Llandudno 10 Mile Road Race

at Llandudno on Sunday 11th November 2001

Llandudno 10 - Men -- FINAL RESULTS ($=non-counter)

     Pos  Name                 Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  Andrew Jones                 East Cheshire Harriers            50:37
       2  Mike Proudlove               City Of Stoke                     51:15
       3  Adrian Bailey                Bro Dysynni AC                    51:20
       4  Andrew Walling               Bangor University                 51:33
       5  Glen Groves                  Liverpool RC                      52:00
       6  Phil Cook                    Les Croupiers                     52:06
       7  Mark Delahunty               Bingley Harriers                  52:48
       8  James McQueen                Eryri                             53:05
       9  Graham Hill                  Stockport Harriers                53:18
      10  Julian Bunn                  Newport Harriers                  53:51
      11  John Kilbane                 Pembroke Sefton                   53:55
      12  John Wycherley       V40   1 Helsby RC                         54:35
      13  Mike Robins                  Wrexham AC                        54:45
      14  Stephen Williams     V45   1 Salford Harriers                  55:14
      15  Owen Flage                   Oldham & Royton H                 55:27
      16  Dylan Jones                  Eryri                             55:32
      17  David Hughes         V40   2 Colwyn Bay AC                     55:36
      18  Gary Norgrove                Wrexham AC                        55:47
      19  Mark Healy                   Lliswerry Runners                 55:52
      20  Christopher Petch            Stockport Harriers                55:54
      21  Peter Maher          V45   2 Vale Royal AC                     56:00
      22  Stephen Davies       V40   3 Mansfield AC                      56:19
      23  Tom McGaff           V45   3 Wilmslow RC                       56:26
      24  Richard Jones        V40   4 Colwyn Bay AC                     56:28
      25  Richard Jones                Telford AC                        56:29
      26  Jonathon Ferguson            Liverpool RC                      56:30
      27  Darren Soden         V50   1 Pembroke Sefton                   56:34
      28  Sean McMyler                 Salford Harriers                  56:38
      29  Lee Smith                    Lliswerry Runners                 56:47
      30  Stephen Wrigley              Salford Harriers                  56:51
      31  Jeff Mason           V45   4 Pembroke Sefton                   57:09
      32  Adrian Harris        V45   5 Radcliffe AC                      57:25
      33  Darren Jones                 Wrexham AC                        57:29
      34  Robert Frodsham      V50   2 Northern Vets                     57:32
      35  Arwel Lewis          V40   5 Eryri                             57:35
      36  Ian Sharples                 Wesham                            57:38
      37  Graham Jenkins       V40   6 West Cheshire AC                  57:38
      38  Bill Fairclough      V45   6 Liverpool RC                      57:42
      39  Billy Hunter         V40   7 Colwyn Bay AC                     57:47
      40  Brian Duffy          V45   7 Burnden Rr                        57:56
      41  Andy Smith                   Telford Harriers                  57:59
      42  Chris Davies         V40   8 Buckley Runners                   58:02
      43  Blake Zemp                   Unattached                        58:21
      44  Andrew Norgrove              Wrexham AC                        58:29
      45  Ian Lancaster        V40   9 Tattenhall Runners                58:41
      46  Stephen Bellis       V45   8 Wrexham AC                        58:45
      47  Peter Summers        V40  10 Skelmersdale Boundary             58:48
      48  Francis Martin       V40  11 Pennylane                         58:54
      49  Darren Blazier               Abergele Harriers                 58:55
      50  Tim Davies                   Buckley Runners                   58:57
      51  Jon Hancock          V45   9 Oswestry Olympians                58:58
      52  Derek Weaver         V45  10 Unattached                        59:09
      53  Jimmy Steele         V40  12 Unattached                        59:11
      54  Nick Burke                   Altrincham                        59:13
      55  Clifford Evans       V40  13 Aberystwyth University            59:14
      56  Nick Bishop          V40  14 Wilmslow RC                       59:15
      57  Graham Stewart               Unattached                        59:17
      58  Viv Tolley                   Ludlow Runners                    59:18
      59  Peter Johnes         V40  15 Unattached                        59:22
      60 $Emlyn Roberts        V40  16 Eryri                             59:24
      61  Simon Ellis                  Tattenhall Runners                59:27
      62  Neil Holding         V40  17 West Pennine Runners              59:30
      63  Russell Phillips             Unattached                        59:32
      64  Jim Pendrill                 Wilmslow RC                       59:40
      65  Craig Anderton               Stafford Harriers                 59:41
      66  Mick Flatley                 Middleton Harriers                59:50
      67  Thomas Cowans                Colwyn Bay AC                     59:51
      68  David Bewley         V50   3 Unattached                        59:55
      69  Ian Carson           V50   4 Wrexham AC                        59:58
      70  Geoff Quinn          V40  18 Stockport Harriers              1:00:06
      71  Andy Staveley        V40  19 Burnden Rr                      1:00:11
      72  Stephen Parker               West Cheshire AC                1:00:18
      73  Robin Halliday               Eryri                           1:00:25
      74  Andrew Clinton               Trentham RC                     1:00:31
      75  David Dowd           V50   5 Bolton Harriers                 1:00:32
      76  Roger Millen                 Unattached                      1:00:32
      77  Peter May            V40  20 Queensbury RC                   1:00:43
      78  Philip Cuthbert              Red Herring Rr                  1:00:43
      79  Graham Chesters      V40  21 Middleton Harriers              1:00:46
      80  Stephen Robert Jones         Wrexham AC                      1:00:47
      81  Graham McAra         V45  11 Helsby RC                       1:00:48
      82  Christopher Turner           Buckley Runners                 1:01:04
      83  Rob Shannon                  Audley RC                       1:01:07
      84  Barry Wilson         V45  12 Ludlow Runners                  1:01:10
      85  John Chambers        V40  22 Unattached                      1:01:11
      86  Steven Owen                  Michelin AC                     1:01:13
      87  Barry Timmins                Unattached                      1:01:14
      88  Tony Hulme           V50   6 Wilmslow RC                     1:01:23
      89  Alan Jervis                  Pennylane                       1:01:35
      90  Clifford Hughes              Unattached                      1:01:36
      91  Johnathon Pierce     V50   7 Telford Harriers                1:01:38
      92  Steve Edge                   Rochdale Harriers               1:01:39
      93  Tony Man                     Pennylane                       1:01:44
      94  Ken Fowler           V45  13 Bolton Harriers                 1:01:53
      95  Billy Brown          V45  14 Wrexham AC                      1:01:58
      96  Brian Williams       V45  15 Wirral AC                       1:01:59
      97  David Constance              Stafford Harriers               1:02:07
      98  John Morris          V50   8 Wolverhampton & Bilston         1:02:16
      99  Mark Hughes          V45  16 Trentham RC                     1:02:30
     100  Peter Mallison               Unattached                      1:02:37
     101  Darren Washington            Boalloy RC                      1:02:38
     102  Mark Biggs                   Unattached                      1:02:47
     103  Paul Bell                    Unattached                      1:02:49
     104  Alan Worthington     V40  23 Burnden Rr                      1:02:51
     105  Justin Realff                Wrexham AC                      1:02:52
     106  Charles Ashley       V40  24 Wrexham AC                      1:02:53
     107  Tommy Burke          V50   9 Pennylane                       1:03:00
     108  Peter Geoghegan              Rivacre                         1:03:05
     109  Gordon Bickerton     V45  17 South Cheshire Harriers         1:03:08
     110  Rob Frost                    Longwood Harriers               1:03:10
     111  David Phillips       V55   1 Oldham & Royton H               1:03:12
     112  Russell Godwin               Colwyn Bay AC                   1:03:16
     113  David Nalder         V45  18 Rivacre                         1:03:18
     114  Gary Bonner                  Kidderminster & Stourport       1:03:19
     115  David Crawford       V45  19 West Cheshire AC                1:03:20
     116  Alan Voigts          V60   1 Unattached                      1:03:21
     117  Kevin Jones          V40  25 Prestatyn RC                    1:03:24
     118  James Huggins                Buckley Runners                 1:03:31
     119  Steven Walker                Chester Triathlon Club          1:03:32
     120  Ken Begley                   West Cheshire AC                1:03:34
     121  Ste Dobson                   Helsby RC                       1:03:37
     122  Patrick Turton               Queensbury RC                   1:03:40
     123  Barry Greaves        V45  20 Oldham & Royton H               1:03:41
     124  Christopher Williams V40  26 Unattached                      1:03:43
     125  Philip Cox                   Telford AC                      1:03:44
     126  Emyr Roberts                 Unattached                      1:03:45
     127  Mark Wiliams                 Radcliffe AC                    1:03:46
     128  Joseph Clarke        V60   2 Shropshire Shufflers            1:03:47
     129  Christopher Branbury V50  10 Trentham RC                     1:03:48
     130  Paul Brandrick       V45  21 Prestatyn RC                    1:03:49
     131  Michael Bradbury     V55   2 Stafford Harriers               1:03:53
     132  Walter Marsh         V50  11 Bro Dysynni AC                  1:03:54
     133  Matthew Whitfield    V45  22 Rivacre                         1:03:56
     134  Mark Bentley                 Stafford Harriers               1:03:58
     135  Richard Bradley              Warrington AC                   1:04:08
     136  Ray Smith            V55   3 Northern Vets                   1:04:11
     137  Jamie Donaghy                Shropshire Shufflers            1:04:17
     138  Leslie Fleetwood     V40  27 Rivacre                         1:04:18
     139  Alec Steele          V50  12 Radcliffe AC                    1:04:22
     140  Gwyn Roberts                 Unattached                      1:04:39
     141  Peter Dean                   Middleton Harriers              1:04:42
     142  Gwyn Jones           V40  28 Eryri                           1:04:47
     143 $Mark Legomsti        V45  23 Trentham RC                     1:04:49
     144  Nick Jones           V40  29 Shrewsbury AC                   1:04:53
     145  Neil Ballard         V40  30 Oswestry Olympians              1:04:55
     146  Andy Heaton          V40  31 West Cheshire AC                1:04:56
     147  David Jones          V50  13 Denbigh Harriers                1:04:57
     148  Philip Chadwick              Unattached                      1:04:58
     149  Peter Roberts        V55   4 Wrexham AC                      1:05:00
     150  Michael Doyle                Stockport Harriers              1:05:02
     151  Graham Machin        V50  14 Telford Harriers                1:05:03
     152  James Smith          V55   5 Wilmslow RC                     1:05:04
     153  Tony Parry           V45  24 Wrexham AC                      1:05:05
     154  Steven Vasiliou      V40  32 Middleton Harriers              1:05:08
     155  Nigel Lee            V45  25 Newcastle Staffs AC             1:05:09
     156  Simon Cooper                 East Cheshire Harriers          1:05:10
     157  Martyn Pollitt       V40  33 Burnden Rr                      1:05:11
     158  Dave Edge            V60   3 Rochdale Harriers               1:05:15
     159  Keith Spencer        V40  34 Pennylane                       1:05:16
     160  Mike Garbutt         V40  35 Red Herring Rr                  1:05:17
     161  Mike Perchard        V45  26 West Cheshire AC                1:05:20
     162  Tim Cahill                   Colwyn Bay AC                   1:05:20
     163  Shaun Hooson                 Unattached                      1:05:20
     164  Steve Tideswell      V40  36 Buckley Runners                 1:05:20
     165  Fred Roberts         V50  15 Pensby Runners                  1:05:20
     166  Martin Foster        V45  27 Birmingham Row Heath            1:05:32
     167 $Kenny Mackenzie              Liverpool RC                    1:05:33
     168  David Temple                 Dee Striders RC                 1:05:34
     169  Robin Frost          V50  16 Wrexham AC                      1:05:35
     170  David Hitchen        V50  17 Burnden Rr                      1:05:36
     171  Ron Nicholls         V45  28 Sneyd Striders Rrc              1:05:38
     172  Graham Stevens               Dee Striders RC                 1:05:38
     173  Andrew Duffy         V40  37 Burnden Rr                      1:05:40
     174  Stephen Worrall              Village Rr                      1:05:42
     175  David Cain           V45  29 Pennylane                       1:05:46
     176  Gary Brough                  Audley RC                       1:05:47
     177  Alan Conner                  Wrexham Tri                     1:05:49
     178  David Henley                 Unattached                      1:05:51
     179  Benjamin Heron       V40  38 Radcliffe AC                    1:05:53
     180  James Thomas         V60   4 Wrexham Tri                     1:05:55
     181  Bryan Lawton                 Oldham & Royton H               1:05:57
     182  Graeme Evans                 Unattached                      1:05:59
     183  Sergey Ryabov        V45  30 Vale Royal AC                   1:06:05
     184  David Bartlett               Radcliffe AC                    1:06:07
     185  Bill Cameron         V40  39 South Liverpool AC              1:06:09
     186  Alan Cooke           V40  40 Trentham RC                     1:06:10
     187  Tony Brady           V50  18 Manchester Harriers             1:06:11
     188  Stephen Sargeant     V40  41 Unattached                      1:06:12
     189  David Gregory        V55   6 Manchester Harriers             1:06:12
     190  Richard Johnson      V50  19 Sneyd Striders Rrc              1:06:13
     191  David Draper         V45  31 Bridgnorth AC                   1:06:15
     192  Mal Balmer                   Pennylane                       1:06:16
     193  Chris Harbron                Unattached                      1:06:25
     194  Danny Legg                   Rivacre                         1:06:27
     195  Stephen Whittle      V45  32 Red Herring Rr                  1:06:29
     196  Ian McNeill          V40  42 Pennylane                       1:06:31
     197  Roberts John Hughes  V40  43 Prestatyn RC                    1:06:33
     198  Gary Richards                Rivacre                         1:06:35
     199  Maldwyn Evans        V40  44 Eryri                           1:06:37
     200  Derek Youngson       V40  45 Unattached                      1:06:39
     201  John Kane            V45  33 Oldham & Royton H               1:06:43
     202  Meirion Wyn Roberts  V50  20 Denbigh Harriers                1:06:45
     203  Christophe Warburton JM    1 Oswesrty Olympians              1:06:47
     204  Mark Ledward                 Belle-Vue Racers                1:06:50
     205  David Bradley        V45  34 Road Runners Club               1:06:52
     206  Peter Simpson        V50  21 Liverpool AC                    1:06:57
     207  Trevor Grundy        V55   7 Oldham & Royton H               1:06:59
     208  Peter Ellis                  Wrexham AC                      1:07:01
     209  John Mitchell        V55   8 Blackburn Rr                    1:07:06
     210  Kenneth Burns                Colwyn Bay AC                   1:07:07
     211  Kenny Johnson        V40  46 Michelin AC                     1:07:08
     212  Alan Taylor          V45  35 Abergele Harriers               1:07:08
     213  Richard Griffiths    V50  22 Bro Dysynni AC                  1:07:11
     214  Stephen Price        V40  47 Unattached                      1:07:12
     215  Rob Miles            V40  48 Bridgnorth AC                   1:07:19
     216  Keith Pinner         V50  23 Milton AC                       1:07:19
     217  Paul Edwards         V40  49 Birmingham Row Heath            1:07:21
     218  Derek Poole          V55   9 Holme Pierrepont                1:07:22
     219  Peter Wong                   Village RC                      1:07:32
     220  Simon Moseley                Unattached                      1:07:35
     221  Martin Chmatal               Unattached                      1:07:38
     222  Nigel Churchill              Sneyd Striders Rrc              1:07:38
     223  Joseph Jones                 Bro Dysynni AC                  1:07:40
     224   Gareth Woolmington          Unattached                      1:07:42
     225  Stephen Livett       V40  50 Eryri                           1:07:48
     226  Ian Spencer          V40  51 Stafford Harriers               1:07:49
     227  James McNulty        V65   1 Bolton Harriers                 1:07:50
     228  Roger Sandland       V60   5 Telford AC                      1:07:53
     229  Arwel Jones                  Unattached                      1:07:54
     230  Paul Andrew                  Unattached                      1:07:58
     231  Nigel Allen          V50  24 Biddulph RC                     1:08:04
     232  Joe McGlynn          V40  52 Pennylane                       1:08:06
     233  Bill Ward            V50  25 Colwyn Bay AC                   1:08:07
     234  Oliver Higby         JM    2 Sale Harriers                   1:08:08
     235  Dei Jones            V50  26 Eryri                           1:08:10
     236  Geoff Fenton         V40  53 Burnden Rr                      1:08:12
     237  Paul Young                   Colwyn Bay AC                   1:08:14
     238 $Robert Wilson        V40  54 Unattached                      1:08:15
     239  Alan Richards        V45  36 Trentham RC                     1:08:18
     240  Alan Garvey          V45  37 Middleton Harriers              1:08:19
     241  Paul Kenny           V40  55 East Cheshire Harriers          1:08:21
     242  Brian Bearrie        V55  10 West Cheshire AC                1:08:23
     243  Michael Nugent       V40  56 Stafford Harriers               1:08:24
     244  Ian Moore                    Unattached                      1:08:30
     245  David Eckersley      V55  11 Colwyn Bay AC                   1:08:35
     246  John Derrig          V50  27 Unattached                      1:08:40
     247  Frank Caci           V45  38 Michelin AC                     1:08:43
     248 $Ken Smith            V50  28 Bury AC                         1:08:50
     249  Brian Hawkins        V50  29 Picton RC                       1:08:53
     250  Clive Baggaley       V55  12 Uttoxeter Rr                    1:08:55
     251  Graham Howell        V50  30 Liverpool RC                    1:08:56
     252  Dave Newton                  Oswestry Olympians              1:08:57
     253  Sam Moore            V50  31 Sospan Rr                       1:08:58
     254  William Thomas               Sospan Rr                       1:08:58
     255  Philip Dutton                Stafford Harriers               1:08:58
     256  Robert Burke                 Liverpool RC                    1:08:59
     257  Colin Rathbone       V55  13 Vale Royal AC                   1:09:00
     258  David Kirkham        V50  32 Cybi Striders                   1:09:02
     259  Anthony Cutler       V40  57 Wilmslow RC                     1:09:02
     260  Andrew Bryan         V45  39 Bridgnorth AC                   1:09:03
     261  Chris Dehan          V55  14 East Cheshire Harriers          1:09:03
     262  David Hankey                 Abergele Harriers               1:09:07
     263  Sean Graham          V40  58 Pennylane                       1:09:10
     264  Peter Breen                  Village Rr                      1:09:12
     265  Kevin Kelley         V45  40 Unattached                      1:09:12
     266  Mark Wright                  Wrexham AC                      1:09:13
     267  John Lazarus         V45  41 Warrington Rr                   1:09:14
     268  David Potts          V50  33 Unattached                      1:09:15
     269  Dean Longley         JM    3 Unattached                      1:09:17
     270  Ian Gareth Williams  V40  59 Cybi Striders                   1:09:18
     271  Andrew Farley        V40  60 East Cheshire Harriers          1:09:19
     272  David Elliott        V50  34 Oldham & Royton H               1:09:22
     273  James Stronach       V45  42 Unattached                      1:09:24
     274  Alan Durston         V50  35 Rivacre                         1:09:24
     275  Colin Richards               Unattached                      1:09:27
     276  James McGlynn        V50  36 Unattached                      1:09:30
     277  Paul Walters         V40  61 Oldham & Royton H               1:09:31
     278  John Bresnen                 Nwrrc                           1:09:35
     279  Rob Saunders                 Liverpool RC                    1:09:35
     280  Arthur Warren        V50  37 Radcliffe AC                    1:09:38
     281  Stuart Foggo                 Unattached                      1:09:40
     282  Tony Haughton        V40  62 Belle-Vue Racers                1:09:43
     283  Ian Blakemore        V40  63 Unattached                      1:09:49
     284  Stephen Beech                Village Rr                      1:09:50
     285  Jeff Cordwell        V50  38 Oldham & Royton H               1:09:52
     286  Martin Greene        V40  64 Liverpool RC                    1:09:54
     287  Andrew Mitchell              Village RC                      1:09:56
     288  Chris Rhodes         V40  65 West Cheshire AC                1:09:58
     289  David Owen Jones             Abergele Harriers               1:10:01
     290  Tony Waite           V50  39 Unattached                      1:10:03
     291  Roy Traynor                  Rivacre                         1:10:05
     292  Christopher Walley   V60   6 Tattenhall Runners              1:10:07
     293  Barry Hopwood        V60   7 Trentham RC                     1:10:09
     294  Glyn Hammond         V55  15 Stadco AC                       1:10:12
     295  Les Smith            V50  40 Unattached                      1:10:14
     296  Stephen Nicholson    V40  66 Oswestry Olympians              1:10:15
     297  Terry Kelsall        V50  41 Michelin AC                     1:10:17
     298  Ian Hughes           V40  67 Unattached                      1:10:19
     299  James Leadbetter     V45  43 Unattached                      1:10:21
     300  Mark Johnes                  Liverpool RC                    1:10:22
     301  Grahame Shone        V50  42 Abergele Harriers               1:10:23
     302  Steven Smith                 Unattached                      1:10:24
     303  Malcolm Parry        V60   8 Unattached                      1:10:25
     304  Barry Stanley        V65   2 Unattached                      1:10:29
     305  Neil Middleton       V50  43 Unattached                      1:10:33
     306  Wayne Pownall        V40  68 Unattached                      1:10:33
     307  Brian Griffiths      V45  44 Rivacre                         1:10:36
     308  Michael Chimesczuk   V50  44 Blackburn Rr                    1:10:37
     309  Peter Gomes          V40  69 Unattached                      1:10:44
     310  Mark Threadgold              Unattached                      1:10:44
     311  Ian Roberts          V40  70 Abergele Harriers               1:10:46
     312  John Tyrer           V45  45 Liverpool RC                    1:10:48
     313  Mark Emmett          V40  71 Radcliffe AC                    1:10:50
     314  Stephen Roberts      V55  16 Pensby Runners                  1:10:52
     315  Jason Edwards                Unattached                      1:10:57
     316  Paul Biggs           V40  72 Unattached                      1:10:58
     317  Steven Shaw          V40  73 Oldham & Royton H               1:10:59
     318  Bernard Wilkes       V45  46 Stafford Harriers               1:11:00
     319  Michael McShane      V50  45 Rivacre                         1:11:06
     320  Jeremy Vaughan               Unattached                      1:11:08
     321  Neil Bevan                   Unattached                      1:11:08
     322  Michael Nolan        V55  17 Abergele Harriers               1:11:15
     323  Peter Lowe           V45  47 Spectrum Striders               1:11:18
     324  Michael Haynes               Liverpool RC                    1:11:20
     325  Kimmo Kaila                  Unattached                      1:11:21
     326  Stan Canham          V50  46 Aldridge RC                     1:11:28
     327  John Essery          V45  48 Abergele Harriers               1:11:31
     328  John Tate            V40  74 Unattached                      1:11:36
     329  Robert Neale         V50  47 Denbigh Harriers                1:11:49
     330   Don Nichol          V45  49 Burnden Rr                      1:11:53
     331  Russell Ward                 Shropshire Shufflers            1:11:58
     332  David Griffiths      V40  75 Unattached                      1:11:59
     333  Paul Taylor          V45  50 Oldham & Royton H               1:12:00
     334  Stephen Crass        V50  48 Manchester Harriers             1:12:05
     335  Dave Chittem         V40  76 Stafford Harriers               1:12:06
     336  Gareth Ellis                 Unattached                      1:12:07
     337  David Salmon         V55  18 East Cheshire Harriers          1:12:08
     338  Adrian Bridge        V55  19 Unattached                      1:12:13
     339  Stewart Lindsay      V55  20 Unattached                      1:12:21
     340  Derek Farrington             Unattached                      1:12:22
     341  Alan Lucas           V55  21 Abergele Harriers               1:12:24
     342  Michael Blackburn    V45  51 Liverpool RC                    1:12:25
     343  Kevin Burns          V45  52 Dee Striders RC                 1:12:26
     344  Kenny Hughes         V50  49 Wrexham Tri                     1:12:27
     345  Colin Williamson     V55  22 Shropshire Shufflers            1:12:28
     346  Terence Doyle        V50  50 Liverpool RC                    1:12:34
     347  Mbe Evan Hughes      V50  51 Abergele Harriers               1:12:43
     348  Brennig Evans        V55  23 Unattached                      1:12:46
     349  Nicholas Such                Unattached                      1:12:50
     350  Clive Boyden         V40  77 South Cheshire Harriers         1:12:52
     351  Ian Davies           V40  78 Unattached                      1:12:53
     352  Brian Dolman         V60   9 Telford Harriers                1:13:03
     353  Peter Ernest Jones   V50  52 Telford Harriers                1:13:03
     354  Robert Findler       V40  79 Nsrra                           1:13:06
     355  Steve Pemberton      V45  53 Pennylane                       1:13:08
     356  Ken Richards         V55  24 Unattached                      1:13:10
     357  Hugh Harrison        V45  54 Bro Dysynni AC                  1:13:15
     358  Paul Shannon         V45  55 Prescot Bicc                    1:13:17
     359  Tom Gayne            V50  53 Winston Runners                 1:13:18
     360  Dewi Sinclair        V55  25 Eryri                           1:13:19
     361  John Gregory                 Spectrum Striders               1:13:20
     362  Martin Rowe          V40  80 Vale Royal AC                   1:13:21
     363  Peter Lawrence       V60  10 Aldridge RC                     1:13:22
     364  Philip Howarth       V45  56 Unattached                      1:13:22
     365  Aled Roberts                 Unattached                      1:13:23
     366  Peter Leavesley      V40  81 Unattached                      1:13:24
     367  Brian Bridges                Unattached                      1:13:26
     368  Carl Dimmock                 Boalloy RC                      1:13:27
     369  Ian Blakebrough      V50  54 Unattached                      1:13:27
     370  Keith Dodsworth              Road Runners Club               1:13:32
     371  Peter Fenton                 Burnden Rr                      1:13:33
     372  Robert Priday        V40  82 Unattached                      1:13:34
     373 $Peter Taylor                 Unattached                      1:13:38
     374  Wayne Jones                  Unattached                      1:13:40
     375  Vince Earley         V45  57 Royal Sutton Coldfield          1:13:52
     376  Gavin Thomas                 Unattached                      1:13:52
     377  Colin Leyland        V40  83 Unattached                      1:13:57
     378  Paul Jones                   Unattached                      1:13:59
     379 $Robert Spotswood     V40  84 Abergele Harriers               1:14:02
     380  Cliff Knowles        V60  11 Trentham RC                     1:14:02
     381  Darren Hilton                Shropshire Shufflers            1:14:05
     382  John Hodgkinson      V50  55 Unattached                      1:14:05
     383  Andrew Williams              Unattached                      1:14:05
     384  Andrew Hunt          V50  56 Rivacre                         1:14:05
     385  Les Rowlinson        V45  58 Shropshire Shufflers            1:14:07
     386  David Cockburn               Unattached                      1:14:10
     387  Philip McCann        V45  59 Stockport Harriers              1:14:16
     388  Joseph Chambers              Liverpool RC                    1:14:19
     389  Robert Prys-Owen     V50  57 Unattached                      1:14:21
     390  Alec Robertson       V50  58 Helsby RC                       1:14:22
     391  Daniel Brougton              Merryhill Striders              1:14:24
     392  Carl Whitworth               East Cheshire Harriers          1:14:25
     393  John Craddock        V55  26 Buckley Runners                 1:14:34
     394  John Chambers        V55  27 Unattached                      1:14:37
     395  Barry Stuart-Cole    V50  59 Winston Runners                 1:14:42
     396  Donald Long          V50  60 Unattached                      1:14:44
     397  George Ablews        V50  61 Unattached                      1:14:49
     398  Derek Howard         V45  60 Unattached                      1:14:56
     399  Karl Mullins                 Village RC                      1:15:00
     400  Jeff Ashton          V40  85 Spectrum Striders               1:15:08
     401  Stuart Lloyd                 Unattached                      1:15:08
     402  Stephen Roberts      V40  86 Unattached                      1:15:12
     403  Richard Baker        V50  62 Wilmslow RC                     1:15:15
     404  Gwilym Jones         V40  87 Unattached                      1:15:16
     405  John McDonagh        V50  63 Unattached                      1:15:19
     406  Malcolm Mooney       V45  61 Belle-Vue Racers                1:15:21
     407  Mark Jones           V40  88 Pennylane                       1:15:23
     408 $Malcolm Joyce                Unattached                      1:15:26
     409  Neil Nuttall         V55  28 Burnden Rr                      1:15:27
     410  Philip Thacker       V40  89 Unattached                      1:15:36
     411  Michael Jennings     V40  90 Unattached                      1:15:36
     412  Glenn Forrester      V45  62 Unattached                      1:15:39
     413  William Roberts      V40  91 Unattached                      1:15:40
     414  Kevin Taylor         V45  63 Northern Vets                   1:15:41
     415  David Carpenter      V45  64 Northern Vets                   1:15:41
     416  Christopher Bluff    V45  65 Unattached                      1:15:43
     417  Kenneth Mumford      V40  92 Middleton Harriers              1:15:49
     418  Geoffrey Harvey      V50  64 Dee Striders RC                 1:15:59
     419  Malcolm Haines       V45  66 Unattached                      1:16:00
     420  Neil Watson          V40  93 Liverpool AC                    1:16:04
     421  Kevin Humphreys      V50  65 Unattached                      1:16:07
     422  Tim McCormack                Greenfield Stragglers           1:16:11
     423  Alan Peters          V45  67 Unattached                      1:16:13
     424  Tony Mecia                   Unattached                      1:16:18
     425  Andy Carpenter               Unattached                      1:16:21
     426  Adrian Smith         V40  94 Bridgnorth AC                   1:16:26
     427  Richard Elliott      V50  66 Holme Pierrepont                1:16:31
     428  Allan Stott                  Unattached                      1:16:33
     429  Stefan Cooper                Unattached                      1:16:35
     430  Keith Weston         V40  95 Unattached                      1:16:35
     431  Peter Stokes         V40  96 Road Runners Club               1:16:43
     432  Jack Roberts         V45  68 Unattached                      1:16:45
     433  Paul Christie        V45  69 Burnden Rr                      1:16:46
     434  Tony Ferry           V50  67 Liverpool RC                    1:16:48
     435  Keith Raymond        V45  70 Unattached                      1:16:51
     436  Maurice Hopkinson    V60  12 Northern Vets                   1:17:04
     437 $Roger Wilson         V40  97 Unattached                      1:17:11
     438  Nick Eynon           V40  98 Aldridge RC                     1:17:14
     439  Michael O'Brien      V50  68 Unattached                      1:17:16
     440  Brian Johnson        V50  69 Unattached                      1:17:24
     441  David Redpath        V50  70 Spectrum Striders               1:17:29
     442  Colin Earp           V50  71 Nsrra                           1:17:30
     443  Mal Boyes                    Picton RC                       1:17:39
     444  Alan Buckley         V50  72 Middleton Harriers              1:17:40
     445  Gavin Davies                 Unattached                      1:17:44
     446  Andrew Cowan         V50  73 Winston Runners                 1:17:49
     447  Steve Probyn                 Trentham RC                     1:17:51
     448  Tony Kennedy         V40  99 West Cheshire AC                1:17:55
     449  Jim Lanham           V50  74 Unattached                      1:17:57
     450  Ken Sibbering        V55  29 West Pennine Runners            1:18:00
     451  Jeffrey Whitehouse   V55  30 Audley RC                       1:18:03
     452  Ian Morris           V55  31 Manchester Harriers             1:18:05
     453  Chris Armstrong              Unattached                      1:18:11
     454  David Edwards        V50  75 N Derbyshire RC                 1:18:14
     455  Donald Johnson       V40 100 Unattached                      1:18:15
     456  David Thorley        V50  76 Audley RC                       1:18:18
     457  David Dickenson              Village Rr                      1:18:34
     458  Keith Matthews       V60  13 Oswestry Olympians              1:18:37
     459  Harry Brown          V55  32 Pennylane                       1:18:38
     460  James Wray           V50  77 Pennylane                       1:18:46
     461  Mike Storry          V55  33 Village Rr                      1:18:46
     462  Gwyn Jones           V65   3 Sospan Rr                       1:18:47
     463  Philip Smith                 Birkenhead AC                   1:18:51
     464  Paul Holsgrove               Unattached                      1:18:54
     465  Graham Marlow                Dee Striders RC                 1:18:59
     466  Andrew Smith         V55  34 Dudley Kingswinford             1:19:02
     467  Gordon Day           V40 101 East Cheshire Harriers          1:19:07
     468  Andrew Edwards               Winston Runners                 1:19:13
     469  John Edwards         V55  35 Winston Runners                 1:19:13
     470  Ian Bardsley                 Unattached                      1:19:16
     471  Brian Newton         V60  14 Birkenhead AC                   1:19:20
     472  Colin May            V55  36 Telford AC                      1:19:23
     473  Frank Grant          V60  15 Stafford Harriers               1:19:25
     474  Neville Kershaw      V55  37 Northern Vets                   1:19:30
     475  David Goodale        V45  71 Village Rr                      1:19:36
     476  Michael Jones        V55  38 Stafford Harriers               1:19:43
     477  Alan Brocken         V40 102 Birkenhead AC                   1:19:45
     478  Michael Skinkis      V45  72 Unattached                      1:19:47
     479  Graham Lloyd                 Unattached                      1:19:47
     480  Sam Hardman          V55  39 Manchester Harriers             1:19:48
     481  Scott Carr                   Unattached                      1:19:57
     482  Trevor Faulkner      V55  40 Wilmslow RC                     1:19:59
     483  Philip Hughes        V50  78 Unattached                      1:20:00
     484  Richard Evans                Unattached                      1:20:05
     485  Rhys Davies                  Unattached                      1:20:10
     486  Kelvin Davies                Wrexham Tri                     1:20:12
     487  Bill Mansley         V60  16 Northern Vets                   1:20:17
     488  Lee Pownall                  Unattached                      1:20:19
     489  Ron Reed             V70     Wilmslow RC                     1:20:21
     490  Kevin Maguire        V55  41 Winston Runners                 1:20:23
     491  Robert Harding       V50  79 Telford AC                      1:20:25
     492  Dave Dainty          V40 103 Liverpool RC                    1:20:30
     493  Bunny Kyd            V60  17 Royal Sutton Coldfield          1:20:42
     494  John Taylor          V55  42 Prescot Bicc                    1:20:44
     495  Nefyn Williams       V50  80 Unattached                      1:20:46
     496  Anthony Fairbrother  V40 104 Pennylane                       1:20:52
     497  Ronnie Heath         V55  43 Unattached                      1:20:59
     498  Roy Evans                    Abergele Harriers               1:21:11
     499  Ifor Roberts         V60  18 Unattached                      1:21:12
     500  Barry Hough          V50  81 S Cheshire                      1:21:15
     501  John Hall            V40 105 Burnden Rr                      1:21:15
     502  Geoffrey Sheen               Unattached                      1:21:20
     503  Michael Wood         V40 106 Leigh Harriers                  1:21:23
     504  Peter Overton                Unattached                      1:21:23
     505  Steve Jones          V40 107 Shropshire Shufflers            1:21:23
     506  Simon Richards               Wrexham Tri                     1:21:27
     507  Bernard Thompstone   V50  82 Winston Runners                 1:21:34
     508  Brian Stuart-Cole    V50  83 Winston Runners                 1:21:34
     509  Tony Rawlinson               Liverpool RC                    1:21:40
     510  Derek Bury           V60  19 Middleton Harriers              1:21:40
     511  Charles Enston               Unattached                      1:21:45
     512  John Howard          V50  84 Glossop Dale Harriers           1:21:50
     513  Patrick Warrington           Unattached                      1:21:57
     514 $James Maddison       V55  44 Unattached                      1:21:58
     515  Gerard Price         V40 108 Unattached                      1:22:00
     516  Leslie Nevin         V50  85 Pennylane                       1:22:00
     517  Andrew Roberts       V40 109 Unattached                      1:22:00
     518  Mark Foort                   Unattached                      1:22:03
     519  Gordon Carter        V60  20 Unattached                      1:22:03
     520  Michael Griffiths    V40 110 Unattached                      1:22:20
     521  Mark Nicholas Jones          Unattached                      1:22:27
     522  Kelvin Cunnington    V55  45 Northern Vets                   1:22:37
     523  Anthony Molloy       V45  73 Birchfield Harriers             1:22:39
     524  Philip Walker        V50  86 Wilmslow RC                     1:22:42
     525  Neville Tilley       V55  46 Unattached                      1:22:46
     526  Gareth Edwards       V45  74 Unattached                      1:22:52
     527  Tony Meakin          V40 111 Radcliffe AC                    1:22:55
     528  Kenneth Piper        V40 112 Liverpool RC                    1:22:57
     529  Rourke Phil O'               Liverpool RC                    1:23:03
     530  Paul Burns                   Unattached                      1:23:05
     531  Adrian Bowcock               Unattached                      1:23:15
     532  Keith Turton                 Unattached                      1:23:17
     533  Christopher Heap     V50  87 Oldham & Royton H               1:23:21
     534  John Tourt           V50  88 Stafford Harriers               1:23:32
     535  Arun Gomes                   Unattached                      1:23:37
     536  Adrian Piggot                Unattached                      1:23:38
     537  Christopher Crocombe         Unattached                      1:23:47
     538  Philip Sinnott       V45  75 Unattached                      1:23:57
     539  Raymond Herbert      V55  47 Unattached                      1:24:03
     540  David Atkin                  Unattached                      1:24:06
     541  John Tasker          V45  76 Liverpool RC                    1:24:07
     542  Ian McDermott                Unattached                      1:24:17
     543  Andrew McGibbon      V40 113 Buckley Runners                 1:24:33
     544  Anthony Rafferty     V50  89 Unattached                      1:24:37
     545  Hugh Turner          V70     Midland Vets AC                 1:24:39
     546  Tony Wright          V40 114 Burnden Rr                      1:24:54
     547  Percy Hogg           V55  48 Village Rr                      1:24:58
     548  Iorwerth Roberts     V55  49 Eryri                           1:25:02
     549  Andrew Jackson               Unattached                      1:25:08
     550  Roger Pickles        V45  77 Road Runners Club               1:25:09
     551  Maurice Clarke       V50  90 Liverpool RC                    1:25:10
     552  Michael Parry        V45  78 Unattached                      1:25:12
     553 $Dave Cheetham                Unattached                      1:25:14
     554 $Tony Gibson          V40 115 Unattached                      1:25:14
     555  Andrew Marpole               Shropshire Shufflers            1:25:19
     556  Tony Schenck         V45  79 Unattached                      1:25:26
     557  Martin Stirna        V45  80 Unattached                      1:25:30
     558  John Cooper                  Unattached                      1:25:32
     559  John Wright                  Birkenhead AC                   1:25:36
     560  Paul Herbert         V60  21 Pennylane                       1:25:42
     561  J Brian Wareing      V55  50 Ea Technology                   1:25:42
     562  Howard Ablett        V55  51 Buckley Runners                 1:25:46
     563  Wayne Thomas         V40 116 Liverpool AC                    1:25:48
     564  Peter Stalls         V45  81 Oldham & Royton H               1:25:51
     565  William Prescott             Liverpool RC                    1:26:00
     566  Edward Lloyd         V70     Pennylane                       1:26:03
     567  Sylvio Tura          V60  22 Unattached                      1:26:03
     568  Gary Daniels         V50  91 Unattached                      1:26:08
     569  Lawrie Brown         V60  23 Birkenhead AC                   1:26:09
     570  William Woodfine             Unattached                      1:26:10
     571  Danial Jones         JM    4 Unattached                      1:26:14
     572  Ray Shaw             V60  24 Oldham & Royton H               1:26:22
     573  Steven Davies                Unattached                      1:26:24
     574  Stephen Roach        V50  92 Unattached                      1:26:31
     575  Gareth Jones                 Chester College                 1:26:47
     576  Paul Kinsell         V55  52 Action Heart RC                 1:26:57
     577  Geoff Doherty        V40 117 Eryri                           1:27:00
     578  Malcolm Worral       V55  53 Manchester Harriers             1:27:19
     579  Michael Farnier      V40 118 Unattached                      1:27:22
     580  Ian Fleming                  Winston Runners                 1:27:31
     581  Brian Cowen          V45  82 Shropshire Shufflers            1:27:38
     582  John Williams        V50  93 Shropshire Shufflers            1:27:45
     583  Adrian Batson        V60  25 Blackburn Rr                    1:27:50
     584  Ian Coles            V55  54 Red Herring Rr                  1:27:52
     585  Peter Holt           V60  26 Shropshire Shufflers            1:28:19
     586  Mark Grundy                  Unattached                      1:28:26
     587  David Lord           JM    5 Unattached                      1:28:31
     588  Emyr Roberts                 Unattached                      1:28:34
     589  Barry Pierce         V50  94 Unattached                      1:28:38
     590  Ivor Davies          V55  55 Unattached                      1:28:41
     591  Peter Mackarel       V40 119 Unattached                      1:28:45
     592  Roy Hughes           V60  27 Abergele Harriers               1:28:54
     593  Kevin O'Brien        V60  28 Pennylane                       1:29:16
     594  Mark Griffiths               Unattached                      1:29:24
     595  Vincent Cummins      V50  95 Unattached                      1:29:25
     596  Peter Plunkett       V70     Unattached                      1:29:40
     597  Jeff Dawson                  Burnden Rr                      1:29:48
     598  Don Tilstone         V65   8 Newcastle Staffs AC             1:30:02
     599  Derek Gill           V70     Bingley Harriers                1:30:20
     600  James Porter         V55  56 Unattached                      1:30:24
     601  Philip Quinn         V55  57 Pennylane                       1:30:36
     602  Robert Campbell      V50  96 Unattached                      1:30:40
     603  Mohamed Yaku Kholasi V60  29 Burnden Rr                      1:31:00
     604  Christopher Barlow   V40 120 Winston Runners                 1:31:10
     605  Fred Longhorn        V55  58 Unattached                      1:31:11
     606  Lee Rowllaston               Unattached                      1:31:23
     607  Paul Candlin         V50  97 Champion Sparks Rrc             1:31:27
     608  Stephen Wellinton            Prestatyn RC                    1:31:52
     609  Brian Griffiths      V55  59 Helsby RC                       1:31:53
     610  Richard Finch        JM    6 Unattached                      1:31:55
     611  Nick Gillett         V40 121 Road Runners Club               1:32:24
     612  Craig Cowan                  Unattached                      1:32:27
     613  Barry Sylvester      V60  30 Unattached                      1:32:45
     614  Gareth Roberts       V45  83 Unattached                      1:32:57
     615  Ken Beevers          V50  98 Burnden Rr                      1:33:21
     616  Geoff Bailey         V70     Trentham RC                     1:33:23
     617  Evan Moore                   Unattached                      1:33:29
     618  Charles Toy          V70     East Cheshire Harriers          1:33:50
     619  Patrick Regan                Unattached                      1:34:31
     620  Michael Sams                 Unattached                      1:34:53
     621  Malcolm James        V50  99 Conwy Park RC                   1:35:05
     622  Douglas Joss         V60  31 Blackburn Rr                    1:35:40
     623  Paul Zammit          JM    7 Unattached                      1:35:47
     624  Dave Reid            V40 122 Unattached                      1:35:55
     625  Hugh Carson          V50 100 Liverpool RC                    1:36:03
     626  Alan Davies          V55  60 St Helens Sutton                1:36:08
     627  Brian Temple         V60  32 Midland Vets AC                 1:36:29
     628  Graham Earp          V40 123 Ea Technology                   1:36:32
     629  Mark Simpson                 Unattached                      1:36:35
     630  Robert Sudlow        V40 124 Unattached                      1:36:58
     631  Cecil Wagstaff       V70     East Cheshire Harriers          1:37:00
     632  John Newbury         V65  13 Liverpool RC                    1:37:08
     633 $Martin Nash                  Unattached                      1:37:30
     634  Alan Morton          V70     Bro Dysynni AC                  1:37:34
     635  John Coulthard       V70     Pennylane                       1:37:52
     636  Mike Sanderson       V55  61 Village Rr                      1:38:31
     637  Patrick Nesden       V45  84 Road Runners Club               1:39:21
     638  Kenneth Baker        V60  33 Unattached                      1:39:25
     639  Colin Wickens        V40 125 Unattached                      1:39:29
     640  Cyril Williams       V55  62 Unattached                      1:40:29
     641  Anthony Hughes               Liverpool RC                    1:47:19
     642  Michael Regan        V60  34 Warrington Rr                   1:48:17
     643  Stan Payne           V65  16 Michelin AC                     1:48:29
     644  Gary Carter          V40 126 Action Heart RC                 1:53:01
     645  Leon Kata            V70     Ford Halewood AC                1:54:38
     646  Oliver Neasham       JM    8 Unattached                      1:55:38
     647  Stanley Butler       V50 101 Unattached                      1:57:59
     648  Eifion Evans         V70     Cybi Striders                   2:03:26
     649  Rourke Colin O'              Unattached                      2:10:53
     650  Allan Dorson                 Unattached                      2:10:53

Llandudno 10 - Men -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Eryri                              59
                                 8  James McQueen       
                                16  Dylan Jones         
                                35  Arwel Lewis         
  2  Wrexham AC                         64
                                13  Mike Robins         
                                18  Gary Norgrove       
                                33  Darren Jones        
  3  Pembroke Sefton                    69
                                11  John Kilbane        
                                27  Darren Soden        
                                31  Jeff Mason          
  4  Liverpool RC                       69
                                 5  Glen Groves         
                                26  Jonathon Ferguson   
                                38  Bill Fairclough     
  5  Salford Harriers                   72
                                14  Stephen Williams    
                                28  Sean McMyler        
                                30  Stephen Wrigley     
  6  Colwyn Bay AC                      80
                                17  David Hughes        
                                24  Richard Jones       
                                39  Billy Hunter        
  7  Stockport Harriers                 91
                                 9  Graham Hill         
                                20  Christopher Petch   
                                62  Geoff Quinn         
  8  Wilmslow RC                       133
                                23  Tom McGaff          
                                53  Nick Bishop         
                                57  Jim Pendrill        
  9  Buckley Runners                   164
                                42  Chris Davies        
                                49  Tim Davies          
                                73  Christopher Turner  
 10  Helsby RC                         189
                                12  John Wycherley      
                                72  Graham McAra        
                               105  Ste Dobson          
 11  Burnden Rr                        192
                                40  Brian Duffy         
                                63  Andy Staveley       
                                89  Alan Worthington    
 12  West Cheshire AC                  201
                                37  Graham Jenkins      
                                64  Stephen Parker      
                               100  David Crawford      
 13  Pennylane                         206
                                47  Francis Martin      
                                78  Alan Jervis         
                                81  Tony Man            
 14  Oldham & Royton H                 218
                                15  Owen Flage          
                                96  David Phillips      
                               107  Barry Greaves       
 15  Telford Harriers                  250
                                41  Andy Smith          
                                79  Johnathon Pierce    
                               130  Graham Machin       
 16  Middleton Harriers                251
                                59  Mick Flatley        
                                70  Graham Chesters     
                               122  Peter Dean          
 17  Stafford Harriers                 256
                                58  Craig Anderton      
                                85  David Constance     
                               113  Michael Bradbury    
 18  Radcliffe AC                      262
                                32  Adrian Harris       
                               109  Mark Wiliams        
                               121  Alec Steele         
 19  Trentham RC                       264
                                66  Andrew Clinton      
                                87  Mark Hughes         
                               111  Christopher Branbury
 20  Bro Dysynni AC                    302
                                 3  Adrian Bailey       
                               114  Walter Marsh        
                               185  Richard Griffiths   
 21  Rivacre                           306
                                93  Peter Geoghegan     
                                98  David Nalder        
                               115  Matthew Whitfield   
 22  Telford AC                        329
                                25  Richard Jones       
                               108  Philip Cox          
                               196  Roger Sandland      
 23  East Cheshire Harriers            342
                                 1  Andrew Jones        
                               135  Simon Cooper        
                               206  Paul Kenny          
 24  Bolton Harriers                   344
                                67  David Dowd          
                                82  Ken Fowler          
                               195  James McNulty       
 25  Tattenhall Runners                344
                                44  Ian Lancaster       
                                55  Simon Ellis         
                               245  Christopher Walley  
 26  Red Herring Rr                    376
                                69  Philip Cuthbert     
                               139  Mike Garbutt        
                               168  Stephen Whittle     
 27  Prestatyn RC                      383
                               101  Kevin Jones         
                               112  Paul Brandrick      
                               170  Roberts John Hughes 
 28  Oswestry Olympians                389
                                50  Jon Hancock         
                               125  Neil Ballard        
                               214  Dave Newton         
 29  Vale Royal AC                     398
                                21  Peter Maher         
                               158  Sergey Ryabov       
                               219  Colin Rathbone      
 30  Abergele Harriers                 456
                                48  Darren Blazier      
                               184  Alan Taylor         
                               224  David Hankey        
 31  Northern Vets                     465
                                34  Robert Frodsham     
                               118  Ray Smith           
                               313  Kevin Taylor        
 32  Michelin AC                       469
                                76  Steven Owen         
                               183  Kenny Johnson       
                               210  Frank Caci          
 33  Shropshire Shufflers              497
                               110  Joseph Clarke       
                               119  Jamie Donaghy       
                               268  Russell Ward        
 34  Sneyd Striders Rrc                503
                               148  Ron Nicholls        
                               164  Richard Johnson     
                               191  Nigel Churchill     
 35  Audley RC                         561
                                74  Rob Shannon         
                               153  Gary Brough         
                               334  Jeffrey Whitehouse  
 36  Denbigh Harriers                  567
                               127  David Jones         
                               174  Meirion Wyn Roberts 
                               266  Robert Neale        
 37  Dee Striders RC                   569
                               145  David Temple        
                               149  Graham Stevens      
                               275  Kevin Burns         
 38  Bridgnorth AC                     573
                               165  David Draper        
                               186  Rob Miles           
                               222  Andrew Bryan        
 39  Wrexham Tri                       586
                               154  Alan Conner         
                               156  James Thomas        
                               276  Kenny Hughes        
 40  Manchester Harriers               595
                               162  Tony Brady          
                               163  David Gregory       
                               270  Stephen Crass       
 41  Village Rr                        615
                               151  Stephen Worrall     
                               226  Peter Breen         
                               238  Stephen Beech       
 42  Belle-Vue Racers                  723
                               176  Mark Ledward        
                               237  Tony Haughton       
                               310  Malcolm Mooney      
 43  Village RC                        738
                               190  Peter Wong          
                               241  Andrew Mitchell     
                               307  Karl Mullins        
 44  Sospan Rr                         774
                               215  Sam Moore           
                               216  William Thomas      
                               343  Gwyn Jones          
 45  Road Runners Club                 791
                               177  David Bradley       
                               293  Keith Dodsworth     
                               321  Peter Stokes        
 46  Blackburn Rr                      848
                               181  John Mitchell       
                               253  Michael Chimesczuk  
                               414  Adrian Batson       
 47  Spectrum Striders                 859
                               262  Peter Lowe          
                               289  John Gregory        
                               308  Jeff Ashton         
 48  Aldridge RC                       880
                               264  Stan Canham         
                               291  Peter Lawrence      
                               325  Nick Eynon          
 49  Liverpool AC                      896
                               178  Peter Simpson       
                               317  Neil Watson         
                               401  Wayne Thomas        
 50  Cybi Striders                     898
                               220  David Kirkham       
                               229  Ian Gareth Williams 
                               449  Eifion Evans        
 51  Winston Runners                   923
                               287  Tom Gayne           
                               306  Barry Stuart-Cole   
                               330  Andrew Cowan        
 52  Birkenhead AC                    1050
                               344  Philip Smith        
                               350  Brian Newton        
                               356  Alan Brocken        

Llandudno 10 - Ladies -- FINAL RESULTS ($=non-counter)

     Pos  Name                 Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  Kerrie Wood          L35   1 Stockport Harriers              1:00:34
       2  Emma Davies          L     2 Wrexham AC                      1:02:20
       3  Tracey Ambler        L35   2 Wrexham AC                      1:02:57
       4  Pamela Morgan        L35   3 Liverpool RC                    1:03:17
       5  Joanne Bailey        L     5 West Cheshire AC                1:03:33
       6  Emma Jones           L     6 Belle Vue Racers                1:03:57
       7  Alison Vesey         L35   4 Altringham                      1:04:59
       8  Helen Davies         L35   5 Wrexham AC                      1:05:07
       9  Victoria Musgrove    L45   1 Wrexham AC                      1:06:01
      10  Lynne Maddison       L    10 Prestatyn RC                    1:06:03
      11  Isabel Redfern       L    11 Colwyn Bay AC                   1:06:14
      12   Mary Doyle          L45   2 Liverpool RC                    1:06:21
      13  Lesley Fisher        L40   1 Burnden Rr                      1:06:41
      14  Annie Capp           L40   2 Telford Harriers                1:06:51
      15  Jane Mountford       L35   6 Buckley Runners                 1:07:24
      16  Val Carter           L35   7 Royal Sutton Coldfield          1:08:22
      17  Sue Greene           L40   3 Liverpool RC                    1:08:32
      18  Louise Diggle        L45   3 West Cheshire AC                1:08:54
      19  Catherine Nevin      L45   4 Pennylane                       1:09:15
      20  Susan Cain           L45   5 Pennylane                       1:09:25
      21  Samatha Child        L    21 Colwyn Bay AC                   1:09:36
      22  Paula Rivas          L35   8 Skelmersdale Boundary           1:10:14
      23  Lisa Willaims        L    23 Chase Harriers                  1:10:29
      24  Julia Close          L    24 Unattached                      1:10:39
      25  Yvonne Prior         L40   4 Unattached                      1:11:00
      26  Rosie Naish          L40   5 Bro Dysynni AC                  1:11:57
      27  Jane Tideswell       L35   9 Buckley Runners                 1:12:32
      28  Pauline Martin       L50   1 Birkenhead AC                   1:12:53
      29  Nicola Thompson      L    29 Colwyn Bay AC                   1:12:58
      30  Lyn Lyon             L40   6 Nwrrc                           1:13:16
      31  Shelia Waite         L35  10 Oldham & Royton H               1:13:40
      32  Elaine Lowden        L    32 Unattached                      1:13:43
      33  Janet Niccolls       L40   7 Oswestry Olympians              1:13:50
      34  Claire Willis        L    34 Shropshire Shufflers            1:14:00
      35  Sally Kibble         L    35 West Cheshire AC                1:14:01
      36  Jackie Jarvis        L35  11 Oswestry Olympians              1:14:13
      37  McCann Debra Barlow  L    37 Stockport Harriers              1:14:29
      38  Vivenne Clarke       L45   6 Liverpool RC                    1:15:10
      39  Debbie Evans         L40   8 Bro Dysynni AC                  1:15:17
      40  Dyleth Bryan         L35  12 Abergele Harriers               1:15:21
      41  Fiona Coleman        L35  13 Colwyn Bay AC                   1:15:33
      42  Gabby Waring         L40   9 Prestatyn RC                    1:15:35
      43  Barbara Stoll        L45   7 Unattached                      1:15:47
      44  Judith Jones         L40  10 Abergele Harriers               1:15:50
      45  Helen McArthur       L    45 Unattached                      1:15:54
      46  Lesley Woodward      L50   2 Unattached                      1:16:05
      47  Sioned Taylor        L    47 Tattenhall Runners              1:16:15
      48  Hazel Dirksen        L50   3 Buckley Runners                 1:16:22
      49  Sandra Poole         L55   1 Holme Pierrepont                1:16:36
      50  Pamela Thurtle       L    50 Pennylane                       1:16:41
      51  Shelia Bickerton     L45   8 South Cheshire Harriers         1:16:46
      52  Anne Ferry           L45   9 Liverpool RC                    1:16:48
      53  Linda Owen           L40  11 Spectrum Striders               1:16:59
      54   Julia Holbrook      L    54 Trentham RC                     1:17:05
      55  Sarah Johnson        L    55 Unattached                      1:17:23
      56  Janet Redpath        L50   4 Spectrum Striders               1:17:29
      57  Liz Dobson           L35  14 Helsby RC                       1:17:48
      58  Lowri Morgan         L    58 Unattached                      1:17:49
      59  Pauline Brittles     L40  12 Pennylane                       1:18:02
      60  Janet Jeffreys       L35  15 Oswestry Olympians              1:18:05
      61  Sophie Campbell      L    61 Unattached                      1:18:17
      62  Christina Carson     L45  10 Pennylane                       1:18:25
      63  Sandy Roberts        L40  13 Prestatyn RC                    1:18:50
      64  Lesley Keyworth      L45  11 Pensby Runners                  1:18:56
      65  Janet Kelsey         L    65 Wrexham AC                      1:19:11
      66  Dawn Urquhart        L    66 Buckley Runners                 1:19:14
      67  Valerie Potts        L50   5 Unattached                      1:19:15
      68  Vivien Cheetham      L    68 Unattached                      1:19:15
      69  Pamela Grant         L40  14 Abergele Harriers               1:19:22
      70  Marie Stronach       L45  12 Unattached                      1:19:36
      71  Sandra Evans         L40  15 Unattached                      1:19:37
      72  Linda Rodgers        L40  16 Liverpool RC                    1:19:46
      73  Maureen Bailey       L40  17 Picton RC                       1:19:50
      74  Ann Jones            L50   6 Wrexham AC                      1:19:54
      75  Lesley Arrowsmith    L40  18 Tattenhall Runners              1:20:04
      76  Lynda Roberts        L55   2 Pensby Runners                  1:20:12
      77  Lynn Duffy           L40  19 Burnden Rr                      1:20:13
      78  Sarah Greaves        L40  20 Oswestry Olympians              1:20:34
      79  Margaret Williams    L45  13 Unattached                      1:20:46
      80  Susan Bond           L40  21 Buckley Runners                 1:21:18
      81  Lesley Cummings      L45  14 Pensby Runners                  1:21:21
      82  Christina Jones      L35  16 Unattached                      1:21:25
      83  Susan Roberts        L35  17 Unattached                      1:21:30
      84  Jane Nicholson       L35  18 Pennylane                       1:22:06
      85  Ann Clarkson         L45  15 Pennylane                       1:22:12
      86  Jacqui Beevers       L50   7 Burnden Rr                      1:22:16
      87  Christine Allmark    L50   8 Newcastle Staffs AC             1:23:10
      88  Yvonne Richards      L40  22 Trentham RC                     1:23:21
      89  Helen Adamson        L40  23 Unattached                      1:23:33
      90  Julie Anne Smith     L40  24 Telford Harriers                1:23:42
      91  Maggie Williams      L    91 Unattached                      1:23:48
      92  Joyce Gent           L55   3 Wigan Phoenix                   1:23:49
      93  Angela Shurie        L    93 Liverpool RC                    1:23:50
      94  Shelia Jones         L40  25 Bro Dysynni AC                  1:23:52
      95  Pam Matthews         L50   9 Oswestry Olympians              1:23:53
      96  Catherin Etherington L    96 Unattached                      1:23:57
      97  Jane Cheetham        L    97 Unattached                      1:24:14
      98  Jean McGibson        L45  16 Buckley Runners                 1:24:22
      99  Sheila Parker        L45  17 Unattached                      1:24:52
     100  Julie Brown          L   100 Winston Runners                 1:25:13
     101  Carol O'Callaghan    L45  18 Shropshire Shufflers            1:25:13
     102  Elaine Doga          L   102 Unattached                      1:25:14
     103  Linda Drayton        L40  26 Unattached                      1:25:14
     104  Jackie Carrington    L   104 Realrunner.com.                 1:25:21
     105  Karen Field          L35  19 West Cheshire AC                1:25:42
     106  Jo Jones             L40  27 Unattached                      1:25:45
     107  Joanne Fellows       L   107 Unattached                      1:25:54
     108  Ellen Singer         L40  28 Unattached                      1:25:54
     109  Marjorie Griffiths   L55   4 Bro Dysynni AC                  1:26:19
     110  Deborah Berrisford   L35  20 Manchester Harriers             1:26:26
     111  Lucy Gallon          L   111 Helsby RC                       1:26:28
     112  Gael Earp            L35  21 Unattached                      1:26:34
     113  Linda Wright         L   113 Unattached                      1:26:43
     114  Maria Jones          L   114 Shropshire Shufflers            1:26:43
     115  Nolan Yoland Marconi L50  10 Bro Dysynni AC                  1:26:47
     116  Gillian Brandrick    L45  19 Unattached                      1:26:54
     117  Helen Rowlinson      L45  20 Shropshire Shufflers            1:26:56
     118  Chris Gallagher      L35  22 Picton RC                       1:27:06
     119  Tracy Travers        L35  23 Unattached                      1:27:18
     120  Jones Angela Pettit  L40  29 Denbigh Harriers                1:27:20
     121  Jennifer Burgess     L55   5 Shropshire Shufflers            1:27:27
     122  Jenny Tomlinson      L55   6 East Cheshire Harriers          1:27:34
     123  Vickie Phillips      L   123 Unattached                      1:27:35
     124  Tessa Swaine         L45  21 Tattenhall Runners              1:27:36
     125  Nicki Clews          L   125 Buckley Runners                 1:27:47
     126  Lysbeth James        L55   7 Michelin AC                     1:27:49
     127  Tracy Donoghue       L   127 Buckley Runners                 1:27:51
     128  Bridget Fleming      L45  22 Winston Runners                 1:27:51
     129  Mary Long            L40  30 Picton RC                       1:28:15
     130  Tracey Sutherland    L40  31 Unattached                      1:28:21
     131  Maureen Smith        L45  23 Pensby Runners                  1:28:21
     132  Susan McDonagh       L45  24 Unattached                      1:28:43
     133  Toni McDonagh        L   133 Unattached                      1:28:54
     134  Shelia Elliott       L50  11 Holme Pierrepont                1:29:17
     135  Angela Newbury       L40  32 Unattached                      1:29:42
     136  Shelia Roberts       L60   1 Shropshire Shufflers            1:30:12
     137  Pamela Hough         L50  12 S Cheshire                      1:30:21
     138  Claire Winfield      L35  24 Unattached                      1:30:24
     139  Jane Fedrick         L35  25 Unattached                      1:30:24
     140  Monica Brown         L55   8 Pennylane                       1:30:30
     141  Margaret Brayshay    L50  13 Colwyn Bay AC                   1:30:39
     142  Lynn Vickers         L35  26 Liverpool RC                    1:30:44
     143  Linda Edmondson      L35  27 Unattached                      1:30:55
     144  Tracy Gibb           L35  28 Unattached                      1:31:17
     145  Elspeth Horner       L35  29 Unattached                      1:31:21
     146  Lynne Allen          L55   9 Stockport Harriers              1:32:00
     147  Joan Porter          L55  10 Stockport Harriers              1:32:00
     148  Anne Mellor          L40  33 Manchester Harriers             1:32:08
     149  Helen Jones          L40  34 Denbigh Harriers                1:32:19
     150  Gwyneth Roberts      L40  35 Unattached                      1:32:23
     151  Jacquelin Fairclough L35  30 Unattached                      1:32:33
     152   Angela Batho        L45  25 Shropshire Shufflers            1:32:35
     153  Tina Maguire         L35  31 Chase Harriers                  1:32:38
     154  Ruth Lewis           L   154 Wrexham Tri                     1:32:41
     155  Elizabeth Loughrey   L65   1 Pennylane                       1:32:42
     156  Sian Eleri Bramwell  L35  32 Unattached                      1:32:57
     157  Jean Skitt           L55  11 Manchester Harriers             1:32:57
     158  Jane Roberts         L40  36 Unattached                      1:32:59
     159  Jean Ashley          L45  26 Nwrrc                           1:33:07
     160  Jean Hughes          L40  37 Unattached                      1:33:31
     161  Winnie Moore         L55  12 Sospan Rr                       1:33:33
     162  Carol Kenny          L50  14 Ea Technology                   1:34:08
     163  Barbara Clubb        L45  27 Liverpool RC                    1:34:08
     164  Ann Ablett           L45  28 Buckley Runners                 1:34:13
     165  Ruth Craven          L65   2 Shropshire Shufflers            1:34:31
     166  Donna Jones          L35  33 Unattached                      1:34:58
     167  Hilda Limacher       L40  38 Nwrrc                           1:35:17
     168  Ann Bovey            L60   2 Unattached                      1:35:31
     169  Dot Hughes           L50  15 Wrexham Tri                     1:35:50
     170  Janet Walker         L40  39 Unattached                      1:36:51
     171  Denise Brigham       L50  16 Unattached                      1:37:05
     172  Kim Rockcliffe       L40  40 Liverpool RC                    1:37:08
     173  Julie Balmer         L35  34 Pennylane                       1:37:52
     174  Margaret Williams    L60   3 Unattached                      1:38:22
     175  Sharon Kinsey        L35  35 Aldridge RC                     1:38:41
     176  Rosanne Davies       L35  36 Shropshire Shufflers            1:38:45
     177  Sandra Donnelly      L40  41 Pennylane                       1:38:57
     178  Jan Parry            L55  13 Unattached                      1:39:07
     179  Jaqueline Edwards    L45  29 Winston Runners                 1:39:30
     180  Sandra Maguire       L50  17 Winston Runners                 1:39:30
     181  Elizabeth Baker      L45  30 Unattached                      1:40:00
     182  Marie Reid           L   182 Liverpool RC                    1:40:10
     183  Helen Humphreys      L40  42 Shropshire Shufflers            1:40:56
     184  Jean Bayley          L40  43 Manchester Harriers             1:40:57
     185  Jillian Beedles      L55  14 Shropshire Shufflers            1:41:40
     186  Midge Holt           L55  15 Shropshire Shufflers            1:42:21
     187  Christine Evans      L40  44 Shropshire Shufflers            1:42:39
     188  Julie Richards       L40  45 Shropshire Shufflers            1:43:17
     189  Margaret Shaw        L60   4 Michelin AC                     1:44:10
     190  Rachel Lloyd         L   190 Liverpool RC                    1:44:40
     191  Christine Newbury    L   191 Liverpool RC                    1:44:40
     192  Eirlys Griffiths     L45  31 Bro Dysynni AC                  1:46:03
     193  Sandra Daly          L   193 Liverpool RC                    1:46:52
     194  Brenda Tinsley       L40  46 Unattached                      1:47:22
     195  Marie State          L45  32 Bournville Harriers             1:47:44
     196  Jean Payne           L65   3 Michelin AC                     1:48:29
     197  Janet Harding        L   197 Unattached                      1:49:28
     198  Megan Dallow         L   198 Unattached                      1:49:59
     199  Jane Marsden         L45  33 Conwy Park RC                   1:50:48
     200  Sam Tran             L   200 Unattached                      1:52:55
     201  Bernadette McCarthy  L40  47 Winston Runners                 1:52:57
     202  Elizabeth Blackledge L65   4 Winston Runners                 1:52:57
     203  Isobel Chidlow       L45  34 Unattached                      1:54:21
     204  Patricia Linney      L50  18 Unattached                      1:55:16
     205  Barbara Brown        L65   5 Liverpool RC                    1:56:07
     206  Lisa Harmer          L   206 Unattached                      1:58:33
     207  Margaret Dineen      L65   6 Michelin AC                     1:58:42
     208  Grace Smith          L45  35 Unattached                      2:00:02
     209  Georgina White       L35  37 Unattached                      2:01:24
     210  Jan Roberts          L50  19 Unattached                      2:01:24
     211  Bronwen Davies       L50  20 Unattached                      2:01:24
     212  Jan Donnison         L35  38 Unattached                      2:01:24
     213  Celia Dawson         L   213 Unattached                      2:10:53

Llandudno 10 - Ladies -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Wrexham AC                         13
                                 2  Emma Davies         
                                 3  Tracey Ambler       
                                 8  Helen Davies        
  2  Liverpool RC                       33
                                 4  Pamela Morgan       
                                12  Mary Doyle          
                                17  Sue Greene          
  3  West Cheshire AC                   55
                                 5  Joanne Bailey       
                                18  Louise Diggle       
                                32  Sally Kibble        
  4  Colwyn Bay AC                      59
                                11  Isabel Redfern      
                                21  Samatha Child       
                                27  Nicola Thompson     
  5  Buckley Runners                    82
                                15  Jane Mountford      
                                25  Jane Tideswell      
                                42  Hazel Dirksen       
  6  Pennylane                          83
                                19  Catherine Nevin     
                                20  Susan Cain          
                                44  Pamela Thurtle      
  7  Prestatyn RC                      103
                                10  Lynne Maddison      
                                39  Gabby Waring        
                                54  Sandy Roberts       
  8  Oswestry Olympians                115
                                30  Janet Niccolls      
                                33  Jackie Jarvis       
                                52  Janet Jeffreys      
  9  Abergele Harriers                 135
                                37  Dyleth Bryan        
                                40  Judith Jones        
                                58  Pamela Grant        
 10  Bro Dysynni AC                    136
                                24  Rosie Naish         
                                36  Debbie Evans        
                                76  Shelia Jones        
 11  Stockport Harriers                141
                                 1  Kerrie Wood         
                                34  McCann Debra Barlow 
                               106  Lynne Allen         
 12  Burnden Rr                        147
                                13  Lesley Fisher       
                                64  Lynn Duffy          
                                70  Jacqui Beevers      
 13  Pensby Runners                    185
                                55  Lesley Keyworth     
                                63  Lynda Roberts       
                                67  Lesley Cummings     
 14  Tattenhall Runners                196
                                41  Sioned Taylor       
                                62  Lesley Arrowsmith   
                                93  Tessa Swaine        
 15  Shropshire Shufflers              197
                                31  Claire Willis       
                                80  Carol O'Callaghan   
                                86  Maria Jones         
 16  Picton RC                         247
                                60  Maureen Bailey      
                                89  Chris Gallagher     
                                98  Mary Long           
 17  Nwrrc                             264
                                28  Lyn Lyon            
                               115  Jean Ashley         
                               121  Hilda Limacher      
 18  Winston Runners                   304
                                79  Julie Brown         
                                97  Bridget Fleming     
                               128  Jaqueline Edwards   
 19  Manchester Harriers               306
                                84  Deborah Berrisford  
                               108  Anne Mellor         
                               114  Jean Skitt          
 20  Michelin AC                       375
                                95  Lysbeth James       
                               137  Margaret Shaw       
                               143  Jean Payne          

Results copyright (c) G.J. Fecitt (SportSoft) 2001