Smart           
                                18  Christine Sweatman  
  3  Southport Waterloo                 38
                                 3  Sue Cooper          
                                16  Christine Cutner    
                                19  Sarah Reynolds      
  4  Burnden Road Runners               45
                                 9  Lesley Fisher       
                                14  Lynn Duffy          
                                22  Sandra Worthington  

Results copyright (c) G.J. Fecitt (SportSoft) 2001