at ORMSKIRK on 21st MARCH 1999

Half Marathon - Men -- FINAL RESULTS

     Pos  Name           Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  T O'Brien              Liverpool Harriers & AC         1:13:16
       2  M Collins              Liverpool Running Club          1:13:23
       3  J Howarth              Leigh Harriers                  1:14:29
       4  N Grant                South Liverpool AC              1:14:32
       5  J Worthington          Wigan Phoenix                   1:16:47
       6  S Macavoy              South Liverpool AC              1:16:57
       7  P Worthington          Burnden                         1:17:17
       8  A Alty                 Chorley Harriers                1:17:26
       9  D Edwards              South Liverpool AC              1:17:41
      10  Ph Debryshire  V40   1 Wigan Phoenix                   1:17:44
      11  P Pollitt              Bolton United Harriers & AC     1:18:32
      12  P Warburton            South Liverpool AC              1:18:34
      13  P Darbyshire           Wigan Phoenix                   1:19:02
      14  T Hesketh      V50   1 Horwich R.M.I.Harriers          1:19:07
      15  L Harris               Wigan Phoenix                   1:19:32
      16  N Beaver               Wigan Phoenix                   1:20:22
      17  A Eccles               Wigan Phoenix                   1:20:56
      18  C Wilson               Wigan Phoenix                   1:21:10
      19  C Nightingale          Wigan Phoenix                   1:21:27
      20  K Hatton               Liverpool Harriers & AC         1:21:43
      21  P Carroll      V40   2 Wigan Phoenix                   1:21:53
      22  J Chaplin      V40   3 Chorley Harriers                1:21:59
      23  K Fowler       V45   1 Bolton United Harriers & AC     1:22:13
      24  P Gilham               Chorley Harriers                1:22:29
      25  C Tuzio                Wigan Phoenix                   1:22:40
      26  C Pedder       V40   4 Newburgh                        1:22:52
      27  T Walton               Chorley Harriers                1:23:14
      28  J Court                Wigan Phoenix                   1:23:23
      29  D Miles                Unattached                      1:23:34
      30  A Duffy                Burnden                         1:24:06
      31  G Stewart              Unattached                      1:24:09
      32  D Jones                Wigan Phoenix                   1:24:24
      33  N Christie             Chorley Harriers                1:24:43
      34  P Derbyshire           Wigan Phoenix                   1:25:04
      35  A Clough               Wigan Phoenix                   1:25:25
      36  S Vincent              Unattached                      1:25:39
      37  B Duffy        V45   2 Burnden                         1:25:42
      38  A Worthington          Burnden                         1:26:07
      39  R Smith        V50   2 Wigan Phoenix                   1:26:15
      40  P Weston               Newburgh                        1:26:18
      41  P Mitchinson   V45   3 Wigan Phoenix                   1:26:21
      42  K Culshaw      V50   3 Wigan Phoenix                   1:26:23
      43  A Curlett      V45   4 Liverpool Running Club          1:26:42
      44  G Large        V50   4 Northern Vets                   1:27:43
      45  P Christie     V40   5 Burnden                         1:27:54
      46  M Leary        V55   1 Wigan Phoenix                   1:27:57
      47  C Cowley               Chorley Harriers                1:28:00
      48  D Lee          V50   5 Chorley Harriers                1:28:07
      49  B Boland               Newburgh                        1:29:07
      50  B Cameron      V40   6 South Liverpool AC              1:29:55
      51  J Spillane     V40   7 Leigh Harriers                  1:30:19
      52  W Miller       V40   8 Wigan Phoenix                   1:30:23
      53  F Loftus       V45   5 Horwich R.M.I.Harriers          1:30:46
      54  M Pollitt              Burnden                         1:30:50
      55  J Asbrey               Wigan Phoenix                   1:31:25
      56  D Harrison     V45   6 Liverpool Running Club          1:31:44
      57  W Willmitt     V50   6 Liverpool Running Club          1:32:14
      58  A Benn                 Wigan Phoenix                   1:32:29
      59  D Bettles      V50   7 Northern Vets                   1:32:35
      60  P McDade       V45   7 Chorley Harriers                1:32:38
      61  T McVey        V40   9 Unattached                      1:32:47
      62  J Gresty       V55   2 Skem Boundary                   1:32:51
      63  D Butcher      V45   8 Wigan Phoenix                   1:33:50
      64  G Stephenson   V50   8 Chorley Harriers                1:34:08
      65  C Wolfarth     V45   9 Southport Waterloo AC           1:34:32
      66  I L Smith      V45  10 Horwich R.M.I.Harriers          1:34:37
      67  A Berry                Unattached                      1:34:44
      68  B Devine               Unattached                      1:34:49
      69  J Nield        V45  11 Wigan Phoenix                   1:34:57
      70  N Nuttall      V55   3 Burnden                         1:35:06
      71  N Sinclair     V50   9 Southport Waterloo AC           1:35:17
      72  J Tyrer        V40  10 Liverpool Running Club          1:35:29
      73  M Ashton               Unattached                      1:36:34
      74  L Ward         V40  11 Unattached                      1:36:35
      75  C Lawson       V40  12 Unattached                      1:36:52
      76  J O'Brien      V40  13 Quakers AC                      1:37:00
      77  D Hains                Unattached                      1:37:07
      78  A Bush                 Quakers AC                      1:37:20
      79  R Burke                Unattached                      1:37:47
      80  P Marrs        V45  12 Liverpool Running Club          1:37:48
      81  C Wright       V50  10 Southport Waterloo AC           1:38:02
      82  C Wynne        V45  13 Liverpool Running Club          1:38:13
      83  S Williams     V45  14 Southport Waterloo AC           1:38:49
      84   C Fallon              Unattached                      1:38:59
      85  P Ewart        V50  11 Trail Runners Association       1:39:00
      86  J Brown                Unattached                      1:39:01
      87  T Jackson              Newburgh                        1:39:24
      88  A Stephenson   V40  14 Unattached                      1:39:25
      89  P McMaster             Hoad Hill Harriers              1:39:29
      90  M Harrington   V45  15 Chorley Harriers                1:39:40
      91  T Cameron              Burnden                         1:39:46
      92  A Barr         V45  16 South Liverpool AC              1:39:59
      93  P Dawson               Unattached                      1:40:05
      94  S Kelly        V40  15 Unattached                      1:40:05
      95  P Wilkinson            Unattached                      1:40:19
      96  M Ogle         V45  17 Chorley Harriers                1:40:24
      97  R Hampson      V50  12 Chorley Harriers                1:40:24
      98  E Price        V55   4 Northern Vets                   1:40:25
      99  P Natson       V50  13 Horwich R.M.I.Harriers          1:40:43
     100  W Abraham      V45  18 Skem Boundary                   1:41:10
     101  W J Smith      V50  14 Lostock                         1:41:19
     102  A Mills                Unattached                      1:41:29
     103  S Baines               Unattached                      1:42:05
     104  R Armstrong    V55   5 Liverpool Pembroke AC           1:42:43
     105  D Hitchin      V50  15 Burnden                         1:42:44
     106  A Blinkhorn    V45  19 Horwich R.M.I.Harriers          1:42:57
     107  P Casey                Unattached                      1:43:02
     108  R Fulton               Unattached                      1:43:02
     109  J Varley       V40  16 Unattached                      1:43:12
     110  B Kearns       V60   1 Wigan Phoenix                   1:43:31
     111  P Brady        V50  16 Road Runners Club               1:43:49
     112  P Shepherd             Unattached                      1:44:14
     113  M Musker               Unattached                      1:44:15
     114  D Pope         V45  20 Unattached                      1:44:41
     115  J Morris       V45  21 Trail Runners Association       1:44:49
     116  N Seaerch              Unattached                      1:45:02
     117  A Marrs        V50  17 Skem Boundary                   1:45:03
     118  A Connell      V55   6 Burnden                         1:45:24
     119  D J Davis      V45  22 Skem Boundary                   1:45:54
     120  S Howe                 Unattached                      1:46:12
     121  G Brown        V65   1 Liverpool Harriers & AC         1:46:48
     122  P Russell      V50  18 Ford Halewood AC                1:46:58
     123  J Brady        V40  17 Unattached                      1:47:38
     124  D Hesketh      V40  18 Chorley Harriers                1:47:45
     125  Mat Pendergast         Unattached                      1:48:05
     126  A Appleton     V40  19 Unattached                      1:48:22
     127  J Blower       V50  19 Unattached                      1:48:53
     128  A Matthews     V40  20 Chorley Harriers                1:49:00
     129  M Pendergast           Unattached                      1:49:29
     130  R Murray       V45  23 Unattached                      1:49:40
     131  D Kay                  Wigan Phoenix                   1:49:45
     132  B Crissell     V45  24 Unattached                      1:49:46
     133  N Fairclough           Unattached                      1:49:49
     134  R Hemsworth    V40  21 Unattached                      1:51:05
     135  G Fish                 Unattached                      1:51:14
     136  L Roberts              Unattached                      1:51:48
     137  J Price                Unattached                      1:52:08
     138  M Fisher               Unattached                      1:52:20
     139  P Wilson       V40  22 Unattached                      1:53:29
     140  R Lyon         V40  23 Penny Lane Striders             1:55:14
     141  G Harrison     V55   7 Horwich R.M.I.Harriers          1:57:24
     142  M Towler       V55   8 Unattached                      1:58:10
     143  R Beaumont     V70   1 South Liverpool AC              2:02:58
     144  P Mattocks     V45  25 Unattached                      2:04:00
     145  A Bell         V55   9 Red Rose                        2:05:35
     146  A McAllister           Unattached                      2:15:34
     147  K Woodward             Unattached                      2:20:55
     148  T Sevenson             Unattached                      2:30:01

Half Marathon - Men -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  South Liverpool AC                 31
                                 4  N Grant          6  S Macavoy     
                                 9  D Edwards       12  P Warburton   
  2  Wigan Phoenix                      43
                                 5  J Worthington   10  Ph Debryshire 
                                13  P Darbyshire    15  L Harris      
  3  Chorley Harriers                   81
                                 8  A Alty          22  J Chaplin     
                                24  P Gilham        27  T Walton      
  4  Burnden                           105
                                 7  P Worthington   29  A Duffy       
                                34  B Duffy         35  A Worthington 
  5  Liverpool Running Club            149
                                 2  M Collins       40  A Curlett     
                                53  D Harrison      54  W Willmitt    
  6  Newburgh                          183
                                26  C Pedder        37  P Weston      
                                46  B Boland        74  T Jackson     
  7  Horwich R.M.I.Harriers            208
                                14  T Hesketh       50  F Loftus      
                                62  I L Smith       82  P Natson      
  8  Southport Waterloo AC             268
                                61  C Wolfarth      65  N Sinclair    
                                70  C Wright        72  S Williams    
  9  Skem Boundary                     325
                                58  J Gresty        83  W Abraham     
                                91  A Marrs         93  D J Davis     

Half Marathon - Ladies -- FINAL RESULTS

     Pos  Name           Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  D Curley       L     1 Wigan Phoenix                   1:32:02
       2  H Sandelands   L35   1 Wigan Phoenix                   1:32:20
       3  S Waterson     L35   2 Wigan Phoenix                   1:33:01
       4  L Johns        L     4 Wigan Phoenix                   1:37:13
       5  M Doyle        L45   1 Liverpool Running Club          1:37:23
       6  B Hesketh      L40   1 Horwich R.M.I.Harriers          1:40:05
       7  J Coleman      L40   2 Chorley Harriers                1:42:55
       8  L Fisher       L40   3 Burnden                         1:44:42
       9  J Chaplin      L35   3 Chorley Harriers                1:47:51
      10  D Dutton       L35   4 Wigan Phoenix                   1:48:18
      11  K Whittaker    L    11 Unattached                      1:51:15
      12  J Cameron      L    12 Burnden                         1:51:33
      13  K Evans        L    13 Wigan Phoenix                   1:51:35
      14  J Gent         L55   1 Wigan Phoenix                   1:51:37
      15  J Beevers      L45   2 Burnden                         1:58:36
      16  J Mitchell     L50   1 Skem Boundary                   1:59:24
      17  J Woods        L60   1 Unattached                      2:00:00
      18  T Harrison     L55   2 Burnden                         2:05:55
      19  C Hesketh      L40   4 Chorley Harriers                2:17:09
      20  L Matthews     L35   5 Unattached                      2:19:28
      21  Nuttall        L40   5 Burnden                         2:21:43
      22  A Pedersen     L    22 Unattached                      2:26:29
      23  V McDade       L40   6 Chorley Harriers                2:26:58
      24  J Campbell     L40   7 Unattached                      2:28:17
      25  J Rawcliffe    L50   2 Unattached                      2:28:36

Half Marathon - Ladies -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Wigan Phoenix                       6
                                 1  D Curley         2  H Sandelands  
                                 3  S Waterson    
  2  Burnden                            33
                                 8  L Fisher        11  J Cameron     
                                14  J Beevers     
  3  Chorley Harriers                   33
                                 7  J Coleman        9  J Chaplin     
                                17  C Hesketh