The Rosemere Cancer 5k Family Fun Run

at Preston on Monday 1st May 2000

Rosemere 5k -- FINAL RESULTS

     Pos  Name                 Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  Jimmy O'Connell              Unattached                        17:43
       2  Kevin Smith                  Unattached                        18:30
       3  Gary Wilson                  Unattached                        18:53
       4  Neil Clitheroe               Lostock Hall 'A'                  20:29
       5  Kevin McKendrick             Unattached                        20:32
       6  Steven McNamog               Unattached                        21:11
       7  David Rawling                Unattached                        22:13
       8  Allan Dowling                This And That                     22:36
       9  Howard Henshaw               Unattached                        22:47
      10  Steven Robinson              Lostock Hall 'C'                  22:50
      11  Sam Mullineaux               Lostock Hall 'B'                  22:51
      12  Paul Carter                  Unattached                        22:52
      13  Adam Taylor                  Ashton Methodist Church           23:04
      14  Joey Horrock                 Unattached                        23:06
      15  V Nayee                      Unattached                        23:29
      16  Robert Knowles               Unattached                        23:39
      17  David Stewart                Lostock Hall 'C'                  23:54
      18  Jonny Timbrell               Unattached                        23:55
      19  P Timbrell                   Unattached                        23:57
      20  Mark Hindle                  Unattached                        24:07
      21  Malcolm Lancaster            Unattached                        24:07
      22  Alison Armour        L     1 Unattached                        24:11
      23  Katherine Ross       L     2 This And That                     24:17
      24  Pater Wignall                Unattached                        24:41
      25  Isobel Park          L     3 Pindar Plc 'B'                    24:45
      26  John Ellis                   Unattached                        24:47
      27  Jane Browell         L     4 Unattached                        24:47
      28  U Dholakia                   Unattached                        24:50
      29  N Patel                      Unattached                        24:50
      30  Judith Sturzaker     L     5 Unattached                        24:57
      31  Gavin Keogh                  Pindar Plc 'A'                    25:41
      32  David Rigg                   Lostock Hall 'A'                  25:41
      33  Paul Rigg                    Lostock Hall 'A'                  25:44
      34  Andrew Horrocks              Ashton Methodist Church           25:56
      35  Kay Slater           L     6 Unattached                        26:10
      36  Alan Seed                    Unattached                        26:12
      37  David Manwaring              Ashton Methodist Church           26:15
      38  Gillian Mounsey      L     7 Unattached                        26:23
      39  Paul Richmond                Unattached                        26:24
      40  Alan Stuttard        L     8 Unattached                        26:28
      41  Andy Hindley                 This And That                     26:30
      42  Michelle Taite       L     9 Physiotherapy Dept                26:34
      43  Rick Nihill                  Bamber Bridge Con Club            26:49
      44  Frances Dawson       L    10 Unattached                        26:50
      45  Eva Foster           L    11 Unattached                        26:50
      46  John Moster                  Unattached                        26:50
      47  Anthony Bully                Unattached                        26:50
      48  Gordon Tinline               Unattached                        26:50
      49  George Harbottle             Unattached                        26:50
      50  Prof Lye                     Unattached                        26:50
      51  Jane Pearson         L    12 Unattached                        26:57
      52  David Watkinson              Unattached                        26:57
      53  Nicki Robinson       L    13 Lostock Hall 'B'                  27:02
      54  Alan Taylor                  Unattached                        27:03
      55  Graham Bird                  Unattached                        27:15
      56  Helen Mould          L    14 Anaesthetic PMT                   27:16
      57  Don McKay                    Unattached                        27:19
      58  Bobby McMorran               Unattached                        27:33
      59  Garry Bully                  Unattached                        27:33
      60  Mark Harrison                Unattached                        27:45
      61  Mike Lancaster               Lostock Hall 'B'                  27:49
      62  Jamie Prescott               Lostock Hall 'E'                  27:50
      63  Natalie Moran        L    15 Lostock Hall 'B'                  27:52
      64  Alan Upton                   Unattached                        27:56
      65  Sandra Riley         L    16 Unattached                        28:00
      66  Michael Hayes                Unattached                        28:00
      67  Gregory Timbrell             Unattached                        28:28
      68  Ben Croston                  Unattached                        28:29
      69  Ernie Pryce                  Unattached                        28:33
      70  Jayne Carter         L    17 Unattached                        28:33
      71  Lee Collinson                Unattached                        28:34
      72  Kath Dilworth        L    18 This And That                     28:34
      73  Ricky Beardsworth            Lostock Hall 'E'                  28:37
      74  Elsie Walmsley       L    19 Unattached                        28:57
      75  Steve Croft                  Pindar Plc 'A'                    28:58
      76  Janet Billington     L    20 Ashton Methodist Church           28:58
      77  Janet Hughes         L    21 Unattached                        29:00
      78  Tony Cross                   Four Friends                      29:01
      79  Edward Smith                 Unattached                        29:04
      80  Michelle             L    22 Runner Beans                      29:07
      81  Amanda Davis         L    23 Unattached                        29:15
      82  Angela Ditchfield    L    24 Unattached                        29:25
      83  Mark Sullivan                Unattached                        29:29
      84  Max                          Silvana & Children                29:29
      85  John Owen                    Unattached                        29:35
      86  Paddy McGinty                Bamber Bridge Con Club            29:46
      87  V Belshaw            L    25 Unattached                        29:47
      88  John Connor                  Pindar Plc 'D'                    29:49
      89  Colleen Pike         L    26 Unattached                        29:53
      90  Suzanne Sutton       L    27 Unattached                        29:53
      91  Victoria Jackson     L    28 Unattached                        29:56
      92  Toni Harrison        L    29 Unattached                        29:56
      93  Gail Faulkner        L    30 Unattached                        29:56
      94  Rachael Porter       L    31 Pindar Plc 'B'                    29:58
      95  Justine Griggs       L    32 Pindar Plc 'C'                    29:58
      96  John Feaney                  Pindar Plc 'C'                    29:58
      97  Christine Eaves      L    33 Unattached                        29:58
      98  Dean                         Silvana & Children                29:58
      99  Victoria Quigley             Unattached                        30:08
     100  Christophr Robertson         Unattached                        30:09
     101  Yvonne Wilkinson     L    34 Unattached                        30:17
     102  I Thompson                   Unattached                        30:29
     103  Deborah Hall         L    35 Unattached                        30:42
     104  Beverly Mouldine     L    36 Unattached                        30:42
     105  Katrina Clarke       L    37 Unattached                        30:46
     106  Gail Bradbury        L    38 Unattached                        30:47
     107  Kathy Greenwood      L    39 Ashton Methodist Church           30:50
     108  Susan Whalley        L    40 Unattached                        30:55
     109  Colette Seed         L    41 Unattached                        31:00
     110  Rowan Baldacchino            Unattached                        31:03
     111  Bridgette Nind       L    42 Unattached                        31:15
     112  Steven Parkinson             Unattached                        31:21
     113  Tina Lancaster       L    43 Unattached                        31:28
     114  Christopher Wyatt            Unattached                        31:31
     115  Jitendra Mistry      L    44 Unattached                        31:35
     116  V Danchal                    Unattached                        31:35
     117  Linda Reeves         L    45 Unattached                        31:36
     118  Patricia Fawcett     L    46 Unattached                        31:36
     119  Heather Baldacchino  L    47 Unattached                        31:38
     120  Paul Mann                    Unattached                        31:38
     121  Helen Greenwood      L    48 Ashton Methodist Church           31:39
     122  Dalia Howden         L    49 Unattached                        31:40
     123  Susan McCall         L    50 Unattached                        31:42
     124  Sharron Mulvaney     L    51 Unattached                        31:44
     125  Eleanor Hinds        L    52 Unattached                        31:50
     126  Sue Gill             L    53 Lostock Hall 'A'                  31:53
     127  Monica Gray          L    54 Unattached                        31:58
     128  Eileen Mason         L    55 Unattached                        31:59
     129  Rosemary Owen        L    56 Unattached                        32:00
     130  Chris Horrocks       L    57 Ashton Methodist Church           32:08
     131  Amanda Mercer        L    58 Unattached                        32:15
     132  H Danson             L    59 Unattached                        32:21
     133  Brenda Wilson        L    60 Unattached                        32:26
     134  Sam Shepherd                 Lostock Hall 'D'                  32:41
     135  Liz Cunningham       L    61 Four Friends                      32:47
     136  Vicky Curran         L    62 Lostock Hall 'E'                  32:51
     137  Debra Eaves          L    63 Unattached                        33:00
     138  Andrea Bond          L    64 Lostock Hall 'E'                  33:31
     139  Kelly Parkinson      L    65 Unattached                        33:31
     140  Paul Parkinson               Unattached                        33:31
     141  Stuart Dixon                 Unattached                        33:32
     142  Ian Szandler                 Lostock Hall 'D'                  33:32
     143  Joanne Cookson       L    66 Unattached                        33:33
     144  Denise Rushton               Unattached                        33:34
     145  Ashoke Biswas                Unattached                        33:48
     146  Keith Hunt                   Unattached                        33:50
     147  Owen Yates                   Unattached                        34:00
     148  Marie Harrison       L    67 Unattached                        34:05
     149  Jackie Benstead      L    68 Physiotherapy Dept                34:09
     150  Andrew Sharples              Ashton Methodist Church           34:11
     151  Phyllis Taylor       L    69 Ashton Methodist Church           34:17
     152  Caroline Desborough  L    70 Unattached                        34:36
     153  Mareta Nickson       L    71 Unattached                        34:40
     154  Alec Burford                 Unattached                        35:04
     155  Margaret Burford     L    72 Unattached                        35:04
     156  James Parkinson              Bamber Bridge Con Club            35:11
     157  Bethany Cook         L    73 Unattached                        35:24
     158  Karen Cook           L    74 Unattached                        35:24
     159  Anne Timbrell        L    75 Unattached                        35:33
     160  Ann Jolly            L    76 Unattached                        35:37
     161  Christine Moss       L    77 Unattached                        35:37
     162  Shelby Williams      L    78 Unattached                        35:41
     163  Irene Shaw           L    79 Unattached                        35:41
     164  Kathleen Sykes       L    80 Unattached                        35:54
     165  Gaynor Mitchinson    L    81 Unattached                        35:54
     166  Margaret Hutchinson  L    82 Unattached                        35:54
     167  Brenda Houghton      L    83 Unattached                        35:54
     168  Margaret Harrison    L    84 Unattached                        36:09
     169  Matthew Eaves                Unattached                        36:14
     170  Rita Reynolds        L    85 Unattached                        36:33
     171  Thomas Dickson               Unattached                        36:46
     172  Donna                L    86 Runner Beans                      36:55
     173  Janet                L    87 Runner Beans                      36:55
     174  Lindsay Sharples     L    88 Ashton Methodist Church           36:57
     175  Angela Billington    L    89 Ashton Methodist Church           37:00
     176  Maxine Doherty       L    90 Unattached                        37:07
     177  Linda Fisk           L    91 Unattached                        37:07
     178  Kinda McCan          L    92 Physiotherapy Dept                37:14
     179  Lyn Lloyd            L    93 Physiotherapy Dept                37:14
     180  Sarah Malone         L    94 Unattached                        37:21
     181  Tracey Bevan         L    95 Bamber Bridge Con Club            37:32
     182  Derek Hayes                  Unattached                        38:05
     183  Laura Billington     L    96 Ashton Methodist Church           38:21
     184  Rachel Brown         L    97 Unattached                        38:33
     185  Jessica Walmsley     L    98 Unattached                        39:21
     186  Angela Ashton        L    99 Unattached                        39:21
     187  Jackie Evans         L   100 Unattached                        40:26
     188  Nicky Zsigmund       L   101 Unattached                        40:26
     189  Toni Paul            L   102 Unattached                        40:26
     190  Colette Mason        L   103 Unattached                        40:28
     191  Verity Sutton        L   104 Unattached                        40:30
     192  Sharon Holderness    L   105 Unattached                        40:44
     193  Gillian Wilson       L   106 Unattached                        40:46
     194  AnnMarie Flynn       L   107 Pindar Plc 'B'                    41:19
     195  O Hanock             L   108 Unattached                        41:30
     196  Rachael Bitters              Lostock Hall 'C'                  41:42
     197  Nita Desai           L   109 Unattached                        41:55
     198  Keith Andrews                Four Friends                      41:55
     199  Pauline Andrews      L   110 Four Friends                      41:55
     200  Angela Lowrie        L   111 Anaesthetic PMT                   42:09
     201  Helen Fothergill     L   112 Anaesthetic PMT                   42:09
     202  Marge Cuthbertson    L   113 Unattached                        42:21
     203  Lisa Storey          L   114 Unattached                        42:21
     204  John Storey                  Unattached                        42:23
     205  Philip Storey                Unattached                        43:16
     206  Melanie              L   115 Silvana & Children                43:16
     207  Silvana              L   116 Silvana & Children                43:28
     208  Cassie Thompson      L   117 Unattached                        43:28
     209  Gemma Nolan          L   118 Unattached                        43:28
     210  Jane Collinson       L   119 Unattached                        44:49
     211  Patricia Carter      L   120 Unattached                        44:51
     212  Janine Casson        L   121 Unattached                        45:20
     213  Stephanie Rainford   L   122 Ashton Methodist Church           45:20
     214  Mary Gregson         L   123 Ashton Methodist Church           45:20
     215  Jane Dickinson       L   124 Unattached                        46:00
     216  Rita Lusher          L   125 Unattached                        46:00
     217  Kirsten Gillett      L   126 Lostock Hall 'D'                  47:33
     218  Alison               L   127 Runner Beans                      47:33
     219  Joseph Howarth               Unattached                        48:05
     220  Melanie              L   128 Unattached                        54:05
     221  Bridgeen Banks       L   129 Unattached                        58:12
     222  Ann McNeela          L   130 Unattached                        58:13

Rosemere 5k -- TEAM RESULTS

NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  This And That                      45
                                 2  Allan Dowling       
                                 7  Katherine Ross      
                                14  Andy Hindley        
                                22  Kath Dilworth       
  2  Ashton Methodist Church            55
                                 5  Adam Taylor         
                                12  Andrew Horrocks     
                                13  David Manwaring     
                                25  Janet Billington    
  3  Lostock Hall 'A'                   59
                                 1  Neil Clitheroe      
                                10  David Rigg          
                                11  Paul Rigg           
                                37  Sue Gill            
  4  Lostock Hall 'B'                   61
                                 4  Sam Mullineaux      
                                17  Nicki Robinson      
                                19  Mike Lancaster      
                                21  Natalie Moran       
  5  Lostock Hall 'E'                  126
                                20  Jamie Prescott      
                                23  Ricky Beardsworth   
                                41  Vicky Curran        
                                42  Andrea Bond         
  6  Bamber Bridge Con Club            146
                                16  Rick Nihill         
                                29  Paddy McGinty       
                                47  James Parkinson     
                                54  Tracey Bevan        
  7  Physiotherapy Dept                164
                                15  Michelle Taite      
                                44  Jackie Benstead     
                                52  Kinda McCan         
                                53  Lyn Lloyd           
  8  Four Friends                      183
                                26  Tony Cross          
                                40  Liz Cunningham      
                                58  Keith Andrews       
                                59  Pauline Andrews     
  9  Silvana & Children                187
                                28  Max                 
                                34  Dean                
                                62  Melanie             
                                63  Silvana             
 10  Runner Beans                      191
                                27  Michelle            
                                48  Donna               
                                49  Janet               
                                67  Alison