Get your update to Version 3.0.4 here (949k).
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SportSoft Membership
is the Club Membership package for the North of England athlete Registration Scheme.
The package stores data for all club members, and is a general membership administration program.
The system is designed to minimise the effort required to maintain membership details, and provides a number of reports useful to the Club Secretary.
Members can be sorted and filtered on any combination of Age, Gender, Discipline, Paid, Official, Representation, etc.
Among the reports are the ability to fill in Regional and National team entry forms, including all required information; Lists of Paid up and unpaid members; Lists of new members; Custom reports; Mailing labels.
For authorised users, an update to Version 3.0.4 is now available, including the following improvements:
Corrects bug causing crashes during data entry when Category is set to 'Junior' and 'Date of Birth' has not been set.
In addition, all earlier updates are included:
Improves reliability of the update procedure.
Correction to Custom Report when using Paid/Unpaid selections
Improvements to First Claim data input
Improvements to scroll bar operation
Automatic setting of case in Name & Address fields
Now allows "Rolling membership years"
Modifications to First Claim status to reflect new rules.
Removal of 'Lapsed' category
Addition of 'Mail preference' section
'Safety Officer' added to Club screen
'Welfare Officer' added to Club screen
Officials - additional categories
Officials - now checkboxes (removed Grade data)
Age range selection - you can now specify the date for which age groups are displayed.
Modifications to improve the handling of resigned members in the Regional package
Improvements to custom reports - now allows selection of Font and type size.
Age group calculations corrected.
Age group calculations now allow for T&F or Cross Country age groups to be displayed.
A problem in reporting updates to the Regional Database has been corrected.
Additional subscription data recording, including receipt printing
Members now become lapsed two years after their last subscription
Non-competitive members are now not included in the Regional return
Many minor improvements resulting from users' feedback
Addition of detail report
Improvements to Backup/Import
Improvements to custom reports - can now include T&F
SecondClaim category - these members are no longer included in the Regional return
Life and Honorary members - now do not need Subs Paid dates to remain active
Authorisation speed improved
Occasional 'Closed Table' error sorted
Place of Birth field added.
Additional filtering options.
Backup and import of data.
Improved custom reports.
Improved edit operation.
Get your update here (949k).
After downloading the file, run mem304.exe to update your system.